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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
Till: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,- SATURDAY EVENING.1 FEBRUARY 18, 1907. 13 THE SENATOR BAILEY CASE; S J I HAVE .-SSEiw ; ASCCNC fN OFFICE OF HOW SAO!. WeT .Should Be Gu'Deo1 C' PAlNFll WRPRlSt 0 GOOD .AND VP RKmT C'TiX tN ON DOTTtDU SPOILERS STAGED Aex Beach's : Powerful Novel Creates a Sensation When ' Dramatized at Capital. . EXPOSES CORRUPTION , IN NOME JUDICIARY Book ud FUf HT Exer cised a Powerft Inflnenoe Among Member, of Congreaa . ReTelInf Actual Condition la North. ' - ,' Br Jo lthrop. , WwUagtoa Bams f Tb Joarul.) ' WMblBtton. Fb. PowfrtuJ o llttol lBfluanc wm xrted her by Ui production of Rx BeMh'i atonr, TIM BpoUtrs. drsmatlMd by JamM MaoArthur and 41rctd paraoniair by Daniel rnhmaa at the Columbia tba atr. openloc Mondar night (or a week's run. Incidentally, too, the ap .pearanoe of "The 8 pollers'1 company was the occasion (or the writing of columne of crltlolsms by the literary "fellers- and dramatlo axparta, who re speculsUnt much aa to whether or not 'The Spoilers" la a permanent ad dition to American literature. Tho political phases of the produc tion are in tho portrayal of corrupt conditions affectln the federal court of the Nome district, which, la the play, are alleged to have been a very carnival of maireasa&ce, with the slimy hand of the politician reaching out to control the Judiciary and render jus tices aa administered in the far north, a mockery. Brilliant Andleaoe present. "Tfiropentnsr night a brllUsnt udi- nce waa present. In which were severel score of newspaper men and numbers of officials potent In tha government. a Beach haa reduced humanity to lta lowest terms; ha has analysed. It, and laid bars the elemental attributes; and he haa shown how, when aeparated from the conventions of society, man appears to obey tho law of tha rever sion of the species, snd In A sens bo comes at times almost savage. But it 1 not only , in tha psychologi cal and metaphyslosi features that the story la Interesting; It Is Intensely practical and fearlessly sets forth the aepioraoie statue- wmca vuihiqn sn Beward peninsula, when mine titles wer guaranteed with tha Winchester, until th politicians gained mastery of the oourts, after which blueooata under command of regular army officers took hand and forced compliance with tha elfish wishes of th - looters The 0pollesV - i 1 1. ' Corruption la Borne Courts. Washington - haa - been - startled by charges - of corruption In th Nome courts; allegations bar been' made against United States Judges, marshals, clerks, district attorneys; th a oou na tion has been mad that on end of the "Begnlas as the SnsT Is an srpreanlon as old aa th raa. No doubt th rising and setting of th sun Is th most regular performance In the inlversai unless It Is the action of the liver and .bowels when regulated with Ir. King's New Mfe Pills. Guaran t4 bv Hed Crone pharmacy. J So. " S-V I WS,ltf . Vi J . I in WASHINGT0E1 .am W av - 1 1 -aavr y-a I I 1 1 It 1 1 I II I ri , V ana- ft I IV rvw r 6TAMX5ARD OIL. , FROM 1- CARTDOM &AWN BY i - r : - HQ WIN & BAiuEV OETTlift. MS. - iENATofj BAlUtyi 014. BOU&UT UIM chain of political influence was la Noma, tb middle In San Francisco, and th other end In the national capital. Hearings have been mad before th senate committee touching th charges of Judicial malfeasance in Nome, and whole volumes have been written ' on th subject. Thousands of copies of Rex Beach's Story hava been distributed by partisans In th Nome politico Judicial controversy, and It la difficult to estimate th extent of th Influence wrought by th revelation of conditions in th rrosen. golden north. ' Wan Known In BortlaaaV Hence It waa that the' Beach-Mao-Arthur-Frohman production beginning Monday night, eonatltuted an Important Incident In th political life of th capital city. Paclflo coast waahtngtonlans were none th less Interested la th Beach play because Ralph Stuart appeared aa leading man, producing Olenlater, hero of the- tale. Stuart haa been seen la most of the western cities In stock or repertoire. Mr. Beach, who Is well known In Portland, and Dav King, who was his partner In Nome, are ac companying th company on their tour. IMPROVED BIT-BRACE Can Be Adjusted to Bore Holes at Odd Angles. ' Th boring of bale at odd angles has always been a vary tedious and trying operation for th carpenter and mechan ic In many eases th problem of work ing around a Joint or over a pipe, etc- la a difficult one. An Ohio mechanic who waa continually compelled to overcome such problems baa designed a bit-brace which makes th boring f hole at odd angles an exceedingly simpler matter. Aa ahown m th Illustration, th end of tho bit-brae la normally In tha ordinary BOR1NU AT ODD ANGLES. position, but by pivoting the end Of the brace on a crank-abaft the brace can be adjusted at any angle desired. In th Illustration the brace la shown In the common position, the dotted lines Indicating some of the angles at which It can be adjuated. For Trapping Thugs. A phonographic device that - will call the police by telephone edda a new aas ard to the ever-Increasing dangers of the burglar's profession. When an at tempt la made to force a window or door with which the proper connections have been made an electric current operate a phonograph In the garret. The machine ealla up central and asks tor the police station. The phonograph then Informs tb of fleers of the rrbbery, giv ing street and number, and repeats this Information aa png as the receiver la down; Meantime, th Intruder, all Un conscious that an alarm has been rung In. virtually walks Into a trap, and If the call Is promptly responded to Is soon la the lockup. WITH EXPLANATORY DIAGRAM B-5CNATORIAL ASH CANS , SHOWING- BAricvS , ; - - .- n -,. , ... 1 : t- v .--esnwww a ft . I I M.H. ROGER DE LA MAR GIVEN RICH fillHES : Luck of Modern Monte Cristo Wins Cass In Court for Pos ' session of Nevada Croup. SUCCESSFUL INTINANCE i BUT UNLUCKY IN LOVE Wedded Beautiful Nellie Sands but Divorced ITer Because- of Ills In . tense Jealousy Still Teams for Woman Who Is Now Another's. fJoornat Bnerlal nanlre.t New York, Fob. IC New Tork waa Interested but not surprised to learn this week that Captain Joseph D La Mar bad won out In suit for possession ox NevaSa mines said to b worth mill Ion of dollars. It was merely another evidence of tha "Dt La Mar luck, which haa long been a by-word among New Tork flnanclera. t Co La Marr who has spent the greater part oz hta time In this city during re cent years. Is known aa th modern Mont Crista His career seems to Justify the nickname. Born In Holland about If yeara ago. Captain Do La Mar gained his title on the deck of a coast steamer. Out In Colorado, where be en gaged In mining, politics and anything else that came to hand, ha waa known as plain Joe Delamar. After fortune favored him In the west h. sought fbr wider fields, social fields, to conauer. He went to Washington and earned the proud distinction of giving a number of reoeptions where the band played and the waiters waited for th guests that never came. Then be thought the air elsewhere would be more congenial.' In all things save matrimony De La Mar's proverbial luck stuck by him. But when he tried his hand at the marriage game ha met with but poor success. . Botnano of Croesus. . ' i In the early'0 a feature of the aft ernoon parade along Fifth avenue was tho accustomed stroll of pretty Nellie Bands snd her equally handsome mother, so youthful in appearance that she was generally aupposed to be her daughtar'a slater. The WldoHr Bands was poor, and Is a violent Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the wind pipe, which sometlmee extends to the larynx end bronhlal tubes; snd Is one of the moat dingerous diseases of children. It al most always comes on In the nlaht Olve frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup end apply Ballard's Bnow 1 Liniment externally to the throat' Sao, 60o and fl.Ov. Sold by all drua-eiats. " - . , u TSrii3 I Mitt -S-"- 1 mm v, .. i Nellie waa badly gowned. At this stage of the gam Captain De La Mar ap peared on the scene. ' His ohlef recom mendation waa hla money, which even at that time amounted to many millions. It 1 said that he was the mother's devoted admirer until he aaw her daugh ter Nellie, and then he lost bis heart to ' her.' Before the honeymoon waa over Mrs. Sands concluded to accept th sit uation, and a - happy three-cornered household lived In peace and harmony for some time. Th De La Mars went ta Parle, and Mrs. De La Mar waa considered th most beautiful American there. Her beauty became almost a erase, and aha gained a social success In the French capital that aha had not exactly suc ceeded In obtaining on this side of the water.- - Is Sxtremely Jealous. But Da La Mar waa extremely Jealous of his beautiful wife, and apparently without cause. - He was a monomaniac on the subject of permitting his wife to talk to anyone. He was particularly Jealoua of the glances of admiration thrown by young men at Mra Da La Mar. . This Idiosyncrasy did more to prevent tbdlr social success In America than all the other objections put to gether. Captain De La Mar apparently could not understand the social ethics which permitted that his wife should receive the acknowledgement of an after- dinner call from the men who had ac cepted their dinner Invitations. Much leas did he see the courtesy In the offer of a few flowers or a box of bonbons from the men who had the honor of her acquaintance. Aa for holding a court of admlrera at her afternoon or evening at home, as the case might -be. It was hot to be thought .of- Even In their box at tha horae show or opera, hla icy glare was sure to chill the ardor of th unaucpectlng caller. i Finally the situation reached a climax and the De La Mara agreed to disagree. Captain De La Mar Instituted proceed ings In Parts for an absolute divorce. and the ault was not contested by she wife. The cause of the suit was a pack age of letters addressed to Mra De La Mar, discovered by Captain De La Mar In their common . safe Ct the Credit Lyonnala' Stui Yearns for Beauty. Within a short time after the divorce was granted Mra De La Mar waa mar- lied to a Mr. Hatmaker, who, for many yeara, had been a confidential financial man for the VanderbUts. He had pro moted several companies In France and bad accumulated a large fortune. -So far aa the public knowa. the former Mra D La Mar baa lived happily ever since. The same cannot be said, how ever, ' of her former . husband. HJs friends in this city say that he loves the beautiful Nellie Sands -aa much to day as be did the day he married ber. However this may be. It Is certain that he has all the appearances of a mffst unhappy and discontented man. - He maintains homes la - several cities on both sides- of tho Atlantic, but never stays long In one place. He built a pa latial house In Fifth avenue, but never lived la It. , But so far as money la concerned hla luck has never deserted him. Every thing he haa touched seems to have turned to gold. The recent decision of the California court In regard to the Nevada mining property haa but added millions to a fortune . that already amounted to sallllena , . . BIDS SOLICITED FOR Y KENO CANAL WORK (Waahlertae Bsraaa at The JearpaL - Washington, Feb. la Proposals are so licited for the construction of the Keno canal ta connection with the Klamath Irrigation project. The work will In volve the excavation of S5.000 cublo yarda of rock and earth, and bids will be opened In Portland, Oregon, April IS. The reclamation aervlo here announoesi that Information relative te the bide wUl be obtainable front th supervising en gineer at Portland, WOMEN SUFFRAGISTS - IN BUSINESS SESSION (Journal Rpaeuf arrle.. Chicago, Feb. It. The sessions of the third day of the national woman suf frage convention today were character ised by the same earnest work and gen uine enthusiasm which marked the proceedings of the . opening day. The business of the day was ab breviated in order to , give ' the delegatea an opportunity to visit Hull House, the University of- Chicago, and other places of interest. Tomorrow the pulpits of several churches will be given over to some of the prominent delegates, and in Mdition there will be a big pub lic meeting In the Studebakar theatre, with addresses by Herbert Blgelow ot Cleveland, Miss Jane Adams, Rabbi Emil O. Hiracb and other persons of nota OLD ANCHOR COAL MINE NEAR KELSOJO REOPEN (Special Napetee, te The Joarul t Kelso, Wash., Feb.-1. -The old An olior coal mine near Rock Point, about three mllea north of Kelso, is te be de veloped again. J. H. Johnson, formerly Of hfebraska. Is In Kelso getting to Dr. - -yvi.rij in In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee is Only MgM's Migg)2 (HiMfly 1 1 fv f g V tice doesn't await the young physician at th col- fl ll llll fl I nil l'Ke door. He must prove himseW. He must W II llll II I llll work toward success day after day, doing well r.1 UlLU JUU e,ch day,f U8kt- VI eaUm J O j M It has always been my rule to promise nothing v a. - that I am tint ahsnlutelv certain of accomoliah- You Can Pay When Cured the serious complex and stubborn hend. I have confined my etlorts to diseases oi men exclusively, ana mere is no ailment belonging to thia class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though, others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But. I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill s promise? My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has irrown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making of my aueeess. Each day new cures are com pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. Conaultation Is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. Yorrcan rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a complete and permanent enre will follow my treatment J An necessary X-Ry examinations are -' abso itely free to patients. My , equipment for X-Ray work is tha finest" and . most complete ever pro- ' duced, and equally per fect results are not possi ble with an Inferior appa- ' ratua. v , All medicines art pre- , pared from standardized drugs In my own private , laboratory and - are sup plied to patients at actual . cost. . . : . MEN OUR PEE In Any ' Uncompli cated Case There is a certain strain of self-praise about many newspaper announcements that renders , their hysterical claims more pitiful than serious to sensible people. When you consult us for information regarding your ailment we carefully consider all symptoms and conditions relative to your case and then give you a plain statement of the facts just as we find them, if we can cure you we want the case, if not we will frankly tell you so. ; If you wish,to profit by the advances and late discov eries in medicine you certainly know that you must pat ronize a physician who has kept himself fully abreast of the times. Such a man is in a position to be of untold benefit to you, and he is the physician that should be con sulted. .' ' - ' - Tor sasra thava a f.tiartar ef a aad bee. aaethods we eare. So stay and an aeeoelat dlssaese f sissassa of aaea. Write If yow eaaae eau, -rv oinca aovaa I St. Louis Medical4 & Surgical OOKICZm gether a crew to open the mine anew. . Assooiated with Mr. Johnson are sev eral wealthy men of Portland, and If a thorough Investigation provee the qual ity of the coal to be aa represented the mine will be worked to Its capacity. The coal of the Anchor mine Is claimed to be a lignite of fine quality. Mr. Johnaon Is an extort on lignite roal and will aoon be able to report whether the mine will pay or not. The property Is owned by Wallace brothers of Kelso and Crawford brothera of Vancouver, and wae at one time a well-equipped mining property. . .. Over tSOO.000 had been expended on the property when the hard times came along, and all work waa then abandoned by the company, which held a lease en the property from the owners. VcnanJ la tnltnsl i il and shoals kaow Biiout the arendarfal MARVEL Wbtrlme; Spray The "J Varlaaa errata, Jmjt. awaeaxf Avcti'm. Hues H,r. aal M oat Canwun lank. if b. nannot aupnlf the ocbrr. not aand tl.inn for lllualralad bona ,..l.a. ft fuU naxUautara and flirertmu. tn. valuable u la-llra. HIMtl. fl0., a. sad ST.. aaw limit. WOO SAID, CLaftKC CO. A I'D tAUft-DATZl saua 004 stoxe. . ii i: w- w. FJorrow's Anti Lean Every tz r -a aWuaaSr ' KAXxa uAsr raorus tat : Taroagk tae nervous system. It Is a rarely vegetable oompouaa.- Contains no oils or fats or any drug that Is Injurious or liable to produce a habit IT IS THE CMtATEST TONIC IN THK WObXD Each bottle contalna a month's treatment and costs . II 10 at any first-class drug store. Prepared by the . ANTI-LEAN MEDICINE CO. Oregealaa Bldg, Portland, Or. nit amnnunira I have the largest prac tice because I invaria bly fulfill my promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up of many little triumphs. A large medical prao ing. Realising that no one physician can- suc cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered snecial courses of study in preparation for my present work. ' For sixteen years I have proving my ability and building my success. I have mastered, first the simpler diseases, then ones that others neither cure nor The Dr. Taylor Company J 234M Uorrtson Street, Corner Second Portland, Oregon attests livtee eat ef the elty en! eemhw te Per. lend fee treataMat wul he f amlabed with fate ream free el caarg. Caeok year teak s sine te U Morrtoa at , ONLY , 23 YEARS IN . PORTLAND j ' CnrFee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured CONSULTATION FREE eaawxry we avave aaade a eleee swidy ef eased. Blood Vols a, sTarva-VlBal DObUlty, Vrlnary Oomttiaints. i rtsa saear swnesi seiisiioaew. We eovav A It. TO I B P. M. smrnAT, S IXCWTOI AJTXJ TiMtinX ITtXtTS. fOaTUlNDp ty.RerD--nkir tT:a r 1 K C-wlColJ kt One Day, Crf ,, 2 D1 twin boa. 33g C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, i Root and i-Herb Doctor His (aiama reoie4iM, the Insreeimm e( ' wbick we import direct froas (be Oriaat In large euantlttM and prepare aad But tt aa la hie up-to-date Ubatorr. No Bnrarr, potaone or druga si lor tlad need- rarely vegetable. The Doctor treats sneeeaafully and gnarantaea to cure all stomach trosMea. catarrh, aathma, lunar, throat, rbmoiatlam. BernMauesa, liter, kidney sad last Buuboud. rXaTAlX TmOTTBUS aT- AXt Jlltllt siaxAixs. ,. Ife fa lee ee misleading statesamts te ttis afflicted. A safe aad iaatlog core In the qntck ew -fueelbW-tlaw and tae-SMrsat -east pee alble for booeat treatment. If yos cannot rail, write for symptom Bleak sad dreslar. Inclose 4 cents la atampa. f coHsoLTATios razx. The 0. See We Cttaaae atadictne Co.. 1US yiiat St.;- Cor." Mail iaeav - PartlasjeV - Ov, , . Plaaaa mrntlua tola saper. Scott's Szntal-Pepsin tejsffis' A POSITIVE CURE Per t nSammaMoa orOBasrr f tha Bladder and IMieeaad Sid. rt. as coal so rax. res ulrklT aa aannancntir the woret caaae el eerrsieaai and Sllee. ae matter of bow long ataadlng. Ibaolately earl rmlaao. bT drassteta. l-rtoa by mall, paaa. paid, tLouT. bexaa. Ktia THE SAXTAL-PEPSIa CI Ballaatalae, Okie. Bold r AU XhTWBWts. txsssxxa been. OB. YAYXOa. The Stadia- Speolalla-t. E compre "WEAKNESS." T produce temporary activity ef the fnitetloae la eaeee t w. called weakness ta a simple mat ter, hat te permanently raetor etreegth and vigor la problem that hut tm phralclaaa hare solTad. I sever treat for tem porary effects, fader my are. tern e( treatoiewt. ererr sit f ni a part ef a pee. manent core. Ttioash etbar phraiciana hare, threngh my ese. sees hi effecting perm Mat carve, bees eoavlnced f the fact that seemataraaeaa. Ions of poo. ee, etc., are bat avmsreme re aaKtag frooi chronic ianarnme ttm or enasaatWB la the sraaurs gland, snoe have aa yet ben able te dapllcate my earaa. My eratem ef Meal treatment ta tb only affadtre maaaa yet haewa for raatorlng the a mat are t. lta normal state, which arways rn. suite Is fall ssd eompleU retara ef etrmstb and vlsoe. Smch a rare la abaomtelr paimaaeet, ta caoaa the enaditloa reanonsible for the functional dlaardec Is en tirely removed. It Is the eaiy kind et s ears na fleet dealiae, and la the eely kaad ef ear I wlU treat tor. CONSULTATION T9XX I state sot In tag ta my a, aoaacameara Bat the straight, sonars trath. It will coat yoa Bathing t. can ssd talk ever yoor ran. To can fmd eat all aboal year traable ssd re mtet arraare to begin treatment any time jam Hta. afy afflean, coin or la tog te noma, are the larteat. meet elegant aad beat equipped la the went, , I a i .. 1 1 ' I It V) i WE CURE Strictore "-.V""- Contracted Disorders Varicocele Blood Poison Impaired Vitality ; Kidney, Bladder, and Prostatic Disorders Rectal Diseases - we rrtriLL ova paoMtrs sad Ksrra accept s eaen anleae we kaow we can eare II. , We study the nerallar nature ef every hadlctt. nal eaae and TREAT the CAt'MPa. i4 ajmp tom. W TKACri OVH PATIENTS HfW TO IIKLP OKT Vi SIX wtial te eat end drlok dnr Ing the eourae ef treaiaaeat. and what t neaid. Aa to terms: Oar Urre practlcs eaabl-e as to 1-raB for hr.Hn Mii.vkV than the AVFRAr.s gprriALlaTH and yea ae the rcanlta bafnen yoa are required tn pay HONEST. t11 ITNTIOI H WORK SI'EAKa for tteelf. PRETrVPEHS. CAI.OtfS ef Ot R ncecun. try to b-n-tla ua hecaaee ot II rrR la SMAI U bat INTELLK1R.NT WK.t ere n. htflneaced by their argontenla. e sak ANIf MAN anfferlne from any dlaaaae we tr t to ( All. Ari R t'. Many eaaea SI P POSRDI.r IN'CT'RAHLB are etea the rnlt ef PMH TRKATUKNT, end when aa VYS KUfl.oV ere direct Tomamo V'l CAtTftR end with eare and nrp-r ett.titha to oor eaae. To(7 CA!t be oircd. the diseases ef mea. Tt te 1 the eatire Said ef c TO la Dt C"