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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
Fifteen. Eeautiful Popular Sena's, by noted sang writers and conpcs cn,, to b3 given to readers of tliis paper , . ' . : ABSOLUTELY FQE! Airahgcmcnts have been completed by this paper, beautiful pieces of sheet music; the work of the country's most in the best ctylo of the pufclbhcrs' art. Equal in dl respects to popular flTlHESJE only ot artistic merit, but no ex pense has been spared to niake th e m perfect in typography ; and general make up. ' . They are printed on fine music paper, with appro priate coven designs in col ors. They will: not be out of pi ace in any music rack. In every particular they will compare most favorr l! blyvithjdb music which i best music cents" a copy. Under the made with the lishers these fifteen beauti ful songs vill: be given to the readers of this paper 2: II . ' ; AIL that it will be neces sary v to ; do is to buy the Sunday edition; f The mu- ic will be part Thcjfint of tli FOURTEEN SUCCEEDS SUNDAYS Al LEAST. ' Fifteen Beautiful Popular Sons, bv noted .song writers and compos ers, to be given to readers of this fi - , ' " , . t paper . -ABgQMJTELY FREEf - TIIC" songs are not the Highest sells at the stores at 50 i 4: arrangement music pub of tKe paper. OREGON DAILY JOUP.IIAL. rOIiTLAND, ' MONDAY IDM BEST i OF THE :I)ES CWBTI02l01LTnEJFirrEENBEAUTITUL SONGS WHICH ARE TO BE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT COST TO THE I L07X TOTT is dainty jpiT,np Us life ca a battlefield of Uttle 1ot eonj witl an sir that; the South. It is especially appro will eatoh the ear at onoe. . It has a happy combination of fetching words and graceful melody ttat will make you hum it after hearing it ence. It was written by the well known makers of clerer songs, Joseph 8. Satfcan and Harry . Gor don, whose hits are bywords in the world of popular iansia. ' Everybody' wants to join in the chorus of .TVE GOT JIT ITES OS TOTJ." -Theodore P. Jlorse com posed the musio, and it is his great est snooess in the field of , oatchy waits songs. . It has a ohorns with a swing to it that gets into your feet and makes you feel like dancing. Try it rer onoe and you won't be able to whistle anything else for a week. ' -; :. There is a strong undercurrent of sentiment in "THE MAN WITH THE LADDER AND THE HOSE." It is dedicated to the fir heroes of the oountry by IticomposerrTrUaye Geary, who has pictured in ririd word and note the life of the self sacrificing lire lighten. Aside from the inspiring tone of the musio, the subject is one -that appwls to the admiration , and the enthusiaim whererer ft is played." . t There have been numerous stir ring songs of war written, but it has remained for Theodore F. Korse, the most popular songmaker of the day, to oompoie "THE AStfT OP PEACE." Eaymond A." Browne, the librettist, has written in this song a tribute to the great army of every day life whioh goes silently march ing on and fighting out the world's progress. The musio is in swinging march tempo, with a strong martial. DE LETTEE, MB, J0HNSOBT It ring that rouses the patriotic spirit i writtea by Monroe H. Bosenfeld, to the highest pitoh. - iwho is the composer of some of the , , ' , ' , i i jgreatest .popular, song suooesses of TOU ENOW WHO I LOVE" is a'the day. His rag time It the oatoh lilting musical idyl. On the vehicle !iest in the market, and this song is of a seduotivo waits theme the com- !the raggiest he has dona As is usual poser, T.- Mayo Geary, takes, his 'iu coon songs, it tells of the tribu hearers on a charming Journey with lations of a eertaia ebony gentleman Cupid, by running brooks and sylvan 'and his dusky lady love, who get shades. The song has a beautiful jinto an argument over a letter he refrain that has made it an imme- fhas left in his overcoat pocket Get Oiate bit witn ail who. are lona ol smooth, alluring melody. "TOTJB DAD GATE HIS LIFE FOR HIS COUNTRY" is a song that sets every patriotia heart aflutter. As the title indicates, the theme of the song deals with a soldier who HANDSOME MUSIC PORTFOLIOS ALSO WILL BE GIVEN AWAY. ' , In order that ,the fifteen beautiful pieces of popular music to be given away i Sunday sup plements to this paper may be properly kep-iUs proposedlsotaiYe awajrFREEf flfi1??!?. musio portfolio!. " . ; , . . Each day a music supplement appears there will be printed a numbered coupon,' Any person will upon presentation to. the business office of this paper, of the full series of these coupons, will be presented, with one of these handsome portfolios. " --: - i jThey hare been especially manufactured for this purpose and will adorn any music room, Both the music and the music portfoliar are giTen to the readers of this paper - . ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT COST. -Lwi? TO priate for Deooratioa Say and haa a tinge of pathos to It that touches the emotions. The refrain is Hrrit ta la martial maroh style. ' A catchy refrain that starts you singing it after you hare heard it onoe makes TH THE MOONLIGHT WITH THE GULL TOTT LOTE" a song you ought to : have on your musio rack. It is written In Theo dore P. Horse's most graceful style and its words which tell the story of Cupid's pranks by moonlight, are particularly dainty and attractive. ' Every musie lorer who follows the popular suooesses has heard the song "Violets." It has created tuoh a furore fox sereral years that it is time for a parody on it to appear. TSVTtY " H0BJT X . BEING HEE CHICK KN" is this long-looked-for parody, and it is Ihe funniest you erer heard. . It recites the tale of a joooa waiter who each morning brings his sweetheart ehicken he has gathered during the night This song is a scream. Domt miss 11 One of the most notable songs of the renuine ballioTrrpTthif "has ap peared in some time ii 1ST LOTS I BASE NOT TELL" It tells the old heart story through the medium of words and musio that are of rare sentimental beauty. It is a lore song of nigh order, and is especially suit- W ox rendiHoa either at a home gathering or la publio. Sing it onoe and you will want to sing it often again. - - -r-- - -7V---: One of Anna Hold's famous hits recently was "WHATD TO' DO WTO itne song ana yoa can sing, wnat happens. : There are few descriptive songs more vivid than "JUST AN OLD SWEETHEART OP MINE." It deals 'with an everyday drama of life that happens in the lives of. many. .A P EVEIJITiO, JANUARY 14. 5 , . . HQSUCE, noted -makers of sohga for the people, and gotten sheet music costing 50 cents at the music stores. 'S SONGS lorers' quarrel, the wedding of one sweetheart to tome one else, a vision J of lost happiness ' for the one left single that is the theme which T. Kayo Geary has set . to a sonorous melody with a oatchy walta refrain.: This is an unusually attractive song of the kind that has a story to telL A delicate theme of romance is woven through "WHEN THE STOCK ING EISD8 WERE SINGING." It is another of T. Mayo Geary's euo- oessful efforts. The song is strongly reminisoent of childhood eoenes amid green fields and beside running brooks, but added to the pastoral tint of the subject there is a pleas ing and plaintive little love senti ment, that plays upon the emotional side of one'i nature. It will prove a quiet alternative to some of the songs of a more vivacious character. THE LILT AND THE ROSE is another song that has a story to teS. It is a pretty, application of the language of flowers to a romanoe. Monroe H. Bosenfeld has written the words and Alfred Solman the musio, and their treatment of the depart ure of a youthful lover te fight in a foreign, land forms the keynote of ' their song. The melody is oatyjind flowing, - and of a highly taneful eharaotex. ' Ci ESa Wheeler WCoort poems are so widely known and read that a eulogy of her work is superfluous. As the Poetess of Passion she has gained her greatest fame, and it is a love poem by her that, forms the libretto of "LOVE'S OWN SWEET WAY." That alone is sufficient to stamp the worth of the song, but Theodore P. Morse has sot her words to musio of an inspiring oaUbre. - It. is a ballad that win live long in popular favor,' because of the high quality of the melody ooupled with the production of so distinguished a pen. Don't fail te try it . " ' " There is soaroely a man, woman or child in dis country who has sut heard of Happy Hooligan and his troubles. He Is alway ea the move and his name has therefore , been applied to a danoe and two-etep that is guaranteed to keey you moving when you danoe to it "HAPPY HOOLIGAN1 has an infectious move ment, and it is characteriitio of the merry person ' it is named . after. You will be merry toe 'when you hear it, so dont fall te get a oopy and climb aboard the band wagon.- period. 1207. Fifteen Beautiful PopuIar'Scngs, by nctcd song writers and compcs cys, to be given to readers of this paper f' VA' -,v ';,.": ' ; ABSOLUTELY FE1EE. MO SUGH presented to the music lov ers of this section to secure, at no cost, so choice a col? lection of popular songs. fifteen numbers pr i ri ted herewith shows that each is the work of a writer and composer of national fame. While some of them are presented to the public for the firs ttime, others already have been sung on the stage 'by artists of and have earned their places among the popular ballads of the day. -m ... n. The whole writing, sentimental, de scriptive and comic, isjcbv ered in the list. '.'; AH go to the readers of this paper . '.'Tf''-r- WntlKiDiffltl CmU . It would be impossible to duplicate this music at many times the amount paid for the entire paper. : Fifteen Beautiful Popular Spnrfs, by noted song writers and composers,-to ba given to readennof 1 tkh paper- : ''. ipppprturiity the first rank 't ' i i - i ; .. i .', i ' . ranre of son?