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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
V THE JOURNAL AN INDEPENDENT mwrr r. a jackkon. .rsbltakrr .erj fond. smln Tha Jf'"' BuV,t" Iu, Klfta aa Y.ialll rlan. W, - KsteeeS t Il pnatorftre at Portlaa. ranmlul threw mV a ees-elasa TKLKraoNia. t'4ltnrla1 ftnnn .StalS tV( .Mala SOO llu.loraa Ofttca. I'MKKIUN A0VKBTI8INU RF.PKESKM ATIVK . -ISO rcwi itml. Kaw fort; Trtlwae Build IniC. loCi -Sabeertr-riea IXm by vail " addreaa la lAa lnlt4 Suiaa. Caaad or Ueiko: D.ILX , . ' Ota rmr.v.4. ,..Si.o I Oita st"'....i..- DO ..; ... 8UNDAT . OBeer..,.V... .82-oetOae amiirs., .,..... DAILY AMD SDNDAI One njw 8T.00 Ona axMXb. ...... 8 .OS I wish that more of us bad -the courage to be poor; that the world tAd not pone mad after fashion and display; but ao It la, and the blessings we , might hare are lost In the ef fort to get those which He outside 3he possible. -Car-tyle- ' '7 '-Z-. STRUGGLE WILL .1.. i ATE. BE DESPER- ISlCH BY INCH, every effort by the ; atate to ; control the railroads ; will be desperately contested. No ground will Je yielded by Mr.' Harrlman and his agents nntll after a stubborn resistance. A fa vorite means of defense by the rail roada will be Jo .have, their. agents find fault with, proposed state con trol. . From one source a railroad commission, for instance,' wllj be ob jected to, while from another there will be criticism ot Its different; fea tures. ,' Indeed, the assault on the appointive prorislon of the bill has already toetun,.,... .T-.-.i ..yic. -- .The best thought in. the-tountry favors a commlsslonappolntlva by the executive. ' So do those who, -from desire for efficient regulation, have given the subject exhaustive In vestigation. . So do the .states In which there are the." most modern . commissions and motet effective con-. trol. So does the national govern ment which follows that plan in the Interstate commerce commission. 6t coarse, an elective commission will be favored by many who are en tirely sincere and honestr bnt In the fnaln they have examined the sub ject but superficially. On the other hand, the. railroad agents and strik ers, when they find a commission In evitable, will be for the elective fea- railroad regulation, wno wm, in fact, be Mr. Harrlman's secret agentsr So will every active railroad Interest and every. Influence . that wants to frustrate restrictive legislation and keep Oregon lh perpetuated : Impot ency, unguarded and undefended against, railroad buccaneers. . Be .cause the! railroad and Its hangers on will be for it. Is a sufficient rea son for the citizen to be against an elective, and for an appointive com mission. He has submitted to rail road dictation over long. NEW BUILDING FOR INSANE. THE recommendation for a new building for the Insane at ', Salem challenges attention. ' Along with it there ought to be full and free consideration as to whether or not this building should be located la eastern Oregon. Several reasons favor an eastern Oregon site.' A chief one Is money to be saved In the transportation of patients. J Another Is that the lighter, drier atmosphere, east of the. Cascades, might affect favorably pa tients for . whom the heavier and more humid air of western Oregon would be unfavorable. ' Indeed some experts say a .humid heavy. atmos phere Is conducive to the melan cholia phase of Insanity. It is pos--slble, too,, that. the. Salem asylum Is becoming overgrown and unwelldy, In which event a branch asylum Is certainly de"s!rable,. To these Is to be added a broad consideration of equity for eastern' Oregon In the , parceling out of state favors- a con sideration that was recognized when a former legislature with wide public sentiment back of It, made provision for a branch asylum in eastern Ore gon, with the result that a court de cision pronounced the act -unconstitutional. A final and formidable : suggestion is. that with the growth of Oregon one institution cannot well, be made large enough for all forms of insanity and that a separate Institution must ultimately become a necessity, as is seen In nsny of the other and older states. ' . , V; Against these considerations Is the constitutional provision requjrlngjall state Institutions.. to be located at Balem. For purposes of state econ omy.. It was a wise provision, but It ,ls and always will be. largely inop erative. It has always been broken, and will continue to be broken. The state university "la at Eugene,' the state college at Cprvallls, the state normal at Monmouth, the state ex periment station at Union, the atate soldiers' .. borne ' at Roseburg. and state-supported normal schools at Ashland. Drain and Weston. These Institutions will remain where they are, at least such as survive. They will never be removed to Salem, and ought not to be. vThey could not be. because of the great sums, of money already spent on them In buildings. Many of them, such as the big educa tional Institutions, are better off where they are. .' . ' ; ' V AIL this means that the same con stitutional provision that : wisely jr unwisely has suffered these institu tions, one by one, to be located at places distant from the capital, for bids an eastern Oregon asylum. It the reasons for a branch asylum are sound the true Interests of the state suffer by hot having It,' and the con stitutional provision that Is operative occasionally but inoperative mostly deserves to be, dealt with. It Is a subject of Importance to which the best thought of "tfie comTn jfTeglsla-l ture should be applied. Its Tmport- ance is heightened, and the time for Its consideration 'fixed as now, by the recommendation that, a new and costly asylum building be erected at Salem. -: ..-. , " , MISCHIEVOUS. SUGGESTIONS. 7 1 C LREADY the Oregonlan - b A trays, though masked, its true colors, and opposes a railroad commission " with . power to regulate Tates," and -if a commission Is created It objects to the appoint ment of Us members by the gov ernor, not because this Is not the best way; but solely because he dlf fers In politics from a- majority of the legislature. It seeks to Incite partisan prejudice In -them, in order to kill or render as futile as possible the legislation demanded by the peo ple. This Is its object, and It no doubt has Its reward In advance-, -or Is suroof It jn future. "It is not essential' that the governor should appoint," says the cloaked railroad organ. But almost every competent man who has studied the subject, from New York to Oregon,- says it Is essential Then this Journalistic hypocrite and traitor prates politics It ad vises the. representatives of the peo ple to playa scurvy little-game of politics, instead of doing what' the people demand of them. We believe the members' of the legislature are too broad-minded and patriotic men, and realise too clearly the urgency they can In this crucial time, to act upon these mlschlevousi and traitor ous suggestions, c The (people want politics put to the rear. - STUDY THESE FACTS. T HOUGH but half as far, It costs more than four times as much to ship a carload of paper from Portland to Ashland, as from Portland to Ban Francisco. It costs 82 cents per 100 to Ashland though the car passes through that town and is delivered in San Fran cisco at 20 cents per 100, less than a fourth the cost to Ashland. San Francisco has a water routef rom Portland; Ashland has not . It costs 83 cents a hundred to ship a carload of paper from Portland to Ashland, and it costs $1.20 a hun dred to ship it from New York to Portland, 100 times as far There Is a water route from New York to Portland, but none from Portland to Ashland. In . New York they haul wheat through the Erie canal, 387 miles from Buffalo to the seaboard for. 87 cents a ton, and, what is more re markable, the state has voted an ex penditure of $101,000,000 for fur ther deepening,, and widening of the canal so the cost can be reduced to 26 cents a ton. It will mean the carrying of a ton of wheat as far 'as across th e state "of Oregon for " 6 cents a ton, but a cent more than bait what it Is charged for merely passing a ton of wheat through the Willamette locks at Oregon City. What do these - remarkable figures mean? '' . -- Along the northern boundary of Oregon and3into-Idaho-andJash-Ington rolls the Columbia river, while nearly 200 miles through the richest .and most resourceful valley on earth, sweeps the Willamette' and both . are obstructed and fet tered. In these magnificent streams, nature gave prodigally to the people who dwell by them, but it Is little the people have done to utilize the gift, A fortieth part of the sum that, unaided and alone, New York ers are spending on Erie, would give to the Columbia aad Willamette basins, water routes that In New York means wheat hauled an far as across the state of Oregon for 87 cents a ton. and that Is soon to be rVduced'ro 26 cents per ton. Under the glare of these facts how can. It be that anywWe or la any way out- side of the Interested railroad cor porations, there a single In dividual; who can. for one. moment, fall to discern the unparalleled and incalculable Importance of opening and freeing these two great streams to unfettered navigation? It the people of Oregon taxed themselves even millions of dollars to open these rivers, wouldn't It all come back In saved freights In a single year? Thus, It congress at the present ses sion falls to acquire and open the Willamette locks, wouldn't it pay the state' of Oregon to do It? "Is It "not paying fcew York on an exactly sim ilar basis, to spend $101,000,000 on the Erie canal? Finally," It Oregon should acquire the Willamette locks. after congress fatted to, would not the effect be to stimulate .the national government to be more generous with the Colum bia, upper and lower, and would not every dollar come back many fold in larger appropriations for the Co lumbia . and hundred ; fold . In freights saved to nearly . all parts of "Oregon ? 1 DR. HILL'S DIAGNOSIS.- ; REPEATING in a letter to Gov ernor Johnson of Minnesota what he expressed some weeks ago In Chicago, Mr. James J. Hill says: . ' During- recent years the volume of business baa Increased and I" Increas ing with extraordinary rapidity, while thir necessary additional trackage and terminals have not been equal to the demands upon them. The resulting sit uation is a freight blockade of enor mous -rope-rtlORav espeoUrtly-at-all tar-j mlnal points. How to remedy this is a problem financial, mechanical and phys ical. No time should be lost In ap plying such measures of remedy as may be posalble. . . - ' ' Mr. Hill goes on to repeat his former statement, that additional trackage rather than new lines Is the necessity and that to build what is needed would cost. $1,100,000,000 a year for five years. a-total of $6,- 500,000,000. As he estimates that about 73,000 miles of new tracks are needed,-this would make ..them, cost about $75,000 a mile, which would seem an over-estimate, since the roadbeds are already made, but perhaps we may 'assume that Mr. Hill knows best about that. But next cornea his pessimistic and perhaps not altogether sincere wall, lb. these words:' ---; - - - -- - - It la not by accident that railroad building haa declined o It lowest-within a generation at tha.vary time when all other forms of activity have been growing moat rapidly. The Investor de clines to put his money into enterprises under . ban . of popularity and ever threatened by Individuals and political parties with confiscation or transfer to the atate. This feeling must be re iiiumiI and gieater eonfklamgeba nu tually established if any considerable portion-f the vat sum nocaasary is to be available for the work. This is a plaint agatnBt the people, the public," but If a mote U In their eye, a beam is in the railroad men's eye. What made railroads "un popular and threatened by individ uals and political parties"? Noth ing on earth but the misconduct of the' railroads their defiance of rea sonable laws, their discriminations, overcharges, oppressions,- combines, divisions of territory, and the-publle-be-damned conduct generally. Let all- this , be changed and "this feel ing" on the part (pi the public will "be removed, and greater confidence be mutually established." : The editorials In the Oregonlaft criticising the Harrlman railroads are only the . cloak it wears to con ceal Ita service to the railroads In other editorials and In Its news col umns. Mr. Harrlman was very 111 as long as the railroad commission remained in New York, but Improved as soon as the v commission left. But of course this was only a coincidence. : It Is Improbable that In view of the experience of the last legislature this one will attach the emergency clause to many bills so as to avoid a possible referendum.-, t - - Every effort made to weaken the proposed railroad regulation law la prompted by the Harrlman inter ests, and Is paid for somehow. Nobody was elected to the legis lature to "put the governor in a hole,- and -the. people expect that thla will not be attempted. t--;-1 Senator Hopkins threatens to Tomcarterlze the river and harbor bill. But probably he won't. The people .generally will agree with th, governor on all his main propositions. ' " - Initiative - and referendum, looking on calmly at Salem. are . . -.- tt Keep polities out of railroad legis lation. ' . . . . . -111, ..V , . SS , . , No Doubt of It . . On January tt th Minnesota legislature will reelect United State Senator Nelson for his third term. . . : . The Japanese Not Mongolians Front the Los Anseles News. Wlui th Merchants' and Manufacture-' association of this city evinces a oommendsbl desir to get an expres sion from th peopl la regard to th proposed admission of Japanese to rights of ettisenshlp, we must again di rect attention to th ethnological error displayed in referring to th Japs as Mongolian. The Jap cannot b classed with the yellow race, and the stat law, under which th Ban Francisco school board proisses to find authority for segregating Japanes pupils In th school set apart for- th Chines and "ether .Mongolians," will have to show the supreme court, before which a test cus has been brought, by what right they so classify th little brown men. No on : .tinkn . of terming our Fili pino brothers, by adoption. Mongolians, nor are they .to be so designated. They are Malays, or, at least, pre-Malaya, for so great an admixture of other blood ha crept In that little . of th purely Malay tap-root remains. ... But th Jap anese, whom th Filipinos love to call their elder brothers, have kept closer to the parent stock, and are today th most aggressive, aa they ar th most bril liant and luminous representatives of th Malay rac In th orient. In no re spect are they to be claased aa Mongo lians. The cradle- of their rac I to b found in th Alnus, a peopl of Cau casia origin, a remnant of which has re tained It purity of -type, and still is to be found living in tribal relation on one of th islands adjoining Nippon. There la absolutely no authority ex tant that make so egregious a blunder ss to 'attempt to identify th Japaneae as Mongolians, and on this ground, alone. San, Francisco must lose It cas. W ar surprised to find so - well-in formed a publication as th Argonaut falling into this error of classification; we should ltk -to leant by-what pro cess of reasoning It has arrived at such conclusion.. Bryce and English Humorists From th London Express. The American diplomatic corps Is go ing up. Th English diplomatlo corps I going ' W will not oomplet th sentence. ' Diplomacy Is our subject, and diplomatlo shall be our style. There fore we wll beln afresh, and observe that th American diplomatic corps. Is going up, and that Mr. Bryo Is going to Washington. W respect Mr. Bryce. Who eould do, otherwise than respect the talented chief secretary and brilliant author? And yet we wish that Mr. Bryce were not going to W ashington. Th In cident, we believe, has arisen through a little mlsund standlng. Mr. Bryce has written two fst volumes on the American . commonwealth. - Mr. Bryoe passes In the cabinet for an authority on American affairs. Ministers probably have not read his work, but ministers always have a vast respect for any statesman who has written two'fat vol umes. . .. . . -. There comes a vacancy in the diplo matlo service, i "Asqulth," says 81jr HenryCampbell-Bannerman, - "w want a man for Washington. Whom shall w sndT" "Send Bryce." replies Mr. As quit fi,' In that authoritative ton which makes 8ir Henry Campbell-Barnnerman think of beatitude on the government bench in th lord a "Send Bryee. . He haa written a history book about Amer- Ica." Mr. Bryce. being sounded, con-1 fesses tha he thinks the great -American people would regard his appoint ment in th light of a compltment. He produce his album of press cuttings, which proves conclusively that he is "persona grata" with Americans, and Mr. Asqulth thereupon offers him th appointment, which the prim minister confirms. The' whole cabinet applauds the arrangement as a great stroke of policy, siir to knit th woof of Anglo Saxon friendship a shad tighter.. This Is a pure.y imaginary description of what hsppened, and yet we believe it enshrlnss a great truth. We cannot prophesy a brilliant career for Mr. Brycx What Washington requires from Great Britain Is an ambassador with a tongue, an ambassador "with a leg." or an ambassador with .an air, tennis player, an equestrian, a boxer, a stren uous liver after th heart of Mr. Roose velt, such aa Count Speck von Sternburg, th German who talks English without an accent, or M. Jusssrand. th French man who is besides a charming critic of English letters. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman has responded to this nat ural American yearning for a strenuous man by sending an ambassador with a history book. Th laugh Is against Washington. Because of a Tomato Can. From Current Literature. - When Master Sidney Marks of San Francisco shied an old tomato can a few weeks ago, he was unconscious of ths fact that he was making history. Hs knows it now and Is proud In con sequence. II was- simply, aa he thought, engaging in th gentle pastime called "soak ths sklppie." Bklpple means any old kind of a Japanese. The "skip pie" in thla ess was a noted seismolo gist. . Professor Omura, wearing a silk has (now no longer wearable) - and studying th ruins of th earthquake. Sidney's tomato can not only demol ished th silk hat, but precipitated an International lssus. It was th whisper that starts the avalanche, th .feather that breaks th camel' back.'- And w reproduce for th us of future his terians Sidney's own plcturesqus ac count of the affair:-- "It was this way. There wss a bunch of us out behind the postofflre, when one -of th gang yells, 'Pip th sklp pie under th dicer. Let soak '1m.' Ws let loos for fair, me to be th lucky boy. I bounced a can off his ekypiece. He wss sure sore. But we sent him down th alley after th naughty boy who did him wrong. . Probably this assault upon Professor Omura as much ss tire dismissal of a Tasamaru from the- Pacific Heights grammar school had to do with the In dignant protests of th Japanese thst have led to talks of war, and hav re sulted In th most sensational passage In th president's massage. - r The Annual Bath. " ' Th Tibetan Is not fond of water. As a matter of fact h takes a tub only one a year, for preference In th months of June and Jul Th tub con sists of a large tre hollowed out In th middle, th ends being bound with Iron bands. It Is publlf and, a perma nent fixture, being placed by the side of a river from which- water la got. The better-to-do classes .put a rough awning over It as .a protection from the weather and us curtains In order to keep off th wind. Two people usu ally enter the bath together and re main In It for " to 11 hours, hot stones being added from tlm to time to keep the water warm. . Diamonds ' Among "Peltles.. From Printers' Ink, New Tork. On of th advertising journals that has not yst chao.xd from a weekly to a monthly. In a review of th new book, "Newspapers Worth Counting,"- . ex presses surprise that out ef a total of 11.114 newspaper and periodicals Issued, of . whloh ,over H.800 willingly admit that their regular Issues ar less than l,0e copies, only l.Ot of th re maining 7,000, or thereabouts, take th trouble to furnish ths editor of Rowell's American Newspaper Directory with definite Information as to th number of copies they Issue. - It Is well known that, with a single exception, th Rowell directory Is th only on that takes any pains at all to learn th facts about ths editions Issued by newspapers that bid f oi' advertising .patronage, and . Is th only ona that pretends to hav a defi nition of what Is meant-by the word "circulation." ' That on In five of those who edition ar big enough to be worth counting ar willing, and even glad, to allow th count and th result mad known, speaks well for tn se lected few. A careful consideration- of aha M0S publications, made so conspto uous la "Newspapers Worth. Counting." reveals that nearly every one of them has th further distinction of being the best and most prosperous paper of th town or city from which It emanate. Whoever takes th pains to sift them out and Is careful to conf In his ad vertising patronage to thenn succeeds In stopping a leak Uiat more than any other tends to make a failure of th ma jority of advertising voyages entered on by Inexperienced men. , Comment Ing on this condition, the Reading, t-enn-aylvanla. Telegraph, In a recent Issue, said: "Th man who pays for publlcity ought to hav his goods measured as opsnly and fairly im tha grocer meas ures sugar -before the customer, with the scales In full view. The publisher who refuses to show up his wares must have a reason, and wa cannot- tulnk of any reason which would be of value to the advertiser" In a mine of dia mond bearing gravel the pebbles that will repay th lapidary aati enhance the brilliancy f beauty hav to be looked for with Judgment and selected With- car. Th operator who should assume that one pebble is about as good as another, snd has not tlm to submit. ach . randi date for recognition to the requisite tests, will never make a conspicuous success of his calling. -. .- Th Journal 1 th only dally In Ore gon that was accorded th distinction of being on of th 1,495 publications tn th United Btates among "Newspapers Worth Counting." The Spur. .... n , ' i. ByEll .Wheeler Wilcox. l,sskd the rock beside throsdwhat Joy existence lent. . It answered, "For a million years my . heart has been content." I asked the truffle-seeking swine, as rooting by he went. "What Is the keynote of your life?" He ( grunted out, Contcnt. i ' ..- - - I asked 'a slave, who tolled and sang, ;. Just what his singing jnennU- He plodded on his changeless, way, and . ' . said, "I am content." ,.' . I asked a plutocrat ;cfgrcedojnjwhat his thoughts were bent. He chinked the silver In his purse, and : said, "I am content." , , I asked th mighty forest tree from where Its force was sent. Itsthousand brandies spoke ss one, and .-.sia. rom. aiscontent.'! I-ssked the-message speeding on, by 4 '-what great law wa rent God's secret from th wave of space. ' ' It said, "From discontent:" I asked th marble, where the works of . God and man were blent. What brought th statue from th block. It answered, "Discontent", I asked an angel, looking down en earth ' with Kase Intent, k How man should rls to larger growth. Quoth be, "Through discontent." - ' . , , ., . A Silent Worker of Wonders. - On of th marvel produced by mod ern inventive genius, which has been known as such by nam for some time, but about which much popular miscon ception exists. Is th at asm turbine en gin. Stories of Its extraordinary per formances occasionally appear in print, but an adequate description intelligible to th untechnlcal majority of people Is something that Is bound to attract the eye and th Intereat of readers gener ally. Such an article appears In th February Technical World Uagasln. Think of an engine running continu ously for five years without a single stop for a single moment for repairs or edjustment- It seems an Imposslbl thing, yet that record la held by th team turbine, and thst Is but on of many record it holds. Without vibra tion, noiseless, powerful to a degree that almost suggssts th supernatural. yet occupying Icse space thsn Its far less abl predecessors; weighing less by seven-eighths, using almost no oil and giving a third mora efficiency for every pound of ooal consumed In steam-making tar it, it is an engine Justly called a marvel from our present point of view. January IS in History. 1714 Edward Gibbon, historian, died. Born 1717. - , 1I0I Sir John Moor killed atth battle of Corunna. 1I1S Lady Hamilton. Nelson's "guardian angel," died In poverty In Calais. 1117' Alexander . J. Dallas, father of "United State Bank." died. Born I76. 1846 Admiral Charles' n. Slgsbe. commander of th Ill-fated Maine, born. 1882 Two hundred burled alive In Hartley colliery disaster.. 1880 Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott In stalled a pastor of Plymouth .church, Brooklyn. . 1881 Queen Lilluokalanl of Hawaii dethroned by revolutionists. 100 United States senat , ratified Samoan treaty with Germany. ' Forbes-Robertson's Birthday. Johnston , Forbes-Robertson, actor. now touring America, was born In Lon don. January 18, 1858, wa educated In France, and took up painting and was admitted as a student at the Royal acad emy In London. Ha mads his first stags sppearanc at the Princess theaire In 1874. His first hlt.wa in Robert Bu chanan' "Corlnne." Lin ill 8 1 he was a leading member of th famous company under the Bancrofts at th Haymarket theatre In London. He also accompanied Mary Anderson on her last tour of America. But It was not until he acted Hcarpla In Kardou's "I Tosca" thst his real footing In LorMon was established. Finn Inst time he hast added to his fame by appearing In many notable sua. cesses In both England and America. Mr. Robertson la married to Gertrude Elllott,.sistr of Maxln Elliott, m BIRDSEYE VIEWS . . cf TIMELY TOPICS SMALL CHANGE. Forty days ar as good as mor. v .-' ' Charter-making should be" left to th towns. , .;.- It wss th coldest sine It was colder th last tlm. ' . e a Mr. Bryan no doubt told th sold truth op th country. e Th president thinks that Foraker has raised th black flag. . . v . .. , '-. Did Bryan bring th cold wave west with him from Nebraska T i' ; - V - - ' e . . ,. '. " . ,-. . . . ' At last th opportunity cam to ask. "la It cold enough for you?" . Will th legislature ' play politics., stead of serving the: popleT.--i ln- ExpeMenc ha shown that a coyote scalp bounty law scalps th taxpayers, , . . e ,. - ; -. An Idaho man named Klock stole a horse, but the sheriff stopped th Klock. ' Z.'J. " ' : " Now, eating raw vegetables has been adjudged a ground for divorce. Onions, perhaps. '' ' v -. e ,: . ' I Th Csar Is said to admlr Roosevelt No doubt, but does th president admire th Csor? ' ,.- Bryan had " a cold reception up ' tn astern Washington and Idaho. But not from th people. ' , . - ' .'(' -No kind of weather suits' everybody, andttha worst kind In the estimation of most suits soma. - . - .. e .'. .. ., ' , . Did you observe, -Mr. President, thai th governor ef Oregon Is quit a message-writer himself? " Roosevelt to Bryce: "Ah, de-lighted; you. -wrote Th American Common wealth'i. bene. It Js; I am ltJ'. ... In Lacrosse, Wisconsin people hav adopted ths motto, "No seat, no tare' But her they only say "no fair." ' A scientist 'predicts that the future man will be legless. Perhsps It will b his ears, then, that will be pulled. - e e .... ., , . . Peopl In Africa have what Is called th sleeping sickness. Soma peopl In Oregon, hav It, too, but not so 'many as formerly. - ; A good many pip drains. It is alleged. ar built up-hill, that Is, so that the water. Instead of running off, will, stand In. them so that well, ask the plumber. ' Senator Dubois says he Is on of th senators who hav to llv on their sal aries, which ar not enough. But his will roak no difference to him after March t. ...... v .. . f -. - ' ' a , " . . . ' ' Th minister "of Nashville have re solved tliat"Rono and Juliet" Is im moral N owit Is lh. sctors' -t express their opinion of th "Song of Rnlnmnn " I -LetterslomzLtKe-H " Current Infgrf af "V: " The Tax-Dodger." ."""" Portlsnd. Jan. 14. To the Editor of Th Journal la a recent short paper I referred to the matter of unequal and unjust taxation: I wish In this to speak of th tax dodger. In Ills favor it is, but Just to say that he Is usually a good cttlsen In the general acceptance of th term, honorable tn th ordinary business affairs of life and a man Whose word can be relied on in erery matter excepting-.hi statements to the asses sor.' And It ought to be mentioned in mitigation of his 'crime that he has been brought up undsr weak and vicious laws touching assessment and taxes, and la the victim of a pernicious custom hoary . with sge. HI reasoning is: "Others do It, and I may, too; If I don't, I'll be out and Injured." It Is true thst such reasoning is monstrous, - and - such ss he would be ashamed to think of In other mattera The tax dodger would never think of saying. "Some men refuse to pay their bills, and repudiate their notes and contract, and I may also." t This same tax dodger would say with disgust, "Is thy servant a dog that he should do a thing Ilk that?" -And yet It' Is true beyond all doubt that In with holding his property, money or other values from ths assessment roll he Is committing a crime more heinous and detestable than repudiating his note. denying a Just account, or skipping the country to avoid paying his Just debts. He deliberately hides his property or money, or both, under a fslsehood, and In thus refusing to pay his Just debt force hi neighbor. to psy th debt for him. And In misstating th -fact to th assessor he become guilty of de liberate falsehood to every taxpayer, in' his county and stat. The tax dodger robs his poorer neigh bor to add to th contents of hi own better-filled- pockeUwTha. aneak .thief who stealthily enters a house and robt tha Inmate of a few ralusbles may be eent to the penitentiary a unfit to en- Joy the liberties of a cltlsen. but th tax dodgsr who stealthily hides away his money pr property from the tax collector, and thereby robs his nIgh- bors of hundreds of dollars, is, to ssr ths very lesst, doing a deed equally criminal. And a long ss the law uf the state serves to aid the tax dodger In his abominable business, or Is too week to catch and punish him for tt. he is not alon In the crime. : C. A. WOOLET. Sees Religious Despotism Here. Clacknmas, Or., Jan. 14. -To ths Edi tor of Th Journal Tour Issue of Jan uary 8 contained these rather startling headlines: "Sunday Closing Bill Is Be ing Prepared." This bill 1 being pro ps red by the preachers to b presented to th legislature of Oregon to secure an act of that body closing atl saloons and places of amuaement on Sunday. I was slow to persuade myself that A germ of religions' despotism still lin gered In our midst, and I am perhsps too dull to perceive tha consistency anl the Justice of closing saloon a on Sunday and giving them free rein th remainder of the week. If saloons ar such dens of crlm ss to require closing ons day In th they any mor right. eous on the1 other six days? Either close th saloons entirely! or quit med in ir'i j s viiuinii or yui I m vti" th private affairs of ctl dling with sens. i OREGON SIDELIGHTS. ; Enterprise Is growing rapidly. - . Bay City subscribed 180 for th rail road. I - . v - .t . . ;. Coos county's record show few rlm Insls. a v- ' Nearly Rv Inches of rain fell In 14 hours at Bandon. ... . ..... -...J. Deposit In th Aurora bank amount to nearly 1100,000. ..'.; ' A 828.000. Irrigating plant la being Installed, at Blalock. . - . . . .. 1 . .. : Tb Jefferson council . Is preparing to get a. water plant.. ' . , ' - ' ... ' Many Intending settlers Inquiring about Malheur valley, r ., ; '-' f- '"''',- : Another schooner 1 to b built foe th Coqullle-San Francisco trad. ... . . j .... Baker county timber land ar being? eagerly sought for by eastern capital. .;. Tha Bandon Recorder gave a woman's hat a a prise. Bet tha winner changes -' . 7. . ..T- ;-T " ' A replevin cas over a cay us occupied th Justice's court la Mitchell nearly a wck. . ' e -' ' ' Mosler is divided as to county di vision, or. If th county - Is divided, whether to stay In Wasco or go into) "Cascade." '. -;',j ., - f Th Port Orford Tribun warns po pi against rascally timber cruisers op- . rating in Curry oounty, who glv false descriptions, as good timber claims are : now few. . . , , . , . ; In conssquenc of th rains, a house ' near Prosper, with a family Id It, slldi" 80 feet down a hill and a lopped at an. angle of 40 degree near a river bant,. Nobody- hurt.- , "7 7 A large buck deer attacked a man nar Glendale, but waa driven off by a pitch-; fork, reports th News, but why the man happened to hav a pitchfork la . not disclosed, - Tb famoua Wounded Buck, In Jos- phine, and th Forest Creek, Blossom and No Nam mines of Jackson county,, hav' all been merged under a new !, 000,000 company. . ,. -.3fal Orlano; ..... Joe , Neal Is . a " novlo.... He rides In a covered wagon. . H ataya a few days In a place and move on. H -is going to Mexico If -. he vr . gets there.. Ue was In Val this week. H didn't anibserlb for th Orlano. H la what they call th new tramp. W prob ably won't hear of him agalfk . ( Hood River New Letter: . Our people may hav difference on some questions, but they work In harmony and enthusi astically for a greater Hood River and vafrey vry time'.-r And thrs .very' fac, haa- toeea -Jarawly Twsponsrbl Ten- the splendid advertising Hood River has re ceived throughout th eountryr v ' As to the closing of plsces of amuse ment on Sunday: Why should other men raaks it their business to say I shaj not take my family to th theatre, th ball gam, th social plcnlo or ex-" curslons on Sunday? Men have no right to meddle with the domestic -arrangements I msy make for my family, pro vided thereby I do no bodily or finan cial Injury to any on. . .. ' Give men th right to their own reli gion and protect them In that right, but compel no man to support th reli gion of another, or to support any reli gion whatever if h doe not want It. ' And I would say to th peopl of Ore gon la general: . Beware- of this- Isevenn ot religious despotism which so un nlngly tries to deceive th people witH ugar-coated propositions. And to our legislators, be not deceived by thoa . flattering tongues, but guard Well the liberties of ths peopl. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Who Are Responsible? Portland, Jan. 18. To the Editor ef Th Journal Isn't th mayor's condem nation of those who let the water run rather too severer Should not those who are responsible for a condition of pipes which mskes running water a ne cessity come in for their shars ot blame? For Instance," at th beginning of thla cold snap I went to turn off the-wster and found that while I could shut off ths supply there was ho outlet for th " water In the pipes. Of course, with. .. standing water In them they would frees and burst, and w would be without water indefinitely. I spok to our landlord, a very prominent, wealth man of this city, and ha said: "Let th water run." What ela could X dot . ' Should there not be soma on with authority to see that each pip connec connsc- -.v ' J can be protec J ; al. I tion nas ins proper eutorr that opened or closed at will for tha tion of the city' water suonly for th protection of prospective rent ers that - there Is an outlet that will drain the pipes ao there i no danger of freezing?. Of course th plumbers ar not anx ious to do work that means no repairs for them when w are visited by - a "spell of weather" such a this one. But if there I no on to se that It Is done there mould be. Then If people let ths -water run rather than take th troubl necessary to keep pipes open, let them pay th penalty, and a penslty that 1 adequate. While speaking of draining pipes, let. me say that pipes which II straight or flat will not drain perfectly. X -are had such frees and burst when supposedly fre from water. Let there 'be a grad ual Incline from faucet to outlet - , MR8. ANNA SMITH. Canned King'a Smilea. Historians, srttsts and novelist cen turies henc will know Just how th grest civic pageants of th twentieth century In Franc looked, for an official cinematograph will record all govern ment ietes and ceremonies. - Through It coming generstlons will know Just how -a king reclves a prim minister; It will register the smile and geaturea of roy alty complimenting some famoua authot or actor; It wljl perpetuate for poster ity'a nJoyment the triumphal march of soms lord mayor through gilded rcep tlon halls followed by a re tin u 4 Obsequious liveried footman. .