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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING., JANUARY 14. 1907. 11 SEATTLE SPORTS S. t ' -2T : ) ARE AflXIOUS JllAnm MirMjl.l. V.' ... C..mA City This Week Occas- : ',',',' i lont Comment. HOW NORTHERN FANS REGARD THE SITUATION Facta and Tigurtm An Given to " Ptot Thai No One OaUide of the Bound City, Conld Hopo to Pro- dace a Suconufnl Club.. President tv. w: MoCredt of thf Portland baseball elub will leav tomor row (or Seattle. In an attempt to f igur ut exactly th baaeball condition In that city, with the principal , view of lf. eeelng that the right of the Pacific r COaat leaaua are not ritaturhei In any way by the promoter of the Northwest league. - On hearing of McCredle' In tended Tint, the Seattle Post-Intelll-encer gives mm advance advice and some facta that are not Intended to en- courage the Coast league Mr. Taft tier are some of the atatementa, and. Indeed,- at the.-.outaet-they - are - a re. ,. flection on the sportsmanlike qualities . of the Seattle aporta: : v. is judge MoCredie the "whole thing" . In the Pacific Coast Baseball . league t ' Te read the Portland newspaper these day leada on to that Impression. . '. MoCredie la the magnate behind the Portland - team, "and just now he is Itching to be the bis; duck, in a small pond at Seattle. . Because Rues Hall s has not seen his way clear to . make1 money With Seattle in the Coast league - and has returned .he franchise to the league, the Portland man seems to think that Russ la all ktnda of bad '. fellow. (-. ' ', t ' " Ruse Ball gave Seattle gome ' good baseball last year, but it was not only a couple of thousand dollars that he ; and 'Jim Agnew dropped, but several thousand, and while Judge - MoCredie talks in a lordly manner of "patting a couple of thousand himself into that Seattle club." Seattle fans will wonder just what kind of ball H.OOO wlU give them. - . ;- : . -The Seattle base) ill club broke about even on the last few seasons almply : because Seattle real estate happened to t be a good investment They sold' their baseball park for a. sufficient advance to cover their loss of about 140,000. MoCredie' idea, apparently, is to give Seattle syndicate ball. He must realise ,-that Seattle will not make -money for ' ' the Coaat league owing to the heavy traveling expenses and the fact that ; the fans are not taking any particular interest Is the doings of the othet .. teams. - San Franolsoo and Los Angelas are too far away to greatly interest -the Seattle baseball -men. but with Tacoma and Spokane in the league Is a differ- ent matter. There is a natural rivalry . between -Seattle and the cities named, and thla rivalry will greatly tend to Increase the attendance at the ball game. r; V " If the Northwest league. - can draw larger crowds ' than" 'the "Coast league, caa Jhey not afford to. pay ,aa good sal aries and get as good player t , It stands, to reason that they can.- ; . Portland is bucking W. 3. Lucas more than the Northwest league, and McCre- die Is going- to all lengths to try to win, even if he has to make Seattle stand the brant of hla enmity against Syndicate baseball Is not wanted by the Seattle fans, who have been trying for year to get Dugdale baok into the gam, and now that the fat manager hss come out again and (or the North western eague, the fan are going to bark him to a man. c Mcv-reaie ana nis syndicate team win LtyrrJ It a hard job to make anything jjkv .ajj.i ioa ii.i m uu wimn nw run land Jurist makes his appearance here this week" he will realise this fact for himself much better1 than he now does. "K couple of thousand" won't be a look-in. First, they must get a park- no small job in itself and then tbey must get backing, and no Seattle flnanoler is ' going to be fool enough to back a team In the Coast league under the present conditions. Leaving aside all - matter in--regard to attendance, the booker of the team have absolutely no secur ity. The park lease, players contracts and other such security are held by the- league.- And according to a Port land paper they are the "property of the Coat league and virtually of the Mo Credie." The Coast league bo win be hero In the course of a few days, and Seattle fans will watch his work with great In terest. t . . . Skating at Wallowa. . - J: ' (ftpec! Trnrpateh te The Journal) ' Wallowa, Or., Jan. 14. J. P. More lock will soon lay a hardwood floor in Ms skating rink. The lumber, which' Is of maple xi inch In else with matched ends and sides, ha been- ordered from -the east tnroughv-a Portland firm.' This announcement Is received with Joy 'by the many skater in thla community. It will take more than . 000 feet and the coat will be between 4780 and 11,000. With the excellent ice on the great Wal lowa lake at this season and the rink, kiting I one of the chief pastimes )iraboutv.- - ,--- f' " 6 . . " - ' TtU Picturg Bh6wi How LlfMwelgMi Look ia the Ring. A Scant at LOCAL BOVLERS REARRAIIBE THEIR TEH PIH TEAMS Five-Men Clubs .civt Way to , Three for the Balance of the ' " V Pinning Season. , . The Oregon Bowling association, hav ing completed their five-man team sched ule, held -a. meeting and concluded that three-man teasin would furnish more sport for 1 the remaining season. The teams bava been classiaed according to the Individual averages made in the past league and divided into two classes "A", and "B" Class "A- to bowl Tues day and Friday night and' class on Monday, Wednesday and .' Friday nights. The team selected are as fol lows; ;V . .-.,-;.. ....,-:.-..--.-- Class "A" Kruae, Hague, Harrington; Ball, Lunney, Moser; Keating, Reese, MoCasUn: .Case, Kneys. Pa via; Mo Monlea, Gillespie, Sloan; UUman, Moore. Rows; ' Barbour. ' Hanson, Boulanger; Hamilton, Lamond, Capen, .' Class "B" JDavidson, Duffy, New stead; Raymond, . Annltage, Campbell; Amba, Meleen, Shafer; La- Roche, Smith. Danford;Ogdea, Woodman. Dolphin: Sumption. Stein,. Hergert; Newberger. Anspach,' Stratum; Kees, Neonan, Dea ver; Kalk, Closset, Oalllard; Volslnet, Withers, Hlnnenkamp; Christian, Ton sing, Rosa; Stammera Swarta, Dale. SPORTING GOSSIP Th return of Coach" Bexdek to Eu gene on Saturday last was a great event in the live of the Oregon students, who hold him a the greatest athletic teacher and coach that the west has ever seen. Read this sad report sent out by a Eu gene correspondent, and then 'wonder why there Is jubilation over the great football coach's return;. , The absence ef Coach Besdek has thrown the U. O. basketball team Into a melancholy fit of the blue," -.- v There were other expressions of a similar character that - could not but make outsiders as well a the students feel for the coach..- Now . that h has returned to his usual haunts, let the sons of the Lemon Tellow rejoice ex ceedingly and be glad, for there is but on Hugo Besdek. . , . .v . e' e ; .t - The bowling committee of the Multno mah Amateur Athletic club will meet this evening at o'clock for th pur pose of organising bowling tea ma Th interest in bowling at the club ha in creased with the cold weather, and with four or five crack teams la th field some - Interesting - matches - may be looked for. ,- ... , .... . . . . .- i. . ." .a e Say John "I Bulltvanf J-Be honest Boxing, as well, a all other, sports, is an honest man's game, Th publio ha no us for a faker In anything, but less in boxing than any other place. I did not take any Interest In the O ana-Herman fight, because one of the principals is a self-confessed faker. He is a great boxer and yet he haa not mad much money. CluJs do not want him. and the publio would not go to see him until he was brought Into th Nevada mining camps, where It seem they will not atand for faking. . w ----- j e e ,..'', The Parka defeated the Eaglea yes terday afternoon by a score of 4 to 0. Th star of the gam wa Cook, who mad a . 0-yard run . and kicked the goal, -h rr-r- '.. - ,. '.,? . .. ' , . i-., e,.e. . Waa ever a boxer the object af o much concern and tender solicitude as 1 Jim Jeffrie? "Tsd" started all th trouble by declaring thaf Jeff had prac tically agreed to meet Johnson, the big California black, for a pur of $40,000 bung upby Tex Rtcard. This was promptly punctured, but lOTM enough ttr keep- Jeff In th spotlight. -where he belong when talking fight for keeps. But all th wlndjammtng in th world will not produce a fighter any where near fit to cope with Jeff. No matter what may be said to th con trary, th only on on the surface who approximately approaches him phys ically 1 Johnson. 'In their effort to boost th latter some writer have Inti mated that Jeff 1 really afraid, of him. Those who know Jeff know that he Is afraid of no on living, and he I game enough not to be cajoled Into a meeting with Johneon. . . It waa thought that th arrival of Squires would sidetrack the Johnson agitation; but now, according' to a cable from Australia, Squires, who Is about to set sail for San Franolsco, haa reconsidered hi announced willingness to meet . Jef t He want something softer to start In on. As the most likely aspirants O'Brien and Burns for th heavyweight title are now tied up until next May, It would aeera that Spulrea will havev-a4ong wait for the opportunity to ahow hla class. And for Jeff, unices hslonaents to take on Johnson, he might as well return to th farm and follow the life of a gentle man agriculturist Regulate th bowels, promotes easy, Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist for inera. la oinn m pv. .. s' "--v . ' J : 1 l i sa- SWH..W- - - . . RECORDS OF THE DOi'LKlG LlEll High Scores and Best Averages Made During Season Just -''"''. Closed. M'MENOMY WAS FIRST FOR THE HIGH AVERAGE Ball of the ODre-ons Rolled a Great - Game and Ran Up to 277, a Very . Good Mark -Kruse and Keating Also Do Fyio Work. V The following shows some of th tndi vidua! soorea ' Th first figure repre sent th high aoore, the other the aver age: ' -" x.-v. CLASS A " . " .: PORTLANDS. , v High Seer. McMcnomy IH' Case I4'. McMonle ............... IBS Ave. ' 102 -its 110 10 lit 111 UUmu 141 , Hanson ................. 2S Moore J3 ' OREdONST . , . . Ban .....-J7T 111 115 111 114 171 174 101 lit 171 171 171 170 111 KenMng i ..'H . Swinney '. IIJ Hamilton . .........., til Reese ...,..,...,....... 181 '' Cepenjl.'. S01 ' . GOVERNMENT BONDS. Kruse ................... T4 . Barbour ....i. ........... 21S Oillespl , 14 ' ROW '"T" Davlea Il - Hill ,'.v . . .-. . . i . . . . ...if. 0 Stammer tot GOLD LEAF. FIcken . Sheffet 7 , 171 Kneyse HI 171 Hague IM ; . 177 Boulanger 117 171 Oaitlard - 101 114 BCHILLER8. Harrington til 174 Lunney ttC 171 Newberger IK 170 Christian...; 114 ill aHoonAil- iSS ' 161 MONTAVILLA. Sloan .................... Ill - 174 MoCaalla ............. 141171 Anspach ................ Ill , 111 Parrott 114 141 Parent ..Ill 111 CLASS B ' . T COMMERCIAL NO. 1. ' Lamond .141 111 La Roche ,,..,..,.,.....1111. 171 Armltag Ill 147 Meleen ill II) Deaver ...100 111 Thornton ............... 117 . 141 Little 141 117 . i WILLAMETTE. " Moser: 114 17T Raymond ............... Ill ... 171 Duffy 201 ..IIS Smith Ill - 111 Dolphin 321 Its Newstead ..... . . . . . . .i". r 171 ' 141 -.. UTRICS. '-'' Ogden ......... 211 171 Amb I4 171 Kalk 131 , 170 Stratton Ill 111 Hlnnenkamp ....' Ill IS! Flood Ill . 141 Evan 17 . m ItPPTrOALESr- Volelnet . ... ............ 124 Tonslng . . 107 Withers Ill Hergert Ill Dele Ill Hill Ill Madden 151 ' COMMERCIAL NO. t. Sumption 211 Kees 211 Davidson 28S Stein 210 KUUngsworta Ill Roberta ................ 112 170 H4 14 ,167 ISO ISO JI4 171 , 170 111 111 111 141 lit 161 ' 161 T60 161 16! 147 111 AJdrlch ...... .,i Ill Closset 211 Woodman- 211 ' Shafer IIS Danford i,.. ...... 1SS Ross Ill Campbell 211 Pannell : 141 Football for Graduate. ' ' Cnlveraity of Oregon. Eugene. Jaa 14. The recommendation of .the athletlo council that gold footballs should be th graduating members of th football team of 1101 ha been adopted by the executive committee of the student body. Th men who will receive th footballs are Captain Chan dler, Hug. MoKlnney and Latourett. -;,.i-'- - . '' - j ., : : ; , V . ( 'f : w .-f tha Rlngslda at th) Tight RecentUJo, ii;;S HALTES ADOPTED By IVELL. KKOIVII BOXERS ' Odd Appellations Taken by . the Gentry That Live by the Use of Their Fists. Many of the leading boxers of the .Almt n. .k. ..hi, n. A n.mM 1ft the prise ring would hardly be known by tneir rtunlly namea . ror instanoe, many people are not aware that Philadelphia Jack O'Brien was christened Joseph Francis Anthony 1 lagan. Herewith are some of the ring's titles of famous fighters, past and present, and the namea by which they are known In pri vate life; -. - - . , - ' The Nonpareil, Jack Dempsey; John Ii, John L. Sullivan; Gentleman Jim, James J. Corbettf Fits, Robert J. Flts slmmons; Jeff, James Joseph Jeffries; the Barbados Wonder, Joseph Waloott; Young Grlffo. Albert Griffiths; Austra lian Billy Murphy,- Thomas William Murphy: Belfast Spider, laaae 'Nell Weir; Streator Cyclone, William Myert Bralntree Lad, John Grimn; Saginaw Kid. Oeorge Lavlgne; Jake Kllraln, John Joseph Klllion; Ithaca Giant, Mlchlal Conley; Mysterious Billy Smith, Amos Umitht nirlam nltmm Cooler. " Frank Craig; Barrier Champion. Joe 'Goddar Sydney cornstaia, rrancis rainra oia vln; Little Chocolate, George Dixon; Haverstraw Brlckmaker, Billy Ernst; lark- r-.l rvrnallua T. Morlarltv: Phil- .A.l.hl. Tank . n'RH.n Jnaftnll 'V. A. Llagan; Bpme Hiuuvsn. wuuam a. duiu-i van; Tommy Ryan; joe xoungs: hc Coy, Norman Selby; Sandy Ferguson, John Henry Ferguson; . Young Peter Jackson. Sim Tompkins; Tommy Burns, Noah Brussot Honey-MeUody, William Mellody: Young Corbet t, William H. Roth well: Young Corbett. Oeorge Green; Kid McPartland. William Lawrence; Tipton Slasher, Benny Yanger; Battling Nelson, Aeoar Matthew Battling Nelson; Terrible Terry, Terrene Joseph Mo nAMpm Kid Herman. Herman Landfleld; Pedlar Palmer, Thomas Palmer: Hugo Kelly, Hugo Machell; Unk Russell. John J. Russell; Kid Sullivan. Harry Sheehy; Charley Neary. Charles Nebrln; Young, Erne, Hugo Clavin; Dick Hyland, Wll-j Ham Hurlne; Young Mowatt, Thomas Moore; Tommy Daly, Thomas ureina; Young Donohu. Fhil rower; joe Thomas, Jo Daley; -Harry Lewis, Her man Besterman; Eddie Hanlon. Charles Walter , Hanlon: Young Mahoney. Otto Hasten'; Steve Kinney, Herman Wendorf. It will be noticed that the are two Young CorMtts in the above list, of which George Green 1 the original. He I a middleweight and a native of Call ton 'a. He waa a protege of Jim Cor bett, and mad hla professional debut about 17 year ago. The younger one. William Rothwell. ia atlU In the game and bears the distinction of being the. only, on who ever knocked out Terry McGovern. having accomplished this feat on two occasion PROMINENT DOGS IN NATIONAL FIELD FINALS (Jooraal Rpeclal gervlce.J ' Grand Junction. Tenn.. Jan. 14.- Mem- bera of the United States Field Trial club rounded up here today for their meeting and competitions. A there Is nlentv of ram on the preserve near here, aood sport is anticipated. Many prominent -sportsmen from a distsncs are here, having been attracted by tne rich stakes offered. Some of the finest bred pointers and setters in the country are entered. ' Th prorram Is made up of the same events as In previous years, including the Derby and open ohamplon hlo. Th unusually large number of entries will probably cau the event to continue for 10 days or longer. THIS A. A. C. AGGREGATION KNOWS BASKETBALL The A. A. C boys are a lively aggre gation at th basketball game. In thla last match they defeated the Y. M. C A. Zebras 11 to 14. Th line-up was: A. A. C. . Position. Zebras. Undine . ...... Forward ....... Thoma William ......Forward. Sheets Phillips Center......... Vinson James Guard........... Bruce Bhoreriger Guard Sweeney The A. A. C. boy are in junior champion of Portland and are sched uled to meet M. A. A. C Second on January II. Team averaging. US pounds, desiring game with M. A. A. C, should address Harvey Hoffman, 121 Montana avenue. TVreatllng at La Grande. " Speelel Plupstcn to The Joaratt) Da Grande, Or, Jan. 14. A wrestling match will be one of th interesting event to take place In this city in th near future. The oonteat will be under the direction of Profesor L. M. Chrls- toL and will be between Henry Sheffer- sky, a pupil of Haokensmlth, th world' champion wrestler, and a young man employed on th railroad. The match will call for lioo a ama. . Which Gam Scored a Knockout. On j -"X - jand Aldsr. ' ' . ... . U . 1 ' ' : ifX- );) i n . - " - " ....... .. r-. - ySi'J h .. ........ . . . - - ? No Cheaper v Treatment on the Coast MY FEE IS ONLY . $10 la Any Uncomplicated Atlnient Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength. Do you feel that you a? not the . man you once were 7 - Do yon feel ' tired In the morning and easily ex hausted? Is your back- weak? ' Is your memory failing? Do you have difficulty in fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition? ' If you have any or all of the above eymp tome, you surely do not desire to remain In your present condition. Let me explain to you' my . methods of rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to the thousands I have . cured. . ' ' The Only Diseases I Treat Brprmatrrl6e,"TM3frrlMrrartr -eooela, Xnptare, Pile, MydroceU, Orgaalo Weakness, Oontagloa Blood Diseases, -Aont aad Cbjtoalo Pro. taral and Prostatio Inflammatloa.- FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION 'rtavttrwiii weak or diseased-nan o call for free advice, and If de 1 aired I will make a free examination and diagnosis,. but the visit will not obligate him in any way to become -my patient. Office, hours, I a. m. to p m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. . . .,.;- : Patients living out of the city and coming to Portland for treatment will be furnished with fine room free of charge. Check your trunk -direct to 314 H Morrison street. r We Cure Men A any uncomplicated Under Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured Any man, regardless of his trouble, who desires to lead a different life than the one of lack of vitality and vigor, diseased from Blood Poison, .Varicocele, or any one which we treat. We will cure you and give you a written guarantee. Although this statement seems aoaTstatemeht . our treatment surpasses any m existence We have, for over 25 years. ,Our treatment stands on its own not only abolish the disease, but we build up the system and able to face the world and its grind of-competition. shall be pleased to have a confidential talk with you, no matter, what your trou ble may be. Remember, our' fee is only $10.00. ; Write if you cannot call. --' ' Office Hours 8 a, m. to 6:30 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 12. ST. LOUIS "ISg&x: DISPENSARY CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON STAR BOWLERS CHALLENGE PORTLAND CHAMPIONS The oracTt Portland bowling team. winners of tha pennant for 1901, have been challenged by a team composed Of star bowlers, the match to take place at the Oregoa alley aJWednenday night. the total pins to count Jor three games. " ."-, Bowling In Ohio. ' (JnnraaT gprelil fc-rvtee.t Toledo. O.. Jan. 14. The Ohio atat bowling tournament, for which prepara tion have been going lorwara au win ter, opened today under promising aus pice. Th entry list Includes Individ ual players and tea ma -from Cleveland. Columbus, Mansfield. Dayton, xoungs- town and a number or outer unio Hie. The aum of S,5o win o aisinoutea In prlxea among the wlnnere. . Milwaukto Country Club. Raatarn and California race. Take Sallwoed and Oregon City ear at Ural the Left It Shown Cam; at' the -l t' a VT - BS. TATXOB, '.'(,. a -beading Specialist.' . I Never Guess Experiment or take chances of any sort. I attempt to cure only those '. disease that I have been curing for the past IS years, and feel sure I am 'Justified In saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lacking In knowledge per taining to my specialty I would' never have attained my present success, nor would I today be rec ognised as ths leading specialist J rcatl n g m cn'a d1fae. If af- flicted. you ran depend upon it " that the service I offer you ia the 'service you need, and 1 service such as csn be rendered' by no other physician. ...'..'... for case. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND TRANSPORTATION. east SOUTH arrrra PortUad and 8 fras. , tuea Sxprata Btois oly t BkMt (aiBortaat eUtloae tea. lertUad ib4 Haa rraolaoc eunaaetluue at "a rraaciaro far all aolDt .. Kaat aad Soutb lt:0 ll:Ma Ortrland g(praa Train foe all local point Smith. . Baeratneato. gaa - yraiwiae ' ad poloU Kaat aad tmXh.--M : Mornlns train eoaaecta at WKMjrara dally . aacovt andar with Mount Aog al and SIlMMoa local :M tta . T:B P Oottaca Oro.a paaaangar eoaDccts at Woodbura and albanr dally, earvpt Baa . v with tratna tnr Bnlnca oa Woodbnra.SprlnsnVM and - t iranr-Loaaaa sraneaaa.. liH-a -m Com 111 p. hertdn patawnrw........ 4:10 ata eio-io rnrMt Oro p.aT.,. .till t0 aal SOOam roreat Orore paaaaosae.... I 6 0 pal III M pm Dally. MPaMr cirwet Randay. - jRrrMfn-Tr.m htattow. Tat Delia aal Interned lata point dally, 1 s. s. and 4:1 . . Arrive rortlaaaf 10:11 a aa. and 1:23 p. ah roe tlB and card ef Oewee-e a-innrtia tratse apply at City Ticket ortlce. r (tatloa. Tlcketa t Baatara point and Rnrofei an Japan, rtilna. Hnnolola and amri-tUa. City Ticket Office comet Third sad Was. tnatna r fhon M'n T1J. c. w. rnvoRit w. MorraiAT. Ctty rek A seat. Oa. Piaa. aea North Pacific S.S.Co.'s STEAMSHIP I. B00 tons, sail for Eureka, San Fran cisco and ho Angeles direct, January II, at I p. m f mm Martin's drx-k, foot lTtn at. lane or ttn - at, cars. Ticket ofllre US Third. . near Alder. Phone M. 1114. Dock rhone M. Itnt. II. lOCNO. Agent. TtT ISZI , U N, ET 1V I Q Iococn. nswl as. v;i:::Lcv;'3 I zzjKzi cy::? Trettl aa W tT1"', rvf frthmrm fVr V-a-H , C . . -. n t T" t r v -r f 1 . 1 , , I 1 ' . .,0 .4 1 k. tv- -t ' . . .. ...... t VT A I - TTt V j ' I No Better Treatment in the World Pay Mc When You Are Cured Thla 1$ My Fair Offer to " Every Patient f - VARICOCELE An average of on man In flve'ha varicocele. Moat mea that have thla . dragging, draining weakness are , no aware of It until it haa wrecked their lives. Varicocele causes con gestion of the blood In some of th most vital blood vastls of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling which Is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline of power. ' ' HrSAXaTBSS. ;. My cures of this disorder are per-. ' manent and lasting. JTo tonioa that stimulate temporarily, but thor- ' oughty sclentirio treatment for the removal of conditions responsible for the " functional derangement. "Weakneaa" is merely a iy mptomT of inflammation or congestion in the prostate glaad, and under my own original local treatment this gland Is promptly restored to its normal state and complete fnactloaal activity i th lasting result., The Dr Taylor Co. 7 iitH icoKBXsoar sra-esT. ' ' Corner eooad. rom-rxAaro, om. Consultation Free dleet, " . Gonorrhoea, , Stricture, . Blood Poison, , Hydrocele, .Lost Vitality, Varicocele, Kidney and -l All Forms Bladder Diseases, , of Rectal Prostatic Trouble, Diseases, Rheumatism. f actthatri been located in Portland merit and efficiency. We so that you will be strong Call and ee-tis-and we TRANSPORTATION. Oregon Siiorjniiira Trains to the East Dai! j 3 TUioafh PnlliB,, aiaadard an trr toirtat .fl"? ft-'- ctmn, ItZlZi "f-Tl eaily a lai kL'!. 'x'ta'eg easlraaJt (snie x. -- nan j, Csioa Deno nam r . - - meant "-i-nnK tptal fat t"'" rira fn, Baatora aahmstoe, Wall Walla. ,,w,n- mT d'Alene aad t. r " roe tke Bawl T O pat inn rrt-aad niMa k..! "eU'VA t:lfpi : ""! ra) iim .ad "ruaaa. a. .m kdra pot.ctdnfa airra pivisto. troe Aatocla and way potata, twnnoattae " anr for Ihaaco and ortti BmcS. '' Jeanne-, A . Kork. W p. ta. d.H. karantnT. 10 p. au Awtaes nawr . n... awevf Ww, ' TAMftttL aivra aorra. ror Davtom. Omio at and Tankin rtaa C. eteamar Rata and Modoc. Art-el dark, til. ta. dall. ecraed Soaday (vaiar T" Si. dally, eirapt Soaday ( ailtthit, aaaw. arriT a w aan. eaeenc a-Aga arraa aorrg. rr tewtama, Han and paeat PMat Rtparl. Waah., ataaaMra Broka aed to kin t. npae Traie No. d. dalt tb Satardap. Afrtoe dp.. da" irt. rrM.f. Ticket OrfW. Tklrd and Wxtitagta eta. Tat'nhon Mats Tit tl.W. aflVflPR. Ot. TlcVat Awrt -tf U.vrklttT ro.rat elannf r" Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tjatoe Pcpot lmn. . Arclaa. far Mara'ra, Balnior. data, taaia, HeatpoTt. Cilllon. , locta. Wrrotn, H.maioao. f -rt Kiarana, !,- t,r( I'.ra. (i..Ma I "Oaai tl "la A.torU and twoaaora, oalir f " All .' j C mm ll f i" ' O. A. suirt". mm. (a i , i ... ..... .. ., :. I..