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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY . EVENING, MAROI 23, 190T. TODAY'S MARKETS Dealers and Brokers Who Furnished Bear Statistics Published a Day or So Ago Are Now Buying Largs Supplies at Low Values No Better ; ' Treatment in the World POTATOES ARE BEAR OPERATORS DO NOT 0A00FUL' DOES .... BELIEVE STATISTICS No Cheaper Treatment on the Coast MY FEB IS ONLY AT 81.60 TODAY Advance Predicted by The Jour nal Materializes Along Street -This Morning. ,. . I i . , CREATJkDVANCESSpUTiH WILL NOT HELP MUCH Creamery Butt la Scarcer With All Creameries Charging 87 He 'op Best and There la Only One Qoal- '. ; Jty Vladivostok Take Applea. Principal aurkat featara today! - Petals nuti t to adeaaced, Ommwr butter scarcer. . t Kgga kuld with llgbt arrlrale. " Apple shipment to VladlToatnk. .' Poultry market just holding. -' Many sales of hops la secret. Ko fresh Mlawa la first heads. . V , ' Mate' lUrket Is Advaaese. - as was oreaictaa Br The joarnai manw! - tke local potato narkat la adranoed. Shipper ara offering aa kick aa 11. SO for fancy select , stack, kut ordinary atock to thus far en chanted. Tka reeeoa for tba bob moTsment ef tba totter to tka vary liberal ahlpmeats ' af saetera Oregon ataff , wklck hare recently I il la k Claw Clla Ana B.alar arKfl hlnnul Lr . larM 1m) Mltm OmHBI . received a wtwigo that en etocke bad kaaa Bold foe tl JUL a low notnt erjaa.dertna' what (nod stuff la bringing. For fancy potatoes taa narkat In Baa rraacuoo yestaroay arter- mod wee fx. 40, Ml eenta Beiow toe poini predicted fey The Journal. Tka narkat la strong ererrwkere aa tba aoaat. bat destors ara ' llkaly (a get excited, aa tbay have toaraad - Mar taeaoas la fr-en-ted potata haying lata and ara going to tot tka aurkat and.lte vetoes taka tbalr aw a couree. oa account ol tka waahoata aa tba Southern Padfle, aa ex- plained In tkla report, yesterday, tha local .. j 1 1 . . . . ...u t mpp w u4 am, ' """I awaivai "F w , advaaeaa ara airaady being abanra bare. , appua as Tiaoiiasitu, ' Tba W. B. Ulafke enmpaay la tbto avarnrng Ct pari nff for ' shipment to Siberia oeer ) aaa af Hood ItiTar applea. Tba appla aiar kat to r-rr rood at thla ttaaa with Brtoaa hoMiag atirror. . Tka Landoa market far tha "week aadte '. blank t to tbaa re-tewed by W, Dennis Boas af tMtdoa; i "Tb-ra kaa tbto waob baaa doabta tba ajoaa- tltr af Ororva riawtawoa apoa tba asarkat.- la waairraaaca of tba atraaubja bteaaba fi , K'W lark aaaiac aoiaa a alow nryaga, wnirB VroTvatad bar ram kMiar aold aarora Moaday, Will th at. . laHllfJ MFI. ana aHOal Mia ' avirkat aa Wadaaadar. Tka raaalt . of I two- boat brlna oa tba aurkat la ana woak ' baa drlaca tha prtrra dowa to tha attest af . fnlly Id par boa. Wa bara arrl-d saw at a aarlod af tba y-ar whea daatora ara carafnl aot to areratork tbrmalTaa- with aoarlcaa apnlaa la Ttow af tba fact that Aaatrallaa ' fmtt la abnrtly axpwlad to ba oa tba narkat, whlkrt (ddad to that fart tb-ra to aaotbar that tba k-aplnf quality af tba fruit to aow othloa Ilka aa rood, and dealara ara axtra raatloaa for faul1' thy a&tg&t baaa ataff da-J-rlorattni dev tbalr baada Tha arrtoala tkla weak bara abowa (aora or toaa waata. and anma or iaa aaaraa aava aoowa a. awry 3oa.iuera nia .. amount of waata. Pricra kara rancad froa 114 to 144 for fonr-tl-r. from 1M to 1M for foar-and a half tier aad fid to lid for tiar fruit. Waaty boxpa bara, of eoaraa, bad baa barn a eerrantaca aold at about Id par box. wa ara (taa to- do (dm to (ay. I arar, that tba arara (a baa baaa fairly wait Miauinao. ; '-T"..S ? With practically aa batter affarad for aala by airkar feral or atato eraaiaartoa. all prtoaa ara aow. ap to ITVtc for tba baat product. Praat tract boaaca bara aa aanpllaa at all ' and do aot Know wbaa any will arrtaa. . AW : aanat tba aaaw rood Ulna ntato aa retards tha , city craamartoa aad thara to Bach com plaint uwna .a htii uiw w .uiainv 9i wa E(aa ara aary firm aloat rroat (treat, with wuipiu raiuar nana aaa arauaa uaarai. - Prlcaa a lour tha a treat (enarally rnla aronnd : Sne, bat occaatonaUy a aala to nada a fraa ttoa blrkar. ' .... ' Recent arrtrato af Raw cfeeeaa from Ttlla took kara all beea (leaaed ap and tba mar ket to a (ml a bara af atack. , Price raltnf . aacaaoara. ; v .... . v . Srtof ITataa af tha trada. Ho fraab aalmoa rematna la tba baada af wboleealera, altnouch a few af tka leryer tatlera (till retain email aaaounta. - Prlca aa araraaa atari aecDancea. J ' TeyetoMee era aery (cares (a a' remit at tka freight blockade aa tba Boa there Padfe, but (blpmeata will be made by steaawr kera- I IK. - . . . .i - . O fa aaa mar Wat , tit, ftrni with nrnisMa la. Baeonata aa enppiy taa traoa. . Ptarlda tomatnea ara la fine ahepe aad ara aainng at pt.irO(rn.TS a era! a. . . . Tba trade paya tba tnllowlna Bricaa ta vroat atreet. . Prlraa paid skippers ara regular aammlaaloaa: .. . . 7 " !; rUM aaa Wa . attain Pos Oalcatta. dHe baytag prlra: Mitine a"ta,e. WHUAT Clon, mTle: fad RaaaJaa,, tim aa. kinteo. rtT-C! ealla. TOe. "- CORN W bole. -o.uui aracaao. (K.00 Bt rT Hew rerd. t?1 mrt no, tmTh. UA WIt-Wi imiajt ,4avu aO.eai, . ... B.Yn tM pee ewt. OAT Hew Pnr ' prW- Rat, 1 art taa. IJSOO-tlSJJO! gray. l2a.A. rUM' r-tera Oregon patanta, ft.lB; atralgbta. W.i: etport. tS.Si; valley. W.T81 . .rr halea. t.T. r' kflLWTTIirra Braa. iT.t par ton mid. llnra. enone m-airy, ally, tie BO; ehop. 1d.OOI1.00. HAT Pr-dace-a" artva TlaMthy. Wlllametta ealley. fancy. II.Ooai4.eO eritrnery, (no tn.oo. eaetem Oreaon. glp.OO; nlredr. SlO.OfJC10.N; ctoear. IS.OOt grla. laOOQIOSoi ebeat, W.'. n ' a . . . Batter.' Xgga aad laaltiyv ' r)rrrT.l TAT f . a , b. , Port la ad aweei area m Vi aoue, M. - ' BU A I ri i i... w . TUV, tasiOTtle. aaCanra. air: ,rraa. K-t afore. ITtJUu. 7 BOO" litre fancy, candled. JOe. . CHEESB New Tnll cream, flafa, lBHQldc; Tanna America. lHlTc. ' PoBl.TRr MUed chlckena tU aer toi feacy hena. 10c toi rouaT-ru, am, llul2 lh; old ataa, IStH ISHe lb: fryera. Ida h, , brollera. 1S lb; old dncka, Ut; aprlng darka. He per lb; gecee. adfle p.r fc, keya He P '?L,J: ar""- 'aacy. la aae Ibt aoeaha. gl.iTO per doat ptganaa. at imi aa. aoa. Dr-aaed aoaltrt IdllHa aer lb kl.... j i. " Baaa. Waal aad Kldaa. ., . HOPS (rta-aCboto. llaj prbae t aholca. lo10Hei medloaa to prima, seci Bedlam, kc: eoatrarra. ran crop. ISe. " wooL-lt9 aiipj (-ry.- ioj2o. aaatera Oreroa. inc. . t .... .. MOHAIR New 10OT tS lb. - BHKEHiKlNS lir-rlag. lJOe eeehi abort wool, Ww"! aeitam -root, MO?aa aaebi W. 75-t91.00 each. 1 TAtXOW Prima, par lb. IHQaei Ma. t aad gre.--7etUa. rHITTIM SASrt-s for ear lots) (mall krta, lAAe. . . birK Dry. Wa 1. It lh and an, Mm 1 per lb: dr kip. No. 1. ( to IS lb. 1 6 Hide, dry calf. No. 1, nader i tba, SOei aalted feMee, eteera. aaaad. SO I ha and oyer. lOQIle: -owe, SHtlPHei ateea and kulle. eoend. QTt kip, IS ta Iba. Pel calf, aoaed. aader IS I ha, ll-i (raen. art-elred le lean) -nil, ic par k ).,., hnrae bld-e, aalted. each, 11.0093.00; dry, each. II Ootrl.SO cult hl.'ee, VftwAuet real akin-, aetnmoa. each. iniRct daror. eack. tSr( - - rralto aad Taa-rtoktoa. POTATOraDaTrng . prlra, aaatera tfaltaw Piab and CICkamaa ael-rt. fl.l-X,; a-ll-Ing, fancy, ai.TS: erdlaary, buyUig, fl.2At) 1.40; aweeta. Te lb. OVlONa JoMitnt arlce Ne. I Orerrni, tv 1.5 Ma . luuii.V buytng prlra, 40'daito 7. a a ahinping point; ("rlVc. fctluc per lb. P"l. .-tir I oral lt M"rnl1 a-1 T-llow Newtowaa, I. .2.1; faery wlllametta eal. Ire anrl mn'wu Otrroe, ll.a0tfl.lft; ardlaif t.-v f 1 1 Int. 1 tiiinj Oraagaa, aaw aaral, P.TI t . ' Many aecret purchases of hops d have bean made during tha ptutt , few - daya Dear ' dealers anil brokers those who claim 17, d OoO bale aa tha Oregon crop of -d IS OS wore thd . prlnoipal pur-. chasers, thus showing that they - themselves do not believe their own statistics. According , to dy. unlaterasted parties there ara a d number of cheap price orders In , 4 the market at this time with an ' e occasional on at- tha top quota- , Uona. C8j tanrertnea, $1S feanaaaa, be per Th kauoa. f4a4.6o hi; liraee. Unwia II.U art loo: ptDoapplee. t.00k.j.oo per doaoal ploa- myytrmt ,o uwr wa; arape Iran. f... Vr-nglAKI r Tore,!,, aew. OOwd eac carrot a, TOcQtl.M per aark: baeta. . I.TS per aara; paraaipa. . 91.uoQi.zr: ca bage, 1.0: toaaatoee. Mexican. t.Juei.bO: Florida, Id) paraaipa. tOrli atiing aeaoa, lae per id; eauuriewer. I!f w per aoa; acae, lr boraaredlab, per lb; arllrbokea, iorS(i.uu oua; aqnaeb. Tncuil.UO per boa celery. Cellfomla. per erare berrlea. (L00-8 00 per barrel: eprante. U aaparagaa. 12ttw.ll! rhabarb. IttOde lb peea onione. lflc one: riorlda kail peppers. 4W lb; aptoacb, 1.M hosr- DRIED fRlins itipir. per lb) aprlcota. ISUay: eranorated. H IZalStt Der Ibl mmi LL- m. Ik laaa' arm Ut to 40. ae:. Ha drop aa each l-ld amaller atae; flga. t'allfornla black. eoHe per lb California white, luKKl oer lb: datae. coMtrn. m-M par bat: tarda. li.40(tl.M par It-lb kaav ' . - wroeertoa. Beta, Xto. - . ' BrrOAB Calltornie a Hawallaa Oaha. IS.-7H; powdered. .lHj berry. I-"2H.I ary sranulated. $4.Ui; star. 14.72; conf. A. M.P2H; extra B, 4.24; goldea C. 14 K2ttl O ,wtmm. e- a. I aeet granulate)!, 14.73'. V cetera Cuba. 14.P7W: aowdared. 1S.1SU dry aranulated. In t7u s ft aa nui at Praacla. 14.72U: eon 1 ai ovu., .nn n An. r. n ...... . , -. ruo-i j. m1 u. yauow. beet graaalarad. 14.T2HI bMa, 10e sola, sse) no aaa, so ad-aaee aa aark aaeia. lAboea prtoas are M daya aot aaab aotar' par era to. " rOKPIB Packer bread. III MOU M. SALT Oneree Half re-ana lorw. am OA nee Ill.TB; balaa. J 00; Imported Uearpooj, boa, 1 10.00; loo, li7.0: tvae. 1IS.00: aarra flaa. bhla, Sa, Ha. lOa. 14.DtltJ0; Ure-pool tomp rock. 120JM Bear knai aa.u. k. (in Mil 100a. ua. ma. a 1 a ' , n la a in ana aia mi iiaL ti.6. ' .7 ' ' . ' : aneea pneaa apply ta aalaa af ' leea tkaa ' lata. lmf knta a 1 1 1 I - '- - ' aa tiactaa ttaaa.) IH-I Maw Orleaaa. kaad. fat Jjaa. fal CreaK BBArta Bman white, tMt large erhrta, PJSl plak. 11.101 bayea.-ai.TSi aaoBS. Stiel mw !m m reoa, aa, NUTS ftaoeBta- JmW Ua aaa, aw. g,.,.u Ha pa lb; roaated. lbs pa Ik: Japaaaee. (It H roaatad7a7H ear lb: niiirain. aaaiea per aia; waUata, Calif onto, lao par lb; riwora, lb per lb: ptaaaata. ' 14la per U; blorr aato, 10 par at sbeataato. aaatera, isayid per lb; BraaH aata, lae par ( Do-ia, toe- pea pa; muaey paeaaa. uosm Mttkl Xaeto. riah aad Ptaelalaaa, PRRSH Ml ATS Troat Rtraet n-aa. ha-i teHa Ibl Teat, extra, par lb; erdlaary, ltja par toi pear, de per UM.martoa. toacy. HAalsT BACOIt. fTC Portia ad each 1 tore It . .a .v., ..-f ,i 1 . -o ia toa, iaa ; IB ta to Iba. lac lb; braakfaat baoon. idHc; siikc ioi,piaawa. urn id; aottaga roll. 1 lb; regular abort eleara, aaauaokad. -12 lb; 1 mo k ad. Ik lb.: clear back, miaekei. la-. amoked. lu lb; Cnloa batu. 10 ta u Ha, aa- amoaeo. ac to; amoaea, ac m: clear belli-, aa amoked, 1-H lb; emuked. ISHe lb) abooldara. uce id; ptcaiea mnguea, eoe eece. LOCAL LAttU kettle toaf, 10a, ! bt Be. ISUe lb: OO-lb tins, isue Ibl ateaaa m! aeraa, lue, u an; aa, ut 10; KM. eve lb. CAMNHD BALMOn Co ramble rreer. I -Ik ana.; a-ia tana, (j.jsi raacy. i-ia nata, 11.H0; H-lb faacy flata. (LIS; fancy 1-lk aeala. ai(l aiaeaa taus, piaa. eemaue; ra.. mw mtneL. So. tali- n.00. riBH Rock cod. Te per lb: floaBd-ra. (to aae lb; kallbut, IHa per Ibt era be. per doat striped baaa. ISHe per lb; eetfUb, 10 lb; aaimoa. rreea vorempia neer aiaaineaaav- l; -niaaoa, utr iroaea aei-aoa, ipii aer. ring, Se lb: aolea, ee lb; ahrlmps, 10a lb; parch, te lh: black end. Tc per lb; toaacod. Ta per lb; tobatera, lflc per lb; freak marker!, le aer lb; erewflab, toe per doeeai aturgeoa, lue per lb: black baaa. So par lb) Columbia river aanelt. Re per lb. OxFTKRS BhoarwaTer pay, per pallaa, 17 lot per 100-lb aack. 14. BO; Olympla. per galloa. ).; pee I IS-lb aarfe. . M.S0Ol Bagto nnea. aoa eaa. a r aoaea. CLAMa Hardahell, per box.- 1X40! el ma, $3 per aoa. per aoeea lie. , . , Paint, Oaal OfL Sta. R0PB Pare kiaalia. I5e; etauaaard. Utiai Iaa I. lie. COAL OIL Fearl or aatrat raaaa, ISHe pat galtoai -eat wklte. Iron hole, lea par galleat weodea, 17a par gauoal baadllgbt. 17de( maee, n per gaima. OAPOL1N Me par galtoa. aa bbla. IV par galtom BKN VINE fa dea. raaea. tea aaa galtoai aren nora. levk par gauoa. TCRPBHTINR la aaaae, Ida par gal; kble. a.te aer a Ilea. WHITB LEAL Taa lota. T per Tb Malb late, ne pa id; waa lera, ana par m. WIRB NAILB fre-eat baato at UJS. LINMKED OIU Tare raw. ta b-bbl tota. Ban I bhl lot. SSei aaaia. 19 aer cal: geealae ket tle koitod. raaaa, 0a per gal: Skbl tola. S4e bdi aa, aoc per gai; greoaa rmaa. ear (am. at per aaa; aaaa uaa aaa aaca. aaa par ma. trnrxii tattb oorubTnurT ioidc New Tork. Warcb M, QeTernmaat boadat Twos, regiatored 18'i0 10S 106U. no ooupoa ........ iit.nt iiia Tore, r-g-mraa jwei 108H 1 10HS 100 1014 itia 14 101 103 00 co a poo if") Pnura, rcglatarad .......... 1R"T do eoupoa 1B0T luwi, email Doutsa. ... ... ' l"al ronra realatared .......... do coapoa 102S Dtatrlct of Onlnmbla B-SSa. rura, rklllpplaas ........ Twee, Panama do eoopoa . 1SH 104 . 103 m roue oottoh xajlxet, Opea. Tllrh. Iaow. Ckaw, January . loon .1 m . M . 45 . B4A . Pld 101 rT loog long Marcp, P.1S 2 prit P.14 (MA P49 B2 a5 nt Ml . H1 4d P4T . P4 , 144 (M7 pni M) 7T ay nne July Aamat ............. 061 Pn 77 PM Beptomba October . ........ 7T Noremhar ... ....... Bso IMcarabar ' 00 Md rebut sunt TATZafzrr. Hew, Tork, bUrcb, S3. Banb statomentt . r .-. itecreaee. eeerre ,., ,,1.7.IIM do leaa D. B.. .............. ...... -i.a-..R2.i Loana S RB7.0"0 Specie n.. yl,M0,0oo !-- la S"t.!00 liepoelta l.SaH.ROO Circulation - t4a,OUO eincreas. -..' ' : ' rOHIXAJIB BAVX STaTXXZirT. fleer In ga today ..... Claarlaga year ago... ..7M.40M ............ Sld.S01.TJ Gain today ........ ..f 230. 'x.e,.m .. ll.iMS.nii .. T,T14.T Balance today ...... Piilancea rear era,.. rent! QUIT ITS CIirAPKR TO PTJTU),-, Hose, City park 4 D2M J.IOU 1-1 2S I801Z 181 ... 1I4U ... ... nv4 ... 1044. PAY1NO HOT FILL ViAfJT Just a Few Head of Sheep From the Total Arrivals In the ' " Local Yards. , MQNTANA-.1S-BEINQ. SEARCHED FOR SUPPLY .- . - I,, 1 rackera Get Moat of Their Hogs la tba Eaat, Owing to Ixcal Bostrclty i and Are Paring ' tha 'Freight 1 Cliargea. Portland Cnloa Stochrarda. bCarcb St. Ura- atock peealptoi . - laoa-L -tjatfJaa-- Bhaon Today... ... AS week (ge ....BOO - ' ... 0 Tear ago ..... S4 ' - M -: ' 4 ITerloua year 25 SO0 ljjat As there are but a handful af arrrrala the feeal yards, tha llTeatock aurkat aaa not how anything but a nominal tone at thla time. June eS bead af abeea errt-ed la yards during the paat St bonra and a market ealna cannot be made accurately aadag tkeaa eoaaitiotie. wua. . . . - let are getting praett-any all tbalr hega eaat and they are not eoatlng tbem any Braoey thaa tbay ara aow efforlng tha Packer la tba local ahlppera. area with tba bearr fralabt caargea aoaea. no raw arrirala brae beea abowa er lata la tba cattle market that tka trade to at a toaa to find tba can. It to kaowa that a lerxe amount of cattle are la the country awaiting shipment te market and tha trade bad beea at tha oplntoa that thla atuff weald be Beat In aome time ago. Howerer, the receipt bare at aa time been Deary. anaep have beea ae eearee er late that area with tba trade needing hfeataaa for etorka eoppUaa bare bare keen aomtae prtoaa bold. A year aaa thla waa tba etrnatloar aad aheap (lrm; eattto firm, wltk a taad.aty se nee. Official HTeatork prices! xr.a m . . wa 1 . ee . sad (red era. flMOf China fats, SATStrT.00, Cattle Beat eastern Oreroa eteera. S4.TS41 S 00; beat cowa end helf-r. S8.S0; atoekars aad feeder, SS.TS: balto, 13.S0. ' Bhaoa kllxed. dA4e: wathawa. lUa aaaa atli waa, IDHltli EASTERN HOGS LOWER Chicago Market la Be Dupju Cattle - aqcl Sheep Steafajr." ; 4 ; Cblcaga, btareh SB. Ureatock recetsto: ... Ftna. . Oattl. fffliatfa. Cnlraga ...17.000 800 . B.SO0 Kanaaa City d.000 ' 1,N0 . Omaha , , g.000 SAO 1.SO0 Hoca are B canto lower, with 1 000 Wft aw from yeeterdey. Mixed. ta.S011.42Ht Oood and beaey, 1 0 40; rongk and keary, gfl.10 taaso: ngbt, Ba4(jia.a3tB. aii-a nieaay, - . ) Sheep ateady. ." ... 1 - , m 11 NEVADA MINING STOCKS , ' . , 7 : , , -..( : Price ' cforrent Daring 8eaaioa of "an Franclaco Exchange. . ... Baa ftaactoaa. March 8S. OfflcUl bid prtoaa: , OOLDPIELDS DISTRICT. Baadatorm. BSc: Reg Ten. Mailt Mohawk, lift Poliimbla ML. wnc: Jumbo. 1S.US: Jamba Hit.. S2.23; Vernal, 2c; PennaylTanla, Sc; Ooldflald ai. uo.. ii.oo; Kendall, 33; Booth, Sc; Bin Boll. SOC: Adama Uto: 811-er Pick. S1.2K.- Mae Qneco. 22c aakadr Hrrr Boy.-IBei B. B. Ixt.rl lac; Bine BeU, 30c; Dixie. ISc; O. Colambla, Soe: Hlbernla, lBe; St. leas, 1.70; Corxjoeror, 22c; Blk. Rock. 7e: Lea Star. SSc: O. Wonder. Sc; Fotlatcba be aaked; Ora, 44c; Kendall Ext., he; Bandet. Ext., let Marne. Ine: Atlanta, 74c: Great Bead. 1: Blmerona, Bsc; Empire, lie; Bed Top Kit- BSc; Ftoreace, 1.1; Dlam'f. B. B. Can., $1; O. Daley. 12.25: Laguna. ll.OOr Commonwealth, 80c; Comb, rract., S4.82H1 Or. Bead Ext.. Sic: Cr. Bend Aax.. 20r; MlUatorm. S7ei B. . Boaanaa,- Iter Kewaooa. gl.n Bemeralda, BSc: Portland. SOct Cracker Jeck. lc; Franc la Mohawk, 11. IB; Red Hill, Sic: Mohawk Kit., Soe: Bpeerbead Gold, SO asked; ton Dillon, 18c: T. Tlrer. IV; Oraadma, SKc: B Klak Ba a. W . . ... V ,v a .ac, a nwi, III.. -'I. B1W W-.a) te; Gold. Cams.. fS,6SH; Diam't. Triangle, 2a. OOM8TOT1K DIrtTRlCT. Ooblr. t2.: OotUd Currr. to! Oaa. Tlr- fnia, wo; sarare, 7c; uala a Morcroaa, Tlc allow Jacket. TS aekad: Belcher, doct Oonfi- !. SI: Sierra her.. Soe: Exchaoaer. aoa: iBJOB. OiC. BTTLLTROa DIBTRTCT. OrlrlneL lc: Built. M. a. S7e; Moot. BuUf. . . . k' . . a 1. . . . . . a .l . w. , 1. a.n.i .11 u, 1 1 1 1 ia, w;i jaawui.i. 48c; Gold Bar, 11.14; Btelnway. 16c Daneer But. Annex, one aaked; Bonnie Clare. IIC1 Marfl. Cone.. 42c! Montr. Ohio Ext.. Ida: O. Bceptar. 86c: Montr.- ML. Sic: B. Dalar. 85 aexeo; Homeeux cone., gi.raH; lanxee tri, 10c; Nagret, Be: Tramp Oona., Be; Victor, 11.83)4; II as ear, Mcl Mldaa Soe; Sanaa, lOe. TOKOPAHS. Tod. Kee.. 81 iS asked: Mont. Ton.. S3 Mt Toa, Ext., 84 aaked; MaeKamara, 4Sc Mid way, Si. lot Toa. neimeat. u aakea; Ton. no. -tar. B4c: unio ivn.. ac: weei ma uoaa. 1.8S: Keacua. lhc: Ton. Calif.. 1 aaked: Ooldea Anchor, sne ilia Batler, 81 ISHt Toa. Caab Boy, be; Ton, Hnnaa, 10c; BoaL Ton., lie; aioaarrn ntra. xie; aaont, -11a. Ext.. sc: Ooldea Crown. 14c: K T. Tea. Vona- 100 aaked. - MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Mash. Cone., dftet Mann.: M. Co.. 14a OL Wedge. llc Bey tor Hump, Tc; Dexter, Met L. Joe. 4c: Creecaat. Be: Oomblnatleek Tei Granny, Sle; Muatonr, 80a; Little Grey, 4.V; inwogj, oc; iing. Hena., sue; Jfroncoo, ixct Jump. Jack, So aaked: Plnanut, Snr; Buffalo, . a-a. ear, aarw, vej imuia a lamp. tec, . . , . YAVOTJS DISTUCTB. -i ' Pilrr. Rule. SSe aaked: ' rte-ada ' Hliw. 8B; Plttaborr Sllear Peak, tl.TB: Ha Star woaoer, .c; aagie a neat, aoc; riaby Woa- ;, aoci auiea 9 woaoer. sua aesee. , . CHICAGO WHEAT LOWER Market Drops on Pressure by Long : Holders and Slow Trade. , , KlLaTITS WHEAT TALCBS, ,. MarebSt March PL Loaa lsos. -r,. ...f .TBH $ .T0HA .oovt .7x1 July .TTK Cblrage. March IS. Preaaare and aaiS trading canaed drop la wheat Varaee today. Official eeeteasea by Ore-beck. Starr Cook a eomoenr: WHEAT. Opea. nixh pea. Hlgl Low. , . TT : TSH Close. May Tn T7i TlX TSi July COR. -l W 4S4 46 Ma July OATS. 41 H 41 MESS PORK. May May .....1BBS 1HT0 July ........... .1370 . 1680 isan 1B70 isat 1B73 trrcaPOOL skadt kakxxt. Llrerpool, March M Official micas . Mar. 83. Mar. 93. Loan, a 4-d tkd a 44 H, "s 3d ld Marrb a 4d ay tl 4d July Sa lUd COR.V. March 4a lid May 4a 4d 4s S144 4s 52d 'Hd bad I Llrereeol Oottoa Market. LlTero-nl, Merck 23 Cotton future ebwad H to l pi-lnia lower i mlddllngt 3 tet4 potnia dowa. . Haw Yerk-Lendea Silver. Mm. Vm.It V.Mk ea I.. alia, aala a. t-eoi. M id-lid. "V7"" II0L1E PH IS SOLD AT $30 First Traniactlon of This Issue onthe Local Exchange Made. '.' BRQKERSLSJURPJUSEO IT DID NOT SELL DOWN First Sals at Los Angeles Made 'at 910 m Share llad Been Held in Thla City at $85 and More ro tlcie Makea Another Advance. fa the Portland stock market tartng the trad - tttm tha ft rat aala af Heme Telenhoau. waa aaaAa. irurlag- tba-day- 1 aharaa -were aold at t0 aoara. inia aaia wa a eerpriae to the kroKera, aa they had expected tha aerorlty to go dowa to $10, aa was abowa to Iaa Angatoa whea tba flret Home atock wee aold. The eacarlty baa keen generally keM t gB by local people, but a few lot were recently offered aa tow aa S3& PoUele Mining abowa a fractional adraaos for ih oay. Balaa: Taa noma Telenhoaa at taa. 10 Abba. slated Oil at SiS.BO. S.Ooo potlde at 1SW aad S. 000 at U!t, 8.000 Wssbaagal Kxtooalua at 25.S2H. , ...... T. . uinciai pneeat BARK rTTOCU. rid. ' ' Ask. Bank at California. ........... .Si5.00 9 ..... Bankera a. Lambarnaaa a... ... . 102.00 Mercbaate' National Oregoa Treat (tarings 1ST. SO Portlaad lYuat Oo rjalted Btatee Katloaal SOO.OO 183.TS moo LISTED BBCTJRITIE8 (BONDS). America a Btacalt Oa. da BSUW loo .oo (2.00 64.00 13.00 100.2S I0S.B0 100.00 se.oo 44.00 iwii SO. 00 M .02 M -to ; .14 City dk Suburban aa Columbia Suathera lrrigatkaf SB Home Talepbona .. .. . O. B. X. Rjr. da PS.OO O. W. P. A By. ta 100.00 Pacific Oeit Blarult SdUW Portlaad By. Sa : MIMCELLANEOUB STOCKS. Aaaaetoted OU dS.OO Home Tetophaae 80.00 J. a Lea Oo...,. ll.&O , Padfle States Telephone ,.. Paget Bosnd Taiepkoaa mihino srroexs. Lakaetow Iaa Creak Gold... .01 H North Pair-tow Manhattan Crews Point At Potlcto Mining JSUj Waabotigal Siteaeioa M , UNLISTED STOCKS. Teaatna Bar Tetopkoaa........ S.SS - ,; so: .so .OS .28 .mH J00 1 XMt JO .101 : M .osh ' .lfilb .00 otu. JOT JIS t.ed Alaaka Petre leant .12tt Brltlak Caluabto Amal .04 W vaacania .... a-a Goldfleld Trotter .............. .12H .01 tt Great Northara ................ Mammoth ..................... Mora Ing ............ ....... Mount ttt Standard OaneeJIdatad ......... M .04 .04 ' Taeama. Steal .18 . COBCB D-ALXNB DISTRICT. Balnea .07 H Copper King ,J4 0. K. Coneolldatod. ....... .04 Happy Day 04 Park coppet .................. job . Saewaboe .40 . know torm B.S0 . NEW YORK STOCK MARKET : 1. - -- i III. .'Y ... A Paaio In Berlin ' Sends - Valnea Down During the Trading Today. . . bet mmra. i Amalxamated .... 8 I Colorado Pad ..... 114 1 -".r"" Car a Poondry.. 1 da prafarred..... 1 TaicaanotlTa .....m B Iia.' A'rjaahrilto. 2 Uexlcaa Oaatral .. 1 . Bugar IK Smelter ........a. V. Woolea . Katy ....114 .L!.0B!,?l. tii Nrnt?al 2 Atcblaoa Bait. Ohk. ..... 1 Out. A w cetera.... 1 Braoklya ........ lk Northern Paclfto ta, aad iaa Feople Oaa IH Republl Steal .... i Soothers Padfle ., W PennaylTanla ..... t a fteadlna . ... 1 RoekTalaad Tanaaeeee Ooai .. TJaloa Paeltto .... 4 SU Paul Soatbsra Railway .... Taxae A Paeifte... ! O. B. Steel. 1 do preferred..... 1 OA1H. Hew Tork, March SB. Today's stock market (hewed some Terr ee-ere loeaee ea account of a ravala to Berlin. The Padfle roada enffered badly. Northern Paclfls toeing 4. UnKm Pacific 4. Oreat (iortbara 4 sad Boatbaia Paeltto S potato. . . ; .. 1 , - Official eweuttone by Or ark lib. Starr , Aaaaa -A-aMan, W vw.. - r f ; if BBSCRrPTTOa. Amal. Copper Co Am. Car S fdy., earn.. son S4'A i SS oa prererrea la. Lacomotl-a, asm. . Aaa. Sugar, aora ...... Am. Smelter, eom , .. . Am. Woolen, com ..... Atcaleoa, common , ... do preferred ........ Bait. A Ohio, eom do pre erred Braoklya R, Traa...... Canadian padfle, eom, Chi.. MU. A St. Paul.. -Chicago A N, W., eom. Colo, real A Iron, earn. Erie, eoaimoa da eeooad preferred.. do flret preferred..., Louts, A Naakellto.... Mai loan Cent.- By.,... M., A. A T., com do prafarred ......... PS si so 1S0M 121 118 118' lie 117 H ue ilT' SKI T so it TVk M14 06 V. siia s14 Salt 1M 87 i si 4 1M ino ISO 1M . 1M USai, 1.8 11 14B Siii ilea ss 4 87 H b4 S3 84 M ae s 11S4 lit USlkJ lit ..vl IS 1 astl S3 e e 4e ss LJieruierB 7 14 IBS 14 Great Nertkera M Mto-ourl Paeltto ....... N. T. Central N. T., Ont. 4 Want... KortherS Padfle. aom.. Pacific Mall A A Co.. Peaneyrranto Hallway... Pauple'e O, Ltd Ca. 138 Tla Tltk T0A 10 HO 80 11M14 nis lis 181 Vk zo X4 118 ISO. 130 M l t S7l .1 s Ta So se so so : ss hi 20 Beading, comraoa .... do aecoad preferred. de flret preferred... Rep. Iron A Steal, earn do p referred ........ Rock leuvad. earn St. L. A S. P.. Sd pfd 1411034 08 io" SOU wit 89 T7 ..... Southern Padfle, eom re H do preferred UTS Southera Ky- eom.,.. do preferred ........ Tenn. Coal A Iron...., 20t 71V IBS' Texas A Pacific Tol., St. U A WM eom, do preferred ..,.... Cnloa Pad no. com .... so lk 484 iir 131 U l-SVk 1" do nref erred , SO 44 SU14 84-a, T ? IT 87 , TJ. A Knbber, aom.... 4BH to nreferrad loo U. M. Steel, earn S4 trl ! OS 14 ee areferrea .........I It" P7 Wabaah, rotnmea isvt ao prererrea ...I ) Wta. Central, eom ..,.1 IT do preferred ....... BRAZELL DIES FROM ' EXCESSIVE DRINKING John Bratell. an old resident of Port land, dled early this morning In his room st ths Kagle lodging-house, Third and Bumnld streets, of heart disease, bald to bars beea caused by excessive drink ing, ....,.! Brssell was sbout 44 years ef age. Ho waa well liked by many . friends. II rasa II worked a a longshoreman for Brown A MoCaba, but lost his position about two months ago. It Is supposed that ho grieved because of the loss of hla poaltion, for he took -to drinking beavlly soon afterward. Drainll leaves a little property, consisting ef several IoUk . ' . $10 la Any Uracoinpncatee) Aflaant Let Me Guide You on Your Way tp Regain Your Health (LRenew-Youf -Strength-Do you feel that you ara not ths man ' you once were? Do you feel tired In . the morning and easily ex- : haustedT t Is pour back weak? Is your memory failing? Da you hare difficulty la fixing your thoughts Ara you losing ambition If you hays any or all of tba above symp toms, you surely da not desire) to re main In your pre sent condition. Let ma explain to you my methods of rebuilding tha vigor of men, and . refer, you to tha thousands I. hare cured. 1 at The Only Diseases I Treat SpenBaborrnoaa, lost Tlgor, Tarl. eocale, suptora, rUaa, Xydroeele, Org aala Waakaaaa, Ooatagloaa Sloo4 Plasassa, Aeate aad Cbroala TJrw. tbxal aad rxortatlo rnnammatlam. ' FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION I Invite every weak or diseased man to call for free advice, and If de-N aired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, bat the visit will not ' obligate him la any way to become my patient. Of flea hours, a. m. to ' p. m. Suadaya, IS to 1 only.. , Patients living ent of tha city and coming te Portland for treatment -will be furnished with Una room free of charge. Check your trunka -direct to Morrison street. . ' i ' f- OUT Hi WILD HOO WOOLLY WEST MInnesotan Thought It Proper Thing to Shoot Up North ,:-';7: End Saloon. : BUT.THE GUARDIANS " OF PEACE INTERFERED At SaoMi Ileeort, Anurad'a, m Fo elgner Ia Stabbed by Unknown ; Hand Beeanae He Refuses to Keep on Baying Brinks. ' It was certainly a wild night la the north end district One man stabbed, another brutally . beaten - with brass knuckles aad the attempt of a drunken Wlnnaanta. Ia ..hiwil mm th. .. - baa. me poitoe department exceedingly busy. AU ' xh affalra oocurrad In Tony Amaua s notorious deadfall. ' U. Bockanbrandt, ' a recant arrival trom Mlnneaota, having been Informed iora leaving home that Portland was . one ox tnc most lawless cities oa the map ana it was customary for every man to carry at least two 44s, deter mined to take no ehanees. ao purchased a revolver of large caliber before start ing westward. , . Croea Oat asrikloilaa. ' ' . With the miniature cannon at o wad away In his coat pocket Roekenbrandt started out to explore the north end Jungle last night and by 11 o'clock waa ao Batu rated with "tanglefoot that ha even forgot his own nama Re mem baring the thrilling atorlaa of the aoinga or the cowboys which had ap peared In the home paper, Roeken brandt atartad out te give a correct imitation of a "bad man." Visiting Arnaud'a saloon. Fourth and Everett streets, he drew his gun and announoed cis intention or eommenclna nostllltl Patrolman Thorpe and Mackey ap- pearaa at tnis junoture and promptly placed the fellow under arrest. In the municipal court thla morning Reckon. braadt entered a plea of guilty to tha charge of oa trying ooneealed weapons and waa lined 110. . ' Stabbed at Araaad'a. ' ,' Frank Zalmln, a LJthuanalan, stng gored Into police baadquartara at 11:10 a. m, bleeding profusely from a knife wound under the right shoulder blade. Although considerably under-ths Influ ence of liquor be was able to explain that the stabbing occurred la a saloon st Fourth and Everett etreeta. Dr. Zaiglar waa summoned te sttend ths wounded man and Patrolmen Wendorf. Edgertou- and Tenant were detailed to make an tnveatlgation. The police ascertained that Zalmln bad been la Arnaud'a saloon purchasing drinks for. a number or men and upon bis refusal to continue treating was stabbed la the back by aome unknown man. It waa reported that T. V. Jaynee had dlffioulty with aome man In Ar naud'a place earlier In the evening and bad drawn a knife. ....... Jaynes was found la the dive and promptly placed under arrest on sus picion. He waa Intoxicated aad denied knowing anything about the stabbing. He declared that he bad been struck In the face with brass knuoklae during a row In the place and bla battered coun tanaace bore cut ble statement, - As there was ao evidence to connect Jaynee with the crime he traa dla- eharged from custody this morning, Zelmln's wound Is not serious and he was also released from custody today. THIS TIME HILL IS TO : RETIRE JULY FIRST ' ' (Journal Special Serrloa.) St Paul, March U. Pers latent rumors that J. 3. HU1 will retire In favor of Ms son Lou I a who will be aucoeeded by F. H. MoOulggan. fourth vloe-preeldeut of the Oranrl Trunk, find ao conflrma. tlon hera This time It Is said Hill will retire July 1. , TACOMA MAN WINNER t OF A TEN EYCK PRIZE ' (Joe real Special genua. , New Haven, Conn., March tt. Tha winners, of the Junior Ten Erck prlsea st Yale ware announced today. Joseph I W. Murphy of Ilrooklyn took the first prise and W. W. Wynkoop of Taeoma. I Wsahlngton, on of ths seoond prlsea DB, TATXOB, , '' " tk t-sadlng Specialist, - I Never Qiiess Experiment er taka chances af any aort. ' I attempt to aura only those i diseases that I have been ourlag ' for tha past tl years, and feel aura Z am Justified In saying that ' . I bava learned all about them. Were I lacking la knowledge per. talntng i my specialty I would never have ' attained my presaat SuecoaS, bor would t today be ognlsed as tha leading specialist treating men's - diseases. If af f llctsd, you eaa depend upon It that tha service I offer you Is tha service you need, and la service auch ae can bo rendered by . ae other phyalolan. . m H u aW a." IM. VS. -mm ME1N TREATED AIND CURED Best Service! lowest CbarcesI Ceres Coarjaiecd .'ho are affile rail wltk rTPRTOUS DEBILITf. er railing Straagth.' -earn only called "LOST MANHOOD." Exhausting fVatna, Phnplas. Lame Back. - laflaaimatloB of tad Bladder aad Kidneye, Blxbly Colored Vrtne, lai po tency, Dcepoadeacy. Palling Memory. Loaa af Am bit lee. Mental Worry, re sulte ef axaaea and ererwerk: Pllee, Pletula and Hydrocele ar ether weak. Beea, which absolutely aaflt.tkem for Brady. Baa In ass. Pleasure er Marriage. Se ear, ae pay. XHaeaaaa, Akeamatfam, Btrlcturs, Enlarged rrestato aaa ayajooaia. Jtaaa aad OaaaatoBttoaa Bmtlna, Siaaaaabl Charges. ; Can sg write DA. 1. 1. KDLCS, 1U That . 1 i a - ft a" 't Hit'l- KIdnir ' and EiadJir Trosblts UHKIARY DISCHARQES reustsd nr . 24 Hours Each Cap- : atueksarsfMIDY that sSSP ALL DBCOQI8TA A BEAUTIFUL PACE Bend stamp for Particular and Teet! moolah) ef the remedy that eleere the Complextoe. R Bhla imparrectlona, Makee Maw . a toad aad Improves tke Health. If yea take BEAUTYSKIN Beneficial results ire gaaraataed er ma ay re- raaaea. ch lunireTxa cniarai. vu., Mediae Pbvae. Pklladelahto. Pa. 33 THIRTY-FIVE TO PAY EACH DOLLAR OF DEBT (Joaraal tpadal Sarrlca.) Wsshlngton, March tl. A census bu reau bulletin today shows the country's per capita Indebtedness Is 838 60, but for every $2 8t indebtedness there Is $108 of national wealth. Th percentage of Increase ef wealth from 190 to ltot Is without parallel, except In tha decade from 1160 to ItSO. a posmra noxsnrr. Having ta lay upon my bad for 14 daya from a aeverely brulee4 lig. I only found relief when 1 tiaei a lot- tie ot rurq a iwe i.inimnL I can heerfui.y rr "mmend It ea th bt rnailli-t -f -r iri.i-a e--r e' -'t ti te mil t. i ' i i' w l - a r 1 - , r- . - t .. ) AlWaryi , IteMP-wbar tha Fall Nama I axative Uromo 0caiaq Curt aCoM hOMtbiy, QVta 2 D yrti" . t UtB. 1 Pay You Are Cured This Is My Fair Offer to Evry Patient VARICOCELE An average of one aiaa In fiva Tfias ' varicocele. Most men that have thla dragging, draining weakneaa ara not aware af It until It has wrecked their Uvea. Vatioocela causae congestion of tha blood In noma af tha most vital blood vesaela of man.- It eauaes ' a dull, heavy, listless feeling which Is often mistaken for nervous da ' blllty or general decline of power. ' My cures of this disorder are par ' : manent and lasting. Me tonics that ..Stimulate . -tampprr11y- but -thor- oughly sclratiflo treatment for the removal ; of conditions . reepoaslblo for tha functional derangement. Weakness la merely a symptom of Inflammation er congestion ta tka prostate gland, and under my own original local treatmeat this gland la promptly, raatorad to its normal state and complete fuaottosuU activity la the lasting result . The Dr. Taylor to. 34 H KOXXIIOBT TMST,' . V . Oorae eooad, .. . . r- , . !. ' v. J VOBTXtASB, OB. - - Dr.fJorrow'sAntiLean XAXza uAjr nom fat ri-tougk the marrous systaxa. It ia a 1f n inuelF -ragetabie armxaa4. ' Contains no oils or fats er any drug that le Injurious or liable te produce a habit " IT 1$ THX CKXATE8T TONIC IN THX WOULD Each bottle contains a month's treatment and ooeta tl-tS at any first-class drug j mors-, rTsparea oy iu , ANTI- LEiLY UEDICIXE CO. - Oregoalaa Bldg, Fortlaaa. Oxw cv Bleed Peteaa, eon tree ted Inn, BwalllBga, Sisohaj-ras, hereditary; Skto Senorrkeea. SUat. it Pea 1 1 age, Bntraaaful CGeeVo tke Van.: BellaMa ; " CHINESE 1 nnrmn " Maa made a tile atady ef raoto aad barbs, aad ta that arody dlacovaead aad to 8 'ring to the world bla weaderfal reaaadlea. K0 MTACTTBT, POTSOHg OR DBTTOS TITB-. xz cures WrrHOv-T opibatto-;, oa , , W1TK00I THS AID OP A XMlX. B snarantaea to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lang, Throat, Kheamattom .Nareoneataa. Nerreoe Debility. Stomach. Mrar. Bidaey TroBbtosi ekw Ixwt Maahoea. teavue Weak aaaa aad All Prlra t Dlaaaaas. , . . A SURE CANCER CURE laat Baaareat Iram Mtoa. Ok taa Be fa, Bara , aad AaltoUe. . IP TOO ARB ArrtlCTPD, TXUtT MUI. , . DBlaAT ABB PA .SOE HOC A If pea can aot can. write for aymptom blank Sad etrcolar, . tncloaa 4 sent la e tamps. V-AMcl tl fiTinn r-r r-e-i twn o. on wo oTujntsi imiioTjri oo. ItSm "ret St., Cor. 'Morrises. jrer-iaae, oragaa. Please Mentiea This Pi Paper. Every l7cSw.a . kbtBBTeatodBadehenldkBew . aiioeiuie veu-iefTnl MAjrVTL wkirustj Spray new H il artea-e. Braa, Oeaaad jhe-rv-a, Baal n.t. -M ne Cen-eoten ia-aeanWtok, It heoannoleatnly lb baanvsl-, BOMenta eikar. but eeod mat for llluetrwed hook iiIi 4. Tt . valuakia o u-Kea, to aaa at. reVa aa sc. saa sr. Baas luaaa. WOOQAXB, ClASJtl oa awtj LAVB-BATU BSUO 004 S10SEA CorfV Cae D-f'-l P---T-aj A PCSITIVS C'CT.Z yorItiSa"aHe erOtarrV 41 th B.l ''imi I -aaj i. nera. koctiai lo t.t, (me - lalrklf and H e en rat caa ef a. , fce. a and dileca. BO a aw ut l lin( aiaailina. hinil.i. h 'A I'f 0 . Prioa ai re er tr w i, paid. l.ou,l aoxaa, k. Ti'C eiiTif r"--! f ir ,IML-i u I I. . Bell duatalne, 0t;la, 8'id k. i n-n.ri.,. l.a . f Ac . t - w i r -