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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
TIIEl OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY II. K:7. 13 TODAY'S MARKETS FROZEOll (IIY Cold Snap Finds Much Stock Unprotected and Salable ',-(' Stocks Are Lighter. ; MAY HAVE SOME EFFECT UPON PRESENT VALUES Ban Francisco " Market T Jx Bather Tlcklisb and Fails to Hold Steady1 , Whenever Receipts Are a Fraction -'-''Heavier. . , . ;:. . Principal aiartet features, today: Etf market Signer again. -- . ... , Hum Bona far bop holders. ' - i Potsre market calns flrmDMa.. Vrosen onions may help price, arM"hlltMerTootTT" Cold weettier atllla trading. . Ail would parcaaaa dressed maatl. Ft paid Onions stay Help Frioe. ' ., - TLa ronttnaed coM weather Serine tha Beat faw days has eaaaed a number ef heavy loa.ta la anions by growere wnoee eappliee ware not amply protected from tha waatUar. It la aUtad by aa onion men that a large par eaat of the anions ef the atate were fraaaa during the past (aw day aad tnls, with the mining ef quality fey the too earl maturing of euppllee the past season.' msy PyMblr be an aid to prices later ea. The fact that tbe San Vraitclsos aaarket eased op considerably Saturdar becanse the racclpta happened to be a trifl. heavier than formerly anows Just how tlekllah the altnatloa la Uie south la at the present tine. It le etsted by a wall-knowa retailer that ke kaa purrbaaad lanre aappllca of oulona during the paet few weaka at prices that at ne time went erer 71 per 100 pooida. . according to ttila dealer all theae atoeka were of flrat-claaa qual ity. Offerings of eolooa np to Saturday con tinued aery heavy and few (Towara are losing any opportunity to sell whca flrea the chance. Obe combine la aald to bare taken eome actio ragardlng the selling by Its gacmbera under the price asreed epoa.. . t ' -..-. - Potato Market Gala Ilnam ' Wit, continued eold weather aad the dataajre be froat ta potato market la Bach ftnaer. Ia California prtree are balding well 'at format top values. Bare la Ore eon tbe baring kaa ot baea of great propoatloBa ef late owing to the lack ef tnnapotuuon. r lornt Sope far Hop Holdara. Althnegh M 'ti a trtfle early to ear y"t what damage waa doo. bop roota by the preaanz cold anap. It la etatad by a prominent grower that tbe damare waa eoaalderable and that Ita full affect will be known latar tB tbe eeaea whea many ot tha hiila wlU tnra Bp mlaalng. Tbe market la tromrer In coneeqaenre. bet little trading haa reaulted owing to tbe etrooger balding by RTpwerg who aMU rata la aoma of lb paat oaaiuy. ' Trent Itreet Trade Xa Blew. BlDatarlng weather le not the beat tiling for good, trading along Front atreet and tbe remit la that cooimtaaloa row thla morning looka Ilka a holiday. There waa bat a fractional amoant of bnetnrae In any Una. A email ehlpment of rbnbarb eame la from Lea Angelee and was qooted at lAe a pound. Apple market Is quite firm bat rather alow today. -- ' , Ztt Market Higher AgaJa. - The egg market again want to ISe today owing to the eold snap and tbe llgbter arrrrela. While demand waa not hearr, the trede eaally at back the price to tbe former blgh figure. A car ef eastern acre which haa been on tbe rokd (or over fire weaka waa tamed down! by . Infmi knDM hMDM of - ImBTOOfT OOlldltloa. It la aald that the eggs did not candle out two doaea good ones to the caaa. una anipuaut am a boat Ss.eoo In tbe eaat.-- 1'oojtry ramalna firm with llf nt arrlTais te day frlce aa on Saturday. .. . A3 Would Buy sraeaes aaiu. - wafa ata in he itt demand aaam awing to the colder weather. Receipts con tinue Bach i-jbter and all prices are very firm, lb la tncludee both dreaaed veal aad boo. ' ITiere waa no- freah ealmon la the wholesale market today, tha trade being forced to take tbe atorage prod art. Ne 'smelt hare arrlred for sereral daye and the market le hare. Ball bat to In lair supply, but the price Is high at efes a pound. . - , ,r -. . ' Floav Market Mas Steadies Teas. ,' ' A mueb eteedler tone la shown ta the flou market today. With euppllee light owing to the ear abort age mlUera are sot making maeu frart to land snr new bualneea. Wheat Is steady but racbanged. All m Ilia tuffs sad aay The mwde pays tha follewfag Prieea aa Front atraet. Prioea paid alappera are . laaa regular oomnilailmia; rala, Fl GRAIN BAOB uajcuwn. owe vaauj pnoai WHEAT New elnb, red Roaalaa. Set bltteatem, dSc: valley, oe. bAKI.r.T New feed. $S1 0oS.00 tolled, 11-) HL.ri W' brawlna. t22.00tfz2t.00. - OOHN-Whole, gX0j- cracked, S2S-W Bat ton. ' " v v V svr 111! nervewt. ' OATH New Pruducera' price Wo. 1-waits, 2 nOW 27.00: gray, io.S0aa 00. . KU)I B Eaatern Oregon patenre, 0; etraUhta, 8.a6: export, falley, 3.e0; araham. ta. litO; whole wheat,' fa.'B; rye, ks anon- halea. 12.7b. MII.U9TTjrr8 Bran, par teat mid dling., $2o.0U; ahorta. .country, lla.00; city, BIHOO! rhoa. Il.00iz21 SX. H A V I'rortucer. price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy.; ordinary. $B.O0f 1O.O0: eaalera Oregon. 117.0018.00: mired. flo.oOC'wMS elarer, 18.00; grain. S.0OtJHj . cheat, .tw. - " Batter, Zgga aad Peel try. BtrrrrR FAT t. a. b. rortiand aweat cream, Hei eeur, SIHe. ... . urTTEIl City creamery, S9e; estatde fancy, au.-LV-: atarase. Ut30ct etore. ITtllTV4. tiit.H titra laney. raadled, SSc: local and raatera atorage, 27HCt2He. t:ilE,tB ai. roil im, iww, ..ajaiooi V n. Amerlce. 'I6(4trlle. POtXTBY Lira Mixed cnlckens. lH15e lb; fancy bane, inHtlnc lb; roaaters, eld, 11c per lb; fryera, 16le per lbj broiler.. 1H4 ailflc per lb; eld ducke. 18He per lb; spring rf.icka i.tue oar lb: aaeae. tiaiOe per lb: tor- - ka, lie per B for eM dreeaed. fancy, Ztt rer lh: anmiba. titm per doe; ptgeona. 11.00 per dos. Dreaaed paultry ionise per big bar. Hope, Waal and Hides. , ; - HOPS 10 rrop, choice, in He; srlme to choice. 13c; medium to prime, uue; maajlsm. liiiA.lla. , w (Xlc 10 clip Vallay, ' 28ci Oreaon, tOc- , . . mum at r New. nomlnoL 1 i ' BHEKI'WKINS Bhearhig, 1RQ30C aarb abort mmJ Aif mit1nra wool. . AOATna Mk' TAIXOW Prime, per lb, IMC:: No. t end graaae. XoiSH . ( Jlin tM liARK HtJT far car lota; small ana, n''t ne. " hidkh Ore. Ma. I. 1 lbs and . feue. . 17 He per lb; dry kip. No. 1, to IS lbs, I4e dry. calf. No, 1, antler lbs, lac; a. I ted hloea, eteera. enead. 60 lla and ever. I0tf lie; coee, ' fsttntie; etaga aad bnlla, eoond. WT; kip, IS to to I ha. Or; calf, eonnd. ruder IS lbs. lie; torse 'bides, salted, esco.' tl 2r M.78 ; dry, each, " el.wuf7l.a0: eolt hMea, 2ist.'a)es- coat aklaa. . euauuaa. each, lorioc; angia-a, eeca, socwei. Fruits sad Vegatoblas. ' POTATOfWBorlag price, en tern Mnlrne ' man and Clark. maa aeloct. tl.0.'iUl.H0; fancy, ' i oMiIXVh erdJeery, I0ilWc sac cwt sweau, lb. OMONb Johhlnr price Ba I Oregon, SOOQ Si tm. No. i. otcfiV: aarlin. Srffte tier lb. " afPl.lcs; Psncy Hond ft 1 1 1 ef rtpiirenhVi g and Yellow Newtnwoa, i U); (aarf WlllarostlS val 1-r end euolbarn Oregon, tl.dO; erdiaary stock, fci,A'7r-. ... KM -U FBl'IT; Oransae, sew nasal, ft.nQ . jM'.nsae. 10c: han.naa, be per lb: b-raone. (,;, ia ... , il is) box; llinea, Ueilcaa 11. sA par t,,i; ,,rri.. sauMsno p.r auera: srapra, n..r. fi.AO par kea; iwara, jm3i.75: bn, k (ChrTli, Or; pfne.nplee, tn(ir) per do r"."(raialee, lJtil-0 V boi; grape fruit 4 K. V.-.rfTl rs Tarnlpe, new. r)f sack; aercota. I." "1 per sack I beets, ft M per as-k : 'tgoa r"':oea. per ooa-l renoere, vrw OAS HOUSES ail saMiera, sec s-s FRISCO MARKET FEELS EFFECT OF RECEIPTS . f . . rjnanul Snaelal Bart lea.) : San Francisco, . Jan. 14. -With receipts heavier, the onion mar ket 1 not so steady, aa a few days aa At that time prices 4 ' her showed quite an advance, 4 owing to nominal eupplles. but ' now that stock are strain quite 4 fair, tha market reflect the changed condition. Tha trade 4 bare, however, do not antlclpata 2 any remarkable chane In value at thla time. matoas, I2-2B: paranlpa, gOcsJIlOOt etrteg baaaa, ISc par lb.; can 1 1 flower, tl.W par doaanl rras, lac; boraeradtsb, BuiOc Per lb.: artlchokea 1.00 par d'leeni auaasb, Tftctr$l.uO par box; celery, California, tiAO per crate: pumpkins. lISt; cranberrlaa, flO par bsrrtl. UBltl tKUIl Apples, CTaporatad, SH0! Te per lb; apricots, lVii.'0c par lb; paachea. tzun per id; aaris, vtc par lb Mux; prunes. to au, oirtflc: ut droo on each 1-10 amallai lea; flee. California black. ifle ne Ibi rallfomla wbitr, 6aHe per lb; datee, golden. tMI per box; tarda, .eoajtLM por ift-U, box. Oreoertea, Bate, TXc-, grOAR rallfornls a. Bawalisnwnnha. tS.iJH; powdered. S3.1ZH; berry,; dry granalatad, tar, t.72Ui conf. A, M.kWail extra. Ji. AAAZW. aoidaaI. AajuI: Ii. yellow, $4.224; beet graullatad, 4.72i- western cube, fi.xm; powdered, S.12H: dry granulated, ta.kl; P. C, 4.h2il enaf. A. 4.2H; extra C, 4.42S; gnMaa C, $4.SM; D, "aw , f.4a; oaat graauiateo, sa.ia; puia, Oc; (A bbla. Soc: boxea. oue adranen oa sack eats. . - (Above prices are SO days net cash quota Hons). .. HONRT-td.w per crate. vt - COKflSB Package bxauda. SlB.MaiT.18. SALT t'osrsa il.lf ground, lOua. 10.00 trat ton: 50a. tu.&u: table, dalrr. BOa. llx.OO: IOim. 112.75; balaa, 1.; Iniuortetf Ltvarpooi. BOa, 18.00; lotia, ,417.00; 224s, l.0i); extra fine, bbla, as, 6a, 10s, ttAusts.V); Uverpool lump rock. per too; SO-lb rock, su.00; 100a, ee-w. . . - . (Above prieea apply to sales ot less tha a car lota. Car lota at epeelel ariose subieet ta Uartnatlone.) KICK Imperial Japan, No. 1, De; tto. t, Hc; Mew Orleans, bead, Te; Ax, Be; Creels, ie. . . . BBAB8 Small white. 13 SO, Urge whit. t3.23; pink, S2.90; beyea, t.7i; Ltuss, 14e; keilraa rada, ee. NUTS Peanuts, Jamba, He per lb; Vb-gtnta, TSa per lb; roaeted, 10c per lb; Japanese, of We; reaetod7t(7HS per lh: coeosoata, SoIHa per don; walnuts, .California, loo per lb; trench. IBe per' lb: plnennta, lifllftc per lb; hickory nuts, loe per ib; ebektnuta, ftaatern. Utloe. per Ib; Br. all ants, IHc par lb; fllbarta, ltlc per lb; fancy pecans, lk,2ue; almonds, lr21Mc , Meats,. Fish . sad FrevUleas. " , FRESH MEATS Froat Street Hogs, faacy. c par lb; veal, exua, e per lb; ordinary, THttiM per Ib; poor, Ot par lb; mutton, fancy, Sfciuc per lb. , . ,- llAAiti, BACON, rTC. Portlaad pack (local) bams. 10 to 12 loe, lo4e 10 1 14 to IS Iba, 15s ib; g to lbs, '15,e lt: breakfast bacon, 144tc30c lb; picnics, lie lb; cottage, use Ibi regular abort clears, anamoked. Ue lb; smoked, ISe lb; clear baeka, enansuked, lat lb; smoked. ISe lb; Union butts, 10 te 13 Iba. aa- araokedi Ho lb; smoked. Be Ib; dear bellies, an- I smoked. 18c Ib; smoacd, 1 4bf anooldara. UHOI id; oif-aiaa vonsaea, oue eacn. LiOCAL LAKD battle leaf. 10a. 13Ue lb: Be, last lb; 00-lb Una, 12c lb; rnn dered, 10s, 120 lb; Bav 12 a lb; compound, 10s. e lb. -- ' - CAN NED - SACMON Colombia rfrar. 1-m t.lls. 1.S0; 51b talla, 2.76; fsocy. l ib fUta,; 4i-n lanc-y (lata, sl.lBi fancy l ib orals. ax. to; Aiasaa taus, pins. eotvuc; raa, tijui aomln.L Ha. tall. 12.00. riMli Rock cod. 7e oer lb: floundera. be ner Ib; halibut. Be per lb; era ha, ll.oouioO per doaan; atrlpad bass, 12Me per lb; caifinh, .loo id; aaimon, iresu joiunima riser aurerside. Be tealbcad, 10a per lb; barring. Se per lb; solas. to par Ib; ahrlmps, 10c per lb; perch, be par ib; black cod, 1c per Ib; tomcod, Te par lb; ellrer a melt, 5c per lb; lobsters, Ise per ibi treat maraarei, no per lb; crawnsb, 2ie doaan; aturgeon, 10e per lb; black base, HOe per ue per id; r emelt, ui; vommoia river amei 10c nor lh. OYHTKRS Shoalwater ba; Mr. per gaiioa. sz.zs: per llo-lb aack. M-2S: oiympla. par gallon, XX 23; per llft-lb sack, (S.OO to SS.50. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 12.00; raaor Clams, 2-0O par box. Faint Coal OO. Bta. - ROPE Para Uanfla. I3Wc: ctanZurd. lltiat dssl. 11c. COAL OIL Peer! er Astral Cases, lHs per gallon; water white. Iron bbla, 14e per gallon; wooden, 17o per gallon) aeadllght, 170-dag., ieee, XI c per gaiioa. CASOUNE 80-des ceses, ttUe net aalloe. Iron bhls, ise per gallon, BKNSINH S dag. cases, S3s per gsUoa; Iron bhla. 1HV4 per gaiioa. . ' TURPRNTINB In caass. Bee pet gaU awedea bbls. M.He per gallon. WBITK UCA1 Tea tots, 1t Par B; pOO-tb lota, Sc per lb; loss tote, IH4a per tb. y ittsi ri aii.a 4-raseni paais st a-wa. LINSEKK OIL Pure raw. in n-bbl lots, Boe: 1-bbl lot, s3e; esses. Me per gal; genuine ket tle boiled, cases, eos per gal; e-bbl Iota. Sac; 1-bbl lota. B3e ner sal: around cake, car lata. 120 pet lea leas than ear lota, gjo per ton. . CQmiUED FIROESS IN LIVESTOCK' PRICE All Lines-Hold Well WiOCViry, Very Light ArrivalsNo ; Changes in Quotations. I FortUnd TJnloa Stockyards. Ita. IA LI re stock receipts; ' Hogs. Oattla. aheap. Todey 4S 00 soo Week ego.... 14V , 820 '. 74a Tear ago ji 128 02 Prerloue year... 1,4 44 - ana wits receipts stiu ugnt rhenraetock market hi very firm but dull. AH lines ehaw the eame degree ef strength as a week .age. Values unchanged. ijTsstoes enoiuooe a rear age - AH Hate firm. . . ornciai Iireerock prscea: Hoes Beat eastern Oreeoa. tT.Oftf srnaksrs and feeders. $9.76; Chins fats, d.50(.T. Cattle Beat eastera Oragoa ateers. 14 00: beet cows end belters, ti.2b; stockers sad feed era, $3.25: bulla, $2.00. , wneen saisvou oavo-ac, wslosts, eta; ewaa, $55V.e.x7 , , EASTERN UVESTOCK LOWER Hogs and, 6heep 10c DownCattle 10c to 20c Lower. Chicago, Jan. 14, Livestock receipts: - . Hoaa, Cattle, rths-. Cblcags ', 63.OO0 41.000 B.1.0K0 Kaasas City............ awn 11,000 T.ot0 Otnaba 4,000 00 ' 14.000 lines sre loe lower with g.BOQ) lert over fmru Patarday. Receipts year ago were 81.000. Prices- Mixed, $6.1O0'.42t; good snd hesry, $.10f.26: light, $d.l0(lta.a0. . , Cattle Tea to UOe lower.. ... .i' Sheep Tea crata lower. 9TW TOBX 00TT0H MAXEZT. t Bew Tort, 7 as. la. Cotton closed lower with assrket steady. . -r" " , . ,-. .. . - Jan.. Jan. . - open, 11 tan. - Low. ' 14. .12 January . ...... p: ... i ... n . viH 4 pin March M H . ftri2 B..2 , 0 Apru p-vtt , ,pr- : nt.,,i pit l May IMI3 04 -y,9B 4S Pit J tins ......... ... ... ... P'.2 P7t Joly K71 71 pttT " r,T , P7S Angnat ....... P'. ' vnl ' r$ , ptd ' - PAS October ...... B6T Bog Bit IMS POO Uvernee! Cotton Market, MverpnoL Jaa. 14. Cotton futuret closed 11 point, mwer. - - . UVtTtrOOI OtAIH MARKXT. V - UTerpooL Jaa, 14 . Offh-ul prices!, " WHKAT. ' ., . , Open. - . Close.: Jib. 12. Osla March , ta sd ee 4i S ed lad May oa bled sa d ; . CORN. . I Jawaerr-r,,! ee M e f Hd ee ss - ea Jd K MATS ns s ... as ., ee i "Trad Was Extremely Light Along front Street Today, Owing to tha Cold Snap All ' Lines Ars Showing , Nominal Quotations mor.EYAnOVALUES GO LOWER Call Loans Drop as Low as Two and' a Half Per Cent " During Day, GENERAL LIST DOWN V . . AT THE CLOSE OF TRADE Great Northern, St. Pan! and Bead lng Each Drop Two Tolnta Under Saturdax'a Clostng -Few Klokt Anx Gains. "'''.'?':,.:' - NET LOSSES. Amalgai ted Great Borthera . MUsourl Pacific N. Y. Central... Northers Pacific Bugar ,. , Bmeiter ., 1 Anaconda ......... 1 Atrhlaon , Xt; Baltlinor..".... iPennnaylvanls. ncKtima Brooklyn ......... xjRock Island ...... Canadian ....... 1 i Son Uiern pscine..' Ht. Paul ......... S Hoathern Railway.. C at N. W m Union Pacific Chesapeake ...... ji 0. 8. Steel. ........ CMoredc Fael .... de preferred Krto II ' . NXT OAINS. ' ' Car 4 Foundry.... ' Colo. Soutbera. katy i... ' V Republic Steel .. A feature of epecial Interest la the trading on the Mew York stock market today was tbe Inability ef -the cllone to bold no orteee even swltb a lower range for money. Call loans eold eowa to SH per cent late In tna aay. tteaaing and Great Northern Iran J points and Canadian Pacific li.- St. Paul dropped t points. Official trnotatioca by Over back. SUrr Tjooaa com npany: i DHCRIFTIOB. A mal. Copper Co Am. Car A Found., com do preferred. . ,v . . Am. Locomotive, com. Am, Sugar, com Am. Snuiller, com... do preferred Anaeosda Mining Co.. Am. Woolen, com.... 120 11 lra 74 133 153 11H Atchison, com....,..,. 107 lO7,!lO0 1I1 1004 120 119V do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com do areferrlt . . 101 1X1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. SIM a 0 lanaaian vacine. m 1VX 12W 1S Central Leather, com oo Trererreo mu Ot. West., com t'hi nil. a St. Pan!.. Chi. A Northwest., com. 24S 12114 H Chesapeake Ohio 04 Colo, Fttel a Iron, oom.'.t M'ZI vow. Mouth., roar..,,. do 2d preferred...... do let preferred..... Delaware A llndsou... r. a r. a., com..... Erie, com do Sd pref erred... ... do 1st preferred. Illinois Central LoulsTllle Nashville. Mexican Central Ky... M.. It. A T.. com.... do preferred, i ,, TMstlUera ill Great Northera. ....... Ore Lands , Missouri Pacific...... New York Central... N, Y. OnX A Weet.., Norfolk A Westers, cos forth American Northern Paelde, com Pacific Mall 8. S. Co.. Pennayhranls Railway, P. O.. L. AO. Co Pressed Steel Car. ones do n referred Readtcfcom ;se---tTflaojiR!(H-tri do Id preferred.,....! VI So lat D referred I . BX Ren. Iron A SteeL com.) ( SOU do preferred .. pool 09x4 noca laiano, com...... do preferred... ...... 8t L. A S. r.. Sd pfd. do lat preferred..... St. L. A fl. W., com... do preferred......... Soutbern Pacific, com., do preferred.... Son there Railway, aors. do preferred Tennessee Coal A Iron. Texas A Pacific Tol., St. L. A W., eon no prererrea. ....... . Union Pacific, com. . . . do preferred......... 0. S. Hnhbrr, coat..... do preferred..... TJ. S. Steel Co asm... do preferred.. W abash, earn.......... lBXflSOal.TS ii'-' 'si" 'ioii ....1.....1, 40A 107 is AS do preferred. .. Western Union Tel Wisconsin Central, com . Virginia Chemical ..... SftlA 7i? , Total sales for the dey. $11,400 shares. Call money closed at 4 per cent. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Saa Franc isca. Jan. U. foetal Md Brloss; COLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandetorm. TV: Bed" Top. $4 80: Mnhswk. $17.76) Columbia Mouutaln. $180; Jumbo, $4.60; Jumbo Kit ens loo. $I.M; Vernel, Sfle; Penna, 6c; Gold Mining. $1 70; Kendall, Sac; Rnafh. a 1 17 u ' Hinsneii. mfcj aaasa. soci eilver Pick. $1.67: May 0"f-o. $2c; Msvada Boy, ; Black Bntts Bxtenalon, 17c; Blue bell, 87c: Dixie, lie; Gold. Colum., le: HI bernls, 2; St. Ivea. $1; Coaouar. See: Black Bock, IBe; Lone Star, 4c; Golden Wonder. 8c; Potlatcb, 76; Ore, 6c Kendall Rxtea. sioo, 10c: Basoatorm Extension, lac; assy, sic; Atl.nt. BHe! Oreat Bend. $1.47tae: Slmnasrool. $7o; Empire. 0e; Bed Top Bxtenalon, 41c; rtorenco, 4e asked; Diamond B. B.. 7c Delay, $$.10; laguna, $!.: Comanoowsalth. eoe asked; torn. rTscuon, 1 i-li i xwh -, 42c; Gt. Bend Exten., Annex, $lc; Mill Town, 62ct jfonansa, aoc; arxmn, e.i, 7" ""'': S7C1 . Portland. 40c: Cracker Jack. 260; Red Hills. 8e; Mohawk Bxtenalon, 26c; Spearhead, it.- m IHlkm. 2e: Yellow Tiger. V. nr. noma. S7-. Yellow Boae. 14; Oorsmbia Mountain Rxtemtoa. 12c; Ooldsa OotwollaAtsd, $B.87; Ttisngie, Boe. . .- TONOPAB PISTRICT. 7 . Koveda. 120: Montana, $4.18; Ttmopeh Brtes, alon, $5.70; Maeoamara, Sle; Midway, 2.; snrrru.- North Star. 40c: Onhlr. lTo: Weat End consolidated, $I.S6; Beacoe, Sic; Tenopeb and California, BOc; Golden Anchor, tie; Jim Butler, $1 22V,e: Cab Bo-y, ISe; Hale, IOC: KOaTOQ, Wl'll.0"-S ...... lfic; Viont, Mid. r.itenalon. lc; Gold Crows, lc; AOaopau uTnmiuiin, tw. COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Opblr, $.0S: Mexican, $1; Oonld a Curry, m,. u.. at! fl.le A K arc rose. BOei Tel- ow''Jacket. $1; Belcher, T4e; Cooojner. $1 fW asked; Sierra ' Nevada, T8C axeneflsar, eoc; Unloa, B-fltTBto'DISTRICT.' ' fWiainal. S4c: Bnllrrog. 41c; Montana Ban w inc. North Bank. S4oi Lbrs Harris. 8c: Ametbrat. TOe .aeked; Cold Bar, $!.; Stein- War, 82c; Stenver Anoes, uiDn, a, oic; Montana Shoe rxtonaion. xic; itoioen oeeprre, an,. umtiM Mountain. 46c: Homaatake Con- a.u'dated. $1.4: Yankee Girl. 18: Nugget t, ISc! Tramp Onenlldated. 2e; Victor,. 84c J Banner, 1; Borta star, loe; Maoaa, we, .,. TOrrXO STATES aOVTRBstlKT BOKDI. - Hew-Tark,-Jaa. 14-Offlclal arfcac: ' Date. Bid. Ask Twos, reentered tpt. 104 Jor,u So eouooa Three., registered... do coupon Small bonds Fonre, reentered..... do eonpon H1 1031 yours, reriatereo. ...... rlo eonpon Hil 12 1M Paaame 2s -T. , if 10fV oo coa poo. - ..... 1"4 10$ nietrtrt of Coinmbts lilt PutUpplns I. ,tov ..( - Hew Tork-tende Silver. '" - ' - flew Tork, Jsa. '14e-Bar SUrer, $s; Loa- iiou line ... Opt. 102 .... 102 ... lOOT IOO 101 lo7 loo oi U ,., IPiS - 1U 1W14 doa, SI 1-184. ... ',..', eastern nm IS STILL RISING Provision Market Gaining in Price Despite the Sharp Loss in Hogs Today. JULY OPTION OF PORK ' V IS HELD STRONGEST Gains 27 Ho While Others Are 23c . Above Friday's Figure M'heat Is Doll and Lower Coarae Grain : Quirt. l- :. , . 1- ' ' ": ' ' ' .. ' : . - RILATIVB WHEAT VALUES. Jan. la". Jan. 18. Loss. Jaassry ..... ...... .a .iia a .laaci a .WW May 7A , .T0A July .7'4A .7wJ ' M'i Baptember ....,,.,r--,7k mJ Chicago, Jan. 14. The psc-rtslon market le still adTancing thla la spite of today's ahsrp reartkm In the price of boga ta the yard. January closed SAc higher while July held a ge in 01 si toe. Mey closed 26o up. - Wheat was slow and dull. wbUe tbe coarse gralB list followed. . . . Official qaotatlons by Orsrbeck, Starr 4k vouae comuanr: ,, ; j . WHEAT. Open. High. January ....... 1 214 , . 724 Tow, 72 . . Clnee. T2 T6A r tA .. d y 44 ? Stl . 88 SIB 18IKB 1670 looT : . . ,' 40 V , B6T , H2A 72! STB I7A S2T . July. T ' Ti vTS-i saptember Te-TdS Tei May .......... ASM. July" 43. r 4 Septembet ..... e4M 44)4 OATS. May - J. July .. ........ ( MK ......... B3 S3 er 31 ' SI Beptsmbtr ' MESS PORK. ' Jasuary ..1....1000 . Int5 IflOO May ..........lfif.5 1871 1440 July 186T 1685 .'. 1047 LARD. " -January 4...... 2T ' B30 - 27 May , P4S .P5T WO July ... 4 OHi , S47 Septsmher ..... 02 . PAT (83 SHORT BIBS. 1 SS7 .. SOT i sn 10 1 PIT . BOO Jenasry May ... July ... 820 A SIT , PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Bnowstorm Loac 10c a Share aiiU J.JiSiSnowahoe 2c Today. rl Snowstorm droonad ' loa . ete " tbe IVirt- lend stock exebanxe today. Snowaboe lost 2c. with no ssLes, Trading was alow and consisted of S shares J. C. Lee company at 85 and 1.000 Lees Creek Gold at lUc. At nitrate aala 1,000 Brit lab Columbia Amalgamated snd 1.000 Alaska Petroleum war sold. , uruciai prices: , .-, BANK STOCKS. - : - Bid. Ask. $ 108.00 lRo'oe 20.00 Bank of California... ,....$3o2.08 Bankere' a Lnmbermen's ... Merchants1 National lKli.OO Oregon lYnat A Barings ........ 128.00 Portland Trust Company ....... United States National 300.00 BONDS. Ctty a Saburbaa aa .r.- ..... Columbls Sontbern tarigatloa 8a ..... Home Talapbone Aa ........... ..... too . o oo 100.0$ 100.08 10$. 5$ C. Lee Company as ........ 0. B. A N. By. aa O. W. P. A Br. OS ... ..... 100.00 Paclfls Coast Biscuit Se American Biscuit OS ... ..... 89.00 X 100.09 B0.0 100.00 ' 1OI.00 Soathweetera Lighting Bs ... 87.00 MI8CELLANBOCS STOCKS. Associated Oil 47.00 Rome Telephone ....... tS.OO J. C. Lee Company A.......... . 84 OO Oregon City Mill A Lumber. ... 4.80 Oregon Journal, pfd. ........... 118.00 es.o 41.00 48.00 TJO Psciae Btatee Telephone ...... 10X00 . los.o Portland Heights Imp. Co. M.OO 80.00 TB.00 Paget Sound Telephone Oouthweetera Lighting Yaqolas Bay Talepbone, ass a e a . a , ' 4.28 htlKINO STOCKS. v : Bid. Aak. .a .25 .81 4.08- , 20 - .04 Alaaka Fetrolennt ........$..10 British Colombia Amalgamated. M British Taken sra r Cesradls 29 Dixie Meadows s Ely Consolidated $60 Ooldneld Trotter r..,, :mr.. Ta Great Northern ............... .OS . Uolden .14 Lakevlew Leee Creek Gold .......... .28 .02 14 .0 .08 .00 ..,,a .0 , ' .00 ' 10lJ 1.13 Mammota .....i. Morning North Falrview Oregon Securities Standard Coaeollrt -18 i Taeoms Steel TThltea Pisces . ......... 10 Weahoogal Kxtrsctloa 23 CO EUB D'ALENB DI8TBICT. ButlloB ., . i . - - " Burke . .10 - . 1 .08 - . 08 .10 .TB S00 Copper King Happy Day . ........, ' .04 Park Copper .................. .01 , Monmouth . ...m... .05 Reindeer .0M Snowaboe ,,....... .88 ; Snowstorm vo ew Terk Bead atarket. Few Terk. Jaa. IA Official prices l BurttagtOB yAtot L. AN. unified K. A WrCeae, 40..,,.... aw Atlantla Coast 4s m S o. a. a M. LUKE MOSEY H OH; TIE3BER AKD SYf.1PATHY Sharpers Pretend Wood Destined for Panama Is to l3e Used In ; Rebuilding San Francisco. 7 . (Journal Special Serrtee.) Ottawa. Ont, Jan. It. Information ha reached the dominion government of a sobeme by which lumber produced In British, Columbia . la diverted from Canadian mark eta, where ft is greatly needed, to the United State, and Inci dentally th Amsticna - government is cheated out of thousand ef dollars In timber duties. V . . -. v-n ' " ' The present great shortage of lumber In British Columbia waa believed te be due te the bug demand at Ban Fran elsoo. Tremendous quantities have gone there, but th real destination of much f It ha been th Isthmus ef Panama and it has enly gon to Ban- rYanctacoL It la alleged, to obtain th advantag ef th preferential rate of duty in fore at that port and baa been immediately reloaded on other vessel ana taken to Panama. , ... . t ' fVa hop th member woit't fall Into th habit of publicly calling one an other liar. ' B saaaaiwaaaaiwaaaaaaannsaa ' Fief Si led Stock Canned Oeota, ' Allen 4 ietwla' Best Brand. V.: ... 4 ,1 , MORGAN HIS The Indictment of George W.' Perkins, I S ' " j J m ' H J: a! ! r 1.1 E j 1 : : I I i ii .- I i I 1 1 : I 1 " f i 3 : 3 . If and Charles SvFalrchild, charged witn laisirnng tne recoras or me New York Life Insurance company, has created a sensation In this, city. This picture is from a snapshot of Mr. Perkins and J. Pier ' pont Morgan Jr., who became his bondsman, as they were leaving tha court, , Mr. Perkins Is on the left. . , DECLARES HOOKS ; WERE DEFECTIVE Mill Employe Seek to Recover Damages for Being Injured ' at Work.- - A damage suit for t3.t3T.tO. brought by P. P. Allen against - tha Standard Box A Lumber company, -wag. called for trial In Judge cieland's court toaay. Alien waa seriously Injured while work ing In- tha -company's Portland sawmill. October -17, l0t. H was required to work upon a traveling carries operated by a feed lever. Th grabhooke oper ating from a rolling crsn slipped, a heavy timber waa thrown -against th feed lever, throwing on tn power at full ' strength, tha traveling carriage shot forward and Allen was precipitated to tha floor. Hi llt leg wa broken. his tight hip Injured, and he was badly bruised and unable to work-.for several months. , - ' , - Allen' allege that tb accident was th result of criminal carelessness on th part of th company In allowing th to becom dull and do festive. ' Th company assert that Allen knew that b was working In a dangerous place and that th nooss were llaJbl to slle at any time. . It also allege that If anyone la to be blamed It la Allen's fallow-workmen. , : . i i ' ; FIRE VOLUNTEERS TO HOLD A CELEBRATION Th twelfth nverary"of th Bell wood volunteer fir department will be celebrated torn or row evening at th hall of th firemen on Past Thirteenth street. Becretarg O. H. Wallberg bag sent eut a number of Invitations and a On pro-. gram of sntertainment has . been P re- Da red. .- . ' . - A lectur by Rv. B. I. Hons th fourth In -th Bellwood library eonrss will be heard thla Evening at Bellwood Preebyterlan church, corner Spokane avenue and Eaat Seventeenth atreet. Th speaker subject will be Tbs World's Maatarpleces." Th public Is Invited to enjoy a good lectur snd at th am time aid In maintaining the Bellwood branch of the Portland free library. l- Although the Portland library haa taken over th Bellwood reading' room permanently, th lectur courss wlU b earrled out aa planned, te fro th Sellwood association from dsbt. ' Funeral of Oncer . Kfdan,L: The funeral services ef the late Oscar J. .Kendall will be held from Dunning- chapel, en Seventh Street, tomorrow aft ernoon at t o'clock. Mr. Kendall was In the smploy of Prancl 3. Honey at San Francisco, and died in tnat oity last week. He Is survived by . the , kl. .tal..J..l.w ' mjTva Lynch! and brothers, M. J. and William M. Kendall. Rev. A. 3. Montgomery will offlclat at th ssrvloes. . , ,. '-,"' The Monstache In France. ' From the London Dally Graphlo. A French denntv. Antld Bover (from Marseilles), propose to Introduce a bill to punish by fin and Imprisonment any employer of labor who shall forbid his employed to wear a moustache. That prohibition. M. Boyer - contends. I bad as of servitude, a survival ef the barbarlo age when warriors arrogated to themeelves the solo claim to th herolo virtue by flaunting a fsw hairs on their tipper lip. That I true, ne doubt: but it I net th whol truth. For. If th tradition that th moustache was a pursly military appendage per sisted -until after Jo Bedley waggered about Brussels with that ornament upon him on the eve of Waterloo, thereby deluding th publlo into th belief that he wa a British officer, times hsvt changed now. In thla country many, if not most, naval officers shsve com. pletely, while in Franc an admiral 1 known by hie1 whlsksr and shaven up, per llp. Beside.- M. Boyer- fonret that tb greatest warrior of thsm all Napo leon never wore hair on hi fac st all. Well, if M. Boyer gets his Bill paused, ws suppose th fsshlon will change, and "Jsnmes" will Wear a mous tache that would not have disgraced Ariovltsu himself, while hi master face Is scraped a tmooth as a billiard bal(. But It remains to b Seen whetner th chamber will think It worth while to split hair with M. Boyer over this tremendous quesuoa. . BONDSMAN ot tha firm oi J. P. Morgan at Co., GALE'S GRANDSON; . SUING FOR LAND ' AwWAwaSBaaawawBBaa . a - Young Indian Claims Allotment Acreage Formerly Held by Mother, a Umatillian. Lester Beam, the half-breed grand on of Joseph dale, a' former territorial governor f of ? Oregon, i suing ' tb United State and Jamea Holcomb te recover title to Indian allotment lands. which young Beam claim belong to hlra a th only heir of hi mother, te whom th land was originally allotted. Th case J being srgued before Judge woivertoa in tna-federal court today. Beam saya he I th Illegitimate aon ot Clara Gale, the daughter of Joseph uaie. ciara Ualea mother was a full blooded Umatilla - Indian. .Because of the Indian blood in hsr veins, Clara Oejle. waaJloxtedrtata lands In! asst. I era Oregon. After the birth of her son she Married Jamea Holcomb, whe lived with her upon th land until her death. Sine that time Holcomb haa reelded en th land and haa refused;, according te tn plaintiff, to give tip the property. Beam wa given te Mr. Ellxa Beam a few hour after hi birth and ha since resided with her, most of th time In Baker city. , . ; . ; . , ORIGIN OF' OUR APPLES Bureau of Labor aad Statletlcs Gives j s Iateresting Facts. j Th Oregon bureau' ef labor and ata. tlatlca hs complied th following fact concerning th early history of apple and other frails In th Oregon country Th first apple aeds were planted st Vancouver in i$zs. Th cut-leaf on evergreen blackberry came from th sandwich laland. Th Lewelling and Bine cherries were originated by Beth Lewelling. The Golden prune wa originated In 187$ by Beth-Lewelling. ' The Lambert cherry wa originated by J. H. Lambert. - In the year 1S4S Henderson Lewelling brought yearling grafted apple, cherry, plum,- prune, peaoh, grape and berry sprouts from lows, and bauled them across th plain. - The first nursery waa started at Mil wsnkis tn 134$ by Lewelling eV Meek. - In 18B0 a Mr. Ladd started a nursery at Buttevllle. In the aam year Oeorg Bettlemler started on at Green Point. A nursery was started at Balem about ISBO. i- ,. - The first box : ef Tstlow ' Newtown Pippin sold - la Portland for $TB per box or tl per apple They were grown by Hsndereon Lewelling. In 1861 Oregon applea sold" la San Francisco st 33.(0 par pound. ' In 184 BOO bushela of Oregon apple were shipped and. returned a set-profit of tl.B0 te 31 Pr pound. 1 In I8BS 3,000 bushela nf applea Were shipped . and returned tlO ' te 330 pee buaheL The export of lttl waa It.OM In 18B3 one box of Esopus ftpHsenberg apple paid th shipper a net profit of 3 BO, and three boxes of Wlncsspa, war old in peruana Tor iui. . From 18B3 to 186$ th bi-monthly fall and wlntsr shipments or sppies to Bun Francisco by steamer averaged v 4.S0O box.'' t '-." - v. In 18tT Henry Miller, received scion of Italian (Fallenhrg) prune and graft ed them on bearing plum . trees with auccens. - In 1858 Beth Lewelling- sst the ' first prune orchard, five - acre, near Mil waukle. J. R. Cntdwrll claims th" eredlt "fof having - set out th first commercial prune orchard on the coast. He sst out 8. 00 tree between the year 1371 and 188L , . : . - ' - Court Etiquette Overlooked, t king Edward, though vsry particular ss to -the -observance of -etlqaetts-at state funotlons. Is by ne meana a stick ler for It on certain "occasions, aa th following story shows, A distinguished man, who was also noted for his inde pendence ef chsrscter. had trsnsgreesed one of th rule of royal' etiquette, and waa apologised for by hi wife, to whom the king replied: "Lady , your hus band haa dona mora for th welfare of the country than almost any English man I know, and I shall never rem era bar a fault of manner against btm, HARIffiT CO. U. S. Coverr..T.cnt Inspected Kests First and Alder Streets Wholesale and Retail We Buy Direct and Save You the Middleman's '. . , Profit v- :bjeep::-:-:' Oregon, s Best Steers ; No Old Cows tn the J-ot. ; Briskets, per lb, 4 4 Flank Boil, per lb. , i i $ Plate Boil, per lb. . . ; Neck Boiling Meat, per lb.., 4t Shoulder Steak, per lb. 7f Chuck Steakt per lb.' .... . . . 7 . Shoulder Roast, per lb., . . . . , 7 CrossRIbs oTBeef, per lb... 7 Sirloin Steak, per lb. .... . .10 Prime Ribs of Beef, per lb. .lQf Hamburger, per lb. ; : . ,' . . S 8 r MUTTON- We Always Have Plenty. Stew, per.'lb. ...... a.. 5) - Shoulder Chops, per lb. .10 Should ef Roast, per lb. ...'.lO Front Quarters, per lb. ..... 8 Hind Quarters, per lb. ..lZyZf Loin Chops, per Jb. , .". .15 Leg Mutton," perlb. ;.t;.T.15rk .VEALrS:'? Finest Willamette Valley Veal, ' and Enough for Everybody. Veal Shanks, per lb. .... 6$ . Veal Stew, per lb' ,.7.1 18 Veal Boil, per lb.'.-. ... ; : ....10 " Breast of Veal, per lb. i i , i .10 Shoulder Veal, per lb. V. . . . .10 Leg Veal, per lb. ........ 12$e - Rump Veal, per lb. ......124 Rib Cutlets, per lb. ...... 12f ; Veal Loaf, per lb,' . . . . . . . . .15 Loin Veal Cutlets, per lb. .15 T PORK Choice; Wheat Fed! Zl "T Loin Chops, per lb. ..... .. 115- ' Shoulder Chops, per Ib, . .12 " Hocks, per lb. ;. , . . . ....... 8 Pigs Feet, per lb. . . . . , 5 1 Back Fat, per lb. . . . 10 Leaf Lard, per lb. ....... V,12f Pure, Lard, our own make. per lb ..12. Sausage, per lb.'..U.V...,;10e Salt Pork, per lb. ...... .12eJ Pickled Pork; per lb. V..12J'1 SUNDRIES Kidneys ... , . . . ..... , ... . , 5e Liver, per lb. Ox Tails, per. lb. '. .'.'....'..V. 5 , Tnpe, per lb. .............. 8 Corned Beef, per lb. ..... C . Bologna, per lb. . . . .. . 8 Frankfurters, per lb. .A,.ffilO$ Brains ........ ... . . . ..... .10 Hams, per lb. . V.'-. . ... . ; . . .17 Bacon, per lb. . . .777,7.7.17 SPECIAL PRICES TO Restaurants and Hotels ! Phone Main 30 14 c INVESTMENT GIVES HANDSOME PROFIT Agents Sell ; Property to' Client ' and Buy Back at Big ' " ' Increase. ' OrlndsUf f Schallc have purchased from R, W. Wilson a lot . tsxlOO ea Madison street. Between First and Seo end, for 813,000. air. Wilson acquired thla property through th ganoy ef OrindUff a Sohalk about four month age for 313,800, leaving htm a net profit. ot, or 83 l-i per eont, . ea lh trannaottora.-- - - v, a In no part of the eity bag property cored greater advance In tb past few month than that In th vicinity of . tha west, approach te the eMdlaon bridge. - t Th ntrpris hoUl, at th southweet soraer, of Fifteenth and rtevler. hs been Bold, by Malsrkey Ptengle to a local Investor for 313.000. The af was mad by Drook Klernaa. ' .. WW " -A V; I .1. .