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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 18. 1807- Toitd Topics j Tovieari axuieiiehts. ih "At Tlt' .'If I Were king' Keaer. ...... Knptre .... our Irrle ,. Craud ..... ''Huuiao Htirb ..."'liet la 8Urla" "A Bunch of Keye" Vaudeville An opening reception was held At ths MoaUvUlA reading room on the Baa Lln road near Hlbbard atreet laat Mon day. This reading room has been s tahilnhed through the efforts of tha Mothers' otrola - of Montavilla. Tha room a ara tastefully and comfortably fnrnlehed, thera ara 100 booka on tha shelves, and many inagaslnea hava boon ' donatad. Tha reading room will ba open every day from I until and 1 until 10, Tttera will be an exchange and a de- '.' Hvery of booka apeclally called for on naay of every week. . Mrs. T. IS. Jdltcn -. eH- ha- been uppolnud custodian. ' On a Pacific coast lnsoectlon trip. I M. Allen, general passenger agent of tha Rock Island railroad, g visiting Portland railroad officials and business men; He ays tha colonist travel from middle west territory to tha Pactflo northwest tills year will be the greatest In the history - of the transcontinental rail' Evangelist Cairns, who is conducting special servlc -at-the Beeond BapUat. ehurcn of thla city, will speak at the ArleU Baptist church tonight. Tha ... church at Arleta Is in the midst of re - vival services which are being conducted by-the -pastor.- Rev. John bentsien,- as sisted oy Rev. j. I Whirry. . .. ' The office of assistant general agrent or tne Chicago A Northwestern in Port land territory, vacated by the death of , A. O. Barker, has been filled by ap pointment of H. J. Miller, formerly of Astoria, who for the laat year lias been "., traveling freight and passenger agent 2t for the. company. . ..-.,..;; ,.v - The bond of Slarraund 'Werthelmer. who was last Wednesday appointed dep- uty constable for the Portland district, was filed with the county clerk today. That National Surety company takes the -risk, tne bona being 11,000. $. - Dr. W. U. W. Reea. pastor of tha First Uethodist ohuroh. Seattle, will preach at the Taylor-street Methodist church to morrow morning on the theme, "John on Patmoa"; evening, "The Biggest rrooLlaQrilAna. . , The iunnyslde W. C T. TJ. will hold a Frances Wlllard mamorlaf meeting Sunday, February IT, at 8:80 p. n. In the Method I at eharch, eeraer at gasti TDirty-rourta and Eaat Tamhlll streets. City Point circle. No. IT. X d. A. It, .: will giva a whist party Tuesday even- ' Ing. February It, at X. O. O. F. hall, on : Orand avenue and East Pine. All com radea and I A A. R. ara Invited. Portland Academy. The opening has " been postponed until Monday,' February r J. - la tha taterval tha principal may be found at tha afflce from a. m. to 11 m. , ;:. and from t to 4 p. m. """The Cars -of Superstition" Is the subject pt a lecture to be delivered by Chartrea Thompson of Ban Francisco Sunday night at Socialist hall, to Davis 'j street. ,, J. Evangelist -' Da rat, First Christian , church. Park and Columbia,' morning sermon., "The King's Business Requires , -Haate"i J evening, "The - Good -Confession-. ;:. ' ' ... Btsamar Jesse Harklna, for Camas, ; Wsshoogal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. lave Washington street . dock t p. aa. : - .-! Dr. W. A.'- Wis wtu shortly leave for Alaska, aad those who want to see him before ha goes kindly take notice. . ' Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, : lunch 11:10 to It busjnesa men's lunch. Acme C" Co. sells tha best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone Bast Tel. Why pay ' moreT . Metcger fit your eyes for tL 111 Statth street FATHER VILL SEVER HAVE HIS . CHILDREN AGAIN . Judge Persuades Deuscher They Are Well Off In Foster - , " Parents' Care. : " William Deuscher, a mechanic, - who resides at Mount Tabor, called on Judge Fraaer yesterday - afternoon to sea If ha could set possession of his three small children,- who- were taken from hba by tha Boys' and Girls' Aid society about four years ago. Deuscher's little home in North Portland was broken up by tha suicide of his wife, and Deuscher himself became slightly unbalanced for a time an acoount of his troubles. The circuit oourt declared him incompetent and his children wefe adopted by well-to-do Portlanders. : After a couple of years tha father pulled himself together again, secured a steady Job at fair wages, and decided that he wanted his children back. He thought - of bringing suit to recover hem, but in a kindly talk judge eraser d him that the children were hav ing better care and attention than he could ever give them, and persuaded him to relinquish all claim upon them. - sj a habits of economy and thrift and mm increasing its size. . , . 'V . -" ' .""j : . ", We will welcome the young people into our financial family and give their interests our special attention. FEBRUARY 18 U "fiuiiir Wm16o" in, Wbr sot n one of out wbxou and eeud ronr Untn u ul It (1'm't ff t you to do It mirtwlf. Jaat ta hum prtcea. lUttra It eut. aao eee U we re Bat rlKlit. , laOMZB. ITASCHXD. AiiMta i... trIreMe , .loo ... jicHklrte ...... .......KM ,.5 toW.l.ti He ..( toCorxt CoTtra...... He ... srCbeoilae Re Ml. ..... Spread , . TiMxrlutb Rollrn . .. Towrla Niuklnl .. lc iriwn Se leMibtilrraeea no Hanflkerelilefa leV'rappre ..10 tUudkercbief, silk. Soanruna jue Km loMll.r Shams 10a Stand Oorar SoClill4' Plaa...... S HOT U0KZD. ZXTEAS. Orarahlrta Se Blanket, wool. NltrlilalilUf .. rndrmhliii ., Prawara ..... Kncka -. Hoaa 1 , t'ajamaa ..... Union raill Teats ...... Oe pair .....BOe ...... oeBlankets, eottoa, ....... Ac pair (V ...... arQulltt 3bt ...... Se lie :,'.,'' ..1 e e Child Oreralla. se No ahlrta. colUr. enffa. tta. ererall of luntpira do la tbl dopartraaut. Me bundle lea than 60c UNION LAUNDRY CO. Second and Cbraaibia ata. Tttapbea Mala 80S. a i 1 SCHOOL" CAMPUS TO-BE PRESERVED Streets Will Not Be Extended Through Grounds of Proposed Albina School. At the meeting of the council street committee yesterday afternoon the pe tition for an extension of streets through the site for a high school to be built In Albina in the future was laid on ths table. H. C. Campbell, a school director, stated that the extension of the streets would destroy the campus, and practical ly ruin the property tor school purposes. The committee did not need any further evidence, and the petition went Into the indefinitely postponed box-without dis cussion. - -- - ' Tha franchise asked by the Economy Gas company was ordered readvertlsed. Tha ordinance was? tabled by -the coun cil two months ago. W. J. Burns, who had a bltbullthlo crosswalk built In front of his residence without having been ordered to do so by the city engineer, asked tha commit tee to repay him the difference between the cost of the walk and the price of a wood walk, such as ths city engineer would have ordered. The bltulithlo walk cost Mr. Bums 140. A wood walk would have- cost htm IIS. The committee decided- that thelmprovement belonged' 16 Mr. Burns and he should stand tha whole COSt Of It. --: .... Action upon tha proposed Improvement of Rlgren street from East Eighth to TJhTon' AveHu wts""fosTponecr"uponmo- tlon of M. H. carter, who awns u acres at tha head of Frescott street. Mr. Car ter said same of tha streets had not been dedicated and he believed that waiter mains should be laid before the street la Improved. - It was a "warm welcome that was ac corded Paul Ollmore and his company at the Belllg theatre last night when he presented "At Tale," th4 new college play. ' . The eons of El! were out In force, and tha old familiar oollege yell waa heard frequently. With it were heard yells of Portland aohools. " Mr. Ollmore haa been a favorite In Portland for many yeara Ha has. ap peared to better advantage than In this oollege play, however, 'x here are too many elements of melodrama, too many situations in which thla romantlo aotor has not . the opportunity to display his Individual talents, for him to hold the place In popular esteem that ha won. In "The Mummy and tha Hummlng-Blrd." It la doubtful if tha galleries of the Helllg aver rang so vociferously with college cries and huzaas as last night. "At Tale" breathes the college spirit In every line. It mirrors the whole career of the student, from hia study-room to his amusement and recreation. , Mr. Oil more likes the piece himself; Indeed, ha declares that , he Is more partial ta It than to any play in which ha baa yet appeared. He spent several weeks at Tale last summer acquiring a knowledge of college Ufa before ha undertook tha plsy. . - The race on the river, with tne .men rowing for their 'very lives, ta a won derful exhibition of stage realism that stirred the audience to the highest pitch of excitement. After It was . over Mr. Ollmore received an ovation and was brought before tha curtain,- where ha made a clever speech. "At Tale" was enthusiastically re ceived by a large audience. It will ba presented at a matinee thla afternoon, and the engagement will close with to night's performance. ' CHIEF ALONE CAN - ORDER SHOW TO STOP . i ... Unless Mayor lAna "orders tha chief of police to take action, tha free store opticon show that has caused the crowd ing of the Intersection ot Third and Morrison streets for tha past month. will ba allowed to continue. Merchants near by complained of the show to the council, stating that the nightly gath erings caused them a great deal of In convenience and also a loaa of business. The matter waa referred to the street committee, and It decided yesterday afternoon that it had no power to act. Under the city ordinances, the com mittee said, the chief of police waa ths only person who had jower to disperse a crowd. The power is given to the chief under the move on" ordinance. Clackamas County Taxes Aeoelved at 101 Chamber' of Com merce building. Clackamas Title Com pany. the advantages of a bank account. for therein lies the assurance of future pros perity. , , -. -, Every boy and girl should be taught to save a part of every dollar that passes through his br her hands. Start the young people right if you wish to see them develop into good citizens and influential men and women. Make a deposit for your child and see that habits of saving are taught. It will not be long before a growing account will have, an Interest of its own and furnish a motive for COlCILLlEii LIKE "YOUli IIOIl" High-Sounding Titles Applied to Them ty Attorneys on Hib bard Street Improvement. PETITION GRANTED BY STREET COMMITTEE RemonstxatorV Lawyer Declares In Vain That Work Will Cost Almt-i ting Propertjr Owners Thirteen Thousand Jollars. Half of the regularly and self-appointed delegation for and against the lmprovemehfoT Hlbbard avenue Jour neyed over from Monuviua to the city ball yeaterday afternoon, and everyone of them made tha council committee on streets believe that he was a state sen ator from Multnomah county, and that there was a fat Job or two within his B-if.k Cicero Mlltlades Idleman, wno represented the remohstranta, called back by his pwer ot oratory a remem brance of the days when he vraa attor ney general of the state and gave friend ly advice to' the-g-overnor of Oregon: H. B. Dickinson, also an attorney, was thera on the other side, and tor a time he apparently believed that he was talking before tha state circuit court sitting en banc It was fun for the five councllmen, only two of whom are lawyers, ta hear themselves addressed aa "your honor." 'It was more amusing still for them to hear1 these words: "If your, honors please wa will call "..,:.; Improvement Bxpenelve. "Don't call anybody, unless he wants to buy a load of brick from my yard," laughingly .remonstrated Councilman Wills. "We'll lose time If wa have to hear people talk." "No, don't do that." chorused Chair man Vaughn and Councilman Masters, who ara lawyers, and who had been fighting cases' In court all day: Obeying the warning, the two oppos ing attorneys cut out oratory and sot down ta stralnht facts. Idleman said that the improvement of liibbard. atreet I from the Base Una road to villa atreet aa proposed would cost flS.000, and would mean an assessment of 79 cents a foot upon. all abutting property. This wouia cost tne owner oi a ioi more inan ha paid tor it laat spring. The proposed street, according to the survey, ended at Villa avenue, and thera wa nothing at the terminus but a farm. If the atreet were to ba built at all, it should ba con tinned to tha O. R. N. tracks. "Be careful how you act," aald City Attorney McNary, in answer to a ques tion as to tha legality -of the Improve ment. "If the street will not drain we may have a ditch like we had on Han cock street" atemonstratora Toea,.' -This street will drain." aald City En gineer Taylor decisively. "It certainly will." aald Dickinson- There la no reason why tha Improve ment should not be made. - A majority of the property-owners hava signed the petition.- Many of the signers of tne remonstrance do not -own property-along the avenue. The actual frontage an the remonstrance -Is -17-feet, but If we throw In tha wlvea who signed tha docu ment and who haven't any property In their own names tha amount runs np to 1.Z40 feet" The committee gave Dickinson Judg ment from the bench.: All five of the councilman voted In favor of tha petl tlon and against tha remonstrance. EAST SIDE FIRE - LIMITS ARE, EXTENDED . Grand Avenue, South of Haw thorne, and East Burnside to Be General Boundaries. At a meeting of the special committee of tha council yesterday . afternoon tha fire limits on tha east aide were ex tended aa follows: Commencing at a point tt feet south of the south line of Hawthorne avenue where tha same IS Intersected by a line 100 feet west of tha west line of East Water street; thence east on a line M feet south of the south line of Haw thorne avenue and parallel therewith to a line feet east of the east line of Orand avenue; ' thence north on a ltne 0 feet' east of and parallel with the east line of Grand avenue to a line lot feet north ot the north line of Eaat Burnside street; - thence west on a line 100 feet north of and parallel' with the north line of Eaat Burnside street to the center line of East Second street; thence south on the center line of East Seoond street to tha center Una of Eaat Oak street to a Una 100 fiet west of tha west lino of East Water atreet; thence south on a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of East Water street to the place of beginning. An exception1 Is made of blocks 101 and 111, where It la Impracticable to erect stone or brick buildings because of tha soft nature of the ground. REGISTERED MAIL ON . - V RUBBISH PILE Lloyd W. Cannon, year of are. yea terday found a bundle of letters in a rubbish Pile at the root oz Market street j The letters contained ohecks and money orders ror sums aa nign aa izoo wnicn ware sent from John Day, Oregon, to merchants In this city. Tha lad was playing In tha pile of rubbish and opened the letters when he found them. He took them homo and his father Immediately turned them over to the police. The police reported the affair to Postmaster Mlnto, who as signed an Inspector to the ease. It Is pronounced a caae of gross negligence on the part ot some postnfflce employe, who emptied the John Day mall sack Into tha rubbish. MANAGE LOGGING FOR CURTI COMPANY - F. R. Clin, who occupied a responsible position with the Hammond Lumber company, has resigned to take charge of logging operations of the Curtiss Lumber company, with headquarters at Mill City. Ills place with the Hammond Lumber company has been filled by ap pointment of C A. Stewart, for some years general agent for ths Astoria A Columbia River railroad Both are well favorably known In business clr- nd have a host of friends who l win congratulate thera on tneir premo j tiOBr : --m ., . , CHURCH SERVICES . BAPTIST. ' Arleta Bav. Joan Bantam), pator. Boariay acnuoi, iw . n.; junior Cnloo, 8 p. ns. ; H. x. r v.. S.aO n. m.i araachlua. 11 a. m.. tT Rav. J, iianrer' L. Whirry; 7:30 p "May A Third Viimow, arwaa and Knott etrettt Bv. m. U. Hllaa, paator. Banday ecnool. 10 a. bui praaohins, 11 a. w. aad T-.80 p. by Bav. B. M. Bllaa. . - HlrhUnd JUberta and Blith atreata. . Preach tnc at i W p. m. by Bar. B. U. Bllaa; Bunday achool at S.30 p. aa. - BaUwood Taeoma and Blaventh atnetat Bav. eeorta A. Laara. Sunday acnool, 10. a. M pro coins, 11 a. aa. and T:SO p. at. . CalTary Caat Btshth and Grant aoreet; Rev. A. Lreoe Black. Blbl rhool. 10 a. bu; praaculns a( li a. at. and T:S0 p. Baooad antk and Eaat Ankeny .atreat; Bar. Stanton C. Lapbam. Berrirea at 10:80 a. at. and T:SO p. m. : nmi prayer tneetlns at I I. , Gaors Bobert alro. to Tenf II. t, will apeak uornn( aad enln. - II miii rondoct nawtlay mwtlnga at tb X. U. O. A. Monday and Xburaday at 12:15 and 12:43 p. m. Braniiallatle matuia tfarouflioat tb week. I to 4 p. ra. Immanonl Berond and Maade street! Bar Oeorae W. Orlffln. Sunday tcbool. 10 a. .) Junior Inlon, 4 p. nt.; B. y. p. uM SO p. at.; preaeblng at 11 a. aa. and T:80 p. m. Oraoa atoatarllla: Bar. Oilman Parker. Preachlns at 11 a. at., "The Oreateat Tblng In tb World"; aarmoa at T:80 p. m.. "Ob dlenea"; baptism la thla aerric; girls will ins. Central Baat Twentieth and Ankeny atreeta: W. T. Jordan. Praapblne;, 10:80 a. m., "Bear era of Good Tldlnaa"; Young Pcopla'a aMetlns, 6:80 p. m.1 Hunday school at 13 m.; erenlni eerrlca at T:jlO pVlnra, Id.u-. t. - H..I..V rsfaa:' LnlTeralty Park Bev. A. B. Walts. Boaday cbuui at 10 a. an. ; woralilp at 11 a. er awn. ''Spiritual Athletlia"; B. Y. P. VS.. 8:45 p. m. ; Tnlug aerrk-a, T:S0 o'clock, aaraaou. I'Hmr l Know That t an a Chrtatlan." rirat The Walt Temple, corner Twelfth and Taylor atreet; Rev. . Wliltonnb Breuchar, D. D., paator. Prayer meatlnc, 10 a. m. J aiorn. Ins worahlp, 10:30 e'eiork. aariuoa. "Aa Kaay Ufa Verana a Bard One"; Bible aehnol, lii:10 p. m.i B. T. P. U. er !. :18 a. a. popular evening MTire, 7:80 e'clork. opeiw4 by ordi nance ot bapilans; aermon. "The Struarl Wftti Ueradlty." Muaie by Tnaple quartet and ehorua- lnl At Bealdrao of William Kneeland. Nlntu aranue. Addm at :0 p. BU by BT. f. U Whirry. Brlr4itreat-Barweea Twanty-ftrat . aad Twenty-second, Sunday school. p. ta. .-o VKEBBTTZBIAaT, ' Mtipab Baat Tblrttwntb and Powall arret ta; Bev. J from B. Mrtilad. D. D. At 10:80 a. m. and T:80 p. la., pre chine; aacred song aerrlra la ermine;. Carrary Kleventk aad - Clay atreatai Rev. Bea-Esra Btllae Ely Jr., D. D. Bertie, 10 :M a. a., with arraaou; Baaday acbeol. It aa.; aar Bon at T:80 a. at. Fonrth t'lrat and Glbba rrat; Bar. John B. Walfh. Praachlna at 10:80 a. ra. and T:U0 p. n.; gndayjdjqDjc,.U,.ai,i T. P. B C. AVfatiw; nar. F. :lnio. e:wrp-n. " a rnii. Ullila wlitfil;' 11 1. i H. w,m n na 'arloe atreatai Hev. B. N a loon Auea. Sunday ackonU 12 ai. ; preaching, 10:80 a. at.; 7:30 p. aw, aarraoo; . p. 8. 0. B.. :SO p. at. - For be a 1 1 wood tract and Gntenbota ave- a. m. and 7: .10 p. m.: Bunda acbeol, 10 a. Bt.j Chrlatlan Endeavor. 0:80 p. a. Piedmont Cleveland arenoa and. Jarrett atreet; R. L. Myron Booarr. Preaehinc at aching at.; 7 11' a. m.; Sunday acbooL I2:1S p. :30 B. ai., aermon. Special awaic. Rev. Henry L. ale root ta. Morning aermon. li o'clock: evening sermon. 7:. 10 o'clock: Sunday school. 1240 p. n.1 T. P.-B. C. B-, m.UO, . rimt Twelfth and Alder rret. At 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. aerrlca by Rev. C. O. Hazard of CatakilL Kaw Tork. At 10:80. "The Children' 8cholarahlp"t at 7:80. "Living .TJ pan the Sin of Otbr.,r Fnlton Kv. A. B. Barkholdar. Bormoa at T:4S p. as. Maraball-Street Manhall and North Seven teenth atreet! Rev. C. W. Hay. Bonday cbooi. 10 a. m.: prearblnc, II a. m. aermon. T:80 p. a.t T.. P. 8. C. K., S:4 p. m. ' Monnt Tabor Belmont and Prettymaa street! Bav. Bdward M. Sharp. Sermon at 11 a. am. Mi-vie at 7:80 p. m. Special siuale, Anabel Rev. Geo. Vv. Arma, Jr. Bonday Bellwood Corner Yaat Seventeenth and Spo kane avenue; Rev. D. A. Thompson, paator. Sabbath achoot, 10 a. at.; morning servicer 11 a. m.. tbem. "Wolvea In Sheen'a Clothlna"! evening aerrlce, 7:45 o'clock, theme, "Bulb Tme VWvntlnA . Third Eaat Thirteenth and Piae atreet; Bv, Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. At 10:30 a. m., anbject, "Heredity"! evening eervtee, 7:45 a ciock. aunject, "Heredity. Vernoo Eaat Twentieth and Wygant Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Montavllla Odd Fellowe- hall. Banday artioU at 10 a. nt.: preaching aarvlc. 7:80 p. m, Bev. d. A. Blair, paator. L "' EPISCOPAL. .-Pre-Oathedral of St. Btephea the afartyi-. Thirteenth and Clay atreet; Rev. H. M. Ram My, vicar. Holy commanlon. . 7:80 a. at.! Ban dar school. 0:40 a. ba.: ainramar aarvlc. If clock; evening terviee, 7:80 o'clock. St. Devlil a Twelfth and Belmont street! Rov. ' Georae B. Vaa Waters. D. D.. rector. Holy communion. S a. m. : morning Braver and aermon, 11 o'clock evening prayer ana ernvn. t:u p. m. nan nay acnool, b:o a. at. ennrca hlatnry fcrcror by Bishop Sraddtag WedaMday evening at o'clock. All Saint Twenty-rad and Reed street. Banday acbool, 10 a. bi.i evening service. 1:M p. bu, by Rev. R. D. Chamber. St. Mark' Nineteenth and Qolmby atreeta) Rev. J. B. H. Slmnaoo. Holy eommnalon. 8 a. m.i Banday cbool, 10 a. m.i matin and I Many, 11 a. m.i evensoag and aermon, 7:80 o'clock. Bt. Aadrew'a Dnlveralty Park: Bav. W. B. Powell. Service and aarmoa, 7:80 p. m.i Boa day cbol. 8 p. bj.; Blbl claaa, 7 p. m. Good Sbephard Sell wood atreet and cnavr avena. Albina l Bev. John Dawaon. Holy eoromunloB, 8 a. m. morning prayer and litany, 11 a. m.t evening prayer and rmoa. 7:80 o'clock. The Kt. Rev. Blabop Bcaddlng will preach la tha morning. St. John.' Memorial Sellwood: Rev. W, R. Powell. Baaday achooL 10 a. m. aarmoa, 11 Bt. Paul' Woedmere; d L. Parker, lay reader In charge. Service and eermoo. 11 a. to. Darlag Laat, service every Friday at 8:80 p. m. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett; Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Holy commanlon at S a. m.j morning prayer and antlcommuntna. It o'clock. Litany every Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Dally aerw will be held bt the ehpl during Lent, except Saturday, at 4 p. m., with ad dnni en Wdneday and Fridays aa tb ahct, "Tb Way of Salvation. Weat Side SL Matthew'a, Flrat aad Ca rath er etraeta; Rev. W. A. M. Brock la charge. Sunday cbooL B:iB a. m.t aarvlcea aad aar Bion by Rev. F. 0. Williams, 11 a. sj. aarvlce aad sermca, T:30 p. m. v OOYOXZOATIOaTAl. ' tTnlvcralty Park Artlaana' erarptet Rev. D. B. Gray. Bermoa at 11 a. m. Banday cheal at 10 a. m. - Mlaalaalppl-Avenna Mlaatmlpnl avena and Fremont etreeti Bav. William U Cpahaw. San day cbonl, 10 a. m. Mrmoa, 11 a. m, "Help ing or Hindering"; Chrtetlaa Endeavor, :80 p. m. aermoB, 7:80 p. m., by Mrs, Boper. Laorelwood Arleta hall: Rev. D. B. Orav. Bonday ax-bool, 10 a. m-i T. P. 8. C. K., S.80 p. m. t Mrmoa at 7 :80 p. m. , Haaaalo-Street East Eleventh and Baaaale. Bermoa at 10:80 a. a. by Bev. Pan! Bader, "Rellikm loatlnct": Banday schonL la aa.i Chrlatlan Endeavor, 8:48 p. m.t evening service. 7:48 o'clock, "The Play of Life." snnayaide earner of Eaat Taylor and Eaat Thirty-foartb atreatai Bev. J. J. Btanh. paator. Morning aerrlce at 11 o'clock. "Vlaiona ot God" evening Mrvtre, 7:80 o'clock. "What Do 1 Oo to CtisreJ) ForT"; Banday achoot, 10 m., mnerlnteadent, 8. C. Pier; Junior Cbr1 DR. BROUGIIER - TJTTDAY AT m White Temple .. rwelfta aa Taylor traeta, 10 iso A. BtT "A Miraculous Life How to Work llraola Ti30 9 Jkt. Struggle With Heredity ' First U "I0fe Strngrlea" Coma Learn ' Where Tou Got Tour - "sweef dlspoeltlon. - "Baptl.ra."!fte8t Bihglnf tn lne'elly. Flashlight of Congregation will ba taken. . , '- p. si.; Baator SsaaeTor, :!!) rirat Madlaqa and Park: Bav. B. L. Boeaa. P. li.. paator. ' Morning aenmic, 10:80 ecax-k, " "Tha Great Heart or ! ni lad-' ; roaln- arr- mn. i m i'io-a. j-riue nnpe ; puiay ernool. 12:19 p. m., F. H. Vi'hlUtelia, euuer-lui-n.lenl; Y.-V. H. C. t , 8:30 p. at. Hi(tilaa( Baat Klrth atraat aortb and Pre eatt; Be. E. a. Bulllnfrr. Baaday rbwl. 10 us aern.-a. it e-eioca. "A Vt mains IKMI i pel I . Junior Emleavar. s p. i.t T. P. n. C. B.. B:80 p. in. I venlng Mrvlre, 7:80 o'clock. ubject, ibe Uappleet Wuoiaa Is Tows." MrTHODIBT. Tarlof-Btreet 'Or. Praarta Bareatte Bhert. riaaaa. :) a. at.; Htan. a. kv. by Bar. W. tl. W. Ha; Xunday acnool . 11:14 u. n.t Epworth Laaim, i0 p. m. i arinoa, p. si., by Ber. W. H. W, Baa, aeblMt, "Tb BIkkom Pout ta Portland.'' aVIlwood rifteentk and Tacoaaa atreatai Bav. A. O. Wasnor. K'lnday acnool, 10 a. ra. aar m. 11a. ni., 'uy I kead Blatfce" elaa Biaetini, 12.13 p. at. (.Junior UirM :iO p. m.i FOpwortb Laasue, 0.30 p. at., etaatag errtre, 1:M o rlock. Urace Twelfth and Taylor atreet. Clareaea Trn Wllaoa, U I. Barntoa at IO M a. a, and T:30 p. a. Sunday ackool, li lt p. aa.J Eliworia League, 6:30 p. m. ' Biunyalde Kaat Yamhill treet, betweea Tbu-ty fifth and Thirty atmuh; T. B. Pord. paa. tor. rareonag lo Baat Thirty-fifth atreet; at home - at.moef - eaanlaa 4 Tbvraaay afternoon. At 10 a. a., Bnaaay acbooli 11 a. to., praarblng by tha paau. elaa meeting fnllowo; S p. )., Junior Leacn. eh lid ran a rlaaaaa; 0:18 p. n., KpworlA Lgu der. tlonal BiMtiog; T:S0 p. m, aarajoo by tha paatur. , . - - Laurelwood Monnt Bratt earllnei Ckarles H. Wooiby, paator. Banday aarrlc: At 10 a. n., Sunday ackool; 11 a. ., arneaj 12:11 n. St., elaa uetliigl 8 p. Bu, Epwortk League: 1 M p. a.. aervleea. Bt. John r. L. Young, pastor. Baaday cbflol, 10 a. at.; preaching, 11 a. at.; Epworth League. 4:30 p. u.; preartilng, t:S0 p. u. Trinity Omior of But Tenth and Grant, Lewie p. Bmltb. paator. Baaday kbooI. 10 a. ra.; public worahlp, 11 a. nt. : claea aa eating. -Hht -WT-T11.J Eywoflh Magae, 1:30 p. -.; evening aerrica, p. at. , BPIBITTJALHTB. ' Independent kplritual Society rornai e clea rltle and Liberal Thought, rtwbjoet, "The Dif ference Between Man and Woman." followed by teat and eoomiunlratinii. Logu hall. 81 V, Eaat Orand aranue and Waaulngtoa atnet, Sunday at 7:80 p. m.; third floor. Ululatera' and MedluBie' ProtertlTe Aaaeet. thm Regular rellgloua aarvtce in W. O. W. ball, Bleventh atnet. between Waahlneloa and Alder, at T:0 p. m. Bev. Dr. Dickey will loot lira on "Pra-Satal Law." followed by Get trude Woodfleld with aplrlt aieaaageh Flrat Bidrnual Society Artiaaa Bail. itrd tret. Conference. 11 a. m. ; lyeeum. Third 12:80 P. T. E. Coulter will -lecture on m" at 7:4 p. m.. followed, by "The Two Sana' lira. Virginia Bowe. . I)rw hall. 101. Baaday, T:48 Service at r. CDlrltualUm and What Prove It 7" ." CXEIBTIAlh Central East Twentieth and Et B1bjb treetsi Rev. J. F. tihormley. D. D. At 10:46 a. Bl.,. 1 oeiTive tnriita mw . oouua 12 m. Senior Endeavor, 0:80 p. m. ; at 7:.'I0 p. m., Illoatrated aermon aad ong; pecii mnalc Mr. McPheraoa Uale, chor later; Mia Eva Ryan, organiat. Rodney-Avanne RodDty - evens auo - IloDlnaon. t :w a. i.T cooimOnlon and ier- :4S n m.. Y. 9. B. C. E.t 7:80 l. m. The Conversion of the Chief ot Sinner." Mount Scott 8rrvlcc in ball at Kern Pnrk, 3 p. m.. Bev. J. V. Goorm ley will lakl Bob day school, 8 .10 p. m. EloeUoe, -etfrcem oodlawa Bunnay cbooi. in . m.; prvac- Ing. 11 . m.t. Cbrlt Endaaaoa, f- p. a. I Mrvlora 8 p. m.. with apertnl moale. First Corner Park and Columbia treat: Rv. E- . Muck ley, mlnhrter. Kvengeltot W. Darst of San Franrlacn will preach at 10:80 a. m. on "Tb King' Baalnea Beqalrr Haate." and at 7:45 p. m. oa "The Good Con feaaloo" : Bible acnool. 13 m.i Chrkftlas En deavor, :30 p. m. ETABOELICAL ABSOtnATIOH. JJ. Orsee Lectat Bev. a. O. Henderson. PreaeV Ing. 11 i. a and l. m.i Vonag l-opl'e Ab Uanc. 7 p. m.s Sunday acbooL 10 a. m. Flrat German Tenlh a Clay atreeta; Rev. Tba. Bchaaer. Banday acnool. 0:80 a. m. Mrmoa, 10:43 a. m. praarblng. J :4ft p. B l T. P. A.. 7 p. B. North Portland T-ventr-irat and Peltvgfwva street; Bev. E. O. HornochncB. saaony 8:48 a. m.t preaching. II a. m.t X. P. A. program. p. m.t prachln. T:80 p. m. First English Eaat 8lth and Market atreeta t B. A. Blewert. paator. At 11 a. m. Rev. T. Hchaner will preach; Bonday aohool. 10 . m. Toung People' Alliance, 4:48 p. m.t evening eervloe. 7:45 o'clock, by Rev. Bchaaer, "Moon- Urht Chrlatlan." - - Emanuel Mllwauaie: r. m. rnar, paauir. Sunday school. 1 p. m.t T. P. A. Mrvlc. 7 p. tn.; worship nd Bermon. B p. Bt.l Germas preaching every tnirB vjonnav. a p. m. Reecne-Rarmony P. M. Flhr, naato. BnJ day school. 10 a. m. preaching. 11 . I I. P. A.. 7:80 p. t. i .. tTJTBERAir. ; Swedish Tmnwnael NlnetMatli and Irving, atreeta. Services. 11 a. a. and 8, p. a. Sunday Mhool, 8:4.1 a. si. Nnrwarlaa Synod Enat Tenth and Brant street, Rev. B. Hagos. Banday school. :80 a. m. aerrlce at it a. m. a no i " p. ea.i a. P. 8. meet Thnrsday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Betaala Danlah Unloa avena and Mnrrle atreet: Rev. flndmnnd OrllL 8midV Mbool, 13:13 p. m.i Bonaay ervice, p. m. St. Jan-r' Engllah West Park and Jaffev MB atreeta. J. Allen Len. pattor. Service at 11 a. B ; awning eervlce at S clerh; Lather League. 7 P- BM aasaay aeaoat, J a. m. 8t. Paul' German Eaat Twelfth ad CTtntoe etreeU: A. EraoM. putor. OmreMloa. in a. bi.i morning MrvVe, 10:80 o'clock: evening eervlce, 7:30 o'clock : Sunday school. a. m. Lenlea eervlce, Thursday even lag at s vetoes. TnnTETJ TTAWOETJIAt.' Flrat Comer Eaat Tenth and Shermaa street. Rev. A. A. Winter. Sunday srtiool, 10 a. m.t Breaching at II a. m. and 7:80 p. m.i K. U of C. E. meeting, :30 p. m. Second Fargo and Kerny atreeta; Rv j. Boweraox. At 11 . m. and 7:80 p. si. Rv. H. L. Pratt, presiding elder, will conduct earv Icm; Sunday Mhool, 10 a. .: K. L. C. E., 7 p. si.: communion after awrnlBg aarvle. St. John's Ivnaho and Joh nrem: Bev. E. B. MeTlcker. Snndey Mhool, in a. B. richlng. 11 . Bt.l J. K. C. B.. t:SS p. m l K. L. C E 4:0 p. Bi.i preaching, 7:34 "Ock'ley Oreen Rav. T. frolne. paator. At 11 a. m. aad 7:30 p. m.. Mrvlce: Sunday (cheol at 10 a. m.i K. L. C. E. at 8:80 . m. . CHBISTIAW SCIEBCX. ' Ptrat Charcb of Christ. Sctentlet Bcetrtah Rite cathedral. Morrtane and tewnsdale atreet. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 n. a.. Mh)ect eg aermon. "Mind"; Sunday Mhool at rloM of morning Service. Wednesday evening meeting, jeeead Charcb of Owlet, sciential Elks' tempi. Stark and Seventh strMte. Bnndey Mrvlce st 11 . at. ad S P. .. nbloet, "Mlnd'T rtnadar scboot, It a. m. Wdnday mMttBg, B a. . , '. VimtB PBE8BTTTBIAW. Charcb et the Stranger Wane atreet asj Grand venue ; Bev. 8. Rar PaBoM. Morning service, 10:49 o'clock, with Mrmoal Saadaf Mhool, 12 m.; Mrmon, 7;80 p. m. F1rat eiiatB ano Montgowwry viiMiar pev, A. W. WIImw. Meralng Mrmon. 10:80 s. m.t Baaday Mbool, 12 m l aarmoa, 7:80 p. aa. , tnrrtTB brxtrreit Tf cmtiiriT" flrat Eaat Fifteenth and Mnrrteea street: Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible arbonl at 10 e. m. moB at li a. m.i Mrmoa ai :av p. m.t z. p, s. c. B.. TP. IB, BdlcaV Slitk and Mechanle trH; Rev. C. P. BUnebard. Smvlay Mbool, 10 a. m. nraa, 11 a. at. sad t:80 p. m. ' tntlTABIAsT. -Cnorch ef Onr Tn I her Corner of Tamhlll an4 Seventh atraet; Rev, W. O. Bitot Jr., mini, terr Bev. T. L. EMot. P. 71., wilntafer emr1tn. Service et II a. m. Sunday Mhool, 8:48 a. m. klndertartea. 11 a. m.i adult claaa, 12:80 p. m.i - HOUbTSB A8I0CIATI0V. : The Oreaoa HollnoM a aancl i tion hold gat lm each Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the Church of the Maserene, 428 Bnraald atreet. La Grand M. Baldwin, president. Thla a, aoclattoo I laterdenomlnatloBal. t. k e. t T. M. C. A Fonrth and Tamhlll stTMra, Mnale by Portland Bchnmao Cnacert eomeanyi (MrM bv Rev. Bobert (aire aa "Amrleaa Itlai Jt Searcs sad Care." , CHU1CH OP OS. Church of Ood 430 Hawthorn avenue. 1 80 gnd 130 p. in.; prayer niMtlng WdB4ay, 7.30. 8. T. KeaU paator. ; CRimoa or tri baxabevx. Tha Church f th Kaurene 4M Bnraald traet. berweea Tantb ad ElwvwaUi atroataj A. O. Henderson, paator. Banday Mbool, It a. m. I preaching. It a. m.j holloa ara (lag, p. m.) evcalng Mrvlce. 7:80 e'eiork.. , RXTORICZB. PI rat tier ma a Tenth aad Biark atreet! Bev, 0. Dafner. Service at 10:48 a. St. aad f p. m. ; x, r. a. c .. s p. Be. C7TBI8TIAB? ABO MmSIOVART AtUAWOE. - Sea atlatlaa aad siisaiuaary AUiance autk ttan Kndearar, "Jt Contrvatlp Cuitmdlan" SAVL'GS DlVi PAYS ' - 4 Per Cent ' . OPEN " ' ' v. For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St.' Comer .TasliLssfoa PORTLAND OR. ISo Portland . . PORTLAN1X ORKOON. , ' EUKOPKAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS WR TOURI8TB AND COWMEP.CIAJ, TRAVLKR& Everything to eat and drink, sod If eoats no more In tbe . PorJaal Hotel RatbakaHar ; than elsewhere In the elty. Bvary weekday night from ta It. S. O. BOTmB. Btmaager. WOMAN A SPECIALTY MR8.8JgrlAPL T! The only Cbinea wemaa BMdieal ooctor ib una city, so ba rnred many afflicted offerers. Cared private and female dla Ma, ala. asthma, throat and lung trouhloa; atomach. bladder and kidney and dlarace ef all kind that th hnmaa fmah ta belr to. Cared by t'hlneM berle nd root. Beniedt harm 1cm. 'o onerstlon. Floneat treetmeat. EXA811MATI0M8 PBEE. 88 Cley Street. Ceraer Third. and Mala afreets: Bev. C. D. sawtella, saner- Intendent. Preaching at 10:80 .-m.: Bnnday school. 12:15 p. m.i Xonng People' a Mrvlc at 8 p. m. Alas Mrvlc n Toaaday at 1:30 p. at. aad Prlday at 8.80 p. aa.' : MTTHOSIIT. B0TJTS.s first IT1H Second street.' roresters' kali; rcev. c. n. aiowre. rtoBoay mbooi, iu a. BipvrartB uaraa, e:sv rtb Laga, 8:80 p. m.i preach Ing, 11 ,,"Th IMgnlty of Maa"4. praacbua. Ts30 ; "Ood as a rather." , a. m. P. :- XZIT'I RESORT. Ifen'a Reert and People' I mtlrnte Prmrlfe nd Buraald treats. Steceoptlcos Blhl study keor, l p. m.t mea'a meeting with dtlreaa. 4 p. m-i peovle' goapel rvle with apeclal mane. i:u a. a. Ill VIBE TRUTH CEVTIB. rHvlne Tenth Chanel Hall Ml. Allakv kallA Ing, eorset Third and Morrlaoa atrreta. Berv Ice.-II a. m., Thaddlna M. Mlnard, pea tor; H. B. btartla, eololat. Banday ackool at 11 m. 1ATTXR-SAT BAnfTB. . Church ef Jesa Christ af Lrrr-Dv Satara Rail 400 Allakv bolldlng. Third and MorrlMa. Bel rices at 11:80 a. n. and 7 B. ski Baaday school, 10 a. m. ,t . PM1TIB8AU8T. - rtrsT Eaat - Eighth and Ooack atreet. - At 11 a. m Mrmoa by Bev. Jbm D. Corby, tb paator. on "A Helpful Way to Can test"; Hunday MhenL 10 a. m. prayer BMtlng Thars day evening. '. , ., - rRIEVD. Prtead Chsrcb East Thh-ty lfTh and fctata atreeta; Rev. Lee1 I. Tladler. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. as.: Baaday acaooC 1 a. m.1 EndMvor. 8:80 p. aa, -..---4 - Big IBIS BOBBIAJf. Kew Oinrch Society Eleventh aad traeta; Be. Illrim Troomaa, At 11 "Cala aad AbeL" Aide BBXEX CBVaCK. ant - Roaslas Ortbodos Cbarck East Twenthletb and Mornaoa atreata. Beg-uUf aarvlc at Basal tin. knUEVBXAL DAW. V " At 0. A. B. hall, aocthaart enrnev Seoond and Morrhwa atreet. Servicea at 8:88 p. m. W. A. Baker will apeak oa "Th Divine PI a ef tbe At, wttk chart I nostra ttoa. " ntM METHODIST. Free Vetbodtst Eaat Ninth d Milt streata PreaeklBg, U a. m.; Baaday Behest. It a. a ' ' ' lOSBIOIlB. Pen lei Sunday school, 10 a m.t holts Bleating, 8 p. m. avaBgellatta meeting. Baaday aad dally, 7:30 p. m. Olive Branch 2M first street, ketweea J feraoa aad Columbia. Sarvlc avery alght st 8 ' clock and Bandarat 8 p. as.! Baaday Mbool at 1:80 p. m., A. walla. aBrmtndat. : DOYOU w :- a, 1 ' j The Needlecraft Shop? seo'' mm The C SS2 WASHINGTON ST, tr.T. V.T T I ' : .': D T: WISDOM PRITvrTiriC COaMPATiY -erWerv KEMP PRTNTIKfi CO STYLISH o ATTRACTIVE PRINTING ' sTBST ae Brers thaa th VA kind, H hj tarar 1 rssarta 4 ' Sheas that fcVt star Is praareaalve " and SNrsera Is hie BUSINESS methods. . f wMte un- work sad odea the ade are dallvsred yee win fl4 theai right . TRY IT B E WISE TaUJtPHONaT, MAIN i$0Q" 21 3; Second Street (4th ad PCM in THC8TPC . WMktngts iaa.ia.iu lutnini, Haul l. LAST TIMB TONIOHT AT 8:18 0 CLOCK. Paul Qilmore " ' Is Bis Paaaeoa Oolleg Plsy, - - AT YALE" V - Prleas. .11.00, 81. 75. (Oa. 88. 88 14th aad MCtf In Tilt Itflr Waaklngto ULIUU liiUllhl. ktala U ItnrSAT. KOVDAT A1TB TuTtSTiAT BIOHTs, Penular'Prioa Matsna Tooadsv. iasy, COMEDT, , THB AIL81CAL CABXOON COM El "CUSTER BEOWN" SO Big long Fit i "Tlae" i go" aad Lesrh. Ing Price 81.00, 75c, 80c, c. ana. MathM racaa ; TBc. ooe. 3Se. Daher Tbeafrc Phone Msta iPOT. Oregon Theatre O.. tje. U Baker, klgr. Only One If ore Ton I gh t Th Kagslflcvst - . , ' Production, . : "IP f WEBS r.IHw. " BEB IT NOW. ""Evening Prices IV. 85C. SOe. ' eat Wees, star irtfmr TBS." BBOXHiA- 0TE1CSB. Fmn f sua Tm n m tm - Plliaa MorrUon. 8,11(1.1 1 llliaill Mala 117. MTLTOM W.'SEAalAN. Manager. Playing Only Eaatara Bead Attraction .. LAST TIMB TONIGHT, .. "KTklAV HEARTB," Ever C.alnlsc la Ponularlty. A Baautlfnl Play. Stronger. Batter Thaa Ever. Begulta Empire Price. Next Week. Starting Temorrew . tatlsM VI WUE'B rAhULf.- - ' THE STAR ..TO WZZX Or rEBB0ABT it, 107. . Tbe A Ilea Stock Company PraMats LOST IN SIBERIA" Marlneis Taeadaya. Tharsdsya, Satardart and Bonday at 8:15. Price 10 asd 20 Mat. F.very evening at a: IB fries IO. and ae cent. Beear yoog Mats by pboaai blsm 8484. The Grand Taadevtll 4a loa. Sa E4aall aad Artkw letai la "The Tw Ruhl." Alf. Holt. Chariea 9a- Frank Coo me pad cn. walther ana Pal. Eddie Delaa aad ktM tw Harold. " BraadiMOM. Jtanal Bta hi "Th Lm4 af I , Treope." wastes.- V a ariM',f- A BEAUTIFUL PACE Bead atimn for Particular and Teatlmntilale ef the remedy that clears the Complexion, Re move eatn impMreetioei, Haae w aad Imprvvea th Health. If yva take BEAUTYSKIN Reaendal reaalta are gaaraateed sr sstaty ea fuaded. CHICKZSTEB CHIBICIL CO., ' t4iB Ilaav Philadalphla, Pa. FOR WOMEN OMY Pr. BsnderanB's tVenpoond Bavt) and Cotton Root Pills. The beet ' and only reliable remedy for IK LATBD PERIUPS. Care th most btlnt ew la 8 H 10 day. boa, mailed la puis wrapper. PIERCE, l. 0, 181 first sum I. PortjAad. Oragos, TRADE AT- Our Naw Destgna for spring are now, ready. Wa are showing; many beau tiful and original design for Shirtwaists, Lingerie and Baby Clothes. Hand - Embroidered Shirtwaists will be more popu lar thla year than ever. LET US IffiP YOU TO HAVE ONE, OUR SPECIAL OFFER. We will sell Shirtwaist Tattern exactly like rut, stamped rut ex tra fine quality Lingerie Lawn, complete with cotton for eir. broidery, and Free i: r: - Lesson, all for ' i i Vfc'v. 'Aav i Vt -i-- . i mHmVt-vp.jgmg. -BBSW ... a rrwe g pe Addren T. i i -