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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 100ft v-W ' tOaHOHT'i AMvaxuzxn. "'1IS...Y.W.. ....... ...'"The Little "ar ....... "Hana,'a roily" '"Ura. ...."At Crlppla Ciwk" 'and , VannV.llle !" .....v ....."Humbii" wrle j k "B.ibo" At an annual dinner to be held next Monday or Tueaday evening- the Port land Realty board will dlicuie the pro visions of a new law that will te pro rosed for 'paaeags by the legislature. , The law reg ulatea the business 'of real estate buying- and sailing on contraots. It provides method for fixing com- ; missions and for enforolng options, and places certain requirement upon the realty dealer as well as the owner, the buyer and -th seller. - ........ ... Nest 4. Brotherhood of Owls, wsa In stituted by officers of the grand lodge at Allsky hall last night More than ' 20ft members are en the roll of the new order. The grand officers are' from Walla Walla. Wash., and are as fol lows: H. U Leavltt grand executive, John F. emails grand vicar, Charles B. Wood grand secretary, Harry L. Bur ford grand master-of nests. Addressee will be made at the dis trict convention of -the . Multnomah County Sunday School association at the Hawthorne Park Presbyterian ,, church thla afternoon and evening by Rev. Clarence True Wilson and Pro ' feasor R. R. SteeL C. A. Staver, dls . trlct president, has chsrgo of the pro- gram.-. The sessions will commence, at J .and 7;i0 o'clock. - . The suit of the North Paclflo Lumber company agalnat E. T. Williams,-to re- ' cover 7,St.(. alleged to, be due on ac count of moneys loaned, has been, as signed to Judge Oantenbetn, and will probably be called for trial tomorrow. Williams' asserts thst he has squared all claims held agalnat htm by the com pany. ; . The Jewelry stolen by Lone Pet from the residence of Mrs. W. B. Btreeter, tt North Eighteenth street, ha been re- . covered by Sheriff Stevens. "The loot wa sent to New York to be disposed of. and the sheriff recovered It through the help of the metropolitan detectives. - Th Horn Training association will , meet a usual at . t o'clock tomorrow "afternoon In the commute room of th eity halL The subject of th .meeting will be "The Dental Problems of Chil dren." presented by Dr. Walter F. Lewis.- .. , , . ,. v As a soothing and healing application - for chapped hands, face and Hps, there . la nothing better than Herni a Witch - Hasel Cream, sold for It cents a bottle by Albert Bernt, th druggist. 211 Wash tRgtoa street.-- -y- v ; ..' Phone orders for window glass and (rinsing given prompt attention by F. K. Heech St Co., th Pioneer Taint Cov IS First street. " Phone Main IJIt. Yeur eye examined free We are tiu selling eyaglaeaea at $1. A perfect, - fit rue ran teed. Metsger A Co., Jeweler and opticians. Ill Sixth street. Th regulrmeetlng of th Eaat Bid Business Men's club wilt be held to morrow evening at th hall on East Pin street and Grand avenue. Steamer Joesi ... Herklna - for Camaa, " Vlouai ad way landings daily ex cept Sunday. Lea vee Washington atreet dock at I, p. m. -.,-,.... , Dr. W. I. Howard, ehronle diseases, electricity and electric light treatment. Commonwealth building. Sixth street. wnholt-mtneraf watefna salts. 1 B. VI JT. Wallacr Agt., ll td. TeL Paa IBS. Women's Exchange, lit Tenth street, lunch 11 .SO tot; bualnesa men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety eoal ell and on gasoline. Phone East TSS. t Big shoe sale, great bargalna. Marks Bbo Cow ttt Morrison street. ONE BABY FOR EVERY" MARRIAGE IN COUNTY That - residents of Multnomah ' county do not believe In race - suicide Is shown by th report S of the state health board ror Le- . cember, when, for every one of the IS marriaars recorded In thla county.: there waa a child e ' born. ' Th rest of th report la - flattering- to th general health ' conditions of th , county and- shows that while there were 1S4 . marriages snd 114 births la De- cember, there were only 1st . deaths. " . . .' 4 Of th latter t$ were from In- , fectloue dlseasea. . Nineteen were from tuberculosis, eight from typhoid fevr, and one not S classlfled. There wer no ease of smallpox reported, nor were ' S there any deatha from this dls- an. While 2S oases of dlph- s theria wer reported ther wer -. no deaths. Only two new eases S of tuberculosis wer listed In th report and rour of measles. The total number of births In . the stat In December wer 4i and' th death wer tot. The number of marrlagea recordetf throughout th tat were (33. Th report wa complied by Dr. Robert C ' Tenncy, secretary of the stat board. . 4 '''' " ' K Joseph druggist hss a deadfitad blacklist, none of whom, he says, can set anything Of him on credit any more, except saltpeter to put en their faoea when they die. F.V.BALTES & GOnPAHY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOR PnifJTKJG FIRST AMD OAK STREETS If You Have Funds "Awaiting Investment ; Thers i no necessity - for them to lie Idle. Thij bank has designed a . Short Call Certificate of Deposit Which pay good interest, and t the tame time U quickly con vertible into cash 3 per cent interest per annum on 10 days' call 3yi per cent interest per annum ... on IS days' call. 4 per cent interest per annum oa 30 days' call. -;-- - , . (Write for our beautiful free , booklet, entitled . '4 "A aT OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK -';.'";' ... Sixth and Washington Streets. Portland, ' Oregon. ; TWO r.i E U H EL D n 0 IV FOR MURDER Detectives Arrest C. H. Danielson on Charge of Accessory in Killing of Nelson. THIRDlVlAN IS BEING - SOUGHT BY THE POLICE Dying Han't Statement Strongest . jcviuenco - Against ino a eison Claims' That JVlth Danlelson's Ar rest He- Can Prove Alibi. ' With th arrest yeeterday afternoon at - Vancouver, Washington. G H. Danielson by Detectives Baty and Ben Peterson, two of th men alleged to have been Implicated in th murder of Oscar Llndgren, proprietor of th Gar field hotel bar, Fourteenth and Savler streets, who was - mysteriously shot a Ed Nelson, Held for Murder of Oacar , Llndgren. . - -! week ago and died at the Good Samari tan hospital Monday night from a bul let wound In the head, are how behind th bara awaiting a preliminary hearing. - Ed Nelson, alias . Roloff, who was taken Into custody th night of th shooting and wss declared by the dying man In an ante-mortem statement to have been on of hi assailants, I con fined In the oounty Jail without bail. Ous Peterson, th third member of th trio of slleged murderous thugs. Is now being sought by th detectives snd his capture 1 regarded as certain. . The arrest of Danielson was not af fected until stter th coroner' Jury, In th Inquest held yesterday afternoon. had returned a verdict charging Nelson witti the crlm and assigning robbery aa th motive. Dr. W. K. Coffman. act ing city physician, was called at th In quest to give expert testimony aa to th natur of th fatal wound and th cause of deathi , The widow of the murdered man- wa placed on th stand to testify to her huehand's declaration after being shot that Nelson waa present in th sa loon when th ahot waa fired. Mrs. Llndgren also stated her huaband had drawn 110 from the bank on th day of tho affair and thla fact . was known to Nelson. "V Mrs.. W. H.' Smith, a domestic em ployed In th Garfield hotel, told M rushing Into th bar-room after th shooting and finding Llndgren on the floor. Th witness also stated that Nelson appeared as she waa applying temporary bandages to stanch ths flow of blood and endeavored to prevent her from ministering to th wounded man. 'IL Myrlek. a roomer In th hotel, who saw the murderers fie from th saloon; Detectives Burke and Klenlln - and newspaper man, who heard Llndgren ssy Nelson was a party to th crime, wer the other witnesses celled. Danielson was arraigned In th police court thla morning on th Information charging him, Ed Nelson and Gua Peter son, with murder In th first degree and , enured a plea of not guilty. Aa he waa not represented by counsel, th court continued the matter until tomcrt row for preliminary examination, when : Nelson will also be given a hearing. Danlolaon tells prsctlcslly the sams story aa Nelson of his movements on . the night of the erf air. He declares that In company with. Ous Peterson he met Nelson - In a north end saloon and after several drinks they boarded a car to go to Lindgren's saloon arriving ther soon after the shooting. Nelson, upon hearing ef Danlelson's arrest ex- , pressed much satlrfectlon, as he de. clnres that he will now be able to estab lish a complet alibi. Unless a confession- can be, assured - from en of th men In custody th ess of th stat Is not regarded as strong. 1 J nnmiiw nun iih miiii u I n. Le W " : :A t :, , " I .... .1 i ! '.', . f ; -i i ,. , . 1 - . t ; . ' it ,-: .., .. . 1 - FLJ!!I A PUBLIC RECEPTIOIi FOR . 17. J. ERYAII ... Democrats, However, Will (Not Ciye Banquet to Leader Who Coynes Next Week. There will be no banquet In honor of W. J. Bryan oni his visit to Portland; instead there will be a publlo reception In th lobby of th Imperial hotel from II to 1 p. m., January I J. A decision to this effect was reached at Salem yeeterday at a conference of prominent Democrat. Accordingly, G. H. Thomas, chairman of th Multnomah county central committee; D. M. Wat son and J. B. Ryan, of Protland. and Banator M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, have i Isaued Invitations to th Deraocratlo county central qbrnmltte and the vari ous Democratic lubs of the county to appoint committees on reception. Mayor Lane has aocepted the -Invitation to act on th" reception committee. - Mr. Bryan will lecture at th Whit Temple under the auspice of th T. M. C. A. on th evening of January X t,. He was notified yesterday by telegraph that a publlo reception would b held In bis honor, and that there would not be a banquet. ' Th telegram was signed by. Q. H, .Thomas. P. M. Wat son, J. M. Ryan and M. A. Miller. . Th reception committee ' that -will meet Mr. Bryan at the Imperial la composed of George L. Hutchin (chair man), R. D. Inman. D. M. Watson, N. A. Peery, W. T. Vaughn, E. 8. J. MoAllls ter, Pat Powers, R. W. Montague, Torn Word. H. W. Stone, Joseph Mai ley, C E. S. Wood, Thomas O'Day, John Man ning and John Montag. . , "A rnrnmftte nt vnmnliu been nn- ; pointed to assist In the reception of Mrs. Bryan. Th committee consists of Mrs. D. M. Watson. Mis Watson. Mrs. Miller and Mrs.' Hutchin, who will meet Mrs. Bryan at th union station and ac company her to th Imperial hotel. While In Portland Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will, be the guests of D. M. Watson at th Imperial. EDUCATED INDIAN CARRIED ALCOHOL Gaston Must :- Serve Out Sen tence for Dispensing Liquor on - Grand Ronde Reservation. According - to Bam Gaston, who was sentenced this morning by Judge Wol verton In the 'United States district court to serve SO daya In th Multnomah county Jail and pay a fin of 121 for carrying alcohol upon th Grand Ronde Indlarr-'reaervaUon.' everyone living-- on the reservation would b In Jail for th same offense wer ' they given their Juat deserts. Gaston said further thttt. because be did not live on th reserva tion, the other residents wer jealous of him, and that on doctor offered to give f IS to any person who would cause Gas ton's srrest Assistant : United ' States Attorney Jamea Cold presented two affidavits which stated that Gaston sold part of th alcohol to Indiana living on th reservation. Gaston' swore that he dtd not and Insinuated that th affidavits wer further proof of the bitterness held toward blm .by. person - on - th Grand Ronde, - t, -Gastoa-ls a Rogue RlverJftd!an and resides at Treks, California, where be attended achool for seven years. He is an unusually intelligent Indian and speaks English fluently. Th charges he made In reference to other lnhabl tanta dealing In th liquor traffic among Indians on th reservation- will be Investigated by the authorities. - . DEFECTIVE MACHINERY - . CAUSE OF HEAVY.SUITS Defective machinery in sawmills snd lumber camps has been th cause of . a la r ire crop of damage suit during th past few weeks, Th latest to bs tiled I I a suit brought by William P. Whls-t ler against th Jone Lumber company for S2Q.000 damages. While working aa a hooktender In th company South Portland mill last May. Whlalsr waa truck by a heavy timber thrown by th revolving saws of a gang edger. His right leg was crushed at th ankle and his left leg waa crushed and bruised. Whlsler alleges that he has been ruined for life by th machinery being negli gently permitted to get .out of order. . .Oaks Rink Tonight. Amateur raeea will take place at :S. Immediately after Professor Harrison does his wonderful feat of leaping th gap. Special attention given to' those desiring to learn to skate now. Come with th crowd to th Oak rink. TOOLS TOOLS TOOLS . :We ,Arel Headquarters for Mechanics - -- . of All Kinds Note This Come and See! Latest TOOLS Made basseit & PREJLR 393 Washington St aetw Seventh, ead Fark. 1h MEIER & FR ANK STORE Clearance Sale of Toilet Articles Notions, Stat'nery Hot Water Bottles of pure white rub ber; 1 and l-quart aise; every one t absolutely guaranteed: rc. QQ 11.15 value, on sale at TrOC The "Premium" Whirling Bpray Syr Inge, wnh rectal tubes; AO great value at, each y "Rfx" family Bulb Syringe, t JO hard rubber pipes, special... vw Infanta' Water Bottles or Face A Or Bags; tio value for Okayed 'collet Paper rolls; great value at, dosen rolls.. Large "Krecht" Toilet Paper; 7Qr great value at, dosen rolls... 'V "Knickerbocker" package .Toilet Pa per, 10c Blue! great value AQ at the special price, dosen. . Special - lot of large Bath EpOnfres, good quality; great pecial,lr value at, each..... ... Our entire stock! of hlgh-grnde fiponges; values up to 33. .Vi OTT Absorbent Cotton, t-lb. pkg....Z2 Hand Scrub Brushes. . Hand Nail Brushes lKf Fine Tooth Brushes, each Solid Back Hair Brushes. ..... .49f On fourth off on , all Jewelry - and .'fancy Clorka. Ruled and Unruled Tablets, s letter else, I for... I5c Souvenir Tablets for. 19 Commercial Envelopes, t pkgs..'.0 Fancy Enameled Back Playimy-- Cards, assorted designs, at, . Initial Stationery of best quality linen paper; each sheet embossed with a beautiful initial In gold or colors; vslues up to TSc, A."Xf at the special low price of. . Blankets and -Comforters- Our Blanket and Comforter stock Is the largest and best In the dlty. A complete showing of sll th ery best styles and grades and unequaled values for your money. These ex tra specials tods y Third Floor: 600 full slse Comforters, sllkollne eovered and filled with white lami nated cotton, best patterns and colorings; S3 and S1.2SO ? vaL. srhll they last, palr Full sis whit Wool Blankets, with colored borders; best 17CC Qf vala. st special price, palr''V li-4 extra large white Wool and Cot ton Blnnkets. pink end blue bor ders; best 14.50 values. t"- sre . at special low price, pair DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY IN DISPUTE" OVER FIFTY DOLLARS Ther 1 friction that threatens to amount to atrif In th ranks of th local chapter -of th Daughter of th Confederacy The trouble ros over the possession of I60t th disposition of which I causing no end of scheming, lobbying snd jobbing among th daugh ters. 80 wide has grown th breach that a special meeting hs been called for thla afternoon to discuss th matter fully and tak final action with reference to the . .disposition of . th money. The mectlng-ws eslled by Mrs. oai president, and la to be held at th resi dence of th vfce-preaiaeot, Mrs. Laura T. Duff, tit Couch street. It - was soon - after th Florida" dis asters, caused by wind and wave, that their loyal sisters In Portland -oeclded to aid the sufferers in the southsrn stat. They gave a benefit performance and received contributions In behalf of the stricken people. Quite a earn wa realised In that way and was hurriedly sent to th communities of Florida where th damage had been most se vere. In each case th money was sent SEATTLE WOMEN TO SHOP Tew Portlanders know." said Na thaniel K. Clarke, clerk of th Portland hotel, "how many women com to Port land from Puget ound and eastern Washington to do their chopping. W hava arrival nearly every ' day of women who cannot find the artlclee of dress they wish In the Seattle stores and have come to Portland where they can find what they want "Portland stores draw most ef th fashionable trad of eastern Washing ton, but that Is not surprising, because Portland Is nearer to them than Beattl. However, th fact that woman who de sire th best of everything In the way of wear, ehould com from Seattle, Ta coma and other Puget eound cltlee to Portland. Is th best vldnc that our atorea are suparlor to thos . In ths northwest . OPEN WILLAMETTE MEANS LOWER FREIGHT RATES, SAY ASTORIANS ' From nearly ever section f western TOa.hina-tnn latters and ether eommunl- eatlona have reached Th Journal from chambere ef commerce, commercial clubs, grange and other bodies strong ly advocating sn open Willamette. The following haa been received from the chamber of commerce si abiotis r-k. aitiun. nf Astoria, hsvs alwava v.n in f.vnr of the ooenlnc to' better eorditton th navigable waters of Ore gon and early took an active Interest In tbe matter. "Th Wll1mett river flow through natural fruit arid garden district, through Isnd that is tillable to the water edge, thua producing freight at and near the boat, products, too. that need low transportation rate. Tbe products ar thos of th necessities of llf and should pas from th producer to th consumer with the J eaat possible cost. "The low rat of water earring, plus th farmer's carriage to more distant parta of ths valley, will still be small enough te prevent heavy charges by the rail lines. In proportion to the length of th run more business will probshly be offered to boats along the Wlllajnett river than along the ' upper Columbia. Along the latter generally th railroads ran between th river and th produc ing lands, thus euttlng off th boat. I Th road win meet tne ooat rata, wnion. Artistic Picture Framing Travelng The Meier Prank'; Boys'M'Youngiyien's Ov'rcoats at Greatly Rediiced Prices Our entire stock of Boys' snd Young Men's Overcoats and Reefers on sale at' .exceptionally. low Clearance Sale prices. This season's best fashions and mate rials. Cold-weather apparel of the best style and aualities at s savins; you'll appreciate. , Boys' Clothing Department Second Floor, Tske advantage. Boys' $ 3.50 OVERCOATS or REEFERS, on Sale at $1.87 Boys' $ 5.00 OVERCOATS or REEFERS, on Sale at $3,98 BoysV$ 7.50 OVERCOATS or REEFERS, on Sale at $6.38 Boys' $10.00 OVERCOATS or REEFERS, on Sale at $8.10 Boys' $12.50 OVERCOATS or REEFERS, on Sale atS10.2 9 i.Youths' $15.00 OVERCOATS, on Sale at. . . . . . ..S13J&S Youths' $18.00 OVERCOATS, on Sale at . . J . . . ...r; 1 16.35 Youths' $20.00 OVERCOATS, on Sale at : . . . ....... 17. 1 5 Youths' $25.00 OVERCOATS, on Sale at. $19.89 " 1 ' I ' -I I I ..-,.,... -. !.., I .1 M-.II-I II-.- I V""" Entire stock of Boys' and Young Men Suits at Clearance Sale prices. Sale of Carpets, Rugs 5.000 yards of Windsor Brussels Carpets a superior quality of Brussels at an exceptionally-low price; 15 patterns, orientals' snd florals; regular $1.50 value. Sewed, laid and lined st this wonderfully low Clearance Sale price of, per yard... .1 . .f 1.13 A great special lot of Matting Samples, suitable for rugs, made of high-grade matting. Grand values at these special - low prices, each take, advantage of this sale..... 5t and 10 Sale extraordinary of Room-Size Rugs, made tp of odd bor ders and carpets. Brussels. Velvets and Axminsters in attract ive designs and coloring. Prices lowest ever quoted. ' 3d floor.' Brussels. 9 feet 10 by 12 feet. . . , . . .f 21.80 Brussels, 10 feet 6 by 12 feet,. Velvets, 9 feet by 9yt feet Bigelow Axminsters, 9 feet 5 by Other odd sizes st extremely low prices.! Take advantage. Special lot of 50 of the Celebrated Tabriz Brussels Rugs, in splendid designs and colorings, size 9 feet by 10 feet 6 inches,' every rug in the lot regular $17.50 value On sale at, ea. f 12.15 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet d inches, $16.50 value, sti.Vf 11.45 In car of th chapter of th Daughter of th Confederacy Hn the Horlda towns. ' " -!------- With only on exception the suffering cities received the money and acanowv adzed their gratitude. Pensacola, how ever, promptly returned Hs shar of th funds, amounting to ISO. saying that the money was not needed, tnst tney were amply able to tax car 01 mem selves. -Local members bellev that th Pen- saoola chapter misunderstood the pur pose of ths money. II was Intended by orsllhe jenders that It should o aisiriDui- ed smona th needy and that - tne Daughter of th Confederacy act as th agenta of th Portland members. By certain members It la hoped that the money will be sent back to Pensa cola with ft more complete expiauswun of Its nurnoses. Others, however, desir that It b turned over to the general fund and th difference of opinion, wa th Begin nnar tkt the trouble. Th meeting this afternoon. It la hoped, will settl th dlsput for all tlm. ' COME HERE . FOR FANCY GOODS "Eaatern women, while traveling In the west, do a great deal ef shopping and nearly all of them express surpiiss upon the general excellence of Port land's stores. They ar surprised to find such stores In th west, declaring that thev ar abls to secure whatever I they wish In the wsy of wear. p 'Dressmakers of 'Puget sound who cater to the best trad In their cities, com to Portland aa a rul to purchase their goods, ststlng thst they are un able to get what they want In Seattle. This is an old story to ma, but It has been strongly Impressed upon my mind In th psst fsw days because of the unusual number of shopping parties that ar in th city at present. Th women com In little) crowds of three and four and spend several days visit Ing th stores" and selecting goods." added to th shorter haul for th farm er, will leave but little, comparatively, to the boats on th Columbia. Th cir cumstances on the Willamette ar Just ths reverse, yet on both rivers the com merce of the country needs free and uninterrupted navigation from mouth to hosdr so Ires that Danes . loaded with farm products may float from the source to th greet mart on th sea board without obstruction or charge." ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY Purpose of Bill to Be Introduced .. to the Present Session of Legislature. Three bills -revolutionary . la legal praotlc If they ar passed will be In troduced by Harry Tanckwlch. a Port land lawyer, at th present session of thesOregon legislature. The first will be an act to abolish th death penalty and msk th penalty for all such of fense sow punished by death, impris to Your Order at Ceirar.ce Bags Lsrge.t andB.'St Stockln the City - 1 10 feet S.. . . . 7926.06 $27.50 14th and WaeblBftoa The Heilig Theatre aula a. LAST TTVB TONIGHT i:18 OTtflCK .,. Ormnt-ea Olgs Ton Batsfeldt la .Asm HeUVe "THE LITTLE DUCHESS." Moaloal-Coswdr Soeeeea lees -Loww floor, Sl.ftO.' Bskeay, tiju.. Toe. duc. usiiery. see. sac. Beats wlllas fee ncafement st theatre. TV M.llt Tl... - Wanbtnetes timi IIWUC ,Mala Tkar., TrU, Sat. XlfhU. Ju. IT. U and! IS. 1 epeciaJ-rrtoe Metises Saturday. Tbe Tuneful MiMieal Coated, THE STROLLERS Always s Bit Sale Todav. PRICES Lewer " rieor. ilJO. II; Balceny, tl 10c. our; uimtt, see, zee? Seats Selling stTbeatrs tor Eusacenest. Baker Theatre one Mais I SOT. Orrwnm Cm Lessee oeorge J vim, Manager. Boms ef the ramona Baker Stork Ceneany. Tola Week's Pnxlnrtlos Harding Dens' WMtern Military teoieey-orasw, ftaJf SOS'S FOLLY." A Lets Kew Ynrk Snfrna. Mreetloa Mr. Job Malnpoll. Matinee Saturday. Evening price Sr. tfie. ao. Matin, IBe, S3. Seat Week "Kew Seats Ssttea is. lira an' W I Wl . Sfca Morrison. LUiPirC 1UC3 TC Mais lit. Mlltea W. gesnisa. Maasgsr. Playlns Only Eaatera' Rned artrartlesa. Toolfht All Tbh) We-k Matiaees WadBoadav and ftatnrd... E. J. Carpentnr'a Ort Drama ef Waa tars Mlnlnc Camp Lir., "AT CSIPPLE CSEEK" Kesilnder of tbe Oolda Intra la Colorado. Krml.r Empire mrtu. Vest Attraetlon "Tie Midnight TV.M LYRIC THEATRE wux SE&nriirjia jrAJrtiAJiT u "SAPHO" Rnofflee esea fraae 10 a. nt. te 10 a. s. Seets eaa be nmrtti by pbonet Mala 685. STAR THEATRE Weak of January 14. Telephone Mala SM. j do auan storn innpea rreeents "HTTMBVO" A TOree-Aet Boarins rtm. Matinees Ttteedars, Tkaradar. Satnrday ssd SHooars ei i;w i. aa. t'rtcrm ior, sue. RTerr evenlnc at S:1S trim 10c an.. Son. Secnre tor all perfnraiasoas by shoo. siain a awe. The Grant The Tares Mia 141 moseaweig Tlpyl Xlunest eater Dsrllagtea ' Jay Besert Ksstsr Bsreld Xeff Cneadasees Tandeville De Lex I HZ A LOSILLA Sonatain Mew Va dae tke Sua Clever Oarnedy . Asrebeta onment for Ufa Instead. The second will be an act providing ror sn indictment by the grand Jury with a vote of concurrence by flv mem bers and not otherwise; verdict by a trial by Jury by a majority vote, and a ver dict of Inquest by a vot of two third of th members. Th third act will be to grant th defense th cloeing argu ment In all case tried In the state courts... . .... v i - . i. The bills have been drawn up and signed by Mr. Tanckwlch and will be presented In th next few days to th Oregon solona. What will be their fate at the hands ef th legislators Is nrob- lematlcal, but It la thought, because of th previous actions of members In placing themselves upon record In favor or against such bills, their Introduction will result In warm debates. . It Is known that certain members of the legislature are In favor of abolish Ing the death penalty and this bill will probably cans the greatest discussion. Each meesure will be an act to amend certain section of th Ilelllnger and Cotton code with the exception of the one providing for the abolishment of th death penalty, which will be an Inde pendent act. Th bill rcsrulattng th ac tion of Juris affects section , whlls th on referring to th closing argu ment In favor of th defense will amend section lltL, i CofTe 1 strength and tea 1 rest Schilling's Beet, . V . Sale Prices Trunks cn4 Store Glove Dept. TaWer" ee4 resch Zld Oloves, - best quality pique ewa two . pearl elasps, tans, browns, cop per, bisque, or em in end a few " Blacks, oolored. stitching, olasps , to mates Treaoh Xld Sloves of highest f-rmde-r-every pels . rnarantoed, all alas res-olas a.60 valnes, your I AST choice, per pair. 16 - Bntton Clovct $ 1 .45 Fin 811k Glove at a special low price. All new goods, just re ceived from a well-known mill ' .full lt-button length, 2-clanp, black, white and a full assort ment of colors; regular 11.75 - values. In all alses and C I A( at low prlc of, pair Women's two and three-clasp double - tipped 811k Gloves, Psrls point stitching or em broidery, tan. brown, rood and - a few gray, black and whites; reg. tl and $1.26 val- 9r ues, on sal at, pair. . . .. . WE LEAD THE BEST -DENTAL WORK ' : AT THB : ; LOWEST PRICES Set ef Teeth, raster slates SI Bat Set ef Teat. nbW !.... T O Bridge Wars, so tooth , 1 M O.L4 Orewna, par tooth 4.M Oaanoat sad lilnr FUlIn. ssoh... .M eld sad ruailals FiUinca, eaeh... LM Sxtraotiag r eleaatng teeth free ef ebarge with oUtes work. Offlee Soars a. aa. to p. aa. ao to y. aa., KoUdaya, S a. as. Yale Dental Co. leTH Between stenisen and TsaafcQI. L- - Fhon sxala 47. Sfi a '. J Alt Oaks Rmk Tonight Leaping .the flap AMATEUR RACES TONIOHT Oaks RinK PERSONAL . Mra T. C Estsbrook of Boston, 1 In Portland, sow st th Corlnne, Third and Montgomery streets, and la looking for a sultsbl location in th nortbwsst for herself "and her husband, IL T. Eat. brook, sir a Estabrook 1 sn artist who is well known In th eaat and th soum. and as ah ha a number of her paint log Wth her, arrangements may h mad for a publlo exhibition. The f-w who have seen her work exprv.s t.-.e greatest dellsht over It. A tnint!r f year sgo Mra r.'brnok ftrt ) '-I th northwest, (.aintm up ail d o re Columbia rlverv At mat r.M-o ' much pleased with U.o rnu""--. i to climate and ariif , i,, . the desire to live I i lnatlng in the pr t v Mm Why! IV