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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 7, 1907. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, INCOME-BEARING flat m a.p hmW- i!?.'0'0 tomt n Pr mouth, par. IT'1" bs"s escu. close la. sesily rented; i.0U0 nik. 7 saostlilr iBeUllmeetet la n IU py ths BMiallmeota. making re rkahl mveetinent eg nl capital. Mor se. mi Cbspoua. 313 AkluxUM bldf. MB IB SU13. Scllwccl ., M.nrboos French. l70 fj. 13 th. Fhoo Bellwaod T4. . Cl'y View Park lots, 3874 Ss4 pl Haas Addition Ms, f 100 ssd up: 88 4ni and 38 5b. UonM from .00 ts 0uO. Lets SiuO sad ap, Is all parts ot Ssliwood, Ust 9mt property with Sa; we win sail It. SJ.OOO TWO cotUfe sa lot ' BOxltt. aaar !nto ara. ; sow rented for 28 par moot: an excellent bar lu a first , i else location. MOOKB HEALTY CO., 1 -Stesrus Bldf., Ik sad Uorrlaaa. WATCH TILTON ADDITION" CROW. Home ' builders ars bar In x thass Ms ha-' cssaa lliey ara balow vslns. O0I7 M left. Ag.nt as ground la ntnramr. T1IOMPBON 4 OUDKN trirsnehV. Faon Eaat 4300. - . 800 Balaooat St. METROPOLITAN REALTY CO. ws rrom 800 and op. ..... f ' "" House from tfloo and an. 'Acres fm fax) sad up. . : ranss (mm 81.800 and ap. Uot aayibtnf to erllt Brlnf ' K la. 131 V, ALDER. BOOMS IS AND IS. TH1I IS IT. 8-room modern reeldrnee, fl4-fot enoerets heeement, lot bOxloo, 6x1 Bart Kimll at.; omcthlnf sles, op to data; prtea (3,800. - B-room cottage, food eoadltiaa. aaar Waver. If earllns, a Kssl oUt at. a barfaln; prlc 114.60. METROPOLITAN REALTY CO., , i Boom Is. 2A1H Alder St. INVESTOR, 8RR HIRE IS Iota. 60x10, aaat ,. m. a-onna car una, obit px.auu; SI.UUU cssa. r-ar-na ' TEN PER CENT INVESTMENT.. ' td.Ooo soi loo earner, 1 block freva 1 Grand ara. brldse. ' Two aaarlr new -mom booees. graded streets, cement aralka; lot alone will sooa bs worm prlra imm: 3 caen v - - c. er tiur. , - 304 Ablhftoa Bids. . Pbou Mala 1842. WATKRPRONT The cbraneet bar la Port' land; west aide: R. R. trarkass also; ,H wiu po sulci, aaoreas a . joaraai. FINE watrrfrant. west side: aas bait s las. : ill ContlneaUl On., 143 Stark at. A BARGAIN New S-room boose, awdara; $sso ean, kaianre sssp. owner, oso uaatsabala. vomer aisaoa. AN 8-room modern boost tor sals. Mlaelaalnpt ara. Owner, set LOT GOiloo, boose 12x2T. S blorks from UnPra see. ear line, this slds a( Alberta at. oolr 8n. .. t. Osdsr. ear. Grand srenns sad K. Ankear. hKttOM hotwe, lot BOllOO. 00 ft. from Htew arts 81a.. Mti Beott ear, S seat fare. IS min ute aerrlcsi cbeap for cash or Straw. . 0. O. nan. :.... v.. A PINK medera boms. St. Johns : will par 10 per rent on inTesrmeat: li,(Mt cssa rsqnaraa, - Room . 108 lad at. SEE Harlbert. room 4,. 108 2nd st U want t sell out. JI'ST think. I. SCW lots near Salem earUas, so farther tbaa St. Johna, at 818 per lot, --at 11 per asowtk: leeel and rwd soil, with booaea already there; job ran t bap sersaee sat there (or earns tmoont; tbeaa lota will be raised te 825 per lot on the first of ths wmntb. Apply to owner, w. neidt, room 10, nsasinptoa oiap., ztu waaninsioa at. 81.O0O 4 IJ1BOB Iota, 1 block from the East Ankenp earllns: fins place for small ebjckea rsoca. Befistsr a l., iviVa Tklrd at. S40O BIAL'TIPUt, ' bit on Rodney ses. and (lorn at., all Improvements la. Ref later vo iuib inira si. . SI.SS0 TWO 8nt one half acret, wlthls rlty limits: la direct path at fast srowtas dlatrlet. ' MOORE BEAT.TT CO., 418 Stearns Bide, ta and korrisoa. l.nIVi ACRES aaar Piedmont, sa Tea v roarer ses.'; -worth nmra awaex. Ref later ' si (.a., i vi tp -i Dtra sa. AI-PINB BBAt. ESTATE CO.. SOSU Mefrlaea. room S; psoas Mala 181T U block wttk IS-roam booaa, eloss la, IM.Boa t aersa, S-raom booaa; sssp teraaa; HSbO. ' TTJRNK WALKER. 1 Real Eatata, Parma and Stuck Basra sa, Exebastes. SOSH Wasblnptsa St. 8J.760 S-toOal bones, msdsra; aa atreptloaal bsrtsla. W. J. Peddlosrd. St. Job as. Or. WILL trade a plaas for fond, dtp sot. Address . P 135, cars Journal. MICa lot, ftOrlod, three blocks from ear, pood eerrlre, M. Hatfletd Smith. :' raarrth St. 1,800 HEW 8-room cottage, 1H stories, with a rooms ana sats oa nrst iioor, aaoa sra la seery particular. bfOOKH RKALTT CO., 418 Stearns Bldf, stb sad Morrtsos. BAROAIN. ' EAST SIDE nOktw. SK.00O will bay sa 8 room mndera boms and a full rorner lot oa East Ankeop near lHth St.; this la s choice location snd ths boaas Is snpplied with ap-to-dats eortrealeacea! con crete baaeDient, good furnace, flreplsces, bath room, ate. Thla la tralj a snap, so corns as rip sad secure s hernia. JAMKM J. PLTNN Si I Cbambsr of Commercs. FJOR SALE FARMS. H0MEKTEAD. Ooear d' Alene Keaereatloa win spsa soon; choice land. 25 miles from Spokaas. Coeor d'Aleae Reaarratloa Inforaiatloa Apency, 1718 Elcbanxe Bsnk bldf.. Spokaas, Wssb. Lcmcke .will sell It fcr you. roH SAI.B AT A BARGAIN SOO-sers farm 13 ml lea east of Kupess: AO acres orcharj, anoatli . S psar aid - Upttaeaberf - a pplea ; aa y psymsnts, sr will trade for Portland prop- erty. B. H. Insham. Orsfoa betel, Portland, Ore aoa. tor a (sw dsya. COMPELLED TO SELL 80 acres, pood da-k tillable son, out utacaas line, 1 I run from rortland; oa county road: round trip 81. 88; will sooa doable ta value! sow only pun. Horns Lead uo., J.4&H Ph-at at, S3 ACRKR, 14 cnltlrated; S rows, team, rhlrk- ararceremp; tonia; creek, ere hard I bsvss. stw. aciiep, iipiif, vrrwf,, 804 aoldamlth, Alblaa. Fortunes in THE USE OF THE RIGHT KIND OF MEDIUMS - Many fortunes have been made by good.advertisinjf, but those that have been made "are but a handful" to those that are to be madejjrhene-essentiaLlo-good-advertising is a good mediumthe one that has the wid est circulation and possesses both quality and quantity of circulation. - The Journal has all the requirements in this connection. " ''..,.-....- MORAL: The wise merchant knows that to do busi ness without advertising is like a man winking at a pretty girl in the dark. Me may know what he is doing him self, but nobody else does. Get wise The Journal is the medium for wise merchants. FOR SALE FARMS. STOCK ranch, 2.04O arras, controlling shout 1.WO anas of giailng Uadj aplanUld winter i ranrta; plentr a('(ard and walar and altort arira to autHiniaiDa. 1111a is ss axcaUvat op purtvoltj (wr a alorkuiaa. . tniproaad Tllr rartn. boat of raarnlnarr. rma ai'a; aivaiiant nn jam and .u k raiad. baluf on tka rlrar; itikwI roada and dally rural dallrary and talapbona oa Ilia plara. Wa alas ksrs slkar food farns ssd ranch ca lor aaia. H1IIIMX A0ESCT. 0t( Ktark at. Just Think ofltl 40 arraa. g!l aodar plow, (ood houaa, fcara, , WMMlabsd. roorbouaa, cbtrkan-oouaa. (las or rbard. taaaa. barnaaa. waron, farm Impls . sirnia. paj, S aowa, m nllaa (rnna rallnad aiaiioa. 1 aius (rom scbooi. all lot l,S0i) tarms. . M. 52TV4 WASHINGTON T. FARMS. ' l!.RrV-18fl srraa nrar Oaatna. il..VM30 srraa awar MrMlnnrllla. Iimii go arras tlmbar. Duvrtaa rnanr. A4.4O0 40 arraa mal Bad tlmbar. Coos . aouatxi ffooo apaniiaTmn. irmuirs 80s roLKTH sr. 10 ACKKM, asdar nlllralloa. rnonlnc watar inronsa pises an year; aooa bouaa. barn rhlrkan bouaa, rnotbwtaa sad ether oathull l "Inca; 12 miles of Portland. Owner, U C. ranatia, aiiiwsakia.a ur.i H. r. V. mi, z, boa be. POR bantalns la arreasa and fnrma sear Port. land-Balem earuna: alas cup prnpertr and limner, aea aarniera' uina ix... irs aiaaiaoa. TIMBER. TIMHKR rlalts (nr sals sr trad; 100 seres at timber land one mils rroia deep water a Tillamook bap. (3.nu0. or will frsda for Port land real estate of equal valoe, or will nap or take the dlfferesrs In caak oa sspthrnp nib, HO OAA Pnatoffli hn 12. Till.. BMokr Or. V - . J 1,000.000 FEET sf yellow snd red fir la 81 S., w .. .uv u svia si sacs, ee, m WashbiKtoji at. . , Schuyleman &. Co. raclfle Coatt Tlmbar Oaalsrs, , "Ses as for larse snd auiall tracts. 3374 WAHniNOTON ST. TO OWNERS sf timber claims snd timber We . will boy for eaafc any pood timber tributary to Nehalem rlerr: will deal wltk owners ' Sole; no otters a rod answer. Writs, plrlnf . full particulars, to Bos 8. V. t. Station. Portland. Oregon. . CERTIFIED BFTip, s y sbw. low eat prltes. O. BowslI, 888 Chamber af Commercs. W. AM still Cbssdls, la timber land baalneea. W. W. agent. South Bead. Waahlaftsa. . 813.50 PER ACRE 000 acrsa, an logging stream: rat 40ii0.000 ta li section: freateet , aasp aa the marked. 84, 237 WashhtfUe, at. IOHT yellow pins timber claims for Imnis dlate location: cut 1.800,000 to 2,000.000 feet section. Ses oa at oars. 84, 22T1 waahuigtoa St. NEW-- SAWMILL. - BicltKlIng 8.000.000 ft. fir. S miles from R. R.. near Portland. 810.000: S tla land plllnf p rone rt lea, alas email snd Urge tracts of food limber. Tbos. T. Thorn tea. SIS Cbambsr of Commerce. TEUXtW pin. 3.000,000 feet, 1150 location fee; place money la bank not II aatlsflsd ss represented. . ALRXANT1EB LAND CO., , . ; - . Si Blith, aaar Pine. ' HORSES, VEHICXES, HARNESS. BORSES snd baggies for rent by dap. week . snd month; special ratss to auaiassa ni Slith snd Hawthorne. East 12. toR RALE l.SOO-poand horss. wagtra snd bar- neea. Ht. Johns, corner urea ley au M WllUawtts bled. - WB bay. eell. rent, sschsnp borate, we iron a, ssddlea, harasaa. Hubert A Hall. 204 ttb st. FOR SALE A small horss; bsrfsln. 400 i4 intra at. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALI S fresh sows. 41T Oread are. and Kearney at, Moatsellls. STALLS is rest. S3 pee at stb. 14th snd Jef- rereoa sts. Phono 0020. FOR SALE Prr fresh cows, en Jersey. 873 v csat ilia at, a. GENTLB harneee, grocery wagna, 340, ar trads for cow, S71 E. 12th, north. TWO pnod fresh rows, eaap milkers, gantle for woman to aaadia. btsVi iita St. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WFI Y should you look for a srrond-hsnd plane whea yoa eaa fat a beaut mil new pisso direct from the msnofscturers for less avnieyl Kred-Frencb Piano Msnnfactottnp Company, "From maker to player." Sixth snd Burnalds. VICTOB talking msrhlnee and records; Stehv wsp isnd otber) pianos. Hberman. I'lav at Co., Sixth snd Morrison, opposlts pnatnfflc. ITNES AND rNTraTJMENTS. COUER D'ALE!CE snd Nevada mining stocks. I sm Blwsys la tbs market to buy sr sell stocks with me; get my prices before buy. Ing or celling. Lnsns made oa Hated securl tles. T. P. Brown. 401 McKay block. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SAI.R OR EXCHANOB 100x100 oa Eaat Alder at., with S nearly new d-room houeea In first -cleao sondltlnn: will pap or take d If fere nc, for lot. Refister A Co.. 107 ii Third at. roR SALE or sxcbanr for Portland property, rm rarm Beer AHsny. r.. or ins acres, nil la fins atsts sf cultivation; pood build ings, fences, stc.J oa county road; 130 par acre. Resistor A Co, 107 V. Third St. FOR SALE or ichsng, for Portland property. (30 acre fine timber, with aworn cm lee of over feet; value fo.OOO. U eg later A OO.. 107 H Third St. - WILL trad S Ms. vain 4O0, ta Midway, for a trite Boras, or will tsge pony or goon cow ss psrt payment. N 123, ear J on mat ONE block, S bouse, fin property, st Torts. month, to exrhanre for farm or farm lands. Otnmblan Realty On, 2vs ThlrrJ, ran rug 8-7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ONE 10 bores trsctloa engine for sals; cheap. H. K link man. bV V. U.lla, a. mil wangle, tr. SHOWCASES sod Sttnreo, new snd aecoaaV band, Carhwa A hallatrom. pgpj iscb at. WANTED too-cseu- ta weae ear eelebestsd 820 made-to-order aulta. Unloa Tailoring ce. StVk Stark at Satlafeettoa fuaraateed. Advertising it' ' ( -1. - '' "... w FOR SLE M1SCELLANEOI S. A aj-FAOC booklet on Longevity, or Whr Me thuelab Llrrd BtlW Yeare; ai-nalhle, eli-al aud attractlre from atart to flulah: will arid baeful happy yeera to yuir life: worth 31-Mr1 in educathipal value, but aelllnf for 1A ceota: ornd fiw It now. , Key. P. 1. Oreea. Ksat 3dth at., Portland. Or. UOMEY IN tigl.'AHIr I hare about 0 pa Ira ef lhwuughbred l'1inouth Bork lloaier breed Ine plgeooa which I will eell at sacrifice, bilkworih. asxt to Arista st-boul. kit. Scott earllns. ( TOR SAI.K Purs, whits Wysndotts hens and . pulteta: eucne mlaed - pullets. 11. W. Jiotter, ei.l Kingmaa St., Weuulava atstlue. Curt' - una. t)r. BI'LUHMIS FOR SALE Knglleh bull terrier. 8 mouibs old: males. 3 wblts with Httls blark, 1 dark brtmllei price. 8 111. Sin and t'M. take, aenwood cwr to crematorium: so . hl.x-ka sorth to ehaek on bluff, sr. address w.. ir. tirowo, neiiwona. vr. isr Blcem a'tuab breedera; mated pairs snd anmated - blnh: eitra quality, atork t prices reasoa- able. r. U Harden. 4K West Psrk at BI'Y yenr furniture, both new snd second-hand, , from Bavage A Peanell r'urnllure Co., 845-347 First st., belweea Market and Mill, I'bnne ' 1'aclflc Hon. wa sell new furniture cheaper FOR SALE, CHKAP 4-larh Keyatoas water meter, practically new. inquire u. Metxger rrout st. FOB SAI.B Ota pood 4t8 pool table snd ac compenimeata. In pood condltlos. Addreas W R. Collins, tjrsabau, or. SKREN ElectHe Works, 1Ptk sad Wsah. eta. Phone Parlor 1414. New (ad secosd-band electrical foods boaght. sold sod each a need. SEWINO MACHINES - bongbt. Sold snd St changed. 83 and up. T eaters salvafe Ce. ui washinftoB st. SHOWOAAEt. -eoontere, flitnree, bought, sold ov eicuajigco w aaura ssu Wsabiagtoa st. Pacific 788. FREE FOR EVERYBODY Rlnf up Mala 4200 or can zihh rrout. we nor and ssu rural. lure, clotulnf er any aid thlnf. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged ; sfwinp-suchines st eery low nrlcea: flnerr. Wheeler a Wilson. Domestic. Whits, Household. Tla vie and ether: ta make room tor new stork Wheeler A Wlleoa snd Singers. 3. S. Blfal. S8S Mer- risna St., 'Marquam Dldf. BOI.DEN'S RBECMATIO CURE Sore ears -for rheumatism. Sold by all drogglMe, SEt.F-CHANOEMAKINa cssh rsflstar for Ml racon, zu rirat sc. . - FOR PA r.P-narralmi fat Whites. Sins-era. Da els. Wheeler A Wilms. Rooseholds and other Slightly damaged machines The White Sew, Inf Machine office. U. D. Josea, 380 YamblU at, corner Fourth... SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold snd sichsnfed. koj inmniii st. - - . FOR 8ALPJ Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 feet lonf. rapacity 14 tone, pew; will ae!t cheep i or caan. i, uv nooo, 04S uawefp st, at. conns, urspoa. FOR SALE Dairy, 80 rows, boras, wagon. sooa route; no mmntrs- on re rmm an iocs, lion; nsn csea. I Dose Main pnsa. FOR SALE Cbstbam Incubators snd brooders. as aayr tree trial. Ilea, w, Foott, 831 Esst ajorruoa at., Portland. ' WR print your name on 80 falling tarda, proper sue and eerie, soc; zoo saaineae car as. il. a. w. schmsie i.xa. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent sr tor aale on eaap permeate. - TUB BRUNSWICK BALEF) rol.I.BNDEB CO, SB Third st, fort land. SECOND-HAND bar Sitnras. nnoltablaa. ssfes, tables, chairs. weatera aslvafs lA. ' sZT n saninftoa St. FOR SALE Single cwmb Black Minorca rock, ereis rnr sale; orttinp strain. H. J. ifsvis. M siarfiy at., Hlgblanfl. PRINTING Billheads, l.00 per AnO; envelopes. al io; extra quality, wis uooanougn ning. FOB SALE Cabinet bnldlnf charge hooks tor grocery or meat market. A duress u 117, Journal. . - PERSONAU SBXINB PILLS cars all forsn at bcmous noarrhr weskneas. For mea er women. Price 81 a box, -8 boxes 88. with full sear. snte. Address or call J. O. Clsmensno. drug gist. Bcvcad ana xsmuiu sts.. fortlasd. or, IF vea hsvs rhenmatlem we want to ears jroa. New York Mrdlral A Surgical Inatlluts. cor. aac ants and taxiiei weaninftoa sts. RCSftlAIC BATH. JOT Third at, betwes Taylor and aeimoa. Bwimmlng pool, steam and hot- air bath. Hoars ladles, from 8 a, m. t 1 p. m. : fsnts, rrom a a. m. to iz n. m. GERMAN bonks, magaglnea. novel, ste, t Ore. man. Snellen, rrench. anenun. r wed I mi and Itallaa dlcttonarle; forelro banks s( all kinds. Rchmsls Co, 328 First at. WFHFOOT Oil RUrktnf seres tbe kMthsr; sb- soisteiy wsterpronr. HOLDRN'S RHEI'MATIO CI' RE Pore car for rheumetlem. bold bp all druggists. MOLES, wrbiklea. aanernaous kslr No ehsrrs to talk It over. Mr. M. D. Hilt, - Room 330 Filed ner BMg. Phone Pari Ms 189. DR. BIKU CHOONO. tmnorter Chmsss r siedlrlnee: sella Chinese fee. certalo rare for n Ulaetaw, ml 3,1, -betnambin and Taylor DR. O, T. KETCHUM ears promptly private dleesess. kidney, nervous, akin snd sperlsl remsis troubles, cell or writ, times itip Third at, cor. YamklL Phone Pacific 3229. SUIT pressed while you watt. 80c. Ladle skirts pressed. 80c. Gilbert, in 14 811th st next to Quelle. Phone Mais S088. TI'RKlSH BATHS. 80 Oregrmlaa bMf. ladle daya. gen tie me a nights. Mala 1088. , MANI.t vigor restored hr Dr. Robarta Na . Globe lee. On month's treatment, S3) S months. 8.1; sent eernrely eealed bp man. Agents. Woodsrd. Clarke A Co, Portland. Or. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlasss East Belmont. 1'hone Esst 4034. S2S BEfrr mseaaln etnbe ever offered: asad prices: agmta wanted, loass' Book Star, xwi Alder st., rortisBd. or. DISEASES OF WOMEN; unfortnusts firm snd names cared tor; nnvsre soapitsi. it. atwooo, room S. 850 V, Mar. at. Tel. PadSc 1758. OWL BETA I' RANT. 38 East Morrison at Mssls lAe-end ow: abort orders, fresh oysters. I. L. Tetstsff, proprietor. SWEDISH trained aura. Hetslngfnre grednate, cures rheasitpm. stomach tronblea. nervoua . dlnnrders snd sprslns by nand-rnoMng. stesm, sweat and tub bathe. No. T Faat ltth L ' Take Esat Ankeny caf. Pbons Eaat 300. BOSA VERA C10APS Sold everywhere, n. lIErTKEMPEB A SON. Maker. Ti Cor belt st. Phoo Pgclfle 14SS. MRS. DR. MARY KRAMER, midwifes ale quart era for patients. Ml Mississippi eve. SELECTIONS made. Introduction Ureal honor able Isdles snd peptic men. Address, with atamp. Mra. II. C. Wilbur. 40S Third St., a. near Hi HOLD ON Thar I one thlmr tbst will cars rhenmetlam. ak pour drugrtet for barb tonic or address or call i. Q. Cwi drugplat, Portland. Or. - REMOVED from 27 Vi Alder to M4 Wa.h Ington, rosm (ses and scslp maaeage; else Iriclty. ALL CHRONIC, aervou and prtvaf dleaa.ea aorceeafally treated by mortem sctentlflc metborle; beet reanlts,"shorteet timet eoneults tlon free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bldf.. sixth St. SCPPONITORIES for married women: perfectly satnfaetorv. Tall sr address Mrs. H. C. ' Wilbur, 48 Third St., near Harrleoa, Port Is ad. Oregou. DANISH laborer, 87, wlahee te eotteauond with best wnmsn; object mstrlmoay. M SO, car ' Journal. FACE and Praia massage glres at 348Vg Mor rison st., suits 1 and 3. I0CNO lady. chlronodr. manlcnrtng. elect rte vibratory 145V Filth, room XI, corner door. UfP'MUTIYF.LYl rnsk kslr stow; stop kslr M AkA,utw 9jM.IL Uorelaon at.! afternuona. R,wm 83. lANTKD Whereahouta of Mrs. Clyde Rndettj profitable. Addreas E 123, car Jeers a L MAMCLRINO psrlors for Isdles and fratiea Stw'i Monisan St., mom 14. MRi. POTTER M"wse. scslp. facial mas aagc chiropody, fjt WsahUgloa St.. LADIMt Dr. " la Fraorrg Compouodt osfe. spewly regsjetori 38 rests, dmrglsts or mall; beehlct In, fit. U fraMs, fhilaaalphla. fa. TEKSONAU sn-ncr Win party that put a "Personal Is Ths Journal fr sua Ah at. rail at ths jeuaiutas oencs or -ike Journal? RM K.N'TLY opened manl nrlng parlors; ladlea eua geniirwan. jr.iv, Uorrlaaa St., room Is. APTE1I yoa here visited every tortus teller ai Clairvoyant, call at TM lfth at. Wanda, the palnilat. don't need blp a tla; bur patrons utrriiH ner; semes gives. BISIXESS PERSON AIA C0MMEHC1AL BTATIONEUY A PHINTINO TO. Ofocs supplies,, loose-lear aratrm Rllnsr da- vicve. lyuewritrv ritinons sua csmen paper X. K. KI BI.I. Ugr.. 328 Stark St. INVENTIONS BOIKJIIT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co., 427 riled ner fcldf. Main 2801. CHIMNEY SWfrP. D. D. Wood. Phone Mais 1:173. 48 Third st, ART. , FREH LE8HONS IN - ' Embroidery Every Day. THB NKKIlLECR AFT SU0F. , - 8V13 Waehlnatua St. E. H. MOOKKHOrSR A CO Artists' materials. picture molding, picture fraaiLpg, stureoptl Isntera ra an, 813 Alder aC PROKEHAOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder at. rortrait ana isnoersps srtlsl snd tsscher, ATTORNEYS. C R. PIOGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Atternere-at Mw. Prsrtlcs la all d Mulksy hldg.. corner Second snd Morrison. ASSATERS. M IN-t'Y fra RETR JtTIOt-fn. r Mootsna A assy Of firs. Ihd Morrlaoa at. - AUTOMORILES. , PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO., Builders, designer and repairers , pf sil makes of aatomoblles. Bodies, tops, fendere, daahas, lamp bracksts, running boards and flaaa frouta, Gesre snd) sll parts of auto mobiles msd to order. 80-70-72 74 North Sixth St., career Evsrett. H. L. KEATS ADTO CO.. AHT0MOBILK8 AND SUPPLIES. - Nnrthweetern distributors for Pops Hart, fords. Pope Tribunes. Pop Warerlrs, Poic Toledoc, Thomas, Oldsmoblles, Franklins, Buicka. S0-83 Sevsath St.. Portland. Oregon. ' HOWARD M. COVEY, Agent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles. Cad illac aad Kaox. Temporary locatka Club Garage. 18th and Alder ata. HAVE YO0 SEEN - BAKER ELECTRICS Capital Supply Co.. 488 Alder at. Phooe Pa cific 874. Ientonatratloa by appointment. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 second at. ril.nk books msnufacrnred : egsats for Jones Improved Inee-Lesf ledgers; see the sew Eureka leaf, the beat oa tbe market. BATHS MASSAGE. RTKSIAN baths, swimming pool, steam, and aoa sar, , rrowrwr tsoira, a. m. 10 J p. ra.: gents, S a. m. to 12 p. m. Prtr 25c. H Third St., bet. Tailor snd Salmon. MRS. OnROCK Is now located at lie Seventh at. .win M pieaaea m meet old patrons as well ss new. Main 4008. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BTTTCHER SUPPLIES 8. Rtrkenwald Co., S04- 808 Evsrstt at. ; largest butcher supply aa ths eoaat. Writ for catamfae. BTrTCHERS1 SUPPLIES Adolph A. Debars. ll lM First St.. earrlea a tun llns snd piet assortmsnt st lowest market price. CAFES. THE OFFICE tes Waablnftoa at, phoa Mala in. sanraei vigneex. CLAIRVOrAN T-UANB w-.eeaawwew4.swa 'D PALMISTS. Always Consult ths Rest, PROP. K. KH1MO. -Ore a test living astral drad-trancs elalr vnjant of the age; sdviser oa hnalnees snd sll sffalrs sf life; tells poor full name and wnst yoa caned (or. whoa yoa will marry, bow to control tbe one you lore, even thongh miles awsv: reunites the nepersted: gives secret power to control; no long delaya la waiting, ttoars to -re a. Betty snd Hundsy, aeruinneuiiy anrstea in n la swu Bom. 3.V8 Fifth au. corn Madison St. MRS. S. R. Metp, rsllsbl la every detail; Bat- ural clalrrorant snd paycbnuiaclst; hours. uanji apiniusi circis every 1 uee.c WM, Ihurs.. Friday. S p. m., 23c; 803 AUaky bldf. TR0FESROR WALLACE, palmlat. cUlrvorant and medium; readlnga 2c. Parlor 4 aad a. ine imms, zonya siorrieon at. CLOCK REPAIRING. CLOCKS of every description repaired; SO rears, eyjea; no charge tn rinmitn. write F. T. Mllle, clorkmaker, 484 Hpokan ave., dtp! CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and preened 31 per unique laiioriDf co., vuv stark et. . W. TURNER, profeseloasl dyer and slssn.r. eus evuereoa at. l lrao aula ZBls. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Prlnf Work a. sii eoonn ex. rnroe raciric siri. CARPET CLEANING. SANITARY carpet cleaning, aucttou aud com- preeeea sir somniaed; csrpefs cleaned on fkMC without icmovnl. Main BUS. Mam 8300. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. , A. MELTON, ths carpenter. 204 Fourth st. Star and fflc work. Mala 1787. B. M FUTON Office, store SrtnreS; general Jobbing. 07 Flret St. Phoos Main VIVO, CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd Pedlcsrlnf. Mr. M. D. Rill. tuom a mi rieidner mog. rhone pacific 180. COAL AND WOOD. fICT,rsJSlSfl8V- Smlthlnf Coal and Coal for Ships , a specialty. The . STOREY A BROOKES FCEL CO. ... Incorporated.) - "'Etcluelve agente for KEMMERER COAL. COAL, COKE. CHARCOAL, Office end Ysrd Front snd Kserarp sts. FOR prompt delivery of alahwood rail Msln Shis, portisnd Wuoa m t-usi Co., im and Parley sts. - . OBEC.ON FUEL CO. M now ssttlnf Wsleb sa- this cite, beet Boat oa the market. 834 Aids at. Msla 68. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealere tn cord wood, ml ssd freea aad dry alahwood, K . bl and Alulna srs.. S blorka east at ferry. East 874. STEEL RRIDOM FUEL CO. Peeler ta cosl. aordwsod aad dry alahwood. I'hoos Esst 434. PORTLAND Sawdust A Pashsrood C-v, M Prowt. sucreeaor te rultoa Wood C Mala IBSa. WFHTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Mm blarkemlfb coals Phone Mara 1018. DANCING. DA NCI NO leeana, 3flc claase or prlra tei welts- Inc. Iwn-etep, three at ep. etc.) etecc dancing, bock and wlnf. clof, reeL aklrt. Ppenl'h. Highland fling, etc. Prof. WaJ Wilson, old set recoarsleed saschcr. Allaky hldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARD DANCING prnoof Claee Moa Thsrs. ssd nst. v.t awisi. fancy a an et.p denelnf taacht; 8 eaat teachers: rlees ami private Irasens dally. Westers Acsnerry ball, Seesad and Morrlaoa sts. Pacific 130. PROP. R1NOI.ER, Miss Bsckesmevor leedtnf school; ballroom etiquette: enrrerv, mm act ng ; eleae Tuec.-Sat. ere. ; children Bet. p. m. sctrato laaaoss dally. SOS Akier. Mala tSftl. DRESSMAKING. MUM. MAY CHIPPKN. eaatera drsssmskeP. klusne.lea Uuuee,. First st. THY Angsle Dreeamaklnp Parlors, 841 FUlb snd klsln. Pad f Is IM3. ELECTRICAL SUTPUES. M. J. WAI.SI1 CO . 811 Stark St. Electric sud Gas llxtnra and kupplle, Maatela. Tlllsp. Orals and Duflnas. PACiriO ELECTRIC CO EnglBssrs. eoatrse- tore. renelrers. electric wiring, supplies. 84 I'lrat. stars. Mam aut. H. H. Tate. mgr. WKHTHHN ELEtrTRIO WORKS. 81 Stltk Cos tree tore, electric supplies, motora aad ar ea moa; ws lostsll light ssd sewer pmsis. MORRIHON ELECTRIC CO.. 31 East Morrteou ' at riituree. wiring, repairing. Bast 8138. BA BRETT'S. SOS Morrlsna St. Phone Mala 133. Bverythlhf In electric wlrlnf and llfbtlaf. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COI.I.ECR, Waahlngtoa and 10th ata.. Piled ner bldf. Bookkeeping, Stiorthend, Typewriting and all Bngllah brancuee taught, both day ssd sight- BKHNKR-WAIKER PI SINKSS COIXEUB. DAY AND NIGHT Sb'KMIONS. Special Clssaes In' German. French. Snanlah. Elks bldf. Seventh ssd Stark sts. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter. Bnsr aees 'Conree, Special Scholaralilpei IHatltlona He cured. Commonwealth bldf., 8th and Aakeny. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORK snd Everett eta. Pbons Main 3uu0. GASOLINE ENGINES. SHEFFIELD marine engines, eeverslar er solid propellera; all makes repaired. Falrbaeka, Moree A Co., First sad Stark. 0A8OI.INB enftnee. all else etd atylee, st lowest prices, , Bslrsoa Machinery Co, 1X2-4 Horrleoa St. HOTELS. HOTEL Pertlsad. Amarleaa plan. 8. 88 par dsy. BELVEDERE; Eempeen plsa; 4th and Aider ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND BARDWARB CO. aollctte opportwn Ity to uoots prices. T4 Sixth at. Part fie 408. INSURANCE. ISA ACT U WHITE, loch bldf. M. J. B. (-OTE, life and health Inenranr. Writ for Interview. 300 Chamber ( commre. W. L. PAGE, Isaorancsi mploysrs' liability, surety bonds, burglar snd accident I near a nee. I'hone Main 838. 304 Falling bldf. JAB Met. WOOD, employer liability sad Sw dividual accident security bosds r au kioos. Phone 47. 803 McKay bldf. - LAND - SCRIP;- WANTED. and for sals. All kinds, tnrmdtsf spproved forest reeerre scrip roc aareeyed. aa arveyed. timber and prairie poversmeot lead. H. M. Hamilton. The Portlaad." Port land. MONUMENTS. MEO A KINOPLEY. Jt First st, rartlaad'B leading marble end graalts works. MUSICAL. THR WESRRR STUDIO Mandolin, baa), pat. tar matroctioa; uiusosi msaouiias. aawv, Waahiogtsa. t LOUIS A. CHFITS. violin teacher. Stadia tit Sbermsa. Pbons PscISc IMP. PIANO, violin, mandolin, trombone, clarinet. Profeesor E. A. Smith. 884 13th. Mala 4703. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO Minis. aswmlU. Inat. fine machinery bydrsalle pipes, eeetlsf all kinds repsirea. 104 norta rnertn. A. J. PAUU 103 First eawmlll and cross-arm at. Engrnea, ball. mseainery. THS B. O. ALBEB CO, S.ensd-bsnd ma chinery, aawmllla. et. 848 Orssd aea. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO I.O AN On improved rlty property sr for bafldmf purposes, for from t to 10 yeer. time, with frlrllege ta repay all or psrt of loss after e years. . Losna spproved from plena snd money advanced as building proframa; fsges takea up snd replaced. FRED U. 8TRONO. Flnsackt! Afaat. 842 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL I-OANP oa eataHee. teesrssc nolle lee. nlanoe fnmltnrs. wsrehoosa receipts. etc. 1 any deeervtaf person msy secure Ho sts I sdvsnrs. rep a r Inf bp eeay weekly or oomnir inai. iiment W ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 308 A hi ng ton bldf, MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat oa pour swa same a other seearltri don't barrow until yoa se me: my er.tets Is ths beet for railroad mea. clerks, bookkeepers, trectcsr mea snd sll ether employee: boat Seas etrtctlr cosfldentlsL F. A. Nswtoo. 434 Ablngton bldf. -MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PFOPLB snd others apea their awn name without secur ity; rbsepeet rates, esalest permeate: office In 00 principal cities: a ars youraslf mosey by pettlnf our terms first. TOLMAN. 323 Ablngtoa bldf., lOSVk Third at. MONEY loaned to salaried people , Jest aa poar own aamei doa't borrow onto yoa se nva; my system Is tbs beet for railroad me, rlerka. bookkeenere. etreetcar mea and all ether employes; hnalnees strictly eon f lden tlsL - F. A. Newtoa. 422 Ablngtoa hltlf . WANTED Notea. kaortgsgea er eaatrscts oa sny kind of real eststs la Oree-oe end Wash ington! second mortgage purchased If well secorea. n. B. noais. six commercial pie, nipinrrv ion COMPANY Loan a to aalarled neonle. Rualneaa Strictly ronfldentlsL Esay per men t plsa. Pbons Mala 324. Tld Dekum bldf. MONEY to Ins ta auras to salt. S snd S peers. as ww ss a per eenrr oa improved city prop erty. Monltoa A Scobey. 801 Columbia bldf.. boo waahlngtoa at. DON'T borrow money oa 'alary until pea see HQttcaXrcdlt Co 813 Dekum bldf. V. 8. WARD, lawyer. Allaky bldf. Probate snd martsssa bualnee solicited: modersf fee; losna mooey oa mortgages from 8200 ap; eeay term. MONEY Inaoerl oa fnmltnrs. pianos snd ether sernntiee. w. A. Hathaway, room su, wasw Ingtoa bldf. I'boe pactri lnx. MONEY to men: Isrr hains specialty: a la bnlldlnf losne; low eat rates: nre loaaranca. William O. Beck. 812 Falling bldf. CRESCENT lAN CO., 428 Mohawk bldf Money t lend ea ea. 7 parities! plaa wage srncr: Mrtctlp coafldeallaL MONEY to man oa sll kinds sf as rarity. William Iloll. room S Waahlngtoa bldf. TO LOAN Sum r rait oa chattel nrlty. R. A. Frame. 814 tb Ma run a as. A LOAN for ths s.ktnr eatery ar httL Ta Loaa Cw, 410 Uekum bldf. MONEY te Ka e ety fmrperty. bob. 813 Commercial blk. O. A. Joha- QUICK loan on all securities. S. 48 Washington bldf. Msln 8100. W. Kluf, MONEY to In In amsll s mounts, reel estste. Q 130, Journal. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DRS. A DIE A riORTHKUP. 418-IS-1T pekum bldf., third and Washington ata. Pkea Main 340. Eaamlaatles fro. DR. LII.LEBKLLB PATTERSON, eoecUiiat OS nereoos, scats snd cbrsole diseaaes. ((Sc 317 Fenros bldf. Pbons Parlor 1IU0. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Ptoseer Paint Ce window xlssa and alsatafj. 13 First L Pbee 1U4. BANKS. URTntD STATES VATIOVAL BARK OF FOBTLAND, 0BY00II. , , ' ' North weet Career Third and Oak Streeta, v. ,,.TT" nr'B 8 Oeneral Bauklng Baalneee. tKAPT8 Uhi t 0 A reliable la Art fit!e et .. . . i - - - lev 1 snn .r , mm . K,me ii,.vm,. . - ' .. . .1 .,?nu 1 ti Vies-Presides!. R. LEA BARNES Asalatsnt Csahler 1 AOIe TaT0"' ABRIR-EataMlahed SW osasrsi Bsshm a bis terms. Letter of eredlt leased e, - - M . . . - - "... - - , n Rinir in. all F'mi- ". . St lel. Tel, ara oh le TraSafera Bold on hew Yerk. Waahloap. CbW.ce. aoid t. i-ei .0m,h- Franrlero aad Montana and Srttl.h O-lumbla. Elcssns soiq en London. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort llo.a. v.:k..s.. a. 11.... ti.,..mhi E"CHA1TT8' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0BEO0 A ' WATBO.V.,....Pre.deet R. W. , - - . HOYT raaklae Tranascta a General Banklnc Bitalneee, TV. ft ' All Parts of the World. R "' tmiBERMIV'S ARK-ertlasd. " letfJeme"'P".' ?" "vinge deeertment. r r eff erwa arsiisn" to an parrs or tns wortn, v :.eI.T.P.- PreetdeotlE. C. MflRV reenter JOHN A CrT?iwV;,'D-. '' Iew-Preeb1et L'" A. KEATING .. Peeped Vlre-Preeld.Bt T"'"-- ' CAUF0SKLA Xatabllahsd 1884, Need OfSee. See. Fvsacfaaa. Oalrforsla. L'"1 j ..84 nrs Purohia and undivldew pmSta .. .tin nas 403.33 .rl.r,""k,n Fvrbangw Boatneea-Transacted. Int-reet en Time IV-soalts. MAYINGS DEPARTMENT Aeeonnta mar be onened -o Sm and upward. rt -.' Portland Bras-h Chamber of tvmmeeee Pnlldlsf. . . .-- C -i .-..,..'.."..... Manaf or I J. T. BCRTCHAFI I, Awdti.nt Maseeer rJtlST NATIONAL BANK. Pert lend. Oregeo. Oldest National Bank sa ths Pactne Ca.t a CAPITAL AND SrRPLt'l 81.8O0.0O0.0O. DEPOSITS L" Mitts. . Pr eddeflt Csahler W. NEWK7RR. TRUST COMPANIES. , P ., TRUST COVF-l NT OF ONFfiON The ' Oldeat Trust Cera yes V H Orsfea. REOr-B-pg OVER 31 800.000. Oeneeel Rankin Two nee Cent lot ere. t en ewech Berwonta u k and reds 1 on dally balances ef FM or ever, letter ot eredlt and evrhene ea all 1.7. . ,h "rld. Saviors accounts Tim certl fleets. 8 to d Pr cent- ahoet-cell apecial .ISeats . v or over. 3 to 4 pee cent. Call for Booh of r,1f.T I STBATIONS. nWvt a Corner Third and h Rtreete. Pbon. Print Eirhang Tt. ' RENT t. COHEN Preeldeat I H. I, PITTOCK.... Vlce-Fvealdes ' ' TAtlKT. ; Secretary tCICTRITT-tATTNOS filUST COMPANY -' "raneacrs a tlenersl Bankinf Bnalpees. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed OS Tim sad Savings 1 Accounts. Acts- aa Truate for Eatetes. Drafts and Letters s( Credit Available en Atl lerta of tbe World. A r r,A.. PreelnVnt I f- A. 7 Fwt. .First Fic Presl dent . 1 MILLS Second Vice-Preeldeat I R. O. JfRIT Seeretsrp 1 OKO. f, HCHHKI.f,. Aaslatant SecretsTT -. NORTH'VZSTERR' OTABANTFK A TRUST Ol'MFANT Tertmnd. Orecsa. Lsmber Exrhsnre. S, E. Coraer Kecnnd and Stark Streets (second Soar). ... ' - FISCAL AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS. ' Btata, Coaaty. Municipal Corporation Ron da Bought and Hold. New Enterprise Organised ' end Financed. Stocks snd Ronda Guaranteed. 'T'11" 0UARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY I U0RT0A0C LOANS oa Portland Real Eatato st Lowaat Rat, Titles I oa nred. J. TTIORNURN ROSS.. OEOROE H. niu, , Preeldent ..Vlce-Preeldest BONDS AND M ORRIS BI0TEZ3S Ouusher sf Coma ManMpal. Railroad and DO WNINO-HOPKINS 003T. ANT Zatehllshsd 1888 BROKERS. ' STOCKS, BONDS. ORAIN-Bought and Sold for Cssh and -ea Margin. Prtvat Wires. ROOM d CHAMBER of COMMERCE.- - Phone Mala ST, I0UIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS -.BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stork Eirhanra. - Oorner tilth and Waahlngtoa QycrbeclCrtaiT car Cooke Co.- 01ATN, FRtHTISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A SIRICTLT-COMMISSION BUSINESS. Osatlnaou Markets by pneateW!r. Oulck Service. ' REFERENCES -Ladd A Til too. Baak sra. and Ufilted Stataa National Bsnk ef Pert land. PRINTINO. - A. K. KERN A CO.. PROMPT . PRINTERS tlS Seooni street. Phoa Mam 8837. THE ALL AROUND PRERS Oeod Prlntlnf . Punctuality. Modcrnis Prices. 344 Ankeny St. I'hons Pacjfl 3748. ' THB MODERN PRINTERY Artlstl prlntlnf. 3 Russel bldf- Fourth ana atorriaoa. raon Pselftf 1538. - - EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to eatalofuea and nawsnap MstrupollUa Prlntlnf Co., 147 Front ai OOILBEE " BROS., pHntsro Csrds. hlllhsada. ste. Phone Mala 1HM. 146Vt First at. PAINTING AND PAPERING. S. A. DOANR. tm Yamhin st.. oavoslts J' aal fftc, wall paper, pslntlsp snd decora a. log. i'noos us for sstimstes. racinc zzm. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheehp Bros., 3X2 lamhlll, sear 4tn. main sir; a. PLUMBERS. F0K A CO. Sanitary plumbers. 331 Second, bet. Main a no Baimoa. urepoa poos main ai. DONNERBERO A R A DEM ACHES. No. 8O8 Bnrnalde at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. fl. STAMP W0BK8. 34 Aide St. Mala 710: rubber stamps, aeaie. ateoeiia: nag. gaga, trad, cbeckei areas signs sad plate. REAL ESTATE. 0EO. J. SCT1 AFTER, real estate aad Or I anearaBca. 817 Clismber of Cotnl I "COOS BAY NEXT. . FARRISR. W ATKINS A CO.. Real eata te. I nan ran re, rental aad agents. 380 Alder st. J. W. OOIt REE. reel estate aad leanct astab- naked iitsa. isnvh ma at room it. A. R. RICHARDPON, , REAL FSTATK AND MOHTOAOR LOANS. Phoa Main 888. 8l Chamber ef Oommerr. SPHINX A'lENCY, dealer In real eeut rental. xos4 mark at. Mam bib. RUTHFRPORD A CO.. 817 Commercial bldf. Besldeoc proeertp ear sneclslty. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. KHPEY. 818 Commercial bldf. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repslrlnr and general Jntirdng. J. Inell. si X Jerrereon at., rae. leva. STREET - PAVING.- WARREN Conatrnetloa Co., afreet ravine. etde walks and crossings. 814 Lumber Kicbsngs, TlirT' Barber Asphalt P.vinf Co. ef Portlaad. Offlce and Wiwreeter htk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of seeee - f.eoHprlnai benk, bar snd at.w. attnrra msde to order., lb talks Msnofscturisf Co., Pert land. 1 U H. BIRIVSALL. deetmer; event M. Winter lumber Co., T Hamilton hldg. Mala tMO. mIGN PAINTERS. PORTER A KLEISER RIONS. -We have built ap ths Isrgeat ergn business In the city by Aral-class work snd keening our promises. Our price srs right Fifth and Evsrstt Sts. Pbons Efcbang s 88. SKINS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Slfa Oct, ' 3M7 Stsrk at, Pbons Psoitis 180. W. P. BKROER A SON, t4 Yamhill at. f all binds. Phoa Pad Be 323. Slgs TYPEWRITERS." DON'T -Jy 8 typewriter unless you buy tbs best. Ths L. C. Smith A Bras.' Writing-In-Hlgbt Typswrlter Is ths beet typewriter msd. A km a Una o( slightly seed traded - eat msrhlnee of sll make st your owe ' prlra. L. A M. Aleiaoder; H. B. Hem lev, manager. 170 Fifth el., oppoalte poatofflos. BEA0QUARTERS for aew aad rehallt tyae. writers or sll mskes: see ear window: If yoa ar folng t bay new typewriter ee u be for burlnf; w con svs yea mosey; ws bars parts for repairing sll machine.: etete - agests for tbs Vlsibl Fet: we bey ell kinds sf typewritere. Tbs Typewriter Kirtiaiige, In., B. 1. Elllsoa. msnsger. 84 Third ac PR sell Remingtons. Smith Premiers. moree, etc., hwer thaa sny other mpaiiri la res ti gate. Cnderwuod Typewriter ih. BLICKEN8DKRFER trpewrtters. fan aad tM; snpnlles. renalrlnc. Hoe m B-aaa. zvi s Btar. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TvFI S I A 1 1 Y Vmh. krwah, eoao, J I per sion'h. portend Iwm1-y Tvwel apply 43 Msth sud Cuuch. 1 boo 410. - -,- v n irviKns aiaits en . - - - ' . 1 a.ntee W PvHN,v't ,.w. a, mar I Aaslatant fa.Mee A. M. W KlflHT ta 1818.) r-.11 .1 e . mm ravoe. svall.hle In Eurons and all polnte In the Vnlled R T, r., Wle.B,nM.ajl . . - , -1 nun . ...... .,.''' . . - I OKfinna wr unrr A Csehle 1 I OI a snd letters of Credit limed Aestlahls t Collections s Specialty. Oregsa. Osraer Second aad Star! eteeet. In tree, t nsld on aa rings ocouats. Drefta sad H. T) STORSY Aletent I PIATT A PLATT Oenera! Ceabler Connael , C. Af TORfl. . . Asewfent Caehlee F. STEVENS. ...Second Aeelatant Caahler I I. 0. OOttRA . Asalslsst S aea tan Werrlaeu Street, rgrtiaad. Oreswa. 840 WASHINGTON STREET. Ahetrsrts Fnmlahed. - - 3NO. E. AITCHINON... I T. T. RURKHART.... ..Secretary . INVESTMENTS. zrafldtaf. Public Service (Vrpwrstlna Bonds. Streets, Portland. Oregou. Mainhets'TTirrseo Board af Trade lot Third at., lie Kay Bldf., Peril od, Orefoa. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., sole agents for Herring. Uall-Mvvta safe snd Manganess Steel 8a fa Co. 'a bank safe. Tbe large! aseortment of blgb-fvade Sr snd barglar-proof apfea la ' the aorthweat. 82 Seventh at. DIEROLD Manfaneee and Pre-proof eafee; lock outa openea; work; Jecke. outa opened; metal aiturea: vault snd Jail I. B. Deris. d 3d. Mala 1S5&. IOHT second hand firs-proof eafee aad two seeond-nsnd bsnk ssfes for aal cheep, at IS Ql'th et.. Portland. Orefoa. SEWING MACHINES. THR WTHTR SEWING MACHINB AGENCY. 380 Yamhill St.. Cor. Fourth. Pbea Mala 8103. barfaina la sll kinda f n.w snd second hand aewinf marhtnes) a few "slightly dam aged, good ss bsw, t rrsstly rsdoced artos. PHONB Pa rift 3788 aed I personally win sail and repair year sswlnp-inaehms; work fuar BBteed. S. Kama, sd Jester. 881 Third St. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TTIR BAG0A0B A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. SKth sad Osk sts; saggars checked from hotel or residence direct to deatlnstbmi pseasngers therefor, avoid ruah aad anaey secs st depute. Prlvst Exchaoa SS. SAPPn. piano snd furnlturs moved, parked reedy for sbtpplnf and shipped; all work fuaranteed; large 8-etorr brick 8 re-proof warehouss for storage. Of dee SoS Oak at. Oleen A Ros. Mala 847. a O. PICK. fn S3 First st.. between stark nd Oak sts., peon bvo: piano and ramituro moved and parked for shipping; eommodleua brick warehouss with separate trea res mi. Front nnd Clay sts. ROSB CITY VAN CO.. offlrs 141 Flret ot.. phoa Mala 8230. Furniture ssd pIsna-nMvuf a specialty! wa guarantee car warh. NATIONAL TRANSFER 4 8TOA -CW" 370 Oak at. Telepboaa Mala 4400. Treaer er ring snd storlBf. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Sixth. I'hone Msln a. Heavy hanllnf and sterag. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. torero. 834 Blark at- Mala 407. PORT SPECIAL DRTJVERY No. 300 Va Waab. Inrma at, rnon Hals Bag, WHOLESALE JOBBERS.' M. A. OUNOT A CO., DISTR1 RPTORH OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREOON. 8HERK. OAZS A GRAHAM (In.! merchants Jobbers of fruits peaadoca. sts. I omalgnmsab) Bntlclted. 138 Frost si. EVER0INO A FARSPI.L, prod or and ones. mission mercbsnts, 140 Front t rurllasa. Or. Plies Msln 173. ORE ION FCFNITURR M ANUFACTV Rl NO Ctlu Mannractnrsrs i rorutur rur lb trad. Portland. Oregou. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale fsctorers and eommlaaloa msrcbaat. aad Oak sts. Fourth FURNITURE manufactartn and apecial ardsro. L. Raveueky'a fursllsrs factory. Sot Frost mu ALLEN A LEWIS, commleakm and prod ere mar eaanta, f root aad iiavM sts., rertiaaa. uv. WHOLESALE nochrry and glaaswsr. PrseL tiegei uo., rur 1 la no, urvfva. WHOLESALB crockery snd rtssewsr. Prsel. Hee.iv is., 100 la 10M nrth. one near st. TRANSPORTATION. sAstoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Unloa Desot-e Leave. Arrtraj For Mara.ia. Rslntsr. CIS IS- kanls, VVeatport. CUflon. A. lorla. Warreato. fe'lavel. Hammoad. Fort M tares. Uaa ksrt Park. Sssattls 1... S:8S sm 11:88 aaa Aatorla aad Seeabore. expreee l)y i:m : All trains dsllr. . ' i. O. MAYO. ii. P. aad P. A.. Aevnrta. 0V. C.-A. KTk'WART.-.iommerelal A gee I. 88 Alder etreet. Pkene Mats sod. ... 1. 1. 1 . ... 1 J HfCtrirKy in FRrmlrs;. Th British Klax-trlral Maaln ra- Dorta that thp dcseitipmcnt of th auc tion S . plant and tli auocesnful pro duction of nitrate from th air by elec trical moans are matiere whl h ar at tract I tie; th attention of tha prir,i. tural portion of tha llrltlsh enmmu ntty. Th development of th farmer on eommerrlol acnl triHy bring; th latter dlroctly -ovlthln Iho reach of th farmer who tills the land upnu i,n -tcnslv srrje. A comlrlosll'iti if e-i,-. tlon f plnntf and s dyni I -t at onr flva him rhap nr, t 1 od of seneratliiK elect rit , 1 r, Btamlnrdlxntlnn of the arcompllhed ninny e , qut-ntly tli matti-r of I It practically ul. . u..,,. . , . .. . . , .. . . 1