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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
LIGHT, AIHY.CATCMY: THE -MUSIC SUPPLEMENT. GIVEN ; FREE "TO SUBSCRIBERS QF7THE SUNDAY J0U7. .7 7;7?r? BKAL ESTATE7 FOR SALE 7 t '. 5 -7 , nvsiNKss - Fon bale t Journal Circulation 7 i ' '77; ".V HAVE ' iOU "A.- WANT ? AM 'AXt I TEX jlOWfU, U TEI XJESlCm JOURNAL APS PAY; DIP 1 ",: The Wsather nain tonight ', and -7 1 v V " . Saturday; southwest wind, w , ' y VOL: : V N0.7 310. 7 FRIDAY T EVENING, V MARCH ; 1. . 1907TWENTY ' PAGES. ; PRICE TWO; CENTS. : ? ni wn mi ax an Da, fits osait ""7f!-t Sworn Detailed - Statement of the Girctilatiori df THe Oyego : CT-:- fStfx,?.; . -:-77.. ... 7 ..y . .fctQXr; - f7- 7 v. " ... .' 1 ,;'7x:'7j '.'. . . . ; - '. .. i . I . . ;'. rr- r-r rt 'Vvvv- 'tr PORTLAND,1 OREGON, Htt of Oragon) ) . "! Pronlly appeared Titfora ma ' CL 6. ackaofr, : who being duly worn according law, doth de pose and aay that ha ia the pub llsher of "The Oregon Daily Jour nal." and that the average dally .'circulation of "The Journal" for eaeb day during the month of "February waa IM? " ' ' ' - '. -, (Signed) ' i.-i CrB. JACKBON. Publleher. v Sworn to and aubaortbad before me thla flrat day March, 107- ' SCOTT BOZARTH. . Kotary Publlo for Oregon. i THE JOURNAL has more circulation in Portland and in Oregon i : man - V . - ELECTRIC HUE WILL BE BUILT OH SANDY Commissioners Grant Local Cap italists Franchise to Lay Four . Miles of Rails From Intersec tion at East Sixteenth to Rose City Park. ,: ; ROAD I "TfTenchlwe yeeterday to Bartman ,ft Thorn peon and the Title Guarantee Treat company to build (and operate" en electric atreet railway on Sandy road, to run through the Roaa City Park addi tion, a 1,100-acre tract aaat Of and ad joining Irvlngton. npw being developed by theee eompanlea. ' " ' -'4 --The near eleotdO r Una wW begtn at the lateraeetloa of Bandy road wtth Kaat Sixteenth and Eaat Davie etreeta and wni'rutt'a: aiataaoa oftfour-mtiea In: er tiortheaeterly dlreotlor toward tha Co lumbia river. ." ' Work to aeglm Soea. ; Arrangementa have bean made . with the Portland Railway, Light Power company to build and operate tha road and it la xpeoted . that the work of construction win begin within the next CO or (0 days. The line will run for three mllee through an undeveloped residence eertton of the ettx of I ' Jjvlngton and betwten. North Bunny thrift) and Vernon. W TM. tract enntalna 1.111 acrea that waa taken over laat fall by a ayndlcate comooeed of Hartman Thompaon, T. . H. Wilcox. Walter T. Burrell, B. O. Reed, F. I. Fuller, Tom Rlehardaon, Dr. Q. W. Harrla of Eugene, R. B. Miller, O. W. Taylor and A. B. Blauaon. Protect Cltya Xatereet. In granting the railway franchise ample provision was made for aafe ' guarding the cltya interests. Sandy road for the entire length of the car line la to be araded and graveled by the : street rallrray company and the fraoks are required to be on the street level. The county court also granted to the ? same Interest permission to lay -a six- inch water main on Sandy road, Thla main will connect with the big peninsula supply line on Wlberg lana Th promoters of the Rose City Park addition say that It la the largest single tract that has ever been cut up and marketed at ope time In a western city. WIFE'S FICTION STORIES GIVE ANDREW DIVORCE TTri 6d by' M ai n 'Strength to Make Husband Love Her, Says. Judge. Frazer,. Review- , ing Strange Testimony Charles B. Andrew waa granted a vorce from Mrs. Ella O. Andrew d by Judge Fraser in the circuit court this morning after a week of one of the divorce trials ever most sensational heard ln tha local court. Judge Fraaar aald that ha was forced to the conclu sion that Andrew had told tha truth, and that Mra. Andrew had not. "Thla woman haa ahown an ability In the way of making diabolical aceuaa ' tlons that la astounding." said the judge In announcing hla decision. "Her faculty for the Invention of plot end Intrigue ta amislng. It axceeda anything I have ever read 4rt notion.' .. Andrew had baaed bla auit for di vorce on. aUeratlOna of cruel and in human treatment Various sensational episodes were charged by Andrew, among them that hla wife had crawled through tha transom over tha door Of .his office, haW followed htm Into a--, loon and had threatened to commit aut ocide and send him her dead body for a Christmas present'- Detectives from tha Portland hotel, where Mra. Andrew lived after she and her husband sepa rated, testified that they had heard tha - sound of klssea In her room near the hour of midnight Andrew - aald Ms ; wife bad promised to cease her perae ' eutlon If ha would give hr hla prop- - arty. :y .': eeneetlonal Cnergee. -t All these charges were flatly denied hy Mra. Andrew, and counter charges Of alstlll mora sensational nature made. 1 . , v 27788t 1077.25,510 2.;.. 28,200.. . 3 . .' . '. 25,308 . 4. ;,;r. 27,432 5...... 28,102 O..,. 7.28,409 7,;.: 28,650 8... 7.28,740 0 .7. .28,016 .11...... 28,824 1 12:.;. 728,062 13...... 28,750 14...... 28,824 15...... 28,080 16. 20,452 17...... 27,310 18...... , Total for Month of Fcbruay. . . . , . . . .704,431 Daily:; Average" for February I . . 28,372 . ' rially Average for liot 2S.5T8 .any omer uany newspaper ... ... GIRL'S WILL FATHER KILL HER SLAYER Oil SIGHT Thomas Baldwin, Who Killed Four People to Avenge His Honor, Contemplated Suicide After Crimes but Lacked the Nerve. Ooeraal Ipfciil Icf-rlee.) Bloomlngton, 111.. Maroh 1. Thomai Baldwin. , who la . In jail here," oharged with killing Cora, Elseman and three other people at. Colfax, walka hla oell and talks Incoherently about the wrong dona him by Cora Elsemaa'a accusation of criminal assault . Ha seems aot able to ' ral(se hla crime in killing them. Hla ' blacEened' oharacter 1 : , h!s aole thama. ;vf; ,, ; f . X-flasIc of-whlakay -found Jn..hla pocket contained atryohnlna, It is sup posed be intended to commit autolde after ahootln-r hla victim Samuel Elseman, the glrl'e fath-r, whoae wife aa wall at daughter Cora Be Id win's victim, la here and threatens to kill Baldwin -on sight . Baiawm waa a wen-to-do merchant at Colfax and bald In tha highest re spect until about a week ago, when Core Elseman. a girl aged 11. charged him with criminal assault, upon which he waa Indicted. ' Baldwin declared It blackmail and aald there waa no foundation for the charges. ' He waa released Tuesday. Yesterday ha went to tha Elseman farm, determined upon revenge for what ha termed, persecution. Mra. Elseman met him at' tha door, and Baldwin Immedi ately shot her Cead. John Kennedy and his wife ware In the house and rushed into the room. Baldwin killed Kennedy Instantly and fatally wounded Mrs. Ken nedy, firing a aeoond ahot which killed her. The girl who preferred tha charges witnessed the tragedy and ran Into" a rear roo? , and Baldwin followed her. The girl fell upon ner knoea and begged for her life. Baldwin reloaded hla weapon and flreC three times, the first shot killing the girl. Baldwin gave himself up Immediate ly. He la 57 yeara old. Bhe accused him t of Infidelity, aaylng that hla af feci Ions had been won by a woman physician, Mrs. Jennie Bowen and that the only reason Andrew wanted a divorce waa to allow him to marry Mra. Bowem Mra. Andrew testified 'that she had employed a smsll boy ta play the de tective for her and follow Andrew about tha city; that she . had found Andrew and Mra. Bowen in compromising posi tions' at Andrew's ofQo: that she had gone to his office at night and copied letters written to him by Mra Bowen, and had employed a- lineman to tap telephone wires and had listened to con versations - between Mra. Bowen and Andrew., "" , . , . Judga Fraser reviewed tha testimony of both parties, declaring at tha outset that, either Andrew waa-a moat de praved Individual.- and - Mra. Andrew moat ' extraordinarily affectionate, or Mrs. Andrew had ahown ability In tha way of making diabolical acouaatlona that waa astounding. Tha judge point ed out mny discrepancies In Mra. An drew's atory, and said that whenever other wltneaaea gave testimony on mat tera In whloh Andrew and Mra Andrew contradicted, each, other, the corrobor ating testimony waa always In favor of Andrew. - , ' gtreaaeus Xfova XakJng. ."Mr a ' Andrew had been particularly strenuous In following her husband and trying by main strength to make htm lore her. v it appears ta tha, eourt that - ' i . . - - (' I ... . :iOX;.28,837 20::7:28.884 21.,. ... 20,104 1 22. V.... 20,105 ? 2320,014 rt 24.,..;.25,065 25.:.;.. 28,685 26...... 28,006 27.7..20,110 28.,..., 28,680 28,808 WILL PROSECUTE SELt WHISKEY Buyers . of Liquor Must Have Doctor's Prescription, or Drug- 7 gists Wii Suffer Unless Pos sessing Retail License All Violators Will Be Arrested. Tram now on any druggist who la caught selling whiskey except upon pre scription of a physician will be prose cuted for selling liquor without a 11 oenee. This rule waa made by tha city license officers this morning. Several complaints af the Illegal aala of liquor had been made by druggists against other druggists, and the offieera de cided ta arrest all who violate h Coplea of tha ordinance regulating the aala of liquore ware aent out to all drug gists, with a note that If they wished to sell irquor " for other - than- - medicinal purposes they would have to take out a liquor dealer's license. Section I of ordinance No. 117S4 reads as follows: "No retail liquor dealers lldense shall be Issued to aa r person, or firm, or cor poration, conducting a saloon, barroom, or drinking place with more than one bar therein until the lioense required by thla ordinance for the additional bare after this flrat has been paid; provided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the pro prietors of restaurants who pay quar terly into tha city treasury the special occupation license tax . as provided In amendment to ordinance No. 11784. and who serve liquor with meala solely, aa a part of their regular bill of fare, and not otherwise, ,and who have no bare. signs or dlsplaya of liquors; nor to gro cers who pay quarterly Into the city treasury the special occupation lioense ss provided In amendment to ordinance No. 11784, end who dfspense ltquora In unbroken packages only, and not to be drunk on the premises; nor to druggists or pharmaclats who pay quarterly Into tna city treasury a special occupation- tax as provided In amendment to ordi nance No. 11784, and who dispense liquors m unbroken pacragee only, and not to be" drunk on tha premises, or who in good faith aell or dispose of al cohol or compounds thereof for medici nal, mechanical or aacramental pur poses." , no woman would have thus pursued any man except ror the purpose or annoying Mm." . The court found that Mra Andrew had struck her husband, and had sub mitted mm to all the peraecutlona oom- plalned of. Judge Fraser aald (hat If ail tha acouaatlona made against An drew regarding hla relatione ytllb Mra. Bowen were true, It waa unfortunate at eaat that Mra Andrew had no testi mony in addition to her own to prove the many meetings at various placea In tha city that - wera- charged. He said that he believed Dr.'Jesephl rather than Mrs. Andrew where their testimony conflicted, and that tha story of the tapped telephone wires waa at least highly Improbable. ' The couple were married In Denver, Colorado, In 1810. - Andrew waa form erly a prominent . attorney, of La Porte. Indiana. . He aald that hla wife had begun heaping Indignities on him In their Indiana home, referring particu larly to an attempt to obtain 110,000 from her grandfather's aetata by ques tionable means, ' ' , C. E. LOSS SUED FOR -. . DELIVERY OF STOCK ' (Joernal gprctal lerrtee.) ' ' . San Francisco, March 1. H. E. Wells haa sued C. E. Loae to compel him ta deliver stock which ha aaya Loss prom ised and which waa . valued . at f&.OOO. Walla etatea In hi complaint that ha waa employed aa auperintendent of eon structton of tha Ocean Shora -railroad by Loaa at a salary af 1209 a month, with tha proviso that U the company wera formed ta take aver the construc tion' o(. the rood U shares of tha- capital stock of the company ahould be given td Wells. He claims Ioa failed to Bra up to hla agreement, . v 7. N j DRUGGISTS WHO "iaMaeaWii i, ,n ,, . iiaa a in m i iliiil I nil - i n n i l i i iwiii n i "H Ht , . 4. j. i ".- Brotherhood Organized by Company Said to EBo1.X)yertoXause ofUiwoilal- gafTiated Workers Members of tha Brotherhood of Elee trlo Railway employee of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company are clamoring for. higher wages and from this fact the striking members of local 181, Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America predict an early victory. Members of local 181 assert that tne brotherhood Is due to their own artful management They say they have hon eycombed the ranks of the brotherhood with Amalgamated men Imported from distant placea for the purpose of capturing the brotherhood and using It tn the Interests of the strikers. The two organisations have now Joined Issue and the members, at least of local 181, are confidently predicting that unless the company capitulates there will be a genuine tie-up this time, and that within a very few days. Company Delays Answer, ' Manager Fuller admitted today that a request for higher wages had come from members of the brotherhood. He said that be had expected to give them an answer by, today, but had Informed them that there would be delay of sev eral dsys more. Mr. Fuller would not say whether or not the company Intends to make any concessions. The Brotherhood of Electric Railway Employes of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company, bettes known aa the "company's union." was organ ised shortly after the beginning of the strike by the carmen who remained loyal to the company. Manager Fuller FEDERATION OFFICIALS' TRIAL AGAIN PUT OFF (Journal gpeelal Renin.) Boise, Idaho, March 1. Although dis trict court wlU convene at Caldwell, March 6, there will be no trial of theMoyer, Heywood and Fettlbone casea for two reasons. NO mandnta from the supreme court giving the lower court Jurisdiction has been received, and it Is believed the cases will he sent to Boise on a change of venue. If the eaaea come here, as seoms certain, the first term 'of oourt will convene April t MONTANA FOR STATE -J AND SEATTLE FAIRS geetal Dtapatra to Tb Journal.) Helena, Mont. March 1. The house today passed the bill appropriating 140, 000 for a atata fair during the next two years and In oomnjlltee of the whole, by 14 to II, recommended for passage the bill appropriating 828,000 for the Tukon-Alaska exposition at Beattld. I i i SING IT 1' The song la sweet when tha singer la asked to repeat It ' Ton will . want to hear again and again the charming words and delightful music ' given aa a free aupplement to every subscriber to the Sunday Journal. Tha song poem la by one of tha beat , of the popular wrttera; the tnaalo" is by America's leading composer. . And the supplement la absolutely free to everyone who takea The Sunday Journal. . . , - Thla delightful piece. of mualo la hut one of tha many featurea that make Tha Journal tha beet-Sunday paper In the west If. you want ta have part In the dlatributlon of the mualo-supptement 'that accompaolea every paper yo ahould order now .. , , V V Ca SUNDAY JOURNAL 7 eeeeeeeeee4eeeeeeeeeeewa)ee STEAMER CORONA, WRECKED OFF HUMBOLDT BAR-. 7 Run cin Company wa .made ex-offlclo , president of the organization. Falling to make an appreciable lm preaslon on the loyal carmen by stand ing on the corners and calling on them to Join in the strike. Organiser Burton of the Amalgamated Is said to have sent to various, sections of the west and to have secured many old Amalgamated j men who happened to be out of em ployment At a great expense these men wera brought to Portland and wera gradually worked into tha company'a employ -as new men. Ooaa aa Klasloaarles. The company has broken In a large number of new men In the pest few weeks and It Is alleged that nearly 100 of them were union carmen who came here at the Instance of Organiser Bur ton to do missionary work among the members of the brotherhood. It Is al leged that they, have won over the brotherhood to their way of . thinking and that when the proper time comee the membera of the latter body will go out on stride In support of the mem bers of the association. The request for sn Increase of wages Is said totba merely a preliminary step looking toward this end... The next step will be a formal demand of the strik ers for a minimum wage of 28 cents an hour, and for the abolition of the photograph system. If these demands are refused, then, if the members of the Amalgamated can make their boaat good, the tie-up will coma WOMEN TRAMPLED IN RUNAWAY CAR PANIC jdsornal Sneelel Marries.) San Francisco, March 1. -One man waa seriously Injured and several other persons. Including six women. Injured In less degree In the runaway of two trolley ears on Haight street 1(111 this morning. Both cara were crowded. A panld ensued and men trampled women under foot. A number of passengers jumped. The man most seriously In jured wss among these. He alighted on his head. THREE CHARGED WITH . DANCE HALL ROBBERY (gpeelal Dlapetra H The loeniaL) Astoria. Or., March 1. Lest evening tfte grand Jury returned Indictments against Julius Wilbur, William Stewart snd Mabel Grant, charged wtth robbery In the Waldorf aancehall Baturday last They were immediately arreated and placed under 1400 ball each. e AGAIN! . . k ("JISJ''SfJLe5le3Sn SHY IRVIIIGTOn SEWER IS BEST ; of its: CIJISS Experts Report to City Engineer That Recent Damage Will Not X'Coet More ' Than One Tfioi sand Dollars to Make as Good ai N e w? No better sewer than tha Irvlngton aewer waa ever constructed In Port land, according to tha report made to the committee on sewers of tha execu tive board thia morning by Engineers John McQulnn and John Bingham. The two engineers had been called In as ex perts by City Engineer Taylor whea complaints of the sewer wera made by an evening paper. Acoordlng , to tha sensational ' atory published tha defects In the sewer Were great and alterations would cost' about 150,000. Tha engtneera found that the total extent of ' tha damage would not exceed $1,000. Both said that tha aewer was tha finest one for its slse ever built tn Portland. The Irvlngton aewer la tha largest ever constructed In Portland. It waa built by the Pacific Bridge company; It rims from a point! near tha foot of Russell street a distance of two miles east - - HARRIMAN TESTIMONY BASIS, OF A NEW LAW (Journal gpeelal "Service.) Springfield, III., Maroh 1. Harriman'a testimony regarding tha Chicago A Alton bond Issue hss been given the state administration upon which to base a new law requiring railroads to secure the state's consent to Issue bonds, and to give In detail Information aa to the uses to which money raised on bonds la to be put - 4 ' ' ' ' i ' ' M i . . - m 7" ".rJJSXstar 5 rrri.ju 7!' : 7, Lit:-: - 7 r-- , . THAW INSANE WHEN-WEDDED - ' " :..'-;'-V'V''; Alienist Evans Admits That Defendant Was Out of His Mind When 'He Wrotelong fellow Letters, When He Drew Up'Will v 7 (Joe rail gpeelal Serrlee ) .New Tork, March 1. Dr. Evana waa recalled to the stand at tha opening of the Thaw trial thla morning. There ar constant rumors tnat District Attorney Jerome will apply-for a lunacy 1 ootnmla alon, but thla la Improbable, aa tha trend of eventa suits Jerome better , than a commission would. .1 The defense baa not yet put In much of a caae, Thaw's own actions area ting the general impression tnat ha la of an sound mind now. . The jury fa certain to find, tnat he" killed White .and will likely pronounce him Ineana. - The state cannot execute st. Insane man.' and Thaw's confinement at Matteawan. la the alternative. Jerome's assistants think Thaw la insane. , f v -; . . A batch of Thaw's letters, making" II In all now before the court, waa Intro duced this morning and Jerome eontln ued . crose-exarttnlng , Dr.- Rvana, the alienist of the defense,' about- them. Judge Fltsgerald Interposed to' prevent prolongation of testimony unnecen rlly. Ha told tha Wltneea that knowl edge did not mean Information and he How the Vessel Went Ashore ..Is; Mystery. Will Be Total Lossr No Wind; Heavy Seas. ... H 7 ; T- v. ,.r. . t,-; WooraaiBpaelalJ(rTct f VTIIMV. Pal . ' I v, juma . ine noine Coast, Steamship company's steamer" Corona went aground on tha north apit af Humboldt bar shortly after 11 o'clock this morning and tha- Ufa saving crew ' pulling to tha wreck expecting to brtngv-the 100 panic stricken nassen. gera aa weU aa the offlnera safely ashore before dark. Heavy swells nave coon pounding t fie Steamer, which ' Has partly submerged, but thla afters- noon tna see Is calmer and it la be lleved that all those on hoard will be brought ashore alive. ; - - Tha North Pacific : Steamshlo com- ' ' panys steamer Roanoke, from Portland, . w swiiiing oy ana captain Dunham la rendering every aid possible. Two tugs went from here Immediately' upon re ceipt of tha newe of the wreck but tbey wera unable to get wlthlrr a quarter of ' a . mile of the ill-fated steamer. One of them returned with the. report that the sea -was-becoming calmer and' that undoubtedly all aboard would be saved. -r 1 -Waa teexter ear. - ' r ' The Cortepa, left San rranclacO-Thurs- day nigh for Eureka with a full cargo of freight and a fair passenger list All ' n told there wera about ISO people on boards including tha officers and crew. When. tha vessel. pulled jt way irora the-''-San Francisco bay. Had the aee? eon- tinued rough probably half of thla num. - . her would have perished In. the waves. ' as the- lifeboats could hardly have lived ' in tha aea that was running when the steamer first bumped on the aanda. The accident la tha result of a weak steering gear, according to tha best In- .". formation obtainable at . thla time, aa ' - tha steamer refused to answer her helm ' in going over tha bar. Tha weather waa clear and the wind light, but this faot notwithstanding a heavy sea was running.- No sooner bad tha steamer ' burled her bow in the aand than huxa - combers began to break over her and tne passenger rushed frantically . to -the stern In search of refuge. So far ae la known no one was Injured er washed overboard, although many wera In eon-" V stant -danger ' because of the terrible sweep of tha breaker. ; , . " -. ' ..' .,, Xa Ba Total 1Treaa7 1'. i ' Tha Steamer would have iwm. . total wreck had tha aea. not subsided aa . quickly aa It did. but It ia poaalble that - ahe may ba floated ahould tba weather ' remain calm for a few daya - The Corona waa built in Philadelphia ', In 1888.' She regtetera tons" net and -la of the following dimensions; Length. 120. J feet; beam, tS.g feet; depth of hold, la.7 feet ; .s-f.;. , Poatmiwter Aecoaed of Fraud. .. Ptoaraal Special Serrlee.1 ' Manes, Okie, March 1 Poatmaater J. T. Manes has been Indicted on the charge of defrauding tha government, by falaely reporting , stamp canoe Ua tlona. - .-.. .. . ,. j-., did not want time wasted in explana tiona of tha meaatnge of words. ' s-- Dr. Evana examined -ThaWa will and Its codicil aa wall aa tha letters. lie refused to atata positively that ther proved Insanity, but aald: they showel tha writer was laboring under delusion, particularly the. delusion thst young women were being mistreated In White's studios, v ,. . ' - Wltneea said there. waa not enough In tha lettere ta determine the state of Thaw's mlsd. ' Finally Jerome secured from htm' a direct statement thai he believed Tim Insens when he wrotw the IjiihWh.w letter In 103, the time of t i inM. flagei to 190S. When: tie llllle.l I- . - Evana aald he had known "'. from paranoia ta recover. 1 . contrary t Jerome's theory tli.t i . . nola la Incurable. The eourt took a rce n tr , mlt Evana to reed Dr. )ii';-. , , i tlmony snd learn if thv" ' ' not suffered a fonrett , cent Insanity. Kvun . . . ,.i t Ing at lunrh time wiln . deveta to eating. i ' ; " v'.- J- ; . . ' . (. MY, i ' 4 r 4