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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENIKU, FEBRUARY 16, 1S07. 1 ATTORXFV, X B. PIOOOTT AND J.'A. niCH Affomt-T at-law. Practice ta all 4 Mnlker bide corner Second ul Uorrteo. EE ASSATEKS. . QARVIN CTANIDB EXTRrTWJf-CO.. Bd Nlui MJ umre. oo i BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWK. PAVIS KIT. HAM. 10-llt Seeesd t. , UJn books ainurotnreclf agent for Jei Improved ltm-Lnl ledger; tlM see Rank Wt, the beat oa the nrM . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. M'TCHKR SUPPLIES 8. BtrkenwaM Ce.. 804- x BOS Everett t-: lirtfi! butcber mippty . i th toft. Writ for nttkifM. butchers' sitpi.ifa Adoir A, Detem. 1.11-188 First st.. carrtre tall line and com- piers " leeorfment at lew, market pclee. BATHS .MASSAGE. BX'SSIASl bathe, swimming pool, ateam and hot air. Hours: Ladle. -t a. a. te .1 a. m.V g'-nls. a a. v. to 12 p. m. Prlca 25. 2uT Tblrd at., bat. Tartar sad Salmoa, MRS. O'BROCK la located at 1S8 Seventh at., m pleased la mfl aid patron aa well aa wj ' refwenees lifra. Pbons Mala . CLAIRVOTAXTS AND PALMISTS. Always Copoult thf PltOK. B. Kill MO. .' Orratnt llrlu aatrnl daad-traona clatr wnyaitt ef tb ara: adalaar on hoalaraa and all affairs nf Ufa; trlla roar full nana and hat roa rallil tar. whom T will asarry. . bow ' ta control tba nna ya bra. araa tboaarb "aillw awayr iunltaa-ttia arparatad! aiaaa arrrt rMfwrra to roatrol; bo loaf drlara la raltlnk. Ilimrs 10 to 8, dallr and Sunday. . rermanentlr looatd In bia own boaaa . 2.1S Fifth at., cararr MadlaoB at. . Mom.-: : Pint a. Eirrptlan imdliim. baa anond fmaa SAS, M nrr (mm at., oror Royal bakery, ta 304 Maillann at. CAFES.' Trial orvWFrtm -Waablartpm at pboaa Mala 171. nana! vicnaaz. ; CLEANING AND DYEING. ' , CI.OTUKS r leaned and ar.aaad t par L'alqoa Tallortn Ca.. 809 Stark at. - H. W. TPRVPR. profraaioBal drar anal rlaaaaf. MS Jaffaraoa at. Phona Mala IS II. PORTT.AND Bream Cleaning and P1ng Work a. ' ttl Poortb at. Pbrna Parlfla 80?. COAL 'AND WOOD. ' PORTLAND 8WTrU? g, RT.ABWOOD TO., A.S5 Front, auecewaora to Fnlton Wood Co.; fir. oak. aUbwood, rcal. Tel. Mala. 1838. POR prompt dellrerr of alatwoodcali Main -47. - Oak. ab. fir and coal.r Port I tad Wood Ai Coal Ow. 16th aad Karitr sts. . ORfctlON Pt'RL CO. la now aatllnc Welah ca. thaanlta. beat ilia I imtha market. - WAlaar4 at. . Man ca. ai.rima rtietrCO Dralera ta aor.1wuiKl. anat , aad green aad drr alabwood. R. tL and " AlMna are., t klorka aaat of ferry. Baat 074. i 8 TIC EL BR1D6B tVKl CO. Dealera ta coal, cord wood and drr alabwood. Poena East 424. "! WF.STPRN rr.r.O A; PtlEL'cO. Hoawaaa4 blarkaaaltb -eoala. Phone Mam 1018. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPKTCLE ANINO C). Largeat plant on tba coat. Lortng and Harding ata.t telephone Kant 2M0. Carpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid: both atearn and I a teat aom-preeerd-ab proceaa; renoratlnf and - ! feattaero a specialty. JlSANITART earpnt cleaning, aoetlom aad com. wi pre aaa d air comblneo; carpeta cleaned oa float H wltboat laaaoeal. Wala 6S84. Mala 8200. DANCING. DA NCI NO I aeon. SAci rlaaeea ar prtrabtt arettv i log. two-atcp, three tp. ete.j atace daadnc. 4 bark and wing, clog, reel, aklrt. Spaalab. . Highland fling, etc Prof. Wal Wllaoa, okt aat recoa-anwd tea char. AUsky bids.. Tblrd ' aad Morrlaoa ars. WOODWARD DAMC1NO SCHOOL laaa Moa.. Tbars. and Sat. aa.l aortal, fancy aad aire dancing tauaht; 8 aaat. teartwra; claaa and prlrata aaona dally. Waatera Academy kalL Becoad aad Morrlaoa sts. Pacific 1880. - PROF. RINOLER. Mlas Rorkenmeyer. leading i acbool. dally. 808 Alder at- Mala 1881. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. It. A. MBI.TON. tba carpenter. (04 Foarth at. - Store aad efflca wo-k. Mala 1T8T. CHIROPODISTS. fCHIBOPODY and Fed Wring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. son Field ear aid, rhoae r seine llo. DRESSMAKING. ' FLORKNCB TINOLET wtU be pleased ta Beet old and new customers; dressmaking aad la . alee' tailoring. Room 22U Goodooogk bldg. '11 GOOD dressmaker want aewmg by tb dsy. ... Address Miss Tnmney. Mt. Tabor.. Phone eat ,. ' of order. ... ; MRS. MAY CRIPPEN. eaetera dressmaker. ,. Moaaaatra Bouse.' 2R8H Fbat at. TRY Angels Dreeamaklng rarlora, 848 Fifth aad Mala. Pacific 83, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. - M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at Clartrle aad tie Fixtures and SuppUea, - Me tele. Tiling. Orate a4 boglraas. . PACIPIO- Pl.WTRtO CO. Enrlneera. centra e- tore.-repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 I Flrrt. eor. Stark. Mala 898. R. H. Tata. mgr. i WESTERN RLBCTRI0 WORKS. 81 Sixth et. Contra tor, electrle eappllea, tnotora aad dy . aemoa; wa lastaU light aad power plat. MORBISON BLBCTRI0 CO.. 881 Rest Morrtsn St. rutaraa. wiring, rape In eg. Bait S128. BARRETT'S. 408 Morrlaoa L Pbaae Me 1 1M. averytnmg ta ictrle wbrlng aad Ugbtlng. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMRS BUSINESS COLLEOB. Waahlngtoa and 10th st,. Flledner bldg. Book keeping. Rborthend. Typewriting sad all - En 1 lab bra ache taaght. both day aad plgbt. ' BEHMKE-WAI.KFR Rt'SINFirs COIXKJS. DAT AND NI0HT 8K88IONS. Special Claaaea In German. French. Rpaatea. Elks' 8la.. Seventh an 8tark sta. BOSB CITY Bf'RINESS COI.LECB. Pltmaa Shorthand by Court Reporter, Bael- "ea mnrae, opeciai Brneiarahlpe; position He- , " - cared CwsssseaweelUi bldg, 8th sad Ankeny. MISS CAU taoivldual snd cats laatraetlon. primary, gremmar, ktrb cbool rrfia. 888 ' Baat BurnaM St. Phone East z7n0. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. POHT1AND WTR1 ft I BON Wn;8 Beroed end Everrt sts. rhone Msla tots). leixua i ail am i i-jj-iu uu.'A. GASOLINE! ENGINES. (lAXOf.lNB engine. B e vt atykea. et low.! price. Rerrssa Machinery Cs, 18-4-8 Morrlaoa at. SHKPFIEI D msrln enrme. Fab-bsaka, Morse ( ft Co., Flrat and Ktars. noTELS. MOTBL rertlaad. Aaaartesa plaa. 81. IS per Aar. BELVEDERE; Reran plaat 4tb aad Alder eta. HARDWARE. poSTLAtO HARDWARE CO. solicit a epnortmi. ty le ouote piicaa, 74 Sixth st. Pacific a',. LAND SCRIP. WANTrn aad far wala. A II kfnd. bvrradlag I ai-oreved fareet reterve scrip for aareeyeg, ee- e-trre.ed. tie her and pretrie rover meet ld. j 44. M. ilamuasaa "Tae tmrtimmt,- ganlauvg. INSURANCE. II A AO U WHITE See Ineareaee. tack Bid. . . ' mg, 1V PAGE, tnanrance; employer' liability) enrety burglar and accident Insurance, phone Mala 82. 24 Falllag bldg. IAItMrl. WOOUr-aajplo5ra' Hblllty " . dlrMnal sect-tent security bonds at aH kind. pnoo T. box aira.7 oai. MACHINERY. ft. TBgNRMAN CO. Mtalfii. aewtnin. bar. . gtng mseblnaryi hrdreoll pipes, caMJagi all llada rplra. 1M hoc lb Foartb. A. J. PAIL. 101 First at. fSntiitaa. katlara, aawnUI aad cress ana machinery. THE R. C. A LB KB CO. Sei-oedhand . chtnerr. sawmill, rta. Sat Or. ad aa. ; MONTMEXTS. " RBIJ S.INOSLBT. 268 Pint at.. Portlaa t leading marbi ana granti worse. !ONET TO LOAN. 1IOKEY TO IX) AN On lmpr a4 rlir proparta- ar rot aauaint pi fiiaiVB. inr ITwaa m w ywmim, nuns wnai prlTll.ra ta mnar all ar part ! Inaa aftrr two ara. Inaa appmaad rraaa plana and aioor adnnrad aa bulMlna proiiaaaaa: ajurt- gafra takrn np and rapiacao. . FBBO H. 8TPO vn. .rinaactal AfaM. . .'. M Stark at. aa aa'ai pollrjaa. planoa. turnllora. warahonaa racalpta. atr.j ana daarrata paraoo mrj avrnra a lib. oral adranra. rapaTlac bf aaar waakla ar aontnir inataiimrata. HKW EBA LOAN TBP8T COMPART, , ZOi Ablnctoa blflf. MONET tOANEOTn HHtAfUrM fBPI.ti . Jnat on roar own nama ao other arrant doa't borrow on til roa aaa mar air artn ta m aaat for railroad man. riarka.' bonkkaapara. I (trcrtcar mam and all Atbrc amnlor: boat- araa atrlrtlr roaridaotlal. W. A. Nawtoa. 424 i Abinrtoa bldg. . MOVRT ADVA KCKD 8ALABIRD PPOPtB aad oteara aooa their own na tree wlthont aee '. rty: rbeapeat rate, eaaleat paymente: affleea m mu prmctpal ritiea: aa re raoraelT aaoajar - or aetrlna rmr ferna Mrat. TOLUAN. 828 Ablnctoa bldg.. 1044 Tblrd at. MONET loaned tn salaried people Jnrt on poar an aane: aoa t borrow ant a yon nna mm; air eratem la tba beet for rallroaA bm elarka, bnokkeaprra. . atreetrar men and all other amployaa: Hnalneaa strlrtle eonfMaotlal. r. A. Nrwton. 422 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED KMea, mertraraa ar euntiaeta ea aar klad of real aetata la Orecoa and Wear.. . Inaton: seroad monrrar rmrrhaaed tf waO H. . Nobis, sia toamarc:ai oia. EMPLOYER LOAM COMPANY Loans to salaried people. Baalneaa sfrletlr confldtntlaL Kaar paanaaat plaa. - Pboaa Mala 24. T18 Debars bldg. MONET to Inaa In aama ta snlt. 8 and 8 ye re. aa low aa 8 par rent, aa Impraeod city prop erty. Mooltnn A Hcobey. otll CoramMa Mdg. lea Waahtnrtoa at, ' DON'T' boetow money oa aaTwrr PntTT - Huttcs CreSit.Co.- : , 818 Dekaa bldg. V. 8. WARD, lawyer. Altaky bldg. Probata and BMirtaaga baalneaa aollrltvd: avndarata . faaa; loaoa momytj jm.nortstMm froea 2O0 apt aaar tarma. MONRT loaae an fnrnltnra. planoa aad ether eemrtttea. W. A. Hathaway, mom 10, wssa-Intt-.a bldg. Pboaa Parlfla 1838. . MONET' ta loan; Ura "S"a apedaltyt bnlliltng loan.; low rat ratea; fire loaori William u. Bee., sis railing mar. CRKJtCENT LOAN' CO.. 428 Mabswk bMg Mooey te lend oa saay-parmeat plaa ta waga earaers: at riot lr confidential. , MONET to loan oa all krnde af eecarlty. Wllllsm Hall, room 8 Wssblngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Rama ta nit a rbattal aaamrrty. B. A. Prane, 614 tba Marqaaaa. A LOAN for the aakln aalary a (battel. Tba Loaa Co-, 410 Dekam bldg. . MONET to Inaa ea rlty property, eon. 818 Commercial blk. O. A. Joha- qriCK Inane aa all eeenrttlee. S. : 48 Waahlngtoa bldg. - Mala 8100. W,- Ring. MONEY to loaa ta smsll smoaata, reel aetata. Q 120. JonraaL hy WTLL loan $4,000 or less reel estate. par cast. Farrlngtoa. 818 Featoa bldg. MUSfC CAL. (THB WERBRB STUDIO Mandolin. baaa. n. Waabiogtoa. ' PIANO, vtolla. -maadolta. tromnoee,- clarinet. Profeesor E. A. Smith. ZM 12th. Mala 4708. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. R BRACH CO. The Ploaerr Paint Oa. window rlaae aad glasing. 188 Fare at. Pboae 1884. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIANa DB. LILLEBKI.LR PATTERSON. nclall ea aervnoa. acute aad chronic dlaeeaee. Office SIT Pen ton bldg. Phone Pacific 1180. BBS. ADTX ft KORTHRtTP. 418-18 IT Dekum bltlg.. Tblrd end Waablsrtoe at, i Phoa Mala S48. Bxsmlaatlea- free. THB -MODERN PRINTER Y A rttfftl printing. 88 Raaael bldg, Feurtk sad Morrtosa. Phone Pacloc 1828. v .. . . . : EVERYTHING IN PRINTTNO From clrcnlara te eetalogna and pewspa1 Metropolltaa Printing Co., I4T Froat at, 0GILBEE BROS.. rrtntars-Canra. billhead, ate. Phone Msla I KM. 148V, Fh-at at. PAINTINa AND PAPERING -i F. A.-DOANB. Z88 Tsmklll St.. apposite Jour. al efflre, wall paper, painting and deenrat- I ueT. raeaa aa rer estimstes. racinc zxto. FOB reliable work. rejeonaM arlcea. Sheehy Bros.. 2X2 U TsmhUI. near 4tb. Mala 8018 PLUMBERS. v a. as. m, ni lei rjr pirrmirt-rw, ftv-ri aiJUi, iw-X. i Msla anrl talao. Ortrfs. pbooa Mat a S01.. DONNFRBER1 RADBMACHIR. remeeed te Ko. Son Bnmelde at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 148 Alder et. phone .in no; ranoer eiamna. eeeia. mencil: nag. gage, trade chch: brass slcaa aad plates. I P.0OFTNG. TIN ROOF1NO, guttering, rertalrlag and genera' 1 Johblng. i lAmM. tl iefferaoa et.. Pa. 1424. REAL ESTATE. PARR1SH. WATKINS'ft CO.. 250 ALDER ST. Keal ratatr. rental, ipena and Inanranre. We make a specialty of handling rental i and prnpertr for rcldente and non-real denta. tataWlabed 1.C72. Phoa Mala 1844. OEO. J. SCTIAEFER, reel eat ate and mraranre, 817 Cliamher of Commerce. '."COOS BAY NEXT." fire 1. -W. Oflli niCE. real eetat ted manet eetsa llahed lata. MAVt Klrrt t room II. A. B. RICHARDSON. MEAL ESTATE AND MORTOAflR LOANS. Pbone Mala 8188. 13 Chamber of Com ma roa. SPHINX AOENCT. dealer rn reel eat ate ant rentals. 306V4 S'srk st. Msla 8184. RI'THERFORIt ft CO.. 817 ComrncWtr bM. ResMaac prooerty oar apeclalty. , FOR FARMS OF EVERT DrSCRlPTTOR. W. W. E8PKT. 818 Commercial bldg. HIGN PAINTERS. rnrtra av HI ritv. aioa 1 W. bv Imllt an the lacea. al.a baala.aa 1 In the city by Sret-elaa aark and keeping i ""nT"-'1"' Osf price r right Fifth I SIONS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Bigs Co., 17 Sta rk at. Phoa PsctSe 1808. W. m. BEROEB ft SON. lal TamSHi at, at ail 11 ads, ' Pb padftc tuA. igat .' PRINTING. ,i ... ii .....i im m. m m. . Mumm. mm mm mmmm STREET PAYIXO. WARKKN Cnnarructtoa Co., atraat paving. 1d. walks and crossings. B14 Lamb Eschtugs. THK Barber Aepbalt Paving Ce. ef PartlaaaL ttrr .v Wnrrvatrr blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. 8HOWCA8KS at aw dMrrtptloai bank bar and atnra Aiturra aiad tn ardar. Tht tatka , Manutartorln Co., Portl.Kl. t. R. FlltrB4I.L. drattnrr; acaat M. Wlntvr Lumhar Co.. T Hamilton blda. Mala 6M0. SEWING MACHINES. TH8 WHITE 8EWINO MACHINE AUENCT. tHO Yamhill 8t., Cor. Puartb. Pbnaa Mala 6I0S. Rarfralna la all klnda of aaw and aamnd. and arln( martin; a Paw allcktly danv ai-ad. (ood aa aaw. at fraatlf radacad prleaa. PHONE Parlflc ri3 and I naranaall will rail and rrpalr your aawlna-aarhlna: wnrk ca r mfii. a. nama, aojuaiar, ant intra ai. SAFES. PORTLAND 8APE CO., aole areata for Herring. nall-Marr1o aafe and Manraneae Steel Safe Vk Lank mm OA . ,A hi.i IImmm . aafea and bask safea; aery cheats aaa tbem t f mtlu Itav sk DIEROLD Mangaseae and are-praof aafea: lock. onta opened; metal Srtnrea; aalt and latl work; Jerke. 1. B. Dacfci. Sd Sd. Mala 1838. BIHHT eeeood-banit are-proof aafea aad two aecond-band bank eatr for aala cheap, at TO 8lth at.. Portland. Oceroa. - - TYPEWRITERS. , DON'T . iy a typewriter aaleaa yen Imy the beat. Tba U. C. Smith Bros.' Writing-lo-Sldil Typewriter la the beat typewriter made. Alao a Una of silently aaed traded- pot- niarinnea or alt i Price. L. A M. Aleianderi H. B. btemler. aiaoagari I TO riftb -at. oppoalta poamfflce. HEADQUARTERS" for aew' sod rebnttr tryre. writers of all makra; see oar window : If yon : are going to boy a new typewriter aee aa be fore baying; we ran save roa awoeri we bare parts for repairing sll eiarhtoee: afate agenta for tba Ylalhle For; are bay.all klnda ar lynewniera. m Typnrnter Eirnanga. ' inc., k I. Eillaea. manager. 84 Tblrd at. BLICKENSDERFEB Trpen Iter Agency: eon-bide-.. Slitb and Pi lea: refiaUa. Raleigh wasurorrnn. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. . WB sell Remlngtoaa. Smith-Premier. ee. etc.. lower than an other eomnativi Inreatlgnt. TToderwood Typewriter Co.. 88 8th. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN-TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, anap. ai pot aaontn. rxrtiana uannry m Towel Sapplr Co.. Klnlb and Coach.- Pboaa 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING.' TUB BAOGAOB OMNIRCS TBANSFER CO., eor. Itrtb and Oak at. -baggage eheckd from hotel or residence direct to deetlnatloa: paaaeajrere therefor avoid raab aad annoy ance at depota. Private- Bacbango 8ft. SAPES. - forelter eaoved. paekee) ready for ablpplng and ablpped: all work -fortflTar lbrge 8-stort ' brlr r proof warebonae for storage. OfBc 2o8 Oak at, Obwa Boa. : Pbone Msla 84T.' a 0. PICK, off! re 88 First St.. htwea Stark and Oak ate., phone K08 planoa aad famltare av41 and packed for ablpplng) eommodloas brick srsrebnose with separata troa , room. Front aad Clay eta. , BOSB CITT TA CO.. efflca 141 Ftrat et.. pnoae aiaia azzo. rareirare ena rtano-aaonng a apeclalty; era taarantae oar work. NATIONAL TRANSFER aV STORAOB CO. 378 Oak St. Trlrpbons Mala 4480. Transfer ring and storing. . . OREflON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Birth. rnnn nam ew. Heavy kaullng and atoraga. INftEPENDFNT BAOOAOE A TR ANSFBB CO. Storage. 824 Stark st. llala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. SOOm Inrton at, Pbone Main 888. ' f WHOLESALE JOBBERS. !. A. OlINST AV m DISTKIBTTORS OF FlNB CIO ABA PORTLAND. OREGON. ' SHRRK. OAZB OBAHAM ( T a c. Com m uarloa merrbaata, Jobbera of frnlta. prod nee. etc.; ronaivninenis aoiiciiea. I2S rroat at. i BVEBDINO FA RRELL. prodac and eeaa - mlaaloa mercbaata. 140 Froat at. Port land. Or. Pboae Mala 178. ... 0REO0N FFPNITURH blANTJFACTTJRINO CO. Mannfactnrera of faraltar for tba trad. - Portland. Oregon. . WADHAM8 CO., whnleaele rrocere, maew farturers sad eeamlaaiaa mercbaata. foarth aad Oak ate. PDRNITCRB manufsctorlng aad eperlal ardera. L. Rureoeky'a faraltar factory,. SOT Froat at. ALLEN S LEWIS, eommlaaloa and prrMtnce ma. ebsnts. Froat aad Davhl sta.. Portland, Or. WR0I.E8ALB cTockery and glasawsra, Hegele A Co., Portia ad, Oregoa. PraeL WROLESALB crerkery and glaeawar. PraeL Resale Cm., too to ion Firth, eor. atark at. Ii - 1 TRANSPORTATION. ' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. I sloe lpo-. - Lear. For Maygere. Rainier, Clats- . kanle, vYeetport, CUfte. Aa- , ' torla. ' Warream. Flseel, Hammoad. Fort Btaaiaa, wear ban Para, SeeaRle IM ai Astoria aad aeaabera. ainraaa Active 11:88 sm lly 1:08 sm 8:88 pm All (rain dally. j. O MAYO. d p. aad P. A., Aetorla, Or. C A. ITtWlkT. CommeeeiVl Ai. a Alder atreet. Pbone Mala 808. North Pacific Steamship Co.'s S. S. Geo.- W. Elder 1 Sails for Eureka, Baa lrranclsce and Los Ansalea, Wednesday, Februajy SO, 8t I p. m. 5. S. Roanoke Balls Tuesday;, ' February tl, $ p. m. Ticket 0f!le 121 Third, near Alder. H.-YOUNG, Airt- Phona M. 1214, FRIENDS FEAR D0C0C0 ' HAS TAKEN HIS LIFE Peter Deeooo of 181 North Sixteenth street has been reported aliasing, and It In feared that ha has ended his Ufa), The missing man, who la 21 years of age. disappeared la t Wednesday nlgh;t at 7 o'clock, and nothing has been seen of him since. Prior to his departure he complained of severe pains in the head, and from Ms remark It Is thought that he contemplated self-destruction. . Trl erred Block Canoeg Aooda, Allen ft Lewis' Rest Brand. ARRANGE FOR APPEAL -7 IN LAND FRAUD CASE Judge A. 8. Bennett of Th Dallas was In conference- with United States TSlatrlot A Itn.... . TAllllaM . n .. I , -1 ; ' v.. okoiui, waarerrtaw apranvlne tn. In... 1 I ' V . r ? ' i ,v .'. . - 1 " oartinru "! Siachary latld ffStld Pase). These men were found guilty last summer and Sppeeiled their caaea.8 Upon the return . . T u . . m . a. ... I of Judge Hunt to Portlund they will be brought Into court and aentenced. ! Who la MetigerT ' He fltg jrour eyes I for 11.0$. Ill (lstR strsait. . rooms MARKET NEWS SUDDEN DECREASE Valley Farmers Hold Eggs While Quotations Fluctuate on , Front Street. SHORTACE IN POULTRY AS WELL AS BUTTER RtXielptS la IlogS nd Vel UnuSuaJlY 8mU and Sellera - Hold ; for Ad vanced PricM-a-Onlona More Live "ly Despite Effurt to Cheek Saloav Par's principal market featnrea: Hecelpta af hogs aad real atlll scanty. nutter --tinrbanged. . .. Nose Charge Suddenly. Developments la the rrg -wrarket-are . kemg watrbed closelr todar. The saddsa tumble baa wrought karoo a moos tba sellers and shipper, price changed many tlinee before tb egg ceo Id reach the market ' after belne ' ablnned. Oa arcoont of theme eondltmna erv mnck af a (tecreaea fat noticed today la sblpmeata at tgga from all relic nomta. ' Or.-. 1 . realtor Oettlag Bcaroar. .. In poultry mora of 8 scarcity la noticed than has existed throughout tba week, although tbey bare bee abort for eome time. There are ao - Cab mnjtmmm, mmMmt Karte ramelna nnoheaeed " end Pront street reports a shortage m this commodity. The carload from tba east has pot yet arrlred and. tba Borthwaat la nnahle ta relieve tba demand Receipts ta hogs aad real are unusually small area for a Saturday ssarket aad higher prices are eiperted,, , Sellers asea to ha heMlnf for aa advance. ' ' . , ' '" Onleas Oeatbua te Sell Wall. la spits of the efforts ox" the Onlon Crower' aaaorUtlon to bole) that product., a ateady sale kf noticeable. Tba ooloo growers are la arsslca too ay to a lames uie auuaiMm. u . pmiicin that aa attempt wlUmarte to anload kn-a force the growers to ssll ultimately. However, buyers te the country ere effort- better marks. ORAIN BAOS Calcutta. Mnm BuyTaa ealllnr. 818,t. WHBAT NW Olnb. fC70c; " red Romlaa. 88J7c: bluestem. TlT2e; .lly. ae. luhk v dow. eiw, .race, ete-uw pa BARLEY New Feed, 821 .00422.081 railed. t22.60vs28.B0: breerlBg. 823.00128. 08. i e i o pi oath new t-ronncr. pnee no. i whit, t28i28 50; gray. 821027 H.OUU Eaetern Oregon, patent a. 14 08; straight. $2.60; export. 88 JB; rslley 13.80; grsm. m. 88.80; whole .beat, 8il,8i r,a. La. 83.00: bale. 82.T8. MILIJiTCKFS nraa. it.w per toa; mid dllnc. 129.00; ahorta conatry. I30.SO; . dty, 81P &0: chop. 818.00121.00. H AT -prooecer price i imorny. Willamette Valley, fancy, 818.0014 00; ordinary, 88.00 10.00; raatcra Oregon, $18.00; mlied, I10.00Q I0.6O; ekiver. $v.OO; (rata, $3.00010.00; cheat, ea.A Buttaa, Eggs SJaA Vealtry, BUTTER PAT f. a. h. PortUad 8wet eream. S3Vta3ne:, aaar. 81ViflS4c. BUTTP.IV Cltr creamery. uaaTHet enmMe fancy, 8cr oteraee, SVeXlnci- More, l7r)ITe. Euun KZira fancy, cenniea. uxoc. . LHt'KHt New mil creniM. flaia. 4t,J18r: Tcnn- America. iavraioe. PopLTBT Wre Mixed chickens. 1H per id; iboct anw. ew , rawier. Ola. ioc per lb: aid atage, lie per in: rryere. 14c per w: arollers, 14 per lb; eld deck. 18ie lb: spring Saras, ivk per in-, vw. per ; tr- ker. 17 per lb for old: draaasd. faacy. 82 ear tb; son he. $2.00 per do; pigaoa. $1.00 per doe. Dreaaed poultry laiHc par lb higher. ' Hop. Weal aa Mldea. HOPS 1808 crop, choice, 104OI0Scr prtaM) A .tuiiM. loaliouc: sucdlnm to nn m. if.., medium. Be; eoniraci. IWUI Crop, IXC. . WOOL 108 - Mp Vallayw8Uas2Jhii sesters Orecon. 80s. ... MnHMR New. nominal. 8HBKPMKINS Shearlog. IBQzOe earb; abort ai iUakeOc: medium wool. 80870. - - - kmg wool. l&rOII.OO each. ' I TALLVW i-rune. pec la. exact Its), g ssi I greeee. 2l2He. I CH1TTIM BABB HOT ror ear lota, amaO I Iota, .t8t. I urrv, rw-. af., t ia ra I THe per lb; dry kip. No. i, S te 18 rba. leel I try calf. No. 1, aader 8 lbs, 18e: eelted bid, I steer, aouaa, aw ina aaa evwr. lOQllc; eon, IViUOUe; stars sad bell, aoaad. 6t)7e kip, ia to sv 80 lb. 6c; calf, aoaad. aader 18 lbs. 1 1 ; enaelted. la least culls, le per lb least tide, salted, each. $1 2nl.TS- dry, earb. hide, salted, seen. 81591.78: dr. aack lljOOttl.dO; colt bices, 26 O 50c: goat akhn, moa. aaen. lurjiae: aagora. aaea. iseoil fralts as vecstehlea. '' POTATOES Baring prKe. eaatera Multae, mah aad Cla ckamx select. $1.401.B0, eelltng, fancy. l.64t 1.76; ordinary, bur In, si&r.a 1.80 rwt: sweete. $U3c. " o.niunh jooDtng pric no. i oregoa, $1.10 xi.2v: sv. m. oocvxsi.w. parns orice.1 7fis 80c f. : fe, shaping points; gsrUe. $aac Iff 1 It" raoey nooa ntvsr ppltseuberg and I leiiow newTown. mmjuui cancr wiiiaaaarta aai. a-r aaa aooinvrn vreaua. ai.oumi.ia: aminaiv I atork. tt.(ll 28. I FRESH k Bl ITS-oru,M. aewa.vsl. $2:88 08.00; tangrrlnee. $1.76; bananaa. 5c per lb; k-moos. $44.A0 box; limes. Mexican. $1.28 per loo: pl0,.p,J...ii4.1os 00 per dose;' gr.r-a, at a lata ,.ou per aeg; near. - tl.iSl pineapples. $3 per doaea; grape fruit, $4.78. VEiiKTAhl. Kit Turnip, aew. uotssi aack: carrota. T.V$1.00 per aack; beets. $1.28 per seek; radishes. 2oc per ao; cabbage. 2S048.00; bell peppers. per ibj tome- Malar -$7.40 ' per" keg: -nesr; -"818. 1 1. . . i . i I r'rTi.r.r r" r1-'" V F.I 8. 1 8 HI rn I UfTal .. sBaBta. IM i . axsates I . -' r . . " - - . Z?:": S.'1!." neaa. il celery, sine. sprouts. " , r. 1 , inuiie-aivini, evaMnaTeo, vajn i fe per Ibi aorlcou. .Ui20e ner Ibt neaehee. lOiAlflu. aee IW .k- 1. m . I 80 to 40. lac: He drop on each M0 mllet else: flea. taHfnrnla black lUa aaa tht Callfornis white. SfcoHe per tb: dates, goldoa, I 60 per box; fsrda, $1.40iz$I.G0 per IB-fb bos. km . a, . .' - .. .. m. i IK 2TU mmmmAmm mmt I, JIU, a..., a. u . I ' . -T , r i ... , a. j translated. $4.8214; Star. 84.12V4I eonf. A. M.82V4; extra B, $4.42: goMaa 0, $480; D, yTTw. ee.ant Orel eraallate. 4.T2Vk lAbere prices are 80 gays Bet eaaft get- tlonai. HiNY8.fiO per erst a. COFFEE Packare braada. $18 801 L SALT Cosrae Half around. Ulna. lltllS aa. too- Bus. 8I0.5O: tahl. dairy, no at no- mm. I 413.751 bale. 11 wfl: imnortad l.ivaraooL una. I 11 00: looa. 117.00; va. $18.00: extra flae. I hbU. 2a, a. 10a, $4.8ti(98XO; Lrrerpooi tump I rock. $20.00 per tea; 88 lb reck. $10.80: loo. I $10.00. I Above prices apply t salsa f lees than I ear sits, car lot st special or leas eableet te I riartnatloaa.t MICK I p. pedal Japan, N. I. 8ei No. t, BV,e; New Or lea aa. heed, Tc; Ax. Be; Creole. JbeANS Bm.B white. $8 art;- Isrga white, $125; pink. $2.80; bayou. 88-781 Lmu. 8V.C1 aaeaif-an reoa, ee. nun r-esauts, Jamba, PH par Tb: Virginia, I JVie per n; meated. 10 per lb; lapse. Btt I BVafi roatal74jJH pec Ibi rotwaanta, . K d.( walaala, California, I8i per lb; neb, in per lb: plaeaata. 14Q16C per lb; klokjor ante, 10 per A4, Cheatuata. astern. IAtlnc per lb: Bi-asll auta, lae per lb; fllhefa. nc per lb l faacy pace a. I8020c almoads, lttj2lV4e. a.., wf.a, m ' ' w. . FRESH MRATS Front Sti Hoc, fancy. w per in; veai, extra, ee per in; eratnary. THU per lb; poer, 8 per Ibi muttea, taacy, Swioc per lb. HAjun. hai ni. btt:. .i-onun pact tmrai) Jhams. 10 to 12 Iba. my lb; 14 to 18 I!.. W .; 18 to 20 In. Ivelb! break faat bacon. 17 I fTie ;b: P,rir- 12c - Ibr cmtg roil. I2e 8: eaealev ehnrt clears, ausmoked. Uaj mi moked. I2t6e lb; clear backa. onaniohed, HHej eov.ked, 11M Bit Union buna, 10 to II lbs, a. lb aamksd, a IS) clear bellies, Bay 111 S IIP JElilS . in; aorseraaisa. S'nior per lb.: artlchokee I ii; ,J, n.. . . vi. aa. wio,. per doseai eonaeb. TVHll.ffl aa tan! !!!?' Rsv, $1.78; Vlctoil, 8; Wlnooa, ,-C.llforaU. $3.28a8JI0 pVr erate; VZim-l.x, oa CIldVud $WM- Elr 401 He4-.ahrlea. $8418 per barreli IT'J? 'ii. SL' 84c per lb. i . mi, IX 'SiL. .Zm . ;r"v ft vBSkarai 'i.Hika. in z.aA,t rvarraarn AW1 , 1 T IA. I dry gtanalared, pe.n: pT CT $4 MH: enaf. I Z?ZiL:i M.WVk; extra C, $4.42HI goldea C, 84 82 VI! D, ! ,SfJS fallow. $4 22V,I beet graool.ted, $4.2m bbta. T?.,7 ' " , f L'2'Sm 27 ISs Tht smoked. 14a Tb: sbenloara. 1 8c led ton roes, fjoa aacb. LA HO Kettle lear. toa, iBa mj lb: fiv-lb tloa. IDWc lb; staaua rea- 10a, I2c lb: ba. UM Ibi sompoana. lite. BUe lb. CANNED SALMON Colombia ' rtreT. Mb talla. 1. MO: a Ik talla. $2.16: taecy. 1-lb flata, 1.1)0; H-lb fancy flats. $1.18: fancy 1 lb arala, IJ-7.1: Alatka talla. pink. 8eMl rad. l.bO; aomtnaL lia. talL 12.00. FISH Koch red. Te ner Ibt 'fleaadera. 8t pat lt; baiibut, c par Ibi rraba, fii.ov per rlosrni etrtped baaa. HHa per lb: cat flab. 10 Ibi aalmon. freab Cnlneabla rlavr alrreralde. lOel rhliMMM.. 15c lb: frnaea aalmon. SieVtltc lb; her ring, oc lb: aole. Ac lb; ahrlnin. ltw lb; perm 8r lb; blark cod, Tc vcr lb: tomcod. Te par lb allrer a melt, be Per Ibi lobeter. 18a par Ibi b-eab mackerel. He om! lb: crawflah. te per Soars: atnrgeon, 10c per lb: bark Mas, ma pes lb: Colombia rlrer amalt, 8e per lb. t uiritKB nnoalwater say, per gaiiea, r loo-lb sack. 8t.t; OlympU. pat galluo, IXl; per llft-lb aark. 8T TS. CLAMnllardehell. ear bos. IXOOi , reaof elama, 2 60 per bos. Faint, Oaal Oil.- Ito. ROPB rare Manila. 16kei ataadard, 13r; alaal. lie. -4?Aa. OIL Pearl et Astial' CO aee. I8HS ass woodea. 17 per raUoa;. baadllgbt,. I7IMI.) caae. 21 He per gaUosv 0A.S0L1NR 88-dea aaaaa. 84A set gsllea. Iron bbla.. 18c per galloa. BENMNB 68 deg. eaaaa. 85 par galloa: Iron bbla. INHc par galloa. . TI'kPKNTIMK la t-mmmm SeW no aratl WaillUa bbla" Bfo p. galloa: 1 WHITB LEAD Toa lota. TSAa aer lb I 808-lb Me, be per lb: less lota, m per Tb. ami ft ails rreeeat baaia ai Hr I. INURED 01 L Pare raw. la 6-bbl lata, SOet 1-bbJ lot. 83e:eaee. 88a oar aal: geaalaa hot lie ooiieo, caeoa, oue per gai; a-oot no, i 1 1 DDI low. aoc per gal; giouaa est, tar k Vei per lea; fmm tbaa ear ktts. 80 pas lata. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET j Better Feel In at Abknis ths Trader I and List Is Well Supported, I ; I New York.' Feb. 18. Tber sssmsd aa be) better feeling aawng traders m general today, nl " Ut wss very well supported, nearly sll Issues aliowlng amaa activity end holding stsady, while aUvsnces were scored la aeeuy of the standard ttorka. Tba bank - etatement waa favorable, which had some affect m steady I big eoaaituna. I I Official OOotaflooe : by Ororbeck, StST I 'wao company: f DESCRIPTION. Am. Col toa Oil, com... Am. Car A round., com 11 81 soTf 4V4 ' UK eH 44 do preferred.. loi a Am r.,t . nit mnmm I Am. Iaromvtlve, com. '. tl T8 81 T8U BOi T4i i am. rmgar. com,..., , (a Smelter. ciHaw. . ,. 13H 1.101 1MT4 14 iv 140 11A I Anaconda Mining Co..,. 288 802 288 V 2IWV. I Am. Waolea. com , . i 824 104 U ioivi 104 IWH M ev I do nreferred .7. . . . ' I on TiJ"fl,,f I Rrooklrn Kajild'Ti4W.'l.' 80 T5 00 00 80 lr TBU T4 I Canadian I'arlflc, com.. 78 1M in 1H7U 80 2 i central Leather, com, .. . I 0.1 jPT"?4" 884 ifiu 88 ifiu 884 101 vi ia I (-ill.. Mil. St. I Paul. 14WU iV 148 i.-tiv I Chi. A hi. W 187 188 jor M 49 Vt 1ST . t Cheaaneake A Ohio. 88 4 8814; Colo, reel Iran. ci,,, Southern ' M 3rrrT.... rto ut oraferreS !"! no 87V 88 88 ST 68 MX 8TvJ 88 1 87 V 87V iwiaware a H 212 Denver 8j R. O., com.. do preferred. Brie, com., do 2d preferred.... . do 1st preferred..... 'is 84 784 8Vk ni 70 70 ntlnole Central Loulavllle A NaabvlUa. Manhattan Railway .., Mrxlcaa Central By.... M.. K. A T, eom.,..., 180H 1X814 148 vZ a4 43 i 711 TT 48 VA 4a prefer tMt. n4 ! 7 IVs I Distillers I Greet Northern 7T 188. 'sii, n l.vt 1T0U I t enteral ntnelter 1 Mlaaourt Pad ft 84 04 714 National Lead 7R in 120 V4 48 New York Central N. T.. Ont. ft Waatera. Norfolk ft West., ansa. do preferred...,.,..., North American 1S 130 8V, b 88 Vi S3 82 81 BS 82 IMll Northern Pacific 184 VI 1844 130. 18 117. I PsBnaylvanla Railway, I P. G.. L. ft 0. Ce. 7.. 181 181 U, 88 Vs 86 M 86 V4 I pressed Steel Car, 82 Vi 88 12rt I . a" Prrrred I Reading, com. 128 Vk 125. 124 I w M prvierreu.,,,,. I " preferred I B8- lrrn eea .... 88 ii so 80 88. 00 i 2fli 88 Vi l on prererred... .. I Kork Island, com.. I do referred 88 m 88 2fli 80 87 23 Vi 88 844 St. L. A S. F., Id pfd). oa at " ex pirieueu. .. Bt. L. ft S. W., sota. 22 WV4 84 234 si" 8o areferred Southern Perlfle, am An .Mt....j . 84 V Soutaera Railway, 'eeai o prof et red 118 118 117 2"4 SB V. 85 Tennaaeas Coal ft I roa 10Q Texas ft Pacific Tol.. St. U ft W eats. . si" 84 84 2814; 814 SOV, 82 178 80 Vi M Wv'rffTfaJa nx 811 Daioa Pacific, coat,.,.. 17T. 178ll7t'4 Dref erred .......... U. S. Bnhber. com...,. M 108 "iai. 8284 B1U do nreferred .... 108 10T ' 0. S. Steel Co., .... 48 Vi 48U do nreferred 108 Vi 108 Wabash, com moa do orererred ......... S8 2 Western t'nlou Wlnconaln Central, tost. Oo nraferde Virginia Chemical Toui sale for tb flay. 833.000, aa,. w.wm - eviva vva--aka a.amt, ,w. w.k I -Aorentnr. tUT-ArtmMmn IT Km Cumi VJ?' nJLe R. Btng, r.lnm.t COOO mmmmA. ru.lMinl.l rt-, su iZimt. 5J , f 24,' J'rf fa! r,t IT"- ' '.:aoi "",r ,B a.irn niTwr. as.: rr-anaiin,- : umiA Lon i.oiid - t,. im: it.. Hntt- ii4 iv- u.M - . " ' ' . - - ' " 7.1 ia- liT UairvRvAPlr IvrVv rV I m ribBSn I AmtmeX. Ifortk nntta, (HZ 7n; Bntta jf Inn, Old DoBlnWkra. t&.W. OamU. l7: S'snu Kr$87sb.. $ 0a , : i . . ... ,231 Olrooa, $10. ; . FORTXaJTO BAJTX BTATEXXRT. Cleerfnrs today ..)........ t,.$808.50.M Clearings year aga 4U8.188.80 train rnaar .................. ....ajm-ws av BelaC tOday ......,., . U7.W3.nX 10 for weak anUn ate tarda, fsbnitrr IS: Monday u,, .$l.m.852(H Total for week .$8.281.028. 11 VKW TORS BARX iTATOtUTt. New York. Feb. 18. Bank statement! . Decreasa. Reaerr $1 .Ofc.i.l 7f1 Raeerr. lees U. ..... 1.018.478 Loena T.205.4") Hoed ............ 1.7N5.400 2.704.800 ttal tepdert Deposit 8,in.800 140.600 ClrcaUtloa . ..,. lacrea.' I , . Zxohangs Rates. - New York. Feb. 18 Sterling exebsnr retes; Di 48 181468 2ft. , . ; s Hew Tork tenAoa Sllvar. Ksw York. Fb. 18-Bar sllvsr, gSUei doe, 82d. . , . RXW Y0RX OOTTOaT HAtKET. BrW York, Feb 18. Ootton prices: Open. High. Low. Cine. , 8V7 - !: ---17 lltlO Jannarf '.".t February ..... sin Marcn ..,.... April ......... 828 , 825 , 821 . 10 84 82 8o0 81 ' 878 . 8-.':i hi I Pin May ...J, June. , .. . July .... Sit ...... 48 'M 80 841 uno b .vi , :,2 8R.1 ' 87 o. Angnst y I 8M I MUw;-trnililMM...o.. ii hil a wtlnl. - - r-. , i .r.'. xiar.i 11nltv. x-JB Tn; ITnlteil nam.. i- iiiwmob. aio.n.. vaaamw. a.w. uma laaiani - mam i mane September iirtober .. btotmber .' i , 8fll , ............ 877 884 BULL NEWS IVILL TURN MARKET Beirs Now In Control of Wheat V Pit at Chicago Board ;-r --.'' of Trade. TRADINO IS ACTIVE. ( -FOR A SATURDAY Bull Traders' Sales) of Outs Declared to Be Effort to Start Activity Rather Than Liquidation Pack ers Supporting Provision Market. Chicago. ' Feb. 18 .Wheat Moat of the wheat new today was of a bearish charac ter, the northwest talk of Urge receipts and the export aal,w w.ra onlir uui.r.La autra bH(iig oft aolll Monday's staUatlca ea the vlslhl supply and tba world'a slocks are known. Selling of the market aeeme ta bars rescued a puaitloa wber any Uttl bull aewt at bom or abroad will start a derided 4nra la. the market. Trsdlng wsa vary actlra fur a Saturday market. r , . Com 42orn trade ta ahnn a . aranAnrf. ' with 82$ cars promised for Monday. U vac pool le troag oa tb Boot demand. . Bulls aeem to have control of th market at present. - Oats Ths salsa df oata today by hull traders looks more Ilka an effort to start setlvlty - rather than liquidation. Oa tn ar vra won i a Buy oars. Prorialn Loral traders got Bearish and most ef the support wss from trig packers. The market closed with only partially recover ing. Price will depend largely .oa bogs aext week. . Official -Mtetoas Otoks eom Da ax t .. by Overbook. Stair ft . ... WHBAT. ' i Open. High. ' Lew. war July September ..... T7V4 tnvl .- nVS , T7V ' CORN. , . 48 4714 : S ' 48 Aa 48 4rlVi - 404 B 44 o 48 46HB OATS. Key July Septembr ,. May .......... 40H . . 40 Vi ' 40U . 4014 July ....uuM ST MAT M'4 fpt-.;2H MESS PORE. 1740 ' 1748 , 1724 ITStT , 1740 , ,, . aioo iiw - LARD. 008 . . 88T " 82 A 807 JZ 1000 aWT 802' ' 1000 101 1010 1000 SHORT RIBS. 850 850 . . ten 688 888 87 May 842 850 July r T irrimrooL aRAur vauzt. Liverpool. Feb. 1R OfflcUI price I " WHBAT. ''.. Oosed. Vat. i March 8 8V48 a lid f y aa 64 CORN. aa evd ee dVid 4s 8V44 March ...................... 4a 4144 May ....................... 4a BVie NEVADA MINING STOCKS Quotations Show ; Very Slight " . Chan (eg la VrIuo. j j - Saa IVaarlaea. Feb.1 18 Little ehatkrea Is values are aoewa la today's quotation.. Official big prises by Overbeck. Starr A twin company : Belmont f 8.8 VTsy July may .m.... mUlT September ., Metswar ..... .21 Ooo. Cal Va...$ .84 Ophlr 18 Mexleaa ....... .88 Caledoula . 80 Br.cbequar ..... .83 Norcross .....a .82 Oold Orawa.... .18 Great Brad ..s 1.1 Rescue ........ .20 Blsck Bt. Kg.. .12 -. . Montarimery ,. .84 Kunaat ,,- .14 . Sceptre ...,. ..40 Manhattan .... .18 i Bayler Uomp.. ,10 Dexter - .80" Granny '- .2.1 A ! Oold Wedge... .1 . i Loo Star .... .84 Ot. Bend Ex... .88 at. Bend Annex M Crescent 12 Cowboy , .07 Dearer A nnex . . .28 Black Reck.... .10 N. Y. Coaaol.. .10 A Little Joe .... . .08 . May now ... 42 Jnmnlng Jack.. .10 A Red Top Ea....y.2S Mitatang .38 Bull Frog Mia. ,40 Triangle ...... .8$ Loa Dllhra ..... .20 . Pla Nut .24 Caah Boy .11 .88 ' .10 uoioa Horn Jim Batwr ... 40-H McNamara .. .ei 02 8.T7 .88 .17 4.40 18.00 i.6 - .20 ,83 .48 ' .02 1.06 .22 0 .21 .18 1.80 Midway ...... Montana North Star ... Ohio Tone pah Kxtea fterada ....... Wast Bad .... Adam ....... Atlantis Bluebell ...... RWrtb CnlumbU Mt.. Con. Quarrr .. Dlamocuineld . Vernal Dlile ......... Oolrtri14 Jumbo Jumbo Ex tea.. Randall .81 1.80 .80 IS-STVi R8 A Iguna ...... May Qoeea .. Mohawk Red Top Sandstorm .... - .74 Sliver Pick ... St. Ivea ...... Nat. Bank .... Gold Bar 1.42V4 l.w M 1.80 .21 0. BuU FMg.. EASTERN LIVESTOCK Strong; Undertono tn Ho-fs, Cattle . ana Btieep uontinae in iTiicajto. Chicago, psk. 18V Livestock receipts: Hoc, tattle. Sheen. Chlcage l.sno Kansas Cltr.. 8.008 1.2"0 1.000 1.600 Omaha ....T T.000" rr 4.009 Hogs epeoea ttrong with s.Tno left ever. Receipt a year ago ware 16.000. Price: Mixed. $8.86427.1$: good end tiesvr. ST. 0r,t 7.18; rough aad heavy, $.860 , light $8.83 tattle rtssny,. - .. . Sheep Steady, aeMBnMaaaMaaw s 7-lvwryoel Oettea Krkt Llveroool. Feb. 18. Cot toa futures closed I point dowa... Middling! unr lunged. BIG FILL 03 EAST SIDE IS COfilSlEISCED East Oak Work Will ' Next Be Taken Upi by the Pacific Bridge Company. Work has . commenced on th East SUrk street fill. . Th Paclflo Bridge company has begun operations by driv ing ptlea on which to lay their tracks, A treat has first to be built so that th dump cars can be run out oxer tb Slough. , This Is on of the biggest street contracts th Paclflo Bridge com pany now tma on hand. On th completion or the east Oak fill, which la now nearly flnlehed. It Is expected to have the Blark street tres tle ready to begin operations. East Blxth street will follow closely, . HAWLEY INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS HALLS (Washington Bnrea ef Tl Jonraal.) Washington, 1). C Keb. IS. Con gressman-elect JW. C. Hawley was In troduced on the floors of the heme ad senate today. He met Speaker Cannon nnd this afternoon cortorred with Bens tor Fultnn retarding' several poatma. I ters to be named later. No decisions ware reached. Mr. Hawley waa also esoorted to th press gallery, where hs was presented to in any correspondents. (lESLilIII corn BILL PASSES New District Made From Wasoo . and Crook Including Antelope, '"' Shaniko nd Madras. ENEMIES TO FIGHT MEASURE IN SENATE LUorw Favorable to New Ooruitj Despite ; Opposition Bill Fore, stalls, Future Attempts to Divide Wasco Count. , ",',. ' , (By 8 Staff Correopoodent.) . Salem, Or., Feb. It. 'The bill creatine; Nesmtth county out of ths Southern part of Wasco and .the northern portion of Crook. Including th towns of Shan Iko, terminus of th Columbia Southern railroad. Antelope ana Madras, Tjaasje , a the hoiiaa thg rf)"-"'"g Antl0pll J named as th county Beat, Th passage of th bill ha raised a storm of protest from Representative H. P. JBelknap ofCrook. iiountyand others who; while favoring; a division of Crook county, had not figured on this division. All tha force which th non-dlvlslonlat can marshal - will be mustered Into service to defeat th maaaura- whan it. coma oeyeUof In th senate. - Th lines as drawn by th bill In cltid th ear In th southeaatarn part of Wasoo county and th northern quar ter of Crook county, wherein lies a rich wheat belt. Those who hare been al 1 Ual.m f.MHne Alvlalnna Af'PvnAb m , , . ty -with county aeata at Madras and Bend and an altogether different ar rangement of tha territory to be in eluded, ar completely knocked out bf th introduction and paaaag of th . Neamtth county bill which waa slipped In without muoh warning. Th move ha been made, it I be llered. . to forestall any futur attempt on th part of Hood river to divide Waaco county east and wast and eraat a new county, with th county at at th apple town. . - Antelope la situated at th bottom of a deep canyon, surrounded by high pla- I R deep canyon, surrounded by I lemig ri ftompletelr nrt ef t from all new coun ty,-and - It - la - beJlrrad - that- thes facts will b Instrumental la defeating th paaaag of th measure in th sen ate. . .....' . MRS. WASHINGTON CLEARED OF ASSAULT CHARGE No Testimony to Prove That Sho 1 . Stashed Mamie Lee, Also .; ; : . .; . ' ..; Colored.' " 'j- ' ' Mr. Nellie Washington, colored, who waa arrested about three weak ago on B charge of assault with g deadly weapon.- was- discharged from eaatody In th polio court this morning or a motion of - Deputy tHstiiot Attorney Haney. -Mrs. Washington wag aooused of having stabbed Mamie -. a waltrasa la th Vestibule cafe, on Flanders street, Th complaint waa sworn te by tha girl's mother, but th atata did not hav any testimony tending to connect th de fendant with th crime. Last summer Mrs. .aahtngton gained considerable notoriety by shooting her husband, but escaped prosecution on that eharga, It Is claimed by th defense that th hus band Instigated th filing ef th Infor mation against h la th present caae. Mamie Le was alashed across th fac bv her unknown assailant anal may. marked for life from th knife wound. HINDOOS SHOW HATRED OF BRITISH MASTERS (Journal Special Service. Lahore. India, Feb. 18. Thar has been a violent outbreak ef antJ-Brittah feeling here., following th sotivtotlon of the proprietor and editor ef th na. tlv newspaper, tha Punjabi. They were accused of stirring up barred against the government and th Eng lish community. - - . ' Th paper printed a story that an Fal1sh officer shot a Mohammedan policeman for a trivial reason and that ! se " h h.u p h (fair and permitted th murderer to cap. Th government prosecutor showd th policeman wa killed by being thrown from his horse. ' - Th court aentenced th proprietor t two years' Imprisonment and fin of 10,004 rupees and tb editor to six months' Imprisonment and a fin ef 100 rupees. After the sentences were , Imposed R crowd ef Hindoos paraded the streets, shouting denunciations and hooting every European they mt- PAGUE GETS FEE AND v . ALL IS PEACEFUL NOW- . v- a anaolat aeaalan nf tha rtc.Hr court yesterday afternoon th BUtu""! torr charge against H. H. Wilson eafJtd ; I Mrs.-Jeesl Taylor, who were arrested at Oregon City Monday night while try- -Ing to elope to California, were dis missed upon motion of Deputy District ' Attorney Haney, aa Mrs. Mildred Wil son, th complainant, did not wish to . prosecute. " Atorney B.. S. Pague finally received, the fee for his servtcea aa special proa. , ecu tor, over- which there bad been so much wrangling, and peace now reign a eupreme. Attorney Simon, counsel f or the defense, remained firm in hie re ftitnl to split" with Pague, and th latter lawyer received his compensation from Wilson, at the earnest solicitation of the letter's wife. CRIPPLED PRISONER FINALLY RELEASED.: Nlr.k Miller, ' cripple, who was a member of the gang of criminals ar rested In a raid. on a Front street lodg. Ing-hous several week ago, several of whom were subsequently arrested by th . federal authorities, for th robbery of ; - the flellwood postofflce, was released 4 from th city prison this morning byaj order or judge Cameron. Miller ha been .rll since hla Imprisonment , and his symptoms became so alarming that It wu decided tp rejeftss Llm at once. If Miller remains In th eity ha win b kept under surveillance and If ha does not conduct himself In a proper manner .' he will be again taken Into custory. . Wraferred attoesi Oanaad oodav Allen 4V latwls Best Brand,. -4