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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 23. 1907. RACE CIRCUIT FOR EASTERN 0REG00 OOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOV C0LLE6EBASEBALL SEASOn IS ON o o o ? o o o - D ADIES need Scoff a EmaUfon Make 1 if they euro not thriving. It is food for bone, blood .and flesh. It makes thin, peevish babies plump, con tented and rosy-faced. ' " Pale,' nervous girls need Scott f Emutjfon. It brings back the color to their cheeks and strength to their ! .nerves.:'.,,;:-'.: ;': V' "7 Pendleton, Bajcer City and Other Eastern Varsity Men Will Make Initial Diamond Stunt ,: ;' Today. . -a oawseansansBnesaBBBisBaBaaeBamw YALE OPENS UP ON V . . HER OWN GROUNDS Cities Are Preparing Plane ' . for the 8ummer. xonir Home . EVENT WOULD BE WELL - SUPPORTED BY CITIZENS Honomea From Actom tho Moun tains Are Very Enthuslnstlo Ore " Prospect of Holding Meet Would Open' at Pendleton. (kp.tUl Pweetea ru loaraal.) ', Baker City, Or March St. Arrange- meats ar being mad (or a looai rasing ' circuit by tb horsemen of thla dietrlct. 'to Include Baker City, La Grand and , 'possibly- Pendleton, in Oregon, and ' Boise, Mountain Bom and Caldwell In , Idaho. This pun is meeting wit an- v thualaatle aupport In the cities men- Uoaed and W1U probably he uoesfully culminated during the eomlng aummar. Owing te the lack of organiaatlon In " tbla dlatrlot It la dlfncult for the local ' onthualaata to seour the beat boraaa ' for the raeea which are held hare aa- nually. - Under the propoaed plan the 'beat boraea en the coaat can be brought 1 bare and Baker race re will be given an opportunity to compete la the different ' meeta throughout thla section. Because of weather conditions la thla ' county September uaually proves the beat month for the dlatrlot fair and race ' meet. If the propoaed association la organised the circuit will open at Pen- dleton late In August, La Orandea meet - will come the fir at of September, Baker will be next, than Mountain Home, Cald well and the season will end at Bolae In October. - . - There are track at all of the places mentioned axoept Pendleton and there lav already a movement on foot there to - build one this summer. The horsemen of Pendleton and La Grande are as anx ious foe the organisation of an aesocia ' tloa as are those of Baker and It Is re ; ported that the Idaho' - men hare ap i proved the plan. : . Work baa already commended oa the . local track and a number of horsemen ' are nalng It almost dally during the . good weather. The track Is In excellent . shape and promises to be better this year than ever before. .... Local horsemen are now In search of ,a trainer.. The number of fast horse here has increased ao greatly In thai ',paat few years that It Is almost lmpoe-k' , stole at this time o secure the services of a good trainer. There are seven or eight young horses , her , now which should be trained but - are not being . worked, because there. Is no competent man at hand who is not handling more homes now than he can give proper at tention to. . ,,, . Nursing mothers must provide notnv' -Q ;, f ihmcnt -for- two Thexoncentratod - o o o o nourishment of Scott' j. Emulsion. gives strength to both mother and infant, Invaluable for coughs and colds. : ALL DRUGGISTS i SO. AND 91.00. Cornell, Lafayette, Trinity, George ' Washington and Ottier Nines Win TVegtir(hi prinarBeaonl)jrHat.' log Big Hatches. ; ' . - . ' ' : American league..,.'... National league American association.,. Southern league Eastern- leacue. ftouth Atlantlo league.. Texas league . .... North weetern league.... New Tork State league. Tii-Btate league... Wisconsin State league.' Three-1 league... , iraaino voast league WITH THE BIQ LEAGUES- ' e s we so e Opening. April 11 1 April 11 ..April 17 April 10 .April U April April 19 April 10 Uky i April 14 Mr May 1 March tO Oct ( Sept. II Sept 14 Sept 14 Sept 4 Sept. Oct I Sept. II Sept 14 Sept If Sept II Oct IT No. Oamea. IAS ' ALBINA BOYS ARE DOTRED BY CHEF.UWA INDIARS Braves Prove Too r"ast for the Locals but an Interesting -Y; i . Game Results. , HOT SPRINGS AND . FAIR GROUNDS RACES . ' ' OeenMl Sptelal S.rrlea.1 -. New Orleans, March It. Fair grounds ;-race results: , .. . , i. Five furlongs Dorothy Dunoan won, JElla Uqre second, J.J. Jt. third; time. -a.. 4 ' ? l- ';' " -.: Four, furl ones Lots foster won. Ft neese ' aeoond. Antolne- third; time. ' One mile and one sixteenth Jungle , Imp won. Enkey second. Royal- Breeae thlrdi time. 1:41 . Seven' furiongaPoalnc won, Oold Met i second, Oamara third; - time, Five furlongs Spioa won, Sir Mlnoe- meat second. Soprano third; vtlme. . 1:40 1-. - - Six furlongs Telesoop won. Rusted - second, Vooh Ooil third; time, 1:14 -. ' i One mile and 71 yards Warner Oris- well won. Dapple Oold second. Plnstlok- er tniro time, i:. The T. M. C A. Zebras went down te defeat last night at the hands of the Chemawa Indiana, the score being 10 to l. Tne wary reasains were too rast and too well organised for the locals and wall deserved their victory. . The lineup: ...'.'' Chemawa. Toeitioa. . Eebras. Wilson ...... ..Forward. ........ Sheets Casey ......... Forward. ...... Sweeny Ooudy ..........Center......... Vinson Looksot ........ Ouord. ...... Bruoe Wiggins ..' Ouard Thomas Referee Joe Tea bo, Chemawa. . Length of halve 10 minutes. This evening the Alblna boys win play their postponed ., game with the Chemawa braves. The match will be played In Alblna hall and the ehanoee are that there will be a lively contest Tonight's lineup will oe Alblna.- Position. -Caeman . .. (jngrgi gpta! Serrlee.) -'' Hot Springs. Ark. March tl. lawn race results: Four furlongs Rifle Range won. Meadow Onega second. Tore third; time, " :4tl-B. ' ' ' . ' . -' Five and 'one half furlongs Ballad won. Miss Cession second. Sweet Kitty third: time. 1:011-0. ': One mile and 20 yards Lleber Oore won, Marimbo second, - Facheta third; time. 1:S0. " Six furlongs Hawakma won. Trs Williams Forward........ Wilson Undine ........Forward Williams Phillips ......Center......... Ooudy James ..........Ouard... Casey Springer . '.. Quarfl ......... Ziooksot : YESTERDAY'S RACING i ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS Ubml sseelal lerrlee.l San Francisco. Maroh II. Results of races: Futurity course Joe Ooss won, Mime second. Norwood , onto . tnira; uma. 141-1. 1 Flve and one half furlongs Mead won. Distributor second, Bogehama thlrdi time. 1:10. - ' - Futurity course Handmaid won, Alta second. Sliver Line tnira; time. i:i e-e : On mil and 10 yards Rightful won. Christina second. Funny Side third time. 1:41 l-. V One mile Warte Nicht won. Sheen seoond. Box Elder third; time, 1:41. Futurity course Johny Lyons won. Wool Sandals second. Cheers third; time. 1:11.... ..... , ..,.'. .....v .... ' Joll second, Hannibal Bey third; Ume, 1:11 -(. -.-..7. - - - One mile and 10 yards Match won, Rulloba second. Baker Waters third; time. 1:44. - One mile and 10 yards Peter Knight won. Denlngo seoond, Jake Sanders ..third; time, 1:41 4-. SPORTING GOSSIP ..'Colorado hae a new fighter named flnoose" Lovcy. "Snoose is all right if he can give It to the other fellow. f :, ,'..-' ' - --' ;,, . It's ao use. Senator Frawley. to try to . put through that boxing bill for 'amateurs. New Tork "hock shops" re fuse to take any more medals. Tommy - Ryaa has - been barred by both the fight clube la Rochester. Tom- my says he doesn't eare so long as they don't make him give up tne money. . The first annual tournament of the atlonal bowling congress will hold forth at Atlantlo City next week and the . tenpln knights throughout the east are looking forward to a successful meet ' Secretary . Navla of the Detroit base ball dub hag ordered a six-cylinder auto- ' mobile from - the livery stable. .DO YOU LOVE THIS OLD POETRTT Hiawatha was a wonder , Playlhg the string across the bow,. vIIe eould start and beat the arrow. Tow never eaw him, . , " , How do Ton knovt - ,, .... Juat say that yon are from Paducah. :, Kentucky, If you want to slga with the Pittsburg club.. noIrent! '. . . QUIT TO ITS CH KATTO TO'rWTIlD nROSG.ClTY, PAIIK ( second. Tattenhatn third; time. Seven furlongs juage reison At Loo Angeles. IJoamal ! 1 SnTlee.) Lea Angeles. March II. Ascot race results: One mile St Or! off won. Irish Mall second. Audubon third; lime, i:i Six furlongs Cocksure won. Virginia Lorraine second. Lord Provost third) time. 1:11. On mils Hi Caul cap won, eanoie me, 1:44 H won. Lord Stanhope second, Nappa third; time. 1:IIU. Five furlongs illusion won. Koyat Asoot seoond, Teddy Mack third; time, 1:01 at Seven furlongs Rock won. 1. . Kir by second, Marpoaa third; time, 1:11 l-S. ; BASEBALL CHATTER German players are ; kicking about green paint for the center field fence. Easter bonnets some high. Mike Don- Ha marries and now wants more money. George stone man-lea. He wants more money. .Terry Turner mart-lee and he wants more money. Wouldn't It die- courage your Intentions t ' . e e Don't let on that you know anything. Roy Castleton, the Highlander's new pitcher. Is a Mormon from Toungetown, Ohio. : On account of ' the salary offered. Frank Bowerman of the Olants aays that be will resign before be wiq re sign. Frank always was that way. , : e ' e 1 .. In Boston "Just because I refer to the world's champions as the White Hoses Is that sufflolent reason to call me a mollycoddle, yon mean old thing V e e ' Manager Griffith wanted a rule passed to 1 keep umpires out of the diamond. Manager McGraw wanted Griff to change It to "out of the ball park." ... -,, e e . Thirteen ears la the White Sox train to Mexico. A gypsy oouMnt tell you better than : that to keep your . money off of them this season. : " ) . ' s e i . ' ' ' No more Superbas or Dodgers for Manager Donovan. This year the Brook lyn club, will be known as the Blue Stockings. Didn't Patsy buy pretty ones? . e e This will be Jim MoOutre's twenty- third year In the big league. Jim says it will be his twenty-third but not his II. ,. .. Hob Ferris has signed with the Bos ton Americana without an Increase In salary. Hob ears be la like the mus cled mutt, "ail I did was growl a little." . EASTERN RACING SEASON BILL BEGIN TODAY Washington Jockey Club Will Start Its Running at the ; Bennings Track. U ' . - '. .: : " Weeraal Saeetel Swiin t ; Washington. Maroh II. The eastern racing season will bs In full blast Mon day with the opening of the Washington Jockey club meeting at the Banning course. . All indications point to the largest meet in the history of that popular' track. Several hundred high class horses are bow stabled at the track. Including strings tiwned by August Belmont. Andrew Miller. Perry Belmont, Henry T. Oxford, John E. Madden and F. R. Hitchcock. The de mand for stable room Is so great that some of the late comers hav been obliged to find accommodations outside the enclosures. Seasoned campaigners from the winter tracks will wind un their work by racing the fresher horses that did not hav the bard season In the south and west and honors between the two classes should be about even.-' WILLAMETTE DEFEATS PACIFIC COLLEGIANS Salem.. Or- March 1L Th iimMtt fought, gams of basketball seen here this season was the oonteat between the Willamette university five and th swift bunch from th Paelflo college at New- uerg ana won by the former br the score or II to 10 Willamette showed remarkable weakness in team work due to tne lac ox practice. The Quakers on the other hand displayed fine team work and Hod son at center, su th cleverest player of the visiting bunch making 14 points. Mills scored 4 points ana jaosKins orougnt the number to 10. For Willamette Moore made eight points, Pollard and Price made four and Nelson, Parcel and Simpson tallied two each. . Pacific led off briskly in tha flraf nau ana continued until the elose of the first canto. Willamette then shook Its fighting locks and entered the eon- test w th a vengeance but never got far ahead on the score board, from Its rlvala Ti.e first half was 10 to 11 in favor of Willamette and the hones of the rooters were at low ebb. The lineup was as follows; Willamette Pactfto. Pollard ,...F Mm, Moore .F. ......... Hoaklna Pric O... ......... Hodsoa Nelson .........O. ........ Bpauldlng Parcel ..........O. ....... Ksnworthv Simpson ..G Referee, Howard H. Market. Fares Grove. .... HUNT CLUB POSTPONES TODAY'S PAPER CHASE There will be no Hunt elub naner cnase tooay. this morning on account of the heavy rain, whioh made the foot ing treacnerous. President T. 8. Mo Roth announced that th chase would be postponed until next Saturday. The haras, W. M. Davis and Dr. Ernest Drake, will lay the trail for the next ohaae, probably taking the same one that they had Selected , for today's event ;l . ; . BRIEF SPORT ITEMS At Philadelphia last evening the In. teroolleglat gymnastlo championship was won by th Nw Tork University athletes. New Tork soored IT points. Pennsylvania jo ana Harvard I. " i - . . e . e At New Tork last evening Thomas Hueeton defeated Jerome Keogh la the second game of their pool champion ship. 101 to 11. (Jeeael Speckd SerrU.? New Tork, March II. College base ball players go to bat today. Several of the big eastern college teams line up for th first real game of the season after several weeks devoted to cage praetio. In accordance with their cus tom a number of thent have gone south to play their opening games. Thus Cornell plays Oeorge Washlngtoa uni versity at Washington and Lafayette lines up against Trinity at Durham. North Carolina. ' Tals starts off by playing New Tork university on the home field. Harvard and other of the big oo liege will not make their debut oa the diamond until a week hence. Moat of the eastern oolleges have confident Ideas as to the prospects for th season. Th fear moot entertained la on the score of th pltohlng staffa. Exoept in on or two institutions the twlrlers are not th same men who did the work last year and the lack of sea soned men in the boxes la troubling the eoeohea. The only nnusual feature In the schedule of the eastern oolleges Is th weetern trip that Williams will make to meet the teams of Chicago, Michigan and Illinois universities. . Down In Atlanta. Atlanta, Oa.. March II. The college baseball season In t the south begins In earnest today. Davidson plays Catawba eollege at Davidson, the Presbyterian College of South Carolina meets Clem son college at Clinton, and Lake Forest and North Carolina meet on the diamond at Wake Forest. . Further north the Annapolis cadets opea their seasoa with St John's college, Georgetown plays the Maryland Agricultural eollege and Oeorge Washlngtoa university opens at home with Cornell. A feature of this season will be the trip north 'of the University of Alabama team,-champions of the far south for flv years. These players will meet several Now England teams about com mencement tiro. : JUNIORS DOWN THE SALEM HIGH LADS (gpeetal Dispatch te The JoemU I Salem, March II. Th fond hopes of 1 the Salem High school for ths academic basketball championship were shattered by th dashing and hustling Willamette Juniors by th ovarwhalmlng soor of II to 1.. Th High school would not hav soored at all had It not been for the rooters creating such a disturbance that the referee allowed a seoond chance to a basket oa a foul throw to a High school player, underbill was the star performer for the eollerlans. - Ths lineup' follows: v High School. Willamette. Roberta -. ... . . . .Forward ....... Wlnans Farmer .......Forward..... Underbill Perkins ...... ...Center Johnson Sohram ...... ..Guard......... Shanks Molntyr Ouard Cummings AMERICAN ATHLETES " WIN HONORS ABROAD ' (Jeers! Special Serrlee.) : London, March II. la the annual athletlo meet between Oxford and Cam bridge yesterday. Oxford - won by the score of eight and In a half to one half. The Americans were very prominent. Rhodes' scholars from the United States, now Oxford, was winning, three firsts and one second, H. M. Toung of South Dakota won both of the long high lumps, Stevens, formerly of Tale, three the weight 111 feet, nine inchea, which la a record fon the games. W. E. Schutt, formerly of Cornells was second la the half mile. . Convenient You spend enough time there to see that every possible convenience is there. You are particular about having, your meals on time; your bath when you want it and a lot of other things as you desire them. Why not make . it possible, then, for the lady of the house to have these things satisfactorily arranged?, There Is One Way to Do It Have your home equipped, .with all the modern con veniences that gas and gas appliances afford. Install a gas range; that will help a great deal. Have a water . heater placed in your home; that will help a lot more. ' ; You will find that these two appliances give more com fort to your home than anything else could give. See ' us about It when you are down town again. -AT, YOUR SLRVICL! The Gas Co, FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREXTS V' ORTL AND COCKROACHES Arc They Zavrger Than In Other Townet : Mow to wet mid of Them. . Even If cockroaches In this city are no larger they are a very offensive peeL ' it ie easy to get ria or . tnem By uttlng . Stearne Electiio Rat . and oach paste m sink and on the shelves. and in the morning you can sweep up penrui or aeaa roecnee. 6 teams' Electric past Is much better than powder, as It doea not blow away. It exterminates rats, mice and all ver in. Insist upon getting Steam's Elaetrla Rat and Koech Past. It Is th only guaranteed exterminator sold, driving and mice out or doors to die. and completely ridding the house of eock roacnes, water ouga, do dhs, ana other vermin. Be sure to get Steams' Pasta, y "Moneyhnck vermin destroyer. the onl Stearns F.lertrto Paste la - sold rua-sist or sen trecem on recemi price. on, box tbe., II oa box P teams' Eleotrln Past Co.. Buffalo. liornierij vnicagot jxkj. PARKE MYERS WILL . CAPTAIN P. A. NINE Thursday afternoon Park Myers was elected captain of the Portland academy baaeba. nine. . Myers Is the only mem ber of the squad who played on the academy first .team last year, and plays a strong second base. The first team squad, from which the last team and substitutes will be chosen soon, now oonelsts of Catchers Nichols, Ladd and P. Cooklngham: Pitcher, Gray, Stone and C W. Robinson, first base, Hurlbert; second base, P. Myers: shortstop, J. Jones; third base. Gray and Stone; out. field Glass, Taylor, H. Cooklngham, and Colllngwood. '. DEVLIN'S FIRST ... ' 1 - . :. . STUf-lP SPEECH Mayoralty Candidate Will Make Initial Political Appearance),, , Wednesday. SPEAK TO CLUB OF SOUTH PORTLANDERS Union Club Sleets Monday Klght, When It Is Expected tbe Constttu- - tlon Which Has Beea Borne TlmV In Preparation, Will Be Adopted. WILL PLAY. GOLF FOR V THE MRS. LEWIS TROPHY On Wednesday, March IT, a woman's handicap golf competition will start at the Waverly Links and will continue for tnree sucreasive Wednesdays. Mrs. Allen Lewis has given a beautiful tro phy which will be presented to the win ner of this competition. . Since the event baa been announced considerable Interest has been dl played by the women of Waverly and It Is certain that some very good golf will be seen at tbe ynks on thsse occasions. Y.M. C. A. BASKETBALL WINS ANOTHER MATCH (flpertal Dsmatek t Tte JoanuL) Vanoouve, B. C, March- II. Th Portland T. M. C A. baaketbaU quintet defeated the Sixth Regiment team of New Weetmlnater laat night by the score of IT to II. The visitors war not called upon to extend themeelvea and bad rather aa easy time of It. - by t off 1.0O. N.J Weston Bank Officer Elected. (pedal Dtapatrk te Tee JfleraaLl Weston. Or, March 11. At a recent meeting of the , stockholders of the Farmers' bank of Weston the following officers were elected for th ensuing year: Robert Jamison, president; G. W ProebateL vlce-preeldent; O. C. Turner. secretary; B. B. Hall, cashier, reelected; O. M. Rice. Robert Jamison, George W. Staggs. Oeorge W. Proebstel. O. -D Oraw, O. C Turner, J. H. Price. Tb honk was found te be In excellent condl Uoa, . Republicans are to be given another opportunity to smoks up Wednesday night when the South Portland Republi can club will entertain at Artisans' hall. Front and Qtbbs streets. ' The club has bean planning to have a good ttms for some.-weeks but - has been shunted off the track by- the strenuous efforts of the embryonic Union Republic) BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE. AND 1203 FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, vt Poultry Netting, Etc - PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000. - t SECOND AND EVERETT STS. mi mm 'AV,'" ' T ' k' 1 :..- m At' si can elub to secure a. constitution and a permanent organisation. The molders and backers of the Union club Idea have planned to have a meet ing Monday night next, at which time It is hoped that the managers will be able to adopt the constitution which has been in course of construction for tome weeks. At th meeting It Is planned to have all of the leading Re. publicans present and a general love feast will be held In honor of the b ras ing of th different parts of th new machine Into one solid working whole. -rne smoaer planned br the Booth Portland club for Wednesday nlrtit will perhaps be the club's swaa song. If the union ciud is mace a success and re ceives the expected support. According to th plan ther Is to be but on main club. Other clubs like the South Port land club can still exist, and ar wanted. but they will be merged and wilt become simply ' complimentary organisations, representative of precinct or ward di visions. The committee in oharre n tha Wed. nesday night meeting has asked all of the leading aspirants for office- to t present and take part In the festivities. City Auditor Devlin will be present and will speak, thus making his first po litical appearance. The Roe City or chestra will smite the smoky air with melody; Frank Bordera and Frank Sum mers, gentlemen of ootor who hav ben upoa th stag, will sing; the Initiative bills to come before tbe people at the municipal election will be discussed by able speakers and there will be things to smoke. President W. P. mils and the committee on arrangements have planned for a moat pleasant evening and have Invited all the Republicans of the city to attend. ' Chehallg Jail Almost Broken. Chehalla,.Wafcv March 11- Three of the county jail prisoners are no longer allowed the freedom f th corridor, as a reeult of their attempt to break Jail. Th men ar Murphy and Crowley of Centralis, charged with robbery, and Thompson, the burglary suspect. When discovered the men had removed a brick from the north wall of th jail near a window and war In line to get out speedily. 1 For a Disease Germ That Llquozono Cannot Illll. This offer goes out with svery bottle of Ldquoson. Do you suppose we would do that If any known germ could resist ltt Llquosone Is for those who believe that a germ disease calls for a germl oidej that tb germs must be killed before th trouble can end. Ton have doubtless tried the old ways, - and you know the result a We ask you to try the new way to try It at our expense. Use what millions have used and learn what they know about It. Tou ar not fair to yourself .until you do that. What; Lrlquozone Is. ' Llquosone Is a tonlo-germlclds, ' the virtues of which are derived solely from oxide gasea No alcohol, n? nar cotic, nothing but gas enter Into It Tbe process of making require large apparatus, and consumes 14 days' ttme. Th object Is to so combine th gasea with a liquid as to carry their virtues Into the system. . . The result Is a germloide so certain that we publleh .with every bottle an offer of ll.dOt for a disease genn that Llquosone cannot ' kill. It destroys them because germs sre of vegetable origin. - Bur to ths body Llquosone la exhilarating; vitalising, purifying. That Is Its main distinction. , Com- . I mon germicides ar poisons when taken Internally. They are Impossible, for , my Destroy tne tissues as well . as the germs. That la why medicine proves so helpless In dealing with germ diseases. Llquosone, on th contrary, acts as a remarkable tonic We Paid $100.006. For the rights to Llquosone, after thousands of tests had been made with It, after Its power had - been demon strated for mors than two years la the most difficult germ diseases. Conditions which had resisted medicine for years yielded at once to It, and diseases con sidered Incurable were cured. That was Ave years ago.' Since then millions of people tn every part et th world have shared In the benefits of this Invention. Nearly every, hamlet, every neighborhood, baa living examples of its power. Now we ask you to let It do for you what It did for them. Gern Diseases. Most of our sickness has. la late years, been traced to germ attacks. Some germs as In skin troubles di rectly attack th tissue. Some create toxins, eauatng such troubles as Rheu matism. Blood Poison, Kidney Plsenae and nerve weakness. Smne dc.troy vital rrfxns, ss In Consumption, film 11k tli g rrr e Of Iri- flammxt' . ci ' r -. jn ons or i 1. 1. altmsnt - Such conditions call for a germlddo, not for 00m mon druga Llquosone do what other means cannot accomplish. And It Is wrong to cling to old wars when millions of people know a way that Is better. ; -, 50c Dottle Free, If yon wish to know what Llquosone does please send us this coupon. We will then mail you aa order on a lootl druggist for a fullest bottle, and wilt pay th druggist ourselves for It This Is our free gift, made to convince you! to let the product Itself show yoa what It can do. In Justice to yourself, plesa accept it today, for It place you un der a obligation whatever. ; LIquosoa costs loo and 11. CUT. OUT. THIS COUPON rtn H set es4 wall M te The f In Coagpeay, Mt-404 uaseak Ait Cbkas. My disease Is....' I tin HTtr trM the a IhMm. If ro mil eapply ate a V eettia free I will take it. HIT ),. f