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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
TnE""OREGOfT"DAILY-JOURNAL- PORTLAND,- THURSDAY -EVEttiNG.--FEBRUARY, -7.-1SS7.- ! SEW TODAY." Cig Bargains IN ST. JOHNS l.OO Nine lots," 50x100, ijj - Oak Park.' $ 3,000 Business lot, .-UOslOOr. 3,500 Factory site, 100x200, on O. R. 5; N. railroad. 912,000 Improved .business lot, will pay 14 per cent ooti'in j , vestment. ; ;, V.'; Richard Shepard & Co. 110 NORTH JERSEY STREET ST. JOHNS, OREGON PORTLAND-HEIGHTS Choice Residence PROPERTY "TO V ULT1T H. W. Lemcke Co. XICTBOTBS. ' 4.000 Elegant new- house room, nicely altuated. v 5,000 On corner, ,100x100; three new, modern cottages. apT,50O Splendid home on corner, tSx 100: 8-room house. 15,000 On a choir View corner-. 110x200; a , 10-roorn nous, beautiful grounds. 1 v 25,000 Very fina residence on full half block; - magnificent r view, conaervatory, ; beautifully . t kept - (rounds. The heuae la one of the naoat ,. complete, well-constructed; ' homes in Portland. ' - - vmnom, f - - - 3.50O Very desirable quarter block, full 100x100, a cheap buy. There ia r not another quarter block . In the - neighborhood lor-Jeaa -than 15,000. Buy thia r NOW, Hag a Splendid apeculatlv value. ' . 4.00060x100. on car line, with au- rajriewjBijnouaiainaJjnTiaenairj 4.50O Full quarter block at 1 2d and Myrtle. Haa speculative value. Be this at one. , . -" W hav other good values on the Heights. Come in and figure with us before prlcea advance. , - H. W. Lemcke Co. Rlxrtk a4 WaanlBgtoa Sta. Haln BBO. . Entire Heoond Floor. . . 3 Bargains $7,000 Full lot with, 7-room modern house, on-2 2d at; east frontag. $8,000 , Quarter block on Tork at., th only quarter on the -street on the market. Facea . near ' railroad track; warehouse '' property. .... w $11,500 10x100, 11th and Clay, 1 houses; will i trad or sell on easy terms. GrindstnfT & SchalH ' AH TV A TBI nrSTmAVOB COaCFAjrT 884 stark Street. rt;. nuraon kau ssm. . .- A Little House ; On Car Line Strictly Modern - $1800, Terms Thia beautiful little cottage is practically new and as I am going to leave the city will sell at great sacrifice., No agents. . Address C ' , 122, Journal . I Will Invest FROM $16,000 to $30,000 In INCOME PROPERTY or in EAST SIDE UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Must be at mar- "'Z;:'; '. I"'-. prices. . A-125, Care Journal A SIGHT AS BEAUTIFUL as Washington's Mt. Vcr. nsn Home on the Potomac SO) seraa, ' two blocks from Oregon City car line, sloping gradually to the river. Ovr 700 feet of waterfront, good landing: t acres In grapee; 250 chetry trees, ISO apple treea: all tlle-dralned; good barn. . Must be seen to be appre ciated. . teOTlSB atBAlVTr CO., 1 rfcon Faln 145. BIS Oregoataa Bldg. T fherlork Bldg. ' Pacific 2 43. Have You Residence, City lmrrove1 or unimpro" property for sale H(v vou money to Invest In rlt her cliy or reol.lence property t Call and see n In either cfi caa UP rly or wenfs i A. ti. raAHUXT'and X. IV. 1111, Hwm l.umlwf KxehMrge Bldg . frecond and Stark btA - NEW TODAT. ELEGANT HOMES '.... TOM RAX, T . H. W. Lemcke Co. SrSCXAX. TAI.TH9 TOm TOT ; , f. .- MOKST. . T'V' ; r: On a corner, lioxl 00. in a choice loca tion on the east side; an elegant 9-room house. ptnotioally new, atrlctly modern. construction flrst-claas. every luxury In the war of modern conveniences: nice grounds. The price la right absolutely a bargain.' $5,600 ; On Willamette Heights, a beautiful houre of rooms, just completed; lot 60x100: veneered woodwork, conetruo tlon the best, complete; superb view. , - " '. 5,600 : On Sixth street, 11-room modern house, lut 41x106; furnace, cement basement, coroplet. -, On Fifth street, 6-roora cottage, lot 10x104. on car line. .,. ' 8,500 :'v-. "... On Ring's Heights, house and lot,; 4Sx 100.- v- . - - 9T.50O . Four new, modern room flats, on Ruer sell street, paying over 10 per cent, on a lot 42x100; good value for this price. 1 9500 MAOM. ' A few nice lots in South Portland, 2Sx 170; level, fine view. Buy now and profit ,by the coming activity of th new railroad. - Cetmtk In inri wm us Wa have' a verv JiaeJUatgfdesirnblebwya at aft prlcea in au parts or me city.; - H. W. Lemcke Co. TX A1TO WASKTsTOTOH. VI A IK 890. , SUTUtS SJBCOsTO T00. J EXTRA GOOD BUYS 525.00O-TWO good corner lota. 100X 140 each, -oh .opposite aides of the ' atreet, germinal district. 'This prop- ,' erty should sell for. at leaat 130,000 within 0 days. - v . 40.000 Warenoune property' on rall , road. In heart ofT city; present Income 1300 per month. , A bargain, fic me quick. . ' "''.; u . $25.000 U blw-k vacant property on Grand ave. Fine - opportunity to double your money in two years. S AITS S-SOOlt modern bouses within 1 block - of ear line, i 91,250 to ; 131, 750 each; one third cash, balance - Hi or more per month, T-per cent In terest I abio have other residence property for from $2,500 to $12,000. - X XATal aCABTT other good buys, lnclud- lng cltyand.. suburban acreage. If . you want a good Investment, se m Immediately. - , . 1 j g-ij rlOKiN 1 UlN sis cxAatiza or coaocrsca. INVESTMENT Corner, lOQptlOO, on fifth street New building, now paying 11 per cent net on asking price. . MOORE REALTY CO. 116 Stearns Bldg., Sixth and Mor ? ' :. rison : ' ' nt cTi:m or m g Peninsula ""Just Beyond Piedmont, Lies Havelock Only a few lota left, Streets graded and Bull Run water piped to every lot. A speculation on easy terms.' . . j ' HOOKS BJ1LTT OO. 411 Stearns Bldg.. (th and Jtorrison, r - atZBT BVT XW CITY. '., 0 acres In Lents, cleared ready for platting $20 an acre. A chance to double your money. Inquire 201 4th st. WHEX AWAY FROM HOME. Ooetae -af The learaal eta be eMalned la the tol lowing cttlea tad towna eataldt of Orr. Tba Joernai weeld appreciate the receipt ef report ef fallor te obtala eoptee f tba paper at AM o tbflae ntaeeaij . , COIJTAX. WAHHINOTON A. B. Kins. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON Walla Wafia "tattoaery Compasy-.kosers-Hoawell Companr; Hotel Darns Neara Stand; lioioa Cigar Stand, 11 1 Rootk r.nrth atrret. TACOMA, WASHINGTON Hotel Taeema Kews Htand; Ceotral Newa Company. 8BATTLE. WASHINGTON Rainier 3ran4 Newt Stanll; loternatlonal New Axetoax Newammer Waaxiti: liotel Meattle New Htand. OOLDrlELD. NtVADA Lool Poba, New pa pec -Wagon. AN 1(1 EGO. CALIFORNIA Aaaos Raws Cos. pany, Nearapper Wason. SI'OKANB, WAMHINUTO.N Jobs W. Or a ha A Ce. " BOIRK. IDAHO Joafph Collins. -MINNKAPOLIH. MINNESOTA K. I. CATS- ntrnb. (to Ttitrd afreet, soath. ST LOUIS. MI8bOUKI B. T. Jett, SOS Olive street: Oeorc L. Aekermas. Kansas citt. Missouri vobm Rm Oosv ?anr. Napaoer Wasoa. ICAOO. 1LUNOIS . O. Hews Coasaay, IT Dearborn treat, DENVER", T COLOftADO Onloa Depot Rtwt Staad.-"' LOS ANOBLKS. CALIFORNIA Also Mews Companr. . Newapaper Wsson. OAKLAND, CALIKOKNIA Amn New Com pany. Newapaper Wagon; N. VbMUey Htw SAN rRANClSOO, CALIFORNIA ft. Wbeatley - New a Com pane. Kevlpapar Wasoa; Poater A Orear, Ferry bslMInx; JohDson Nawa Conpeay, 141 Fillmore afreet. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Mr. Leetna, New. . paper Wagon; O. L. Daelea. Hotel Kenron; Barrow Bro., 4S Wert Second atrret, south. OoriKN, UTAH Oray Nawa Company, Depot Nw Stand. OMAHA. MfcBBASE A MlllardBotnl Jtsws Stand. , . NEW TORK CITT Artbor Bottling. News paper Wagon. I WEATHER HE PORT. Til barometer IS galn falling ever Waah Inttnn and rain ha brua In the weatert pfrtloa of that state. Klaewhere am the I's ft fir a lope fair weather .prerall. with tern peratsrea generally anoee normal. Kteept llaht aaoer at arattered plare tn the Mlaalaelpol waller and lake rexlan and rata In (onthern Tela, fair weather obtalna generally . la the Rorky mountain and ea.ti-fn ata tea. Cold weather eontlnae In th Atlantic atates, with freeitlng .weather a f ar otith Charleatoa. la the middle eet It la generally warmer, while la the Rorky Btonntala atatea south of Monttn there hat bees . a derided fall is temperature. ( The hMilraftont are for rain Friday to wett er Orecon. Wtahlnctos tnd northern Idaho. and for fair wethr in eaetern Oreenn and fxithera Idaho. The temiierttsret . will re main marly etatlouary. Temp - ' xii. Min. rrecio. Baker City. Orecoa .. Denrer, Oilorado .... Kama Cl'r. Miaaourl Portland. Orego , , . . . K2 S4 . 24 ' .n Jo ' 1.M "41 . .10 . A S ' .0 42 .1$ W ' .U Sas FranrliH'o. Callforal.. 4 Sfiohan, Waahinxton 4 Taromt. W'aahtnttn M Walla Wall. Waablngtoa., AU The rltee at Porlltfid will reach atae of Z2 feet FrMar moralng and . remain nearly on a etund during the day. IT will fall alow ly gatarday and rapidly Sunday and Monday, BtttTHS. Iimberd At . Portland Maternity bnanttal. Fetiruary 5, to Mr. and Mr. R. M. Lombard, a girl, Slmoe At rS4 ii Third atraet, F.brnary 6, t Mr.-and Mrw Meter Simon, hoy. Watt At TB V-hr arreet, Fnbrtary t, t Mr. to Mr. S. S. Went, s glrU MMllllAGE LICENSES. Jtn J. l-uhn, S. soil Tlllle J. hnfl, 10. Arthur C. W. 6woou). 1U, sad fciame Joaa son. 21. Vaufiian A. Bbirnl. . 24. d A maoda M. C. N. rhT. 2A. and AnnrtU I. Pnnkr. K. A. (IH'arnack. 2.(, end dniiki Adaau. Mtiwimu tu JIM KM, , SW DCHiff bCM, IB. - r Wvedlns Cant. W. O. Bmlth A Oa.. Wua- Insloa bltlf., cur raertk sad WaalilBftaa ata. Wedtfiag a ad ralllof cards aorfaTad prlalvd. K. T. Rosbtoa. 400 gtaeras bblg. TON8KTH CO . riR!TS. VOR rLOWlM Of ALL KINliA 123 K1XTH ST. Cla.a Bras., flora r daelKB' riorl.ta rtm tsa MorrbH at. fkHrers asd Fall dreat eulta for rent all tlaea, TallortnK Co., (lark at. Uala DE.THS. Kaaterbrook At liU Raat Twenty-alxtb trt. Febraary 6, Hannah L. Kaaterbrook,' ased HO yeara. 10 months, twe daya: etaaa, aenlllty. Oreenr In Central Addition. February 4, Jo aeph Gretna, aged AO year, 11 month; cauae, nceumonta. . . - " MrKlnley At 4A0 t'nlon trenue. North; Je rome alrkmlee. mgri 71 year. 10 months, 11 da.ra: eauaa, ulaltetea. ' " '' Rlrken At 07il Mill atreet, Febrnary S. Min na Rlrgen, tired. 0.1 yeara, aloe month, en day; ranee, pneumonia X V ; FUNERAL KOTIOSS. FITV.OERALD In thla city, Febrntry . i , THU Baat S-1d atreet. "Anna, ' aed 25 year. beloTed wife of '. J. ritarerald. Rtmaln .at the realdeiiee of her father, John Moll. Bod Karl atreet. Funeral will Ira lb bona tomorrow aiornlng at 0 o'clock and . taes will te tireaham Catholic ebnrrh, Where terrier will he held at 11 o'clock. Interment will take place at h Catholic cemetery St Greek am. Friend respectfully Jut Itcd. PLI'NKKTT At the residence of her daughter, - Mr. Orrln Glen Parkea, 410 First atreet. Walla Walla. Monday, Febraary 4, Janet Sutherland I'lntkett. 'Funeral from Hoi mas' rhanel Friday. February . at S p. m. Interment Rlrervlew cemetery. HENDERSON In this city, tt the family res idence. 63 Martin aveuue, February 8. 19oT. Roy B. Hrndrraon. tged 90 year. Funeral aerrlcea will be held at Flnley's chape). Fri day, ' February 8, at 8:30 p. bl . Frieout Inrlted. ' UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. MeBate A Ollbaugb. sndertakee and embalmera; modem ts erery detail. Seyesth ad Pine. Mala 43a Lady assistant. A. B. '"Btmatnck, . undertaker and embalmer, Eaat Thirteenth and Umatilla ave. Phase gU- wood Tl. Erirkana Undertaking Or... sad embalming, 40 Alder at. fboo Main 0133. Lady saatatast. J. P. Fin ley A gona. Third and Madlaoa sts. Office ef county coroner. Pboae Mala 0. dwtrd Boimanr ndrtahr, 220 Third at. CEMETERIES. KITES VIEW Slnfh? grarea, $10; family lots, $100 to $1,000; the only cemetery In Port land which perpetually maintain! and caret for lota. For full information, apply to W, R. Mackenaie. Worceater block, city. W. AC - Laddi- praldi'S ; ; - BOSB CITY Single graves. $10; family lots, $23 " to ITS. Superintendent st cemetery, - corner of Fremont at. and Cully mat,- Phone Tabor 20. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel, 03 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2N23. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mnltnomah Real Ettats aaaodatlon te " W. it. Plumb, lot 14, block , Town- . tlte of WillasMtte 1.000 Tbomaa Darling to George W. snd Kate M. Room, aut 10 t i feet of- 5.. block S. and wet 1 2-8 feet of lot g, block a, Lngta's addition l.$O0 Wakefltld. Frit t. Carrie g. Hiiah, lota . T, block a Park addl- rr Arbtn ban and N.Me White to Etoathan Mweet. - lot X. block 176. Conck'a addition.... g.BOO Barak B. and W. F Smraer to Drnallla A. Dodge, lot 1. block 6. North Albint 450 J line I), and Lula B. Orde to Ellxa. beth R. Bmlth. lot 10. buck 1. aubdl. Tfaloa of lot C. 1 M. Pat ton tract... '910 B. T. and Maria Leggett to Edward -F. Shortlldae. lota 1. S. block 24. James i Johna' second addltloa to St. Johnt. . . 1,000 Moore Investment company to Ralph All- wen. lota 4. S. block 00. Vernon - 4M Inet McK. Bckerson to Nels Tbompaen, , lot 11. block 90. Mnltnomah - 600 Hirer View Cemetery asaoclatloa te . Jeaals 8. Boyce, lot aectloa 101, ' ' aatd cemetery ... - 100 William A. hnd Alice Baker to Letts D. Carlaon. lot 24, block 90, W 111am- . ett addltkr ' 400 B-. H. Arerlll et tl. . to Frederick Adln ' Smith, west 14 of lot g. Areflit. ..... '. ITS Sam te t'hrlttla L. Smith, east H ef ' lot , Arerill STS Allan B. and Miry I. Sltaaoa to If. O. 1-horaen et a)., lots 7, 8. block 14, Kaat Portland R. U Stevrnt, aberltf. to Bertha J. TrtTrra, lot 8. block SO, Irring't Bar . - bor View addltloa .,.-.,.r.v,......r,' Annie McMooagle to Fred T. Mace, lot 7. block 7, CUfford't addltloa to ' Alblna , ' (0$ v 400 8,600 90 Mae v. and W. L. Bnlll to . Oenrg WiHacnmidi. lof I block 1. Ctplet' tddltkm to at. jonaa K. N. tod Beanie B. Hotchinaoa te Ed ward J. Jeffery. lota 21, 22, 23. 24. block 1, penlntultr addition No. , Minnie I.. Foater to Bertha Goettea, lot ft. block , Brooklyn Helghtt T. S. Mc Daniel to V. J. Barr et St.. lot 1. Deltehmntt A Oatmant Little ' Home tllbdlTtaloo 4 Jonathan tnd Maggie M. Richmond to Mary Bncbhelt. lot T. Lin Park J. Wand Caroline Rodrera te Jacob and Laura B. glanrhterbark, lot 7. , 18, 1ft. block 1, Willamette 0. O. tnd Uort M. Ottoman to Wil liam Landatrnm. lots 16. 17, block 10, Errlya ......... Portland Realty tt Truat company to William Landatrnm, lots 4. S, black 8. Erelyn L. F. and B. C. Wegman to Etta C. Holbronk. loM Z, X, Mock 14, High' : land Park . Janice W. tnd Battle B. Latimer to Mary U. Stuffs, lot 2, block 1, Art Ion Cbrnitlnt K. tnd A. H. Blrrcll to Lewlt ' Moyrr. eaat 60 feet of lot 17. IS. block 41,. Original Townalte of Alhlnt John D. and N. Mabel Hewitt to Mary g2B 1000 2. 5O0 2S0 3S0 1.100 1000 - .-writ-ntr-eM a, bjq doun .JIX-. Im'i Klrat addition Portland Tnirt Company of Oregon t Alrlna 8. Merrltbew, 28 acrea com nienrlng at point 8 chain 18 H llnka eaat ef onthweat corner of 8. Roberta' donation land claim John A. MrClnre, trustee, to D. F, Me-. Clnre, lntt.7, J.. , block 27, Arbor Lodge X'-u ...... Fred A. tnd Loulae Silyeraail to An- fnatt Nelaon, part ef lota 1, S, block 10, Alkcn'r addition ..m;.niai..r Tbomne tnd Amy A. Doberm to E. O. William and Anfone Kollmat, lots 7. . , block 7, Central Albint addition. Peter tnd Mary A. Knox to, Frank T, and Matilda J. Allpatrlck. lot 13, ' block S, Willamette James H. and Era J. Bradley tn DieM P. Bradley snd Alle Bradley, weat H of lots . 0. block 7, Pirtdiae Spring trct George B. and Sadie I Bolttworth tn K. W. and I.itate Angell, aonth AO fret of lott 8. 4, block 24, Tolmta tract Emm G. RnMna-m tn Edward Bolmat, lot g. block 13. Cltr Joe B. an'l aellt W. Whitney to Oeorye . F. Rodcera. undlrlded u, of kit 1. block 1)12. Gllllhan'e addition B. B. Traraos to William I Brewater. lota 2. 8, 4, block 102, Carathert' addition t.' Arthur Burdlrk to Att C tnd Maed Bnrdlck, kit 18, 10, block 4. Orchard Place Vnore lnTcatment fntnunt tn H, Xle- neuter, lot 1. block 7. Vatpon ' F. W. td Nellie E, Wax her to Jatne O. Sandrr, lot 14. 14, block U Oat land Charlea B. Handle to H. A. Darnell, 4311.10 fret beginning tt point 43.7'i feet north of euiitheaat corner ( lot J, block 8. Bernhardt Park N. M. tnd L. M. Ilarlt to Lens Reed, lot g, block 7. Centre) Alblna Warren W, tnd Cork Abbott te Joaenb Flaherty, lot -10, block , .Clorerdul ettenatop Oeorse L. tnd Caroline J. Hlbbard t tru.tce of Third Preahrterlan chnrch. lnta 7. 8, block 10, Hlbbard't addition t'nlTeralty Land comnany fe liana F. ' llanaen. lata ST. 28, block 121, Cnl yeralty Park 1.000 100 8,100 1.880 SSS l.sno 4S0 10 10 10 00 1,000 100 4M 1.200 800 2S0 For anarrtctt, title tfimranc r anortgag loans, call on Pacific Till Truat eoeiptuy, 4-t -7 Falling building. , et roar ea'at from th Title Guarantee A Treat ennt pan, 140 Waablngtoa street, leornsf Seeoad. NOTICES. PORTLAND, Or.. Jen. SO. I SOT The annual meetliif ef the a took Udder, of Tlia Ilallea. (I'urlltnd Aatorta Narlfatlon eompaty will be held tt tba office of th company, Biier lock building, Portland. Oregon. 00 Tuaaday, Kebxuary II', llHi;, at 10 o'clock a. m. ' At au.-b meeting a lioard ef dlrectort will be cbuaen fur th sneulag year, and suck other tHMlneee may be tranaartad a way lawfully cvu before anrh meeting. . g. B. LINTHlt.TM. 8aertry PtiRTI.AND. Or., Jan. SO. l'JOT. Tn anniitl meeting of tlia atorkholder of tba Columbia Hirer a Northern Hnllway company will bo held at th office of tb eouipauy. Sher lock building, Portland, Oregon, o Tneaday. February 12. ItMrT. at 10 o'clock a. in. At sack meeting a board ef directors wfll be eboaea for tb enaulng year, and such other baaltttaa may be tranaacttd t way itwruuy cosM beror nch meeting. S. S. LINTHICL'M. Secretary NOTICK OP ANNUAL MEfcTI'lKO. Th regular annual meeting of tb stock, holders of tb Pacific mate Telephone t Telegraph company will b held at the office or tn rompauy, corner of Weat Park and Alder ttt. Portland. Or., on Thurs day, tb 14th day of February, 1U07, at 2 a clock p. m., for tbe parpoa of alectug a board of director to terra tor tba enaulng Cear and for the tranaactton of aurh other ualnea at may come before th meeting. F. W. BATON, Secretary. ' , ' WANTED. . Healed proseaals for furnlshtng Mnltnomth county ens' team nf horeea or am lee. aetren or eight years old. wtlgbln about 1.200 poonda. will be receleed by tbe underalsued until Friday. Febrntry 14. tt 1. e'rlork una. Said gropoaalt will be opened on Wednesday, February 20, at 12 o'clock boob. - F. 8. FIELDS. County Clark ef Mnltnomah County, Oregon. s TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Harry B. liarla Is bo longv In my em ploy, therefor haa no authority to buy or ell Junk on my account. J. LEVI, 1M-1T Columbia St. LETT'S music bout la ntorlng to ISO Fifth at., opooalte Oldt King." MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. OS, Woodmen of the World .JdeetTry ,J"rldy nlxat at W. O. W. ball. - Tenth ' and WaabiBttmi at.' He- freahmenta will All Tiaitlng aelgbbors wel eom. R. O. MORROW. C . ft. A. L. BARBI R. aerk. 201 Third St. COLUMBIA 1.0 DOB NO. 111. A. F. 4 A. M. Stated commnnlca- tlon this ' (Thursday) evening, . : 7:80 s'ciock: ork in M. M. de gree. All M. M. Inrlted. B. 8. PAtiCB. Secretary. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT NO. 1. I. O. O. P. Drill meeting tonigbt (Thursday), Febrntry "1. tbotlt 8:lS, tfter tdjoornment of Mlnerrt lodge No. 19. Member! of team requested ' to be present. Others welcome. K. B. Sharon, Bert be. ' , 1 -, . ,- M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. S.40S. wt Wednaaday arealng. Allaky, bldg.. Third and Mania) sts. - - - - If. W. A. Oregon Crap Camp. No. 8.B7S. Mos aays. lltt tn Mtrtntui aiaiiora waioems. lOST AND FOUND. FOUND A bite to bar hair matti vttea sna retnrnea stm aay. zzs r root ar. Main 47a., Portland Curld-HU- J Metzgar, proprietor. ... LOST Gold chain, key attached, between high school snd Fifth tnd Morn eon. Finder tddress P 124. care Journal. Reward. 1 RAZORS 6a loonmaa plesss givs Bddres to 0. r. crows, riet. . . - . . AN slsttte belt, ittrllng backle snd coral sets: reward. 0081 Alder. Pacific 930, - HELP WANTED MALE. Government Positions 'cXx RAlLWAt MAIL CLERKS, at one: en trance a.lary $HO0; excellent promotiona. "Writs tor particulars "Ia regard 'to preparmg for the April Exam. . PAtllFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bldg. Cor. Third snd Stark sts.. city. WANTED AT OXCE 8 tar bolt cotters, wtges $1.40 per cord; ateady work. Apply Weatam Coopertg Cs Btesras bldg Portland, er Hoslton, Or. . WANTED Several yenng mas between th age f 18 and 34; mnat be ef a good per sonal appearance and ready talkers; splendid prospacts for ambition young men; state sx- - pertence snd glr phone number ia answer ing. Address R 12&, Joernai. IMMEDIATE returns snd fntnre prefermest ars offered to a few experienced life tnaurance agents, ponnalng smpkt grit. InteUlgence and determination; mnat bar good address snd th beat credential. Address Mark L, Ksdy, OOS Oregonisa bldg. PACIFIC STATIONER! A PBINTINO CO. fiofi-ftOT Second at. Phone mala 021 We dealgn and "Install tb moat modern and Improved, office ay a terns; , sompltts Una loois leaf filing 4 rice. WANTBD 1 Cmy mas eat ef pusltfcia or dls. e.tlafled with his preaent Tocation. to take a night eosrae st the Brbnka-Walkrr Bnai Be College, Seventh tnd Stark sts. Ws will place yon ia s sosltioa when competent. WANTED A wide-awake, well-dreeeed man wbo under tanda the real estate boalneaa to take charge ef department: good pmpnalttna te hnatler. 1 Apply te The Spanton Ce Commonwealth bldg Sixth sad Buraslds sts. EXPERIENCED wood torn er wanted. Apply st ones Portland Saaa A Door Ce.. Union ay. ' and East Taylor, at. MEN snd boys wanted to leant plumbing, pie, tering,. bricklaying. electrical trade ; free catalogue: nfltltlont secoredT"" tuition $".0. Coyne Trade School a. New Tork snd Sts . FrsBcisce. WANTED A good competent blaekamlth Bad wagoB-maker. Address W. S. dribble, afonnt Hood. Oregoa. --, v- WANTED Two er three first-class, sll-sreend machine men: permanent position, good wtget. Oregoa Fomltura Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. . AOENTS wanted. Oregoa, California. Idabe, Weeblnatnoi health and aednt lrjanrance; eld reliable company; good eostrteta; refer snees required. United States Health Ac cident InaurtBca Co.. 10 Marquam. , $1.00 A MONTB PROTECTS TOO Agaln.t accident, sickness snd death. Writs or call and Invest lgt. - - J Northwesters Health Accident Aasodstloa. 608-40T McKay bldg. Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN te leara tbe barber trade --in -etght -weekat-gradnates-ears freeji $18-4 t2S weekly: sxpert tnatrnctors: eatslog free, loler Svttem of Colleges, 88 North Fourth st-. Portlsnd. . . .. f - , ... WANTED Saleemeo: mssy msks $100 ts $1 per month; eom eve more : stork clean; grown os reservation, fsr from eld orchard j rah advanced weekly; ehotcs of territory. Address Washington Kuraery company. Top. .genlah,. Waahlngto. . WB get w bera, $1 rk for car mapibera: special mem X. M. C. A-rTonrtb snd Tsmhlll. TWO solicitors en bonseboldN goods; few hours' work. 262 Third St. good pay. B0T8 wanted, ever 16: good wages paid. Call 304 Ankeny, corner Sixth. Pbone llais 1S9I. MONET 1 MONET I Advanced every week to our sgentt; t full line. Including nn-to-dats 1 tnectt'tles. Write for free cenvaaalng outfit. Caplttl City Nnreery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED AT ONCE Man to Work in real estate office and collect for bond company; can make $200 te $: s month; muat hays reference snd In teat $.mo to $000 ss security; life work fur right man. CALL OB WRITE 224 Ll'MRES. EXCHANGE BUILDING. AGENTS, If yon want quick actio an your money. CaH st 22 S Weat Park st, ssd proenrs '" territory. Sine Mercantile Co. 1 WANTFP 'Hood solicitor for printing hnatne; evceptlonally good cotEmlaalon for able ones. Ail-Around Pre, 244 Ankenri - . WA'TEI Manager for atat of Oregon: mnat bare $200; poltks para )0 sioath er store. Addreas B 125. care Journal. - ,, WANTED Second htnd on rake. Apply Log Cabin Bakery. 114 Huaeell at.- - WANTED Partner for good paying bnstneaa; experience nnneceaaarr; salary $:1 weekly; muat bar $100. Call mom S, Itfltk dth at. WANTED Bsstbjtck. , U East Uorrltoa st. HELP VANTEl MALE.. WANTKnr-Men and team tt Jtkm' nablr, St. John llclslit. .' MEN of ability to aril the moat til-era health and accident Inem-anee policy on the market, 'arlflc Aid aaeocittkn, Lumber Kicbanx bldg Portland, or. WANTED An experlraved lauodryman. cana. , ble t take chart of bueinee; would fl' rixht party tu Uifereat; reference reuulred; . tbia I a chance tiiat cornea to yon once tn t lifetime. AUdrea "Country," rare S 117, 1 Jourutl. 1 WANTED fart per with $1. for legitimate bualnca: will net you 50 a awnth. Room &l. 3.1', ttblugton at. WANTED Men te learn to operate motion Jlcturea In very short time; graduates earn weekly: eaay Inald work, short hour: tinrm reasonable, bewman Motion Picture - Co.. 14Mb Slith, near Alder. - EXPERIENCED traveling balcamen with email - capital to ioln me In tnenabandlee--beakraf e bualneaa. B 122. Journal ' WANTED Blda. carpenter work, plumbing. plaateriiHi, wiring, painting, trimming, three H-room bouae. . Room Z. Cambridge bldg. TW'O agents; salary and eommlaalon: prefer aoma one that haa had exnerlcnce In elllng Inrk or Insurance. Addraaa N 117, Journal. BELIABI.B ansa with exrerlence' ta mavrkaa dlae bualneaa to taker charge et e country tore for a corporation; muat have $2,000 or -more to invest. Addreaa C 123, JoarnaL WANTED Immediately, young men, over JO, to prepare for examination for custom in : epector; - permanent government sitlona; fin aelarlce. call thla evening er tomor row. Mr. Heyneu. Sift Columbia bldg. ONE-THIRD Interest In real estate office: mnat be sfesdy snd reliable; sxmerience hot nee exaary; pric $iv&- call Immediately; . two sionins rent paid in advance. . - ALEXANDER LAND CO., ; A Sixth, near Pine. 1 WANTED Two cabinet-makers. Rote City enrnirilr. HI. r. , l.t ftlhh. . . WANTED Boy for mailing clerk. Apply Fri day. Marshall Well Hardware Co. EXPERIENCED wrapper. Kaatrrs Outfitting Co. Apply st : one. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every womaa oat ef a pnaltlea or dlaaatladed with ' ber present vocation, to take a night course st to. Behnke-Wslker Bualneaa College, Seveatli and Stark sts. ; Ws will placs goa in a posttlua whaa som - patent. " -. . T ....... GIRLS WANTED Operators tn work oa skirts snd overalls. Lessons give to inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory Na- 1 Grtad ava., snd Eaat Taylor at. BANSBN'S LADIES AOENCT. t-UVa Waab lngtoa t, cor. Seventh, nnatatra. . Pben Msl 2882. Female help wanted. WANTED An experienced governess, sged 2S tn 85. for girl of 8 years; best references re quired. Q 49, rare Journal. . GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Mo x, urssa sve, snd sst Taylor sc. - WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply lbd' Eaat IStk at. ' WANTED Educated woman ever R for re sponsible position. Apply SOS Til ford bldg. LADIES to lears garment-cutting and ladles' tailoring; special rates. 8-15 Yamhill st. "IRST CLASS band sewrrna trootert... Charles Coopey goa.. tailors, epposlts Chamber of Commerce, u pa tain. GIRL tor nooaework for four people; no waah. ing; neatness iirat eonsio,erstioB. vtii xdv McMillan tt. YOUNG woman, willing te work for home and amall wages; time ofr. 448 Hlxtb at. Phon Main 1223. - .' WANTED An experienced waitress. Bobart- Curtis. 209 14th st. .. OPERATORS asd finishers on pants; steedy wort, nest psy. 307 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED A girl to do chamber work and saslst st meal time I dla lag-room. 4$ Russell st. - WANTED First-claa . experienced, solicitor; good 'salary 1' ateady'potltlon. Room 1 148 SUtb st. i - i CHOCOLATE dinners, packers snd w . wanted. Aldoa Candy Ce.. 10th sad Ullssa. GIRL for boosework, part day: alee at some; .wages $12 per month; Sunday free, 661 -f Kearney st: WANTED Wtltrees st the Owl restsarsnt, 2S9 Eaat Morrison at. WANTED Apprentice. Store,. 328 Third St. April. New Tork Millinery 1 Will, pay wtget in WANTF4 Chambermaid. 22 V North Third at. apply anoc p. m MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BELP wanted end enpptled, msle or femtl. R. O. Dytks, 206M Washlagtoa st Psclfl 18T0. WANTED A few rood solicitors, msl s1 female; best proposltln la Portlsnd: good . money to tbe right part lee. Phone Sellwood 71. Comer Eatt IStb at. tnd Umatilla tve. SITUATIONS WANTED-i-MALE. FRANK J. CAMMAN wantapnaltlon as porter, running elevator, general hotel work or itore room work; toy honor M potltlon where work la to d. Address T 124, car JoarnaL TOT 'NO man. strong snd espabls of doing any kind et maun a I labor, wlabet ttfnttion tt not less than $2.60 per day; 8 years' experi ence in searing sacks. - Address G. H. 8., Box 822, New berg. Or. CARPENTER, At, wsntt work by dty or Job; wtges medium. Address T 125, care Journal. YOUNG ma a wants position ss janitor or night watchman. Address B Its. car Journal. - XOUNO man bandy with tools wsnts work of sny kind; willing, etc. Address' M 124, - Journal. YOUNG man attending college would like to work for board and room la spsrs tlms. R "117. rare Journal. - --' SITUATION'S WANTED rFEMALE. WANTED Rearmbalble not! Hon by ednctted woiiiau -mt- 8 yetrtf- good eofrscas.Ad f ares "Kceponsitiie." care Journal. LADT wishes position t housekeeper for re tpectahle gentleman. Address snd esll Mrs. Roa lloldan, (MS Tacomt tve., Sellwood, Or. WOMAN, dost Wttblng tt her hots; I charges reaaontble. 104 Pennoyer tt. ' EMTLOYMENT AGENCIES- BANSBN'S EMPLOYMENT orriCB FOB MEN, SS North Second st. . . Phon Mam 182. RED CROSS EMPLOTMBNT CO, Logging camp tnd firm help epadslty. SO North Second st. Phose Mala 8290. W pay all telegraph charges. V- PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 20fiU Morrlann st Phone Pacific 2T!fl 27 North Second st ...... .Phone Pacific 1X) WANTED AGENTS. WANTED A few good sgents to work OS sal ary and commlaeion. Call eventnga. room 3.1, 193 First St., the new Hotel Belmont, AT ONCE Agents for soap, medicines snd oil Marking. R. M. Plnmmsr, 200 'Third. First ones get beat territory. WANTED REAL ESTATE. N TUB TITLE A- ABSTRACT CO.,; H. R. SALTMARHH, Manager. - Loans, collection, title expected. ' Kg. pert edvle on realty values. Property Hated for oulrk dlapoaal. C. H. Phrgott and J. A. Finch, legal eoanaek Phono Partes IMo, Room 4 Mulkey bldg., 2d asd Morrison sts. AS first payment on about 4-roora modern . hone, lot lonxioO. near csrllne; eta give .Vi ct.h tnd SO teres aslmnrnved apple land between White Hal mo tnd Klickitat rlvart; land vain $1,000. Address C, 207 14th it. WANT lott. acreage, Inrntne property or farm for clothing,, sboes. furnl'binga; $4,000 to H.rvx); accept er pay differ anc. Address S 124, Journal. . ' WANTED From anr, bualneae property, s re fer William or Union svs.; give loctlon. Income nd lowest act pries, Addrrss S 120, atotuaal. . " . . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED txit, tlao am. II ranch, elua in. for I rata. S b3, car Journal. ' I4ST YOURS WITfl II. W. IEMCKB CO., SIXTH AND WAtilllNOTON bid. PHONfi MAIM ftbu. WANTED Modern rj room houa In Sellwond. alao an unimproved lot: gits locstlou. Ad dress g 123. cars Journal. WANTED Ws ksve 2 buyers for weat slds ' houses; alao ft buyer fur eaat tide- real dence property; owner csll and tetl na . what you have. Tut Continental Co.. 2-4-1 'Stark at. - WANTED 8 te 7 acres. Improved or onlm. proved, ucar car; oa&b, owners only. Ad dreaa E. Walling. Orvg.ot City. WANTED A to T-nwm bona,' good condition, wslkrtig diatance. weat aide, tt once; vwnert. T. W. Clark, Oregon Cliy. " WANTED Few amail tcratre tract. city. Th Contlueutal Co., 2li.Stark it. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, office, rooming boasts, sts. , Land lord, will do well ta call oa PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OR BOON Pbone Bs. 72. 8. B. Cor Ad tnd Oak. WANTED Room and board tnd place for bora by xpreastaau. Addreaa Hxl21, Journal. BY two gentlemen, large modern "room tn private family, alao hreakfaat and dinner; etate price and location; references x chauged. II 117, Journal." TWO ftirnlahrd bouaekeentng noma, weat tide; will give piano b-aeona In exchange It de lrrd. V 12o, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . MAIN 800ft. 1 " CASH AN a LOTS OF it TOR " WV HNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ' . 211 First St. MAIN ftass. MAIN SdSS. CASH for bausshold eonla. Savage A Pnall. 845-847 Flret tt. Pbone Pacific 8tM. Wanted boo SECOND-HAND PIANOS. A advertisement under "For Sale Musics! Instrument" among The ' Journal classified will flad tbe purchasers. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. " 2T 2 WASHINGTON. PAC1FIO 78. -rr WANTED Furnltnrs snd bouaebold gooda ef every description bought, sold snd exchanged. Tb A &12 First at. Msl 4374. $ BIGHB8T cash pries paid for all ktnds second hand gooda. Phon Msl Sill. 82 M. Third. WB haul deed horses snd cattle free. Or egos - Fertiliser Work, or notify Carney's Veteri nary. Fourth sud CIImmjs sts. Mais 1900. WANTED to exchange, sewing for music "snd painting lessons. Phons Padfe 1.W8 or call 4.1V, First st.. room 19. - WANTED T buy s bene. -1.200 pound: must be cheap; state price. M 87, cars Journal. WANTED Msxwell A Hubsr 0H07. - 204 Mohawk bldg. - map. Phone WANTED Children for motherly ears; ressetf ahle. 227 Planer St. References gives'. FURNISHlSOOMS rTrBNT. TUB HVLAND, 490 Morrison st.. epposlto high scboob Brick building, steam - best, newly fnrnlabed. beat m city: roosis ressonabls, by be day, week or soontk. HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth snd Osk. will take few mors permnuent roomers; .all mod era con veniences; single rooms 84 ap wk- Spe cial rates for suites. ' FOR RENT Rooms, na Fifth St., from $1.50 up; with bath, phon-snd gss. Mrs. R. A. - Lewis, prop. - - - ,- - J -- CLOSB hi. well furnished snd reasonsblet bath. pbone, rarneee best, aos Alcveatt, Msdlson. THH KINO Nicely furnished rooms, electric I tight.- barb snd beatr ftrat-craa; leaauuaMsi out eeirraon st. - THB RICHELIEU. 83H' North Sixth St. Els- gently rurnisbsai; stssm nsal SB oatns. - THB GRAND, 45V, North Third st for . gsatMmsa, i. per wee a as sp. WELL-FURNISHED room la private family, furnace, gss, telephone, beth. Pboa Mala ' 815. , ..... : " . $200 NEW nnrtght piano. $188; Chlckerlng, 88S; organ. $30. 241 H Flrat. FOR BENTHOUSEIOPINa. 14nL( SIXTH St., corner Aider Twe beaskeen ing saltes snd some alee eleeplng-reeoie; will Bland Inapectlo. $1.80 WEEK CP, large, clean, turn Is bed boas. sespin rooms, isanary sna acta, tat mat south, Portlsad. $1.28 WEEK VP. clean, furalabad bowaekees- Ing reotus, - parlor, bath, - laundry, furnace beat. yard. aus S4 Stanton, tl ear. THB MITCHELL Bouoekee ping tnd trtntteat rooms, rsasoaabbx. Seventh snd Flanders. FRONT room for housekeeping, 808 North teeutb et-, furntabed. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms: range. gss piste, bath, hot snd cold water, fre i phone. Klrat. Phon Main rj. 82 PARK ST., well fornlahed housekeeping rooms sultsbls for twe; ressonabls to. good, quiet parties. ROOMS AND BOARD. FURNISHED cc-aofunvVshed rooms tnd hotrd; , private family. . CaU 181 North 10th , at., .corner Jobhson. ' - - MINNEQI'A INN. 878 Yamhill tt. NIc rooms, , steam best, splendid meals; day, week, month; new management; reasons bis rate. PES! R ABLE party can get room tnd hotrd in Erlvate family, east aldei reasonable rate. 1 12o, care Journal. . . - FOR RENT HOUSES. Wnr-re'iir'eed or several furulabed snd -a furnlaked houas te eatlafy the wants of ear patrons. Pbone mala 8101 er esll 720 Chsnv bsr of Com meres, lie It bow. 2 STORY, boas of 8 rooms (not modern), 2S.1 North liitb; Just the place for workmen's beadonarters: rest cheap tn deslrsble tenant. Be J. Kraemsr, 84 Fourth St. . 70S MARSHALL ST.g-room bona, thoroughly modern, convenient snd attractive, built twe yr: rant $55 per month to permanent tenant. Morgan. Swset at ChaprnsB, 218 Ab Ingtoa bldg. Phone Mala SOU. 9-ROOM modern houae, 454 Eaat Seventh st.t a ten e rooms, partly rurniabed, all modsrn Improvements. I squire 4A7 EjMt Sherman, 8. TO BENT A modern 5-room cot tags, 81 86th at,, sou in, sib. lsiepnone WB rent Ce. end sell piano. Sbarmtn, Cls 94 EAST 11th St., corner Waahlngto Targe yard tnd flowers, on block from high school. Inquire 104 East 11th St. FOR RENT Cottage on 12b and Wbltsker, Marqiiam Hill, Inquire tt 50 gnoktn tra., Sellwood. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, beth sad base ment. Inquire 5S5 Clay aC , , FOR RENT 9-mony modern hOuac. Eaat .12d St.. Kenllwnrfh. D. F. Knapp, 7. Eaat Buraslds at. Phono Eaat 7:i or Eaat 11. A .Wl't. - h....... O.VT B... IA.k . .k $1,000; terma. $.vio down. $15 per month, f per cent; trade wits owner tn bsese. ' FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT H-rootn flat at ffi Third St., near Sheridan. Mrs. C. Tlmm. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB-ROOMS, nnfumb bed room a tad ssm- pis-rooms fog rent, woodnough bldg. Apply elevator. A FEW Brat-class office -rooms left st northeast earner Third ssd Madison its. Apply, roots No, A FOR RENT-A storeroom en Third St., between asniblll tad laykr. Ithiulit 193 Third It. I FURNISHED ROCSES. MOUKKN cottage, fnrnlabed. ft room a, for light . bouaekeeplug; on flret floor: parcels in bf'h. baMuieul. atatlonary tubs. Puons. US Lis. eoln at., west side. ROOM furnUlied bonee, modern: plane end furnace; eaat aide, rloee Is. Apply OIH t Ankeuy -at., corner jfttn. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURD ; ft FOR SALE. . - FOR SA1K Furniture of 7-roont flat: fist roe rent; new snd modern; cheap f jtold aoua. 4o0 Waaiilnglun at. . , Fl'RNlTl RB of 0 room cottage, all new; bona for rout. Call 412 Everett about 8 p. m. WB need furniture st sny price. Portland Aso ttoa Raoma. 211 rirat St. Mala ftobft. FURNITURE of a B-room , house for sals, ' B"l'r-S-I? I" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, ee pa rats or together; sew , . tnd with tU eeavenlsncee. Pbone Mela 89. ' BUSINESS CHANCES, , THIS IS IT. . - , - i - ""Leok no further. Clgnr sn4 con feet loaeryt si money-maker, end we eta prove it; muat -Bell st once. , , , . METROPOLITAN REALTT CO., . . Boom ltt. 251t Alder St. - ni'HIMRRH rHiVf;R. - i - Wantad-Energetle young man, trcblttetnrtl snowieuge prererrea, woo wouin iiks 10 n veet a nominal, amount In s strictly . honest established eoat bualneaa; splendid opportun ity tor s half fntereat.' O. W. SPEUR. 294 Clay St. SAVE MONEY Anything In printing ss Mad den. Odd Fallows' , Ttmpls, First and Aldof . SUM apstslra, $4M BUYS g-reoms, wail furnlebcd tn good jjo. siiwi b rnt. Btgamats tt ' Blanrbard. 91 Fifth st. FREE rant dns year room 2ox with general . stork st 83 cents on tha dollar; good 8.000 town near here; about $6,000 cash to handle it. Addrsss R 124, care Jouruan PLACER gold mine, partner wanted ae will sell: mine hi Idaho; atrtctly high grade; ' . $1.50 ysrd dsrifQigs. W.. N. Bubls, Gelds. " Oregon. ..-.' FOR PALE Restaurant doing good bo el . Inqolrs st 390 E. Clay st.. portlsnd. Or, FOR SALE Onavkair Interest I good paying !.. lusck counter, paring from $4 to $5 a day. 1 10 o a car Journal. 1 rnr siou. avaarae JJ 1-1, MANUFACTURING boat nets: 80 days Invest). , gat ion before sale: gnarsnte $150 per month eleart prloe $2,500. 8 69, cars Journal. FOB, SALE Brick hotel, three-story, 42x92. 42 rooms, fumiahsd: only ririrevlass hotel In Nswberg; price $.1,000 It taken at sac. -Addrsss N. Walter. Newberg. Oregoa. - - NOTION and confectionery basis: best barbae loratbw in Portland: ae competition t aiuat sell bow; lnrolc $450. Owner, 1052 Hawthorn are. .. - v . FOR SALE Brick rooming booee. 17 rooms, all xurnisBsa: muss n sora st ones: s goo buy If taksa at 00 c. Call st S46Vk Front st. -, FOR SALB-rButrber shop and grocery; beat - ..iocs tlon fat good money.. Cell at 838 Morri-, son St.. THIS ts a bargain; small at or and bom bk- ' ery. sll n ten. II tnd flxturet, rtngee, etc. ca.b $250, Call at once, 407- Hawthorn av., city. FURNITURB 10-room houae, centrally Iocs tad rent $Ui.prlo $325. Call 242 Madlssn. . j 'I ' TO LET A meat and flab market, complete with fixtures; Investigate at one. 400U . Third t. . WANTED-aPartasr with $V0 - botineas: will net yos $250 a 'S3. S2SH Waablngtoa at. ' tor legitimate sasatb... Room RKfiTAl RANT far sale. Call 244H Couch WANTBD $8,000 for a htgb-elas lBveetmsBt. ( guaranteeing 40 per cent annual Income. - la corporation eontralled by Portland buatneea men. Permanent posltloa to proper party -with reference, if desired. P 117, car Journal. CORNER grocery, Igvnlce snd dlacoant, 40 esse csn goods betides complete stock;, will trade. ' 821 North 17th, eorneg Quimby.. . A TOUJfG man with $1,600; half caeb. balance In trade It desired; eta buy mtnuftcturing bualnea with- everything ready; good ttock, materials. . eerabllehed trade wlU . Jobbers, Ad dreaa Q 117, car Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. lose City Realty -. Co.".,. CITT PROPERTY. FARM LANDS, LOANS. ; RENTALS, COLLECTIONS. IKSCRAN, ' I FOR HALE AT GLADSTONE, erooTihX novae; m JOl ooxK.r; Dries cur, wvil, m- Homesteads, timber lands. ' -. To rent e room cottage, $12.90; sxedera. never seen pi d Cas sell a raomlng-honse at $800. Ws have a sua for interest la realty bast. ' Fin lot, East 85th St., $S0; $200 cask, . bslasce $10 per month. "A block. 27th snd Hoyt- $1,500. ll-raom hoass, modern, on Second, bstwsea Grant and Lincoln, $7.50O. ' 10 seres, fenced, T cultivated, S la orchard ' snd berries. As banc pastor: bens, barn, cblrken-bonae. horse, .wagon, Implements; all go st $2,300; nothing better. 204 MOHAWK BLDG. MAIN 5007. Sites x 10 seres oa Oregoa City car line, tile drained, ill fenced snd . under cnltlvsttna, soms orchard, 6-room houae, chlckcs-bona and woodshed, til In at complrteA good spring of wster. Price $8,500; half cash. 4 2ft acrea, west slds. Ies4 than five mile from eonrthou, H. P. Fourth atreet line 1 k divides ths tract. 20 minutes' ride te Fourth 1 snd Stark sts., IS minute by proposed elec. H trie line; excellent soli, living spring nf . wster on the land tnd a creek rnns through '- It. Price $250 per scr. The electrification of Fourth atreet wil immediately double, tbe value et thla bind. V M'GI'IKr. KEAI.TT CO.. A L.. Phone Ptctf le .1441. ..HIS OregutiUa Bldg- - , ., - .. , , ---eg.ont) -T-- ' Fine house and full bit, corner 19th tnd Burnsldo; superb residence diatrlct; half caah. $1,000 . S24il00, tnd and BurnSlds; sll tmprovs- msnis in, nia. ui a rmrsain, terms. tl KiWl noiitaj, nintn ina vreioier; a fowjar j. M'GLIRE REALTY CO., ' Phon Pacific 1458. SIS Oregnalia Bldg. 1 ' WEST SIDB CORNER. - ' ' ; $8,700 buys a corner, eaay walking die ts nee; conaiats of 7-roota modern houa and modera 6-room cottage. Terms. ' - BAGEMANN BI.ANCHARD, , ' ' c 91 Fifth Street. . ' - MODERN nn-to-dste' B-room cottage, corner SflxKtt, $'i.i: gvio caah, balance $20" , monthly. Csll M8 E. Sevtnlk st., north, or pbone East 8T8. 1 $200 DOWN, balance $400 te suit, buys t mem cottage, half block front ear; heat pert of suburbs. Inqnlrs 411 Esst B4th St. ; - LEMCKP1 WILL SELL TOUB PROPERTY. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. PHONS MAIN 650. - . , HOUSES, alao lots, I Hollad.y Park. Rice, ono Wssco st. Phone East 2132. 1 WILL sell screrm North University 4srk. closs to where something will be doing soon ss spring epsns; best putting proposition shout ths city. Owner, room 7, Raleigh bid. COSY LITTLE HOME. Modern cottage of ft r 00 ata, very convert, ent, eaay walking diatance, west aid; $2,259 buys this If taken at once. HAGBMANN A BLANCHABD, . ' ' - 91 ,rtfth Street. 14 Af'RKS.of cultivated lard. Jn.t aat et Monttvllla, for sale st t bargain. Owner, 1 room 7. A2Tllb Waabuigtoa' St. ' COEY home, nice bit; bargain; terms. ' M.lklejohn. Cedar Park. St. Johna. LOT and houas st St. Johns, will par per cent as an Investment, cloae In. new, (2.500; muat be Bold. Iluom 4, 109 Second st. ACREAGE at St.. JaAss, s. tb pen loan la, Buota 4, 109 2nd V -. shJJ r ) ; " ' .'.r-e ' I ' 'I V