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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1907)
GOOD EVENING i' ((li . mai Circulation , THE WEATHER. , ""XX V.Sterta, )) it. T H 1 VOL. V NO. 27S. . r MORTMCOM Another Shake Tumbles Down Ruins at Kingston; Adding to Natives' Terror r-- A Thousand Dead, Two Thousand Iniured, Ninety Thousand Homeless. i-r "Holland 'Bay, Jan. 17. Bulletin. A gigantic tidal wave has L swept Annota bay, on the north .coast of Jamaica, and it is reported thai the entire coast line has been .anc beach sunk-iato the sea-Ureat4oss-xi Jife- js-reported. , ' x . - f - - New York, Jan. 17. The shores of the harbor of Kingston are f; sinking and there is terror lest the - of the harbor is sinking in many .' a hundred feet deep. - ,.. . ,,-. iA-vCorrespondent -cables .from the streets till the auake. when Buildings collapsed filling therstreets with' debriSvT Gas and "electric supplies are cut off and the.hre, department. is crippled. I saw ter- rible scenes in the streets and cotmteilildead. rnJvirig street about -. the wreckage and 18 dead in Harbor street, ,Jhepoiice estimate that there are 1,200 dead. ' - " s, , j; - N Havana, Jarj. -17. Bulletin! Jamaica, as severe as the, first, is reported today via Santiago. The ijhoclLiS'.saidJLctliaruledowjthe tottenngbuildings. . " ..-: 4 -1 . .Kingston; a . City of Despair-- ' ".,.., Kingston, ' Jan. 17. Reeking with the nauseating stench' of hundreds of putrifying bodies, the ghostliness only partially dis pelled by cries of searchers for the missing or the crash of an oc casional collapsing building,; Kingston is today a city draped with desnair. : Combininc with ihe natural trloom ' following the His- , A r t- o aster to intensify- chaotic conditions is the -terror inspired by the ,' fear of further shocks. . " - ' ' Numerous recurrences of varying intensity of the shocks of Monday have served to keep the ignorant blacks in a state border ing on panic and have greatly "hampered the efforts of rescuers. Toppling buildings fringe every street, unswept by flames.' A stiff . breeze brings these down with a crash and volunteer, rescue, parties, made up almost entirely of white men, are taking their lives in their hands to search "the rums,-their heroism being inspired by the knowledge that scores of imprisoned wretches still lie buried in the debris4, pinned down and unable to help themselves. . . ; ; - . ;-. 1 Accurate Figures Impossible. . v . , V Accurate figures on the number of dead are out of the question at this time.- The work of collecting the dead is scarcely more . than begun. The list will certainly be way up in the hundreds. y That it will reach the thousand mark is not improbable. The dead are by no means confined to the negro population, as at first re- . ported." , - , . . , . . Lack of police facilities and confusion is hampering the. work of identification. Embalming is out of the question. Unless iden tified quickly the bodies of the white victims will have to be con signed' to. unmarked graves, along with hundreds of native victims, The worst has not yet been told. Much suffering is certain to result.- ine impossioiiiy oi aescriDing inc. aciuai norrors ot tne situation and "the torturing slowness of the relief' is maddening. Above all is the terrifying thought' that any minute may bring on a recurrence of Monday's disaster or worse,, and that Kingston ' may be doomed to suffer the fate of Port Royal, overwhelmed by a tidal, wave. . . . v : ,. - ' . Another Feature One of tha beat tver (Iren with tn American luwiptptiwhii been added to tha many that hava mada Tha Sunday Journal tha moat popu : lar puMlcaUon In tha wcat. - Hera&fter piece of tnuelo by tha clever rt tnni writers and comnoRera will h lvn f re to every aubaorlber. Thla t worth a treat deal mora than tha prlca of theSfcaer. . ; THAT IS BUT ONI. Of 'the reason why you should tak Tha Sunday Journal , There are others and juet as good In every column of the (0 paces published--Annn-hefJntfetlnff--thln(ira.- trMU you can- - fl4-feowhere- elee - ere story of how tha Indians take a Turkish bath, tha true cause of the re call of Ambassador Durand, Valuable hints OA) health and beauty for woven, pictures taken -to illustrate the president's own story of Panama, I , what the American missionary la doln lit Japan, the fourth generation. k of the' Hudson bay'-voyajaur. how men' may t1ri success, fine Action," i grimes and pussies for runa; and old. and the funnleat oomlcs in the world. These are but a few of the things that will make it worth your while to buy and read - t i The Sunday Journal ..... . . changed and a great stretch of city slip into the sea. The bed places and the water is already ,. Holland bay i 4 "Tourists filled the citv seemed to shrivel no. iecoqd v earthquake . shock Jn i .. . , PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY . ....... , ........ . .. . , .... ...... , ., ... ... .. . IflpP 7 ; 71" V SEA 71 ' InrnmiinTinM ; '" :X I I 1 1 V I I J I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 7J It V IS APPALLING J Terrorized Negroes by Scores Die in Ruins City Is Ghastly Ared M jtfikagepTS i (Joomil Special BVrvic. ) Kingston, Jan. 17. The deafruction of Kingston is appalling. Two terrific shocks cam Monday and one Ayeater day. Thar Are has. burned Itself out. and' what was once a beautiful olty-la now-a, ghastly area me wreckage, full of sounds of laraentauon and mourn ing.' - t ; The death Iit - may; reach - 1.M0. Moat of the . dead-are wgreee Many of them lost their heads through ter ror and .were burned to death 1n the Are which followed the. earthquake.- In the' burned dlatrtct the police are carry, ing' bodies out of the rulna of almost every ' building. '''.... .Not 'all the Americans and English escaped. The flint systematic search of the ruins, started today, revealed the bodies of a number of whites. More are certain to be found. Consul rayne'e Estimate. United States .Consul Payne this morning estimated 1,000 sre dead, t.000 Injured and . 80,000 homeless In the island. i . . It is likely that the United States government will be called upon today for. food. - Every white tourist Is in danger on account ot the lack of sup plies. Natives can live on the fruits on the island, but If the tourists resort to this It wtll cause a pestilence. rractlcally tho entire . business por tion of the city. Is destroyed and most of the houaes are partially wrecked. The light frame buildings which consti tute the greater part of Jamaica went to pieces Ilka so much tissue paper, and hundreds 'were caught by falling tim bers. .' I Fire started In the ruins along the waterfront and spread rapidly. . There was no water and the firemen were hejpless.. A strong wind was blowing and the , debris , burned like tinder. Flames which swept all building along Duke, Fort Royal, King and East streets rsged until o'clock Tuesday morning, when the winds changed and the fire practically burned itself out.. Xeeoue work Wader Way. Rescue work under the direction--of the soldiers In the British garrison and municipal authorities waa begun at once. The general hospital was soon filled with hundreds of Injured. When the hospitals were filled to overflowing the Injured were taken oa vessels In the harbor. - The work of transferring the Injured to boats went on all Monday night. ' . A camp ror tne refugees was organ Ized aa soon aa possible on the big race track and more than S0.000 negroes are now . sheltered in It . Thousands of other have sought safety In the sur rounding country. All the principal banks, churches and most of the office buildings In the city are down. The treasury Is damaged, but the butldiag Is still standing. Thousands of homeless person sre living In the streets and parks, - tho principal food being bananas. Houses In the country for mile around hare been wrecked. One hundred and eighty bodies were buried in tha Catholic cemetery Tues day and 130 more Wednesday. With th- destruction of the tnaana aaylum hundreds of lunatics escaped 'and are roaming at large. Ketlvee refuse to work. The streets of Kingston are full -of wreckage and wire and the charred bodies of men and horses. The gov ernor Is directing the firemen. Lady Swettenham - Is - tolling with th wounded. Th residence -of"the -- officer commanding the troop I a total ruin, but hla wife was dug out alive. ' ESTIMATES VARY Contradictory Reports of the Mi ru ber Who Perialird In Earthquake. J (Jenratl pal HeTviee.) Holland Bay, Jamaica,. Jan. 17. Es timates of the number Of dead at KJnga (Continued on page Two.) r .-St .: :r'7-7; V .1 ' - . ' i t . Lady I sola Douglas Hamilton, Who ''' '.'' i, I OF WILD PEERESS Wages of Sin Death for , Lady Hamilton 7Ran Away From . Home When Fifteen As . Model Was Rage of Art World .Was Snake Charmer. , (Beant News oVrrlte.) -New- York, Jan. 17.--Beaut!ful Isola Madinia Viola OougTlitss-Hamilton, sec ond cousin of the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, the rage of the art world. the girl wit, declared to possess the most perfect figure of a decade, the girl who today might be reigning over almost any castle In England, has been Identified positively by the British gov ernment as the thin, old-womanish ereature who died a month ago In the Omaha poorbouse after eating live cha meleons. - ' In 1 short years she had lived up to the reputation given the house ot hor kinsmen,, and after sacrificing - every thing In the world for a few short years of pleasure and misery, died a "Mad Douglass." ' Blr Percy Sanderson, British consul In New York, and Chief of Police Dona hue of Omaha have completed the Iden tification and now the disgrace of a pauper grave will be obviated. Into the little stretch or lire between II and 14 Lady Hamilton crowded ' a variation of sensational eplaodee and re- i y A.w rvaf . r . - . .v.- I will ,i V MISERABLE El fContlnued on Page Four. 17, 1907 EIGHTEEN PAGES. PEERESS KILLED BY SNAKE DIET ' 4 w':r'':')i.'.'.:; Vw .-.;-f .. . -2, " :. i " v .' ."'HtaeffaV';'''' B 'T-'i 'T Care Up Society toBecome a' Snake Charmer -and Whoso Death Waa -Caaaed y Swallowlnk LlwChemeJeon. k'y. ... . . 0. J. KENDALL DIED A NATURAL DEATH San Francisco Undertakers Used Embalming Fluid Containing Strychnine Alleged . to Have Been Found by Portland Doc tors, Who Enter Denial. . Ghastly discoveries In connection with th death of Oscar J. Kendall, a gov ernment secret service operative, re sulted In a. sensational story In. one of Portland's dally paper yesterday alleg ing that Kendall may have been pol aoned tn Ban Francisco. The alleged discovery was the fact that a number-of the organs had been removed from Kendall' body before be ing ehlpped to this, city. It Is a, custom commonly prsrtlced by undertakers' In embalming bodies. Dr. Sandford Whit ing and Dr. Mataon. who examined the body. nre and were freely quoted in the sensational ""fake," declare that they made no such- statements a war attrib uted to them. Kendall died recently In Ban Fran cisco of pneumonia and - menlngitla. The alleged discovery waa made yea terday by a Portland newspaper that he had been secretly end foully poisoned by some one who feared to be entrapped by Special Prosecutor Heney. A dis patch from Ban Frsnclsco to The Jour nal today sayst . "Kerntall's vital organa had been re (Contlnued on Page Two.,. PRICE TWO Mil J 7 : ' Hp - v - ? w, j. ,...s V . ..'i i ! - "-r ".: fjfv. ER0L.1 BUSINESS Famous Financier Arranges Af fairs So That Son Looks After " Them and Withdraws From Bank Has Only Investment Stocks Upon His List Now. : , (Journal Special gervtre.) New York, Jan. 17. J. P. Morgan haa not been at hi ofllc since the holiday. It I aid' -upon high authority that th financier has placed his affair in such hap that It- will not b necessary for him In tne future to give bis personal attention to the business of the banking house. This will hereafter be In the hand of J. P.-Morgan Jr. hi eon. who since January 1 (i been practically the head of both the New York and London houses Morgan - remain th senior partner, but will be a consult ing rather than an active member of th Arm. Morgan Is nearly TO year old. but he I n vigorous health, and both mentally and physically Is aa alert aa h waa SO years ago. lie hss really not been an active factor in Wall street sine float ing 'th United 8tatea Steel corporation, which he regarded as the crowning achievement of hi career. The North ern Securities litigation tnrced him to give serious attention to Northern Pa cific affaire, but since th dissolution of th Northern Securities company they nd longer require personal attention. ' A I - II S I 111 : '- Aj 'V ? V i jSZj-h s MORG II RETIRES CENTS. THUMB SN1 Wtwi riVK CkMTt SpokaneSayy?ail roads Are Guilty by E vidence Produced by TheirWitnesses. Coast Ports Have Best of Case, According to Their Attorneys Northern Pacific Manager Has Strange Lapse of Mem ory Over Night. , . (8pedal Dtepatefc to The JoorsaL) ' , Spokane, Waah, Jan. 17. Before In terstate Commerce Commissioners Lane and ' Frooty,-Brook Adams, ; attorney for - the 8pokane jobbers, this morning made allegation that the railroad hava been guilty of entering Into a conspir acy ag&lrutt the Spokane - territory In rates, nd were therefore liable to ekesge" and ' proswctrtTfm for "rlm!nal eonsplracyv.wbich.Jla. punishable by fins of $8,000 or two years in the peni tentiary. He stated that tha. evidence before the Interstate commerce eom nlssl3rt Introduced by the railroads themselves, conclusively showed thl to be the fact ; - In response to the allegation, Attor- -new W. W, Cotton of the O. R. A N. company ald that -the evidence showed." that Spokane jobbers were more guilty of conspiracy than the railroad In thla matter, and that he would be only too . glad to have the case go into the crtm-l rnal courts. One of the first orders) made by the commission this morning was that the hearing muat be finished todsy, a It had to be at Denver on the twenty-first. . Coast jobber will Intro duce no more testimony here, but will make a further showing at Denver. . Laps or Memory. One feature of the morning session was that when J. O. Woodworth, trafOo manager of the Northern Paclflo. waa recalled hi manner showed that he ha4 suffered a lapse of memory since testi fying yesterday. He hsd to refer to rat - sheets and other written data be fore making reply to practically every , question.:. Spokane Jobber claim Wood- I worth' evidence to be the beat yet produced in favor of their claims. - When Woodworth went on the staaa this morning, showing by referring Ho rat sheet constantly that be did not Intend being eaught in a trap, Adam, who waa examining him, displayed dis appointment, and falling to compel th witness to answer offhand, lost hla tamper and a wordy war with attorney for . the defendant followed, which caused considerable excitement for tha spectators. - Ooaa xa Bert of It. - Woodworth - said ' that it was not at fact that the road got together when the rate were being Hied, but on croaa examlnatton admitted that he sometime consulted with th traffic managers of other roads, merely for the purpose of getting new idea as to th condition of the traffio department. "As haa been expected. It was given out definitely that no return a to tha result of the proceedings will be toiad until possibly April, It being the in tention of the commission to sit lit Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of bearing argument of th counsel representing all partte Inter ested In the case. Attorney for coast cities maintain that the evidence has) shown conclusively that their claims are right and-that they will win almost, every point. - . BALLINGER IS MADE LAND COMMISSIONER (Wiehlnrtoa Bera of Tle Joeraal ) " Washington; Jan. 17. The president -ha offered the eommlsslonership of the general land of flea to former Mayor Bellinger of Seattle. He has sreepted the place and will sssume his dytles on March 4. . FIND ARIZONA WOMAN ; DEAD IN CHICAGO HOTEL "V; (Jesraal apwtal fWrlre.) Chlcsgo. Jun. 17. Mrs. Pvlvter Miinn, wife of a mining men of i;:b. Arlsona, was found dra,l In tho lll.n -r I hotel this morning. whre the registered on C'hriimn ilar. Ti n po lice are lavsstiaatln. Munn ' f i! he was sbsent fiom ihi h'i.. u ; CRlitlAL;7 IS CHARGED ANY CLASSIFICATION ANY DAY O N LY O NL C LNT-JV-W O RD - TMt lOtfUNAL FOR SMALL ADS r 7 15 0