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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY . EVENIYM. MARCH 3. 1007. . .. Saab tLftrrt Yoii haren't? Well, you should attend to it right' away. Nearly 'everybody else has been out and by far the greater number have . purchased one ' lot or more. Many of . them more.- There are so few of them left that we cannot impress, too strongly upon you the fact . that you will not have much longer time to make, up your mind. ' - .''; There is no convenience right in the heart of the city that will not be found in Rose City Park. There are scores of inconveniences in the heart of the city that you will not find in Rose City Park. There V Bull Run water, graded streets, small green plots, cement side walks,' street car service in 15 minutes, boule- vards, electric lights, telephones, pure air, mag nificent scenery and high elevation. . . Besides all tihiese conveniences there are low prices for the next few days.. Lots may be had now for $400 and $600 on terms that are easy enough to permit anybody to purchase them. -Buy, to build if you like; buy to make money . if you prefer ; but buy at all hazards, Another opportunity like this will be a long time coming your . way. That's the best judgment of the best people in Portland. , - HARTMAN T DANKER ' CHAMBERCpMMERCE ' . . ' V; H. f . I , X ' . ' -VeAafcaf 1 1 I IT tit fl ji aarf' 1 I 'l sail 1 iTTIalaarttl . j i ataasl H 1 Mi iliaflf I" I It For 98,500 and en terms we -of fer the above new and modern residence with spacious grounds in heart of aristocratic Irvlngton, Til Tillamook street. If tn need of a home this is worthy of your serious consideration, but It will move quick!.' ; . . .. ... - ; Jackson & Phoney Main Si AS U 'ill LOOKING FOR PLACE -FOR ITALIAN COLONY " rerHOin.l Or March II Pletra ort Italian consul al IXinver, 1s Inves tlsntlng rntidldona In the Umatilla eoun jy ander tba gevaromeat f-eclamaUoa THOMPSON Deering 8TARK 8TROGT prolect wltb a view of locating a colony of Italian people from the . congested districts of New York and 1'hlladrlphla, ni ts also Investigating- the conditions about Welaer and different points In Idaho for the name purpose. . . i ' 1 rrsfsrteg tnoeR Oaaaed Creeds. AUe Lewis' Best Brand. NEW TODAY, THE EVERYDAY NEWS The everyday news est ud tersely told bright, breesy, Beway paper for blur people. Kaaipl roplee mailed oa ruwt. Send 7our um aoe adtrreaa tun asy for sneeltnea copy. This paper will anneal to tbs Mm class ef readers and ta a clean, feerleee, truthful pan fnr Ths Aaierlrsa boroe. A peper any of your family fa raad without brine tt tk least cor rupted. A aewspaper for "tlod and tha Coun try.".. Ba sore and get a copy cpoalmoa off-' eleea journalistic principles. "A paper for all ta people all tha time." TH EDITOR. 11.00 A dally newapaper 11.00 a year. Tha Western' Dally Praia la a splendid, enterprising. go-sheed lit t la papar carrying all tha ness "fit ta print. It baa many departments and a trslnsd ataH sf writer wninloo enrra anoaidrnt. and alaa anaelal rorraaDandanta la aU In principal cltlee of tha airlllaad amid, "it ta a (raat blf broad llttt papar." Band On Dollar today for a yaar'a anbarrlptloa. poatara paid. vi. w a year mr a daily papar, rrtnrmeer. Addraaa WESTERN PAILT PRESrl, . U4 Park Bt Portlaad. Orafoa. P. 8. Ho anberrtntloa will ba raealrad frnnt niaci'7 tf fort una airrpt at in a rata or i fur thraa hiontha of'M.WTor,tua-'yaari -TV, Portland pnatofflr raqntrea that poalaca oa aara ropy pa prepaia oy a i-ac aunp. thla deeouat tha aubacYtptloa prtoa ta addraaaoa la tha alty of Portland la adraarad. Don't fall ta anbaertb to tbla paar It la folna to ba I daady. Lot baar from yofl prooiptlr. XHC WKSTBRM DAILT PRESS. Portlaad. Orea-oa. Something Good S10OO Tor f.a lot 60x104 and mall building on Mlaalaalppi ayanua, near - 8harr atrwMi food buy. ... 98O0 i n -comer 100x100 on Wll- liama avanuo, with houae. . .Want : Inveatment, look It up. 50i 60x100 lot near Piedmont ear barn. 91000 Beat 'buy on Union art, store - and living rooma. . THOMPSONAOODEN none Woodlawm SOS. S48 SCaataatppl At. For 3 Days Only s$17,000.00 Quarter block. Union are. Reeronelble party will make 16.000 additional 1m- irovemente free to owner and lease for en years, netting more than per oent to owner. This property should sell for I2S.000 or more within two rears, and advances to 124,000 next week 110, 100 wlU beadle It. Thos. P. Thornton sis pwAumn or comtsBoa. , Special! Business Buy 30,000 Corner ' Beeond Bt,, one building, admirable location and will rent per cent. Muit .'MIL . Jackson & Deering Hone Kaln S4B. S 44 Stark . STEAM COOKERS To Housekeepers: The Ohio" Steam Cooker cooks everything to perfection and pays for Itseif In from ene to three months by savin r II per cent In gro ceries, meat and fuel bills. Nothing to burn, dry ud or boll over. Fits rue. oil, wood or coal stoves. ATI over one burner. If you want It you can? buy one with one dollar down and one dol lar a week. Call at IT First street, or ring up Paoiflo io4 . We wlU brfhg you one. - v , BARGAIN IN ACREAGE Have two tO-acre tracts, 'one in heart of city, the other about a quarter of a mile from ear line. , Bee me If Inter ested. -; A s note r. nBOsurrosr, Sit Clamber of Oommeroa. WHEX A WAT FROM HO MB. al raa he abtatnad Cbnlea of Tba Joaraal ran be ebtatnod ta the following cltlea a ad towns eetalde of Oregoa. The Joaraal wsald appreciate taa racaipt 01 reporta of fallnre te obtala enptaa ef tba papa at any of these places: COLFAX. WASHIOTOff A. . bTlng. WALLA WALLA WA HIHOTOM Walla WaDa tatlonery Csmpaayt Rocsr-Boewn Coajpaayi Hotel Dacrsa News stead; uuoa ugar staaa. II H Hod tH roorts at rest. TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Tee Stand: Central Newe Co tn Deny. WASH I SOTON R.lnler taad; . lateraattone! Nrwa Afsacy msoer Waana: Hotel Saartie ew suae. OLDFicLD. MltVADA Loais Paha. Ma Waeoa. AN D1EOO. CAMrORftlA-rAawa Haws psny, newspeper waroa. POKANK. WA8U1NUTON Joba W. Orahas) Co. B01E. TTIAHO Jne.nh Offlsj. MINNEAPOLI, MINNESOTA at . Oava- aenb, 50 Third atrset. aoatb. IT. LOUIS. WI88OCKI B. T. Jetf. SM Olrve. KANSAS CITf. MISSOURI Is pany. Krwsp,nr Wscoa. C11ICAOO, ILLINOIS P. O. Hi Raws Ona 1T Psaibei a street. DENVER, COLORADO CsJea Depot Mean Staad. LOS A NOBLES, CALIFORNIA ASMS Hews Company, Newspaper Wares. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Asm Basra Com pany Newspaper Wafon; N. tTkeatlsy Maws an francisco, California B. wbsatiey company, pewspenrr wirna. News Company. Newspaper Wesoai rosier urear, rerry nuimimi: jeaaaoa nsws Com pear. 1401 Flitmore street. ALT LAKH CITT. UTAH Mrs. Levlna, News, paper Waron; O. L. Davlee, notel Kenyoai Burmw Bros.. 4S West Second street, sooth. OGDKM, t'TAH Oray Bswa Comyuy, Dspot News Stand. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Millard fJotol News Stand. NEW YORK CITT Arfbsr BoUllag. Raws- MARRIAGBf UCKHSES. Chsrles Kerhy Green. Barrlaoa cosrt, 2S Jans Olive Bnrcb, W. M. II. Acbssne, Albany, IT; Ada M. McFar land. tS. J oh a Weatlnnd, 42S Blackstea street. 3; Asnle Olaon, SA. B. II. Pkkard, CIS Baal Mais strett, S0 Ethel Adama. 30. Weddin Cards. W. O. Smith Cat.. Wash tart on bids., cot Ponvtb aad Waabloartoa eta. TONSBTB CO.. PLORISTS, FOR FLOWSRS OF ALL KINDS. 12 RIXTrl BT. Clarke Plorleto Prne tm Morrlsaa at. flowers sad floral dsslawa. Fall drsas aslta for raat, Tallorlnf Co.. WU Stark at. ell ab Uakjee UNDERTAKERS. c. and em helmets; ssnOers hi every detau. Sevsetb aad Plae. alala e-W. Lady assistant. Brlcfcaa Alder st. 1 Varlsrtakraf Co- aad embalailBs, 40 Chose alala (IS. Lady aaslstsat, t. P. Flaley Soaa. Tblrd aad Madbma eta. Office at esnaty soroaor. Pboae Maui i. A. B. H EM STOCK Faneral director. B. Ilttk aad VmatUla. Pbaae Sellwood 71. Lady aaa'L Edward Helataa, andertaker, 120 Third at. CEMCTER1E8. RIVER TIBW ellnfle graves, lie; family Iota, IIO0 ts II.OOO; Ike only cemetery la Port land wblrb perretsally maintains aad seres fat lots. For fnll la format Ion, apply to W. B. Marfcenslc, Worcester block, ally. W. M. Lade, praeldeat, . CESIETEIUES. BO" CITV alalia tra'aa. flO faailLr Vita, f ao fix Bapartntandrnt at rcturtary. r-TiM-r of Pranoat at, and Cully road, phone ' Tabor pns. fur foil Information apply ta rrana -aieai. ava aiaiarciai oik. raoae Ha la xxu. WEATHEIt RErOKT. Slorwi aoatbweat warnlnira are continued at all atarlnaa la tale diatrlct. Tba dlaturhance noted yeeterday arar Cape KUttery la central mm amiif orer rauroiirer lalan1. It la luor' ln akiwly eaatward. and the followlnr mail' nuiB Wind velorlllea hjiva nviin MurlM lli. laat it nonre: North bead. 1 mllra, eoutlvea.t! Halla Walla. XO mllea. aoutb: fnratrllo. .10 nitea, aouio, anu tuaer t'lty, m nllre, aoath. Maht to molerately beary raise hare fallen ever the entire paclflr elope, and tba tampera turee are tenerally below normal. Dnrtnc tern. irary ciearins rpeiir iirnt rroata ereurrad laat Blrht la aootliern OreKun and eaaihern Call. fornla.i Anutber dlatnrbanra la rentral orer tba niaoja MUeeurt valley, but no rata of eoaea. 4nenca baa ao far accompanied tbla storm. Tha oarometar la relatively Man la tba eoatn At lantic atatea. and a low ureeenra area la dla- appearaic at aea on the New Enaland caaat. Toe Iwlli-atlona are for oeoaaloul rata la tbla diatrlct toolrbt and ' Banday. wltb bUb -Tamp. Max. Mln. Precln. Baker City. Oreroa. 4 tJ . . A Kansas City, lllaaoarl fiti . . eft .0 New Orleans. Louisiana.,... 84 , 6 ' -.0 Portland. Oreetm 44 Ml ST .75 to , .P M 04 Boaebars. Oreroa .... Bpokaaa, Waahlnfton Tacoma, Waablnfloa . 40 70 f -40 .S. T. 44 A 1 una, Aruona "ilKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . B. ncksoa ta Tboaaa Seott Brooke, srest 60 feet ef lot f. block M. City ef Portland a is at. U. and May W. Holbronk to David - o, rmnu mis 4 and z, block 4; Jot ft. block 1. Enl St John. . - t no Roneymaa Trust company te Lilla L. Clark, lot K. Clark Terraana ' 10 Arista I J ad company to Martha L. i'wr, iota 10 ana IT, block 7: lot Si, block 10. Arleta Park No. BOO Dkrld Dupeo to Jonathan G. Elliott, lota V is, is ana 10, block 1, Central Al- bins 9 ma Mrs. H. W. Raad to Mrs. L. Z. Plncns, mi 21. Block V, Portsmouth Villa Ex tension . Soft Portlaad Tniat Com puny of 'Oregon to ' at. nonlaser, lota and 4, Mock -(. Woodatock ana Wlllard A. and Annie E. Roberta to Ed- . ward A. Menarteld. east So 11 feat Of lot 4. biork k. Canrral ailriltkai ' TKA Fb-land company to Hobert R. BrlmbalL - lots IS and Is, block 17, Flrlaad ' 429 Martin Matteon to Mrs. A. Boass, lead - srsrimg st atone la southeast alda af Wllllaai Caplea' donatloa land eUlm at Bortbwest corner ef J oka Ward'a dona tloa land rlalm 1 (IRA John and Marsarst Barrett ' te Carl aooipa carlaoa, lot S, block S, Madras. 1.140 Btse aad Fannie Taadtrmeer te Lee For- - tana, lots 7 aad 8, block It, Point View addition tn M. Johns - too Lee fortune te Otto T. Mercer, lots T ' ana a, eesri si, polat view addition te St. Johns C4A Joseph M. Ilealy et al. te Bra M. Mead. - ant ai, mock S4, warerlelik Helfhta ' ' Joseph M. ' Rea'ly 'it ' al.' ' to ' Robert" "c. ., woway. lot jm. Block S4, W averlelgb slllabta additloa 3TI Joseph M. Hesly et al. to L. L. Oowdy. , ' : . lot ax. dmcs a. waveTlelga UelgDU additloa 37S L. K. aad Jessie M. Moore to W. P. Rlhora. lot 14, .' block 4. Bavsasweod additloa 500 Peter and Emma M. Schmeer to Danish Aid society, east H of lot 8 and north 10 feet of east U of lot T. block 8. Oarrlsoa'a snbdlTl.loo .'. . 10 Oeorse P. and Ariatene Pelts te Elite . Bnrkhart, lot 8. block t, Roaedale. . ... ftM T. M. Word sberirf to Sarah Smith. 10 acres tat section 84, township 1 ' north, ranse I east , M Arthur and Joale Prior to Marsarst , v Dosscba, 10 acrea beslnntns at a point S chains IS links north of center of ' section 14, towaehlp I aottk, ranrs 1 esat .' 11000 T. M. Word Unertff) to P. H. Marlay. southwest i ef northwest H of north- 1 west H of secthsi S4. township 1 north, rants X eaat: also aadlvlded 47 .of west Vi of aouthesat of sontbesst ' V and aortbeaat H of aoaihweat i of ' eoothrait H and aorthwest of aooth , west V of sontbesst ef sectloe 28, township 1 aortn. ranss 1 west R. L. rreeboroush et si. to Edmonj Renb, I0U0, 7 aad 8, block 4, Monta. ... villa J..- .002 hsuos u. nuoaosi to nsmoei riromner cer aad J. Lesser, lot 8, Mock KI. Coocb's addition 17,800 M. L. and May W. BoThrebk ta Georre -. W. SelL lot 18. block 4. East St. Johns ..y-.. Elisabeth C. Sprsrab to Jobs Carlson, - lots 18, 14, 15,la. 17, IK 18, 20. 21, 22, 23 and 24plock As Normaadale... Rlverrlew Cemetery assoclstloa to Kath WO .1.200 arine Hewitt, lot 44, aectloo la, eaM cemetery ISO W. and Alice B. Nnna to Cnnrsd Saaer, lot 8. block 24. North Irrlnrton S2 John and Nettle E. Corklah to Joaeph o. 1 1 . m . 1 i.i 1 i i '87. Porranvwth ......;..r. 1.408 Portland Trnst Company of Oreroa tn Leale L. Rovaaakl. west H of tot 10 and north 10 feet of west U ef lot IB. block 11, Central Alhlna 1000 James D. aad Carrie C. Wharton to t. P. Karlsoa. lot 1. block 1. Hannyside.. l.W Job a Balm to J. H. and Julia Pntaam, lot 8. block 1. Webb'e addition ' 100 Jamea J. and Rowena M. Hosaa to E. S. Quinby, lot 18. block M, Multso- V mab 1,800 Bans and Marea Laraea te John C. Ilusbes. south 87U feet ef lot T, block 48. Ciru there' addition te Car athers additloa 800 Hans Laraen to Peter and Kate McLean, sooth 87 feet ef let 7. block 40, Csrulbers' additloa te Caratbera' addi tloa - M Ellen J. and John P. Sharkey to C. L. Andrews, lot 8, - block 18, Elisabeth Irvine's additloa 4,900 Henry and A ana Voderberf te Jamea H. . . and Dexsey A. Baylor, tot 8, block 28, Alhlna Homestead 1JO0 Arleta Land company te Matdelena W ra ter,, let 6, block 8. Ina Park to J. H. aad Blandlna P. Valentine te B. B. Holmes, lota T aad 8, block 84, Irvlnftoa 1,000 For alMtiaeta. tttle tnenrancs or aortgaee Inane, call oa Pacific Title True, compear, 204-8-e-I Falling building. Get - year tseurancs aad aratraeta to real estate rrooa the Title On ran tee a Treat cot pany. 240 Washington street, comer Bassaa. NOTICES. IN TTTB DISTRICT COCRT or THE CNITED Stittee for tbe diatrlct ef Oregon. la the matter of the eatsts of tbe Bstaeada Wood Manufacturing company, bankrupts. Tbe undersigned will receive scaled bids up to 12 o'clock pnoa of March 22, 1907, for all of tbe following described real estate, together wltb the Improvements tbereoa, be. longing to said estate, to-wlt: Lots 1 I, 4, 5, 8. T. 8. 8. 10, . II and 12 of block S, Estacada, Clackamas county, Oregon, and also all Irnplemeats and toola need In and about ssld plant according to Inventory thereof now oa file, A check for 10 per cent must accompany ' sscb offer and the sale Is subject to con firmation by tbs court. ' Inventory may be seen at mv office aad property may be inspected at Eetaeada. Dated at Portland, Oregon. March 8, 1207. R. L. SARIN, Trustee, No. f First St., room S. . PLEA! take notice that the annual meeting of tha stockholders ef the Mt. Pitt Hydraulic A Quarts Mining company will be held at the efflce of said company, 4.12 Mohawk bldg., Portlaad, -Oregon, ea April 2, 11)07, at tbe bonr of 2'o'cleck p. m for the else, tloa of directors for tha ensuing yesr and tha transaction ef such other bnelnres as may costs before the meeting. Tbe trans, fee books will be closed at 8 o'clock p. m. March 22, 1D07, and will remain closed satll o'clock. April 2, 1007. Resnect folly, B. B. FISHER. Secretary. Portland. Oregon, March 18, 10O7. TIT1I annnal meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing company will he bell at the -of floe nf the .company. 121 4 1244 Macadsm mad, Portland, Oregna, ee Wednesday, March 27, 1007, at 8 a. m., fur the purpose nf electing tha board of directors for tbs ensuing yesr and transacting eneh other bnalness as may properly come, before tbe stockholder,' meeting. FLETCHER LINK, Praeldeat WANTED All carpenters aad mlllmea to stay away frees North Bend, Or .J strike en. By order Strike Committee. I AM not responsible for any Dora debt con tracted by my wife, Mrs. K. Woodward. C. Woodward, Portland, Orsgoa. MEETING NOTICES. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8.4IM, meet, Wedneeday evsslngf Allsky bldg.. Tblrd aad Morrleoa sta. M. W. A. Oregon Orep Camp, No. ,87. Mon day. 17th aad Marshall, visitors wilramat M v. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Oa March 18 ar 14, ane eld faahloaed sold brooch pin aet with larte ametnyei aun half pearl. Ketura to 777 Petty g rare St., or phone Mala MM). Rswsrd. LOST Near lltih and Washlnstoa ate., black . allk ba coatalnlns spectacles, pleeee lea's ' at Sayler'e srocery. lwib aad Waahlaijtoo eta. Faltabl reward. - rtltTNrk A niece to bars balr ana vated and returned same day. 72a FiSkit at. Mala 474. PortUnd i.urled-liaU' Faetory. U. ' Metsser. proprietor. v 1. LONT V, etljiceday noon, lady 'a sold watch. Retnrn to 7TB Irrlns at, - Recard. I'hous I'sciric 4. IJELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE Mtsee-MM eottera, wataa It. 80 per eordi. stesdy work. Apply Weetara Cnoperaga Co k tea ma bldgn Portlaad. er Uooltca. Or. WANTED Haraeea-maber: rood mechanic: a tut eastern .AOPSJa bu to- date town; atrady )"b at 21 per woi-k or piece work te competent man able to make yod enatom work; also food repair mas at IH per week; only good men wanted. Ad dress a, M. Watford. Lewi town, Montana.. WANTED "aleemen; many maks 8100 to IIM per month: some evea mors; stocs cleniH frowa on reeervatioa. far from eld ercharla raab adcaneed weekly: eholee ef territory. Address Wsehlnrtoa Nararry esmpaqy. Top. pealah. Waahlnrtae. MEN aad boys wsntsd to leant plombfnf. pin,. terms, enctiarins, electrical rradesi rrea catalogue: positions secured. Coyne Trade schools. New York aad Saa Francisco. . . WANTED Every erenh to cell at Boyd Tea Co., 80 rirat at., ror "Aramore corree"; lla. 1; w like yea; job know whea and why to kick. WB art work for our memherse cocci I ajem. I. I. M. C. A. Foertk aad Yamhill. MONEY! - MONEY! Advanced every week ta oar acenta; a full line, Indndlns an-to-dets specialties. Writs for free csnraaalng outfit Capital City Nnrsery Co., Salrrc, Or. WANTED Hlrb-dsaa, aaleamas for choice tar rtlorlea: hlsbset cothailssloa paid; ererythlns fnrnlabed; cash advanced far sinenses. A Tare opportunity. Address, quick. Oragoa Aursery, Baiem. or. PACIFIC STATIONERY PRINTINO CO. 208-207 Second at. Pboae mala est - Ws destan end In, tall tbe asset aaeflera ai Improved efflce sysuas aomplata Uae tosee leaf filing devleea. S YOU NO mea deelrtng te better their condition call oa employment department, I . at. u. ay 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOU Against sorldsat, sick sees ssd death. Write or call aad lareetlgste. Northweatern Health A Aeeldeat Association. Room 81, 268 Stark St. Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN te lesrs tbe barber trade la eight week,; aradastea earn rmra gin ta 2S weekly: expert Inst roc tors; sstslogae free. Moler System ef Colleges. 88 Neath Fourth at. Portland. 1 WB can see several mea ever 20, of ability, te prepare for u. B. euetoma-bnuea serrlcs: gooo to alar Ufa posltloBS., Writs Pacific Ststes Schoola.McKar bids., dty. SALESMEN make big money working (or eiDerlenee nnneeeeeary. - i-acine Am elation, 224 Lambes Exchange bldg.; land, trregosv . .. STUDENTS ef tbe International scbrou deelrlng nractlcal sinariesce are attested to Uat their names stour local office. 814 McKay bulkllng. WANTED Grading. vei I WUfFagT. l?))sBaIl workralra dentistry; tyi typewriter. Call rvorn a. mi waaninton. FOR 80 cents twlll deliver ee send a receipt to make gepalne Mexican ramatee. Tou kaow then whar yos are getting; whea they are bome-rnade. D. D. Bleb, 7s4 Rsoserelt st. . WA VTF.D Sab-cratrsctors tar scraper work. pnlr os SToaads. 88tb aad Bandy road. Joplln A Meeka. . B0Y8 wltb wheel. Apply at once to Olds, worimaa m jving. SOLICITOR for tba eels of dty lota; send proposition. Call before It o'clock. Richards, omisisiwcsiTB orug., OlSUI BW WANTED Experienced box-nailers. TJkloa Box A Lam bar Co., foot Montgomery at. A TAILOR wltb email sum of money for a partner; meet be able te eat and fit. In quire 118 East 20th and Alder eta.,' city. GOOD collector, whs cas furnish horse, waron aad bond; percentage patd. 402 Waahlngton. YOU cas learn te operate motion pictures la short time; terms reasonable ; almrt hours, esse work; salary 1 23. Partleulsrs, call . Kewmaa'a Motion Picture Co., lsSVk Sttth et. WANTED Work with a light team, suitable for delivery work. D Ue, cars JooraaL . SOLICITORS wanted to sell high-grade atock: ealary aad commission Apply room US Abingtoa bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Experience AT ahoweass- maker; permanent employment. Portia Snow case at Fixture Co., 54 S First et, WIDE-AWAKE solicitor wsnted for the San itary Cleaning Iya worse. Highest mission paid. 842 Eaat Seventh St. GOOD karnessmaker: top Frank, Hood Blrer, Or. wages. WANTED Msa to work en small datryy 20 cows; must ba rood milker. O. W. Clantoa, East 24th aad Thompson eta., Portland. WANT Six A yoong mis to work ea amall place, la the city; mut be able te milk, care for horses; wsges 123 per month, board and room. Call at 881 Hood et. WANTED Oood steady driver, bakery wagon; state experience. Y 164, Journal. WANTED Four first-class solicitors; acquaint, aaea with tbe city and general experience In canvassing necessary avail flea tlooa; per. manent work guaranteed to right parties. Address, stating former experience, with ref erences, to T 184, JoumaL WANTED Competent prase feeder. Hawk Co. ; 112 per week. - Alvta B. W A NTED Experienced pre soar. Portland Dy Works, 211 row rourth at. WANTED A man te attend to lawn sad other light Jobs. B38 MlaebMlpp! are. MEN to distribute our samples, task signs, 120 weekly; steady; no raaraaalng. Owen, Moo roe bldg., Chicago, HI. FINISHER wanted fa furniture factory. 101 North lltB at. WOODCUTTERS, sear Portlaad. Apply 138 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Boy to work rs grocery store. Ap ply 802 Sixth at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 0APABLB WOMEN WANTED If yos work why not ears more than a living t Ba ln.le pendent; do 'good. The Ytavl company al ready employs 12.000 women: tbe work covers 2:1 countries of the world; we will entertain " applications from capable women: nor catt vaaalng. but helpful, signified work. 'lall " after Monday. The Ylarl Co., 208 Tllford , bldg., Portland, Or. A STRONG young worn, a en poultry ranch; light work, good home; nesr city; no object loo to ene child. sea Woirsteln. 227 Front stn for address. HANSEN'S LADIES' 'AGENCY. 148 V, Wash. Ingtoa st, cor. Seventh, spat, Ira. Pboae Mala 20D2. . Female help wasted. 01 111 J! WANTED Operator te week an shirts ssd overalls. Ieeons given to Inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory No. 2, Cruad are, nd Raat Taylor st. 01RL8 WANTED Apply Standard Factory Ne. 1 Grand are. and Eaat Taylor at. MATURE, refmed, ef good address, te give part time fnr organising work with Aid eoclstles. Call 201 Tllford bldg. I WANTED Olrla to work don Me -stitch ma ' chlnea. lnanlre FttB-Well factory, 78 First. WANTETx Tseng ladle to.stndy telegraphy; day and evening sessions; main line practice; .. positions when competent. Apply Oregon College, 808 Commonwealth bldg. LADYr solicitor to work In residence Berlins for prospective piano buyer. He Mr. Ken nedy, Reed Trench Plane Co., Sixth and Bur, aid its. MEAT and capable g1rl er woman for general housework; good wagae for the right party. t tv lewatoy eW Fhea Mala 281). "ef Asao. ort- Pit i aapwiidam'e HELP ,V ANTED FEMALE. SOLICITOR or the aals of city lotet ood prvoueiiion. can hetore 11 o'clock. HicDsraa, uoiuinonwealtb blue., Uiilb st. WANTED Amart yemnf alrla to wrap chewing gum. AmericanMJblcls Co., 81 North Front el. LADY te work In reatanrant. boy to waah dlahes. st 7.V1 M. .1-. at -J COMPETENT ylrl for general housework! good r.nei tain si., n., cot. ewiuw Hnwu.iy or irringion car MAID competent for genera housework, tn faiully of two: rood waceei rood horns. S71 East Elf bib at., north, near Broadway. WOMAN wanted. I BO-1ay. u, boura. Call 11 a. m. ta 2 p. m., 807 Corustt st. WANTED Young girl to assist la bouss. wore, ixu ai Dixta at., corner .imj, WANTED Newly graduated stenographer lady.. Inquire at-271 rtret at,, from 6 a. m. 10 a p. m. , COMPETENT girl for general bonaework la - lauijiy or two; gooa wages; sppiy mors 'Inge. 8A4 North 24th at. ailimn m.i ,a a -to.aaalt.alLU.houeork.An4 n-!lk cow. 2 Eaat 4tlt al. Phuue Tbor B2a. . " MACDR If yon were employed at bakery In exposition grounds pieae give me your ad- ' urssa. n iax. care journal. WANTED A girt for general boos, work. 184 uiiirge at. vIALE AND FEMALE HELP. EYERAL ladles' and gentlemen to take part a 100.(0 rrrsmas; g ire pooae. aadrsea v 10a, care Journal. . . WANTED A tew good sollcttors, msle aad femsls; beet proposition la Portlaad: good tnoaey te the rlcbt parties, pboae Hellwood II. Corner Kaat J.lth at. and Cmatllla ae. HRI.P wanted and enppllrd. male ar female. R. i n.. mm . 1 n - 1.1 . n .1 , .V. v., niNiiiqiq v. , Bllll, 1,1 u. -SiTTJATION WANTED MALE. WANTED mtuatlnn attending laws and other light jobs. Address Wis sllaalealppl are. WANTED Wholesale or other Inside work by a young man. Adorer v o jeirereoa at. - STEAM engineer want )ob; 'five years a nenenec. r. ioa, souruai. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEAIALE. WANTED Roomlng-bouaa to look after : aae of A boosekeeplng rooms by axarrlei - a u areas ina, care ar journal. EMPLOTarENT A BED CROSS BMPLrTYMBNT CO. Legging came aad farm bale a apectarrr 20 North Reeoad at Pboae Mala tlka. We pay au teurgrapa BAN8BN' isbn-sempi y roa kSeeoad at. PLOYENT OFF1CB 28 North, aaa.4. Pboae Main 11 1RTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB Morrlaoa at Pboae Psclrte FS North Second et Pbene Paclfle M00 WANTED AGENTS. ' AOENTS If yon are sinking for a money maker It will pay you to call oa as. W ksre what yoa have bees looking for, CoaV snmsr' Supply Co, 811 Commercial blk. ONB hsitler In each town ee lorallty to handle medicines or snap; write snick I Mg money. R. M. Phimmer, 200 Third st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TfTRBNT Hoaese. eottsesa, flat, stores, off Ices, rooming . baaaaa. eta. Lass. - lord will de well to can oa - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OR BOO It Pboae Ex. TS. 8. B. Cor. Id aad Oak. WANTED Teeeot.- -seadiUTB-slssd assdern bouse, west of 22d aad eouU ef Overton. Phone Bast 8205, kT - i --. WANTED TO RENT Booaae. aettagas, flats, store, rooming souses, efflce. Sol Mohawk . Mug. WANTED TO BENT House, eottagsa, flats nd rooming-houses. Phono Mala 4633.. 104 Ooodnougb bldg. . ... , J. SIMON CO Wanted to rent f or a. .modera eottsge wlthla Barrlsoa school dis trict. Apply 408 First, or pboos Mala 4778. STOREROOM about 28x78, with basement If possible, by May) rent reasonable;-on west Idc. Fox 4 Co., 231 Second at, 1 WANTED To rent a double cot tare of all rooma. on west aid. D 184, ear JournaL, WANTED REAL ESTATE. ' WANTED Ruslnses property frnra $18,000 to $20,000, not toe far eat. 174 Flret St.. Port land. IF yon want to seU asjlck. I let with P. Pacha, 221 Morrises St. CASH for vVant ar Improved neldence erty If price Is right. Winks, 404 Lumber Exchange. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED iters sad household geeda ef every descrlntloa bought, sold sad escbsciee. The I. 232 First at. Msla 8874, $ HIGHEST essb price paid for all kinds earned band goods. Pbooe Maui 2111. 82 N. Third. WB haul dead bnrasa snd cattle free. Fertiliser Works, or notify Carny' Yereii. nary,' Fourtb aad GUsaa sta. Mala IOCS. CAN nee 88.000- worth furniture tbla week; . highest prices paid la dty. Wasters Baj. vag Ca. Phon 703. MAIN SrPS, CASH AND LOTS OP IT FOR FURNITDRB. FOBTLAND Al'CTION ROOMS, Sit First St, v MAIN 8cW8. MATB WANTED Roomlng-bonse. brick terms; ne agents. .Address A. Grsnd avs.. City. baUdlns; B., CASH fnr bnesebold good A SMn S4B S47 First st, Pbooe bone Paclfle 800. W" WILL BUT. kELL OR TRADE ANY OLD jtilKil. em run iHAI.VAdE CO- 827. 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC IPS. WANTED TO BUY Freak row. trie milker and good; tate breed of cow, how much milk and iue price. Awiress u in, cage Journal, WANTED Large tent,- must be In good snaps. rieine a,nei j'jof. WANTED National . cash reeiat.rr sirs ds. scrlptlos and price. Levy, 128 Fifth at.' HIGHEST eseb price paid for beneehold goods. eve rnii uoy si. ,-nons r,ast 1117, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR .RENT. A WELL-FURNISHED room for rent In sew brick building; running water, gas and ele vator: enitanie ror two lanie or gentlemen. Call room 229 Field ner bldg, 1 0th and Waah lngton at. COMFORTABLE rooms. psw and exceedingly clean, in nrooem urirs, ouc a oay SBd np. 82 a week and ap: reenectabla bouse. Hotel New Belmont. First and Taylor sta. Mra. L. Zlnaley, ..proprietor. THB ' HYLAND. 4ft Morrison st., opposite hign acnooi; mopern ones building; steam , brat, batb, newly fnrnlabed rooms, $2.80 ud ap. TWO - furnished bouaekeeplng room. 813 a month t no cniiaren wanted.- 204 Jeffemnn at. ISIH' FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill; nicely fu,. nianea rmnt anite; atao sing is rooms; res Bona hie; transient solicited. ' THB RICHELIEU. 884j North Sixth St. Els gaatly furnished; steam beat aae bathe. THB GRAND, 4BV, North Tblrd at 1 gentlemen, gi.zn per weak aad ap. TnB TAMMILL, Ml West ' Park Room by day or week; item beat, batb, pboos; trxn lent. TUB ARCADE, I44 pint St., Bene Morrleoa, furnlahed room 2.e to Hi transient. THE STEWART Housekeeping and furnished rooms; transient and alngle, xitot Waah. 180 roi.'RTI! ST. Furnlahed room, day, week er moatb; price reasonable, faelf tp 4 sTiara. lOMt IT FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR RENT. - Tun WKMT llol fc.1. All BxHlers conrenrencss; . rstsa J.50 per week and JM. blVa horlb blxth at. "- NICELY fiimlhed room, with board; reasonable rates. Pboae Main etKfl. H75 14th at. ri'KNISIir.l) rooma neat city ball, 2 par week free be lb and pboae. 8ZJ Fourth St. NH S rooms, sll eonvsnleBcss, . 800 U4ion St. I'bon I'sciric Ml. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 21.80 WBBK UP, Urgs. (lean, tarblshed bone. keeping rooms, laaudry aad bats. 184 aaer- , msa south. Portland. - - 14AH SIXTH ST Two housekeeping suites, 1 and 1 roous to auit, aad eleeulng rooena, una ' front. 11.28 WEEK t'P, leaa. fsrssabed heoeeftee Ing rooms, parlor, bath, lassdry, faraaes beat. yard. iu4S4 Uaton, V sag. THB MITCHELL Housekeeping aad trai rooms, ressonsble. Seesath aad Flaartere. CITES of housekeeping rooma; gas. bsth, free uhouc; also rooma by tba week for men only. fM Columbia at Pboae Mala 818L FURNISH KD or Bnfurniahed honsekesprDir rooms, e I 25' week ; also 8-room cottsg: all on west side. 'Apply ess North Mth .,, ear. FOt'B alcely furnlahed bouaekeectng room for rent, first floor, very reaeeaeble; as children. 1V4 Bast &Sth St. - FUKNIBHEU boosekeeplng- room; gas. pboae. heat and batb. 858 Williams are. NEATLY fnrnlabed housekeeping-room, fig a month. 2USk First at. ROOMS AND BOARD. 0OMFORTABLB room for twe se three gen tlemen, wltb breakfast and o'clock dinner; private family; borne evoking; all eeareat. ences. 2!tf North 18th st. Bear Marshall. Phone Pacific 2487. THB MORRISON, formerly tbe Hesperian , Large comfortable rooms, single aad ea ealta, newly furnlahed;. best table board; peace . moderate. KiH Morrlaoa at, earner 17th. V'nnwaua I in. ..11.11 mmmff WW nw 10th aad Madlsoa, Just opened! every thing 1 tlrst-clsse. Newly fttralsbed tbreegboat. TWO pleasant rooms, with sr wltboet beard alee Jocattoo. B 188, care Joaraal. - FOR RENT HOU8ES. QUA BA NTBBD aa advertised. We sen tent ee su year anna, reoens, nsrs, erases, stores, farms, acreage, lots; list new fog eastern advertising. 204 Mohawk bldg. S-BOOM cottars ea St- Johns ear Uaei alee te car line; city water, envies-noose, sauil trait. Owner. Pbaae Paclfle 21. e-ROOK keose wits bath, ea East Aakeny ear line, ernes Is; rent io rarxuestrs ror aaea. Pboae Main 4484. - WB rent aad sell Blase. Clay e uo. i FOB BENT twe sew 8-teosa flats, appse aad tower floor. Inquire 471 Sixth st. FOR KENT A fire-room enttaga. Bee fly fu. iw. . i . aia u.(tj -1...iii. FOR RENT Thrss-rooa eottags, feralsbed complete. III a moats, rasas aula lautu. FURNISHED or earanlabed I ream eaCtags: am aoussasspmg-rnoma, sue wees; SH eat wast aids. Apply lor Berth 86th et, earner Barter; W ear. 8-ROOM bouse In Straayatas: (aa, bath, baae- BMOt, tieetne, era.; en e ex. lasnurs esc Oregor barber abop, 230) XsatblU, ar Ul Bast 88th St. MODERN T-roota beams, eoraaar 84tb sad Ash, tJO. IBcmiB st tbs eoraa axors mass aost. FURNIEHED HOUSES. FOR BALB Bargalai faralabsd at nafav. nlalMMt. sua a-room aoaaa. eaixsois arte iw. famllle. aot Motrtssav-av- Kuaslaaad Shaver ear. NICELY foralebed T-eeos boos rat as k: easap rent; best Iocs Moat party gotag eaat, 0 geisKe 188. Journal. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, bath, stok and pantry. $18. 60S Mth et. Baas, Powell; Woodatock car. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. - PART ef a store, with Ha eogner shew window, for rent, lis. 174 First st, Pert- . bad. vFFICB-BOOMS. Bafarnnked rossoa sad sea. pis-moms tsr rent. Usedaaagb bldg. Apply -- elevator. IF YOU want efflce speee en greeraat flser r desk room, esii at se Turn ex. BALP plat front, goad far an. rent, bed Wssblngten st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNTTURH FOR SALE. " FOR BALB Fornitare ef O-rooaa flat, etose h sew furnttare; call and eee fer yoaraeuX; price lioo. Tstophene Main SaaB. fB seed furniture at any pries. Portlaaal Ase ui rust t. stem 000. NEAT cottage, I rooms; bath asd fee; seav tral location. Inquire 241 First sr Dr. Kseh ler. 432 Moatgoaiary t, MEW furnlrur ef medem 4-roesa apaitatat, . private entraace, close; sarrable for ha aba lor partmeata. Pacific 804. FLAT tor rent, fnrslrors fee eale. 8Sd Fskr. banks bv. Take ldtb at. car. FOR RENT FLATS. UNFUBNISHBD APARTMENTS, ' Fonr-roota suits, new and modern, bath room with each, ateam beat. water, etc. Apply to JaBltor en en sriail,. er islepbeae nevean ana jetiereen suests. Main 2nnv FOR RENT FARMS. 10 ACRES, 12H mile from PortUnd, In Wash ington eoontyl 70 acre la eultlvatloB. M acre plowed. Inquire ef ewner, 108 I toad at, Portlaad. .- , FARM for rent, er wOl hire s maa sad kls wife to raa it. CaU M6 Front st. Hotel wi, ' FOR RENT Small farm, near ear lln poul try,: fruit, vegetable. Dr. Darling. . Pbaae Eaat 628. VOn RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENIV-Bnlldlng 80x60, wltb ateam power. suitable ror wooary or sny otnsr bnalr requiring ateam power. StnadSrd Carpet' vieening is, ruon, xueex sou. BUSINESS CHANCES. -Roomingriouse . Popular house la heart ef city, faralahmgc 'the best; leeae; a great pmney-makar; argent reason for selling: worth 1.1.800. I will sell for 12,400 cash. X 148, ear JoumaL FIRRT4XA8S GREENHOUSE PROPOSITION AT VANCOUVER. WASH. ' Two large greeubonaee. fully equipped, I lot ch 80x100, well located; large stock on hand; 8 room cottage, bars aad wararaoa, Cheso at 8,ono. Vegetable greenhouse farm, Clarke caenty, Waahlngton.. located at Fourth Plain, mile from Vancouver. Fir greennoueee, runr eqnippss; goads STOca on nana; xv scrrs rics lanu; gooa bow bouss. Bice barn, ill tools, everything seed ed for buyer to step In and begin making money; will sell cheap. Inquire fnr price and trraw, 108 Second at. Phone Mala 1404. ROOMING llOt'HR FOR SALE. 12 room house, elegantly furnlahed, IB beet nelslitertinod; cost nesrly I2.0UO to furnlehi erery room rented f over a year: owner .compelled to mors tn homestead; $1,800 takn III term if necessary; might do a lltil better for all caah. This to a Snap. R 10k ear Journal. IAVB MONEY Anything ta prrnttng ess Msd. aea. Odd Fellows' Temple, Flret aad A lost - ets. apetalra. ... ii