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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
Tiir, or.ncon daily . journal. . Portland. Thursday, evening, February 7. ic:7. TRYING TO HOLD UP KILL States of the-Mississippi Valley Threaten to Block Bill in the Senate. , RUSH TO COMPLETION ( . PROJECTS IN NORTHWEST Thirty Yrnrs' Melay in Improving Columbia Citt'd ' by ' llurtou' . in If uuse Meritorious Projects Too Long fk'layetl Already. aim i.' " , i bottle-wrapper and attested under osih. . '' ' ' , In any condition of the female system - ovmiiiuKtoit Kurenu o( The Journal. ' I Dr. l'ioree's r avorite I'reavrlptlon can do ...Washington, Feb. -L Chairman fur-1 only good never harm, its whole, erTccl ton, In. combating the demands of the. Is to strengthen, invigorate and regulate, - nialjil river states for fiO, Oofl.009 r the W hole female syxtem and especially ' for '.14-foot channel from Chicago to; UmfHvle organ. When these are le the Gulf of Me ho, In the, hous de- ranged fund . on or allectnd by dimsn, hate indicated that all t7reKo,, anc, j, fe htorauh and other organ of dltfest.ou -ai.hlnto ,,rjects for which n.on.y f JJi". T'i' T''B",,.Ul? herf.r t ! completion. Ho cited th. I ' ".'ft. JO y.ira' delay irx t.ip.ovln the Co- 1 .J 'l tl'l : - W,, rlw,- Which he roirea Jfr.lW a.,:'l P"cy "I"! i''- .wioirty...'., I toln will- It U'Wt ofu-h prevent them. If :., - ihexe ProJor-t- have be. n tborouKh-; ukl,n jn time. ail thus the operatlnic .lylnvi.atls.iud. Ii.bh1.1. i,iidre nwrl-. ul)le and Uie iurgeou's knife may be . tortoua. 'Tticy munt be tarrlal through. ; avoided - ao that benefit ao lonff deierred may be conferred on. the comraunttlea In terested." , . , . i . , . - Talk is beard In the aonate corridors of a poxaible attempt to hold up the rlvei and harbor bill, when It .cornea to the aerate,' unleaa too Mlailaslppl proj ect and a few otlitra are ullowed to go In. " " : T FOR SALE 0FTIM2ER Fulton ludurcs 'Comuiittoo .to Agree to Aniendnienta to Iiill. .i Wahlnirton Bnreaa of Tlia Journal.) XVashiiiKton. Keb. 7. Senator Fulton has tndaeed the' aenute committee oil- f ublle lands to agree to amendment to j he- M.-innrirrm-h hill -' nrnviriln fre- the ' rteiilture after appraisement. - - - Senator Folbon ami Senator ClArk nf Wyoming, of the committee., oppneed the eiillro bill. .'When they found they were -btuJCiai.-t'ultunst Tin amendment Incorporated protecting appllrutiona filed prior to the puhmuhb of the bill under the act of JUST and providing that when the government pay to the states the 25 per cent of receipt from the Halo of - timber returna, shall mnf1n ahrtwtnor thi evact amounts sold I and the exact locality where cut, phasixing the rights Of Pountlea to re- v tn on aehonl unri road, funds. . Kulton bIsq procured an rrom "a aaya wnen our ancestral aames nmendmcnt giving the states, for use ( wov apun and embroidered the fam lu the counties where the timber Is Cut, I11' The possession of a goodly 25 per cent of the receipts for forest flora, of linen was in those days a sure reserves. The bill as amended haa beon 1 1terioh of he housewife's ability and oported to the Benute by Senator Huns- j brouglt. i value sun aintiea lo surn poumKnioria, ' ' r ' ' ' - v iperhaps for thece sentimental reaaona. . ...... m.u. iimr'-' i While the machine-made fabrics of the ; NtVY IUAHU JUULit, t present day cannot compare In durabll ! ' . , - ""' 'J lty . with the homeepnn linen -of our IMrgntlon Believes Tlmt It Cmn Get! grandmothers' times, they are exquis ,v iJtely beautiful and" attractive. One of Jnstlces tor Ninth District. ',.Yji sua-bleachnd linens come-from Ire (Wsnklnrtua pirrtaa ot Tiie Jaarasl.) Wash shington, Feb. 7. The Idaho idle. . gntion believe that tha president will Appoint one of the hew judges fof the ! bill which passed yesterday mnkes pvo vision for two new Judges.. The pres ent bench ot the ninth' district Is filled with one each from Oregon, Vu shin g - ton and California, hence Senator Hey- ' burn is certain he can Induce President Uoosovelt to five place to one from lils state. Heyburn wrll watt until to : commend to the president Seamndidute , recommend to the pres for appointment to the federal bench succeed Judne Beatty, who resigned. t Is believed here that J. F. Allshle Is most likely to secure the appointment, becauso he comes fmrrt the northern part of the state, and the present dis trict attornev and marshal were named from southern Idaho. -rJAPANESt PRINCE TO VISIT IN DOMINION f JonroSl gpeelst Servles.) . .-Toklo. Feb. 7. Oeneral Prince Fushl ml, who Is a cousin of the mikado and one of Japan's most distinguished sol - diera In the recent war with Kussla, . departed (ixlav for England to5 convey tn King .Kdward the mikado's thnnkw " for the Order of the Oarter conferred upon him lastisuttimer by Prlnc Arthur ' of tonnaught. Prince Fushiml. who la 7 accompanied by a numerous suite, plans to visit some of the leading American cities, and particularly the cities of Canada, on his return from England to Japan. MARD1 6RAS FESTIVAL . HELD AT NEW ORLEANS VJnsrasl Rpeelsl Service. V N'ew Orleans, lai. Feb. 7. Hotels an I boarding-houses are ajreudy filling with Vlslloi'Sj for the marfll grns festivities and by the end of tho week if Is ". T" pected that accommodations will be St j a premium. Jlomus, the' first of the j ' carnival ninnarens to appear in. a street vacant, holds sway tonight. A bcan- tl theme will bo illustrated In the long line of handsome floats, and fal lowed out in the arrangements at ths French opera house, where the ball will be given. HARDWARE DEALERS TO , HOLD. BIG MEETING (epeil Plsr-stch to Ths Joarnal.) ' Woodburn, lr., Felt 7. President Henry J. Altnow of the Oregon Htat Relail Hardware end Implement leal. rrs' ssaoclntion, haV received 'assurance of a lurge attendanc at the convcntlfin to be held In I'ortliind, Fcbruury 11 and 14. There will be present from 200 to, retail hardwn.e men and implement ilenlera and they will be there princi pally for business.'of Interest to every dealer wito lives lu the state. DICKENS AND IRVING , REMEMBERED BY MANY . ' .... ... . i (Jnnrnil Sre'sl Srlra.i - ' ''London, Feb. 7. Visitors to West minster Abbey today placed a number of elaborate floral decorations on thet lombs of Clmries Dickens and Mir Hen ry Irving In commemoration of their birthday, though Irvlng'a . anniversary L really falls on rrbruary t. ( In accord -mice with, their custom the numerous I Hi kens societies throughout the Cnited Kingdom observed the day with' sppro-J Tad Symptoms. The woman who has Mrisllcal head aciie.s, backache, imagluurr dr'.i i spots or spccl.a Hoating or daru.'ln-.r bel'ire ; Lcr eyes, has-uawiug distress or heavy j lull feeling yi tornach. faint spells. Art? . gfng-downfii-lltig In lower abdominal or I pelvic region, easily staYtled or excited. ' irreguwrr or painrm pcrtous, with or wita out (jvio catrrh, Is suffering from tK:r SniVaersrtgeirienu that should avp-ntlon. Not all of above ymptoiM ' likely to be present In any ! caw ai one aime. ( - Neglctijfi or badly treated and such. , casta My tun Into maladies which do I saan Use surgeon's knife It they do not I rwtyTataliy. i ' !) merit, irf prtartt ftps such a such a f-trn"! J' ii.' ' ' (.: f r.rl. ii: ;u 1 ) I " ' -' ' ' ,fl.U mini, in,, i.. II. a Y Ii i r ' : i r 1 i i. . v in i-r rr cs i im 7 1 u - r f ii, " ' s- T Ii e verv bn.L li,i;r-iiii.i.Tf kuutMi to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar sllments enter Into Its composition. .'aaleohol, harmful, or . habit-forming ortij? is to be found in the i list of Its Ingredients printed on en. h Woinen iiffer!n from rfbwiuea nf najiQinK. are lnviuxl to consult Doctor Fierce by letter.ree. All correspondence in held a strictly private and sacrlly confidential. -'Atldrcuw l)r. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. f . , Vr. Pierce'a Medical Adylserftt-TO panes) Id nt free on rjcelpt of 21 otio-cent atamp for paper-covered, of 31 stamps fur cloth-bound copy. Address aa above. iMCY HELEN tirWrnORNE The Linen Cheat, . p. Now thai theargaln sales are In the air is the time for looking over the stock Ljon hand In linen closet and cheat and repienisning, j nis is one oi mo pieaa nntest or nouaekeeptng duties, stirring If " " mninwcvni itoiiiiib o isio 'housewifery which are our Inheritance hose vague reminiscent feelings of able moustry ana somctmng m- same land, the land of alternating sunshine " snowers. wnere imiure. . . . . , . , " ." . J , L " fv'n h' the dark "turl hue Oermany ;com .silver-bleach linen, the threads having . been bleached before weaving. This comes for table linen' and In crash -which sells by the yard for kitchen 'use. Many good housekeepers f. ', , t ,.,. . ,, WMr1'n, nm- ; ThuV'm b.eaenea . , , , ,K ...a. ertlrs from the use of chemicals In the out. If a, little borax is used In the suds and rinsing water. ' . r The round, tablecloth which was Intro duced about 12 years ago and attained great popularity Is not nearly so much sought for this year. - Horrsekeepers have discovered that it Is much more diffi cult to launder smoothly than a square tablecloth, while drooping corners" even 4ve- a more graceful effect to the table, than does a circular cloth. It is not generally .known that the high-grade ctoths were originally Imported square, but were afterward cut round to order, the patterns usually al lowing . this.. While floral designs are always - popular, - the. most .expensive leaves now come in the empire. Ixmis XIV, UulXV and Louis XVI. with conventional and geometrical designs. Plain satin damask without any pattern la also In great demand for dinner and lunqh cloths, but is docoratcd with lace and drawn work designs done by hand. In laces used with dinner cloths or in tea traya the Italian filet Is st the pres ent the most popular, though Bysantlne, Bul.,no lnd crepon ar aUo In h'gh fa ivn. . . . vor. The Chinese hand-embroidered grass linen centerpteeee -and doyilee lamidur beautifully and are most serviceable. j.The embroidery On these Is very lustrous and rich looking. They come tn the delft era-it'"1! oi nouaeaeepuiB oiwn, .i.iriu The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yet-the only soda cracker of a l'; which this is .. ...... Uneeda j J , The only baked. f?1 ' TU- 11-1 I I I PJ I g IT 1 I M I yj v. Tho only j ) The j only 0 In vv - 1 .'All. III NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY C'lT j2 rz. 't?fr hlu ami wiilte, In flora! tleliia and In the diaxiin ilciiKo "'t two i-uks IlKhily. nO.I a cupful ami All luiiia. holVl linen In Iiomes of walr one-linlf r sugar, hfat for 13 mlnute-j, or where the houxewlfe Is sxi.ert with j itlr In tho alriKpula. flavor wllh vauilla. the nn-ille la marked with embroidived I and spread al ome. monoarama or Initial, preference being Whipped Cream ae1 Krult f.'1'llns, given to the Kngliah t.penwork emliroi.l- , whip one pint uf thi. If cream until It ry or the French seeded. At pre.Tnt , r.Ht mble Ice cream In appearance ;' make tablei'lotha are marked wllh two WOTvi ,,Uit sweet, then flavor with , vanilla KianV, one at either end or diagonally at j Hi, read the layers of caku Ural with opposite corners. , Where the rmpkiiia I grated pineapple, sliced oranf. or tm Nhall be marked is a matter of mdlvlduul j nunaa, then cover thickly wllh Vreatn. Iirefurence. dependent upon the way 1 , he three fruit Combined will be found which the napkin is fol.led. The not dHir-loue. This filling should be fres-bly conimutt way la to mark them ttiafconally made. ' In the center of the laat square ' when the napkin Is folded. For napkins the slso of the letter' Is usually one or one and a quarter of an Inch.' For table elotha they are from three to eight Inches In diuifietcr. Old pieces of eoft muslin should never be thrown, away, as they are Invaluable In sickness. Old sheet cut In strips, rolled lightly and fastened with a safety pin make fine bandages, and even In tha best regulated house a bandage may be called or In a hurry. ' - t . 'Hair Ornament. , A small wreash of lilies of the yalley Intertwined with their leaves and eeed pearls strung ,on wire Is one of tha moat original conceits for the hair. It Is worn directly on the top otV the head, even slightly over the pompadour, and Is CKKKi4lJx-f(ectiye with the very tow coiffure.: '.''. Another Ide Is shown In two loops of wide velvet ribbon on each of which rests the wins: of a jeweled butterfly. and still Jinother constats of a tiara, not white velvet ribbon set Into a baud of pearls, eich loop upstanding and studded with dewdrop of liny rhlneslones. Ba reties have crown less, (.onaplcuoua, but none 'the leas beautiful, the graceful I curved and scroll designs' having taken the place of the . straight bars of the original.- One of the latest suggeatlloiis is the miniature set In a network of wrought gold. ' If. Instead of wearing one's friend's ace upou the back of tho head, one prefer a bit of Ivory painting. It la quite as much the proper thing, so It la encircled In a framework of jew els to auKzeat'tho miniature ffect. In some of the most 'beautiful barettea-Htige cameos or moaalcs are substituted for the painted picture, wblbh seems ln bet ter taste. ! . , . , v ' . ' , It K .1 Home J)ressniaker. : J,... It"is alwsye a good plan to fit a waist first with the seams on the right side, and when the alteratlona are made to put in on again with seams on the tnner side. The eide and. shoulder seams should be -turned toward the front and tho darta to the buck and the back seams opened. Make the principal alter ations In the slde and shoulder seams and before pinning 'them. 'tip pin thetwo pieces together at the : center , of ." the seam. If the waist is pulled . ud too be. ahort-walsted and the right curve Inrt. The armetseat the back should be straight from the edge of the shoulder seam to the side seam In front and un derneath the arm; the srmslse should be cut out on. the wearer according to the figure,;having the curve close, yet easy. Never allow the armslse to bind. ( The pieces of the sleeves should be laid flatly together., the elbow-pinned to fit and then the inside seam be basted from the top don: then the elbow fulness gathered to fit between the notches on the outside seam, and that basted up and down from the gathering. In fitting the sleeve either one seam. or both may be altered: keen the inside seam under the arm, or, if lt-eomes up at the hand. Cut the under part narrower rrom the eioow to the wrist. Setting the sleeve lower st the top is sometimes necessary.'" . ' hi: " ' Vpatalrs and Ilowsw - - - Decorating ,' the Rooms. Put' pine branches In largo vases about the house. They make very atjjmctlve ' decorations ' In the country house: now that the' flowers are gone. They will remain unwithered for several weeks and are an exquisite shade Of green. Cleaning the Silver. A girl keeps her silver deck . ornaments bright by rub bing them lightly every morning with a piece of China silk that she keeps lit one of the drawers for the purpose. Silver polish la never needed on them. For sliver that really needs a polish there is nd better device than a pier of cloth, wold under a patented name. one corner of which you moisten and i wash the silver with,-and with the dry corner polish it brightly. This device.. Is most handy for doak and bureau artl- ' cles, as It cleans quickly and without ' dirt. - ....... i . The fable Fern. Nothing makes a I more beautiful table decoration than' the maidenhair fern. With occaalui'al rttttirtjr buck It tke on-new life, and ' can be kept going for years. It must it frequently and, Inspect every part, i washing tne suspected parts with a little tobacco or whale-oil soap solution. He not kill i: with water. The-soil In, the pans is liable tn harbor crawling .things, and for theae you might suc cessfully use a weak solution of lime or ammonia water. t A good precaution Is to bake the loam before putting It , Into tha pans. - tt tH . - Cake. Fillings. J : W Cram Filling. Make a boiled custard of half a pint of cream, a tablespoonful of pulverised sugar, the yolk of three eggs, and one tablespoonful of cornstarch-.. Bpread while soft, flavoring: with rose or vanilla. To give variety add chopped huts or raisins to this filling. ' Almond Filling. Blanch and - pound . .... I really true is .' j .. Biscuit soda cracker scientifically soda , cracker effecfually protected. soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and dean, soda cracker good at all times. Just tight. moisture proof package. fine in a tn.,rlar two poumlK of aim, .mis; Nut Custard Filling. Make a boiled ciiHtard of one pint of milk, two cgg. half a cupful of sugar, and a tabltispooit ful of cornstarch; stir in two cuptuls of chopped nut meats and spread while cukes and custard are still warm. Tuttl Fruttt Killing. Bull hulf a cup ful of water with three cupful of sugar until It Is thick, and waxy; pour over the whiles of two eggs, beaten until stiff, and whip until cvol. Then itrid half a pound of almonds chopped fine, a scant halt a cupful of i hopped raisins, and tn The Kind Yen Have !wava in use r r ov-r w years, It '" - - and has been made under his per ( htfffifPy,. sonal supervision since ls infancy. -f4 7 Allow no one to deceive yu In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ' are but v Experiment, tl at trills with and endanger the health of lxlant and Chlldr n Kxperlence : against Experiments 4- What is CTOtRJA Cast-jia Is a harmless substitu e for Castor Oil, Pare- tTorl , Srcps and Socthlng Syrups. : It is Pleasant. It : contains 'neither Opium, Morphine nor other KarcotJrj . substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . 7 And auays Itverlahncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind pile It -ellevef TetTtaiingr Troubles, cures Constipation. sndFLtuleiy II aimilates -the-Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep 4 The Children - Panacea The Mother's Friend. CNUiNE-OASTO R I ALWAYO Bears the The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. t7 m : M I H . . w wstwis wssuw, nstssejtnin a vee eww- - - i f ; - ' jmssssMi,MiiiBssMiwBaisii)eF.isssi i u. u n . mmrnmm . , Amvancrrrr I 'iffrisTIT u.i J ii Mii s i fc-jn ui ti ii i eiiii ri s - iis i KHtfr: QiB : mum n i i ' i i : 41 r ii i ir- n fl Sfw-. E IT "m m - 1 1 I bbbssbbb 1 II la o i w im i mrnm tixm ea U . - I S . I If I b U I u I IM .1 1 "II 11 II I I S I SMI S SI III. W I - - . - - - I..-., m - a 1 1 ii 4rwm .h- s in' f as . i i. r - m - m . . .,...- . ,. .., . (t.) I : 11. . U fy back if -jr7 r? Vj- jpH ( . ) - --. -1 'Goods .ABE-. rrrH LSA "TTivrH j , NOT WORTH f W ?1 35! !5S l! fcH ( . . 1 WHAT WE wl J . CHARGE lA 11 J ; -7 Y i 1 i. J..I i r . s u lltt'e citron sliced thin. Bprt-ad at on.-... - ' ' Oruwjfe ' Filling ll.-st (he whites of thr-r'eiias to a t:Lf froth; a, lit the Julie and grated peel of one ohunge; stir In sugar until the rlttht consistency Ih leached; spread the filling between the layers and uld white Icing on top. grated rlml), dnd one cupful uf sugar, (irate the apple and rind of lemon, place I hem on the fire with the Jtitqu and sugar, and boll for five minutes. Ice. Cream filling. Roll three rupfuls of sugar- In one i cupful of water until the mixture threads; -pour. slowly, while -boiling hot. over tha whites of thr eggs beaten stiff, stirring briskly the while; beat until cool, flavor with rose or lemon and spread between layers -of white cake. ... A Taluable Lessom. . "Big years ago 1 learned a valuable lesxon," writes John flaaaant of Mag nolia, Ind. "I then began taking l)r. King " New Life Pills, and the longer I tak-i them tho better . I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at Heil riws Pharmacy f5o. ! 1 ... J Bonirht. and wLlch has been nas borne tno sfgrtature of -'- Signature of CORNER THIRD AND . Path to Economical Piano Buying : Leads to ', Thtre is no gainsaying the fact that at ''The House ( Quality" you have the best opportunity fr' supplying your' piano nceiH, you have-the best facilities for selecting1 your piano, you Jiave the assurance and guarantee of thi'old house that you are t be pleased with JollJ puulis-i fni - us,. and, what is ihore important . than anythint? else, youliavc TliTT positive, assurance that "The llouseof' .Quality? plan of selling " I ALWAYS SAVES YOU MONEY - You come to our store with the knowledge that the fir;t price ynu get is tvit only the last price, but if is the RIGHT PRICE. no fog hcre. no tincertuinty; no IvagKlinjr. no mysterious - catalogue or, other boosted prices to-cntfap; the unwary,- - K very- ; one-is treated fairly "and alike.'. All receive the same-low price based on factory cost plus freight and liaadliug expenses, which is . 'right and just to buyers as well as tp.uirselvvs.- This always as- sures- you .of . getting jJie jcjcaft. piano viluoJliat.yiru' -iy:.f rr, .and s we believe that we speak the exact truth when we say that you cart'.' ' always SAVE MONEY on your piano purchase at our store, a , compared with what you will pay for the same piano quality else- ' w here. . Quality for quality, style for style, we guarantee our ' a PRICES THE LOWEST And our terms of payment ae always satisfactory. - , ' -You owe it lo yourself td investigate our goods and prices be- fore you buy; and this -means -that you will readily see that yon can do better here than elsewhere. , 4 . Readthe following names; of reliable pianos. These names are " as" famili'ar as the nariiCff Tif oid frwds-Str.uiWay.IlCn3&ea.jC7K. . .Chase, Everett, Packard, Fischer, llardnian, Kstey, Ludwig. Rings-" bury, Sterling, Conover, Wellington, Huntington, Mcudclssojin. .. .. Our SmallPaymeht" Plan "THL HOUSE, Sherman Xor. Sixlh and Morrison Streets, Opp. P. 0. PORTUND - SEAlTLE - TACOMA - isaBaaaB3ESBsSsisaaBKa tj The sales yesterday at ThV Hub Clothing Co. l- were far greater. than-any priorday during the , 29c ORI AdeUycd shipmcntof jday and will be on sale tomorrow. Come early an& get" your pick of fresh stock comprising the latest style Suits, Ovcrcoals,1 Shoes Hats and Lindenthal's $U0, $2.00 and Fire Sale price ... u Lindenthal's $3.50 and $4.50 Fire Sale price Lindenthal's $7.50 Pants; Fire Sale price ....... ........ Lindenthal's $8.50 to' $12.50 Suits and Overcoats; Fire Sale price ............... , Lindenthal's $13.50. $15.00. $16.50 and $18 00 Sui;s " . C7 K and Overcoats; Fire Sale price .....'yl.U Lindenthal's $20.00, $22.00 and $24.00 Suits and Overcoats; Fire Sale price ; ......... Lindenthal's $25.00. $28.00. $30.00 and $32.00 Suit and Overcoats; Fire Sale price ......... mm DURNSIDE STREETS l plga-ird with yiir dea'lTii" with "T- Makes Piano-Buying Easy. OF QUALITY" EVERETT - BEaiNCHAMPIKANE e Jhe Lindenthal stock arrived to- furnislilhg s-. $2.50 Pants; ........ Pants; - - f ....:......?l.9!) ?2.99 $4.15 ...S9.I5 ..$12.15 10.000 PAIRS Tfia'srr;E SKOLS AT I.LSS vu v - T;..,; OLLM ME prints sscrciHes.