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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1907)
ir " f rr-rr-t i sil This Issue cf TLo' Gun Jay Journal . . "' Comprises & Sections 60 Pccs Journal Circulation , Li 'J ISC- IS" Yesterday; v.- The weather Sunday talr, north east winds. " ' ' ... - ' V; PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. II1V NO. Blv . PORTLAND, OREGON, S.UNDAY. MORNING. MARCH 3, 1907. Famous rTired Butterfly" Photograpk of Evelyn Ncstit .Thaw,' ' v vi ; rosea by .: Otantord W tote, '.and Ohown to tne jury as JDviaence 1 ' L '"f I UP BIG ;n nmrnnii i n SALOOtIS TO BE FORCED . -X I r. I. McKenna Declares I tliJ f . rL " a n:ii I ms is UDjeci oroiu to Increase Licenses and Add Restrictions B&dlcal Faction of the Initiative . One Hundred Quits the Pre- nt Body and Joint ' Forces . With Municipal League and Works for Initiative Petition. Broken la twala Ty factional strife ever the provisions of the 11,000 liquor lloease bill, different ' elementa In the Initiative. Ona Hundred have Tartad company. The taction lad py Francle 2. McKenna, favoring tha adoption ' of the bill, baa made an of fenalva and da t enelve alliance with the ' Municipal league, and In conjunction with . that body wfU fight out the lleenaa issue at tne polls tn me June election, , . "We hare bad a committee, at. work in cooperation with the Inltlatlre One Hundred from the beginning .of. tbla movement. Had not that body taken the Inltlatlre In framing a blU-Cf thla kind, 'we would bare done ao," aald J. T. .Wilson, a member of the executive eftmmittM or me Municipal ' league. "The bill aa' It stands and aa turned down by the majority rota at the Initla- fin, Hun4rt la a' MAX tttll and sSaws our organisation. We have about 140 membera In rood standing aud ready to work for the pea. eage of fhla U1. Our lioenaa commit, taa baa been' working ' With ' the One Hundred" oommtttee la the framing of the bill, and it waa at our suggestion that the bill waa modified la aome re- speots, permitting the free lunch and eliminating the heavy bond required from saloonkeepers." .- Tha Municipal league's . tloenaa eotn mtttea la oompoaed of Bart Bronaugh, Miller Murdock and Mr. WUaow. - OerUag the The work of aecuring atgnaturaa for tha filing of the bill at the city- hall neat Monday baa been puahed elnoe the fight on it began, and tha required number of names haa. been eaally se cured.' The legal number of signatures requlred la J.050. .' There were 1,000 names signed at nooa yesterday, and it 'is expected . that there wUl be MM -Vtn the bin la filed tomorrow. C Ainsworth, who baa oppoaed tha Ihltl In . tha Mi Ins. ,n- Tritl.HM One Hundred, and who waa Influential In laying It on the . table at Friday nlght'a meeting, aald: - (Continued on Page Fifteen.) STEAL FORTUNE Hundreds of Registered Letters of . aValue . Estimated 1 From Ten Thousand to Fifty Thou sand 8eoured by Robbers. ' OperesJ Spatial Ssrrlae.t ' Chloago, March I. -A mall . wagon wit a Its oontenta af hnndreda a reea. ered letters of a value 'estimated at be tween $10.0 and I60,00. waa atolea ifrom la front of police headquarters at Wa hoar when the' streets ware crowded tonight Three hours later tha rifled Wagon with Its locks broken and mall aeka. missing, waa' found four, miles instant ;. . v "'... ' . : ?he wagoa contained deposits af mail ofaeefter tha closing hours of banks, hrokera and operators en 'change. The tatlona It gathered mall from were the tock exchange, board xf . trade, the ieart cf the wholesale produoe district, he Masonic temple and the heart of the stall dlatrlot cf State street The faot hat the theft occurred Saturday night a a day . when many.offlcea close at koon, and the money klnga deposit their nost valuable mall immediately after anklng hours, probably prevented the oss from being maon greater. The - wagon began to travel over lta-1 oute at p. m. , It collected four large ouches at tha board of trade. Then f proceeded to the Masonic temple and ioked up . two other aaoka. At the outh Water atreet station It got four eU fllled baga. When it stopped at i. he stock exchange the driver, Cbarlee Patterson, entered the building and Una tha eon tents of cna mall boa to fhe wagon, he emptied them Into the cka reserved for that building." He i"turned to gat the remainder and after I few momenta, returned again to tie pdewalk. - The horse and wagon were lowhere la alght . Urhe startled collector ran to tha cor :r and looked In the four dlreotlona cf e two streee. ' : Fortyf our stations ('rted detectives In search of the rig. I The robbery Is the third big . one rlthln four years. , Burglars tunneled jndar tha temporary building on the yke front and carrlnd awy' 171.001 In ,mps; two years later a wagon con Mnlng registered letters nnd packages lined at 110,000 waa atolen from In ont of the - Masonto temple. The Uvea escaped capture in both cases. III: MAIL WAGON r r h ' - .''''yK- ' ,; ' R.V' r x- , -r-' 7 1 " ' 1 1 ' 1 1 ' .'! I . " "' '" -" 1 " I "' '" ' Admiral Thinks That ; Agent of Diving Will igeancepnopamiTornertnmiB (Heeret Hew y Leataat Leased WHe.) ' Char'don. 0 March J. it baa fallen to this village to receive the first known authentic opinion from Admiral Dewey as to the part which the divine band played In the battle of Manila, and la working out the deatlny of the United States aa a world power. William P. Newberry of this plaoe. a connection of the. assistant secretary of tha navy, re cently wrote to the admiral npon. thl subject ana haa- received a reply which Indicates that . Admiral Dewey - relies strongly In the fact tint the Lord waa on the aide of the United; States. Admiral-Dewey replies aa follows: -"Acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the litb instant, I have to atate that, the Irteaa which you advance are not entirely-new to me. - I have many times expreeaed the belief that, in tha THAW ORDERS WIFE AWAY While Being: Treated by a Dentist, Prisoner, Refutes, to Permit: v Evelyn to Enter Cell, and After Perfunctory Greet- V .; '--M'-r ' jng'Tells Her to' Leave'; With Oath. -l' : ) (PsbtUaen Pasai ay Special Lessed Win.) . '.New :Tork, March I. While tempo rarily oeoupylng a cell In which ha was being treated by his dentist' tbla morn ing, Harry K. Thaw refused absolutely to permit, hla young wife, tcpass Jhe door, and after a : most perfunctory greeting ordered her away with a half stlfled oath. Astounded at this con trast to hla altitude In court- those pres ent could not believe that he was In earnest until he made hla position clear by' peremptorily dismissing her in re sponse to her request that aha be per mitted to alt beside him while he waa In tha banda cf hla dentist . "So, I don't want you In here," Thaw said, sharply. ' "Go away. Take a drive around the- park or do eomethlng else, ha concluded, half atlfllng an oath. ' t With a reproachful "Oh, Harry," tha OLDEST PREACHER DEAD AT AGE OF OS YEARS (FTtBtlehers Frees ay Ipechl teasel Wire.) Little Rock, Ark, Msrch I. Rev. Oeorge Biiaafleld. skid to b the oldest preacher la the world, died "at the home ef hla son-ln-lew, Thomaa Cankey, near Huron, txard county,, it tha age of 10S yeara. JSr. Brlnsfleld 'waa a local Methodist preacher and . a remarkable speaker. He came to Arkansas It yesrs sgee frntn Alshama.' He always at. tended the conferences of his church t - . . , ,- ' the United States Was in WreakingtVen- Spanish-American war, the United States waa the Instrument In the hands af God ' for' punlahtng Spain for her eenturtea of : tyranny, and that Spain's loaa of power and dominion waa part of hia plan.,..;.;'., ,-;' . ,;.:.... u "Tou conclusion that, if the divine wOl waa being exeouted in the battle of Manila bay,' the human areata must have been free from vengeful paaalona aa usually control men engaged in- bat tie; la perfectly correct ao far aa It ap plies to me, and I know that many of the -orneers snared witn me tha feeling of regret that duty compelled us' to take lire, .anffrDT pity ror those' who must suffer and die. Jtla natural to suppose. however, that this feeling did not ob tain to any extent unong the enlisted. (Continued oa Page Ten.) ;f young woman,', with tears la- her eye left tha Jail. - . f ! - At the earns time be gave ether Indl oatkma of, hla overwrought condltloa by seising and ahaklng a messenger boy whom he thought waa ataiing at hint la an objectionable manner. , , . , , , If the asylum la hla fata, .Thaw, will have no one to blame aa much as him self. . His "crasy" . action ' In giving out a statement attacking Jerome on Thura day,eventng may play a' prominent part In railroading him . to - Mattewan If a oommlaalon in lunacy la appointed. . . - Thaw, however, today haa given the dlatrlot attorney another meana of pre senting tha case aa to hla Insanity,, be fore a lunacy commission. . Hla letters to Banker Lyon of PIttaburg, written since hla Incarceration .In the Tombs, It Ir, aald, wilt prove very . valuable , to Jerome In tha lunacy hearing. . RIPE OLD V and at the age of 100 yeara he walked to Bsteerllle,' a distance ef (9 mtlee, to attend the' conference at that place. He waa born in 'Guilford county. North Carolina, May 17, 17. In- im he married Miss Charity 6klpper, sad cf the union alx children were born. After her death he married again and eight children were born to his second wlfa He had tO grandchildren. ST. great grand children and 13 great great grand children. , .' . , . ,. POOR FARO IS HIS LAST REFUGE According to Rtlf ul Tale Told by -William H. Dickson His Wife " Turned Him From Ranch He i Earned by Hard Work. . Asserting that his wife had turned him cut of their home and la . trying to aau na piaoa ror is.OOO and keep all the money. ( William H. Dickson, aaed Tl. was taken to the hospital at the county poor rarm yesterday afternoon. . Dickson told - remarkable atorv while -waiting at tha "court houae for tha poor farm ambulanoe. - Ha aald that he owns a farm on tha Section Use road, near Ores ham, that ha settled on it 10 years ago, when, he first came to Oregon. - Three yeara ago bla wife tired ef him and to get hlra . to leara gave him 11.000 and persuaded him to aeea tne property to her. 1 - Arter'TiaRing hia old home In Soot land, Dickson returned to Portland and went back to- tha farm, Last Septem ber, aays Dickson, hia wife, urged by her brother. W. S. . SteeL formerlvl ooumy commissioner of ' this county. toia aim ne would ava to leave, and refused' to permit him to stay en the farm any longer. He aald aha refused to wash hla eiotbes . for six weeks be fore he left the farm. - 'The old man' then' went .to Oreaham Bad earned a little money, picking ap ples, Slnoe then he baa been wander ing . about from place , to .. plaoe, not knowing 1 where to' go. suffering from asthma and Brlcbt'a disease. , ' Mra. Dickson haa sold all the stock on tha plaoe, according to tha old man's story, and has tried to aall the farm. Dickson saya Mra." Dlekson e brother, Steel,' has - given hsr a lot on Eaat Taylor atreet for ! II. and la uslns all bis influence to get her to sell the rarm. Dickson aays Steel baa urged Mrs. Dickson net to aire any af ihe money as hsr husband that ana - geta rrora me aais er tne rarm; -. ' Application for admission to tha noof farm waa made by Dickson yesterday. He told TuUge .Webster the; story of how be had been ejected from hi home and ssys the Judge-baa premised re act aa bla attorney In bringing s Jaw suit eo regain nis snare .or tna tone plaoe. 1 settled ' oa that- rarm 10 yeara ago,", said the: old man. "I worked when I was strong t and ; vigorona, ol eared up -the place, built the bouse and barn on It and stocked It 'with anlmala and grain. , 1 made the. place what It la by my work, and now when I am old and not able to work any more, I have' been-told to get ont and must go to tha poor house." - 1 STEVENS' RESIGNATION CAUSES GREAT REGRET (PeblMiers' rreas by Speefel Leased Wire.) unicago. March i. waiter h. w h son, a member cf tha Chlcage Com mercial club, and ona ef the club's del era tea on . ths trip - of representatlre commercial bodies to the : Isthmus - cf Panama,- cables back from 'the .canal sons that the membera found the cli mate much more equable than any of, the tourists oauld have believed. Wil son' says the situation is well In hand. He. declares that the resignation of Chief Engineer Stevens caused, general regret t , , .... v ', i 'V ; -;, , .. ..-.,.. ' . St.' ;' vv, .-.. ... V SEIJillJIieEDBlSUIT Vast Wealth of ; Church) LeafterBorie of Con: tehtion-S6n . Found Helpless iand in Dire 4 tv Po ve rtylmpe rsonated : by D u rnrny tK (PabUahers Press by Special Leaesa Wire.) Concord, N. H-, March . The highest priced and ableat lawyers In Nsw Eng land- are preparing to . fight for and against, the proposition of George -W. Glover of Lead City, South Dakota, a aon of Mra. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, hla daughter, Mary, and nephew, George Baker, ' of , Bangor, Maine, that a re ceiver be appointed for , her , property, they alleging that she can no longer and their lights are. In Jeopardy. The defendanta In the suit. comprising the leaders of, the church government were. In conference all day and' far Into the night devising, plana to combat the demand and allegations of tha petitlonere. . ' , . '. ' Tha vast wealth supposed to be poa- aeased by Mra. Eddy la really tha bone Of contention. -. Leading membera of the church . supreme government state that NEW YORK BADLY SHAKEN ;v- ; - - . . .v,i; - Tremendous Explosion Jars Metropolis and' Country for Five -: Miles AboutDynamite Magazine Just Outside PennsyK V f i V. vanla Tunnel Blown Up rPnbnshers . rreas by Special Leased ' Wire.) New'. Tork. March I. A tremendoue explosion which ahook the whole city of New Tork and tha country for many miles around aa by an earthquake oc curred at lt:l o'clock this (Sunday) momlna at .thejdynemtte maxaslne Just outslda the main shaft of the Pennsyl vania tunnel on the west elope of tM Palisade ridge near Homestead. N. I. Ona man waa fatally Injured and many injured. ' '. " -.'."- A large force or men, several nunarea, were at work-in. the tunnel at the time of the explosion. -' Three ambulances quickly responded from the North Ber gen hospital. Meantime ona laborer had been taken, eat unconsoloua . ' The'effect of the explosion waa tar- rifle. The police thought a gaa tank had gone up on tha weet aldet everybody at Srst believed the exploelon had taken pkvse somewhere la . Manhattan. . The LAUGHED' 8 OVER A FLAT JOKE; NEARLY , . .. , (Hearst Rewf by tenseet Leased Wlrar Florence. N. J., March a.- Becauae a friend told her a Jeke that ahe thought the funniest that ahe bad ever Beard. Mlas Barbara Barr,' a' member of the Baptist church choir, laughed for eight hours. Then It took two doctors at houra to bring her to a normal condi tion.. Thla la the Jofcaj. . went to a dentist to have a . 4 ' she la worth much less than 11.000,000, and say that, ber sole Income la small royalty on her books. .A set . of theee costs $37 and tha royalty la not large. The plaintiffs say Mra Eddy haa accu mulated millions that have vanished. -Plain tUTa Side ef Case. , J Ex-United'. Statee Senator William Chandler and . Frederick W. . Peabody, attorneys for , Mra Eddy's . heirs, - say. they 'will .have .her brought Into court on the hearing of the. petition. - 'The following la the contention made by the plaintiffs counsel tonight?. ' Foundations of ' action' were laid montha ago In .the disclosures at Pleaa- antvlew, where a human dummy waa employed In the impersonation of Mra. Eddy. .. . ' ...;,.-. .j " , Theaa dlseloauree were met.- with a (Continued on Page Ten.) One Killed, Many Hurt. . i , ! explosion happened 'Bar follower' ' . Four men were . guarding 100 pounds of black powder, which waa to be taken Into the-tunnel.- 'Sparks from' tha fua nei of a locomotive need In the 'engi neering part i of the . tunnel work fell oa the powder;' A tretnendoua explo sion followed. Thousands -of pounds of dynamite stored in tha magaslna went np in one awful roar. Tha engine waa torn, to pieces. Four men at work at tha hour -were blown' to atoms. The earth was torn Into vast boles. A cloud ef smoke at first Impenetrable, hiding tha aky- completely, arose, and for a time it waa impossible for any one 'to approach the- scene of the disaster.- The secondary effects af the explo sion were marked within a radius of live -mllea' In Union Bill. Guttenberg. Hackenssck. Englewood and a score of other- towns nearly every' pans of glaaa waa broken. . -., HOURS ; KILLED HER tooth pulled. It wa pulled and it hurt "Oh. doctor."" said the patient "wHat a bleaslog it would be to be born with out teeth." ... -"But my' dear ninn," said the dentist "we are, you know."' The peculiar thing about tha case ie that Mlas Parr does not recollect the Joke and was not aware of her long spell of laughter, - i UnVVIHILLU TOMORROW Plan orYardmen' Who; ; Wiir Demand Higher ; Wages at: Once or Drop Their Work Declare Pay Has Not Been In . creased, for Years, Although Price of Living Has Cone Up ' 1 Strike of Eastern West- ;."ern Employes First Step. , If the plans of , the striking' chute tenders of the Eastern Sc. Western Lum ber company's mill do not go awry, every big lumber mill in Portland will be tied up tomorrow morning, and from -1, (00 to . 2,000 , workmen will be tem porarily thrown out of employment-Tha , V ' strikers allege that they have the prom ise of a vast majority of tbe yardmen Join them. ,'. ' .' . .... , 1 The mllla Involved are . those of tha ; iLaivru ec t fb ici a uumofr f, company, x the North Pacific Lumber company, tha Inman Poulsen company and tha Port- ' land Lumber company The yardmen W1 tha East Side Lumber company have been annroached and are said to have shown a- willingness tocome,out also. Tardmea Only W1U Strike. - While an attempt ' will- ha made to ' tie tip all the mills named, none but the ', yardmen are expected to go on strike. ' The yardmen number from 20 to 15 per cent of the entire working force of the ' mills and the men actually striking will . .(.. 11..'. Q U U ... W . IVI ...... W V UU . A spontaneous demand for higher wages, beginning with the outbreak of the chute tendera at the Eastern A Western, ." plated strike. . - - , y The yardmen . assert that while the '', price of lumber , baa multiplied several .L times during ths past fsw yeara, their wages have never been raised a cent. From $1.78 to I J.60 for a work day of , 10 noura la saia to te tne wages paia the yardmen.- -' ' The plan of ' the strikers, aa out-., lined by one of the leaders last night -la to assemble tha -day gang at the mills Monday morning at tbe regular hour and to make a demand for a straight raise of wagea "of ZS cents "a day. t If tha demand ia'- not -promptly -v- ' tu, uiv . men wui muse v& so w work...,.' i - .-. .,.;.. , . "Berlrs Valon Today, -';...... -im moranni to sinae oegan wica the chutemen and la aald to have spread rapidly. A few of the yardmen belong ' to an Inactive organization known as the Sawmill Men'a .union. Thla body . took no Initiative in the present affair, but It ' will attempt to Jump into the breaoh .UW V1H.I H . . . " , UUIU M tUJ V . . 1 1, today and will enroll aa many mUhnen aa poealble uxfon Its books. , - . -No peace conference waa held yester day ' between . the Eastern 4b Western ' Lumber company and .their striking chutemen. . The manager of the con cern atated that thla plan had. been (Continued on Page Ten.) FAILS TO WHIP ' t SPOUSE Angr Woman Who Was Beaten , . by Husband Is Given Oppor- r . tunity to Even Up Score, but ' Lacks the Nerve and Muscla.'- .' (Reeret Kews ay leegeet Leased Wire.) i . Kansas City, March I. -An angry woman stood before Jiidg - Kyle in police court ' thla morning. ' Sbe , had, been cruelly beaten, she said., by . her husband, Elmer Ogle, a grocer. . The husband .had been arrested and stood beside his wife before the Judge. ' ' , ' ."But I love the woman. Judge. -I lova her and that'a tha truth," . . "He doesn't. Mrs. Ogle decrared. "I don't - believe, he does,, either," Judge Kyle said. - -: "Lieutenant Bnow go upstairs and get that horsewhip. - Now, Mrs. Ogle do you think you have the nerve to horse whip thla man in front of every one here!" . . r . - Tbe ' woman'a face brightened, fine leaned towards tha J"rte easerly. "Have X'gef'ths nervet Well. Juat watch ma 111 show- that man what it la to beat hla wife." That's the stuff," the Judire sM. "Fining doesn't do much good, hut horsewhipping does." . The woman straightened up snd s!r ed at" ' the quailing man. Hhn f -: I . I ap 'her right Sleeve and elen.;i, lr right flat, and then she faltered. "JudsV." she said, "letting n. r drop limply to her al-le, "I can't i - My muscles are too sore to t i msn aa 1' want to. I don't moke a bum Jb ef It." Ogle's faca brltilti-nd l,n dtaoouraoment aqln v Kyle fined- him tliV). "I Wlntl I COllM Ini" man," Mrs. OfcU am I. was led hark to tr- ! "I wl-4i you hi I Kyle. i 1 : (