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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
1D07. Ii t TIIC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 16, , TROUBLES OF THE LOVER BUG. ...- ' Copyright, iaot. kr AnatowJiBHtbulut, , . . V.l, . .,. Im '1 . , i,'' ' a month mrf Vv Vn.t -T- v 7o:' vY67 1 fB SAIJRS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . FOR KENT FARMS. TIMBER. B. S. Cook tB-POO tna imai tnl hllirt . aiUM - llUlffc room houaa, rkaa In oa Wrldlar at. What mora caa wa aJ It'a a pickup; act quick; . tt'rma. ' ' a AB.aniVltaanHrtil aarTv afaw o.poowa arlnt. , lr mod am boma. ery rloaa la aa that aiilcn- via raaiaanca atraot, wmaiar. 11 oa iu a cnoica noma, tula u tba plaea. ea it. ' 4.80O Ona of tha nratttaai and kt knllt plana tn Hnlladar addliloa, oo MultDomab at. I tocalltr tba bat. Thla la a aw.U boma - ana u caeap; a.aj terma.. as. too naanr " B room nooaa oa a oraar lot la a aplandld aaat alda loealltyi aouaa a&a au eonraniaacas. W.IICO 0oo4 (-room boaaa am RaJaaf at. . nil tot. inia u a Dargaim. 1100 Bxtra rxd 6-room aottafa full Bieat baarmaiit. larfa attle apaco fot twa . raorai " 1iUmI aaA m, aana. Ill, faraaa. f.lM Bplaadld t-roora booaa and 1 fun Vila aa Ovb at. near liawtborar; food full oaarmeaii, inia la una piaca; carina. 11,880 BItant Brw (-room cottars on Xm ara. inia la aa larai ana coar- nttia noma for a coop la aa eompUta aa a manaloa coald ba: $A00 eaab. balaaca (11 monlta. Voa't pay rant aa katr. 4ajOBr lI-fcprr Bona aaoj rou tot oa aoh iota, aaar auwrta. " il.OOoCyfaw aVtooa aotUf aa Baft BtKk (.. aaar Albarta at. Tkaaa ara anlr a law at oar abotoa bora la bouaaa. Coma la and aaa fat lut. It taaaot ba ascfllad. . B. S. Cook -fit Co.- - tSl ALDEB ST. BTFINEHS LOT IN ST. JOHNS Oal J.ono. 1C1IABD BHBPAB1V CO., au aoana, vraajoaw - : Rose ;. City Realty Co. lota, car aarrlea, aU tat ta trait 7iw; 4, raao. avi arraa fear car HnI T-rooni koaaa kacka. bar, mod. cblckaua. Vwla, arartlrd s.i, a& arrra. Ma Habar. tt alia railroad; ; tlra aalllnf 43r. tlaa loU on Belmont at.. M aar fara. 'TQ MOHANGB For acraafa, kta or Improved it" propoi if, aa Improrrd vallar farm pajlag a caah rant af p . , ' 4n-acra vhaat farm, duo acre la crap: all atork. fead, farming tool, ga wltk place. - Call qnlck. MOBAfK BLDO. iH.ano NEW T-roem modern konee, cemeat . walk, atreet Improved, Bear la oa aaat flda; ' thli. ta a bargain. ' $4.3'0 Onruer BOxlOO, rotta bcaaa, If tb and Kat Main ata. 1 (B.immj Comer inoxioo. T-room konae. an ktnda of fruit: a fine borne and a bargain; ' corner Baat 18th and Madlaoa ata. 12.900 ('orm-r Roxino, new K-room modern ' kouae; $1,000 caab. balance times Slat and UUaaa fta. 2.400 Corner 50x100, fine modem S-room bouar. atreet Improved, en Hkldmore at,; half caah. $4.S0 Lot 50x100, -good T-room keaaa. Bear , la ea weet al.le. .. WILLIAMS A FARMER, - " Rooia :, Waahtngtnu Bldg. : The Best Snap en West SIe I "-aa-room momlng-houae. Inratlon tba beat -I gk If I a - Hawttcrne Realty Co. JS5 Margucrlta av., corner Hawtborna. Pbone Tabor old. t Willamette ' Have a few lota left In Willamette W IVivlnO fM, rjHce t3TS and un: g2A caah and $5 a month. Come andtaxa your choice rore"aSiiiieeor.ln prlref g-MoT place fur bomebulldrra and Inveatora. For aala by x C. A. Zyowskl . Willamette Station, St. John. car. - TOCB OPPORTUNITT-Twe lota, 49th at, be tween Hawthorne are. and Section Lme read, on Mt. Scott Una; for a homo or Invaetment; $100 down, balaace payment.. Addraaa Own or, SOI ltk at. , FOB SALE Beautiful boma. 10 acrea, 4j mllea from Vancouver; new bulldlnga. O. A. Woe tar, Oreharde, Waab. a FINB modern 9 room bouae and fnl! lot on 15,1 and llnyt ata.; thla la a bargain; $7,000. Wllllama A Farmer, room 30 Waahlnglou bldg. ftm FARMS, aaiall traptf and lota; bargalna ea . O. W. P. electric line, 0. R. Addltoa, Lenta, Oregon Take Mount Scott car. Sc. FOR SAI.B or exchange for eltr property fine ranch of 9'JT arrea In Wlllamettn valley, ft mile eoutti of Portland. Inquire 0. w. Allerbnry, 90 South Beventk at.. Elk.1 temple. ' FoB SALB 4-ronm bona, tare S.Vfont lota, on Ht. Johna carlhie, for J70 If aold thla week. Phone Kaet SOL $9.2,0 HL'Vg tare mom and two S-room arm era oa weet aide, cKwe In, between two carltnea, paying over 14 per cent net. Wretera Oregua ' Truat Co.. 291 Stark at. 1 FOR SAI.B. $1.600 Kew modern 6-room houaa, quarter block ground; balf caah and balance on time; aniel be aeld exm. He owner, 1.114 Vlllard eve., Willamette elation, Ht. Jolma ear. - FOR' 4YAT.K $" St. Jidina real eatate mort gage. per rent Internet, due next tall; good eenirltr. M 41, care Journal. roR sai.b riY tub ownkr. - ,Sv 4 rnoin bonae. S0.1 Gautenbeta. i (nm g-roian modern cottage, 100 feet af TViil'atna kve. - $400 Vacant lot located la deelrable part ef AIM- Addraaa IM, cara Journal. Phone Bail fefcd. ' w - FACTOR. If BITB AT 8T. JOHNS. 100xi0. on railroad, onlr $.1,600. BICUAUD RHKPAUO CO., ' . St. Johna, Oregoa. Here's Scmettlns: Coed 24..Vk Fine pteea property for atona or apartnianta, oa TMrd at. ear Una and only few mlnutea to Third and Washington; orer UiO-trxj frontago; aoroa Inooma; aaay pay ' an en t a. Oarnar. Journal. fS.ZnO iao DOWN, balanea Ilka rent: rood era or ann-new B-rootn cotiaire. iih Kant Taylor. A. P. smith, owner, UtlVk Oarla at. M-ACBk) ctilrkaa ranrk, ckaia to ear, 1.800 aiuv eaaa. aia par bmbib. b iza, journal. I3.T&0 t BOOM boaaa. modern) aa eroaprTonal aargaia. w. J. raddleora. Bt. Jobna, or. PBNINSULAB. Tbraa -larca baalneaa eornera and otef ""Vta. beat location, aura to epredlly adrance; terma. w. H. Haat, 2US rortiana DouiaTara. Arbor Lodge sutloa. fit. Jobaa ear. INTESTIOATB. 0x100, large new modern doabla atere, beat location on penlnaula, (7,000; H caak eaa be ranted at (SO per month; anltabfr tor grocery, drure or meat market; coma aooa. B 12B, care Journal. wruT irtrB baboaiw, BF.M1UENCB PROPF.BTY. ' I4.R00 bnya a full lot oa Hlierroee at., sear Fifth, with tare booaea, one room a. . aha other S rooma; monthly rental 411; thla U a bargain and mnat ba aold thla week. . . . JAMKS J. FLTNS. "- ". Ill Chamber ef Oommeroa. BABGATN for caah, beautiful loratloa for twe cottacaa; Houta r-nnnyaifle; corner, inquire a. uncoin. near jnirty-miru at. SI'LENnm HOMB la Bnanyalde, larra well arranred rootna. Data room, pantry aaa m.l ooncretc baaement. modern porcelain plumb ing, extra good Interior nnien; atreet worn done and paid! AOxloO graded and la word lot; ,H block of ounnyalde car; only $2,600; gt.Ano down; might cooalder all aaa offer. Uome laud Co., 146Vb Flrat at. v FOB SALE A 8-room houo at 1 earner alaaoa ana urane are., nonai nu ana toilet; baaement; lot 80x100; call at boaaa. A GOOD comer on Seventh at., weat aide. S T-ronra honaee; a great nargala; rent gts; $0.200.. Boom 4. 109 Second at A FINE lot 60x129, S-moa and T-cooa bonee; Income $SO0 per year; $2.HA0 owner going ea.t. Boom 4. 108 SecoaS at. A FINB 100x100. aear ear barm. AJ- 4. 109 Jocund at. Una; $760 t NEED $7O0 mnat eell my new modem 7 -room f bouae, Bt, Johna; terma ea balaace. Bona 4.. 100 Becond at. . . .. , . $1.TM BrTS 4-room bouae and corner lot ta SuimTald. rloae to carllnet eaay terma. Weat ' am Oreaoa Truat Oo., 2ul Stark at. -COS -heme, nice lof; a bargain! Meikeijotin, t;oar rarx, at, $260 MWIt-Buya 4-room eubortwn honae and 40x120 fenced lot; price $ob0. E 131, JournaL IS 1-OTS And 4-room konae. fronting river, for 12 0K): .xxr down. Uome Lead Co., 146H Flrat at, . . YOUR LAST CHANCE. - Only BA Iota left In Til ton addition, at kalf ealne. and they will be gone la a week! home bo tide ra raij tomorrow morning; a peculator, atay away. - THOMPSON 4V OOD1M, StiO Belmont at. QUARTER block on Wllllama are., near Bread K-a w l.,ml Urn owner mm fid way, cheap, fcrma,. Waihlngton king. BBACTIFVL quarter Work "lo Irrtngtnrj; a Ian ' iio'i and lot en Wllllama are., near ateel bridge. Inquire of owner, SIB WUllaroe are, II A anna allly feller wtiat don want bargta la tray lota In Tremont Piece addition: atratea all bane graded, water piped te krta; $10 ' down, $3 per nrnn. J. FRANK PORTER, .222 Waalilngtna at, . . , MOIIKKN 4-rooa bouae. toilet and bathroom, Rant 2fth at,, Ankeny car line; deal direct .Hh owner. Tl. 11. Dlcklnann. Commercial bldg., corner Waahlogtna and Second .tar T-ROOM bouae, barn, three lota, plenty fruit. - See ewnrr. Mr. William Schlndel,, 1824 Bay ard at,, penlnanlaf. - --- FIVE lota with 4 room booaa, eutrmlldtnga and bearing fnilt treee. 2S$ McPheraoa at., Penlnaular atatlon, Portland, Or, A 60x100 CORNER lot. Seventh and Tanlnd ata., Hellwood, $.'B0 Addraaa Joha allllar. fiB,. rri 1 1 w 'g, 27 Alberta at. $.eno FOR rot Rotloo with twa bouaaa aad a bam. oa Rodney av. KS0 f a lot aoxX wtthla 100 feat ef Cnton are. $1.4110 for a S-room houaa and bara, lot - fioxloo. on Grand are.; flna location. $2,400 for 6 room houaa, lot $0x100, anj Unlnn are. We bare eltr property ef all klnda for aala or exchanae, alao ranch property. Call In end examine our Hat. IL O. fit Ilea A Co., 620 Union are., aear Buaacll at. $S,flOO PT'TS mod era new 4 room realdence en reet aide, walking dl.tane; terma. Weetcrn Oretoa Truat Co... 291 Stark at. ALPINE REAL ESTATB CO.. u Montana. r,wm ! iibone' Mala 1W17 H b! wltk 12-room kouae, cluoe tn, $11. not). Seuom kouae; eaay terma; $2,260. S acre. FOR by owner a modern 4-room kouae at 4NT Tlllemotk at. Fire Vacant Let $4.000 60 uai . North IHth near Kearney. ro you- want to build realdence or apart hiental Ilere'e yoar chance. Owner, Journal, FOR SAI.B Ot 1O0 a Hall at. 160 eet weat of 14th at., $a.nnrt; IV, 100 corner Hall and 44th.- $.TAOf- airlenitld elcw wltbont climb. Owner. 4N0 nail at. - , FOR SAI.B $HBO 4 room hnwae, hardwood fla tah: rlly water; lot 6O1IUO: located la a rapidly growing enbarb; houaa rvata year around. B 180, cara Journal. ONB ef the alceat homet aa Baat Burnaide'at. for aala; a rootna, extra large hall, att ip!rFTcnTT beat tor ct con venience to cara, Caat filde High echool, par uc echonia ana .toree; cnoice roaee and rrurt treee. Owner, Trta Baat Burn. Ida at, between Baat XZd and Kaat iHta. FOB BALE 100x100 near Penlnaula etatton. all cleared and level; a bargain.-Addreaa r.2bt Monroe at, city, BEB HERB. kfr. Wbrkingman: aare your money : S-room eottage, bath, etc., comer lot, 20 mlButee from center of city, 1230 caah, balance $10 moatai i,ux; gulag aaat. Kooat a. Second at. BENT CHEAP Booming -honae baalaeaa Pya rurnirora worm fi.uuu, ii taaea at eaea fowl noom , iuu Becona at. A GOOD B-etory brick bualneaa kouae ea good ftreet, aaat aide, coat Is.ouo to build, build ing lot AOxiaft feat. .000; muat aall at eooet terma. , Boom 4, loa Seeoad at. $1,900 BTJTB -room bonaa witk baaement and large lot BOxloO, fruit treee, good neigh borhood; thla la a bargain; one block to car Una.. Y 129, care Journal. DO TO0 WISH TO HELM - Wa bare tba faclllilea for dlapoalng ef all ktnda of property; quick ealee and a. moderate profit ta our motto. 2M Aider at. la head quarter, for b.raalna. W'atrh our ada. 'DIAMOND RBALTl- tx--. Phone Pacific 101. , SNAP 4)1.800 Modern B room eottage, 100 fret from Wllllama are.; $000 caab, balanea $1$ Ber-moath, O 12S, care Journal. , , MODBR!r naai himwa la nnlladai .-Park add. tloa, alao lota. B. B. Bice, Waaca ft. Phone Baat 34SX IK ACBBH near MoBtarllla car, aerfaet en T.tlon, email fruit; vary cheap. 2 Stark itw FOR SALE FARMS. $1. TOO 40 ACRFS, 10 mllea from Yaneonver, 1 mile rrom uiiumoia river; zo acrea ciearca, 4 acrea bearing orchard. . eome green timber, good aprtng, aU lerel; A mile to echool, ea main couatf road; give good tenia. $t.S0040 acrea, 12 mllea eaat ef Y.n couver. S mllea from railroad and bnatlandtng; SO acrea cleared, eeveral acrea timber, balance eaaily cleared; all fenced, all level; 4-room bouae, fair bara; 1 acrea bearing orchard on mala county road, R. i. D., near echool. line location; aoree, a eowa, new wagon, harneea, all farm Implement; beat of eoll; give gvoa xerma. ..... .,, 11.200 ST acre, fronting oa Columbia, 35 muea rrom Portland, aear railroad atarloa and bnatlandlng; 10 acre cleared, $60 bear . Ing apple treee; good bouae and bara, rnanrad . lor $auu; neat 01 eon; give terma; a ana p. $7,000160 acrea, SO acrea cleared, eome timber, balance paature; T ml lee from Van couver; all level, all fenced, good T-room honae, fair barn, S-acre bearing orchard; 14 mllea from railroad Btatloa, V mile to echool, R. F. I ; eome etork and farm Implementai fine location, ae mala' county road, level and graveled to Portland; wtU exchange for city property. $S,000 40 acrea 4 mile from Yaneonver, oa fine gravel road; $0 acrea cleared; family orchard; 6-room honae, fair .table; beat of eoll, ne rock or gravel; kalf caah, balaace - yeere; thla la a anap; fine location, near ecbuol; B. F. D. $1,40020 acre, It mllea from Y.ncouver, $ mllea from boatlandbig and railroad; 12 acrea cleared, all fenced; S-room bouae; ea mala county road, near echool, fin location; beat ef eoll. ... 100 a era ta Clarke county, Waahtngtoat. S mllea. from Boatlaadlng and railroad; 100 acrea la fine atata ef cultivation, com green timber, balance paature, all fenced with poet and wire. acre hearing orchard, S acrea apple aad dterrte and pear, balance prune; New T-ronra konae. coat $1.S00; one larg bara SOxKaX.Trult dryer, milk hone with fine eprlng water. In It, otne eutbulldtnga. black- mlth-ahop and tool.: peraonal property gore with place; good team, S wagona, 1 new; 1 hack, new; 1 top buggy, new : new o borne binder, ell ktnda af farm Implement.; 14 mllch eowa. 1 fine bun, 4 head young bog, 123 chlckena, saw cream aeriaratnr with tread power; 60 ton, of hay, (00 bnahebi of oat, com wheat and anode; near echool, R. F. D. Thla la a beautiful place, beat of black eoll. Price only $46 per acre. Including peraonal property; fix term. $1.400 SO acre la Cewllta county, lnxtua; 16 acrea cleared, 10 acrea light brneh, eome green timber, balaace (tump land! 6-mo A honae, fair barn, fruit dryer, mot cellar, chicken yard and bonae; team, wagoa and harneea, S eowa, eome farm Implement; hay enough to winter atock; beat of eoll; near achool; a half caah. balance S year, S per cent. . . S4S acre In Clark eonaty, Waehlngtoa l.V) acrea la meadow free from etumna, I acrea In bearing orchard, aome green timber. . balance paature; S large barn a, 6-room bouae email creek and S good anrtnga; all fenced with new $ and wire and one board, boa tlautl K. F. D.t echool on placet $ mllea from railroad ana bnatlandlng; beat ef black eolli good teem. 1 driving bora, eeveral head ef cattle, all klnda of faraa Implement; AO ton. ofhav, eome bore, , 34 aheep. on chlckena. .Tlila la one of the beet buy on t lie market; If you are looking for a fine tlac and a anap tnveattgete thla before buy ig; thla la guaranteed aC advert teed: ae rock or gravel; only 14$ per acre; give terma. -Wastelnfton - Oregon ",. 'Realty "Co.;. r r. iOS Second at., Portland, Oregon,' Bad $04 Main at . Yancouver, Waah. Phone Mala 2404. LOOK HERE! t hat farma to aell, 20 ta ISO crea each, all In rapidly' developing dlatrlrt, aome wUh eery Uttle Improvrmenta and eome well Improved at price which are aura to double In $ te year. Alao a few of tbe beet ran. Idence propertie In Oreabam, aa wall a a number of bualneaa bulldlnga paying aa In come of 12 to 14 per rent, and -vacant lota. Greaham I IS mllea eaat of Portland, with one earllne flnlxhed and another la eoqra ef construction. Write, explaining Juat what you want, and fee what I will do for. you, or, what a better.. call and ee foe. ... . - , . 8. JOHNSON, Greaham, Or. FARM BARGAIN THAT CAPS TTIKM ALL. ISO acre, ail rencan. bdoui to cleared, pearly all la cultivation, altnated near pioneer, Clark connty, on Lewla river, bottom land and heaverdam; baa ae superior en earth f'W fertility; ahe S-naim bouae, good new barn- and all other aecsaaary eetbulldlngat atocked with flu heavy team and a pair of valuable on If. coming 8 year, 13 head of eowa and cattle, aeveral pig, about 4 doacn chlckena, farm Implement and feed: would eirhant for part In elty property; cause for eeiiaxg a 111 health, remilt ef accident. Price $H.(H. Thla la ae place for tririera; It' a business proposition and a money-maker, THB DLNNLAWRPACB CO., .. noi Flrat at. FOR SAI R 440 acre, en mile Booth of Car ve la; 2"0 In cnltlvatloa and o acre In tim ber; good bonee and barn ; B. F. D. and .tele phone aervk-e; anllable for a dairy toe bop farm. Joba D. Smith,. R. P. D. $, Qwrvala, Ocegea. . ' , , t . - TWO OF THE BEST RANCHES IN THB -Arbbrv $42 acrea. 160 acrea under cultivation, b.l nee paetnre covered with email timber, all tillable except about 20 acrea If cleared. lmproveBMBta: 10-roora bonae, cattle-barn. - Domeoarn, water -pipeu in nouae sua nam. mimnouae, a granariea ana other good out bulldlnga, all lu good condition, all fenced; ioe eon u aaaptea rur hope, email grain, fraaaea, all klnda of frart,-ela weU.aduptcd or Itagltek walnnta; cannery within of a miie; acnooi on place; near railway atattouj only 23 mllea from Portland. Price $16,000; ' .oaj win aanaie it. 464 acrea, about 100 anree level. 60 acre er apieoaia aeaaew, o acre of oak timber, $00 acrea under Plow : . It la well watered. Mary', river oa aootk boundary, good family orchard, S-room kouae, S large corner bulld lnga on eaatera atyle, water la bouae and barn; It la au fenced; echool v mile, mile te town; S eowa. 4 hog, all Imple enent. loo acrea In crop; $16,000; $,6u0 win aanaie it, 1 OTTO, CUOCffBTT A HARKSON BEALTT 00., lol4 Flrat St. Farm Barraln - SO ACRES, 16 ACRKS CCLTIVATED, $ acre part timber, part paature. about $ acrea onion land, land oa gentle elopee, ulre orchard d email frulta; aold t'jno worth of atrawbenlee la.t aaaaon; good bouae, ruatle and painted Urge porcbea, pantry, water and alnk In kitchen, frulthouae, woodhouae, hog houaa, S blooded hog a. large ohlohea heaae and yrd. bo chlckena. machine end-tool. houaa, good frame barn nearly new (atoci foundatloa, - eklngle roof, rolling dooral, g eowa, S calve. Jo ton of hay, front fence wire -and larg white gate, matched team worth $400. good wagoa, . hack, barneee. mower, cultivator, plow, haraeae and all gmalL.toola; 10 mllea out an good drive read; new cirrrnr raT rim aiaihwa te ne en ror. Bar of tba land. A choice Uttle farm and a goodbarjala; all goae aa above deacrlbed ? Henkle & Harrison 21T ABINOTOW BLM. FARM BABQAnt . THAT CAPS THEM ALL. - ISO acre, all fenced, about-TO cleared, nearly all Ta cultivation, altnated Bear Pio neer, Clark county, ,oa Lewi, river, bottom land and beaver dam; ha ae au per lor ea earth for fertility; nice 6-room bouae, good rw barn and all ether Decease rv outbuild ing; atocked with flue heavy team aad a pah of valuable eolte coming S year. IB head of cow and cattle, aeveral pig, about 4 doaea chlckena, farm Implement and feed; would exchange for part In city property; cauae for eelllng la tu health, mult of ac cident. Price $9,000. Thla la no place for trtflare; If . baalneaa . oroooaitloa and - awaey-maker. THB DTTNlf-lAWREWCB O0 149ri Flrat Bt, BIOOEST SNAP EYER OFFERED IN 0RI- GON. 123 acre, 40 acre la cultivation, fine tim ber ea balance, atream ef running water. H mile from railroad, 14 mllea from Portland: . jolna ft neat ranch la the ata te; every foot tillable; muat aril before Snndavt can't buy an acre ef land adjoining tha for leea than 40 per, acre and up; will aall thla quick for $8,000. Inquire of F. T. Berry, Ko. 4 Sixth at, Pbone Pacific S0S2. FOB BALB or trade, lSO-acra farm, IS arte from Colllna or St. Martin Hot Springe I will trad for atock of grocerle or acreage prop ertlee; valae $2,67m. Addrca Elxear J. Devla, TJnlveralt Park; City. - - TIMBER." WANTED. TIMBER LANDS. Te theSOwnere of Timber Landa: We want .Ingle elalma, amall and larg t recta. If the price I right and tbe timber la rood we will Inveatlgate It at oace, Al waya aead the full deacclptlon and th kind ef timber and the guaranteed eetlmate If yea hare It. 0RE0I1 BROS.. IT and SIS Fentoa Bldg.. PortUad. Or. - . TIMBER OWNEBS. We are ta direct poaltloa to acTI year tim ber te bona flda buyer from all part of th country. - Write or call ea a for full -particular. fcORTU WESTERN nT7AR ANTES TRDST COMPANY, . . Lamber Bxchaage bldg., - ' B. . corner Second and Stark fta. TO OWNERS ef timber claim end timber We will buy for caah any good timber tributary to Nehalem river; will deal with owner only; ne other aeed .newer. Write, ft ring full particular, ta Beg S. 0. P, (ta tloa. Portland, Oregon. - - EIGHT yellow nine elalma that win cut from g.uon.000 te g.noo.noo; deelrable toes tloa, opea to entry; thl la about your laat oppor tunity. N. O. B., JournaL ... CERTIFIED eertp, a T at, knreat price, u. Howell, (.is chamber ef Commerce. AM -etui- tn- -timber land host neae. W, ' Cheadle. agent. South Bend. Waehlngtoa. TIMBER elalma eruteed: eetlmatee guaraateed; ree reaaonaow. nccojiemaa at vav, &tt 1, Waahlngtoa at. HOMESTEAD and timber tande, aerlp, money to loaa. 80S OomaMrclal bldg. I HA YB 820 acre timber to cell, will cut 10.000.000 feet. .. close to. water at re ml a Snap for aomeone; eaa ba bought very reaeov. able bow. J. M. Dennte. Fall City, Or. The Mercy of Xomino Events W ratHit sit wonder, for a now ment now and then, what at range new "brew" la being; prepared for u. by tha buay force which w nam "CIRCUMSTANCES." In th hom Ufa the exit of s servant; In tha store, "something happens" to our best clerks; In very buatneas venture aomo tMnr ""upaeta" our fayorlta plan. If wa own property, our beat tenant leaves, or our neighbor ells his property at a Ms profit while wa "hold on" to ours. Hot willingly. Kmerson expressed It: '"Man, Imrrteoned In mortal Ufa, lies open to th mercy . of com in e" vents." And th truth has led us to conalder ways and means for "taking; tha gtlng out or theaa coming event for turning them Into endurable burdens. And of then way and means which we have e ree ted, -- the chlefest Is WANT ADVERTISING. A wis , via of this modern convenience, thl Instrument of Bervloev NOT ONL.T MAKKS4 COMINO KVENTS' MERCIFL'Lr It make us to con templat them without trepida tion. .,.' , location anill film and aatlafactory: atart Friday. Alexander Land Oo., ss4 sixth at.. Bear pine. TWO MILLION yellow pine trlalma, w.tern Oregoa; ran locate three. Boom 84, 227 M Wnahlngton at. .nonSES.yEHICLE8, HARNESS. HORSES and boggle for rent by day. Week and . month; apeclal rata to Sixth and Hawthorne, Eaat 1 POK S ALB, CHEAP Panel top, bracket front uenvery wagon, uaea nut very little, inquire ' 40 Belmont at. WB hny. ell, rent, exchange boreee, wagona, eaddlea. harneea. Hubert A Hall. 28S tth at FOR SALE Team at bara ef M. O. Mnrgaa A Co., Eaat Market, between Ualea aad Grand are. FOR SALE Cervrad light driving buggy. at 61 Hood at. OaU SPAN of bone to-cell, weight 1,400, at Farm- , era' eta Die, son rront at. FOR SALB. CHEAP K2O0-ponnd berae. year old. - Inqulr 420 Belmont at. I ' ' FOR H AT,T5--I JTKSTOCTC FRBfH cow for vale Saturday Sua day aad Monday at xca rront at. - THREB freeh eowa, twe Jeraay. bit Bilker. S78V Baat 11th at,, aoatk. MILCH cow, goad flow ef milk, gratia. BonTlrJtiraey- t Bt, John. 30 A FRESH cow for eel,-good aHlker. IB Barrage at. GOOD work bore for aala. are. ' 117$ Hawthorn BARTER AND EXCHANGE.' , FOR timber land er city property, two B room flata paying over 10 per rent net, $4,000. YVeatera Oregon Treat Co., 91 Btark at. 440 ACRES coal land Core county, 80 acre tim ber. Donirlae county, 120 acre aear Mcninn vllle, will exchange theee for city property. Gordon, 208 Fourth. - Pad fie SI 21. FT RST -CLASS furniture S rooma gar aala eg eirbang for real aetata. Eaat 4071, . MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COUER D'ALENB a ltd Nevada mining etoehe. 1 am alwaya la tha market to buy er aell r any flrat-claaa atoc-ks or bond. I.l.t yonr etocke with me: get ay prlcaa before buy ing er celling. Loan aad oa Hated aecurl- tie. T. P. Brown. 401 McKay block. MUSICAL INSTRCMENTS. WB BOTTOHT the piano atnre, g.V) Alder at.. near Park; It tneiudee many ef finest makee; your choice, 60 centa en the duller; tnata li near 11k rent; Utcet plano-playera for $106; our company la owned by ee.tern f ac tor! ea: wa aave you the retatler'a profit. Reed-French Plane Mfg. Co., Sixth aad Bura ld ate, .. x VICTOR talking machine and recorda; Stela- way (and other) punoa. ri her ma a. (lay Co., Sixth and Morrlaon, opposite poerofflce. FOR 8' VLB MISCELLANEOUS. Yours for Style Wa muat net lay off our help, therefor w offer big Inducement.; give a a call. W handle the beat Imiturled good In the city. Yoa r.a readily tell the difference between gnnnyaarka and flrat-claaa coat a. All work made Inside: guaranteed; $40 suit $.16. $10 anna ao euita fju. Miller Tailoring Co., T8 North Sixth at. FOR SALB Incubator. 110 egga, Peen-o'-Day KlnU at. . ' - DECTSCHB ZEITUNO, th btg German paper. nubecripiion price 91 per year; nampie copiee free. A. B. Kern A Co., publtaaera, euraer Secoud aad Balmoa ata. SKKKN E lee trie Work, tstk and Weak. eta. Phone Pacific 1474. New and feeead-kand electrical good bought, eold and excha aeed. FOR SALB. CHEAP 4-loeh Keystone water . meter, practically new. inquire Us Metxger, 224 Front at. - SEWING .MACHINES-bought, eld and ea changed. $6 and op. Waatera- Salvage Ce., . 427 Waahlngtoa at. 8H0WCASKS, counter, firm ree, bought, eold or eirhanxed. Western Salvage Co, 421 Waahlngtoa at. Pacific tna. FREB FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mala 4200 or call 21.114 Front., W hny and aell furni ture, clothing or any eld thing. , BOLDEN'S RHEI'MATIC Ct'RE Sure core for raeematere. Sold eyeUr drug lata. 60 SLIOHTLY damaged sewing-machine at very low price; rjlugrr. Wheeler A W' linen, Domeatlc, White, Household, Davis and ether.; to room for new atock Wheeler A Wilson and Singer. aV S. SlgeL, 836 Mor rison Bt,. Marqusm fcldg. SELF-CHANOEMAKINd esk reglatac for sale cheap, til Flrat at. SCHOOL ROOKS bought, eold and exchanged. 229 Yamhill at. FOR SALB Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 feet long, capacity 14 rone, news will aell cheep for caah. 1. D. Wood, 61$ Oswego at, St, - Johns, t'regoo, FOR SALE Dairy, SO eowa. borne, wagoa. fond route; SO ailnntee' drive flna leca Ion; part cash. Pbone Main 64SX FOR SALE Chatham incur fore and brooder, 84 day.' free trial. Geo. W. Foot I . Ul Baat llorrleoe at., Portland. WR print yon? name en 60 celling cards', prop ata nd atyle, XV; 2.V) bualneaa card, $L A. W. Scbmale Co., 2 Flrat. PortUad. Or. Bit I IABI AND POOL tablse tar rent er tot Bale en eaay narment. TUB BKLNSWICK BAI.KB COT.T.KNDEB CO. 4 Third at, Portland. SECONDHAND bar Strut, ponlteblea. fea taMee, chair. YVeatera Salvage Co.. 42 Waahlngtoa at. SHOWCASKS and Sxtnrea new nd kand. Carlson A Kallstrom, 2X9 Coach at. WANTED 100 mea to wear tr eel-brited $20 msdr-to-order Bulla, ,1'nlon Tailoring Co., SuflV Stark at. Satlslartloa gnaranteed. FOR Stl.HaV-Rar-1ne la White, Slnrara, De vla, Wheeler A Wtlsnna, Household and other alichtly demaa-ed machloee The d'hlt Hew . Ing Machine office, II. L Jouea, 10 a ml. Ill . St., o'tatr Fourth.. 1 rtllt SALP Small gasoline engine. 14 IL P., pew. Addteea J 14, eare Juurnal. FOR SALB A Nelaon madcert a good a new, phaeton front delivery wagoa, eiervnt Leh ttap aad etbeg vehicle. 1C4 Lnka ?. YELLOW FINE, 2.000.000 te claim, BAXRB. Uwtzd statis atiowai, bank or Portland, orzoov. ' - . Northwswt Gbrnvr Third end Onk Streets. ' , . Trenwrta a General Banking Rosin. IHtnj Issl Kn AvitlaM tn AH f1" 'te nd Europe. Hwrkrail aad Manila. CoUuctlwM Made on FavoreM T-". j c. AlNSWOItTH Ca.hler B. W SCHMrTd Vlc.pridnt B. ttA BAK.NKS Aaelatant CeeM-v .. L W. A. Uutr , - Caehlce A.-M. WHICHT LAOD TILTO. BANKERS EetWtah4 la IMS.) " TlUHttr Seneral Banking Buevaeo. Cotlrerlnna marts et T1 taeee. .,., terma. Letters of credit evslrsbla tn Eorcpe and ell nvtnra In tbe rlted SI , . ' r"w end Telerrenble Transfer sold oa New York. Washington, rhlcaaa. l u ? Denver. Omaha.. Sa Praociaco 1 Mont.n. and -Krttl-k fklnirhta. Ktckaa w"l n London. Parla. Bflln rran kfort, Hoaion, Ma nlla tad Hnlnl. MEItCHAWTr ATIOWAt BAVK. B01TttB OtEOOW. ' J.. rHANIt WTaOX......nH.nt . , M RHAVf .. . . . VlraFTMi W. HOYT Caahlar I CKOBOk W. HOTT. ....... AMtaUBl CaatiUf Tranucta 3aral Banktna Brndtwaa. tmfta nd lattn nf rrmt ' Imm4 Awflabt All r.rra of th World. BAKEKr ft tmfBEBKZV'f BAHK BsTtUnd, OrtM. . Corner m and Btar . OnmnMrHiil And aarlnra d-nartmtit. Intrrrat paid n M rlaca teeoaata. Drafta aad ft f I .f tl. 1 . 1 1 - L . - - I. all t nt " ""TIW florond Tlor-Prraldc 'T'HS BAWBJ OF CALrrOlVTA Zrtaalliaad ,. tai paid an. , Ccn.ral Rankin and ffTrnaaao Bnalnaaa Tranaartad. Intrraat aa Tliao Tooata. JATINOS IRPARTM:nt Acoonta aa? bo fin4 of 1 tad ipward. Portland Braajri Oiaanbar of fVmmroa Bnlldlnaj. a JLl'oW Manara I J. T. BPRTrHAKt.L AaatatMit Maaaaar F'BST BATI0NAL BAB1T, Portland, Oregea, Oldeat National Bank an the Pads Ceeat. ' Capital and stTRPLrs $i,Boo,ora5.6fA A. Ti."'irrT.Ter; ' ' au-i 1 w n atvcinn .Aaalataat Caetire , W. NEWKIRK Ceehler I 11 TRUST CX) rlRTtArTTJ TRUST CO Tare A ITT 0Y OSWOOrT The Oldeat Traet tfemaaar I Kr:sortRra.a vtrR $1 aoo.rmci. Geeerel Banking. Two pec cent tntereat oa eneew aeewunva even bnndreda) on dally balaace of $600 or ever. Letter ef credit aad exehaae ea an e, ' world. Savlnr aeeoanta. Time eertlSca re. tn 4 per cent: ahort-eall epectal certificate. $fwn or over. 2U to 4 par- cent ClL-for. Book of -''ILLfgTRATINS. Borirnea,, f... , , r,.r BENJ T. WRFN Pveeldent I B. LPB PAOET Weeret.ry t StCTTBITT SAYTW0S A TRUST COMPANY 444 Morrfeetr Street: -Peavjed. Oregea. Tranaact a General Banking Bu1na. SA VINOS nEPARTMFNT. Intereet AUowed , Time and Saving Aceonnt. Acta aa Trtnte for Eatatea, Drafta ad Lett ef Cred't Available ea Alt Parte of the World. ?' r APAM9 ;..Prealdfit I1 U A. f.EWt) .......Jlret Ylee-feealdent A. L. MILM...-. Second Y1ce-Preldent I B. O. JI BIT8. Scrtry flKOy E. .RPSHRIX., ...A1atant BeeTetarr.. N0BTHWZ8TPRW MTABANTYB A TBTJST 01 at P XT Portland. Oregoa. Lamber Exrhamre. S. B. Corner S.-cond and Stark Streota (aecond Soar). . FISCAL AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS. ' . Steta. Connty, Konlrrpel Corporation Bonda Bought and Sold. New Znterprteet OrganlaeS . and Financed. Stocke and Bond Guaranteed. ' TITLE OT7AR AT4TEB A TBTJST COkTTAlC Y 440 WASHINOTOir STSIET. MORTGAGE LOANS on PortUad Real Estate at Low rat B I Tttln Inanred. J Tr7f)RBT?RN B0S8.7., C.P0R0E H. HILL ., Preeldent .Ylce-Prelder.t t BONDS AND M 01B.IS BI0THZRS Chamber ef Ocamerea kfnnlelpal. Railroad aad Public Service fVrporatton Bonda. DOWimtO-HOPKINS COMPAltT E.tabli.h.4 STOCK'S, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Prlvatk Wtre. ' BOOM 4 CHAMBER 0TJIS J. WTXDE HOME TXIIPH0KEB0NDS-BANB1. STOCK?. . Member portUnd Stock Exchange. . Corner Sixth and Wnabtngtoa Streera, Portlnnd. Oregon. Oyerbeck, Starr & Xccke Corwl&TJ?t BBATW, PB0YTST0NS. COTTON. STOCKS ANT3 BONDS. WAV-SO A Coatlneona Market bv Private Wire." Quirk Service. REYERENClr-rdd A Tlltoe, Baak era. and United Btate Netlonel Bank of Portland. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOTJS.- ONB 10x14 SIDB crank throttling engtn wltk leather belt and attachments: one 40x1$ hort aontal atandard tubular boiler; lae a baad aaw. Apply to 492 Baat 28th at. FOR" SALE Seven at.nda of Itallaa bee. Ap ply 6uS Karby t., Statwa B. FOR BALB Share la th Butt Boy' Mining Co.; It a bom enterprise property m moiu flelda you know tha owner gilt-edged Port land buatnea men gilt-edged proapect, for a glltedited mine. - Scud tor proapecrua. S40 Mat Morrlaua at. PIOEONS 100 pair beat qnab Homer. Blver - view Lofta, 176 G rover at. FAMOITH B. S. Hamhurc' eitra. $1 for 1$.- $ per 100; cockerel toe aala. , 871 Baat 12th at., north. ,. , FOR SALE 19 foot gaaolln launch: tf aold thl month will aell cheap. Inquire Geo. ' seran, loot of Clay at. 1 FOR SALE Six then nd English cluater bop root. F. A. Podg Jr., 1104 Xhlrtrenta at. Vancouver, wasn. v , 1. ej , v i, o 1 1 , ' , rm. . ... 1 , ., trwm, dreeeer. dlabee everything. 029 Ralelgk at. PERSONAL. MASSAGB for ladle and gentlemen! hot and cold hatha, tem tub baths, ahower nd pray bath, vibrator electric treatment and vibrator treatment by eompreeeed air; will cure all nervoua dlacaaca. rbenmatlam er any blood dlaeaa without medicine; manicuring. helrdreaalng. We claim -the beat, up-to-date tarlora la th city; lad lea and gentlemen; . trained auraee; we guarantee our work. 2074 Third at, npetaira. room 12, IS and 14. Via la reception room IS. - Y0DNQ) man, handaome, refined, ef good boat ace eblllly, wtahee te rot res pond with lady of meene; ohect, to promote a gilt-edged nveatment; atrletly confldautlal. B 130, cara JournaL A WORKING man earning $128 per month, aged 40. would like to- meet a Chrlatlaa ladrt .object, mtrlroony ne objection te children. Addraaa W 110. car Journal. Olv phone number. A GENTLEMAN ef middle age and bualneaa . ability wlshc to rorreapond with lady; object, buelurae and matrimony ; good reference. Ad- dress Q 131.. eare JournaL MARRIAGB PAPER HI cheat character. Incor porated; 11 lb year; 1.OV0 nrcmbera; 12 page, aea led: .send 10. L. - L. Love, bog 1000, Denver. Col. ' SUPPOSITORIES for married woaun; perfect !y eatlefeetarv. Call ar addraaa lira. H. C. Wllliur, 4-el Third at,, Bear Haxrtaoo, Pert - land. Oregoa. SKXIKP. PILLS rare a 'I forma of aaeven er meareter weakneae. For mea er women. Price $1 e box. box $8. with full guar antee. Addreee er call J. O. Clemenena. drag- let. Seocad ead Yamhill ata., Portia ad. Or. IF TOO are Dot feeling well, take a tub bath nd alcohol rub. $1. Oxford"' 'hotel, corner Sixth and Oak et... roea 17. Phone Main 68. MAMBY PRANCES, 'th wonder fnl heeler, le here a few data only, cure rheumatlaa and all nervoua dlaeaaee. Oxford hotel, comer Sixth and Oak ata.. room 17. Phone Main 88. IF yoa have rheumatism wa want te cere you. - New Tor Medlrw! A Snrgtcsl In.tltute. aor aer Sixth and S2aVi Waahlngtoa eta. - BVSIAN BATH. T Third at, betwea . Ta yVw and Salmon. Swimming pool, ateaa'and aor- . air bath. Hour 1-adloa. from a. as. t 1 p. aa.; grata, from 8 a. a. to 12 p. as. GERMAN books, magaitnea, ne vela, etc.t Ger man, angiian. rrencn, npanian, eweaiaa ea Jtallaa dlrtlonarte; foreign book ( ' aU fcladn, - cbmale Co, 228 Flnt ex. MOLES, erraklea. auparnaoaa hair removed. No charae to talk It ever. Mr. M. D. Hill, Room $30 riled oer Bldg. Phee PactfM 184. DB. RIKU CHOOM0). hnportec Chinees root medicine; aell. Chinee tea. certain cure foe ell dlaeaaee, 191 ltd., bet. Xaabia and Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCH CM en ree promptly private else see, kMttey, nerveea, akta and apeclal female trouble. Ceil a write. Office IT01, Third et, cor. YamhIL Phone Pacific 2228. SI'ITS preened while you wait, 60c ' ledlee ekfrte prevsed. 60c. Gilbert, inni Sixth et next to Quelle. Phene Mais tons. , TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonfaa bldg r aadte daya. geailemea alghta. Mala 19. MANI.Y vigor restored hy Dr. Boberta Narra 0 lobule. Ore mooth'e tteatmeat. $2: t mouth, $6; ent securely aea led hy aall. Agenta. Woodard. Clark A Co, Pertlaad. Or. BAI.M OF Ft;s for all female die Caet Belmont. Phone Baat 4034. 824 DISEASES Og WOMFN; enforuat gtrki and ha bins cared for; private boavltaL Dr. Atvmodi, room S a304 Mor. et Tel. Pads 176. Mil.. DR. MARY KRAMER, midwife! nice quartern for patient. 6)11 Mlaiaeiptl ave. UH. POTTKR Mareeuae. ecelp. facial mae age, ctilropofty. 214' Waalilngtita aL M( II I II II. HOtlKH hotxht. sold, axchauged. Jonee lUJitore, 2U A hler at, MADAM VASIITI. Menee. cblrnpodlet and nianir'irl.t. Third at. BC-'T trasi.'n ! s iwi A lef tt., (or 'wsnii, Ct roiUH-tiona Hnr1arl. pirta of tba world. B. C. VFAR. Caai I H. I). BTORF. T Aaalatant fa' I PLATT PI. ATT.: Qnral Co . 1. - I J CaaM iM Coa na.1 114. Kaad OfHea. IU1 Traaataoa. f11frnla B. P. STBYENS Second Aealat.nt faah lee ' 1 or'T " ' MP ANTES. i,m, i-m, .! tra,anew TL H. I.'.PtTTOCK -Yle-teeldt J. O. OOI.TRA ,.Alatant Secretary Rata. . Abatracte Ftrmlahed. JNO E. AITrHIoN.. T. T. BCRKHART... INVESTSrENTS, Bufldlag. 1$9$ BB0JCIB8. , and Sold .for Caab and ,oe Margin. of COMMERCE. Phone $1. IIHiII.I-V"a,vo s u oui caw. - - - PERSONAL. MIDDLE-AGED werklngmaa, arranger la city. wanta te meet Catholic Udy object, aatri. mooy; working girl preferred. Addraaa X 131. cara Journal, A POSTAL card will bring a repreeeutatlve of . the Winona Mtlle wltk a full line- of. rprlnc . . and summer aemplee ef their - celebrated Beam lea hosiery and fine underwear. They wear. Order now. n. B. Martin, AJ 1 Com mercial blk. Phone Mnla 4A88. CORRESPOND with tbe opposite eex for matrte mooy. Addma Box 244, Portland. Oregoa. GKNITO-l'RINARY and chronic dlaeaaee of men quickly and permanently cared; electric treat - . B'ent for dlaeaaee of the prostate. Coaanlta. - tton free: 1 Dr. W. T.' Howard, Oommoowealth ' bldg. Sixth at. ' ' . . " v . , OWI. RESTACRANT. t8 Eaat Morrlaoa at. . Ileal IBc and ap; .hort order, fresh eyeter. J. L. Tetxleff, proprietor. .. 8B EDIHH trained aarae, Hebtngfore graduate, cures rheumatism, atomach troithlee. aervooa dlaordcr sad aprafna ky kand-rohhing. ateans, aweat aad tub bathe. No. T Eaat llth ac ' Take Eaat Ankeny ear. Phone Eaat 200. ROSA VERA CIO A PS Sold everywhere. . H. HEITKEMPEB A SON, Maker. T2S Corbett ex. Phone PaeiS 1422. HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Bur 1 neamatlam. Sold by all draggtet. FACB and eealp ataasage glvaa at 843 Morrl- oa at, auite 1 aaa x. ' SELECTIONS made. In trod net lone gtven; kowoe- anie Udiea Nana gentlemen. Addreee, wtra etamp. Mr. H. C. Wilbur. 404 Third t., ., aear. Harrlaua. HOLD ON There I en thing thet will cere rheumatism. Aaa yonr druggist for berk tonic er address sr cell J. Q. Creaaeaaaa. dragglst. Pertlaad. Of. - MARRIAGB PAPER; klgheet character: hcor- poratcai cievsetB year: a.000 aemnersi IS ?. seeled; send lOe. L. L. Love, keg OuO. Dearer, Colo. MANICCRIXa parlor for Udlea and gentle. mm. BHii uorrmoa at., roea 14. ' MAMEY FRANCES, the wonderful healer, la bore a lew daya only, oivee magnetic mes as, s treatmeuta dally; cure rheumatlaa and all nervoua dlaeaaee. If yoa are not feeling welL ealL Hotel Oxford, corner Sixth and ' ueg at., room 17. t'l ITS TOUR OPPORTUNITY to apeedllv atep lute rartvna, eddres tfutte (toy Mining coapaay, KiO Eaat Morrlaon at. REMOVED from 287Mj Alder St. to OSH Face Waahlngtoa. room 4, Fifth St. aide. and- acalp massage. LADIES: Dr. La fTraaco' Cempoaad; safe. speedy regnlator; 86 centa. drurgiete ee aell; booklet free. Dr. La Franee. Philadelphia. Pa. MISS GILBERT, expert Hat, elertrte vibratory race, acalp and 14&S Sixth at, room 23. body aaaaage. RBCENTT.Y opened manicuring parlor; lad re ana gentlemen. ii v mornemx av-w room 14. - BUSINESS PERSONALS. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY A PHINTINI) CO. OrSce euprillre, loose-leaf system Sling ee. vtees, typewriter ribbons and rarhea p per. - K. K. KUBLI. Mir.. 224 BUrk at. INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Cevesast Coatract Co- 427 FUedaa bldg. Mala 2S9L CHIMNEY SWEEP. Wood. Phone Mala 1372. D. D. 44 Third ft. THB OCKLBY GREEN NURSERY ha large fruit tree, fine ahad aad ornamental tree; choice roe, et. Com and ess. -ART. DRAWING and painting le Tuesday aad r nnay arrernooo at err museum, , 1 1 ' n eawi Taylor era., for hes loners and sdvaBcwl fnplla. O. Lillian Heeneell, gradnat ef nnayTvaala Academy of Flu Arte, Ookavossl Aesdemle, Parle. FREB LESSONS IN Emhrolderv Every Day. THB N KADLEC RAFT SHOP, SA2 Waahlngtoa at. B. H. MOOKEHOU8R A CO. Artists' mstertal. picture molding, picture framing, atereopl. eons, lantern elide. 81$ Aide M. PROFESSOB B. MAX MSTFR. 84 Alder ex. Portrait and uedeeene artist aad teeeeee. AtTOMoniLrs, PULLMAN ACTO CAR -TO., fhTHrVr!, 4mmmr an-i ppj!rapTa vf all mSI4 f BlltUanOfll I., 01r4J, tp. fsalltlOFB, alaBhayss, Uitiy braVkwM,! hiaftj or. fiamm tttmtm. Ummn mm4 U trta rC jtt. mihitt mail tn rr. fi-70 72-7 Nort But. ., wbii Wrrtt, H. L. KP..TH A' TO m . tUW)tlrr1 4.lwtf1UT-.'$ f r 1 . forrtvi, Pvj- 1rH-.iits) i - ? m T..t. T'.r.. r- ' - Ktilrks. Ii2 Mctnth . i 1 T . P? ft t Afnt P'f-. t.r-ai 4r. liiktc I n"t, T -ti t'srsiu, I .'tii, an-! A -t t - - i