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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
ux. r. ' ; ' ZT- . i - OSTEOPATHIC rnrsiciAXS. IB. LIIJJBKI.U PATTS88ON. eeeleJle a aervoaa. acute end ehroole dlaeaeeo. Office i ill Featae bid. Phoa feel fie US, j DM ADIT WORTH BCP, 41WaI DeSa sat t&m an a weeain-io . . ...... M. bM)WHW fre. PAIXTTSCl AND PAPEBJCWJ. r. A. MIM, So TamhIU a., epr-eette Joer. ,' tag. rtm ae for estimate . Pae-trl Eta. tOR reliable war. re.aoaable erV-e. J-" Bros., skx nm eeer v PLCMBKR. FOX CO.Seoltary plnmbere, SSI Seeon. hot. Mat end lalBM. Oregon phone Mala SUM. DONNf RBrRl A BADgMACHKB. rei . New BerneMe ex. PAINTS, OIL AND CLASS. . K. REACH CO The Ptoaerr Pain Oe-t ' wladoei..rlaaa..nas', glslng..,.Aatltt-V . I'boM ISM. PRIXTXNQ. ' -TUB MODBB PBIKTF.BT Arttetl ealntlna. .. M Buatel bid,. Fourth aad atorrUoa. rtw .- Parlac MM. Bfff iTTHINfl IN PRINTING rlmlin to catalogues sn4 aewvpa Metropolitan Printing Co., T rrcai i LOOILBKB - BROS., erlntst Csrda.b etc. Pheee Mala U. 1s Fleet billhead . REAL ESTATE. O. U PABRISH CO.. , tit Marouam Bldg. Pone Male 435X, fteel estate, city an eountry. . . I-eeda ana Brtnn prer-ered at Being rate. Notary poblto since 1888. ' Exoert aceonntant. Beat raiaraaeaa. . PABRISH. W ATKINS A CO.. ISO ALDER IT. Baal aetata. reataK . loene and '"'? " We aukt a epeclelty of handling restate and orortT for rlaita aad ;" ' CEO. I. fjCH AFvFER. al aatala aa fin aa. IT Chamber of Comaiaroa. COOS BAT KEXT." J. W. OOTf BBS. real eatnta aad loarjaj aatak ' Babe In. I48H Tint at, raoaj 11. SPHINX AOKNCT. deelera ta reel eaUta aa raaUaa. SOSH Stark at. Mara SIS, r SOR PA RMS Or ITER Y rESCRIPTIOB. W. W. r.SPRT. SIS CoeJiBieeHel blda RESTAURANTS. mm uEt.ROSE 142 Plrat etreet aolc. . leaa lanrhaa at reaaenaMa nrlcaa. ROOFING. "Tin ajoorlNO. ratterlnr. renarrlnf an j Jobblnc. J. 1-oall. 811 Jefferooa at. Paa. RUBBER ST AMFB. P. a STAMP WOBfKS. 94 Aider at., pkoaa -Mala 710: rabber atamna. aaala. atenla : ae. trade rbeeka: braaa etame an ptatea. SAFES. PORTTJINT) SAFE CO., ante a rente far errlna. o.ii ii.nii ufaa and Manraneae Steel Safe Co.'a bank aafea: SO aeeood-baa flranroM . aafea an bank aafea; very or write aa. Tth at. v.. mtmnt r. w.kskkama .nil a. ie.MMf aaffpat lneft 1 r. nil uir mi . ... " - r- - - ante oaened: Bietal Sxtnreax raalt ea Jail work! laeka. J. B. Darla. SB S4. Mala lau. EIGHT aeroad-kand Sta-praof .aafea aa two . awon4-kan bank eafee for aale caeaa. at TS HI tth at., ivetlana. iireaoa. STREET PAVING. WARREN Oiuatrwrioa Co.. afreet parlnt. aide, walka aad eraaatwte. . S14 lumber Bxebenaa. , THE BarKer Aapkalt Pertas Oaw. a rerUaa. OfSee SfiS Woreeetrr a in SHOW CARDS AND SIGNS. . rnarra A. Ef.EIREBaiONB. We kara built ap the larreet ela-n Hartneea 7 hi tba rite br Sratlaw wort ynd ; aa nrnailaea. Our orl-ea are rlfbt. , riftk : aa aeerett etn. Phone Eicbanae SS. otAltni WEBER. MODERN . SIGNS 'The 4 Dlffemrt Shop." 18 Foartk. Pacific Wll CAS OS THAT CATCH TUB BTE" Beat work . B tba cltr. Betta. 600 Dekaai bills. Mala 5048. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Slca Oa., . ST BUrk at fhoaa PatrlSe IPOS. 8EWING MACHINES. 7 K ' A. THS WHITS SEWINO MACHINB AOBNCY. oa. r.hill nt One. Poorth. Pkona Mala (rl. - Bara-nlna la all klndn a new end aeeoad Send erwlnr aiai-hlaee; a few ellrbtlr tea ; aated. rood aa Bear, at srantlr radaaa nrieee. PHONB Parlfle STSS aad I aeraoaatlp win rati , aad repair roar eewlnt-aiachlne: work ( aatae. 8. Sanaa. ad)aoter. ei Tkira mu SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of e-rerr earr1pMoa bank bar Mor. flrrarea aude to order. Taa Latke r Meaafartaring Co. Portland. .. ,. -. B. H. BIRDSALU dealrneri Ctrl M Winter lam bar Co.. T Hamlltea kid. Mala SAM. TTPEWRTTERS. HEADQUARTERS far arw an rebwllt type. , wrltara of all makra: era anr wtndowi If yea - are going to bar a aaw typewriter aee aa be. . fore baring; we ran aare yea money; we bare parte for repairing all eaarai rniierv. mmw bay all ktndo -. - a, mtm llu wiaThha wnwz a? typewrltera. The Typewriter Eaekenge, rnra for la e B. J. Blilaea. Baaager. S4 Third at. BLICKENSDERFER Tynrwrlter Agency: ana. - a pUaai repalre. Kalelrk bMr.. tb and Waa. . PUBLIC STENOORAPHEB. WB aell Renlna-tooe. Smitb-Praailera. . eaoraa. eta., lower thaa any etner canwanyi Inreatlcate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. aa th. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOOAOB A OMNIBCS TRANSFER CO., ' ror. Sixth an Oak ate ! beggare rbeekad front hotel or raeldence direct te deatlnoMoet peearager tberetDre avoid rank aa aaaoy. : aaaa at orpota. . Prlreta Ea change SS. . APES, pleaoa an farnltnre annvr. paHrej j- reedy tor ehlptdng and ablpne' all work -v gaaranlerdt Urge S-etorr brick. Sjre.proof warehonee for etorege. OfSe SOS Oak at. Olaea A Roe. Phone Mala A4T. C O PICK. ofSee SS Ptret at., between Stark an Oak eta., phone na: rtanoa an fnntlttrre . anore aad packed far abtatitng: cenraodloM , brick ararehMa with aanarate troa roaasa. ' ' rpt Clay eta..-. . , BATTONAL TRAIfSPEB A STOBAOB CO- SOS Oak at. Telepooae Mate 4M. Traaatarrtas . an atoruag. ORKOON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 Borth Slrth. Main SB. Henry aaanng aoa enrajr. INDEPENDENT F.AOOAGE TSANSEEB CO. Storage. S34 Stark at. Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DETEBT Ho. 900V. Waab Ingtea et. Phone Mala agl. . - i WHOLESALE JOBB ERS. M. A. OtJNST CO.. DISTBlHrTORS OP PINB CIOABS. ' POBTLAND. OBEOON. SHERK A GRAHAM CO. flne.l Oomailaelaa enerrhenra, tohh-ra of fmlta, pmdnca. ate.l . eonatgnaaeata eollclte. 1M Pront at. BYERDINO A PAB1.U Srodoca a4 e -aihaaloa aiaietianta. 140 Proat at, PortUnd. . Or. Phono Mate ITS. . . ORayiON rf'PNITURB MANrPACTCRINO CO. Manafartrora of faraltare for the trede. Port Ian. Oregee. . ' WADIIAMS. A CO. wtvleeele rwcere. aiaaw. , factor-en an aoMajlaatoa eaarrhaata. Poarth . aa Oak eta. l RNtTTBS manefaenrrrne en ereal ortera. L. Baeenekya fornltere factory. SOT Pront att I I rt i I RWIS. eoenailaeloa and P'odaea jnet rl.arta. Proat aa Kerln eta.. Pert lea. Or. Wix.f r.t.K miekeev aa glaeearara, legale A Co.. Perttaa. Oreana. Prael. o w. smrsoN i wairtoa sL, erbo Mi relre la grata aa key. BAXKS. B T J BTTin STATES VATIOVAZ BABK 0 TOBTtABD. OBIOO!. - Korthweet Comer Third and Oak W"". , . ; TTanaaet. . Oonrral Banking . HaATO ISHUKD Av.fl.hl. fAS'tS.i' Traoaarta a flenrral Haolinc waaiaaaa. kmi .. . w.. S Bttrj. A kIJow H,irk aaa Manila. CX.ll.olkH- X.d. - '"JJHM ........i, O. AIXHWOKTH Ca.hl.... ........ v W. """''J'S .... , - . BARNES I Aaalatant Caaklr, W..A. BUM the ' Vtca-i-rwkUBl .R. LEA BAH.NES Aaalatant Caanlor . ADD TttTOM. AJTDR-Iatakllaka Ktatro. Hlaht Kiceanc ana TrWirraptile Tranafr aola Kaw Tork. M. Laata, iMinr, Oiaaha. aa muclara an4 Montana and on Lotiva. Parta. Berlin, Frmnkf"rt. Hkot. okohaniaT Manila ami EBCHAVTr VATIOHAZ. EAJIX Portlaa. M. PRANK WAT30M... Pwlont I a w. iinrr . ' Caahlar I . C. CATOHINO..,... Trant. . Oeaar.1 B.akln, Bln Draf tt All Parte of the World. b: AKKEiS- LTBK1IXT' AJf-artUaa, OMnmreUI awl Bart an PapartaMat. ltttera or trenn - - " of the World. - . v ' D. C. PELTON. ...... ..... ..... ....rta1eBt 1 fJ. rnrn n nikTrrnrrTTk near vtr.Prel(1eat I H. JOHN A. KEATING. . . .Second Tlce-Praaldeat ( KX BAWX OP OALITORJIXA ErtakllakeA 1964. Capltal paid np.. T. "f V 'i"LV . T. ..M.OOO.oflO u.wiva t. c-a . utu r . t a Munii - Portland BraneD tlianiber ITV. R. MAcBrjA.J..V.. ..rr.TMVn.iter 1 FIRST VATIOHAJ. BAjTX Portia. Ora-oa. Oldeat Nation. I Banc oa a r.. : CAPITAI. A'D 8CEPLCS 1,MO,000 00. ,' DEPOSITS J. W. NEWKIRK Caebler I B. T. STEVENS.... .Befona TKUST COMPANIES. PORTtAaTJ TRUST OOHTA-TT OF OKOOH an an panrof U.; world. SiTinr. aceoont Tl Jontheut Cornet Tbtrd "d . 6,ree Rnnth benj. i. coh B. LRB PA ' " . : : 1 - ' " L . . . b i - . a-. . a TnilM , .T- Iniuii AU P a r. adams.. A. U MILLS... .Prealdent 1 L. . . . . Saennd Tlee-Prealdeat GEO. B. RI NISKLL I 0BTHWMTIB OTABABTEK TRUST N Corner LttBber Bxehance. 8. - B. Stat. Oountr. Muniepal Corporatloa Bond. Bonrbt end Sold. New Bnternrtaaa ortaBiaaa ..arUMnni. Stocka and Bon-la ftnarenteed. vtsrir. .naT i n rTTLX BDABANTEI TRUST C0MPABT S40 WaahlnartoB Straot. IdtTQAOB LOANS oa PortUnd Real Batata at Lowaat Rate. ' Tltlea Iwared Abatreete rrnlabed "THORBTJRN BOSS.... PreaMent I JSO . AITt HISON GEORtiE H. HILL. Tlee-rT,i-ynenj BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0U1B BBOTHrmS Cknaikar of Oe-anaaroe - : Mnnirtnal. Railroad and PaWIC DOWBIMO-HOPXTJIS COBlTABT-toUVUake STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN-Booght J STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN' Booth t Prlrnte Wlrra. ' ROOM CHAMBBK OUIB . WIXD'B H0H1 TXXZPHOBB iDiw-Baaa awaa. , Member Portland Stock Bxrkang. I : r aiTtt and Waablngtoa Btreeta. Portland. Oregoa. Oycrbcckp Starr & Cooke Co. U ' SBADr. PBOTTSIOHS. OOTTOW. STOCKS A WD BOBDB. ,. ' ; wi so ri ii-ucTLX comjubsioii busikiss. MaAeta b Private Wire. Qnlt Serrlre, BETCRENCBS Lead TUtoa, rTani! aUnltjjsTstate Natloaal Bank of Portland. Contlnn TOWEL SUPPL1, CI. SAN TOWELS DAILY Caaja. .braaa. jwap. ai mm- mth. Portland Laandr At Tnwel Sapply Cow Ktntk aa Coack. Pkee. . f , STENOGRAPHERS. , 416. BZPRRT etraograpber an trpawrlter. Main 12T1. 814 Deknn bldg. Pkona TRANSPORT ATIOJI. North Pacific S, S. Co.'s Steamship Roanoke Bails for Baraks. Baa Francisco and ; X.OS Antrelas olrect r Wednesday, Harcli 26th, Tlckat of fTc isa Tbipd MU nr Aldar. Phone Main 114. . K, TOUNO. Aent. , Str. Chas. R. Spencer '" WasUnATtoB-stnat oock. " Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles and way lnndlng". at 7 a. ra.. rrturnlns IS p. m. . Fast time, beat service. rbOneei BCalB, B184J Soma, A, XI, AX.lVaBT Lin OCBABT TBABIBBITPS. New eteemera VICTORIA! and , triiile-arrew tnrblne engine, and TUMI81AII, msiiria mm. a inwiAir. twiacrewe. Weekly eallKwa UrerpooL Glaagow, Loodoa, Harre (Fu.!rmhe. aae'aalUnn are from MONTREAL. naaalne down the Dlctnrreqaa St. Lawrence rlrer by daylight. Accommodatlonn aaevr paeae. Bat re: Ha loon 0 and opwarda; a-c-ateanera. 40 aad apwarde. ALLAB COaV PAKT. 1T4 Jarkaen Bnnl.. CMoago. CHEHALIS PAYS HONOR V TO LATE JOHN DOBSON ' . ' ' tUmmmmAmt TWtM. Tii JottrBal.l - . Chehalla. Wash.. March I. On Of the larBeat-ooncourses aver seen at a funeral In thla city waa that which turned out at the Catholic church to pay the last regpects ta John Dobaon, whoaa remains arrived from California Wednesday. Solemn high maaa was said and prayers for. the repose of the soul of the deceased. ' Rev. Moena was asslated by Rev. E. Kauten of Seattle and rather - Acntergmei : or Asauiara. Father Kauten bad known Mr. Dobaon for IS years or more and delivered a brief appreciation of his lofty character. Interment was in tiaquoia caroeiary. Thara were - many . peautirui xiorsj tributes. ; . ASSESSOR OF LEWIS - NAMES HIS DEPUTIES ' ' aooetat rlanatch to The fowraeL) Chehails. Waeh, March . County Assessor A. T. McDonald hss lven out the names of hln deputies aa follows D. R. Rorers, office deputy, Chehails rioM denutlea. R. N. Ashmor. Clsquato H. B. Hedges, centralis; e u w, Centralla: H. H. Bpeer, Pa Ell: R. U. rsiiviei Toledo. John Olson. Ethel; J. B. Bller vaace; v uiiain - r. uinmuii Vem. : Mr. McDonald will likely name on or-two more field deputies as soon aa they can-be found for th territory ntiaanlamed. He states that ha will obey the new law and the ttx eommlseton's ordore and credits will not rte naien. QUIT PAHNO RENT! IT'S CHEAPER TO BUTtDtae THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, A. U. WRIGHT la IMS.) . . f..w. Innihia. f;icnana linnorala. Ottm. Aaalatant Caablar. ..! liqjB"-" OEOROn, w. huit. ....... nd Aaalatant Cannier. -, an IH .1 CrrM 14 A.alUW. t. Qnlleftlone a Spartalty. Oraaaa. Oornar nVeeno ana Btarm L . " ' C. i"i.V."i"Jiii.i- ' aiuur.i . - - , PLATT A PLATT. .Genera Coonael HaaA Of f lea. 8. Tmf-. Pi anrptna ana nnmrineaj F'i''"'---- ..... Intereat Of be oiiened of fltt atra" upward. of Cornnieree. Bulldlaf . r.. 1. T B. RTCHAHIX ..Aealetaa Mr - Tka OUart In-t C tasaay J.-. eertiflc.t. to -''YR4TI0N'i': - PlMxn. I'rt.ata. Xl.BaOtt . 7 .aek mat I Vaartlaataf. DlCOA. f tba World., tar ntaTae. A. LEWIS .Plrrt Ttaa-Prea1ant ,. Becretar . O. JCniTt.. AaMatant Seemtarr COKPAWT - PortUa. Ora. gerond and Stark Htre-ete (aeoan floor). i unruB. . iri-a. . . ..Seeretnrjr . .Treaenrer a. BatUla. Berrle CorporaHoa Boada MSS 8E0KBS. a4 8ol4 lor Cub and aa Margia. Pkona Mala ST. or i.var;--a. KiTE AT THE THEATRES Michael Stpogoff. , Tenlght, totuoti'ow matmee and night are the lent chancre ta aee the Lyric ateck - com pany la ''Michael Stpogoff." the famone dm ma of Roan! a a Ufa which baa bees packing the theatre all week. There win be two perform ancee fnoight and tornorrow night, the first beginning; al 1:11 o'clock. Seata are now aa aale an may be ordered by telephone. What Womea WCB Do.--- Thin pop alar drana of Waehlngtoa anelety Ufa. which enjoyed a large ma In the eat. wlU be the bill next week at the Lyric. Spe cial attention baa been given to thla production. and tba drama will hare a worthy preeentatloo. Seat aale epeaa tomorrow. . , Manikins Hcadllncre. . The preeent vaodavllla bin at the Grand will I repeated antll tomorrow night, with the asaal Sunday perforaiancee. It la a tip-top vaaderille entertain ment, every act bring ftrat. elaaa. The headline act are the Marry Man! klna of Mr. aad Mra. Walter Deavea, who give a performance of their ewa en a mtaiatu-e tnge. Bring the children te aee thla act, for they will enjoy It. irr. -- ' V Deeply Human Story. -I- "Deemed et the Altar" will be repeated by the AUea atocfe company at the Star theatre tonight, tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow even, bin- far the laat time. It la a deeply bamaa ilory, quite different from ordinary melodramaa and pa at oral piaya, ana ine company m err to a (Wantage ta ita foar acta. The eoDrdy ele- arnt la well neve loped and there at e aerr mingling ef tea re an a ml lea. Seata sow sell' Last Time Boselle Knott . Tonight. The 'Mat nerfurmance ef the charming actreea, BoaeUa Knott, and her excellent enp portlng company la J. M. narrle'a beautiful comedy -drama, "AUce-8lt-by-tbe-Plre," win be glren at the Being uraira, iwrueata ana Waahlngtoa etreeta. tonigni it i:u toon. Seata are now eellluc. ' V "Tho Tenderfoot" at Helllg. "V- Oacar Flgmae aad Bath White win be neon at the Belli theatre nest Tharaday, Friday and Saturday nights. March 24, 29 and 30. with a eneelal-prlre anatlnea Saturday, la Richard Carle's and H. L. Hearts' great steal comedy ancceaa. "The Tenderfoot." This characteristic opera eooemoe ta pictnresqn aeanea, the Tezaa local siring abundant op portunity for rich nee at coloring ra the cos tuming of the Mexican and eenorltas. the rangers snd eowbnya an stria, and th eeml nary visitors. . The music Is swinging an tnnefuX Rest sale opens next Tuesday st box efrtre Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Wsab. Ingtoa streets. i , ; ? A Play TouTI Like.' ' nthannofi of the Sixth" sreme ta salt al most everybody who has aeea It at the Baker this week. Compliments bare been showered a no tba membera of tba Incomparable Baker stock company for the meaner la which tba play was produced. Tonight Is Its last ap pearance, as tomorrow begins that great play, "A a Man Bows." vV "As a Man Sows"' Opens Tomorrow. ' "Heart Intereaf Is something that many plays are advertised te contain, bat once In a while there Is a chance te are one- that really does live op to what bas been aald about It. "As a Maa Rows" Is one of thla kind. ' It opens at the Baker tomorrow afternoon.' Reed th plot In The Sunday Journal. You' II then nnderstand that It la so fuU of vital human latereat. i S- .Bette Go Tonight. . ; Tonight la the last call for "The King ef Tramps" and if yea wish a genuine, hearty laugh go to th Empire tonight and see Victor Faust la It. Ih king of boboes Is a merry soul snd not tba dlereputabls ragga muffin the cornice .eel a bis comrailna tare rlably appear. You'll mark "The King of Tramps" a "good show" if yoa go tonlgbc ' Take It In Tomorrow. Tomorrow " begins a week ef "A Cewboy's Girl" at the Empire, and tomorrow wlU there fore be a good time to see this great eaatern snccesat - The popular Morrison street boos Is now .reewgnlsed aa v the bom of plays that aalt the people. ' and this breesy production will more thaa keep ap the standard, blstl nea Wednesday and Satarday. ALMOST A HORRIBLE FATALITY AT NEWBERG - fSneclsl Ptanatch te The Journal) ' . Newberg, Or.. March 21. The five-year-old daughter of Roy Oardlner fell Into t:i fireplace and badly burned her right band. Had. not her grandfather been near the child In all probability would have been fatally burned. - GIIK1ESE CAUCUS ENDS IN RIOT Member of Colony Squabbla Over Location of th New . ; Oriental District. ' CONSUL BLAMED FOR BLOCKING BIG SCHEME Enemies of Moy Bk Hln PecUro Ho ' , Inspired Puixhase by White Man 6rBrfemiOifntoP Hngr -CWmh Business Block. ' In comparison with the maaa roeetlns held by Chinese last nJht, to discuss ways and means of securing a site ta which to remove Chinatown, a Demo cratic primary convention In Kentucky would be aVln to an Ice cream aoclaX Buch - disorder characterised th cath erln that tba police were called In. to auppress the disturbance and taa meet JOB broke upf : ;. , . . -r Yewtcrdav afternoon . Chtar frtt- macher was requested to provide police protection at th meeting to be held In th Jos house. Patrolman Adama waa accordingly detailed and endeavored to enforce respectfor tha rulings ox tna presiding officer, but before tha meet ing had been In progress half, an hour a call was made for additional polio protection. ' Jailer Endloott was dis patched to th Joaa hous but upon his arrival th meeting had com to an end amid scenes bordering on not-. For some time a movement has Been n fnnt amour the Chinese merchants to move to the north end oisxrict maj action has become necessary owing io the natural ex pension of the retail and wholesale district of the city.. A half block at Fourth and Everett streets was finally selected by tn commute). It was the Intention to -erect a mammoth buUdlng at this location to house all of the Chines in roniana ana m arnama met with general support. ' An assessment of 11.000 was lvled on each store and th Initial paymeni waa have been made on th property yeater- oar. . ' ' . At th eleventh Hour, nowever, a "" . nfr.M Taiarhar flarure for th att and the deal fell through. It was with the Intention of discuaalng tha unex pected developments and formulating a plan to secure some other location that th meeting was called last night. It Is currently reponea ne " Bak Hln.-Chinese consul general, was vanvnnih!a for th lncreaaod offer and the diplomat waa censured on all sides. At th mass meeting It Is said th nam of Moy Bak Hln waa hteaed and threats made against him, . This Is de nied, however, by tn prominent vm ncse. ' ' - ' : ' WILL NOT BLOCK ; ANY CANDIDATE Recorder Thorndyke Wffl Disregard , Remonstrance Though He Is oa Only Ticket Properly Filed. V TotwltheUndlng th law regarding the. matter, I shall, anless restrained by th higher courts, place thev names of all parties filed with me up to midnight March SI. 10T. urmn th ballot to be printed. Section S6 of Bellinger and Cotton's code prescribes that all city latotinna aha U be mad to comply with th stat elections, yet I shall plae the names aa abova stated on th tickets." 80 decided Recorder : Thorn dyke of. SL Johns this rooming regard ing the remonstrance filed with him by Pascal Hill. Mr. Hill entered a remonstrance yes terday asking the recorder to refrain from blaelna upon th Official ticket such names a hsd been filed with th recorder upon ticket entitled the Peo ples' ticket and the Independents ticket, as well ss th petition of Lv. Richards, running Independently for th council, on th ground that they had not filed In oompllanc with stat law. ' Affida vit of th presiding officers at ths csucus in which they wer nominated had not been filed ss th cod stipulates. In som Instances certificates of the oath or affirmation did not accompany the certificate of nomination. Mr. Thorndrke was threatened with mandamus proceedings, no matter which way he decided. H also la a candidate on th only ticket properly flledj , DESCENDS FIRE ESCAPE CLAD IN NIGHT ROBE Alio Keeley and Chart Phillip, a longshoreman, were arm tea oy ueteci Ives Price and Baty last night In I lodging-house at 17H Third stret, on charges of Immoral conduct. Upon the arrival of the police Mra Keeley. clad only la her rob d nult, climbed out of a rear window and made her way down a fire-escape. ,' She was found hiding under a bed In a room on a floor below. - Ball ha been fixed at flOO tn each case, but neither of the partle was able to furnish th amount. Mr. Kee- Iat la the mother of three email chtl dren and has been arrested with Phillips on several occasion for similar con duct. 1 ' . ARRESTED FOR FALSELY ORDERING TONS OF COAL Toe" Roach, until '' recently an ra ploy" of M. M. Eberhard, a coal dealer at Williams avenu and Weldler street, waa arrested last night by Detectives Baty and Price on a cnarg or aiaoraer ly conduct.' It 1 alleged that Roach, in retaliation of hi dismissal from Eber hard's employ, mad a habit ef sending in fictitious orders for coal to bo de livered to the residences of vsrlous preachers...' : , v. Miss Conklln Again at Pendleton. (Snertal Dtanafr t Th OS mat, -Pendleton. Or., March 21. Mis Lu cretia Conklln, formerly a teacher In th Pendleton high school, has' again so oepted a position In that Institution and will commence her duties her April 1 aa Instructor In Latin and English, to aurseed Mrs. F. B. Ivanhoe, who ha re signed. " For fifty years a staple remedy of superior merit. Absolutely harmless. ; . . 0;; SATURDAY EVENINO. . MAItCTJ 3, t Mr. and Mr. Mumpower at tbelr home at Stone. Clackamas eounty, March 1, saw about them the happy-faces of their three stalwart sons and the surYlTlng one 01 their two dreu and one great-grandchild. The large picture shows parents, and children. The daughter on the right died several years -ago. The mall picture shows the housa of Forsythe Hattan. at riattsDurg. Il linois, where Mr. ana Mrs. mumpower were marnea. mr. nnmimwer Is a natira ofvVirglnla, and Mrs. Mumpower, nee Julia Baxter, was born in Illinois.- They came to Oregon In 188 Their sons are U D., E., and J. 0' Mumpower, and the surviving daughter is Mrs. John J. Hattan. - , X. : " ''' v : , FIRST ELECTION in PHILIPPINES Little Brown Cousins Will Elect Members of Philippine Legls 4 lative Assembly Tuesday. ; ; FORECAST OF NEWS OF THE COMING WEEK Jews Begin Celebrating Feaet of the Passover IntersUte v National Guard Ckmrrmtloii- Sontberners Meet to Discnss Panama Canal. . (Joaraal gpselal etorvlee.. ' ; Washington. D. C, March SI. -A southern state aad Gulf coast Panama conference will assemble at New Or leans Monday to discuss the relations of th south toward th canal. A Representative of th militia of th several states and of .the federal mili tary service will meet Monday at Co lumbia. Boutlr Carolina, foe the annua convention of -th Interstate National Guard Association of America. - Next Tuesday la th data fixed for the election of members of th new Philippine legislative assembly, which Is to meet for Its first session In July, -, Jw verywher will next Friday be arin th naiehratlon of the Feast of the Passover, on of th most Important of the Hebrew festivals. In the world of sport attention will center chiefly on th doings of th vari ous leagu clubs, which will enter oa tt laat lan of their spring practice work In the south. Toward th nd ef tha week a malorltv. of the teams will begin their journey northward In antici pation of the opening of the regular eva sion. , . ' Th National Bowling Congiass Is to hold - It - first tournament at Atiantio City, opening Monday and continuing through th week. Th competition will be participated in by Individual and team bowlers from many cities through out th eastern state. . . OREGON CITY MAN ' CONFESSES THEFT a-tal nianateh kn Tha Journal, t Balem, Or., March St. George Oll bert,. alias C, R. Clifford, charged with larcenv hr O. CrlateSen of Oregon City, waa arrested her ytrday by Chief of Police Gibson on a telegraphic descrip. tlon sent by th authorities at Oregon City. Mr. prlstesen arrived her last evening and Identified Gilbert. It Is claimed that Clifford, as he then called himself, while In th employ of Crls tescn. stola number of articles, among which wer a suit of clothes, a gold watch snd chain snd other things con tained In a suit can. Investigation re vealed that the watch had bn sold to a local pawnbroker for 40. cents. Th accused man when confronted by hi former employer confessed his guilt. Chief of Pollc Burn will arrtv today to return th prisoner to Oregon City; VETERANS AT NEWBERG v GIVE ENTERTAINMENT ' (Special Die patch te The JonraaL) Newberg. Or., March !. The enter tainment given under th auspices of th , Grand Army post by local talent waa a decided success financially and was well received. The members of th post and W. R. C ar making exten sive plans for the encampment, which will be held her In June. Th proceed of th entertainment ar to b used with th entertainment fund. ' BAKER'S GEISER GRAND HOTEL CHANGES HANDS ' i - (Special Dlapetch to The Journal.) . Baker City, Or, March SS. Th Oel ser Grand hotel, th fneo of tha east ern Oregon hontelriea, changed hand laat night. J. M. Stark, the lease, sold the leas and furniture to Frank T. Mlttauer and J. M. Lapp, formerly sup erintendents In th dining car service of the Haniman Hnee. Th new pro prietors will tak oharr April V -.. ' ' ' "m ' CELEBRATED THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING aaugntera, . nosiaes as i granacnii- COLLEGE TEAMS PLAY. CHESS GAMES BY CABLE English ; and Americans Play Chess Today f or .Ric Trophy. Contest Closes Tonight. . (Journal Bpeehtl Servtoe.r ' New Tork. March SS. For th seoond time within a month chess experts of England and America are today en gaging In a contest by cabl for Inter national honor. Thl time It Is Ox ford and Cambridge universities on th English sid against an American team' mad up of players from Tale. Mar vara. Columbia and Princeton. The prise Is a trophy of th value of f 1.3 00, presented by laaao L. Rice pf thla olty, Th battle-ground of th . American team I th clubroora of th laaao La Rice Chess club on Seoond avenue. The clubroora baa been put In dlreot connec tion by means of th telegraph and cable with th headquarter of tn Knaiisn team In London. If th American team gain the victory it-will mean th re covery of the trophy, which has been abroad sine 10S. ' Th American team Is regarded as on of th strongest that has ever contested for the trophy. It Is mad up of Messrs. Capablanca and Wolff of - Columbia, Brackett . and Brldgman of Harvard, Burgess of Tale, and Ward of Prince ton, with Blumbarg of 'Columbia as sub- atltut. ; , v Th play will contlnn until p. m. whan any uncompleted game will b adjudicated by W. E. Napier, th wsU known cheaa expert, who ha been se- lectaa aa rereree. - : ABERDEEN UNIONS TO FORESTALL CARNEGIE V- (Special Mepatck to Th Joarnal.l ' Aberdeen. Waah March SS. At th laat meeting of th city council a com munlcatlon waa read from th Gray Harbor Tcadas and Labor Council, through It aecretary, Bert Campbell, In which a vlgorou protest waa entered against the proposed Csmegl library. It waa atated that the unlona wer un alterably opposed to the acceptance of financial aid from Mr. Carnegie; also that th union themselves wer now raising money to build a library. ' Tbs communication was laid on the table. At th time that the proposition wsa first considered . by the' council th Trade snd Labor Council decided that no member of a union should sid In any way In th building of th Carnegie library. If th aid should ba' accepted. on penalty of 10 a day. The meeting of the council cam to aa abrupt end -when It was discovered that Chairman Hart , and Secretary Irvln of the public library had entered th room. . It - was, known - they were present to urge the acceptance of th offer of Mr. Carnegie, and ths oppo nents of th measure took this method of preventing them' from addressing th round L . - ' - . ' A certain member of th council has offered to obtain enough fund to build a library right here, but ha not re ported aa yet.-- : JOHNSON'S DAUGHTER .- -MARRIES AN ITALIAN ' (Special Plana tcb te The Journal.) '. Cleveland, Ohio, March SS. Th wed ding of Miss Elisabeth Flournoy John son, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Tom In Johnson, to Blgnor Frederlco Murlanl of Italy took place today at th family residence in Euclid avenue. Th cere mony waa a quiet one and waa attended only by member of th two famine snd a row intimate friends. After honeymoon trip the couple will make their home In New Tork. Blgnor Marl- ant la said to b a man of wealth, with extrnalv business interests in Italy and south America, y- PENDLETON MOVES FOR A CARNEGIE LIBRARY (Special Manatee tn The Journal. ' Pendleton, Or. March 21. Efforts ar being made to secure a Carnegie 11 brary for Pendleton, -It Is undorstood that 110.000 or 111,000 can be secured from Mr.. Carnegie on condition that th city furnish a building alt and agree to maintain th library after It Is estab lished. I V Who Is Metggart Ti fit your eyee for 11.00. Ill Sixth street. TUESDAY 1 1.4 5. :-,! HIAY BOYCOTT POWER COMPANY , .,' -.'A : - . '- - - .,.. ... ... j , ... v i 'h , Unions !" Will Vote ii' Drastic Measure Expected to Relieve ' Striking Carmen. AFFECT INDUSTRIES ' ' ALL OVER THE CITY Teamsters, Linemen, Machinists AN filiated .With Federated Trades " Council Could Then Not Work (or - Portland Railway Company. Th question of Imposing a stringent boycott on th Portland Railway. Light -it Power company will be submitted by ; referendum to tha SS unions affiliated with th Federated Trades counciL This action wa decided upon laat night by th, cantral body. - - - . An attempt will b mad to get all th returna back to th council by next Friday night Those unions not holding regular meetings before that time will call special meetings for th purpose of voting upon th proposition. Commit tees from ths carmen's union will visit very local and urge It members to vote for th boycott. . Th striker ar confident that tn boycott will carry. ; Th reason given by members of th council for submitting th question to th body of unions is that ths mov. If made, will Involv so many differ ent organisation and will caus such a profound effect upon th business of th city. ' , - - If th proposal carries it will mesa that not on af th 4.000 or 1,000 un ionists in th city will raise a finger In any work connected with th busi ness of th Portland Railway. Light k Power company. - Power housa elec trician, linemen, repair machinists, car penters, painters, teamsters snd mem bera of other trade will leav th m- ploy of th company and paralyse the power, light and transportation Indus tries of Portland.- - ' . In accordano with its rules govern In th placing of a boycott, th coun cil sent s committee to Manager Fuller Of th corporation yesterday to ' glv him a final opportunity - to come terms with th union, but, ss was ex pected, .th meeting came to naught. Member of the commute deny th published' statement that 1 they asked that th strikers be taken back under th old term. . -. ' ' ' ' -4 ABERDEEN DISTURBED ' . BY SALVATION ARMY -, '. !, v, , ,yf i '. . (Special Ileprcb to The JearaaM ' Aberdeen. Wash., March St. At the laat meeting of the city council th question ef allowing the membera of the Salvation Army . to hold their outdoor meetings on the principal business cor. nor- of th main streets cam up for discussion again. Mayor Franc atated that he had apoken to th Salvation Army captain and . requested ' that the meetings be bald tn a lees ptibllo pines but his request nan Deen unneeaeo. v - Considerable complaint has been mad by business men whoa office ar on or near thl corner, about th noise made by the Salvation people. The matter was referred to the city attorney and chief of pollc with power to act, Will Make Immediate Attack. Washington, March 28 A state de partment dispatch says the Nlcaraguan governments reports that Nicaragua, has S0.O00 men at the front who will commence an Immediate attack upon Cholutrea snd Tegucigalpa. .