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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
GOOD EVEIUIIG Journal Circulate V " - Yesterday 0' C 1 - THE WEATHER- Light snor and warmer tonight and Thursday; southeast winds.'. VOL. V. NO. 272. -7 O i ..-- ; i .it 1 1 . i Entire Island of Jamaica Shaken But Heavy Damagells Confincd toiliing ton Churches, Public Buildings and v IIotels.Gon ; of Devastation- New York, Jaa 16.(BuIletin) Oxke's Tourist agency ; estimates that 2,000 Americans were visiting in Kingston at the time of the quake. Dispatches this, afternoon say ."T that the dry is practically ruined. 'The dead are estimated ' at 400 and the property loss is $I5,000,00a Later calcula . tions will probably increase this. Communication has been 1 partially restored. - The fatalities are confined mostly, to '" natives. ,The English arI3 American tourists ;'iosOriQsfox . -.. m Iw .-'i s . . . . . a tneir personal ettects. Most or tne notei3 were aestroyea. 0-'y' : v-:s.-'.-F "' -l-;;i::;'-,''i-;:-";;-;; !!,v' -li U; Kingston, Jamaica (Direct), " Jan. ' 16. Kingston "was . ' overwhelmed by an earthquake at 30 o'clock' Monday afternoon. r Alirhcses-withina-radius-of-10 miles ;were - - damaged. Almost every house in the city was destroyed. (Fire broke out. after; the earthquake, and completed the . work of destruction. The business section of the city is ..:. a smoldering heap of ruins The killed number about 400. 'Thousands were injured. Churches, public offices and --hotels are-gone. -No fatalities occurred ut the Constant! Springs hotel. Sir James Ferguson was among the killed. ., ; -.'"'''"(Journal Special' Service.) ?:,?-:H v "T ' ' London,"Jan. 16. The telegraph company announces that the - streets of Kingston are unsafe on account of the tottering buildings. The city hospital is intact, 300 injured are gathered there. The mercantile section hat8fcfc)fcompleteV destroyed by fire and smoke. Private dispatches state that several hundred are dead. . - It is" officially, announced that Sir James-Ferguson was killed. Thirty soldiers' were killed in the collapse of the military hospital. No officers were killed, but Major Headymany was seriously. in . jured. Captains Young and Constantine of the Royal Steam Packet . company were killed. The fire is decreasing. Slight shocks con ! tinue and the colonial office is preparing to send relief from neigh- . Donng iiruisn colonics.. ' Many Buildings Collapsed. - 'v.- A v , New Vork, Jan. 16. cable to the Sun from Holland bay, Jamaica,' gives details of the great earthquake shock in Jamaica: . ....An earthfjuaice of several minutes' duration, followed by several lesser shocks in quick succession, shook Kingston violently at 3:30 o'clock Monday, afternoon. A conservative estimate has it that one sixteenth of the city was destroyed by the shocks and the fire that followed, immediately and that 30 people were killed and 300 injured.-----; - r'-; r".-T.:r-: -- With the first shock many structures in the poorer part of the city went dowh and fire started along the wharves, where the wreck acre of freight , sheds offered immediate fuelr The-clogging of the Ltreets with debris and the creat waterfront gained considerable headway - before -the-department could bring to bear any effective work.' T . t . . j: i ;?rr wtLXlXJ-... '---'-People'..FIee Intq1 Streets.----,-r - Immediately after the first severe shock people rushed into the streets. Succeeding shocks toppled over weakened walls on many pf them. :,-:..-''v, " '' v' :.'.- "." ''.-'-. Rescue work began at once. The general hospital was not de stroyed by the. shock and thither carts and. stretchers bore the wounded as fast as rescued from -the wreckage. . The shock , de stroyed the Myrtle Bank hotel. The British military station was destroyed and the camp TTospitaj for invalid soldiers was wrecked 1 entirely.; ---,'-. -.: ..,......,..;, ,,.r:.. ,:. ij.'.J -. . Sir James Ferguson is the only foreigner reported filled. No other foreigners are missing. ; - All telegraph wires leading from Kingston were brought down with the first shock and cable communication from here was im paired for a timcThe West Indian and Panama Cable company's office at Kingston was so'wrecked as to be untenable. The opera- tors trietrto rig up a field office outside the range of the fire, but were unsuccessful..! i v - . f : ; - fContlnued rr "TT'. n.'tt tt n T7 T .. .Tn-n nir--1 ' rf TT tt ttj rr' v3 cr t 7 II I - I ff fl ..- II I I f I I I I 1 ' I If :. . f f . I 4 If I - JT I j - If II I ' - .11 I - J , I f , f 1 V - MM confusion following the shocks en Pa a Tn.) PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY " SCENES -r 11 OHIO RIVER 0(1 Lowlands About ' Cincinnati ". Flooded Evansville ' Cut'Off From Main River by Change in Channel -People 'Prepare to Flee for Safety. : yf r : Jmtm1 Spwbl Bervlca.) . . Cinclnnatt, Jut. Th Oblo rlrcr l at ll.t fet thta mornlnt and rtitng at tb rat of two Inches an hoar. , Th weather bureau forecaata that St feet will b reached by Thuradajr noon, which ataca tneana tha tux pension of scorea of factories and the abandonment of many school, houses and depots and the de moralisation of rail traffic.' ' Evansville, Ind.. Jan. The river Is near ths danger stage and has com through a new channel above the city. Boats ara passing there and ths rains continue. Warmer weather and more rain is preaicira. int inmDiunu are ready to flee tonight. It Is feared that tha course of tha river has permanently changed and that tha city will be left dry. .The destruction, of ; the water works la threatened. . . . , HAWLEY TO HELP GET THINGS FOR OREGON (Wuhtmttne Rnrvas of The Janraat. ' Washington. Jan. U. Representative- elect Hawley of Oregon reached here today and expects to remain the bal anca of the session helping the Oregon delegation with , legislative, matters beneBtlng Oregon.. RAMPAGE mm HEIGHT REACHED IN KINGSTON, CAPITAL OF JAMAICAJIUINED BYEARTHQUAKE. r I.J. if; f : For Miles About Kingston Not a House Ref mainslnhabitable Dispatches Brief and - ; : v Contradictory Regarding Disaster ; : (Jsereal Special lervlre.) -- ------ tondon, Jan.. 1. Dispatches "from Kingston are scant and contradictory. They indicate that the disaster at first wss exaggerated, but Is stlU very grave. The area of destruction extends for mile around the city. Shocks war felt from 60 to io miles. A temporary cable station st Bull Bay states that not a single bouse remains between there and Kingston that la safe. London, Jan. 1. The cruisers Inde fatigable and Brilliant are now In the WeaL Indlea and bava been ordered 'a the relief of Kingston. Dispatches Indi cate that only 'a sixteenth of the town has been destroyed. Water mains did not break and the efficient fir depart ment, was abl to cop with th Xtameav-1 COMPETE WITH THE Retail butchers of Portland are for mulating plan to leas the - packing plant owned by former Councilman! Louis Zimmerman at Fulton ; and do their own slaughtering. ' Th plan is now nnder advisement by th members of th Retail Meat Dealers' association, and . arrange ments were made last night at their meeting to take definite action next Tuesday evening on leasing the Fulton plant. At that time Mr. Zimmerman will aubmlt bis final proposal to leas th plant to the asso ciation.. In expectation Of leasing the pecking plant to the retail butchers, so the lat- : : ' -. ' 18, 1907 -SIXTEEN PAGES. '-"if Wit. f -V:' J '-I Washington. Jan. J. Secretary: of th Navy Metcalf last night sent a cable dispatch to Admiral Evans, In command of tha United States fleet off Ouan tannmo, Cuba, requesting him to In vestigate the extent of th earthquake disaster In Jamaica, and report to the department. Admiral Evans Is authorised. If neces sary, to proceed to Kingston, which Is about a It hours' trip from Quantanamo. New Tork. Jan. If. Th American nners Allegheny and Prince Joaquin sail, tne lormer rTiasy inn tne immr HntunJeywtto- relief supplies . for Kingston.. . - . r. . . Halifax. N. 8, . Jan.-II. D.' Rndge. s...f Continued on Page four. ' Portland Retailers Plan to Op erate the Zimmerman Plant ' at Fulton Now Being , ; r ' Renovated. ' :'' ter can operata tt as an Independent concern, Mr, Zimmerman Is renovating the Fulton property and building exten sive additions to the buildings, In fact, th work of getting the plant la shape r if-... . . I - - . E . 'y'i f A 'f- , " TFj'"' '' :- hi . . ifimnV PRICE TWO- n 7 I. t t COLD WEATHER SOOfl BE OVER, SAYS MR. BEALS Temperature of Last Night " Lower Than That of Tuesday, ' and Mercury Is Now Rising " White All Portland Civet Fer- vent Thanks. ------ At last District Forecaster Beala has managed to turn off tha cold-air blast and gradually the temperature is ba i coming more endurable. Th best of It all Is that he Is stilt promising "not so cold" for tha next 24 hours. - Ta hlro It appear as If th cold - spell - has reached - Its climax and . that - warmer (Continued on Page Two.,' began two weeks ago when Mr. Zimmer man broached th subject of leaning It to tin association, and the latter hailed the pmponal with enthusiasm, but left It to further discuselon. Work Independent f True. . ' With the completion of the additions to the buildings, the Fulton plant will be large enough and will have suf ficient equipment to handle thff slaugh tering business of the members of the association, which Includes practically three fourths of the retailers In' Port land. It Is th Intention of th retailer (Continued on Pare Four.) MEAT TRUST CENTS, C-W Tally A WD wrwa KTAVKi. riVX CiXlS Both Branches of Leg isfature Adjourn Till -iMonday-ManyCIerks Lose Jobs Cheap Form of Calendar Adopt ed. Saving State Ten Thou sand Annually Clerk HIra "ReJuceoJunket Farce Also Stopped. (By Staff CorrMpoBoeat) . Salem. Jan. 14. Both senate and house adopted a concurrent resolution to adjourn until 1 o'clock Monday after noon. A majority of th senators left for Portland today on a special train. Fifty bills wereJnjrpduccdJn tha en- at this- morning,- read the first timet, and passed for second reading. The senate committee en resolutions la considering a plan not to allow mile ag to members using passes on trips. When pasaes are not used, senators will be required to make vouchers for mile age before they can collect .th money. -The resolution Brovidlng ibat Joint com- . ml Usee examine the treasurer's book of pablic Institutions was reported un favorably, -guch a resolution will not b adopted.! ,' "t AH Want Booaoay. - - - -' Joint committee will visit all state Institutions, but will not be allowed clerks to accompany them. This elimi nates 14 clerkships. The resolutions commttte combined the messenger to th house and to the printer in one. Frank Rodger waa appointed senate messenger. Senators believe that auditing state accounts by th committee Is a waste ' of time . and money and a fare that ahould be stopped. They favor a meas ure like th Newell house bill. Booth reintroduced senate pill from last session, providing a stat examiner fog 1 publle Oica.- 1... Olexka Oat. Oat. ''--.' Each senator will be allowed on clerk.. Eleven clerka for Important coos mlttees are provided, making a total -jC , 41 clerks. At th last session there war SS senate clerks and 14 Joint com mittee clerks. The Kay resolution ia estimated to cause a saving ia dark ships of 17.000. Th. Dunlway form of calendar was) adopted by both senate and house, ef fecting a saving of over 1 10,000 during! th session. - A Joint committee of - Oregon and . Washington legislators t Investigate th fishing Industries of the Columbia .was provjued in a resolution Introduced, by Whealdon, t .... IN LOWER HOUSE Cheap Calendar A(loitd-5Ianj', Savings Proposed by Newell BilL -(Bf a'gtaff Cormnondmt.) ' Salem, Jan. 1. A cheap calendar wag adopted by th sous of representatives at th opening of . the session this) morning, which by 'estimates of the members, will savs over - 110,004 of money during the session. Th matte came up . on resolution of Jackson eC Douglas, who asked that a form of calendar, similar- to on used by th California legislature, set in manu script style, solid matter to all Intents and purpose, be adopted. This form will save from to ) per f th cost of last session's calendar. The resolution waa discuseed but a short time. Newell of Washington ssked for Information. He said that It waa a matter of great Importance t the house Coffey "aid mat he thought th resolution should be sent to the committee for careful consideration. Simmons of Marlon moved to adopt it. ' 8tst Printer Dunlway was Invited to give an opinion on- the proposed form of calendar, and Indorsed It. eaylng that it would e the slate 1 10,000, which would be taken out of the earnings of the state printer s efflce. . The calendar last session rout tn house t.4275, the senate 1, a total of 17.7Jl.i. The new ealendir will est both houses approximately I 000. B. F. JOnex. following the a ! tlOB Of th Cttllfnrnln frrm, cu-.. : . sensation bv Introdnrlug a r abolishing th ri.-t-i .r (Continue. I RECORD Full BEIHG MADE -H- 15 WRD ANY CLASSIFICATION ANY DAY rr ONLY-ONIz-CEr N T A . W O R D .. THt JOURNAL TOR SMAlt ADS