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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1907)
- GOOD EVEHIHG THE WEATHER. , Occasional light snow tonlrat and Wednesday, not so cold; variable winds, mostly southerly. VOL. V. NO. 271. vn mT A Tl TT 7(C T n It f v I I 1 I I n 1 V IE 11 Hood Brewing Company Had Collected a Large Amount of Money During the Day-r-No : Clue Is Left by the Expert Burglars Who Are Sup posed to Have Been Seen by Officers CraeiUmcii looted tha uf In th of- . flo of th Mount Hood Brewlnn eom Jstny. mt th oast and of th Madison ,' atroet brlds. ' last nlvht, " secared a ' larr amount of monor and .mad rood their - Moap irithont Joavlns a, lu - that might aid datecUvas In thslr cap- r tur. '; : -v " . , ' Tha Job Is ballevsd to havo boon tha ' work of export cracksmen. 80 deftly did they work that the aafa waa ah&t V tared by tha explosion of a charfe of nitroglycerin, but-the report waa heard ; by only one person. It aroused no ea .;' pectal Interest and attracted the atten tion of no one. . " s- ' i; . Entf4Bcelnto tha- fflce-wa 'gained throusli a window faolnff the street, - The door -of the safe was "blown open . by the explosion and -the cracksmen - quickly . rifle J Its contents. Books, pa ' pere and other articles that were kept ' In the safe were found scattered around the room thin mornlnf. .- . - r '.'''. ' Kaok Money em Kand. ' ' ; JlTestanlay-was colleotlon duy fur the . company, and many bills were paid. As . a result a larfe amount of money waa . In tha aafe and secured by the cracks- : men. - It la estimated- that ' the sum was between tS.OOt and 14.008, though "the manager refused to vIts the exact - fhrure to the police. It is said he fears charges of carelessness In. keep- I so Urge sum In the safe if It be rf momnm known how much tha 'cracksmen v' secured. ' An unknown man who Utss across the 7 street from the office reported that he heard an explosion during the night. but did not know what It waa and did , not Inreatlga'te, Ha Is the only person ' who is known to hare heard the report. Indications Are That i' Soon Visit Portland v i the Coldest ' tMstrle. Forecaatar Beal had hardly Isaned bla weather map this morning, predicting occasional light snows to night, before the flakes began to fall In a sort of straggling manner. The shower was short-lived, however, for after a ; brief lull the east wind resumed opera tion and drove th flak back to the cloud. - -' ' Indication are that th weather win moderate, although the very latest fore cast does not bold out hope for sud- - dea change for th better. Th winds are expected to veer around to the south, but will be variable for the next It iours. I Tbls morning was the coldest . this t. winter, according to th thermometer ' at th weather bureau. It registered 14 . 1 degree above sero at t o'clock and stuck ther until o'clock, when the mercury hegan to crawl upward very alowly. The temperature remained at IS degree un til o'clock and then crept to IT and :. finally to 1 by II o'clock. Then the snow began to fall. . - Tery Cold at Voom. t . Instead of continuing rising th ther mometer sprung a surprise by register ' tng only II -degrees t noon, showing ' that, even with th aun higher in the - heavens, tb cold managed to increase. - Tke temperature thla afternoon la hov ' erlnf ebont the to-degree mark and It ' will probably- remain ther during th greater part of th night, because th sky is gradually being lined with clouds, . which, to those who know,, means milder .' weather. .A continuation of th present tem perature would mean a' solid sheet of Ice ever th Columbia river and th : complete tie-up of all deen-eea navlga- cion out 01 mis pert, aa wen en an nver tmfflo excepting along tha Willamette, Even now It la with difficulty that the oeMn steamers manage to break through the floating tee coming up the river, so - th pilot report, and a couple additional , 4nys of cold weather would put th fin ishing touches to the blockade. - . The Immense ' lo fines sre reusing ' ronlUf,,n flnmnee to th aid of nov. Igatlon vn.ilntalnp'l hv the HrhfhntiRe apartment. A number of reports lei bzgiijijziig ijz::t gui id ay TTTTAT. :1 Coneequently it has hot been determined at what hour the crime was committed There are-two-night watchmen oa the beat, but neither has reported sny un usual occurrence during the night. . Dlseorered tm Morning. : "'It was at 7 o'clock thla morning that it was first dlscorered . that the; safe bad been cracked. A lerk opened the office for the purpose of cleaning up preparatory to the beginning of busi ness and at once aaw evidenot of great dlrorder. It was only a few minute before he 'aaw that the safS had' been: blown open and its contents rifled'' . '. - The clerk at once reported the affair to police . headauartera nd Detective' Hetlyar was assigned to-the ease. The officer on examining the premises found pieces of soap and several plecea of fuse. He has yet discovered absolutely no clue that may lead to the arrest of the cracksmen. 1 The manager, even re fused to tell him the .amount tnat was taken. '. " . ; tolled Suspicion, of rolloev I t-waa-learaed-today tha t four' men were engaged In conversation between and o'clock last night in front of the office of the Mount Hood Brewing company. They were Nightwatchmen Jo on. an ex-pollceman, .NIghtwatch man JSrosse, JUtghtwatchman White and Firemen Johnson, employed at tha Ok W. P. aub-atatlon. As they were talking two men approached from the oppoalte side of the street, passed them and walked Into ths offloe. " As they pasaed tbay Yemarred "Oood evening, watchmen." They remained In the of no for some time, but nothing we thought of the Incident at the time. Deteotlvea now believe that they are tha two men who cracked the safe. Warmen Weather Will This JlorningVas of the Winter thla effeot wer received by Captain P. J. Warllch. Inspector of this Mmtri. LI morning, but nothing can b don t prevent th damage. .' Th lc floaa pile op against th beacon until their weight become so great that th beacon has to give way, and thus they ar car ried oft one after another. Two light, th upper Gage pile end beacon No. 1 pot light, marking th Tongue point crossing, wer carried away yesterday. , The ice floes ar now reaching the mouth of th Columbia river, and it I feared that several ateamera at Asto ria will have to remain ther until tha cold way ha passed. Th steamer T. J. Pottsr had to return yesterday after starting for Portlsnd, bat she will make another attempt thla afternoon. Kola Tors la. Steamer ' ' ' Th mall river steamer- Republic smashed a hole In hsr bow yesterday whll bucking th c In th vicinity of Bauvle Island and was beached for a while until repairs could be made. She reached Portland, this, forenoon oa time, however. Th steamer Beaver readier her Port land wharf after consldersbl trouble thla morning, from Oak Point, and It haa not been fully decided yet whether or not an attempt will be made to end her out thla evening for th Clatskani river, down th Columbia. . lo rrlar M WlOaautto. ' :: Th Willamette I also becoming fringed with Ice. Thla morning the crust extended for a distance of about to feet from shore at many places along the water front, and her and theV mall floe were seen drifting with the barely moving current. It I said that now that lr ha begun to form It would only take a couple of day of cold weather to block thla liver also.' From tb upper Columbia district rome th report that th cold weather Is-fast closing up th- Columbia river from Memaloos Island to th Cascade ocas. io lerrie sre in operation on that section of ths river and In conse quence a number" whoa home ar on (Continued from Page Tea PORTLAND, , OREGON, . TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY Gorernor Spokane Merchants OLD TARIFF RATE SHEETS Broken PromisesPortland Competition -; ; ; Prevents ' Idaho Shipments (BtMctal IMavatrh to The Xmreat) ' 8pokan. Jan. 1. That James J. Rill failed to keep promise mad to Spokane in lttl. for which; a $300,000 right of way and 175.000 In cash was donated to the railroad, was the feature of the testimony of Witnesses W. 8. Norms n of the Spokan hotel and A. W. Doland of th Spokan . Drug company, who war recalled on behalf of plaintiff at th morning session' today before the Interstate commerce commission. .. They testified that General Agent St. John, representing Hill, in .December, 1893, submitted a tariff rate sheet showing a reduction' In Joint rates of 10 per cent, but that In th following year a Joint rate was put Into effect which gave a reduction of only IS per cent. F. H. McCullough. who was secretary of the committee securing the right of way, waa called but as hi testimony waa In eorroboratlon o that ft Norman and Doland h waa xeuaed. J. A. Schiller wa called, but was ex cused for tha same reason. , . Caunsel for th ctty then asked that th railroad compnnle be required t furnish their tariff rat sheets from IStt to th present time, but th Great Northern' counsel protested, stating that the roadould not spar men from it Bt Paul offloea, whereupon th offy TUMOR MAY END , . SARAH BERNHARDT'S WONDERFUL' CAREER . i . Joonwl Sparta! Lervtce.) " - ' -Tondon. Jan. 11 Sarah Bernhardt la suffering from a tumor which mey bring to s sudden end her wonderful stage career, according to , dispatches from Paris. A rest of a year at beat is predicted for her. Not long ago Mme. Bernhardt fell heavily en the stag and haa suffered var sine trow u lnjurle an then - ordilr ti: FrA T ITS Chamberlain. UW-.JL M I . I I fvl I II II I " I v' . . II Tell: More 'About 'Hill's attorney auggeated that men be em ployed specially to go over th road's records, which waa also objected . to, but It wss stated that the. road-would gladly lurnlsh the tariff sheet now In USS. i J. N. Teal f Portland and counsel for other coast cities ar In constant at tendance. . Teal asked a witness it port land competition affected Spokane. The witness said Spokane, couldn't ship to the Coeurjd'Alenea because of It MoCune w recalled for cross- amlnatlon by Cot fort Just before th noon adjournment - - In yesterday afternoon's session Mr, McCuen, H. P. Gillette, N. W. Durham, W. 8, Norman and A. W. Dolnn testified confirming th story of Hill's broken promlsea ' " FAVORABLE REPORTS ON v; CABINET NOMINEES (Jeersal Bpeelal gervlea) Washington. D. C Jan. 1S The sen ate commute on finance today favor ably reported th nomination of George B. Cortelyou, to be secretary of the treasury, and James R. . Oarf lsld.. to t aecretary of th Interior. ' V sustained. An operation brought tem porary relief., but the tumor haa re ap pea nd and defies medio treatment Sh sffer great pain, but her nerv has kept her up. The greatest danger I that she re fuses to rest.. Fhjalciana are In -eon-stsnt attendance on her, living regularly at her, home, and attending her to the theatre every nlghC. COL-V OF '..-2 SUNDAY JCU.i'. JOURNAL NO;,'--MAIN 500 ' 15. 1907.-SIXTEEN PAGES.' 31 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A AAA A A A A A AAA A A AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WWwW WW WW WW WW WW WWW WW WW WWW WW WWW WWWW v wvwvwv wwww . - : V .. . ..v-. Ke$mmenaationsm Governor Chamberlain in his inaugural, message makes -the following rec ommendations to the legislature: - '. " .; ::.,: - ,J V ; l f . , - tThe creation of a railroad commission, to be appointed by the. governor; im provement of waterways and purchase of Oregon City locks, appropriation for r f maintenance of portage . . j senators, income lax ana mcreasea tax on inncnianccs, viiai . salary, lor staxc printer, one board of control for state normal schoolsrimore equitable apportion ment of representation in legislature,4anti-pass law, state to pay necessary trav eling expenses of officials; state inspection of private banks, liberal appropriation for Seattle exposition, prohibition of lobbying, except under close restrictions: ti-fj&blicity of election expenditures, no corporation contributionV; state supervision of private insane asylums, school land , legislation. . Bill Is Introduced by Miller r Resents as Named w by Governor Are Confirmed ; (By a Staff Cerreepondeat) Salem, Or., Jan. IS. Th loaning of tat money for no longer period than two year with th least rat of In terest at S par cent and th greatest at f per cent Is provided In aenate bill . Introduced by M. A. Miller of Linn this morning.- Th governor and th aecretary, of atate, treasurer and board are to pass on application for loan of public money. The bill provide htat tb treasurer on tha first of January and Jury taau a public statement of th aurplu of money than can safely be loaned and requires that th banks borrowing It have' 110.000 capital 'and make - a financial statement - to th board.' Government bonda deposited for security must be of equal market value to th amount of th loan. City or -school bonda must b on and on hall time th amount of th loan. - Th treasurer is guilty of felony for a violation and the least punishment provided la two yeara In th penlten- - fContlneed on Pag Two.) TAUGHT 10 FOR REAL F Young Woman Corrupted by Thief and Used to Pick Pock ets, Steal ; Drygoods 'Act as Lookout and Hire Out as Do mestio In Order to Assist.- - Jarnl Special Berries.) New Tork, Jan. 16. Margaret Mall- lard.' a young woman who for more than a month kept th pone department searching for her missing father, through baring been bound and gagged en Pridav night In th wilds of Mc- Comb' park, wss unmasked today as a partner to the burglara. By her own confession sh I th tool of a man who caused her to beaom a domes tlo In th houses of wealthy par sons, t .ere to obtain for him and hi fellow ' thieves, Information enabling them to rob thoee residences. Tb girl was taken to High Bridge Station, where sh mad full confession. Four years ago ah met th man in the esse, Thleler. lie lowered her to the gutter and Anally so degraded hen that sh became an Instrument for him. he being the Pagan of a gang. Sh picked pocketa. stole articles In store end be came ap. Invaluable asset ss lookeut and Information gatherer for Tblnler. Thleler and the girl told the mlealng father story with a view to securing the money left the dead man In whoee pocketa money had been found i A A A A AAA A A A A AAAAA A A-A A A WWW -www P TREASURER WSSaMBsBaSSBBlS ROB AGIO rrtr Yesterday PRICETWO road, election of Bourne and ? . 1 . . state asylum for feeble-minded children, desert land and ' ; '"--' . ' ' : - --.-r '. - -y . ' HmvHvHHMvvvvmmvTvvTv House Distributes Its Patronage-Old Vetoes "to"BeActedUpoh Next Monday (By a Staff Cerreapondent) '. Salem, Or, Jan. 1 Delayed by an overalght on account of th aecretary of atate' not providing printed material for th tranaactlon of business at th chief clerk's desk, ths hous waa not called to order by Speaker Davey until 10:4 S o'clock.- Tha state printer-g office worked all night on the delayed order for roll calls and other desk materials. and It waa late before they were up. Tb session of th hous opened with prayer by Rev. W. H. Selleck of Salem. after which th speaker announced that th committee on resolutions would con sist of J. C. Campbell of Clackamas. U H. Adams of Multnomah, Simmons of Marlon, Newell of Washington - and Keeble of Jackaon. When the routine waa taken up. th hous - began work under th introduction of resolutions. A message wss received from ths gov ernor noting th vetoes of th session of ItOfr. It was mad special order for Monday at s p. m. . (Continued on Pag Two.) ASTOR TO TITLED WED BEAUTY Expatriated American Millionaire .to Marry Countess Westmore land as Soon as She Secures Divorce From the Earl Mag. nificent Presents Given Her. , (Joaroal Special Serric.) "" New Tork. Jan. IS. Cable from Tjondon announc that William Wal dorf Aetor I to wed th beautiful Countess Westmoreland a soon as aha secures a divorce from Lord Westmore land, who I said to have ooaant4 to th separation. Th lord and eountea have been es tranged for some time. . He recently published aa advertisement In tb Lon don paper that he would not be res pen al b la for her debt. Sh I II year eld and ha several children. Aeter Is close to 10 and haa been a widower for some years. Comment wss caused when th count ers appeared at a fashionable function In London wearing Jewels valued at th lowest eatlmate at 1.2o0.000. Every body In society knew her huahand could not buy her auch ornaments, and whis pered that Aetor was lavishing gifts en her. , Th earl was furious, hut for a time kept quiet for the sake of the children. The cmirit-s makes rails now In msgnlftre't n'ltnmnhtle presented to her 1 !t the envy H) t -4. Her ruie are rmn tn London, rem! tiiir;y. Journal Circulation Was CENTS. TRAMS ktro vfK tTAML. uvs cimi vov i Mulkey as United States rt. . 1 r Both Houses in Joint e . . session Listftn rn thfi Message -r Railroad Bill Introduced (Br a HUM OorreiipoBdeBt.) " . ' Salem, Or Jan. II. George E. Cham berlaln took the oath of offlc this afternoon before Chief Jostle Bean and! wa the second time inaugurated govw ernor of Oregon. He read his Inaugural message to both , house assembled la Joint session at 1:10 o'clock. Th read ing occupied th greater-part of th afternoon, af tar. which both-house ad journed until tomorrow. , At th morning session of the hous th first step In th economy business) and tb first punch mt th state printer' office was taken thla morning by B. P. Jonea of Polk and Lincoln, who moved that the rule of the hous be suspended! on th first reading and all bills be in troduced In regular order. It waa con tended that the suspension meant that th printing of th roll of th hous after each bill was unnecessary anf meant a great deal of unnecessary printing. . ' Th motion was defeated after a die- (Continued on Page Two.) ninnrn nrinin t ' " '"' ' ' . Unseasonable Weather in- ChJ cago Produces One Death C.AM.I ;- t-!Sx . sat ' . (.very : rmeen niintiTB in I fluenza. Pneumonia and Kin dred Diseases Rampant. Chicago, Jan. 15. One 4etlt every 11 minute, four every bor,.and t every day, that Is "The penalty that Chicago) la paying for balmy breeses la win'er, Influeuaa, pneumonl and kindred dis ease accompany the unusual weather. "Net since the epidemic of I8a-I9." saya Dr. C J. Wbalen, eommlenloner e( health, la hie waekly report, "have eon dltlona been so gloomy - and unsktis fatcory aa at present."' - Abnormally high temperature. beens of aunahlne and deficiency In precipita tion cause lower human vitality end give disease microbe full play. The dents rate last week , was 17.20. IV. Whalen figures that 30 per cant of the population Is I1L Coll westhar Is cin dered to be the beet cure. The weather map pre-n' a ' i of 101 degrees, a c"nd"iim a r ' ' unprecedeeted, evt ' -i a teSiperatnre of s tlotis were ararr Very IHM perlenced lii i ; ' vru GOVEIiiiOR ' OF OFFICE ' , f -i :.n " . . mm WEATHER