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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
HIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 7. ,1S37. 13 PROBE DEEDS OF LETTER-CARRIERS STAGGERING UNDER LOADS OF DELAYED MAIL ii . Five tralnlosds of esstern mail, the nrst to reach Portlaud since Isst (Satur day, arrived In this city lst night by stesmer from Bonneville. There were more then tO pouches of first-class msll and this was the first or the greet mass to be distributed about the city. The newsnapers and packages were carried out lata this afternoon. The arrival of such a large quantity made extra work for the men in the ofnee and especially for the earrlera. Thia latter claas of workers for Uncle Sam were loaded down much in the same manner as they were In the holi days, when the baga In which hey carrv the mall were overflowing wit lattM-a mnA n.rbu It la CXDCCted Chief and Assistants Inquiring thst nil of the mall will be distributed by evening. , The Palais Royal Millinery. Into Charges Against Mem- ' bers of Department. v OP THE The ni.inery for early apring trade ia on hand for th tourlat aa well as for street wear. A somewhat sensa tional phaaa of It the low prices we Salem Woolen Mills Stock OFFICERS ARE HELD MOST RESPONSIBLE ouota. Call and look them over. IA Palais Royal. 171 Washington street In Knglnc-Hovs Second Btrrrt, Kor I'mUr Scratiur, Were Two Captains and One Lieutenant Out of a Total of .Nine Men. ' TPS! ATMTTT (MW FIRE1EIJ MM m ' Sitting- as. a board of Inquiry. Firs Chief tempbell, with Ma aesistsnt chiefs and a member of the clty'a ea eeutive board. Is making a thorough In vestigation of the charges against vari ous members of th department, espe cially those of bose and chemical com pany Wu. 1. mnnu station U next floor to police headquarters: Chief Campbell declares thst every , detail of the charges' will be fully in ' vestigated-and that any one. found guilty will be summarily punished. -Xast-nlght's-aeseton -of -the--board of in quiry continued until midnight. The chief prefers to preserve as ee- ' rret the nature of the inquiry until all the charges have been thoroughly in vestigated snd the men tried. He will then make out a complete report of the proceedings snd submit It to the . ex . ecutlve board., It will contain his rec- ' ommendstions with reference to punish ment of those who -are found guilty. "We ere making a thorough investi gation." said Chief Campbell thia morn ing, "and will 'leave nothing undone to i find eut those who are guilty. I con- ' tend that the captains and lieutenants who have been entrusted with the com mand of the various stations and in . whom I have alwaya had confidence are the -ones who should be regarded aa most guilty. - It is their duty to know what la going on in their atatlona and to keep the battalion Chief posted and in that vay I will know myself. . "In the station near police headquar ters, for Instance, there were only nine men. Included In those nine were three officers, two captains and a lieutenant It certainly seems to me that three of ficers in a company of nine should have . known everything that went on and ahould have kept their superior officers posted. I hold that the officers ara the onea most negligent and deserve pun ishment.' ...... t ' Buildings for Forest Grove. ' (Special Dlspetrfe to Tb Joerael) '' - Forest Grove, Or., Feb. . 7. R. M. Dooly, president of th First National bank of Forest Grove. . purchased the northwest corner of Main .and North First avenue from Charles Miller yes terday, paying M. 006 therefor.- Ths lot is SOxsS. Mr. Dooly will erect a fine brick building on the corner Just as soon aa be can get material, which will be In June some time,' as It Is almost n Impossibility to get brick now. The new building will be occupied by the bank and store. . Business Suits I Consisting of '. fall andi. winter A weights, single and double, breasted, in fancy and neat ef fects, at ' J LP l&S?9 A. word to the" wise is sufficient --t - BUFFUM & PENDLETON 311 Morrison St, Opp. Postolfice NOTE first Shotting Spring flats Salem Woolen :Mili s Price $35.00 SALE PRICE 5 1 6.50 Salem Woolen Mills Price 520.00 SALE PRICE $13.50 Salem WobleriMillsnce $ 1 5.00' SALBPRICE $ 1 0.85 1:- , wuawaa.a . w v uwiwii xiaiuo jk a ir wwew wa. xjl-jjl-s xwm t Salem Woofen Mills Price $ 1 2.50 SALE PRICE 0 7-95 - CELEBRATED UNDERWEAR AT; COST WORKING GLOVES AT COST MEN'S SHIRTS AT, COST - - FANCY VESTS AT COST v. BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, -SUSPENDERS NECKWEAR ; cALL AT COST ; . rYouIl Know That Grand Old Motto of the MOYEK: This motto will be freely and honestly carried out irF tn: Sale- Would you save money? Come" to this SALE '''''' f THIRD MOVER mm -TO THE- LEES CREEK GOLD MINES .:;, jgi I ., 11 ' '2. ''' I've . . i 't V v X e f :;ev ' f. y : -L'r -S'. 3VIYRTLE GREEK (OREGON) . SUNDAY MARCH 3, -1907 " VtivJng ""PortlaFd at 11 :30 o'clock Saturday nieht, arrivine at Myrtle Creek 6 o'clock Sunday mornine. Returnlnj?, leavine Myrtle Creek at 10 o'clock Sunday night, arriving in Portland Monday morning at 7 o'clock". 'After eating-breakfast in Myrtle Creek, you will be treated to a delightful stage ride of 12 miles upNorth Myrtle Creek and Lee's Creek, where you will spend the day in the mountains, communing with Nature and exploring the ;' greatest deposit of Placer Gold on the Pacific Coast and probably the largest in the worjd., This wonderful treasure bed of Nature has been worked for the last 30 years, in a crude way, wherever it was possible to obtain a little. T - .1 t l I , i f . , , . . r . t a. rr viA ' ' . - T-i .1 r r r ... 1 l ' - J 1 1 1 - a L - 1 , - waicii . css man nvc acres nave Decn worKca, wnicn nas yieiaea a gross output 01 more man iw,uw in coarse goia. ay. inc nrsi aay 01 iviay we wm nave inis properij ciiujypcu - iu nanuic ivvu atrcs 01 11119 laouiousiy rich gravel deposit every 30 days, sufficient water being developed to run from three to five Giants every day in the year.. .You must see the property, with" its miles of ditch, flumes and tunnelsj pipe lines, etc., to appreciate its wonderful possibilities. It contains nearly 1,000 acres of rich placer, ground, millions of feet of the finest timber in the stateand only 12 miles from the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad;: - ' -.'... '.:."'. .-::;.; ' ' " '-; ' v '- - ' T ', ) , . ! , . r, ' '.' ' ''r REMEMBER, jnuslip,ljicludfa To all who will sign an application to buy. 5,000 shares pr more of Lee's Creek Gold Mines at 2 cents per share, if subscribed before February 15, 'or 2 cents per share if signed any time after the 15th and before we leave for the property, on the following conditions : That if, "after "you have seen this property, and find it as represented in every respect,you will pay, before you leave the property, at least 2S per ' ' cent of jrour subscription in cash and the baUnce either cash when you return or in three equal monthly installments. YOU WILL BE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO TAKE THIS STOCK UNLESS YOU FIND THE PROPERTY AS REPRESENTED. "ISN'T THA FAIR? IT IS OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. - -1 -v ll'lll,..." Out-o!-Town Purchasers Can take advantage of this excursion by sending in their application and meeting our train at any" of .the . following points r Portland, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Junction Cityr Eugene and Roseburg. Bring or send your application to the office, or send us a card and we will send a representative, who will, give you all desired information. t -' . ' STOCK AND BOND DEPARTMENT '- . . " . . .. . ........ 1 ., .' Sixth and Ankeny Sta. PORTLAND, OREGON 1 '