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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND; . SATURDAY EVENING, ' MARCH 2, IZ27. "sssaasnesi .11 EVELYN'S SACRIFICE WIN 'jPravery Shown by Girl Wifa Ap- " predated at Last by Mother and Sisters. i PRISONER DEPRESSED. - v. : a tV OVER INSANITY TALK Jerome Realize That There) la Little 1 Danger of aa Advert Verdict and Will Seek to Declare Thaw , a ' ' Maniac " ' , ; " (Jwnl RiwIkI Bill ilx.) I New York, Marco I. Mri. , Evelyn Neabit Thaw baa now been taken by L, 1 bw'i mother and sisters to their , heart Mrs. Georn Lauder-Carnsgle ' expresrd the feelings of herself and the .Countess of Yarmouth, aa wall aa Mrs. .William Thaw, when aba aatd:- - ... ' "Evelyn Nesblt Thaw has proved ber ' aelf possessed of a bravery that chal--lnriges our admiration aa hsrunself tshncaa draw out love. She faced an . ' ordeal unflinchingly thai might eauaa . any woman to shrink, and aha baa dona ad without tha least thought of aalf. i ' Child Tat la Thought, .;' J -"She' Is ao much Vdunger' even than . her years." 'child yet In thought, bat with all tha wealth of a woman's love and wllllngnrsa to sacrifice herself for ' lier- hiiHband. Bhe.le- such - a little ;ereature, and of the kind one would ex pect to shrink from tha harsh things in life, and yet aha baa aeen a great peceeslty and "bravely faced It . There 'Is something grand, something that la .W and splendid about her, She la tha 'bravest girl In lha world. . "When, freedom comas aha and Harry "will make a long 'tour abroad. They will go around tha world and be gone a long time. They will try to forge. ' (mil new scenes tha dreadful horror f tWa trial Thaw's wife and mother visited tha . Tombs today. . The prisoner la depraased Jerome's efforts to send him to tha tnndhouse trouble him. - - ' : - - District Attorney Jerome continued "' to hammer away at Alienist Brans yaa ;"'. terday and hla persiatanoa la trying to secure soma testimony to the effect that Harry K.' Thaw la now tnaana Strengthened the belief that be realises ' that tha prisoner la In little Or ho dan ger of sn adrers verdict from tha Jury and that ha will- be content if ha can . have-Stanford White's - slayer dent to the Matteawan asylum. . , 7 . ' To not Insanity, y ':"' I Attorney Clifford Hartrtdg had a talk with Thaw's mother, wife and sisters at the Hotel Lorraine last even ing and afterward the lawyers Tor tha defense - wound -p their week's work DIE III -URECK Head-on Collision Between Pas ' sender Train and Special , ' In Connecticut., CONDUCTOR OF SPECIAL 1 HELD BY THE CORONER One Train tarried the Governor and . . Member ( the Mew Harea Gray .- Coventor's Secretary Among In ' . jared Issta of the Victims. ' FOURTH! ., ' t rJeoreal Kperlat arrlce. '" ' "Waterbury, Conn, March I. Tha ape -elal train oa tha New York, 'New Haven - '. ft Hartford road bearing the Mew Haven Oraya home from a banquet in thla , city, at which they bad been guests of A. .Company A of the same regiment, col- -. tided with a regular train head-oa at --about 1J:I5 this morning- Four train- - men. members of the two engine crews, were killed. Cbarlea P. Jul In, secretary - te ha governor. Captain William jBpen- - eer, commanding the troops, and .other ' officers are among the Injured. , . - The coroner today ordered the arrest of Conductor George Eaton ef the ape ; Vial train. Governor Woodruff was oa the traln. He was not injured, , The dead; .i '.i. .... t 'v . ' ... Engineer Will Ian I"lsher, New Ha ' van. v. ' i r s j ' , , r , urn r I 1 Th t Knginaer Norton, wateraurjr. . riremaa cnariea carpenter. Jnknown fireman. - . The Injured Include: Lleatenant Ka , - thatr ntoh. New Haven; Lieutenant 'Crabb. Maw Harea; Charles B. Julian, ' New Haven, private secretary to Gov ; ernor Woodrnf f ; Conductor Eaton, Bag v.'gagemaster -' Brennan, Assistant Poat . roaster William Tattle, New Haven; Captain William B. Bpenoer of Company r., New Haven. ''IfGurcs have made it famous" can be most truth fully said in fe feiTingto Hojtetter'a Stom ach Bitten.. v For. over 83 year it has been proving to the public its ability to care all ailments of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. ' Let us urge every sick man or wo man to commence taking I nOSTETTER'Sl-: rc:.iAcn eitterS 5 this very day, for we know rood health will be their sure reward. - It cures Tocr ArpeUte,T"Bloating. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, CC-'i, Grippe or Female v:.u - . MEMBERSHIP IN THAI1 FAMILY Mrs. George L. Carnegie, with a conference at D. SC. Delmaa rastdance. v ..'- The prlaonera relatlvea and counsel were unanimously In favor of fighting at every step, to keep Thaw -from being aent to tha madhouse, and It will be maintained to tha last thai Thaw Is perfectly nana. -.- , i- - At present it Is pointed out that if the trial should be suspended on the ground-that the prisoner isnoy oftrn; WOULD BAR FOUL- FROM PLATFORM GhaU smokers be prohibited from pot- sing the fragrant Havana or pulling at the more or less aromatlo Missouri mar schaum en the front and rear platforms of Portland's electtio caret This ques tion bids fair to become a much die- cussed subject at the meetings of the local "sewing circles," and ' "mothers' congress," . unless the protests of ths fair sex are beaded by the officials of the street railway company and -the LOOKED TOO DUDISH'TO BE HIGH EXECUTIVES OF STATE AND CITY Oovernof Chamberlain and Mayor Lane ware standing on the corner of Third and RUrk streets this jnornlng discussing polltioal problema. - Two dirty faced little urchins with bundles of newspapers' under . their arms bad their beads together, a abort ' distance away; .' . . , . . . awbo'i da guy wid'the cabbage leaf stuck In bis facer asked one of . the other." ,7.: . r .-.,-., WDIi'T LEAVE ARIZC:iA TO ' GET $9,200 INHERITANCE Prospect- of Money Is Not Enough to : Induce Heir to' Travel to Bay City. - - CJomtal aiMiHal lMriA.1 San Pranolsoo, 'March I. The pros' pact ef getUng l,10 la not sufflolent to tempt Vrank' I Doe of Phoenix. Art- sona, to make a trip to San Francisco. This man, who will not. leave his home for money, claims to be a nephew of the lata millionaire, John 8. Doe. The latter bequeathed 5,00 to eaob-of tbe children of his deceased -brothers. - Wben final distribution of the estate was be ing ordered by Judge Coffey, Attorney Cbarlea Oa.maa, representing Lorlng B. Doe, a brother of , tbe Arlsonan, pro duced the f oUowIng latter, written - by the latter to bis brother: ' Z received your letter and was glad to bear from you. -Tour information agreed In part with my expectations. I would be glad to give you my power ef attorney to not In my behalf, bat If my presence is necessary en final set tlement, we will drop the matter cold. That la not to be considered.' By order ot Judge Coffey, Mary Mar guerlte Doe, 16 yeare old. and her mother, Mra Eleanor H. Stetson, wife or J. B. Stetson, ware reapecuvely mads the recipients of IKOO.toa. Doe made hie wlf and danghter bla residuary leg ateee, the daughter eventually to Inherit the mother's share. There remained' $U OOe.OOt of the estate to be distributed. Tbe claim of Frank Doe, with sc orned tntsrest, amounts' to l.!00. but be would rather forfeit that amount than leave Artsona, - Why, be doss not Say. i , ."' , ACCUSED TELLER HELD ON ASSAULT CHARGE ' Uearaal Spe4al tervbe.1 ' Chloago, March S-Oeorge W. Fits gerald. assorting teller at the United Sutee eub-treaaary, wee arrested today charged by Harry Friend.' a newspaper man, with, assault with, intent to kill, nugsraia aasaulted friend at tbe Xed HER 'WmM Sister ot Harry Thaw. sound mind, ha would ge to the asylnm with the . murder charge atUl banging Over him. and he could not regain his liberty until this action had been dis posed of, after he bad been discharged from the asylum. ,, Thaw'a lawyers say: the' reason for the change- of counsel in the first In stance waa that tha attorneys first en gaged favored having Thaw declared ln sane..r 7. "Cr ..... . . v SMELLING PIPES . UF. STREET CARS aforesaid amokers forced to forego the pleasurable delights ot a smoke en a crowded oar. 'r . - :'.' ? . The ladles Insist that th thooghUesa smokers blow clouds of nicotine laden smoke into fhe cara, very much to their discomfort, whilst the men demand the right to stand In the vestibules of the cars and enjoy an early morning smoke when on the way to work, and to re 1 eat the aame pleasant - process ' when returning borne In the late afternoon. ' ' ,"DatT Why, dat's Chamhlen, de chief pasasa at Salem. - - Ain't youse never heard v. blmT" .. ,.'ti .. "Who's de udder enef -TatT Why. dat'a iana Ain't youaa never beard of blmT He s mayor." X3ee crickets!" And ' then a abort pause before: .'--; . - v ' . "Well, I never thought' dose guys would .wear, parfoomery and turn der pants up -at de bottom" era! building with a billy because, as be -aaaertod. Friend bad insulted -bla wife while seeking news. Fitzgerald gave. bond. The case will -be tried Mon day. . It was from Fitzgerald's cage that the loat S1T3.000 disappeared. He baa been shadowed by detectives and news paper men during all the time tbe In vestigation haa been la progress, COUPON ADS MAY COME ' . HIGH IN A FEW DAYS ' . -';-;.'y?.-:' Unless congress passes a new postal law before It t adjourns Monday the poatofflce department will enforce tbe ruling it made several months age in regard ' to magastnea, ' newspapers and periodicals containing advertisements bearing return coupons. Tbia rule la la effect that such coupons are writing material which the reader uses to ad dress the advertise! a and la therefore elaaeed as merchandise. ' The slgntBoance ot the ordar-liee In tbe fact that a higher rate of postage ie. charged for transmitting merchandise than periodical If congraee fatla to paaa a law regulating the coupon fea ture the department will prosecute all Offenders. . ,,,'.; .. ..; Lambing In eahtera Oregon will be gin about March le. s-. t - .r -r- T ' Sozodont "The Honest Denti frice' through sixty 1 years, - no honest effort has been spared to give to vthe public a Dentifrice that the teeth require, yltjr an Alkaline, slightly., astringent, de lidously fragrant deodoriser and tonic for the tooth and ' mouth structure. It is your loss if you axo aot using it. . ;-;.J FREED BECAUSE - HE IS HARRIED i V i Youthful ' Looking Dv Beamer . . Cleared of Charge of Being :-'v.'-'4 -'.y In Baloon. TELLS COURT ABOUT ' " ' HI3 WIFE AHD CHILD Arreated for Creatine Disturbance, , He First Gave Age a Twenty Tears, Bo Charge tYaa Changed to That of Minor to Saloon. - - ' Although St yeera of age, married and the father ef a bouncing t-month-old baby, V. Beamer of tenta, Oregon, was arrested by Patrolman Bales last clgbt and booked on a charge of "minor In a saloon." Beamer, while intoxicated. was In the a at of ralslnsT a disturbance in Martin 'Phillips saloon wben taken Into custody. He attempted to ' resist arrest but waa promptly subdued and taken to the city prison. ' . When asked his age by Captain Bai ley, Beamer declared that he wae but 10 yeare old and accordingly the charge of disorderly conduct upon which he waa arrested was chanced to a minor visiting a saloon. - .. ' Beamer, who la ' extremely youthful in appearance waa brought before Judge Cameron - thla morning .and asked - to plead.' -n ; '. '' "Where de' yon reside," : asked the court. - . "In Lents, your honor, with my wife and child," replied the prisoner. ' "Marrled-r-wlfe-hlld," gasped Judge Cameront "Why. I thought you. were under aga At least ths crime of which yon are accused is a minor frequenting a saloon."- " . 'j ;-'' ' tin II years old." declared the de fendant, "aa my wife will testify, to If yon telephone to her." . "What la the age of your babyt" meekly asked Cameron, not yet over the surprise occasioned by the atartllng revelation ' :., .. '''''-' ..-.. . "Nine months," snawered Beamer, "and as fine a child as yon ever saw." "Well. well. -What do yoq think of thatr commented the ' court JMr, Beamer, yon are ef liberty to go, but refrain from liquor and give Four money to your wife." v.. - -Overjoyed, Beamer hurriedly left tbe courtroom bound for that dear Lents. PATROLMEN BELIEVE WOULD PAY TO LISTEN . If sanctioned by the police committee ef tbe executive board. Deputy City At- toracl JlUgerald contemplates -deliver- ing a series oi lectures lu us memDsrs of. the police department on various timely legal topics affecting the police buslneoe. The movement baa met -with the hearty support of all of the police officials, aa tt la the concensus of opin ion that the course of lectures will In crease the efficiency- ef the department and remember the next time Ton Buffer from pain caused by damp weather wben your ueaa. nearly nurats rrom neu ralgiatry Ballard'a Snow Liniment It will euro you. A prominent business man ef Hempstead. Texas, writea:"! hbave used your liniment Previous to using it i was a great . sunrsrer from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I am r leased to say that now I amfree from hose complslnts. t am sure i owe this to your liniment" Sold by all drug gists. T. , Lowney's ' ; :' ' ' . GET A BOX NOW. . . - -'. .Here me Fftfee Saiiwmy . . - .. . . . , -. - , . . Don't Dipf Dip, Dip . - : 1,000 Fountain Pens sold in our store the last six , ; ' : ' months.' We know there are three good kinds': rl , .. ' ' ' " ' " "j. f Vatermatt, L .; Parker and rr r -ConklinYSelf Filling . : , Try one for & week, if it doesn't suit get your VT money back.: Our Pen Doctor will fill-your penr free.' ' . J'1 - , -. ' ' . 1 When you're In a hurry, call our Exchange 1110 trunk lines, 20 extensions.' Over 100 talesmen ready to attend to your orders. We want monthly" accounts with responsible. folks. Our delivery system is prompt, and we are always trying to improve it. We take Canadian money at full value. : ' mm mm V : : : COURSES PKDFOSEO Correspondence School Included -.-New Features In Regular .: v: . Departments. - - -. (saevtal Plapetcb la T Joereal.t Ublverslty of Oregon, Eugene, March t The faculty of the jinlveralty are planning to make many important ex tensions la ths next two or three years, one ef the most novel ot which will be a correspondence department along the lines of the modern ' correspondence school. Many of ths departments at the 'varsity are so arranged that with but little expense correspondence courses can be included to accommodate the hundreds of people in the state who de sire higher .' education along various linss and yet cannot afford to attend aa Inatltutlon or leave their poaltlone may have their desires supplied. The exaot limits that will be set to the new eouroec has not been decided, but as it is ths intention of President Campbell to have the system working by next year, further detaile will have to be de termined very eoon. - Tbe prospects for the next two years seem very bright, for a great many ad dltlona will bo made to the school, es pecially In the engineering and tech'' nlcal departments, as physics, biology, chemistry and so on. It Is quite certain that a new engineering building will be constructed within a year, and that a great deal of additional equipment will be provided. President Campbell wants ths departments In engineering to be made ae strong aa possible, alnoe be feela that what ths "state needs le men with a good technical education to fur ther Ita development - .. Beyond a doubt also- another ' gliTs dormitory- will be -erected within ithe next two yeare. Many other improve ments will also be made, which will not be given out until the board ef regents meets. -- -.. :'""' .-. f . v.. V ' Preferred steak Cemaed aooda( ; Allen Lewis' Best Brand. . - CENTRAL f-TEKBERS tTAD AT; COAST'S riEEKRESS ;i 1 1 , I ' " ' t , ,( , ' , . " eanaBsanBeasssaaasnsassasBBaB. i t ( Mississippi, Valley Congressmen , Threatens Withdraw Sup- ; , port From West.' - ". ' .. t- . - - . 'ft- ' - . X- - ' ' -Washington, IX C March j-Tt the Paclflo coast members de not look out for their own - Interests . better than that," said a middle west congressman today, - speaking of the ship subsidy bill, which passed with all the Pacific llnee but one out out, "we shall never vote again with them for ths four per oent differential to -belp"thftnV7 build wsrsblps out there. We gave - them votee for the amended bill from Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Wiscon sin, Nebraska and Kansas, They were thrown down and did not resent It We cannot be expected to look out' for them, if they will not look - out- (or therasehrea" . '''..'.'. - -' ". . But the coast members are not wor rying about that , They believe they acted -wisely -In changing their minds sbout defeating the bill unless they got all they wanted. .'- "-' ri - "The bill haa "gone to the senate," said one of tbe Californlana, '"and prob ably will be passed In Its original form. Then It will go to conference, and we will have friends ' on 'the ' conference committee. We expect that the bill a passed bv the senate will be sent to the houas with a favorabls report, I believe that the Paclflo Unas win be put back." 4 cent Famous Eresh Chocdlates725c,-50c THE OLD FASHIONED KIND 'i ": ? ' ' THEY'RE ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL : RENEWED OPEII SWIDRYS FROa--iOR.-a.-TO 2 p. V'm'.'va. 111 " "" ". 1 " I. . ,.....;;.: r. V v '. ''. . , - - . V . . -'I ;,.', 1 ' l - .1 I ' G:30 P. M. . RCGULAB , VALUE 80 SIX QUART BEMJIJ KETilE ROYAL ENAMELWARE i ",h ni rt-AM.c vxNY V 1 All the Stores SIsiilii . , - - " . - "... . ". ,i ' v ' ; Splendidly Located on . I , " v' BURNSIDE STREET, BETWEEN ' FOURTH ' . AND FIFTH ' Elegant location for any kind of business. . Here's a ' ; , anap' for; persona in quest. of. , ' -V . " auperiof locationa. - GEVURTZcSSONS FIRST AND YAMHILL' AJeyaw.teeasw tb rtrj Name reaaCtsmlaOsMlsgy.Crxlsia ojc.'33e EVEKY'UAY. ' 1' i'Hl3 V y '- - s v syt , lOur ' Optical Department t glasses right 'at 'the right - back if you're not satisfied. to Q p. M. REGULAR VALUE 804 tn the Fine ABEAUTIFUli FACB , Seed suatB tar PmrOralare and TetWiaealals . ef the rmJr Ut eiwure tse Ooatcloitoa, ke BMree ' Bklo ImperfwtKma, aUkee hw Bleed end' imiKTie -the BMlth. ' If roe take M BEAUTYSKIN - Bemneial -tssslte are gsatssteet er may m ,cinoKiTia cvnacii. 'eo.,'v t OUR STOCK. IS ' - - Can You fr. V - vU.-i&i Far I.''' - Vej sex .L- rnnnnns ss wmm e is complete; we fit place always money - ., f! r ' : a. -' . .' ' '. u