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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
! i v ii-i 12 NEW TODAY. 1907 Sixty seconds--iu the minute. Sixty minutei in the hour. . Twenty four hour in the day. Three hundred and, sixty-five '.: day in the year. . -. 1 NOW LAY BT 25 Cents lar Day tit Dapoilt It With tha 'Oldest Trust Company la Oregon To this v will add totercat at the , -rata.ot r.: - For aaTtam. eomooondad aorolnnnally. ' At tha and of the year Uka panell and paper and tg ara out how maih you are aoead. Tall aa aa. learn further par- , tlcuUra and tat oHrSpt nxinrraU.noirB." " v -Portland Trust Company of Oregon ; 'CaCcor. TUlrH and-Ort Phona Ezrhanca IX BENJ. I. rOHF!. H. L. PITTOCK.. B. LKE PAOET... j. O. COLTttA.... . .!. .PreaMent , Vlca-Proaldant ....... .. . .Bacralary " , .Aaalatast tiac rotary Holladay Park Very comfortabla fiomaff rooma, strict ly modern, all conveniences, 94.SOO; . or. will sell furnished at a sacrifice, aa owner must go eaat,'na.wtsfieartelf ...t once... ':jr...-.i'LJr... : J. II. Heilbronner & Co. I1T Lumber Excbanra Bldg-i Id A Burt - Sea as for reeldeaoe property, $7500 Bargain 100100 cor ner 21 at and Irvlnra eta., only blocks tiorth of Waahlnttton .t, facln car Una; Ana location for flats or apartment houao. No xcaatlon nocanaary, pound lltia Just right for basement. Excep- tlonally rood buy. ' . 42. H. KORfiLU itl Wasblnctoa t. : 11 1 1 For lot tO X 100. I choice location for , n ,....;. KORELU 251 Waahlna-ton.' Vt, ...Vi. "T'f WEATHER REPORT. Special nnitrci7nn t. C. H. - - ---.-fc -i-.-. j rantre 1 eaat .1. ....... The minimum temperature tfala mornlnf at ' Norman P. and Minnie I. Boot to Joba Port lead wa 1 aVereee aaote aero, and cold i p. folrman. ba 4 aad W, block 14, weather nrcralla erery where In tha north Pa- ' Kluaol Park rise, at a tea. with aero tempera turea at Spo-' Title Guarantee ft Trnat company to kaae and Baker City and temperaturee only Alex Soeer. lot 4, block 69, Buanyalda , SO degrees above acre In aouthara Oregon and 1 Third addition -a along the coaat. 1 14. y. and William A. Alcorn to B. A Jilrh preaeure area of groat magnitude la' H. Cor; lota 3 aad 4, block 81. Ln central orer the Canadian Bortbwaat. which 1st ton - attended hy tha coldeat weather of tha aoaaon. j F. J. and Ida E. Browning to W. C. Temperaturee ran tug between 10 aad da- Cope land, 40x100 feet commandiat at . reea below aoro prtTall In Montana, while in' point aouth Una of Belmout atoet 100 the Pakotaa they raiiga between a below and ; feet eaat from interned iou with eaat 84 below aero. j jlM f Knat tlixteeotb a treat ....... A dleturbance ef decided character baa made w. G Bealator to Tbomaa A. Flint, lot -ltt appearance aa ollor L(orl d, 1. block a. Maealy lllshlaad . aood ralna hare fallen (oaerally thronghoot : Bonn la A. and !.- V.V Kiudola. to Em 11 that state. Is eoathero Oresoa aaow la fall.: Loaenouhl, lot 4. block C. GUmaa'a ins and light aaow la also reported la Nerada 1 aqlMllrlaloa to Tahor Ualghta ........ and I tan. ', r,oaie M. and Ellaubath Colemaa Scott Tha lndlcarlona ara for rontlnned cold weather ! to Normaa P. Boot, eaat H of lota I fa this dUlrlct tonight and Tuoaday, with aaow ' .Ba a block 63. Snnnyaids is aoothera Oresna and aoatbera Idaho. I L. starena taherlffl te P. A. Mar ,, Ouaerratlons takaa al S a. m., neclac time: t auam Jr.. lot a. block 1. Groror-a ad- tamp. 1 Stations Baker City, Orogoa . , " Itfrtae, ldahr. vvr.T; I'hlcaso, llllnola , lienrer, Colorado,.... llarra, 'Montana.... ., Helena. Montana.... New York. New York Portland. Oregon.... Koaeburs. Orecoa.... 1n. 12 01 -is- - OT I Z . -O" .14 -u .04 . 44 - 84 . M 14 ,i sa 8 an . 40 lid . 24 1 . ss 20 . sa . a St. Paul, Mlnneaota. O hma Fraadace. California.. 4 88 Fpokane, Waahlngtoa...... 10 o Tacoma. Washington...... 24 , 19 Walla Walla, Washington. 12 X .39 .0 A .04 MARRIAGE LICENSES. J. l: Keller. 4; Mrs. Ida K. Laaraon. 44, Wadding Carda. W. O. Smith ft Ce, Wasb lnrtoB hide., cor Fowrth. ead Waablnatoa ata. - Wedding and Calltns carda enrravad prlated. . B. T, Boahtoa. 40 6taama bids. TONSETH ft CO., FLORISTS. FOR FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. Clarke Bros., Florlata Fine floral dealga. Z& MorriaoB at. Full draaa suits for rant, all slate. Tailoring Co., Stark at. Caique BIRTHS. . Rogers At 100 Itorrle etreet, January t, to Mr. and Mra. T. F. Bogera, a boy. BoLMAN At 800 Poplar street. January 13, ta Mr. and Mrs, Walter J. Ilolman, - a boy. DEATHS. lA'OMA At 129 Tenth at root, January 13, Vra. May Lacuna, aged 44 yeera; causa, Imenmonls., THOMAS At ItlVi I'nioB srense, January 10, Aa.Ma Tboasaa. aged 10 yen re. 4 months, 27 days; canae. tubercular Urynaitls. FUNERAL NOTICES. COUTTOE In this city, Jannary 13, lOoT, at the family reeldeaoe., 8M Eaat Ralmoa at., t hfabal Clara Onntura, aged 85 yaara and ' 14 daya. Ronialna lea re Brlcsns's chapel Tuesday awning 8:80 o'clock, Jannsry IS, 1007, for la torment st Condon. Oregoa. UNDERTAKERS. Panning. MeEatee ft-Ollhaugh. sndortakera aad embalmars; asodera la erery detail, gereath end Pine. Mala 480. Lady aaa la tent A. B. nemetork. undertaker aad embalmer. Eaet Thh-taeath and Uatatlila are. Phone Bell. II. . . . , . . Erlcksoa I'ndartaklnf Oo aad embalming, 400 Alder at. rboae Mala 4128. Ledy aarlataot I. P. Floley ft Soes, Third-aad sfadtaaa sts. Off lea of county coroner. Phone Mala 8. Edward Hotmaa. snderteker. 220 Third st. aUTXB TIEW CEMXTZBT. Single grsraa, 810. Family lota. 1 100 ta tl.OOA Tha only cemetery 1 la Portland which per petaally malaulns aad earoa for lota. For full tnformatloa, apply to W. B. Markeoate, Wor raatar block, city, . W. M. Laid, president. J108 CITY CEMJCTIXT,. ' Bugle graves, 110; family lota, S2S te tTS, feaperlntandoTTt at rematery. 00 nee ef Fremert at. and (.'alls road. I' bone Tabor SOS. For full tnformatloa apply ta Frank Scblegsl, 02 too-mood. I bla. Phone Mala 2N28. - - . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tlal ft. Perry te R. J. Jonas, aortlvtded H of hta 80, si, 12, block 8. Monti eollo addllloa , I BOO Tine Guarantee ft Truat company to . I. ins Lawn, lot 6, block 13, Uanaoa'a S-.-oaid addltloa . 800 (-, Simmi ft Repair cmpany to . ... , R.l'rt Udooll, lota X aad 2, block 2. Arlota Park No. 4.. 1,000 C. C. and Alice Hnlai Capleo te Mae., lor l.oiate eorsnany, 4o feat bogla - ang tfttereeetioa as north Una of -w noon atroet w 1th aat line ef le-omleth atroet BIS Kt- l-a-d ard tmma J. prlca to lil. J. and rrodilck 11. Sherman. 17.1l77 foot l-eltiici'ig at r-irt 7 fret 8 laches . Beet af Aaat 2SKIJ -ninth sUsat....M SCO THE REAL ESTATE TKAXSFERS. Charlotte and F. H. Woodmaa to H. W. uriuu, ut it, block JV, -oiiwB eddtiloa 1.600 Mary M. Cllmaa st si. te (irtnl B. 1'luuVh. . hits 28 and 24. block , llnl.Mk rittltL.H 1.050 Marls Asa and T. C. Ilrtle to John A. McClura, lot T. block a. Maegiy msa land ! 4O0 The BawthnriM aula la Nary Lur lis Mm. 1, block ft. Hswraoruss k'lraf artttttlAM too I George A. Bernbert to William It. Barn- Bart, mi It. lo. 11. Id. ni--u n. -eupdtrlsaa ( I'roroetele addltloa ta Alblna Bichard Willi, an to Nellie Buraeos lot 10, block 8. Williams suoiuoa No. 3 I Joba Howett to K. M. Hewett. loU nil 2 and mat portion 01 mw , . 2a. 24. Work 62, But descrilied by deed givea hy J. H. and Martha J. EumIo, all being ta fanluaular addltloa No. 4 Herman Wetxxer. trustee, te Harry It. rirock, jot 23. w e, n." Park 1TB 0. .L. and Alloa T. Darby to Jten - Bfrger, . Jut lu, . Block. OJ. jriiui" ,4.T(lM. . 1,800 H-lea L. Anderaou to William I.. Adams. lnta 1. 2. a. 4. block zs, roini , L. K. ana 1. u nice w ... ,"'"7 too. lota S, 10. l aioca ju, u-ian addllloa I T. Ct Kelcble to A. J. Delano, lot 13,. and aoutb H " t 1 w Mount Tabor "Villa 1.SO0 880 Monro Inveeiineat - onmpaay to jaeoB Mark, lot 14. block 4. vcrnou ..... Barry J. Mlllatt to Frank ' holly. 4. A. 4. T. 8. . block 1. Laurelwood. 1.0S0 soo Lllaa M. Leonard to Frank Sully. . block 2. Grim' addltlos to ni. euo.. Tlct or Land company to Thomas ursy. lota 1 and IS. black X. eutxuTisou wa Blrerrlew addition to Alblna ........ C. Mabel and 8. U Mollaa to SI'S. Hfnenbofer. tot J ana eonia ; f lot 1 and Booth 0 feet of' north 100 foot of lot B. Block 4. Piedmont ISO City of Portland to Senses Smith, lota 1. 3, A block 85. CarBthafa addltloai.. C. 1". ar.d Etfla Goodwin ta w. Tbnra- (hnrM'a Float addition B.004 Sunnyslds Land A Improvement cominy ta c. u. rairsa. ia 0 . B. Sannyalda SCO Tltla ttuarnntao Truat -aompany tddia joora at ai., mw kiM.h in Knnth Mt. Jnhua ..J 623 Gaorra Rtouhaoaoa at al. ta Effa Ma Me Kl rule, lota n a, uto. Contra I Alblna ; O.300 Tltla OnarauO Truat .anp" William c, JLiitia. oi aiiMlTtaon of tota t, 2. 1. ;,t. 10, North St. 600 . Tltla Ooarantoo .ft Trnat company ta (iaortra B. aimtnarman. m S, aubdWlalon of loU 1, 1 T. S. , 10. "North BT. John . . . --- M0 William C. Van Olabn to Earl . uam- ,r llton. lot . block 12. Cltr w Park,,4T8 Jonnlo and J. T. Hayna to Tltla Guar- antra Troat anmiiany. block S and block A. Nonparlcl' addl- . tVm In GlonhaTcn Park; north. SJ feat of lot 1. block 4 and north M feat of lota t. 12, bhck 5; north SJ foot af . 1.,. 1 11 hkvk aV Albaa'a anbdlflaloa . m, -M-fltMimM Pr" . . . . ; 1 i C. F. Bunker at aL to Balph W. llojrt. ; ! t Unl,?" -LV r 00 to7rtM,lot rJo II. IX " j h,,, lu 77, 1 M1 w Brania' KnaVr ' V' at, C. I. npn, .with lot. feat of lota T and l a block 18. John lrrln'a Flrat j .ddition .................. Harrr T. Nicolal at al. to C. D. Brnnn, &2f r aouth 100 foot of lot T and S. block ' 19. John Irrlna a Flrat addition T.BW) i te.nk T. Alllw,a and M. A. Alllana to a H A N. Co.. Iota 6 and 6. block: - a ParreU'a addition to Woodlawn t.KO I Joabua T. and Minnie M. CoItib to u. K. ft N. Co., atrip or aaoa 00 wide aeraaa aouthwoat of north woe t u of eeetlon-11. townahlp 1 aouth. 14 -aoo t.000 airlon: alao lot II, blocs a. nuuaaa 10 STcamoro Boal Eatate company to An- - wtta Tann.TBtS ll"n n4Woc Tr" j " Kara Park JBoeiwm Catholic archblahop to Frank Creu. lot 41. tectloB A of block , Mount CalTaryi'cematery ............. R. Jacoba. truatea. to Maria Loolaa i Myrlck, Into 11. 13. IS. 14 and north ' 10 feet af kt 15. block 1. Grarmere. SOO fl. R. Burke to Ettla Iaabel Burke, lota 1. 4. 5. and eaat H of lot a. ' block S, Couch addltloa ............ William and Annie Kelt . to Frank Klernaa, block 40, West Portland Ilelghta j.....' J. B and Nellie C. Hlbbard to Henry Laodarberser, lot 4. block . City View Park addition Blchard Wllllama to Sophia Palo, lot 1. block 4, city of Portland -. Euaone 11. Oraroa to F. M. Aoatln. north 42 feat of eaet 80 feat of lot 16. block Lucy A. Boney'et'ai. to E. L." johnaoa. lota 11. 12. IS. 14. 15. 10, block la. Columbia Heights s, Prrllla K. Slneher at aL to William M. Smaher. lot 20, bloek 10. Alhlua...... Julia Kaniarhka to Bndolph A. Syl- 40.000 10 rA- soo 1.000 850 -1.SO0 raator. kit 1. block 26, Annex LlncolB Park 1,004 For a ha tract a. title Inanrance or mortgage loana. call on Pacific Title ft Truat company. 2O4-0-4-7 Falling building. riot ronr Insurance and ahatracta te real estate from toe Title Onaraataa ft Trust com pany. 340 waaningtoa sireer. wner 1'ni.wiio. NOTICES. HOTICB Annusl meeting ef Brrar aw Ceme tery aaaoclatlon The annnal meeting of the members of Blear View Cemetery a.eoolatloa will be held st the bank of Ladd ft Tllton oa Monday, tbe fourteenth day of Jannary, 1007, st 8:80 P. m. A general attendance la de sired. All owners of family lots la the ceme tery are members ef the saaoclatloa aad ea- - uiUA tm Mrtlclnata. .- - WILLIAM B. MACKENZIE. CTars. -f EXTA'XTINO and grading. C B. Pettase. 4f4 Commercial at. I'hooe Eaat 618. - MEETING NOTICES. II. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp,' 5.4W1, meats Wednaaday ereolng. Allaky bids.. Third aad Morrlaoa sts. M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. 8.873, Mna dsys. 17th sod Marshall; sUltors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOI'ND A place ta hare balr asattreesea reno rated and returned name day. 22 Front at. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair f actory. H. Metager, proprietor. LOST Bracelet, oa flrat St., between Yamhill and Madison. Reward, Call 281 Alder at. LOST Saturday Bight, at Baker theatre, tbree atrand coral necklace; return to room 40 Hotel Portland and recelTs reward. PICEED ap la drift. 38-foot catboat, T-foot beam; owner ess hare same by pajlng ax- pi-naea. Phone Mala ,6ff. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE Stare-bolt rotters, wagea 81.40 per cord; steady work. Apply Weetera Cooperage Co., siearas bldg., Portlsad, ar Uoultoa, Or. WANTEI4 AT ONCE Sound young men for 0re ned and BrSkemon on leading we. tor a ratl- roe da and for new roada now being mm ' pletadr eTnerfenca annacooaary: flromfB $ita) per month, brakrmen 176: noaltlona now open; write al one for parllculara. National Hailwar Tramlnc eaaodatkm, 710 Paxtoa blk.. Omaha,; or IW1 BldfS bldg., Kanaaa Clly Mlaaourl WANTSD Salesmen: many make I"0 to 4114 par month; soma area moral etoek clean: grows on raai reatlen, far from old srrbarda; .. caah adranced weekly: choice af territory. Address Waahlngtoa nursery eomnany, Tep- , penlsh, TtaatilDglos. CHANCE OF LIFETIME Wanted If oneet man . ". for rraeeilTTS- ebewr profits ta .M a dayri small repl'al raqnlred; experience sot saeae ssiy. Apply at says. B SOO, care Journal, j OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY HELP WANTED MALE. MEM ASH WOMEM to laara tha bar her trad In eight waeka: nradnatee eira frraa 1S te S2B weekly: atpart Inatractora: eataK'Ba rraa. Molar Mratein. f t-ollee, 33 North Fowth at., roriiana. Unlca Ectel . 81 NORTH HIXTli ST. Fre eninlorment to nite natrona. Weekly ratea; Room, 1.2s op; room and uoara, aa.ou ap. Aadaraoa. proprietorr TWO aollclrora for rttr aad 00 tilde towna: no InTeatment: 4 po any aelarr aad eommla- aioa. tut 1 it Laamber ot lomwerea. PAClriC 8TATIONERT ft PBINTItO CO, 2P5-20T Bocnnd at. I'haoe main 021 ' Wa deolan and hiatal! tha moat modern and ImproTi-d office aratema; eomplata Una looae ear iiiine; oariraa. BAf rSMKN Experienced apodal contract mi; flflO per month rnd aommlealua. Conaerea ties Mutual Life Inauraaca Co.. BIka' bld(. WANTED Two or three flrat-claaa. all aroond aiachlna men: permanent poalrloa. cood waroa. Oreaaa i qrnltiirt Jlfi. Co.,. Macadam road. DON T work for a amall aalary; aaa or write . Pacific Aid aaaorlatloB for a food propoal. tua, xc t-nmnar Kicnaosa. WR ret awork for nnr mam tiara enectal mom- bare, 42. V. M. C. A. rourth and xamniu. WANTED Tooka' and bejpere haadquartara at California Wlna Depot. V, Loratt, 14S 1'oortb AGENTS wasted. OreaoB. California. Idaho, Waahlnaton: health and accident Inanrance: old reliable conpany; food aontracta: rafer ences raoulrad. United Htatee Health A Ae rldent Inauraace Co., Km Marqoaaa. WANTED Haroeiie-inakerB. P. t. Crania Oo. 1 Front at. 11.00 A MONTH PROThCTS YOO . Afalnat accident, alckneaa and death. Write or call aud Inrnitlfata. Northwant Health ft Aeeldrnh AaaoHatton. Xi0-0X7 McKay bide. Acaata Waatad. WANTEII EToWmanbiIroTrh"DoatTti aatlaooa with bla praaent Tocanon. va raae a slaht eonraa at tbe Bohnka-Walkrr Bnol none Colloyo, Berenth and Stark ate. Wa will plana yoa la a poaitloo when competanL TOO caa earn ;n per weak If yea learn to onerata Motion I' Let urea: roa wore in ineacree and ha 11a: leaeooa VT roaaonable. Call roon a. lOH duib ac. near Aiurr. . S EXPEBIENCED coal miners. Addrees O 100, care journal. A FIRST-CLAM hardware. Implement and blcla aalrnan;aalary f 100 per month. In quire Z 110. rare Journal. WANTED Boy to laara trad. '68 Front, Paala. WANTED Couch mak era. Davie. K Front, corner WANTED Tablnrt-makera and (Intahora: Bona but flmt-claaa men need apply. JeonlDf ft Bona, Second and Morrlaoa ata. . WANTED A good competent blackamtth and wason-makor. Addreea W. a. Grlbble, lionnt Hood. OroaooN ' . WANTED Immediately, young man orer 20. ' to prepare for examination for cuetoma In ' epector; permanent gorernmant noaltlona; floe aalarlea; call thla arenlns or tomorrow. Mr. lieynan. 815 'Columbia bide. GOOD solicitors on eomlhlaaton; caa make Food . wages eanraselng reeldent portion of city. Apply at Cole-Krlluer Co. Salea Agency. 107 V . SlrUj at. WANTED Second cakabakar or helper: food, axperleacad. Apply Log Cabin Bakery, 114 Bunnell at. - . YODfeO ana to sell cartoon ahewrards te aasr ebanta: aomethlng new, can make W a day. Boom 81. Holler Mdg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED ETery woman out of a poaltloa or dlaaatlaflrd with bar present vocation, to take a ulfrht course at the. 'Bebnke-Walker Rtialness Cotlega. Serenth and Stark ata. Wa will plate yoa la -a poaltloa whea com- ' patent. ' QIR1JI WANTED-4-Oparatrrsto wnrk oa shirts Apply st Standard faetory No. X Grind are., " and Eaat Taylor st, - HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84814 Wash ington at, cor. Serenth, o pa fairs. Phone Mala 2002. Female help wanted. ' WOMAN wanted waahlng ana day la the wo 848 Vang b a at. ' WANTED To find board for a baby girl 4 mrt eraitr ui a eooe family, n JournaL . . T ' " " X WANTED Good waltreee hlgheat wagea paid ir aatiafaetory. - tarlum- Apply- matron Opem-Alr Banl- W ANTED Flrat-claaa cook: highest wagea paid If aatiafaetory. Apply matraa O pan-Air Sanl- tarlcm. WANTED Fh-st-claaa chambermaid la prlrate family. Apply Monday hot woo a II and 13 o'clock fii Dekum bldg.. Third and Wash ington sts. ... WANTED Flrat -claas wsttreas la prlrate family. Apply MM Dakum bldg-, between 11 and 12 s'clock Monday. EXPEBIENCED norae girl wanted for poaitloo; go home nlghta; 8unday off. Addrras O 100, cars 'Journal. FIBST-CLASS reform ere. dressmaker wlahoa Phona Mala 1.122. work; dty LADIES to learn rutting sad ladles tailoring. Call early 846 Yamhill at. MALR AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. R. fl. Drake, 2TKVh Washington t., Pacific 187a WANTED A few good Bollcttors, male an1 female; heal pro poaitloo la Portland: good money te the right parties. Phone Sellwood 71. Corner East I3lb at. aad L'matllla ara. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOCNM man, a good - penman, wanta a posi tion la soma wboleeale-hooae aa aaatatant ahlpptng clerk or any other marcantlls-houaa. Addreaa J 110. are Journal. YOl'NQ eaatora lawyer wants, position. . Ad- dress Z IMo. care journal. BY yoeng man. Boaltlou in real Batata office. Addreaa v nA care sowtbsi. WANTED By man and wife, place te work la tna city or eouairy; gma q- U lie, ears Journal. MAM and wlfs want lob in csma to cook or man cara for borsaa, Addreaa T 108, care . Joaraal. A GOOD Japanese boy wants a poaltloa aa aehoolhoy; epeaka well T 118. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALES A MII'DI.E-AOKD lady from Wsahngtoe, P. would Ilka tha ears or a Bice noma tor ower. Address M. C Moore. roarer. Wash. XOL'NO Flnnlah woman wanta general ho aaa work. S71 2Mb and Eaat Ererett ata. A LADY with child wanta a poaltloa aa nouss- t keeper. Addreaa aui aaai Morrwoa at. GETTING CAjraiT szTxienruvT x,zAotra . . W. BL 1, raaldant. . , Oeo. w. Sizon, Beoretaury. Journal, Portland, Oregon. , . Gentlemen: I am sendingjyou enclosed herewith check to coyer last month's advertising in The Journal. I want to say that I am well pleased with Tfye Journal as VresUlt-getter., For example, I invested 50 cents , in a 10-line classified, one insertion, and sold a sawmill for $5,000 as a di rect result arid within three days after the -ad appeared. This is like get-' . .'-Yours truly, ... , .- - ' " -Li.. .:: . ; ; .:; : ; georgew. dlxon. ; SITl-ATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. LADY with 4 yeare' exnarlenca aa eaahler would Ilka paattloa. Adureea O 110. Journal. C1HL waata poaltloa la eoofrotiooary a tore. 1 itreaa i 111rara JouruaL . Ad- WANTED AGENTS. TBS larreat maenfaatnrara of alnmlnom cook. Ins ntenalla want repreaantatlvea to aell fall Una everywhere. II. B. srrelta Ca,, Poa tot flee Box 124. Grante Paaa. Or. AGENT& Mka irood Income aaally; our burner ;turna couinoa keroaene lamp Into brilliant, nortahle. auaolutelr aafe llatht: bla arllar: doacrlptloh tree. Gaallrbt Manufactarlaf Ca., JJ1 Broadway, Now xork. AT ONCE Aranta for. aoap. mdlrtnee and oil hlacklnc. B. U. Plum mar, 300 Third. Flrat ooea fot boat territory. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. -Loafing eamp and farm help a e pacta Ity. 50 North Second at. 'Phone Mam KSJd. Wa pay all talesrapb eharsas. UANSBN'S EMPLOYMENT OrFICB FOB MEN. W North Sacoad at. Phone Mala 1538. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB . JOBU Morrlaon at Phona Pact fie IS ST North Second at Phona Pacific 1300 J WANTED TO liENT. WANTED TO BBNT Ronaaa, cottavaa, flat a. atnraa, orricaa, momlns noaaaa. ate. Land- lorda will do well to call aa PORTLAND TRLST COMPANY OF ORBGOH L) -. Phone Ex. 72. , B. K. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED To rant t, ar room boaaa In snb Addraaa B 111, JoaruaL urha. by two adnlta. WANTED riNAXCIAL. IICTEDTo""bbrrow IJ.TirajhTiimrJieed airhnp. ha a property. Addreea D loe. care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. , TH TITLE A ABSTRACT CO., . H. R. SALTMAItHU, Manager. , Loana, oollectloua, tltloa rxpertpd. Ex Pert adrlee on realty Taluee. Property Uated It quirk dlapoeal. C. H. Hxgott and J. A. .Pinch,, leatfl connaol. Phona Pad tic 1640. .Boom 4 Mulkey bids, Sd and Morrlaoa ata. WANTED 10 to M acres near carllne; mnet be a Bersain rrom ownara oniy; (ire aiaiance from car Una and price. Addreea X luol care JoumeL - - OB 10 acres iraprored, near Portland: (ire Inwaat price and location; a pot caah; aa asenta. H. B. Cbeamare, Foreat Grora. Or. WANTED 60 te 100 acres snlrsble for subdl- rlaloa; will psy cash; drop me s Una aad arrange for aa Intarrlsw. P. W. Psrla, . cara Journal. ,- I WANT s lot fronting oa the St. Johns car 11ns; will psy K0 cash If suited- Addreaa B 111,-care JouraaL . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BrT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THINO. WESTERN SAf.TAGB CO., - 827 . 82B WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70S. WANTED Furniture and . honaehold gonda ef ' every daacrlptlon bought, sold and exchanged. The . 2S2 Flrat at. Mala 4374. $ . - - MAIN BOSS. - CASH .AND IOT8 OF JT i FOR FCRNITFRB. f ' ; PORTLAND AKCTION BOOMS, 211 Flrat 8L UAIN BOM. MAIN 6858. WB exterminate rata, mice and inaeete; do the work ourrelree or Sell you the compound. Ealk ft Kamuaner, SOS Fourth St. Psoas Pacific 28.14. .. EXC4TATING aad grading. O. B. Pottage. ess imsmereisi sc. moos Esst oivm. HIGHEST caab price paid for si kinds second hand gooas. I' bone Main am. ki n. Tnira. HALL and ballroom, senersts or togetbars new anir will xn eoo-renieneee. Tnont Mala tsbx - 1 PAY caah for household goods. tT. W. Ssrsgs. 845447 First et. Phone Pacific SOS. WANTED Peed horses snd cattle; aa charge. rbone slain lBee. tvz Xhurmaa. WANTED Care of par den and law tie by practi cal gardener, experienced in rose culture, aaa grading and plantlns; Tory reasonable terms: Al references. Address A. J. Anderses, 1209 waukia r4rw TtirTasr 4003, zs-: LADY, formerly tescher, would like children to cars ror ta her noma; terms ressoasois. Address B 108. cars Journal. WANTED Timber claims .In Washington and Tillamook counties for essh. 81, Z27M Wawb Ingtoa at. CABPENTEB work. pUaterlng, painting, brick. cement, any kind bouses nuiit. Aouress Till, care Joarnal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB RICHELIEU, Silt, North Sixth st Ele gantly furnished; steam beat aad hatha. FUBNISHKD rooma and furntabsd housekeeping rooms ror rant at 7z vancouTer are. THB GRAND. 46H North Third at Rooms fot gentlemen. 41-zo per week ana an. "BED DRAGON New ewell rooms, heart of city: new furniture snd carpets. Come Blith and SUrk ata. Entrance 127 U Surk. FL'RNISHED rooma, day, week or month: rents reaeooable. 18.1 Foortb St. Paclftc 2630. FI HXISHRD moms snd bousekeoplng suite. Phone Mala 6020. 175 14th. corner Yamhill. S NEWLY furnished front rooma to rent to two or four gentlemen: Including bath room, lighted with gaa, aaar Piedmont car barn. SSI Kerhy at., corner Falling. $ BOOMS, No. 8!t's Waahlngtoa St., 830 per month. '412Vi Eteama bldg. Phone Mala 1071. WE1.L-FCBNISHED room; gas, fnrnace, beat telephone; prlrate family. 400tt Jaferaoa at. Mala 816S. PLEASANT front room 10-neat home, clone in, on eaat side: rent resaonahle. Tngulra 8 Grand are., north. Phona Eaat 862. T-ROOM hmss with path, 812 Nohraaka st. Inqnlre 106 per month. 100 North 12th st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. II.H0 WEEK IIP, large, clean, fornlahed bnnee keaplng rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Shoe. ma a aouth. Portland. . S OR 4 NICELY fnmlahed housekeeping rooms; bath, nhnne, electric lights snd gaa for cook, la. Phona East 8407. . 81.26 WEEK UP. clean, furnlohed Beasekeap. Ins rooms, parlor, hath, laundry, furnace best. ysrd. 203 Stsstoa. D car. -ISiltOOMS. ground floor: cement basement, mod. era. plumbing, electric lights; ej24 llolgite St., 1 block from Sellwood ear. Inquire owner, on nremlaes. S Ft'RNISFlEP bouaekaeplng-moma ; range, gas Plata, hath, hot and cold water, free pbone. Sup Flrat at. phone Main Shod. .. .. A MONEY FROM HOME . Canby, Oregon, EVENING, JANUARY 14. FOR llENT nOUSEKEEPIXQ. TUB MITCHELL Hooaakeeplns and train lent rooaoa. raaauoable. Mareath and Flandara. HOt'HEKEEPINO-BOOMS. lowart rateat alee. trie Ufbta, phone Included, hum Water at 1 AND a-ROOM eoitea; modern ImproremeBta. fi!4 Jefferaoa at. Pbeae Mala Mil BOl'HKKEKPINO and bedrnoma, rlsht dowa- tawa, 3 and AS. aS Third. I FVRNI8HKD boaaokaeplnf-rooma. 10j batha. 4MI Eaet Waabloston at. ' free IIOS LARGE rooma: bath. TnS Eaet DlTtelea. corner 23d. Blcboioud or Woodetork caa. 14AH-BIXES ST. Houeekeenlns and aloenlnf. rooma oa farat and aecond Soar; wok at them, ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR oae or more (employed people preferred), modern, raaaoaabla.1 624 Eaat Morrlaoa. HINNEQUA INN. ST Yamhill at alee rooma. eteam beat, aplendld nieala, day, weak. month; new management: raaaonaole ratea FOR RENT HOUSES. WB ara la need of peroral fornlahed and aa furnlahad bonaoa to eatlafyttbe wanta of ear patrona. Phone main 6101 br call 730 Chant bar of Commerce. Do it new. S-BOOM home, wast aide, rood locality. rkaM to car. low rent to a-ood tenant; will aell aa aaay terms. Phone Mala-1410. ' FOR RENT New 4-room enttare. Booth Port land: bath, toilet, fireplace: oomer lot: alght- ' It location, one ' block to car, . Fred H. Strouf, 43 Stark at. 4-RMM banae, Sixth and Bonthara Pacific rail road tracks, inquire B4 SM at.; use men-, mood car. ' BRICK houae for rent. 6 rooma with bath, 1 block from car una. 70S uirieioa at. FOB RENT e-room houae with bath tor 111 par month uoo-Ooeoata- at., woomawn. FOR . RENT FLATS. $16 MODERN 4-room corner Oat, l-aa. bath. Daaamrnt. window-atiadM ate. 444 Rodney are., corner Tillamook. Phona Eaat 4804. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR a period' of S months, a steely furalahed p. room hoaas for famllr use onlyt reference required Apply 821 West Park at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. - WE need furniture at any price. Portland Aas ttoa Rooms. 211 First st. Main 6068. FOR rNTTORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS. anfornUhed rooms sad ssm-pie-rooms for rant. Goodaoufh bids. Apply sierstor. A FEW flrat -class ofBoe -rooms left st aortheeat cor nor Third and Madlaoa sts. Apply room No. S. - ; . . FOB BBNT Store Flfthet, slds Ooodooagh . bldg. Inquire at sierstor la Volldlng. RESTAURANT, already furalahed, top rant, Parle Hotel, corner Water and Clay. - FOR RENT FARMS. FARM sear Portland, with SO eepsrstor: practical dairyman and farmer pre- ferred. Particulars 827 Eaat 16tb St.. N. FOR RENT A number of good farms. Call and aee aa. Coaat Beat Karats Co.. . 324Mb Morrlaon at. Phona Mala 2278. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ALL and ballroom, ae pa rata or f eaet her I new and with all eonrsnlsncaa. Phono Main 80a, BUSINESS CHANCES. twanTEIV - Toung mA 4" psrTBer.- moat bare lnreatlgsts this, i Phone Pacific 2BS8. STOCK companies Incorporated : If yea bars stocks or bonds . for ssle, let ma try to sell tbem for you. George M. Ksllog g, broker, 640 Elllcott Squsre,- Buffalo. a FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop; good boni . neas; only two a bono la towa ef 000 fnbebt- nts: will sell at a bargala. Addreaa Lock 1W1 v, voewuu, v... BOMER breeding plgoooa. $T per doses ; larger smoonm supplied. George (. Hoots, Kalama. Waahlngtoa. FOR SALE Coffee and oyster-bouse doiap good boaloeas; splendid location: good reaeoa. for selling. . 38 Third st, corner Ankeny. SAVE MONEY Anything la printing see Mad. den. Odd Fellows' Temple, Fust aad Aider stat apstalrs. $460 BUYS 8-rooms. well furnished 1a goad lo cality: west side: low rent Hagemana ft Blanahard. SI Fifth st WANTED Msa with capital to take charge of A No. 1 clay ledge, near hy. Call U. Cowan, . 60S Baylor. Phone Pacific 3013. SAWMILL and logging outfit Including donkey engine anu location, ror a ate or exenanra for city or country prof arty; price $4,000. Hughes ft MsrkwelL Clstaksnls. Oregoa, FOB SALE Furniture of 14-room boaaa; rooms . su ruu; cneap tor caaa. bo iota sc., i . Stark. NICELY furnished rooma. $0114 Phae st, near Fiftb; rent $18: pries $550; trade with ta 81 -ROOM fist a team boater, free elerator, ta heart of city. Call 342 Madlaoa, HOTEL, 21 rooms, good location, rent $26, prios $650. , Call 242 Madlaoa. A FINE paying easiness for ssls at a hargaia. Address B 118. cars JouraaL $8,500 BUYS Into a bustneas eleartng $400 per month. Sea us quick. Stats Land Col, 133 W First st. FOR SALE Grocery, big trade, ea email capi tal; anap. Addreaa P 103, cars Journal. A BIO BARGAIN 21 rooma, nicely fornlahed, rent $4o; good hualseaai mnet sell st once; $700. call- and examine, 612H Ssrlsr st, coraer 15th. FOR SALE Milk route, boras sSd wagon, IT .cows, bringing la per month $300, Addreaa C 108, cars Journal. i . IV ROOMS, area fumlahed. eery central, cheap rent: moat ha sold: . $1,200, Hatfield ft Smith. 1A&H Fourth at " WANTED In Portland by a aoon try will pay caah. Address "Grocery, JourasL FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A BABOAIN. -noose, 4 rooms, lot 60x100, ea Mount Scott Una. between Hawthorne and Section Una road; mnet bs seen to he appreciated; Bull Bun water, ontbulldlnga; terms like rant Cobb, owner, 307 14th. Phone Msla 1158. 8-ROOM modern bouse, $2,000; Ssno, balance $20 monthlyi owner. Phona East 875. January 9, 1907.' 1S07. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . UTnjlLi i-ij L. - i-u -.8iiilri 'i-sk -, - - f" Rr Sale-A Rw cf Our Offerlars S-roon houae, asw, lot 60x100, East 10th gt.: l.0oo. 6-room houae, sew, I lots, coraer. 40x118, Anabel; $l.a. 6-room houae, lot 88 1-SxldO, ornar 83d and Kaat Main at I 81.600. 11-room hnnae, uodera, sot 60x100, East . 8oth st.j .2ia). 6-room houae. asw, modern, lot 82x2SS, 37th St.. sastj 88.000. . -room elegant modern oottage, lot 60X00, Clinton st.l 42,800. m . K lea-en t Iota oa Eaat Mala aad Slat ex., e0xl2H; fl.isio. --Oak Grora Vary Sna lots 80x183; S-a to :s)0. Farma SO acres, good. Bear North Yam hill: 61,050. ... --: l.ono acres, eery 8ns, . near Wants pern; Terr low. a'lno m.Iom ,,4 Omit reaeta In Idaho. Tlmber.loestlons snd bomeatesds; best to oa aaa. , ; J. R. Fcreman . 1S3 Grand are. 1 riaircaa Hill The new addition about to be opened at Greely statkm on the St. Johna Una will be one of tbe moat atrrsrtlrs apots for a home ob the Peninsula; If yoa ahould Want to e leeet a few ante te he-raaerred for yoa whea the plat la filed yon can call st 60S Com msrclsl blk., and make rnserratloua. - TOP A 2 LAND CO. FOB SALS A new 4-room modern boaaa with full cement baaament and furnace, la flub laday Park. . 408 Broadway. A' FEW choice lota oa Willamette Poolers rd. eery cheap snd oa assy tsrmg. . Address II 112. ears JouraaL A BIVER slew lot oa Willamette Boole re rd at a bargain, oa terma, Address F IIS, cars JourusL 1 NEW aronrii mn;aririi7iia. bear car snd school: I IR mlnnW eMo tmtn MnlM ejf the rite: a lore I y home; cheap, ea terma. Address W 118, care JourusL FOB SALE 1260 mortsage on good property, T per cent. Phone Woodlawn 741. 82.200 S-BOOM houae, good ss asw, 60x100 kt. on East Aiaer sc.; nair man; rare oargaiu, Beglator ft Co., 10TH Third st LOOK I 14.200 Part cash, realty with large re turns; owner csn't swing n. aaorass a no. care Journal, $10,00060x100 BUSINESS property, aesr ka oa rroni at., want eiue, - . tl.400 60x100b new 4 room boaaa, east Side, near in. 81.10O 200(100 feet la Canter addltloa, ana block from ee.rU do J most sail. $2,60060x100, good 6 room houee, oa Baa. sell at.. 200 feet from Union are. $5.000 Quarter block, good 7 -room bowse, aa ISth snd tisst Madison sts.; fine fruit. Money to loan In lota from $1.0nO to $5,000. -' WTLUAMS ft ' FARMER, Boom SO Waabteftaa bldg. ' 1 TCBNEB ft WALKBB. Baal Estate. Farma and Stock Baachaa. - Karbaagaa. S08H Waahlngtoa at A B A RO A IN IN BDNN YSIPB Tamable corner with tmproaamenta ens' room ror more. Sutu and Belmont ata.: M feat front axe oa car track. Inqnlre Geo. M. Strong. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. ...... . I. 8. BROWN, real estate and Inanrance. Take Mount Scott ear. Naehellle addltlod. Poet of flee, Lenta. R. F. P. No. 1, boa IRS. - S80O BARGAIN la 60x100. be twees Williams STB. snd Union are. Beg later ft Co., 107 H Third at ;. ' . - - - BEAD. ; T-rooat boass. -closets to each room, fan lot' 60x100. aesr sawmill, boiler worka, ship building plsnt snd O. R. ft N. R. R fine location tor hosrdlng-bouee; within the next few days will aell fur $3000; terma $400 caah. balance $11 per month. St. Johna Title A he tract ft Truat Co., St Johns, Oregon. Phona Eaat 0007. ALPINB REAL ESTATB CO., XOau Morrlaon, 3: phone Mala WIT u block with 12-roem cloae in. 511. nno. acree, eeay. - tarmsi $2,250. " 8room houee ; 83. ISO NEW S-eoom bnuas and U Mock In f Piedmont Boglatar ft Co., 10TH Third at ! ONbY $1.2110 Hones; 4 rooms finished, ap stsirs uuKnlahed: full, lot; Failing St.: few days st soots xrtce; osl $0.10 eaah, balaace C. r . itellBoa. S2B Burnslde st FIRST ADDITION TO LINNTON Now oa market: lota going fast st $40, $.W, J00. .snd $l( each; rarxeasy terma, . Hurry op and get your choice . See aadoralgaed for 800 information. H. O. ODDEN. St Johns, Or. 8EVEBAL comfortabla bouaaa and lots belong, tng to a aoo-real dent must bs sold at once at a . aaciiflce; terms. W. B. Mcpherson, Tha Philadelphia, room 13, Third and Sejmoa. DESIBABLB lot oa Larrsbee st, high, cigbtly. walking dlstsnce. , Sal Lamber Exchange. ' room iu. CHOICB U block 100x100, Improred. 2?d and Clinton' ala.; high, alghtly. one ylsw. Owner, " 654 Clinton st. , $2.S50 S-ROOM modern bouse with corner let, . Eaat 25th and Yamhill at. Apply of a era at, No. 749 Belmont corner 23d. TWO acres aa penmsala, nightly, clear, cheap, room 20, Waahlngtoa bldg. by . . Scmethta?Klce,: era Improvements, good Income; alee 8 rirer riew kits, west front; for beauty can't bs ' duplicated. 617 Lamber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE A "handsnros 3-stnry 4-room cot tage oa beautiful Marguerite are., comer Lincoln at.; Sreplace, gaa, electricity; buljt . for home by owner: fruit trees, "corner lot; ample room for i another honae: will he '.. finl.hed thla week; cheap If sold kt once; 4 blocks from car. JCST think, 1.300 lota near Salon) carllne, . no farther than St. Johns, st $15 per bit, st $1 per month; level aud good anil, with bouses already there; yoa csn't bur sereare out there for asms amount; lota will ha $.V per lot In Ana net. when cara are running; there will be the 6 neat town out hers Is the velley. Apply to owner. W. h1dt. room It Waahlngtoa bldg., 270 v Waehiajrtoa at - -. HOME-BUILDERS, ATTENTION! " DON'T BUY A LOT FOR A HOMB UNTIL" YOU VIRIT "TILTOX ADDITION." $300 1 grounds In mornings. THOMPSON ft OGDEN 'Branch), . Phone Eaat 4300. - . SOO Belmont at INCOME-BE A BINO flats on eaay terms 24 im 10th at., four flats. $T par month, por celain baths In each, clnee In, aaally ranted; . $2 000 eaah, $75 monthly Inatallmenta; In eofiie will pay the Inatallmenta. making re markable inrastmant of email capital. .Mor- Ks, Sweet ft Chspmsa, 31$ Ablugtea bldg. one Mala 2015. ' Sellwood . Morehouse ft French, I6TO B. lath. Phone Sellwood 74. i City Tlaw Park Uits, $875 snd ap: Boss Addltloa lots. $100 snd up: $8 down snd $5 s month. Homes from $500 to $5.ono. Lots iMO snd up. In nil parte of Sellwood.- List your property with oa; we will sell It. 8-ROOM houee, In Alhlns, near car I1nsr lot 40x 140 feet $1,600. Batflsld ft Smith, 16&U Fourth st , ' $20.000 VERY central 60x100 one of the best buys hi Portlaud; wfll.donMe In value tn 2 years: $IO.ono caah. $n,ono, mortrars. $ - years at 8 par cent; will take $5,000 In seat side property. Call at Burnslds st. lit. I'nous racuie izu.. SIOHTLT 6-room bona, 4 lota, fcrerlnoklng Willamette r I rort Poll Ban water. Inquire on pramlaee 1114 Willamette boulevard, or phona Eaet 6.1S3. $1.00 BUYS a fnrnlahed 4 room cottage, ah-e Slaoe; terms. 8300 caah, balance $10 month, tats Land Co., 183 '4 First at. FOUR cotugee tn South Portland, price $2 sno. tormai 4 good buy. Stats Lead Co., 13814 Flrat St. . A 6-ROOM cottage la Sm-inystde: $2.0 caab, balance $15 monthly. State Land Co., 18UU First at. $-BOt)M honae, urge hath, modern thronrhnut, brick baaament. cement floor and aldewalk; Union are, Pbone Woodlawn 141. Owner. FOR SALE .FARMS. 28 ACRES, 13 in crop, buildings stock, tools; Car 40 minutes; part trade. 604 Guldemitb, ONE of the beat ranches ta sealers Oregon, .Improved, ata) acree, 500 aerea fine bet toot lend, -abundance a4 weieav At a here. la. - Ad dress li. 10. Carrey, ewner, Bskag City, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. HOMKSTE.4D. Ooatir d'Alenv lear?atlon will opaa aoon; choice lanJ, 2d mllre from Snokana. Coeur d'Alene Kt-Ml-vatUiU Infurtnallou Agency 17-14 Exchange Bauk bldg., biwkane, Waah. FRKB bomaa r fbouaaads -of peopls Ib Laks eouuty; lend subject to nomaatead and daa trt entry. For partlculare- writs Brantoa ft Boblaett Bllrsr Laks. Or. -, ACREAGE AND FARMS aesr Tlgardrllie, Waabtnstou, 8 to 10 miles from Portlaud, nesr Portland and Salem carllne. ' Farmara Land Co., 178 Madlaoa at:, Portland. Oregon. TIMBER. TO OWNERS of timber claims and timber Wa will buy for caab any good timber tributary to Nobaleio rlrer; will deal with owners only; bo otbera Bead anawar. Write, glrlug full partirulara, to Box a, C. E. Blatloa. Portland. Oregon. I WANTED Timbered land a. large and a mall tracts; correspondene solicited. B. B. Mat teooa ft Co.. 6l Wart 4 lb at, Los Aagalaa, WB hare cash huyere for yellow ptae timber landa In Oregon and Wsahlngtnn; alao fur yellow fir, aprnos and hemlock timber landa; will buy from one claim ap If price and loca tion ara tight WUI pay cash for good re llnanlahmeuts. Ws hare had IS years' ex perience m- roast Umber bualneea. and bare competent - eruraere who will pass oa the lands without delay. ,-. - EMBODY ft BBADLBT CO, 704 Chamuar of Commerce. CERTIFIED scrip, a y alas, lowaat prlcoa. W. O. Howell. 6SS Chamber of Commerce. '. BA OnOOnn rilT coder end n so Miu. .a Portland, oa One logging stream, caa drive to Portland mills; $1 thonaaod; . half caah. . Sasy terma: 10 years to cut: aa agents or . , trldere. Urorge W. Pixea. Canhy. Oregon, -. BRITISH ; COLUMBIA TIMREB LANDS' We hare for aale large aad email tracts ef fine timber, both on water and ralli En oae rrom s np, . aeeoroing to moat Ion l -II us your wanm and will be pleased tr suhmlt Het, tvuxriuu n Loanniar, an.ain i tlug. I " - a at., va ancoursr, a v. WB hare 8,000.000 feet burned-OTer timber la X north, 6 eaet, 1 mile from ' Wsahougal rlcr; make ha aa offer. - . Alao aome aratterlog aectloos that are good burs sad will make yoa money fast SPHINX AGENCY, 806 ii Stark st FOB good timber claims aad BOmeareeda, moat doalrable locality, phone Scott 8225. I WILL aefl year Umber landa for you, no dlf . ference where located: Bead dlacrlptloa. J, N Blair, S16 Ablngton bldg. . , WANTED 100,000e000 to 160. 000.000 Of good timber oa drlrtng stream tributary to Culuaa ' bis rlrsr. X SOO, care Joaraal WILL buy all tbe yellow pine I esa get tor caah la Greek, Lake end Klamath eountloa; send exact locstloa and lowaat cash price. 84, 227 H Wasblngtoa st , WANTED At once, 160.000.000 feet af good timber tributary to tha Columbia, Addreaa " T 108, care Journal. - - . v FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. LIGHT cream gelding, S years sldl whits mans ran; weignt two; this aoraa must be sold 343 Madlaoa st FOB SALE Ftns milch cow, win be . freak 121S Minnesota are. FOR BALE 4) free mllohycows. 1480 Macadam at., Fultoa. Phoas Mala 6081. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and buggies for rent by day weak. . ouq bwi(i, e03ciei niHa CO oo-l sixth sod Bswthorae. Eaat if. WB buy, aslL rent, exchange hsraaa. sragoas. asddlts, haraese. Hubert ft Ball, 204 Its at CARNEY'S Gllsaa st VETEB1NABT HOSPITAL, Phones Mala 1484-8031. FOR SALE 1 team, gentle, wslfbt 3 TOO lbs. G. A. Katiel, 1161 Iron at - - FOR SALE CHEAP A Baa saddle noay, partly broke ; welgha shout $00. llao Macadam at.. Fultop.' Phone aula 9SX. BARTER AND EXCitAK3E.- WILL trade a good farm for lots ea the St. ' Johns car Una, or bouse and lot vicinity of Greely preferred. Address O 113, care Journal. MIXES AND IWESTSfEXTS. COEUR D'ALENE MINING STOCK or sell any active mlnlna atock: haaa aaada ea any listed securities. T, P. BROWN. 401 McKay bids;. . BIUSICAL TXSTROIEBiTS. - WHY abeuld yoa htofe for a second-hand plana wnaa you caa get a beautiful saw plane direct from the manufeeturere for less monart 1 Read-French Piano Manufacturing OomroJuft t "From maker, to player." sixth and Burnaliow'ms; FOR 8 VLE SnSCELLAXEOUS. SHOWCASES snd flxtnrse, new and seeoad hand. Carlaoa ft Eallatrom, 28$ Coach at WANTED 100 men to wear ear celebrated $20 made-to-ordar suits. Union Tailoring Co., SuOt Stark at. 8a tta faction guaranteed.. . . 0ECOND-HAND bar 6 x tares, neoltsblas. Safes, tablee. cbalra. Weetera Salvage Co., - tiO Wsahlngtoa at FOB SALB Chatham Incubators snd brooders. 64 days' free trial. Geo. W. Foott, S21 Bast Morrlaoa at, Portland. - - WB print yosr asms ea SO calling sards, proper alas and aiyle. 85c; 350 bualneea carda, Ik A- W. Schmsle Co.. 328 Flrat. Portland. Or. FOR SALB CHEAP Safe, 8.10; Bra rarer. Thtrd-at building, 830. Inquire 843 Mortk 18th st . . . ... .- . 8KEEN Electrte Works, 10th snd Waah. ata, i'boao I'aclflc 1474. New and aarond-band . electrical goods bought sold snd exchanged. SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold and sx Jhanred. $5 and up. W eat era Salvage C 627 Washington st SHOWCASES, counters, fixtures, bought- anM no eeehonaroA . " ' M -, Waablnatoa at. Pacific 70s. BILLIARD AND POOL tobies for rest ar for sale on asay payments. THB BBLN8WICK BALKB rOI.I.ENDBB CO. t .48 Third st,, PortUnd. - r 60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewlng-msrhlnes st sery low prices: Singer, WbeeW ft Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Dsels and otbera; to make room for new atock Wheeler A Wllaoa and Singers. S. S. SlgeL 135 Mor rlaoa st. Marque m bldg. HOLDEN'S RHEI'MATIO CUBE Sure sure fa rheumarlana. SoM he en . . CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Bibles snd nrarar-mtfdC' I n.i.e n.o. oon V.i.i,i aaa I FIVB copies popular music. T5a postpaid. Levy's Music House. 171 Fourth. ' SEI.F-CHANOEMAKINd cask register tor aale cheap. 211 First st r ' . . . SET tinner's tools; sail at sacrlnoe: araet be sold by January 14. , 48 Grand sts. Phone East 127. , HOUSES re pa trod, counters and shelving mads, reaaonarde. 'Nelaon. 176 Eaat 14th as. PhoaS East 3K20. A BARGAIN -0-oover Bridge Beach eooktng range, Srst-claaa coed It loo; must be sold at . once. Phone East 4H01. . FOR S4LB Bargatna la WhUaa, Singers, Ds . vis, V, heeler ft Wilsons. Households snd other slightly damaged machlnea. xhs Whits Pew - tng; Machine offtcaT H. D. Jones, 280 Yamhill at, corner Fourth. wm pi.h ncorca coiitb pn ops, thoroughbred. Columbia at. Main 620T. FOR SALE Caab regteter. - CaU 248 Davis st MOTION PICTTRB machinaa. fllma. gas out fits, song slides, vwwe, ate. bought fold. WT. ."rn"nitaa. Jiowmso's Mdtwa Plctara Co.. 145tj sink at., aesr Alder. 'aVj FOR SALE 26 tons good looes bsy for in barn. H. S. Ilarrey, Grssbsm. Or. Bw "Prlght piano $185; upright 50 ' ,.- . r ,nn tt anaralra. 'fersonal.- SKXINE P1LI euro ail forms ef Bervone OS mseet-lsr weakneeo; For men ar women. , , rl L! "w with full guar. ' snrre. Address or call J. . Clsmenaon. irnr glat Seotad and Xambltt sts., Portlsad, Or, -4. -'-- -v