Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907) 7g:iv;i i:2.:i:.:g aijd'Iu'gii.'g given . iize to eveiiy sudscrideh priTHi sUiAY oiji lir.KXi FSTATI5 FOU SALE T . '. . i ntsiM;ss IOH SALE? - ILWE VOU A WAXTf AM AO TM TM JOUftXAX la TBS MZDICIVI JOURNAL ACS PAY CI Q! The Weather Fair tonight, with heavy frost; Sunday fair. Journal Circulation Yesterday H 28,912 was PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, EVENING. MARCH 2, 1807. TWO SECTIONSTWENTY PAGES. ; 4PRICE 'TWO CENTS. ' n wrwi VOU V. NO. 311, BURGLARS LEAVE RICH Fifty Cents Is All They Jake; From the De-. livery Department of Wells-Fargo Packages Containing Fin Pick ings for Crooks War Piled - About Them, but Apparently They Were Frightened Away, Leaving Tools Behind.", v Vv Evidently laboring under the Imprea ton that it was customary to leave the : day'a reeelpta to the oaah drawer, bur glara effected an entrance to' the de livery department ef Welle. Fargo A Co., , at tOI Fourth street laat sight but only secured a email savings bank contain ing SO centa In nlckles for their trouble. The thlerea undoubtedly' took a hur--' rled departure, ee a complete kit of burglars' toole were found In the place " thla morning and .turned over to the police. ' Although packagea atored In the plaoe contained plunder -of great value nothing waa disturbed by the erooka . with the exception of the money drawer. , - ;" . Tina Toela Oa Ttooa. ftilB morning when the tore-room waa opened ay one or uie tmpion tor w ' . transaction of baalneaa. The flrat Indl' ' cation that unwelcome vialtore had been In the place waa the finding of a aet of strange toola lying oa the floor near the front counter. The demolished cash -drawer and broken .pane Id rear win dow lef t no doubt aa to the visit of - thievea and the pollee) aepartment waa ' Immediately notified. It waa flrat suspected that valuable parcels entrusted to the exprese em pany for delivery had been carried away - ana rifled of their contents but a care ful checking op of the books proved -' otherwise. The -only theory that aan advanced for the-failure of the crooks to avail themaelvea of thie gold en opportunity of reaping a rleh harveal la that the criminate were freigntened . away by the approaoh of a watohmaa ' " or policeman. . - ' ' '! '" Tha kit of toolaleft by the thievea consists of a large case knife, a chisel. I - ' -Kfliack eaw. similar In pattern to those lTsed by Iron-workers, and a brace and r - w.. e Ki.a rHnna elsee. - m nuwmi -- - - 1 '" J' Bate Through. Wladowv Alt Investigation showed that . the burglara had broken out a portion of the glasa In a rear window and throngh the aperture thus made were enabled to reach, and unfasten the lock. The cash drawer, which la one of thoee old fashioned contrivances, attch as - are found In every email store, waa opened by boring . number ot holee around the lock. '. . ' . There la a large open apaea In the rear of the premises aurrounded by frame atructurea and not visible from M th. hr1ara onermted ' with a certain degree of aafety. A look out was undoubtedly atatloned.on the outside or tne auuoing nu . m been the warning given by him-that of ficers were approaching that , caused hla pals to leave ao hurriedly aa to forget to take their Implementa , of ; crime with them. ' . .-" " ' " " Detectives of the local department are working on the case and It la expected that aa customary the special operatives employed by the company will also be detailed. The tools -ere regarded by the autborltlea aa likely to prove a valuable Blue to the Identity of the crooks and assist In their apprehenalon. j , i MY. BABY BLOCKS SUE;- TIES UP $40,000 ESTATE Child Born Since the Death of Father Stops pistrlbution .' r J of Proper. "'. ' - Moure! aneelal er1ee. " t.os Angeles. March I. In the courts ihere a-tlny boy l-montha eld, bom to v' pretty Mra. Charlea J. Behlow of San Francisco three montha after her hue band died, haa blocked a $15,009 realty aal and the aettlement of a ftO.000 -' estate. Behlow, then childless and liv ing In Pasadena, made a will tn It 05, i bequeathing everything to hla widow In the event of hla death. ' He died a year ago, 'and, the will waa admitted to probate. - ,- . 1 . Today It -came . up: for final dlatrl ""butlon. "Papers were about to be exe cuted, when Judge Rives, aa a matter ef form, asked If there were any chil dren. Then there came the blushing , admission, of which aven the lawyer . did not know. - The court- at onoe de clared the child -entitled to half of the atate, although not mentioned Im the wIlL The case waa stricken from the calendar and Mra : Behlow'e next peti tion will be that aha ba appointed guar - dlaa of the child before any disposition sa be made of the property. ( - ; - New Blga41rr' Oneral.-fc,i - (Joarsal Rperlat $evtc.t ) Washington, 1 C. March 1 -The . president today nominated Colonels Al , 'red Markeley and Charles Hall to brig . sdler-generals, active. - .. . FDRRMER ill DALLES Conferees Split oh la Choicer for Register at; the Land Office ;ia Eastern Oregon : Senators Fulton and. Bourne Ask Leaders in Party In the Second ' : Congressional District to Rec- ommend Men for Fat Govern ment Jobs. - Edward ' Sharp of Moro, a rep resell ta Uvs of the Eastern Oregon Lnd com pany, which owna-The lalleS military wagon road 'grant, haa - been ' - reoom mended to Senators Fulton and Bourne aa the next receiver of the land of Oca' at The Dallea. The recommendation waa agreed upon yesterday by the Republi can politicians who ware aaked by Ful ton and Bourne to make recommenda tions for . the two positions in The Dallea land .'office.'" Over the recom mendation of a register the conferees split, one faction sending In the name of O, O. Butler, preaant county clerk of Wheeler county, the other aendlng the name ef Charlea W. Moore of Qraas Valley. , . 5 After the meeting of Friday morning members of the recommending commit tee held another meeting laat night and decided definitely upon the recommen dation for the position as receiver. For this position Edward Sharp received the unantmaua indorsement of the confer ence, .j- ' ;. Slaoord tm Ooaferenoe.1.. - " The - registers hint howerer." bronght aiscora into tne conrerence, and not be ing able to decide upon any one man, the name of both Mr. Butler and Mr. Moore were aent to Waahlngton by the xwo xacuona, one part of the confer enoe recommending one man and the re mainder atandlng behind the other. The conference waa headed by X. B. Binnoii, oi i nm xajiea, . wno waa en trusted with the conduct of the meet ing by Senator Fulton In a telegram aent to the other members which said In subst&noe.' "Bourne and I request that yon meet Slnnot and make recom mendations - for register and receiver of The Dallea Lend of flea." Those who were requested to meet with Mr. Sin- nott were James Kyle, of Portland, one of the managers for Senator Bourne during hla campaign; tr. W. Btelwer, of Fossil, Charles T. Barley, , of Hood River, manager of the Oregoa Lumber company which does Urge business wun me iana or rice. A. A. jayne-of Hood River, W. ,8. TJRen f Oregon City, J. B. Hunt of Condon. Jay Bow. arman of Condon, State Treasurer Steel, and' State Printer W, S. Dunlway. Btel wer and Dunlway dld not attend , the eonferenoa ie -'. On of SnaaiKg. ' ; , "' ' Robert J. Glnn ahd Judd Fish both of The Dallea who have-been mentioned very prominently, aa possibilities for the land, office positions are not 'now considered to be In the running. Flan apparently doea not -desire , the-place while Glnn dropped oat Some time ago, before Flah came tm The contest now Ilea . between . Moore and Butler, with Sharp as the only '"man to be recom mended for the place aa receiver. - ;. . , The twoiOregoa senators thought to escape from responsibility - In naming the applloaate for the land office posi tions by having the conference commit tee select the men and make the recom mendations as the result of their dellb e rations. The split . over the register, ship seems to have uefeated thla Inten tion en the part of Senators Fulton and Bourne, as It leavea them with two men recommended by tbelr own committee and eaoh one backed by a 'portion, of the oommlttee.1-; i 7 -r v.ur Tr: ?-- - The flndlnga of the conference have been, aent back to the senators at Wash ington for their consideration. Vr; . u ADMINISTRATOR NAMED "! V . ;F0R FELLER ESTATE ''. "' r-"" '.' ' ' " ",.'."'. ' (gpselal Dlspateh to The Joaraal.) , . - Salem, Or., March J. Judge John ' H. Scott baa appointed John Whitney of Woodburn aa administrator of the es tate of the lata Mra. Anna Feller. -'His bond waa fixed at 111,000. The aetata eonaista of personal property valued at $11,000 and the heirs are John B. Fel ler, Peter Feller and Mary R. Ryan of Aurora Annie C. Whitney and Llsale M. Bonhoff of Woodburn' and Clara Case of Hubbard. The; board of ap p raisers consists of S-j H. Settlemelr of Woodburn and F. X. Mathleu and Han son Cone of Bttttevllio. -y CANAL BUILDER WADE ' ' ! . . LIEUTENANT-C0L0NEL (Jourmal Special Servtea.' ""Washington, March S. The president today nominated Major Ooethale, al ready appointed chief engineer of the Panama canal, to be a lieutenant-colonel. ATLANTIC LINERS HELD ' ' OUTSIDE HARBOR BY FOG ' : (onreal ' Sneelal ttrrU.l ' ' v New Tors, March I. -Five - Atlantic liners and other - vessels are outside tbe harbor and cannot put In on account ef dense fog. ,...-,.,.. . , , .i ' ; . t ' . -.'. ; THE , FIVE i ' HORSE r.lEDICiriE Qn RESERVATION Blue Ruln Contained Whiskey l So C. F. Cares Is Sentenced r to' Pay Fine and Spend a Day -In JaiL ' " V."- etatea district court this morning: to designate a concoction made up for the m na. . ff .hllfl whlflkaV antfl. ' fftr the rest, of any old thing that might or might not tickle the palate, of man or beast. - . T... rn-iM ' In. "Wnlv.rtnn flrat uaed the expreaalon and then Assistant United etatea Attorney j v.oi mo the attorneya In -the case of the United at.-, aninat C V. Cares, bandied the term among them, all for the purpose Of ahowtng tnat wnue vura wn nlcally guilty of carrying Intoxicating nn tha TTmatllla Indian reser vation, he neither drank of the spirt ta nor allowed otnere to sip ox me cup, d brought the mixture to the spot to give to hla horaea to cure them of collo. - i. . aiiWAntmctop enaMed In building a road on the reaervatlon, and haa charge of about ee norses. -. voiio nr.vii.nt amona- them, and on the advice of a veterinary he pur chased the spirits to adminiater to the anlmala.1- ----- It was stated in court mis morning that Carea had never carried liquor on tbe reaervatlon before and that be had been Instrumental In aiding the author- 1 Lias (V UH " .-...-- . a another classical term uaed In court thla morning, and meaning men- wno sell whlakey on the reservation. It was alao stated In court that when Cares (Continued on Page Three.) TllEX MUSIG .. JAdded to- the many feat urea that have made 'The Sunday Journal the moat readable and Valuable paper Jn tha west la a Muslo Supplement. words and music by the most popular song Writers la the country. , Thla , ; la' In tha regular music form, la adapted to the amateur and professional, and la delightfully light and catchy: The Mnslo Supplement la given free to every subscriber to The Bunday Journal; It singa itself -into i popular favor at one and haa been the eauae of much pleasure to tens of thousands of-eur Madera. Each week a different piece of mutt Is given free.' If you want the song with lomorroWsTssue, you should . ' Order The Sunday Journal NOW VTVvVvvVTWWTTvtTTvfTTvVvM 4 SENSES OF IS FORIERMI Will J. Steel Declares Oregon jan Reports of the Trial at Wash Ington Colored to Favor Con . ' gressman. ,! That Hennann'a chances for eonvlo tion are better than hla outlook for ao qulttal by the Waahlngton aty Jury now .trying him la the opinion of Will Q. Steel, who haa Juat returned from that city where be waa called by the government to testify regarding let tare received by him from Hermann. Mr. Steel haa, In hla possession several lot t era of an official nature which were written to him by Hermann during the time the latter waa commissioner of the general land of floe at Waahlngton. These letters were eopted In the letter books wblch were destroyed by Hermann be fore leaving tha office. . - f The contention' la aet up by tha de fense that tha booka destroyed by Her mann were of a private nature aa they contained nothing but tha record of private correspondence. Mr. Steel waa called east to refute thla contention by testimony. " "-- '. "The accounts publlehed- by the Ore gon lan retarding tha Hermann trial are very much colored In Hermann's favor," Mr. Steel said thla morning. --"I do not know whether tha coloring ta pat In at thla end or by order from here or whether It la dona by the Washington correspondent, but It la colored. From the accounts reaching ' Portland and published la that paper It would appear that Hermann waa getting the beet or tha argument in hla trial, when the re- (Continued on Page Three.) OUTLOOK BAD THE COMMON PEOPLE MRS. EDDY WILL FIGHT SOU'S SUIt Personal Attorney of - Head of Scientist Church States That Case Will Be Defended tpon - Every Issue Involved. ; ""7 ? ' (Joeraal Special Service.) Concord, N. H, March I. Frank H. Streeter, . personal attorney for Mra. Eddy, said today that tha ault filed by her son will ba defended on' every Is sue Involved. .,- Street - denies the chargea thaf Mra. Bddy la mentally irrational or physically enfeebled and practically helpless, and aald that the woman la aa strong as she haa. ever been In the paat 10 years.' He refused to say whether she would eppear In court personally, and refused to say who were her financial guides. - Alfred Harlow, head of the Christian Scientist' publication committee, arrived here today, . . . ,..-.. ... ... .. y SVooal SolSBtlst's Opinion. . '- David B. Ogden, of the committee on publication' of the Scientist church In Oregon, la Inclined to believe that Mra Eddya son. In bringing the ault. baa been Influenced by tbe exaggerated ac count "Of Mra. Eddya Income and wealth.-"' He -credits the son, however, with sincerity of motive. . .Ci.r-. "Of course the local members of tbe church have received no notification of the ault and I know nothing of It ex cept what I have read tn tha news papera," aald Mr. Ogdea. "However, I am aura Mr. Streeter la correct In hie prediction that the aon'a attorneya will feel differently about tbe matters after they learn what Mra. Eddy haa really done for her son. :'? 1 " V fa stance of stladneee. "X happen to know of one Instance of her consideration and klndneea to him. It waa a ahort time ago that through an agent aha built a house, furnished It and presented It to her son before he knew anything of her plana. It waa purely a. present and a aurprlse. 8 he haa dona many other such things, and I am aura ahe haa the utmost considera tion for her only. eon. ' "Mr. Glover himself la a man' well along tn year. I think ha la about to years old. And I believe that he It sincere .in hla motives. He haa likely been Influenced by tha exeggerated ac count of bis motberls wealth, and In come and also ef her physical and men tal condition. Believing., aa ha moat probably does, that ahe la.tncapeble of !oktna after her property and Interests, he haa decided thai it la for blra ta eome to the aid of hla mother, Conae qusntly he brought tha ault.' ' . - -, SAW! DAY III FEDERAL SENATE Members of National Upper i .. House ' . Quests r of. Fulton- Royal bhinooks Block the Business of Congress. V , - (Waehtnctoa Boreas ef The Joeraal.) - , Waahlngton, ,D. C March. J,Thla waa "Salmon Day In the senate cafe. Senator Fulton' waa boat of all mem bers. ' For several years, Fulton haa had sent from Astoria several 7 - pound Royal Chinook salmon, which, at the cioee of the session he haa had prepared with special care and baked by tha caterer's moat skilled chef. - - Vice President Fairbanks, all aenat- ore, and many newepeper men were In vited to partake of Oregon boepltallty. Tha senators never overlook the Invita tion. - The Panama canal debate waa in progress, but though Important, It bad to atep aside for a 'time while the solons enjoyed the f last - As always, it waa declared tha most toothsome . dish of the year.', v : , When the senate come to a vote on tha canal, tha queatloa of ao quorum waa raised by Culberson of Texaa. The elerk rose and called - the -roll. There were only half a dozen senators In their seats. Again and again there waa a roll calr with no quorum. Meanwhile down stairs the senators consumed quantities of the matchless Columbia river flah, and business tn the - aenate was com pelted virtually to cease. ' until the TS pounders were entirely consumed, xnen the senators entered the chamber and dellberatlona were resumed... - . . . STREETCAR STRIKE - RIOTS IN OHIO TOWN (joarsal ipeefef Berries.) Portsmouth.. O., March I. Riots fot lowing the Importation of men to take the puces of striking street railway employee resulted this morning in the burning of one of the finest earn and other damage-to the companv'a prop erty. The sheriff says he may appeal for troopa. . DONA GILMAN MYSTERY . BAFFLES GRAND JURY j (Joaroal Special Servlee.) " ' " . Dayton, O.. March 1 The grand Jvry today completed Its Investigation of tie murder of Dona Oilman snd refuaed to indict any members of the Oilmen fam ily who had been accused of complicity. The oaaa remains a, mystery. . t . . . .f '. i . ' V . ' , ' ' ' I Roosevelt Lacks Fixity of PurposeCapable of Great ThingSr But Is Undisciplined Magnate Says Commerce Com ; mission V Is ; Not "Fair ; and ' Should Cooperate With Busl ness Interests, but Fever Is on No Incentive for Rich Now.- ' (Speelsl Dlspstcb' ts Tbe Jearaal.) ' Washington, D. C, .March t E. H. Harrlman latere today en route to tha south. He .aald: "The Interstate com merce commission' Is hardly fair. The members would . produce better results If they would try to cooperate with the business lnfertests of the country. In- , stead of antagonising them, but the fever aeems to be on now. . There la . but little Incentive for a man . to" be successful, but I am sure that tha spirit of fair play will prevail in , the end. That a more to the - purpose, than a square, deal We may have a 'square-i deal,' but unfair play. . It seems to be the tendency among all unsuccessful . people now to attack the auccessfuL" Harrlman visited the senate with nia wife today. - Senator Millard . of Ne braska escorted them. ,. Harrlman busily studied the- diagram : and pointed out senatora to hla young son, who sat by ' hla aide.' '.' ' ,.'..' .,..--,.. . : ... t j ,Xha Hatter With, taddjr. t-U -T;It im too bad that a man with auch " an" alert" mind aa President Roosevelt " haa should not have subjected himself : to mora discipline,'' said Mr. Harrlman, ' "Mr. Roosevelt la a very able man; he is capable of doing great things if there , were only more fixity of purpose, " said ' Harrlman. in commenting oa tha an nouncement of another change la Pan ama canal affaire by order of tha pres ident , v..-.' Would Balld tha Canal. ' . ' "Why 1 don't-", you build tha eanalT ' Harrlman waa asked. . "I would If I had the chance." ha re. , plied. - "Let me tell yon this: We spend more money every year on improve ments on the Union Pacific ayatem than could be expended In a year on' the' canaL If we ran railways like Panama affaire are conducted, there would be a , great crop ; of receiverships tn thla . country; -r ,-- ."The whole trouble in Panama la the lack of an executive. , How can you expect engineers to carry on work ef f actively when It ta Impossible to get any decision on, Important points from headquarters under . three or four', weekar." i ' ' ,k . REFUSE TO ISDICT CEII . VHD SVlaDLED SAIITA Ff Texas ' Grand Jury Decline to ' Proceed Against Swindler A Whp Mulcted Railroad. ; -. Jenw1 Rpeelal Bervlee.) ' Galveston, Texaa, March . 1. The greed Jury of Bell county haa refuaed to Indict a man who awlndled tha Santa Fa railroad out of $75,600, because of an tagonistic - feeling against the railroad in' that county. The grand Jury voloea tha sentiment ef the people of that sec tion when it lntlmatea that It glories In any man who can set ahead of the Banta Fa. .-- . ' Tha road ta charged with having fa vored other points on the line to the detriment of Bel ton and the people take thla method of ecbrlng agalnat the road. Frederick P. Mailer, who la known aa a - cotton buyer, aecured a bill nf lading from tha agent of tha Santa Fa at Belton for 1,500 balee of cotton he did not deliver. The bill of lading was negotiated at. a bank-and $71,000 paid. The company had to make' good tha loss and the caaa waa presented to the grand Jury after Metier had been located in New Tork. The man cannot be p rose out ed la any other county tn 'Texaa un der the a tat e la w. . BUSSE NAMED FOR ; ' MAYOR OF CHICAGO - 4 Jonraal leeeta! BerrVe. ) Chicago, March 1. Postmaster Buase nominated for mayor today on a platform thaf urges the people to adopt traction ordinsnoee - conferring fran chisee, but reserving to the city right of purchese snd a share nf the profits. TILLMAN WANTS ALL , information: a'"". -fj-tiirnl p-'"'J S-r.'-. Washington, M.inii i - r man today presented a r-" upon the prenlaenl Tr " I Information relative ii t posed construction o( t by contract and the i bids. ' -