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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUrY IS. 1S07. 10 NEW TODAT. niBT'l A CM A. adjoining Wood lawn; all cleared and t encad; adjoin log property plattfd; a very dealrable pleoe of small acreage; would make flee country home, or plat to ad !. , vuuca Fr 04,600. , 10 Lots in Arbor Lodge Twa blocks rrom tba car Una; all fact tta seat Thee oould ba aold off sep axetely for 1108 aach on third task . will handle theaeV Price, f 1,650. ' QUABTXB UOCX on Union Ave., in . Highland, buelnaaa . corner. Price, ,'. 92,i&0. -,; - TUUb IOT In Sunnyalda. fares Jut ; right for building. Price, f500. B0X100 WT. on Gast lath, near Irving: fine location. And convenient to S car- lines, with soother ona. o roms this - erprtnc. Pnca, 96TB. ' ' QUAJtTZm BX.6CX on Eaat lth V. . convenient to Cllnton-atreet ear-Knee; beat buy In . tbla section. Frtoe, f 1.850. ;;, ' OXUrm QVAJaTBB block In Wood- town; at preeent fnlmprovad. but aa rood aa tba beat If cleared; , tba price warrants tba trouble. COTTAOB BT.OSCB In tba suburbs- rooms and J full lots, from enough for garden and chickens. - No better place on earth fne the little ones. Very eaey terras. Woodstock are, Price, ; 92,500. -BOOK XOtm with a l-foot front lot. In the center of a fine residential district. NO w vacant and ready for occupancy at any time. East Ankeny , cars; good discount for caah; better . look this vp. Price, f 3,000. sMaVOOSf SOTSB , and H18 gound. Union avenoe'car Una; this Is an ex ' ceptionally good buy; lota in this neighborhood sell readily at t00. All caah. ' Price. 92.25Q.. 7.-'r" " "'T", ' T-BOOat SOTO and nearly t rail lots. ' all covered with fruit end flowers; Just the place for the children; good ' barn and poultry bouse; only a block 'and a half front the car line, cars running every nine mlnntes; f 1,650 '" cash, or f l.TOO on terms. ; oxAxaaa or ooiocBaoa. A Nice Home: in a Very Good Location Corner- let. 0x1 09, room - modem bouse, fruit trees, roses, ate, Eaat Id street, close to Belmont; worth tfi.OOO. Can be bought for 81,688. ' K . '. SL-T T'eW T J. M III AL I 1 i" I " 1 L j ' - . i Ooraer. . 80x100. Commercial and fikldmore streets; grocery store and l"j rooma upstairs; bring- lis per month f eilVVt UeB.1 CBDII BJ,-f.FU US chnc to Add a butcher shop. 1 n A . A .. kIk . m rrJk kiieii good MUST BE SOLD j bTew S-room modern hottac. Eaat iltb ' street, close to Rnat Ankeny carllne 1 1,000 caah, balance) on time. . Who Wants to Double His Honey Quick? "TT' 40-aers traot, ft miles northeeat from liere, close to railroad, auilable to lay out In small acre tracts fie per acre, V.SCHMID 10 a rand ava, Xaert Bids. ; THIS A SNAP 33 1-3x100 feet. East Washington Su near Thirty-sixth. Owner will build modem cottage to suit pur chaser and do it on easy terms. .- IS A SNAP? MACKINTOSH & BID WELL 420 COMMERCIAL BLDG. ' r PHONE PACIFIC 2514 V HARTftlAN &TII0MPS0N THS 00 SEE FOR YOURSELF --4-': S-room - bungalow.efOl Patton Road, Portland Helghta, one or two lota; key over front door. 2 New 7-Room Houses East tSd lnd Main streets; not aulte j completed. Will have furnace, fireplace, aa and electilu lUluiea. Uity now and are houses tinted tq suit . 7-R00M QUEEN ANNE ' Tf . E. corner East 21th and Main; built two yssrs ago. Thle la a beaatlful place. Don't bother owner "by looking i through this -house unices you think It will suit you. Bargslas ta Houses, Sots aad tmoome Froperty. . C. C. Shay 04 Ablng-toa Bldg, 106H Third Street. aaaia lt-ta. Looking for a Home We have residences in all parts of the city $1300 to f 13,000 Cheap Lots $5 down, $3 month . ly. . Interest 6 per cent. McOmber & Deffenfiaugh ; f 410 Stearns Bldjf. , s mzrr trr tm cm. e arras In lnta, cleared ready for Mattlns 1:10 nn acre. A cliance. Is dwuLle yuur money. , Inquire 0 JUi St. 1 1 so jtot aa KzaaaiT There la a-gre'it difference between be ing thrifty and fceing miserly. To be thrifty is' to exercise good Judgment In living, to know bow to get the most hap piness for the least money. Pleasure purchased At thecosiJ)Croonej.worTy only brlnga sorrow. . . I Learn how ta live. aa that you can aave a little, rrom encti aay a earomge. Open an account with ua, where you can keep these aavlnga in safety and where they will grow. '. ' Wc Pay to Interest On Savings Account!, Interest Com pounded Semi-AnnuaUy. We Pay JSS. oiuDaily Balances of Check Accounts. '.v':'., THE " ' ; ' : SAVINGS BANK .' Ol TKM ' TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. . Open on Saturday From ' 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. .., And on Saturday Evenings From 5 to 8 o'Clock. . OFFICERS v -T. Thorburn Rosa. . ....... President George H. Hill ....Vice-President j: T. T.- Hurlthart , , , Treeenrer Jno. E. Aitcbiton. . . . , . .Secretary 240JW.ASHINOTON STREET ' Corner Second , PORTLAND. OREGON . Lots in Porter's Addition ' 10 BOWS? AJTIe 10 VZB M OsTTat . Slss of lots tSilOO to (0x113 rest. Tha dmiMevtrarklnw nf the Wevertv. Woodatoclt car Una will cause property to aounie as soon aa wora commences. - FOR iER'B ADDITION, rle-ht on this line, baa just been platted and la now renay for the market. Streets 66 feet wide, will ba graded and water piped to each lot. Boautlful view. . Building restriction 1,000. - THE FIRST PERSON to build on each block of Porter's Addition will re-reive- a snap. - Don't miss this oppor tunity. Get In on tha ground floor st once. : Terms 1 10 cssh and 110 , per month, - . J. Frank Porter ' - AQSSTT ' B31 Wseblntrton Bt, UpstaUrs. 'J Here's Something Good 24.500 -Fine ; piece property for . stores or spartments, on Third St car lino and only few minutes to Third and Washington; over 100-foot frontage; soma Income; eaay pay ments.' Owner, t 1S1 Journal, ACREAGE A few cbtrloe S to 10 acre tracts left In the Willow Brook Tun In the Tual atin T alley, the Home of the Big Be4 Apple and Bngllsbt W slant. Near car line. XsTTBSTstXir CO, 144 Stark Bt Fine Vacant Lot - 4000 B0X100. North llth near . Kearney. Do you want to build resi dence or apartments f Here's your chance. Owner, M 111 Journal. ' FOR REINT 91B per month, neat t-room cottage, on "8 car, 10 minutes to Third and V'sshlngton. IK Chamber of Com. . WHEN AWAY FROM HOME. CoDtee of Tbe Joaraal eaa tie obtained ta rbe Ii.llowlug ritlee aad taenia eetalde ef Oregoa. Tbe Journal wouia appreciate tae rerelpt ef reports ef tailors to obtala eoplea ef tbe paper at ear ef "theae eraeeat 1 COWAX. WABHINOTOIt A. B. gtng. WAl.LA WAU.A. WASHIHOTON WallaWalla fttatlnnerr Companr: rV.gera tloawell Compaaf i Hotel Darree News Stand; Dolea Cigar Stead, II H Soeik Fourth afreet. TAfOVA. WARHINGTOX Hotel Taeoaia Hews Stand: Central News Company. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier Oread . Neara Stand; International Nawa ' Agaaer Newanaprr Wagon: Hotel Seattle News stead. COI.DrlELD. .NEVADA Uiale Peba, Nawapaper Wasnn. " " SAN UIKOO. CALIPOHMIA Asms News Oeav paay, Kawapaner Wagon. SPOKANE, WASUINUION-JobB W. Orakaal A re. BOIK. inAnOWaaenb ColWna. MINKRAfHU.IS, MINNESOTA at 1, Cava, aaenb. M Tbh-d afreet, aonth. ST. UH I. WIHSODKI B. T. Jatt, SOS OBra arreer: t.eorga i.. Afaerman. KANSAS riTT. MlflsnnRi Kema Mews Oeav pana. Nee'apaner Wagoa. CHU'AilO, ILLINOIS p. o. Hews OeBtpaay, ITe Dearborn etreet. ., DENVER, COLORADO Caloa Depot Kawa Stand. LOS ANOELES. CALiroBNIA Asms Kewa Ctaipanr, Newepaner Wagon. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA A asea News Ceea. penr Newepaner Wagnet N. erbeatley Newe Companr. Newapeper Waeoe. San California N. weatley Nawa Coatpanr. Newapeper Wagne; Footer a Orrar. Ferry helMloc; Joaaeoa Newe Cempaay. 14(11 minora etreet. SALT I.AKR CITY, UTAH Mra. Levins, News. paper Warns; O. L. Daeloa, Dotal Kesrost Barmw Br.., 4S West Second afreet, eoatb. OODKN, UTAH Orgy Newe Compear, Depot Newa Stand. OMAHA. MBHASKA UllUrd Hotaf . Mews Stand. SEW TORN CITT Artbar Betanag. Mewe ""Sr lW',"'' imm.hi,,,,, wnniissaaaaasaasas MARRIAGE LICENSES. Perry V. Palmer, Xi, and Myrtle I. aVbeack. 17. Angnet gantwe, St, and Chiiatlna Red lend. 22. - Aae O. W elle. 87. end -Anna N. Welle, M. R. aLaudar. 32, aad Donla Btlackeembe, 2a, ' Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith A Co. mgtoa bldg., ear- Poartb aad Waahlagtoa ate. Wedding snd railing csrea ensraved er printed. E. T. Basbioe. efal Steams bldg. TONSETH A CO, FLORISTS. FOR FLOWERS -OP AM, KINOsS 138 SIXTH ST. Clarke Brea., Florists Tme floral destgav 28 Marrtaoa et. Pall ilreea sella for reet, all slaea, Tailoring Ce., 8u8 Stark et. . Cskrae f -v. WEATHER REPORT. The Rock 7 uoentata high preaaure area baa decreased la luarusliy aui It ia muting elowly eaatwerd. Llgut rain Sea faliee la eouioern California, auii tue weather at Cloudy end Ihreat lf lu KuiiUua uliWali. aalr waatbar cuuuuiMa la (ii aerta - Vacltle aiatea. '1 illaiwtMiice JMiprda vrer Uia sppo ike ra ia aaa 4lluiinlie4 (raatlr la lutaualtr aud muajnmj awirly atailoaary. A new Uulurbanua iiaa viaile Ua appraranre anrtS ol Muutaea. lue banxustar ia relatively hlb ever tae suit aiatoa. lr wreibar enTalla aoarally erarr-a-re Mil ot ua korkj oiouulalna. It la aiui-h Karmer ia the Oulo nltrf and lower lake itgloe. Low lamparaturaa nwtlnue la tba amih Atlantic and east (ulr aiataa. and a hir fruet tvpartmi tula murnln( at Jackauarlua. alr wratkar wlu prouabljr ctatiaue la this Jatrwt eurtag tee salt Stt hmn. - .' Tamp ' . ' Mas. Mia. rrertp. Baker City. Orrcna. ...... , M Sa A k""M City, lilaaoarl el HH . . -0 Portland, Oraaoo .... W . Moaaburc. Oragna..', , M 0 a rraurlaro. l allfiiral. .. M M T. BHoa, Waablnstna.. Ml M .0 Tacoiua, Waablngtoa 40 &e . .0 Walla Walla. Waablnfloa.. M 'Ml -0 DEATHS. Wanartk At Oood Kemarttas boafiltal, - ftb. mnrj i rtaoraj Uaaaick. ad aara; cauae, Influ'naa. till. At the Home for tha Acad, rebrnary 14. Mary Bllia, mtt-4 T yaara; eanae, apnllltT. Sohulte At 1vl Entllrott etrert, rabraary 11, Krdmaa rVhulta, aitad US jaara, S moo tba and S dajra; cauae. ph tbla la polnonalla, - HII.PEBRA.ND In tbla elty, rabraary 16, 1B0T, rMrathra. Hlldabrand. wMow of (feorge W. IIIlllrand, agad To yrara. Pnnarnl arrrlcea at raaldance of bar daughter. Mra. Tbomaa O. tlraane. 3X7 pearl at., I'tadmnnt, Sunday, Fabrnary IT, at t o'clock p. n. Omit flowers. rffaiiliaa at rramarortym prlfate; DIKHATTH rarelaed yaatardiy by Mra. Oaorire I. MarUlbbon of Welllnxtna eonrt. aaoonnc Ing tbm drata of -bar eldaat Kfothaa, Odhar t hlta. axad T 7 aara, at fredericktoa. Hew Braaawlck. - FUNERAL NOTICES. NEAL At the realdnire ef bis wife's father, M. O. Morgu. 83 Union are., rabraary 14. I80T, Oaorga William Neai. acad SI xaara. Funeral will take place gnndar. Fabraary ' IT, at t:90 p. m., from F. S. Dnnnlng'a rbapel. corner Eaat Ablar and Raat Htitb ata. Frtmda lorltad. Saa rraoctaco papera plaaae copy. BILDKBSAKD In tbla elty. rabraary IS. IDOT. Dorothea Hlldabrand, widow of George W. H (lib-brand. agd TS yearn. Funeral ecrrtcea at realdaoce of bee daughter, Mra. Tbomaa Ortreroe. AST Pearl at., piedmont, Sunday, February IT, at J o'clock e. m. Omit flowers. Horvtcee at cretnetorinm prtaate. arOTT At rroTldcnce knapltaL Seattle. Feb ruary IS. IMT, aire. I.tiile Scott. Fanaral aerrlcae will be bald at Flnley'e undertaking parlora at l .to p. m., en Sundar. Frtenda inrlted. Intarment Multnoanah cemetery. -UNDKKTAKEKSr t' Denntne. UrBalee A OUbeacb. andertakere and embalDers; axxters la erery detatL devests ead ttaa. Uala e0. - Lady aaalataat. A. B. Hematork, aadertaker aad eaihalmer, Baat Thlrteeatk ead UaMtUla are, . Peoae Sell. wood Tl. - . . Brlrfcaoa rndertaktnf Co. end e as harm rag, eOt Alder at. fboae slain 613S. Lady aaalalant. . 1. P. rialey A Hone. Tblrd sad Madtaoa ata. Office ef eosatr eeroner. Pboae Mala S. Edward Rolmaa, andarreker. S20 Tblrd at. " CEMETERIES. BIVER TIEW Single gra Tea. I0; family lota, J t' "7 e, t . im only cemetery in rori ad whlrb perpetually malntalne and earee for lota. For full Information, appl to W. R. Mackenale. Wureaatar block, elty. . W. at. Ledd, preeldeat. BOJiE CITY Single graeea. 110; family lots. ejLesse - 4dA 4 Tee, - . Srvl!elpiBiaeTrBaeMlf " SV g "4SaSSJJdVAsaSaea-- rorner of Fremont at. and Cullr road. I'bonw Tahnr ms.- For - roll Informatloe applr te ' Frank Sehlegel, Sua ComaMtvUI fclk. rkeae Main (K2.1. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorg W. and KUaabetb Caldwell to J. J. Bead, eaat 'a of lata T and S. block 203, Hawtbnrne Park addllloa S.000 Tbe Hawthorne Eatate te 1. J. Read, weat H nf Inte 7 aad R, blork UM, Mawtborne Park 1,200 Behecre L. Ledlngton to James O. Oauld. land In eertboo S3, towaablp 1 north, range i eaat, pert ef Aawe N. King's donation land claim JO Clara C. Wars to James O. Oanld, land beginning at atoae movement at enqtlc . . eaat rorner of a 20-arre tract enld te . A. II. J oh nana. 3.4M chains aorth and H1.J4 rbsrns weat ef H post la eoatb ' . . Use ef eertloa S, towaablp 1 aorta, range 1 eaat....... -10 Frank and Agnes K terpen te Berertty Seringa A Trnet companr. aortfc 40 - feet of lot S. block 81 , city ' 10 Portland Tmat rentpaey ef Oregoa te . Ha rah 8. Nordatmm. lots 1, 3, 11. 14 and 1.1, block J, Ports moots Villa E tenaloa TU Anna O. Braaes te It. I. THif et aL, let ' 1. blur IKS, Coaeh's addition 10,000 Grand Army Cemetery eaaoeiatloa te Henry T. Atklnaoa, lot 142 A, section 4, aeld cemetery - XS Cbarlee O. and Marie Strnbe te Joha ' Weiat, lata and 4, Meek a, Strabe'e - -addition 000 Jobs snd Clara A nosed te Charles K. and Logeola Henry, north loo feet ef west H of lot end aorth 100 feet ef " lota f and , block S, Joha Irrlng'a First addltlna 11800 Berths M. snd 0. W. Boaford te Allee -Hmlth, lots 1, t snd , block 8, Moaat Tabor Villa Annex , S00 Joaa W, Kennedy et al. to Annie Bey. eolcle, lota 8, 8 aad 10, block 8, Pine-, buret ' 488 Alfred A. and Laara L. Baker to J. J. Knnta. pert ef lot 1. block 888, Leae'a eddltloa 18 Moore Investment compear te j. a. Oraaf, lot 14. blerk 81, Vernon....... 230 Mark B. Btimp et al. to R. M. Dooly, trnatee, 1 acre ef Nathaa B. Jens' ' donation land claim, la esettoa S, tewnahlo 1 aouth. ranee 1 eeat arm Beal Kef ate Investment eaaoeiatloa to f'lfde Wolgsaiot, lot 8. block a, gen. wood ................. IM Nlela Hlmmonaen to Cbrtatee Hanaea, let - 14. block 82. Mnltnomah.r. vr fWl Burh M. and Emma F. tllen to Mary A. ' jnrer, jot a, biocb I, Mayer ua tea' ' addition 1800 Bobert J. Vpton to Agnee M. Todd, lot S. block E. Oeertoa Park.... l and Mettle L. Palmer to Charles Adams, lots IS and IS. block 110. Sell wood. ...... 100 P. O. Ooodla and Nettle L. Palmer te Mary Ada ma, lot 10, block 110. Sell. wood 100 Foe ahettacta, title tnaaraace ee asortasjta mane, rail en Pacirir Title m Trsst eempsar, 804-8-d-T ralllag building. . Oet year Inenrance and a net ra eta to real estate from the Title Searsatee A Treat eeee pesy. 840 Waablngtoa etreet corner Second. NOTICES. IN THE district court ef tha United States, -for lite district ef Ore eon -la tbe matter ef tbe eatate of Oeorge Earhart. bsnkruot. Tbe endarelgned will receive eealed bide for the' ' following described persoaal property, located at- Condon. Oregoa, ap to 12 e'clork Boon : of Samrrtay, March t, 107. ' : A stork ef merckandlae, ceaalatlng ef for. ' allure, hardware, palnta end elm. nf the In- ! ventory tslue of t4.0H.1V, store fixtures ef the Inventory value of 8420.70, plumbing and) . tinning tools of the Inventory value ef 8 ISO. Terms eatb, aad a certified check for 10 . per eeat ef the amosnt bid meat accompany . each offer, tale subject to. eoaftrmatloa by tbe eonrt. ; The Inventory may be Been at my effire ! end the stock, may ba tnapecteg at Coadoa, Oregon. . - listed at Portland. Oregon, this 14tb day of rebrnary, 1007. B. L. SABTN, Trnatee. Me. T Flrat at. SEALED BIDS will be received at the 'eebool clerk's office, city ball, ap to February IS. !Mr7. for a certain tract of land located tn Stephens addition, city of Portland, hounded aa fnlknra: By Ibe Southern Paclfle railroad teacha, eentee lines of Eaat gtepbene St., Eaat -Third and Eaat Mill ate, lees the lot sold to Thomas Colltnaon, 8,14 tract of laad le uad by school district Mo. 1, Mnltnomah county, Oregoa, snd they will recrlre pra poaala for aame aa above stated. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required wltb al blda. Terms caah. The school board reaervea tba right ta re- . tret any aad all blda. 1 --- H. a, ALLEN. School Clerk. ., Portland, Oregon. Jaa. Is, ItfOT. j NOTICE 1. tbe aederalrned, will not ba re sponsible for any debts contracted by my , wife, Mathilda Hitter . , a. t sracsUCK bittbb. I otici:s. NOnrg ot appointment or admlnlatratnr ef the atate - of Mitinl . Wllaou, dawaaat. Nolk- la harabr alvea that tha andaraltcnrd haa tbla dajr brra appulotad aduitnutratur ( tue aatate of ktrrt A. nilna, daocaaad, hr the county euurt of tba atata of Oraaon, for ataltaaaah-enaitrr- AU parauaa havUif elatma asaluat the eald eatate are harabr Botlttrd to praaant aawe wltb the prop voucbara wltliln alx man tha from tba data ef tbla not Ira to tha nndral(n4 at MS War- . cearer blrta.i IHiriland, Mnltuooiah cooBly. Or. Dated Fnliriianr 11. l"OT. i - JAMKS (1. WIUSOM. Admlatarrater. TBI STKE'g SAUI. - Sealed blea will be racelTed by the ea - deralreed for the atock of cutlery of the rnrlUuil rutlary company up to 12 e'clork, noon. Tueaday. Frbruarr IS, IKUT. AU bkla to be accompany with a certified check for lit per rent of the amount hid. All blda aubjert to rejactlue br tha referee. Tha In aentory and atock can ba examined by ap plication to tha undcralKned. . HbRBERT MARX, Trnatee' la Bankruptcy of tha Portland fntJ lery Co., 627 t'haatber of Commerce bide. NOTICB la hereby gtrea that the annual meet ing of rbe atock kuldera of the Oregon Routh- erri Railway company wlfrhe held at tha of fice of the eomnanr, Portland. Oregon. Mon day, March 4. HT. at I o'clock a. m.. for the purpoae of electing a hoard of direct or a and traneaetloe euch otbee bii.lncaa ee aiay legally eomo before tba re-ettng. W. R. LITZINBERG. geeretary. PHOFESSOR J. C. CBAMKB. the Tede Olla Man. removed from 2M Mala at. to Ifrl YamblU at., corner Park. LEVI'S auale houae I storing ta 1M rtfth at., eppoalte Olde A King. - MEETING NOTICES. A A. M.ota tea rommautratloa Uile (Saturday) evanuig at o'clock, to hall of Oreiroa Com mandery. Third end Alder ata. Work M. M. degree. Vlaltlng brethrea cordially Invited. By M. A. 1. HANDLA If. Secretary. ALL members ef Oregoa eomcll. Royal Ar ea nn no, are reqneated ta attend the funeral of ear lata brother. Char lea Ford, from Fla ' ley'a chapel, Sunday at 1:60 p. m. W. J. HULL. Ragaat. 0B. GEO. a. BARRETT, Bar rotary. U. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. ., meata WedneadnV aranlng, Allaky bids.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata. M. W. A. Oregoa Gripe Camp, No.. 6.S7S, Mow daye. 17th and Maraball; vultore welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOKT A bine enameled pin with fold eet - lines end tbe letters "H l-A" acroae the face: owner will reward finder. Journal arttet. FOUND A place te bare hair a . rated and returned aame dar. Mala 474. Portland Cur lad-Hair rectory, eletxger, proprietor. IP THB ' I iwiaea erhe feead ladj's ; pnras la Turns Halle Wednesday evening will leave parse and other contents at Inspector's wln- la O. W.-P. walttoc room. First aad may seep saoae. LOST Oold-lea fed brooch with peer! center. Leave et room 10, 141 Vk Pint St., aad reeelve HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SALES WEN A COMCBB HAT- 4 INO-AN. JNTERNATIONAL BEHUTATIOM HAS THE BEST SKLLINO FINANCIAL PROPOSITION je THB MARKET TODAY. IP YOIT ARB A SALESMAN OR HAVB THIS NECEKKARY QUALIFICATIONS TO BE COMB ONB WE WILL TEACH TOO HOW TO EARN A SALARY OF NOT LESS THAN 8.1.000 JIEARLT. ADDRESS IN CONFI DENCE. HTATINtl AOB. EXPERIENCE AND RKFKHENCKS. D 181. CARE JOURNAL. .MEM WANTSD Who have a eommoa acaoal edncarloa as) bet ter, between 18 end 40 yea re of age, te pre pare for raatome mapector -ee railway mall t clerk In Portland: must be strong end abler to give good references; we matract by mall i , v . r.ww. . em'Kio, 7w are dlaaariafled with yovr present emptor- j meat and will accept a poaltlon with Uncle j Sam . e. 11 .ii a iua at boo . . . . Ia. ' pcepsre yoa tor ine etvu earvxea examination. Years very trolT. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOIA, . McKay bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED AT ONCE Stare-bolt carters, waawa 8140 per cord steedy work. Apply Westers ,' Cooperage Ce Stearaa bldg, Portland, er Boaltoa, Or. .k . WANTED AT ONCE Sound young aiea for fire men ead brakemea oa leading western rail roada and - for nsw roads aow being com. pleted; experience nmecesasry; flremee 8100 per moath. brakemea 87B: poaltlone now open; write et once for partlculara. National Rail way Training aaaorla Mnn. TH0 Paxtoa blk .. Omaha. Nebraska, er 831 Ridge bldg., Kanaas City. MlasoarL FIREMEN and brakemea, Oreeoa end ether rail roada; are 20 te 80: ever 140 sounds sad B'4 feet; experience ttnaereaaary; firemen, 810 monthly, become encineera end eara 8200; brakemea. 878, become eondnctors, sera 81 BO; name eesltloe preferred. Railway Aseoctetioe, cere Oregoa Jouraal. PACIFIC STATIONERY: A PRINTINfl CO. '- t0S-20T Second at. Phone mats 821 I We deelgn and Install the moat modara aad , Improved offlo ayetemet eomplete Use bae leaf fUlng devices. - OENTLEMBIf wtebtng te better their poaHVm can a no eae tae; se an ee oany easily mane; ae graft, no ceavaaalag. st. CaU after 10 a. m. 4T Waahlagtoa 0REOON CONTRACT CO. Grading work ef all . kinds; kasementa a specialty. Call us Mala 4328. WANTED Every man out ef e position er dta eatlsned with kla preeent vocation, te take a night eooree at tke B'hnke-Walkar Bnal.. ness College, Seventh and Stark ata. We will piece yoe la a poaltloa when competent. WANTED Two er three flret-emas. all-aroend machine anon: permanent position, good wages. Oretroe Parnlture Mfg. Co., Macadam mad. Kine-Tenths of Cue Calamities May Be Reduced to By a, timely and effective use of the classified ads. And to "use", the classified ads means not alone THE PUB LICATION OF 'OUR WANTS AND QUESTS, but the READING AND ANSWERING OF THE ADS OF OTHER PEO PLE an occupation which has opened "new roads" to THRIFT AND PROFIT for millions of people 1. Try reading The Journal "Want" " ads. " Thejr arc intensely In-" tcresting. HELP WANTED MALE. AOFMTS wasted. Oregne. Callfoenla, Idaho, Waahlnetoo; health and accident Inadran.'a; eld rellHble; gtwd enntraetat r. fi-r-encea reqalred. I'cltad Ktaf-e Health A Aa cident luauranee Co., Sta) Marveam. gl.oo A MONTH PIIOTKCTS TOIT ;. Agalnat act-lileut, alrkncaa and death. Write or call and Ineeetlgate. . Hnrthweatern Hsalth A Accident AaaoelaMon. anfl-eoT McKay bios. Agenle Wanted. MRN AND WOMKM to leers tbe barrier trade In eight weeka: gradnatea ears from lis to tA weekly eipert tniftractore: catalicne free, loler Syatam of Collagen, ' sa Mortb Fourth at.. Portland. WANTr.n JUleaniee: many make lino to M par month: eoaie even morel atock clean; , ; growe ou reearaartnn.. far froei old orehar.le; t eaan earancod we.tlrt choice or territory Addreae Waahlneroa Karaerr eouiDear. Toe - penleb, Waablngtoa. " W R get work for oar roe inhere: epeclnl mem nera, x. i. al. c. Fourth end Yamhill. MONEY! MONEY I Adranced every weak to , our agentaj fall line, Incleillnx up-to-date aperialtiea. Write for free rauvaaalns eutflt. - Capital City Kecaery-Our Halem,- Or. - - COMPETENT aaah. door and planing- mill fore. njaa, higbeet wage: commttnlcatloea eonfl drnltal. Aditrcea W 1M. rare JouraaL ' MEN of ability to a 11 tbe moat liberal health and accident Inaurance policy ee tha market. Paclfle Aid aaaocialloo. Lumbar Bicbange bids., PortUnd. Or. Tt'RKBn wanted. 87 Freat at. UNION HOTEL, I Horth Blxth at., Portland. Or. Free employment to all Ita hoardere; ratee 14.60 per weak: rooma 2fte and up; aneclal monthly ratee glvee. And preen, proprietor. WANTED Man to do chorea and aealat with :cd cmualratloePnklus ou .a. amiuJalryfarmXra - adTS until ior mn aioerty uaja. auurBn v. n. Btoddud. ieffareoa. Or. - V WANTEDA No. 1 carpenter wants konaee- te balld by contract or day work; flrat-claaa work. N 12a, JonraaL - . WANTED A boy or aa old man te do cheresi moat be able te milk end cere for boreee; . wages 818 to 120 per month, board aad room. Addreae P 129. care Journal. WANTED Carpentering, painting, lathing, plaa- tarings give dentistry. Call room 0, 8X14 Waablngtoa at. WANTED Immediately, yonng men, ever 80, te prepare fc sienilnettoa for coatonia In spector ; permanent govaniment pNiltloiia; - fine ealarlea. - - Cell tble - evening r tomor row. Mr. Heroea, 818 Columbia bldg. PEW more men wanted Immediately to pre pare for examlnatloa for railway mall clerka ad- Portland. April 11. Many good sppolntmcVra. Your epportnelty. Mr. Hey--aen. 818 Colombia bldg., dally ta 41 a ren in fa, T IB to 8. WANTED Toeng man, 18 to 21 years, sa a a- Blatant bookkeeper and collector; mnst ne good penman, quirk snd accurate st figures. Answer with refereneee. Addreea M 120, ears JournaL . nOnn 1 1 uImimi eelaew mnA mmibImIm' a B'"i propmuuii nr Tignr yairiy. v xao, cars rfousnai. MEN ead boye wanted to leant plambmg, alas-. . taring, bricklaying, electrical tradea; free cetalogae; poaltlone Been red. Cot Da Trade Schools, New York aad Baa Preaclece. ' YOUNO ttian for a as latent cash lev; meat be careful and eccsrare; write good band and understand bookkafalng.- Replr ka ewa band writing, giving age, references and ealary expected. Address K 120, ears JoaraaL - WANTED Noa-eotoa lathers, S3-0O per l.Ono; steady work. Apply TM Commerce at., Ta ; coma. Wash. ' WANTED-iTsr expertenced gentlomea eolldt. ore to repreaant oanaiug Donee m eitr to eell Depont contracts; liberal eootract to right parties. Address S ISO. Journal. BOTS wltb wheels. Wortmaa A King. Apply at ta Olds, MAN with small amount' of money to do efface or ootelde work, reel estate boetneee; good money if yoa work-. 41 (iraad. svel,hooe " East 8087. MAN wanted, ateady snd rellsble, 1-8 Interest real estate offlcaH experience not necessary; , price 8128 . Alexander Lead Co.. S8n sixth . at., seer Pine. WANTED Salesmen; men with bonk er life - Insurance experience. Room 800, Til ford bldg. Chicago-New York Electric Air Line railroad. WANTED Bright boy te learn the prlntmg iraae. tfusnong at ua., nw a rant at. GOOD PLUMBER: ateady work for the right aaaa. T 120. care JoaraaL BABDENINO done by expert workmen) trees secures, ana pisnteai lawns aaowea. Tn. Paclfle. 2307. 8B.WEN DIGOEBB. 83 80. 8 boars, aad Thompson ata. Bast 10th HELP WANTED FEMALE. . WANTEfa Every woman eat ef 8 poaltloa er dlssetlaScd wltb bar present vocation, te , take a night coarse at the Behnke-Walker ' Bualneea College, Serentl, and Stark eta. ; Ws will place yos la a posltiua waaa eoaa petent. ' . LABOB boslneee firm desires a aromas) ef ma ture rears to deeofs pelf her time aa assist ant; no ateaograpiiy or bookkeeping. Addreea 06 TUford bldg. K1CB of nee and pnons rest free ta a subtle arenograpner wne win answer pnoaa and . office calls: alee place far proper party; . might pay 88 to 810 month. B lla, Journal. GIMIA WANTED Opera tore ta and even lie. iMeone gives I " Apply et Standard factory Na and East Tsjlor at. . i taeaperleacsd. S. Oraad ata. BANSErTS LADIES AO ENCT. 848H Waab logtoa at, ear. Sevwnta, epatalrs. Pheaa Mala egae. gesnaU kelp w Bated. OIBLfl WANTED Apply Standard Factory Be. A Oread are. end Bast Taylor at. WANTED .Educated vomes ever 88 for re. speoslble poslttos. Apply 80S Til ford bldg. WANTED Middle sged wobmb for light heuee. , work: family ef three, good heme, good wagra; 80 miles from Portland; dty con veniences. Address Bos 811, Pallae, Oregoa. WANTEDGood girl te aealat la bitches work. Apply 104 North Seventh at. LADIES vrtahtng aa occupation that will pay 88 to 88 per day, call at my office; abso. lutely no graft, no canvassing. 447 Waab- ' Ingtoa at Cell after 10 a. aa. HOrSEOLEABEB Woman to clean two JournaL f WANTET Otrt. I Tsr-JT,-for 1flrbaal0S tod aealat boaaework. O 131, . JoaraaL - LADIES te learn garment ratting and ladles' tailoring; yoa ran make yourself a . suit while learning. 848Tsmhlll at. WANTED Aa apprentice gain Moatgomery at. - for dreaaniaklng. ARTIST wltb original Mea for drawing gnd painting. 101 North Fifth St., upstairs. " MALE AND FEMALE HEtP. V BELP wanted end etrpplled. male or female, ft. O. Drake. 20ftlfc Waablngtoa at, Paclfle 1370, WANTED A few good soitdtora. male an1 female; best propoaltloa la Prt1and: good ffloner te tbe right part Iss. Pboae Sellwood 71. Corner East 18tb et. end Umatilla are. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED All klnda of gardes work, trim ming abrtilibeiira, fixing up yards, also reg ular botieerlesnlng satisfactorily . done, eVboger, P. O. bog 88. WANTEU By yonng man. ei par fenced, ea time keeper or nfgblwatcliraaa; Is willing to leave city. D 180, care Journal, , LOCOMOTIVE engineer wants Job.' L. B. 4SS L'nloa eve.. Both, Member B. WANTED A good article by seleemas for aide Hue. Address O 130. care Jouraal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEM. S8 North Second et. . Phone Mam 1153. RED cTkOSS FMI'l-OTMENT CO ' . ," Lore tor camp aed farm help a specialty: 50 North SeeoBil al. I'hone Mala .Bind, tie pay all telegraph chargee. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OWCR r4 Morrises et I'hone I'aclfic es 87 North Second at Phowe Paclfle 1308 SITCATIONS W A NTED-FEMALE. A'MAMSTREJH daalrae aawuig br the day! prl.-.a raaaooabU. Addreae N VtO. Journal, TWO ladlea' want waabtny. chamber work and dl.hwa.blng. "Apply at Itw Niwin nintoav. " . VANTEX TO BENT. WANTED TO BENT Rouaea, eottagea, etorae, ofricae. rooming bonaea. ata. Tata, locla will do well to call aa l'OUTI.ANO THU8T COMPANT Of ORFJOOH Pbone Ex. TA S. B. Cor. S4 and Oak. WANTK1 TO RyT Three fornlahed eonnect , lita botieekeepluir-roooi; gaa, hath, phone, all modern ouuteuleticee; wttUla 15 mlnotea' welk poeuiffk-a. weal of Tenth! alate full partlcu Ltra la reply i refereneee, Q 130, en re Journal. I WANTED TO' RENT Br retina couple, seat I cottaga, reaaooabie, Mra, Jaokaoa. 411 Wlllhima are. . - - WANTED TO RENT Honaea. eottagea, flata. f etorra, roooilng Uouaae, office. l homwi ! bldg. . .. WANTED TO RENT IS to 23-ronm honae, eloae 4s by- April 1. P- tan, -eere -JoaroaJ. WANTED- AGENTS.' 100 HONEST mea and women te give ell or only apare time. to mr medicine propoaltlon; g.K4 nioner and beat medlclue. R. al. I'lum- Bier. 2tM Third at. WANTED tlood aa Ire men to re preeent aa la choice terrltorlea; h If beat commtealoa paid; enab advanced for expenses; everything fur nished. Addreae Orvgua Koraery cooipauy, Halctu. Oregon. ' - WD WANT live mea te eell shares la lire mining propoaltlon; anre winner, sow ee Morrison. Tel. Eaat T7. - - aMsSSfrs;7r7i;iL.iL,..;.e. ' "T?m'mm- WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Aa acre of good en Improved land , cleared ready for cultivation oe os near ear line; atate price, terma, location. Oaraers onlr need apply. X 130, care Journal. . : WANTED lt. abse small reach, close tm. for cask, S as, care JoaraaL WANTED S or T-room ap-to-date houae, sear school and car; desire te aval direct wltb owner. .. Addreae V 127, Journal. WANTED At warei. I went t buy s B room houae; eeat side preferred. Addreae X 128, ' JournaL 1 ' I WANT to buy foe essb from owners a S to n-iwa, Dugw, wiwrri nui uwv, - thorne. tba river and lth at. eaat aide! rive location, price end full particulars flrat etter. Addreae W 129. care Journal. WHAT have yea te offer la fi or 8 room bouse not toe far oat for 82.0001 Owners only. Or vacant lota, west side. Address V 120, cere Journal. ' 1 1 WANTED 8 or a-room cottage with basement, ' In good location, for 81. K"" ee 81,800 eeahj teeta locetloa aad price. O 12. care Journal. FOR QUICK BALE Of your real estate, see " , .-t, . - - - - - Trfw Tiotnv issirror.' Tertlalng It salable. WAXTEI) FINANCIAL. PBITATe LOAN 81 too . city real aiuta security, Journal. wanted) gilt-edged . Write B ml, care ixl? WANTED JIISCE NEOUS. . , main sang. ' CASH AND UIT8 OP IT FOR rrRbJTt'RB.. . ..PORTLAND AUCTION IIOOM8. . V.,,K. Sll rirat St, MAIN B8BS. " MAIN SdoS. CASH for btejeehoM goods. Savage A PanneO, 840-847 First at. Pbone Paclfle SDO. WB WILL BtTT. SELL OB TBAOB ANT OLD TTtlNO. WESTERN SALVAOB CO.. 887 S2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIO TeS. -vs.Bmt-iBL-taiM WANTEft Purnllare' description bought, enld end exchangee 8. 831 First at. Mala S874. 8 - BIOREST rash price paid for ,u kinds second hand goods. Phone Mala till. S3 N. Tblrd. WE hsnl deed horses end rattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's feterl . aery, rourta snd Ollaaa eta. Mala ISA. WANTED Children for motherly caret reaeoB - able. 237 Porter at. Refereneee glvaa. MABRIEIt lady wante cure of rooms for room rent. Addreea O 180, care Joaraal. WANTED One er a team ef boreee far the ford for light wore tbe balance ef the win ter. Call at 444 Eaat Taylor. WANTED A S er S-teem transfer bualneea for cash. Addreea L 180, care Journal. TEAMS wanted te banl crashed rock. Ineralre Jopllu A Meek. 131 Ablngtos bldg. , FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. HOTEL 0XF0BD. BUtb and Oak. will take a few aiore permanent roomers; all modara coa venlenrea; etngle rooma 84 up week. Bpe- ' elal ratee far suite, . THB LOWNRDALS Lerge elegantly for nlahed kanaekeeplng en! tee and alngle rooma; running water, gaa range. 6034 Alder at. THB RICH EMEU. 894 North Birth et.Ele ' gaatly foralshedr steam beet and bathe. THB OBAND. 4rH North Third St. geatlemaa. 81.88 per week aad ap. PrRNISRED salts, kslf Mock from Hotel . Portland. Phone Mala 408. 188 Barest a st. THB K'Nfl 8o' Jefferson at., between Fifth .and Blitk-era.-- Else trio light, haU, best I first-class ana new) rrom nuo up. DOCBLB and alngle roome for rent. reeeonaUe. Over Welle-Ferge bldg., 1X0 Feurtb at. BICELT fnrnlabed rooma, gas, bath and pheaa. 141 18th. corner Alder st. rrBNINHED flet, pert ef furniture for sale, ena Fourth at. FOR RENT -HOrSEKEE KINO. 11.80 WEEK UP, large, clean, fnrnlahed house keeping rooma, laandry aad bath. 184 Sber maa sootu. Port land. 1 IB WEEK UP. eleaa. furnished beeaekeep. Ing rooma, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace beat. yard. auSVt Htsntoa, V ear. THB MITCHELL Housekeeping end tranalset I - . n.-l.M ruvute imsnauie wi. via ' " -.. PrRNIRHFO rooms rer light housekeeping. - ,Cn-- THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 4 S3 East Morrlaoa. mone Bast luio. THBEB famished houaekeeplng-rooma, 10 per month. Pri Williams are. TWO furnished bonaekeeplnf rooma for rent 807 Miaalaalppl are., Lower Alblna. TWO bonaekeeplng-roeBM 8, bedrooni S3. . Third st. - (68 FOR RENT Housekeeping roome. 888 Wll llama eve. FOR RENT HOUSES. WB ere la need ef several fnrnlahed aad aa- fumlslted Hon sea to aattefr tbe wanta ef eer patrons, rnone main eiui er eau txw uiaaH bar ef Commerce. De It now. A BAROAIN A anlnon doing good tmalnese, on eaat aide: expenses are light. Also laundry route for eale; wages will run 117.60 s week. 41 Grand are. - Phone Eaat 8087. 8-STORY house of 8 roome (not modern), 2S3 North loth; Just tha pises for workmen's hesdqnartera; rent cheap ts desirable tensat. Bee J. Kraemer, 84 Fourth at. POR RENT A 4 -room bouse, lot tooxino, la Midway, near crematory. CaU 1331 Mllwaa kle et. ' ', W E rent A Ce. aad aaU ptaaoe. . Sbermaa, Clay FOR RKNT ",-eaom eottare. modern occupied i 813.80. t04 Mohawk bldg. FOR BF.NT la Sellwood, 8-room new hrmsa, near car line. I per sioBtb. . Call 208 Fifth at., near Taylor. FOR RENT FLATS." FOR RENT 4'leaa and pies sunt S motg Tat, southwest corner Front and Ulnhe sta.. Booth Portland. Itxialre at store below. t'NFIJRNISIIRII 8-room flat, pantry, closet,! bath, baaemratf v awatk. SU Cable at, t foh text rAmis. HOPTARnS." tS acree with IB acrea cleared land. 4 roota home, giud hoi'bouxe. barn, large outrange, S Billea from I'oitlanit i nilie from railroad. Api.Iy at K14 Grant at., Portland. . . LA HOB atock and grain farm oa county road . and railroad, Pulk eouBty) grata real. lxe. care JoiirnaL HOUSES FOR R ENT "FCBNTTTJRBI VOH SALE. - S-ROOM houae for rant, flrat-claaa foraittMn. " for aaU. Including butltb a beat Aimtnatee carneta. IIVioj will cooal.ler real aeute. t7a Eaat TayW at. Eaat 4o7A PINS furniture ef atodera a-roem apartment: all eooTenteocea; downtown. , Mala leli I. a. la I p. a. ., B-ROOM kouae; furniture for Bala; harea'tni Silk' st "M ,,aM..nooa. tog ic., W B aaed furaltore st any Dries. Port lens Ana. tlon fcuoma. sit rirat St. Mabj soog. ABAJtUAIN at $27 X furnlahlnea ft K TIT taga. 4a7 Last larla at. ' FOB- BEOT-llSCEIXAAEOUsr DAI.L and ballroom, aeparste or together w ' end with aU eonteaWncee. I-bona Mala TZ FOR RE XT STORES-OFFICES. Oa-riCE-ROOMS. enfunithed roome aad earn. IlMauS!' V00"0 bldg. , Apply A FEW flrat-claaa ofUce-roome left at snrtbaaeT v ri'g "W "4 deoa sta. Aitply , Desk boom, wita without desk 1 inside or eutaiaa room eie Bwetuag bldg. GROUND floor office room, bsst lecatloa, only 10 month. Investors' Subaoge. 84 tjth at. PART ef a. First st. alee atere toy rent ehaas. 874 ' PrSINESS CHANCES. 'I,T;.EDOBD IfVEHTMENT-ajh.ree ta the Butte Hoys Consolidated Mining company. In. 2rp?T,t,?J?"d"r lm Oregon br'pr. M. O. Mi-Corkle, Oeorg. w. Berar, Wl McKecbnle. A. W. Lambert 0. W. X'-ti w- r-'trclough and Cbarlee Msuta) la a Ooldflelda property, abaolutely valuable, eaaeya fc4 torn and will likely make a great mlue. Send foe prospectus. Of flea 880 Beat Morrlaoa. TaL East 178. , I WANT te meet a lady or gentlemaa et good addreae sad refereneee who wlU Invest ram 81 .taw to 8.V0WI where a fine Income wlU oa gnarsateed and tnnaey refunded la one year If d. slred. or will give H Interaat to proper party who will Invest C.OOO. giving tkelr entire time; hualneas should aat an nually about 810.000: glee referai aeae aad Plane for Interview. C 128, Journal, FOR SALE Botcher sa. -Butcher shop, a Iss 8hfl! alatigl 8 Bead of bugaT'i all equipped with e.rulpned i - ov, nam love- 1 1 . ixjo, ton ai boo pop -tbla la a snap for 2,Vt. pulatloa ea rallrosd: come aad tea this.. Smith A lluruback, Cashy, Or, GENERAL stare, weet aide, abeert gl.800 waaa. . ed; horse end wagoa. ate.; good Bay lag baat aaae. la. cere Jooraal. W WANTLO Stork eg reneraj mercbaadlae: mnat be a bargain; bankrupt atock p referred, er - yoaM .b" atock ef greeerlaa. . B UO, ears Joaraal. i FOR a ALB OB TRADE A newly faralsked . apartineatAonae of 40 rooma. alaae : , eaat aide! brick building, all newly renovated! roome ell reeled. - Address Y ISO, JoaraaL l0 BCY8 etreet etsnd clearing 81.800 per . ' rT"JT! I "ntks' lice nee paid la advaacei 4i)0; Cretor'a peanut and popcara roaster. Oeorge flora, ISM Waller at.. Saleaa, Or. HAVB yoa l-VO to 83.808 to laveett PkcTF where It te rally secured: double la 8 months. Income ever after: no ntntne .i...i.,t this go by. H ISO. care JonraaL w7 ea. " avrvsi sswm. A TO UN O man with 81.800; half caah. balance la trade If dealred; caa buy assaafacmrlng - ,,u eTcr-.Tioins; resoy; Boea atoca. - . eexaoiisnaa rreoe WlU Address Q 117, ears JoaraaL FOR SALE Oood laandry with esceUeat hne. - naae la one, of tbe beat towns la tba Wll--lamette valley) owners mast sell on ac count of poor health. For particulars ad- ' . drees SUvertoa Steam Laandry, Bllvertoe, Or. , THERE m a good opening ta Central Point. Ore gm for a good doctor; a homeopathic pbyet. claa and Burgeon preferred; will rurnleh com. . ptete .outfit tt aeceaeary. Address Q 138. care Joaraal. GENERAL merebendlaa stock, stage tine, betel ' furniture, for eale. In good mining locality. comprising ell tha bualneea la Wolf Creek, , ; pr.j a money-maker, WUaoa Mas. Oa.. Le- land. Or. NICE new restaurant ee hotel dtnlnonoee ,,i kltchee on tat i new French range; -ip 1TV j f Brat claaa; eeU cheep or trade. laqulraT ' i oun at. BABOAIN 800 bnya a reatanrast, cost ll.SiiO, o-ny mripis e-ej to eJei, S-yBBS Lark boa 8N8. Boeebarg, Or. ' SAVB MONET Anything ta prrnttag eee Mad. dsn. Odd Fellows' Tempi, Flrat sad Aloe ata. apatalra. less PWT8 S-rooera. wvfl fornlaSed ta goad kv ealltyt weat aldet low raaL Bagaaaaaa A Blaacaerd. 81 riftb at. . PLACES gold mine, gertner wanted er will sell; mine In Idaho; atrlctly high gradei ' VM yard diggings, 'w. M. BabiaT OoUea! Oregoa, . A -LIMITED e mouse of eheree - for- eels Is a ' - well established wholesale abualneas, fame. . pore ted; beat of bank reference; ah area 8108 each. Addreea T 181, eara Joaraal. PARTNER to mveat 800 ta legltlmete baat. ness; win pay go re gie eay; Adilreee X j82. eara Joaraal. FOB BA LB Stork ef grocerlee and fUtarsa, computing ecslea, shew eeaee and Ice cheat; will . sell cheap; reason for sailing, going east. Price 8300. .Addreea 181, JeeTraaZ 11.000 WILL buy a smell but eleaa atock t . grocerlee, with fixtures, horse ead delivery vreeoB,- tt rakes switch, laoulre eg ewnae, - 4aHj Morrlaoa at. . ' . , SAWMILL man with a little money hi wanted " WoodVurT or.Ad,,T "' A COMPLETE reetanrant outfit for sale or trail for reel eatate. 808 Burnalds at. Call upstairs between S aad 4 p. m. - WILL Par eaah for a ftrat-claas grocery, er ny bii'lnesa that wITT beef close m tea tig a tlon. 180, ears Jouraal. GKOCEBT at Invoice, good locsttoe ea mae Duaineae etreet: a rood host email amosnt eepltaL 878 WlllUais or soareaa v ini, joaraal. FOR SALE Subnrbaa grocei y, good trade I WU1 nrolce about O0. H 181, Journal. . POR SALB at dlacrmnt, 818.008 OolamMa Boutb ern Irrigation hondsi make me aa after. H 138, cars Journal.. S OR 8 HORSE gas er gasoline engine wasted. F ML JournaL . FOR quick eale offer 8,000 Bine Btoee at 314c; last ebaace to get cheap stock. J 138, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - r- - - 1 -,1 -1, 1, y ... -1. ' BABOAI. . - '- BAST SIDB HOMB. t - will buy aa 8-mom modern kerns and S fall corner lot on Eaat Ankeny seer 18th at.: thle hi a choice location and the bense le eupplled with ap-to-date conveniences; eon- Crete baeetnent, good rnace, fireplaces, beth. room, etc. This la trnly a saa o, ae eoms early and eecure a barmln. , . JAMES J. FLY!. , 8L3 Chamber ef Commerce). Sellwocd ' Morehouse A French, 170 : Phone Saiwo(Ma 74 13th. City Ytew Park .eta, 8-T7S aad ap! Rnat Addllloa lota, 8I00 aad np; $.1 dews and 88 a month. Homes from t'Ca) to ',0"O. Lote tlsl and up. In all parte et rta II wood. . List your properly with aa; are will eali It. JI.'HT think, 1200 ma near Salem ear Una, no farther than ft. Johns, at 818 pet tot, at 81 per toon lb; lerel gud good eoli, with honaea already there; yon can't buy arreeg ont there for same atnoant; these lota will lie raised to Ot per M ea the flrat of tl.s eioolh. Apply to owner, W. Debit, mora 18, Weeblngtua bldg., groyk Washlugtas at. ilamffoe'li IT -V-