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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14. 1007. 13 tie You Should , . . ,,,, xxvi. , Bridget broke the kcl--lM, . Seared that will cat the aack, Crlee Bleed, alas, alack. , Dea't kaaw hew to fa aa It. " r ..' Wkil'i the f erylag iowt ' matrass will ast rilmiea " Waal di.' will skew kt aaw """-She aaa best replaae It. 'X IN THE JOURNAL, DAILT AND SUNDAT. i , RATE: . On Cent per word. More than two Insertions,, Five Cents per line etch day, or Thirty Cents per line per week of seven ' diys. v ': '. ; '",.. ' !JY'-Y .' .. v,; -';;V ; -' . Six words constitute s line, but each line Is charged for reard fess of the number of words.1 ; """" '" , ; . .a,t w ' - ' ' ' ' . k- " ' NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS . THAN 15c PERSONAL. MARTEt, hlstorlsfi. Mrs. B. Bertngtoo Webber, dlacorersr of trlbne af larsrl; gteea their : blatorg by s Szed law. their different capa bilities which are reliable: swsrded gold medal; tribe resdloc 25c; lectors srery Wednesday StIS p. n.. back parlor SUi Morrlsoa. Addrses ar call. IF roa bars rbeamathna we want to. ears yoa New York Medical A Bnrglesl Instltuta. eor ear Sixth aad (JU3V4) Waablcgtoa els. EtSSlAlf BATH. SOT Third at., betwea Taelnr snd Ralmoa. Swimming pool, stesa and bot- "" air bath. Hoars Ladies, froai ft a. so. la 1 p. am. i geou, frooi S a. m. ta 13 p. m.' MOI.ES. wrtoklea. snDerflsoaa balr . ho ebargs to talk It orer. Mrs. M. D. Bill. Roots aso riled ear Bldg. Pbooe Padfle ISA i W B H FOOT Oil BUrklof aarsa tba lesthsr) sb- solntsly waterproof. . i ROI.PEN'S RHEt'MATlC CURE nre cars far rbsauaatlssB. Sold by all d rot-gists. . OERMAN bonks. Bsgastaea. batsIs, etc.i Oar Ban, Enrllah, French. Bnenleh. Pwsdlah and . Itallsa diet Ion ar lea; foreign books af ' all kloda. Bcbaisla Co, 22B First si. A. REINER, PRACTICAL ,1'RRIER. "" Krnsrt fitter, furs remodeled, repaired snd rsdysd; ' SO yea re" a t per fence -tnsnree entire . ssifafsrtloa. Pbona- Pacific X4s7. Lewis bldg - Da. BINU CIIOONQ. Importer Ctilneaa . root sdlrlnaa; sells ttilnees tea.'rartsra enrs for au dlaaassa, twl Sd. bat. Yamhill snd Tsymr. : DR. O. f. KETCHUM cares promptly btItsI aiaaaaas. Kidney, sereoas. skis and specisi . fame Is troahlea. Call or writs. Office I7' '-h Third at car. TamliU. fbooe raairie nu. . BALM OF PIOS for S.H feme la dli East Belmoot. I'hoaa Rsst OS4. 62 LB1 HOPllTTteBsfmaB6rrsaTBg: Booss S. S4SH Wasbtaigtoa at. . .TURKISH BATBSr SAO OragoaUa bldg.t- Udles . oays, gsatisassa Bights, alala iihs. MANLY rigor restored by Dtv Rohsrta' Narva ' G loonies. Ooe maatb's taatsmt. $3i S . BMnths, 5: sent secnrely sealed by mall. . Agents. Woodard, Clarkt A Co. Portland. Or. iITR nreeeed while rmi wslt. fOe. ladles" skirts pressed, tOe. 01 Inert. lAriv, Slits st, asit ta Qoslis. Pbeos Mala XOtU. . BEST asagsalna stabs evsr sf faced: send for I prices: sgsnta wsnrsa. jenee aooa aura, 181 Alder St.. Portia sd. Or. DIREARE8 OF WOMEN; onfortimats girls and bsblas cared for; prlrats bosrltsi. Dr. Atwood, room A oSOs Mor. st. Tel.- PaclOe 17B1 BOLD ON There ta one thing that wilt cere rhenmattam. Ask yoar druggist for bsrk . Startle - ar address ar call t. O. - Clemensoa, draggtst. Portland. Or. OWL RESTAURANT. t East Morrlsna sta tic a la IV snd opt short orders, fresh oyatsra, 1. U Totals f t sresn-letor. ' SWEDIgFI trained so res, HeUlngfnra gradoata, cares rhesmetlsra, stomscb teonhles, aererms disorders snd sprains by- haadtihhlng, stssm. sweat snd tnh bathe. No. 7 Raat lltb st, Tsks Baat Aaksny ear. Pbona East 290. YOUNa scientific aiaeasass glens slsctrlcel. al esholle aad medicated t rest oven ta: cblrasodlst aad maslcarlng. 41 Rshtlgh bldg. MIRR ENGLISH, electric vibratory faea, scalp and body treatment: Bars era Tinrator.-a . thing new. U5H Sixth St.. rooms U K. rACB sad scalp trratmeots ftroa at SeStb Mor , rlaeo st. saltss IX - - ... ' REFINED lady gives sisnlenrlns. chiropody, ' scalp and facial treatment. SOlhi Third St., corner Taylor. RECENTLY opened nsnlenHng parlorst lsdles and gen10111- S5IH Morrlsoa St., room IX CHIROPODY, Beats treatments, medicated facial aissasgs. tjUH Washington St. ' MARRIAGE . PAPER, highest i charaeterl tn corpora ted; lltb rear; 3,000 members; IS rages seslsd; send 10c,. L. L, Loss, Bog sou, Dearer, Colorado. . YOUNG tnsn. ST yesrs old: boss little farm ear Portland: with to correspond with a lady from IS ta XI; tnnst he Christian. Ad- dress Bos Is, user laisno. uregoa. ran rr and scalp trsittnenta glrea at MSlt Mor rlana St., anltes 1-3. i AUTOMOBILES. 4 i" PULLMAN ACTO CAR CO.. Irallders. dealgnsrs snd repairers af all pakes af satomoblles. Bodies, topa, leaders, daahes. lamp brackets, rannlng bosrds snd lne fronts. ' Gee re snd (II parts of Ssto mohlles made to ordr. . . tH-TO-72-7 Sortk Sink gt carnag Erarett. . H. L KEATS AUTO CO.. AT7TOMOBILKB AND SUPPLIES. Forth weetrrn dlatrlbntors , for Pone Tfr. ftirds, Pope Tiihnnss. Pope Pons Toledo. Thomas. - Oldamobtles, Franklins, Bsteks. 90-62 Sevantb St., Portland. Oregon. g T- MERRILL Pong Tnleno care, aevea pas stater. IB per bont. Office Seventh snd Oak. Mais HSU. Stand f. E. corner Rlitb and Washington. M. B- Ts Merrill's Cutis Kdsl ; Brs I t ASSATERS. AARVIN CTANIP EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Assay Office. 1X4 Morrlsoa st. ART. FREE t.ESRONS tW F.mhrotdery Every Dsy.' TUB NKKI'LECRAFT SHOP. -H3 Wsahlngtoa st. ' a ft MOORRHOUSR A CO Artists' materlala, nicrsrv v-. - p., aons, lastsra slides. SIS Alder St. ganrgMOR R. MAI MEYER. S4A Alder St. Ceruslt sad IsnclacsDs artist and tsacbar, . Advertise. . 1. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCH RR SUPPLIER a. Rlrkenwsld Oa., S04 Ksl Ererett at. ; la reset batcher sapply booaa os tba soast. Writs lor oaulogne. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dsksa, U1-I3S First St., carries a foil line aad roia plets aeaortmsnt st lowaet ajarkat prlcss. ATTORNEYS. c. h piooorr and i. a. fincb Attnroers-at-Iaw. Practlcs la all marts. - 4 Mslkey bids., corner Reran,! and Morrlaon. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS at SOT Third, betwea Taylor And aal , anaa ata. - We bare sdded aa a Bnsslaa hatht ; swimming pool, ateam gad hot sir. Boors: Lsdles. I t u. to I . m. genta, S a. aa. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR. DAVIS A RII.HAM, loa-lll Second st. Blank books aisasrsptBred: agaata for Joans : Improved Lanee-Lssf ledgers; sea- tba aa a 7iTi Tf' ,'!!, rba. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. . A. MELTON, tha rarpeieer VH Poartb a. -" wm.wv wwe. aaeta it at. S. MELTON Offlcs, stors Oxtnres; general jobbing. T First st. Phons Main SiOOi CLAIR VOr ANTS AND 1 PALMISTS. CONSULT THE REST IT Will. PRO VB i CTIEAPFRT IN mr rvn rnr.K TESTJ -FREE TE8 Aess mis savrrriaement to V PROF. D. N1BLO, : . . ' 1L o3H Wsahlngtoa st, - - T.f1" f" AM wonderfal CLAIRVOYANT P0WEHS - by tellltw son yoar asms la fall, free of charge, and give . ""-. serors yon a eel tie to bare a resa log, aad then If goo tblnk be bss the power to read yoar asst. present and fnlnre life, he "I f'rs yoa bis wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC "i for St. This week only. Us tells roa who roa are arhM . .m IWm bow many members tbers are In yoar family, whet yoar sccugstlos Is. snd wbst It should be; what yonr sllments are. bow to care loeas, wners yoa will be Boat sareessfn, snd why; what yonr health will be. sll tbronsh life; how macb wesltb yoa will p osa ess. If any: woo it la mat ceases yoa tronhle. ssd ' bow to overcome It: If voor mine eontslns ore. snd to wbst el tent: bow to control those . goo lovs snd sdmlre; whero yonr lost ones are; what yoa ebould Invest in to be sac cea-rai. in rect. bo natter what yon wish to know or wlab to dn, be will accomnllsb It ror yoaj or ebargs yoa aothlsg. . Bonn, t a. as. as p. m. - 4 SflRH WASHINOTO! ST. ' Opposlts Olds, Wortmsa A King. - .' Alwavs Consnlt the Bast, annr m rnniA ; : eesatast living astral dee j trance elatr soyant of the are; sdvtser aa bnalaeaa snd sll affairs af life: tolls yonr fall name snd wnsi yon celled for. whom yon will msrry Bow to control tba ooe yoa love, even though miles swsy) rennttes the separated; gives sscret pswers to cos trot: as long delsvs ta wamns. hoots in To a, fleiiy and Rnndsy, Psrroanentle located la bis own boms. SSd Fifth St.. corner Madison St. MRS. B, B. SEIP, psycbosnetrlet, spiritual life reaoer, retiapis in every detsu. 10 to R, 303 Aiissy oing. nreiee, Tnea.. wad.. Tbnr, Frl, S p. m.. 9S. Paelfle 3830. PROF. WALLACE, pslmlat, clairvoyant sad Miru iumi , .njamnri soo. . I ar IOC Q. I US Cos mas. 30S H Morrlsoa st. SS CORRECT READING BOo. la not need big sdesrtleementa, I gnsr antee ssMsfactlon or no charge. PROP. HARRINGTON. 341 H Morrlsna at. aasgamsssat i i i ; i a, n i a n ' COAL AND WOOD. - t TafcrpboBS bUlav Sdaa. ' RmttMnf Coal gad ,' . ' 1 . - -"r- Cost for Ships . v ' a specialty. . .. . i . Tba . . STOREY BROOKES FUEL CO. flncorporsted.) 1 " Erclnalve agents fog ' . " ' KEMM RR EK COAL. COAL. COKE. CBAUCOAL, 0 flics ' ana) Tsrd Frsnt snd Kssrasp sts. THE Portland Wood A Cos I On. ara now Solas pnainean in their new ysrd. st ths comer ef lath ssd Savlst streets. Fir. Ban. slabwosd asd coaL ' OREGON FUEL CO. la now selling Welsh an thracite, baat anal oa ttag market. S34 AMsr st. Mala AS. x ALBINA FUEL CODeelers In aordwuod, nsl son arvvs sen ary siaowoon. a. K. sod Alblns svs., 3 blocks sast af ferry. Esst (74. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.-Dealers In coal. aorawooa ana ary siabweod. Pbona East 424. PORTLAND Rawdnst A Rlahwnod Co.. SSS Front, soccsssora in roiton wood t3o. Mala IP3S. . WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hot Pbona Mala I01S. blaekamlth coala. DRT slabwnod "cheap" t qnlrk dellrerles. Of- bcs sou vtsrer st. fnons pscioe loo. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd Psdlcnrlng. Mm. M. D. Rill. noom .tu riemner niog. rnons raciria iso. CLEANING AND DTEING. CLOTH IS cleaned and pressed fl par uniqos isimring ia, auv atarn sc. B. W. TURNER, pmfcaaloiial dyer and Cle 0O3 ssiisrson st, I'bons Msln Zeis. ro SRTLAND Steam ( naaslns sad Dvlaa Wsgfes, tU tovUi au, i-bosa 4 ad . , CAFES. Tim grt ICR tss Waehtngtoa st, phone Mala 771. Samuel Vlgneux. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Isrgest plsst oa tha eosst. Loiin anl Harding sts., tele , phone Bust 20. Carpe'a cleaned, refitted, sewsd and laid; both steein and latest eouv praeaad air process; reoovsUng msttrsaan and fea there s apeclalty. SANITARY csrpst clesstna. saettoa and eom presaed air oom blood: rernete cleaned a floor Without Ismoval. Main fLVU. U.ta 12(10, DANCTNa DANCING laan, SBe; elassss ar prtvetei we Its Ins, two-slap, three-atep. ate.) alar dancing, bnch and wing, rtof. reel, skirt. Rpsslah. H lit bland fling, ate. Prof. Wal Wtleos. old aat rscogntssd teach sr. Allsky bldg-.. Third ' and Morrison ata. . . WOODWARD DA NCI NO rVnoOl Claaa Mon.. Thara. and Sat ara.: aortal, faarf and atap dancing tanirht: 5 asst. laarhora: laas and private laaaoos daily. Waalara Aoadamf ball, I naoooa sod uarrleoa ata. Paelfle 10M. PBOP. BINOI.KR. Mlas BiwkaanaTar laadlad srhaol; ballroom atlqastte: aorraot daaelns; laa Toa.l. to. i rMldrra Sat. p. an. I prlrata hMaona dally. K Aldar Mala I Ml DRESSMAKING. TBT Anrale Draasmaklnd Parlors, M WUtk nd Main. Paelfle hsV ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALAH CO., Ill Stark St. - lUetrle and Oas - Plrtursa and "nppllos. Maotals. Tllln. Gratsa and Dogtrona. PACIFIC BI.RCTRIC CO. Una-lasers, contrac tors, renslrera. sienna wtrlns, aappllea. M . first, ear. Stark. . Mala 660. B. B. Tate. mgr. iWEUTSBI! BUCTBIC-WORKS. rtl Hlilh si, T Contractors, electric enpplles. aiotors and Af MORRIHON ELECTRIC CO.. tt)l East MorHaoa St. Flitarea. wiring, rspsltiag. Bast S12S. BARRETT'S. 40S Morrlaon at. Phone Main UX Everything In electric wiring snd lighting. EDUCATIONAL. . BEUN KB-WALKER BTRINFRR COLLEGE, DAY AND KIGHT SEHSIONS. Special Claaass In German, French, Spanlsn. - Elks' bldg.. Seventh snd, Stsrk sts. , FENCE, AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS 203 Flanders St., one. Third. Pbona Msln 3000. GASOLINE ENGINES. OAROLINR engines, sll slsea and styles, at loweat prices. Bslrsoa Machinery Co, 183-4-S Morrison at. - HOTELS. TRR BEI.I.EVUB, Foortb and Rslmon sts. Rooms 50e ap: rates by wsek or month t oat-of-towa trsd solleltsd. Pacific 31 OA. HOTEL Portland. Amsrlcas plan. IS. SB par day. BELVEDERE; Enropean plan; 4tb and Alder ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits orsnrtm , tty to qoote prices. T4 Rlstb St. Psclflc 4M. INSURANCE. fSAAO L. WHITB. tn Insarsass, IAS Mel WOOD, employers liability aad ta dlvldosl accident secarlty hoods af all kinds. Phone 47. gng McKay bldg. MONUMENTS. BED A KINOM.BV oW-Tiroe- vfr- Pwtlaasl'a - ieecnag mamie ana graatta worse. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER rrUDIO Mandcdta. banjo, gab tsr Instruction; ibso apaadollaa. . litlt asaingion. PIANO, violin. Plana, trombone, clirlsct Pi A. Bmlth. SD4 IZth. Mala 47DB. LESSONS BOe Piano, guitar, bsnjo niandolln. etoua -wtivj rtrst st,. 'opatsirs. vra. Hams. Loris A CRETTZ. viol t a tescnar. Stadia 311 Sherman. Phons Pacloe MACHINERY. a TRENKMAN A CO Mining, sswmtn. pat- Ins machinery; bydrenllc pipes, easting 1 all lada repaired. 104 North Foarth. t A. t. PACU 103 First St. Ensinaa. boilsrs. sawmill and arosa-arm machinery. THE R. C. ALBEB CO Second. seed cblnery. sawmills etc. 34S Grssd svs. MONEY TO LOAN. .,. . MONEY TO LOAN . On Improved city property or for banc log purposes, for from 3 to 10 rears, time, with prtvllere ta repay sll ar part of loan after twa yssrs. Leans approved from plana and money sdvsnred ss tmlldin nrsgrsssasi gages rasea np a no replaced. . FRED H. STRONG. Financial Afsat, ' - - - - 343 Stsrk St. . CONFIDENTIAL .LOANS aa sa'.aHee. tnsnranca policies, planes, fnrntfnrs. wsrebonae receipts, - ate.; any deserving person may even re a lib eral advance, re paring by easy weekly ar . jmontbly Installments. KKW ERA IOAN A TRDRT COMPART. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Jost on yoar own seine mi other eeewrltyt ; doa't borrow nntll yoa sag ms: my svetera ts . tha beet for railroad men. clerks. Hoo keepers streetcar men and All other employee: baet ness strictly confldsntlaL F. A. Nswtna. 434 Alilngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others a poo their owe names without serve. tty; cheeneet rate, eeriest payments: office In 60 pet nd pel cltiest aavn -goarsslf msasy br retting onr term first. TOLMAN. 333 Ablnstoa hldg.. tOSVi Third St. MONEY Insnad ta ss la tied peoe'e Joet on pom? owa aame; don't borrow sntrj yoa ssa mat my system Is ths beet for railroad men, rlerka. bookkeepers, strsetesr msn snd all other employee; bnatneea strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 434 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTFD Notss. mortrsrsa or wavtiscts aa or aioo or i ' . J ei,ir m in vwn inn w mwn. toe ton second mortrnres rorrehssed If wall asenred. R. B. Noble. Sit Commercial hlk. MONEY fa loan tn same ta suit. S snd R years. as low sa S per rent, aa Improved erry prop, erty. Monltnn A Scobay, SOI Onlambla bldg.. Sail Washlngtoa st. DON'T btwoa aeoney on sevw- wsttl gang as Hnttcii Credit Co. " (11 Dskam bldg. W. 8. WARD, lawyer. Allekr bldg. Pmeets snd snortrsga hnstneas solicited; modem ts fees: lonns money aa ahartgsgsa tram S204 Bp; assy terms. MONET to losn to privets nartlee ta any emonnt from g.l.nnrt ro f 23.000. or snv peri of It: low rata of tatsrest. Address B 110, ear Xeornal. , MONET tosoed on fnrntrnre. pianos snd other set niltlea . v. A. Hereaway, roonl 10, vraau. Ins ton bldg. Pboa Pacific 1RRX . ' MONPV to bianl larrs barns snecialtyt also hnlMing msne: loweer rs'eat me 11 William 0. Bsc. 313 Falling bide... CRWENT I.OAN CO.. 4 Mohawk bids. Moner to Sim oa eeav-pavmeni pisa w wsga ' Barriers: strictly eotiMdestlal. Monry to losn on sll kinds sf sa entity. William Hon. roans wasningroa nrag. TO LOAN Rams ts salt on charts! ssesrlty. B. A. rrawe. B14 th Msransm.. TO LOAN AVOon or hsss an city ncoperty. Q. A. J oh neon, SIS Oommerctal blk. A LOAN for the aekfng aalary or chatteL Tba Losn Co.. siu uessm sioa. -. - g nO0 TO LOAN on rmnroved real setata. Ad dress K lot. care JonrnsL V QUICK loans en sTI secnrltles. R. W. Xlnf, W..SIaaaaa biaVs. t Mala Si Ma, BANKS. FIRST JTATIOXAI. SAIfX Of fOlTUVD, 0EE00V. ! . ., Deolgnstsd Depository snd rtoanelal Agent at tha United State. . ' President A. L. MILIA I Csafclrr J. W, Nf Wf !X Assists! Caahlar W. 0. ALVOHO I bVecoud Assistant Caabtar V. STbVCNl .... Lettsrs af Credit Available In Enrops end the Eastern ststas, e, E i "aa and Telegraphic Tranefere an Id on New Vork. Bnaton. Cblcafo, St, LaulA. a.'l. mh rrancla-o aud tha principal rluta In tba Nartbwuat. n. L "m D"l drawn In auma to anil an Uindon. Parta, rtrrlln. rrankfort-aa-tha-Mala, rionynont, Yokihama r.,p.h.a. u, Wtnraholm. St. Plarbur. Moaoow. gnrlrh. L- TttTOM. BAWXrKt (Xataallaaad la 1.) . Traaaaau a Oanaral Bankinf Buaiaaaa. ' (V11alona man at 'itl aolnta oa fnawr. ,., Di, LaMera of rradlt laaaad aaallahlr In Europa and all polnta In tha United 21".. "''i' ICirbanao and Tlrraphl- Tranafara aold aa N-w Y.-rk. WaaMnatoa. Cbtra. ZtA , - Oinaka. San rranrtarn and Montana and Hrltt.h Onlumhta. Eickanca aoiq on ixndon. Parla. ttflln. Frankfort. Hoakont. Yokohama. Manila and jlonolahi. ' MIECHAWTS' BATIONAl BAKK, FOBTtAWD. OBEOOV. J?HiSK WATSON..,. .Praaldant I It. 1, OrniUV . . Wa-Prdoat . W. HOYT..... ......Caahlar I GEOROS W.. UOYT Aaalataot Caahlar Ttaaaacta a Oanaral Rankin BoalaM. Pratt a and Lattara at Crodlt laaaad ATallabla ta All Parts of tha World. a Hoorlaltr. ' ' u VITXS STATZS XATIOBAL AtX OF r w-k,s- Trntlaaaldwai as - - a. 1 saa pit-!? I4 ao Eorooa. Hrtoni and v,!!,;--; J. C. ainswohth i Vlea-Prsaldsat r. LKA It A R N KB I : Aaalatant Caahler B aJntlBS' A IVMBEBMCM'S BAWK Portland, Orsgoa. Corner Second and Stsrk atresta. ' , CoBJiaeeHal and aa4nm nrtmenf. Interest paid on earing aecoaats.- DtafU sad . n f o-. SU-' crean Mailed arallshle In all aarts of the world. ritrn nSe-K President 1 F.. C. MKARR .....Caahler JrViili ? 2TrmLD... First Vlre-PreaMent H T STOHKY Aaalatant Caahler JOHN A. KEATINU Second Vloe-Preald'nt I PLATT A PLATT Oeneral Connsel THE BAVX OF OAUEOBBtA Eatakllahed 1M4. - Read Oftos, tea FranoUoe. CaHfornla. ' .-. Csnltsl paid an... M.ltn nno I Bnmhin and oBdlelded pro n. .. .1VW 481.83 Oeneral M.nklna Frchange Bvslneas Transacted. Intereat oa Tltns Deposits. . SAVINGS nEPARTMFMT Aeronnts mar be onened of lift and spwsrd. WW. B rortlsad Bran.-h Thanber ItACBAB..... Manager J. TRUST COMPANIES. P-RTT4irD TRUST COVPAWT OF ORFOV Tha OUeet Trast Oompssy la Orearoa. REROi'RrER OVER 11 SOO.ono. Getieeel Ranking Two nee cent Interest oa choc aecoaats '"" bsndredsl ss dally ha lances of Ano or over, letters of credit snd eschanss sa sll . arnclA : Kavlne-a scconnta Tims aertlllcstes. S to 4 per cent: shortfall special eertlflcstss. Aioo or aver. 3 4 to 4 per cent. Csll for Book of "U.1 URTRATIONS.' Rffl'beast Corner Third and Oek Stects. Pone Privets Esehsnga TX . 2B1Vi.I CT.!! ""'- ..President L .PITTOCK Vlce.Preeldent B. LEW PAGET .Secretary I 1 0. COITR Aaalatant Recretars- SECTJRrrY SAVTNOS A TRTST COMPANY to IforHsoa Street. Pertlaad. Orsgsa. ' Trsoascta a Oeneral Banking Bnslnsas. RAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed ws : Time and Savings Accounts Acts ss Tmsrea for Estates. Drsfts and Lettsrs sf Credit , Available oa ATI. Parte of the World. r..F. ADAMS... 1 hMl I s a. frwit First Vteares1det A. U MILLS...... . .... .iii'ti na vicv-rreeioeni GEO. B. BFRBEIJ, NORTHWESTER W BTAR AR'TTX A TRtTfT COMPANY Poet Is nd, Orsgsa. Lsmbsr Birhange, X E. Corner Reooed snd Stark Rtrseta (aarond Soar). 1 FIRCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State. Coanty. Mnslclpal Corpora tins Bonds Boaght snd, S,d. New ntsrprtess Orgsnlssd ' : snd Finsneed. Stocks snd Bonds Gnsrsnteed. Il' TITLE OTARAWTFE A TRTST C0aTPAv gft WASKINOTOV STREET. .. .. MORTGAGB LOANS on Portland Real Batata at Lowest Rstsa. ' . Titles Insored. Abarrscts Fnrnt.hed. . . Jr TrTORBTrRw ' ROSS....... Preatdent JSO E. AITCHlliI..,...........Secrslsry GEORGE H." HIIX Vice-President I T T. BIIRKHART Trsssnrer . BONDS AND M 0BXIS BX0TBTRS Chamber sf Ccmmsros ' . ' afnnlelpsL Railroad snd PahWc Rervfre fJVirporstlon Bondg. DOWTUfG-HOPKTSS COnTPAsTT Xatabllahad 1I9S BX0XZXX . STOCXX BONDX GRAIN Bought aad Sold for Caeh and aa Wargla. . : Privets Wires, c - ROOM d CHAMBER of COMMERCE. . ' Pbona Msln ST. L0T7IS t. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE B0KDS BABE STOCXX . . . Member Portland Stock Eicbsnge. . ' Comer Slstb snd Wsshlngtovi Streets. Portland. Oregon. OTcrbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. 0B ATlf, PXOVtSTOIfS. C0TT0W. STOCKS A1TD BONDS. ,. - , WZ DO A STRICTLY 00MMIB8I0M BC&INIBS. ' , Marksta by Private Wire. Qalck S.rvtce. REFERENCES Lsdd A Tllton Bssk- srs, and Caitsd States National Bask of Portland. . Ooatlna land' scrip. WANTED and for sals. AH kinds. Inrtndlng approved forest rsaervs scrip for snrreyed. ss snrveysd. timber snd prstrte government land : B. M Hamilton. "The Portland." Portlasd. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. I n.LEBET.LFJ PATTERROlf. spactsllst on Tsrrlon. scats snd chronic. Office SIT Faa - ton bldg. Pbona Pacific I1SO. - - DRS. ADIX A NORTHRrP, 41.V1A1T Deknjp hl.lg.. Third and Waahtnrton sfs. Phons Main nw' ETsminanon rree. PTICIANS. Ik I I MTLLS Ootnmetrlet snd Kyeslsvit Rpectattvt. Boowe SR-tT. R2S Wsahina-toa RrreeA PAINTING AND PAPERING. Mill It.; on posits Tim nal office, wall paper, painting snd dcorst- Ing. Phone ss tor esttmsfes. rsciiis zxjn. FOR rsllshls work, raseoasbls prices. Rheeb Bros. EH2H Ysmhlll, near 4tB. staia aug. WORK, dope- eonsetenttotMly st a boot half price tn rough winter. ASdress a (. ears journal. PLOIBERS. FX A CO. Sanitary plumpers. 3R1 Second, bet. Main a so salmon, uregoa pooos sum auui. DONNERBERO A RADEMACHER, rsmovsd to No. 803 Burnslds St. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. E. BEACH A. CO. Ths Pioneer Paint Oo. window alaaa sua aiasing. loo iini . Pbos IM4. PRINTING. . ... A. X. KERN A CO., . . , ... " PROMPT - " .. .... POINTERS " -- US Second street. Pbos Ifala SIT THE MODERN PRINTER Y A rtlstle printing, za Hnassi Mdg rouria aaa Morrison, rnons rscinc I02O. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING - From clrenlsr ta cstsmgnes snd sewspspsia. MetropolMsa Printing Uo.. ht Front St. OOILBER ' BROS. prtntais fsrds. blllbsada. etc. Pbona Main lab. I4BV First st. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 34 Alder St., pbona Mala Tio: rahnee stamps, ssaie. steaetm; nag. gage, trade cbeohel braas sigaa ssd plates. REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne Xsal sstste. Investments mor t rages, loans. HO Alteky bWg. Paoss Msla two. , OTTO. CROCKETT A nARKSON, sol Eatate, l-osns. Insnrsma, Rental. . 1UW First St., Rnom 34. Vboas Psclflc 2015. 0E0. t. SCHAEPTR, real aetata eod firs sssarsaea, SIT i-namner or v ommerce. "COOS BAY NEXT." PARRISIf. WATK1NS A CO., sol sstats, rssarsnos, rental and loas ' agents. 250 Alder at. - OTTO, CROCKETT A BARKRON, Real sstats, loans, lnenrance. rentala. 183)4 Ftrst at., room 24. Pbooe pseloc 3018. J. W. OOU.BEE. real eetets Bad mans; satab Mabsd I80X 148 Flrat St.. room 11. A. B. RICH ARDRON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Pboaa Msla atPd. 823 Cbsmber sf Osamerca. SPHINX AGENCY, dealers tn real estate and - rentals. 803H tsrk st. Msla 6164. FOB FARMS OF EVERY DliaCnUPTIONv- W. W. E8PET. SIS Commercial bldg. : .:r I- roofing. L v ; TIN ROOFINO, gnttarlns. repairing and genersj yohhlsg. J. Loall. 312 Jc f f .Toon jT.. Psc.1424. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrlptloa; henk, tier . ssd store grtarrs made to ordsr. Ths Latks Msnnfactnrlng Co., PortUnd. ictorlng ISDlAl R. R. BIBDf ALL, neelgnert arret M. Winter Lamher Co., T nsminon piog. main w. STREET PAYING. WARREN Conetractloa Co.. strset psvlng. slds wslks and sresslnga. 814 Lamher Etcbssgs. tHE BsrKer Asphalt Paring C. of rarOsad. . Vfflca M Waceastof klA. , , rOBTLAMO. 0BI60. mm.jt n A TS Vasss r W- Pa A M.kla. 4 tt MMsass A Manila. Collections Mads oa FaoraMf Ta. caahw b. w. W'hmf-f.r Asslatant CaeM-r W. A HOLT A. M. WP.IOHT ; pr Ommeree Fnlldlng. T. Bl'RTCHAEI.L Asaletsnt Manager I I A. I I I R- a. JHRITE. ..Secretary Aaelafant Secretary INVESTMENTS. Bunding. , 10, Vira SEWING MACHINES. THE WHITE SEWING MACRTNB AGENCY. 280 Yamhill St., Cor. Foortb. Pbooe Msln 6103. Bargains la all kinds of new and second hand sswlng mschlnee; n few slightly dsns aged, good ag new, at greatly reduced prices. PHONE Psclflc 37SS snd I personally will call snd repair yoar sswlna-msrhlns: work guar anteed. S. Hams, a.ljueter. SAt Third st. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., sale agent tor Herring. Hall-Marvls ssfss. snd Masaaneas Steel Safe Co.'s bank ssfe. The larceat assortment of 'blgb-grade-Bra and bnrslar-proof as fas la tb sortbweat. S3 Seventh st. DIEROLD Mangsneas snd Are-proof ssfes: locb. onta opened; mete! Sstnree: vanlt snd tall work; lacks. J. E. Da Tie. Sd 3d. Main 10SA EIGHT second-hand Sra-proof safes aad twa . second-hsnd hank ssfes for sals cheap, St TO Slstb St.. Portland. Oregon. -lGKPAINT3RSr FOSTER A RLEISER SIGNS. We bars built ap lbs tersest sign beslneas in toe city by Srst-clsss work snd keeping ear promises. Oar price are right, k'lfth and Everett sts, Pbooe Excbsngs 88. - 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Riga Co., 27 Stsrk st. Pbona Psclflc 1800. W. P. BERGER A RON. 34 Ysmhlll St. Signs of sll binds. Phone PsHRc 32.12. TRANSFER AND HALTING. THE BAGGAGE A OMNIBCS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Dixtn ana uai eta.; oaggass cnecsen from hotel or residence direct to dastlnstlon; passengers therefore svold rnah aad annoy a nee at depute. Prlrata Exchange SS. SAFES,- pis ss and fuviiliuie -sro-red. packed resay ror Shipping ssa soippea: sn worn guaranteed; terge S-story brick fl re-proof werebonee for. storage. at nee guv Usg st. Olees a Boa. Phons Msn M7. a O. PICK, efdee RR First st.. between Stsrk snd Osk sts.. phone nee: pisses snd fnmltnrs moved and packed for shlprdogt eommodkma nneg warenonse wna srparats ires rooms. rront and cisy atec . ROSE CITT TAN CO.. of Acs 141 First St.. pbooe Main S22S. Farnltnrs and piano. moving a apeciaity; we gnsrsntss onr wora. NATIONAL TRANRFER A STORAGE CO. 370 Osk st. Tslspbona Mala 4400. Traaarar ring ssd storing.. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 1R4 North Slstb. Peons Msla SB. Heavy basllng and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRAN8FEX CO. Storage. 83 Stark st. Mala 40I. POST SPECIAL DELIVER T. No. 300 Wash ington st. rnons Main pnz. TTPEWRTTEkS. BEADODARTERS for sew snd rehatlt type writers of sll msges; see oar window: If yoa are going ta bay s nsw typewriter see as be fore baying; we ess save yon money; -we have ports far repairing all mschlnee; ststs agents for the Tlalble Fori we any alt kinds of typewriters. The Typewriter Ri change. Inc., E. '. Ellison, msnsger. 84 Third St. WE sell Remingtons. Smith-Premiers. Den. more, stc. lower 4nsn soy mner esmnsnrt Invoatlgats, Underwood Typewriter Cm., ed eta. TTPEWBITER Repair A 8sroly Co., 4B0 Wash- ingtes at. . i-uoue mats sons, . . BLICKENSDERFER tvpewrlters. fto sad 8: snpniiss. repairing, boss m uoas. suitg stars. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOW El A DAILY Cmnn. brnsb, soap, i per nwntn. rertisnti unnory Towsl apply Oe.. Ninth nd Coach. Pboaa 410. W11DI.ES ALE JOBBERS. M. A. orNRT A CO., , DlaTRinfTORR OF FINE CIGAR. PORTLAND. OREGON. - RUEKK. GAZB A OXAHAM f Tec. I Coma lea lew enercDema. f"" r. m ir'i".. 'irw, eie eonalgsments solicited. 135 Front St. EVEBDINO FARBELL. peodoee snd com mission merer, ante. I w grant St.. fortlsBd, Or. Phons Msln ITS. ORE'ION FURNITURE MANrFACTl'RIRG CO. Mansfsctnrera af rornltare tar the traie. Portlsod. Oregon. W1ADHAM8 A CO.. whnlenahs grocers, mess. Taetarers sna commiasion sssrcasais. roarta snd Osk sts. . Fl'RMTl'RR msmfsernrlng snd speclsl orders. L, Barssasy s rarniiura isciory, but rroni of. ALLEN A LEWIS, com m ma Ion nndvpendnu me ensaes. Front and uavm sis rortisad, or. WHOLESALE emctery snd glasswsr. PrssL Hsgets A Vo 100 sa ion Firth, eor. stark st. Tref erred Stock Canned Ooods, allien e. Lewis' Best Brand. TWO DIG IRAGPS REACH PORT j . ' British Steamers Cymeric and ; Vermont Join Fleet In '' . ; - Harbor. v ONE BRINGS CARGO OF SIBERIAN HARDWOOD Grmeric Comes Light From Paget . Sound to Load Wheat, Flour aad General BlerchAadls for Ports In North CliinA Others to Follow. Tw l&rg ocean tramps, tha British stsamsrs Oymetio and Varmont, arrived. In tha harbor thla morning after having plowed through fields of lea, coming up the Columbia river. . The Oymeria reached the harbor flrat although - She left Astoria half an hour later than the Vermont, but this was due to the fact that she came light while the Ver mont's hold .contains . 1,600,00s feet of oak timbers, - The Oymeria. dropped anchor in the etream. where she will remain until a tierth has been prepared for her at the flour mills. She was ordered here from Seattle to 'load a full cargo of flour, wheat and general merchandise for ports tn North China under charter to Prank Waterhooee A Co. On her way from the sound she ' filled her coal bunkers At Comoz, British Columbia,, . . The Vermont cornea from Vladivostok. Siberia, via San Francisco. She has the distinction of bringing th largest ship, mant of timbers ever brought here. They are of the Siberian hard oak va riety and will be cut up Into lumber in a mill in North PortUnd. The tlm bers are consigned to Alexander Kuns. who gereral month ago brought out a small shipment aa an experiment oa the barkentin. Amsson. ' ' The Vermont went to the Banfield dock In North Portland where tha cargo will be discharged. - From here the crt-ft will run light to Puget sound to load lumber for the orient. The " steamers Suverlo and Aymeric will be here goon to load for North China in the sania Una as the Oymerle and indications are now that - Portland will have a steamer Bailing for the orient about every fortnight. " " Captain W, H.. Haines, of ths Vermont reports having had a very rough pass age across from Mororan, Japan, where the steamer coaled. . The steamer was at Ban Francisco a week. Captain i. Cv Hall o the Oymetio any a tha voyage from Comoz was uneventful. CHART SHOWS WRECKS Storm Weather Off Coast Did Dam age In December. The pilot chart of the North Psciflo ocean just Issued for the. month of Feb ruary by the hydrographlo department shows that the recent stormy weather off the coast was disastrous to shipping. The map shows wrecks In red ink and the blue ocean Is full of red dots oft Uia mouth' f tha Colwmblanrwr, grow ing where some of the old-timers met their fate. . ' In the immediate vicinity of tbs en trance to the Columbia river are the wrecks of the barks Coloma and Sea Witch and the ship Oreat Admiral These vessels were lost or abandoned on December 8, and 13, respectively.. The' Coloma went down, but all hands wara-aavad, Tha Sea Witch snd Oreat Admiral were -abandoned and nothing has since been heard of. the derelict a It is believed that they are still afloat and drifting 'about with the currant a Their crews were saved. ' In regard' to weather 'and winds the chart says that gales of hurricane force may be expected quite frequently along the American coast during tha month. and that in the vicinity of the mouth of the Columbia river the wind will set In from tha south and veer to north, blow ing longest snd Strongest from ths southwest, - LITTLE HOPE FOR HER French Bark Quoted at 00 Per Cent Relnanraace. ' Several sailing vessels well known In this port ara on the overdue list with reinsurance steadily climbing. The moat dangerous link la supposed to be the French bark Daniel wllch left Belling ham, Wash., ISO days ago for Da lag o Bay. South Africa, without having been heard from sine. Reinsurance on her ta now being quoted, at 0 per cent and her failure to arrive "within the next few days will practically mean that there remains very little hope of her ever reaching port. Othtr veaeels long "overdue ara ' the French bark Marie and the Ruaalan ship Fe-nnla. The Marie Is 207 day out from Newcastle-on-Tyne to 8eatie and speculators are quoting her at 10 per cent reinsurance. The Fennla Is out 13$ days - from .England for Port Los Angeles and la quoted at If per cent. The Fennla has orders to proceed to Portland after discharging her cargo at the California port and for that reason her slow passage Is of considerable In terest here although the chanoea of her reaching the port all right are still good. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT While putting out a fire on Voagd the steamer Lurltne yesterday after noon a' fireman nairred Puryslnnky fell from tha flreboat Oeorge H. William and narrowly escaped drowning. Dick Linger another member of tha flreboat crew, leaped Into tha river aad saved him. The ' f Ira an tha Lurline waa pat out tn a few momenta - The French bark Corntl Bart left up st 8:30 o'clock this morning In tow of the steamer Harvest Queen. She comes from Antwerp with a- cargo of cement. " The schooner J. H. Lunsmann - will leave down tomorrow, bound for San Diego, with 1,300.000 feet of lumber. She Is finishing loading today st tha mills of tha Portland Lumber company: The steamer Ban Mateo will finish load ing at the mills of the Eastern at West ern Lumber company this evening. The Harrlman liner Columbia la due to reach the Atnsworth wharf this even ing from San Frsnctaoo, Tba Astee salted yeefrrday. The pasaengers and crew Of the Steamer - Alloa Oertrwde, which went aground near Clallam Saturday, ware naved by Captain Butler, anaater of the British- tug Lorna . Tha wrecked vaael has gone to pieces. MARINE NOTES i Astoria, Jsn. 1 4. Arrived, st' I S A m., wn'i fit Ml", .--..ih.-i i i r.-fo j pan t ren.-ieo; nrm-en cwn o jrtr g tne r1g''t f- "' 1 t 1 n a. r-i . ei- i-ner Cost.)- :-, I r ; i If' -; 1 i t ij St 1. 10 a. Bi.. Frsnoh bark Cor ml 1 art; Sailed St 10:4 -a. m., ateuier J inan Poulard at 1:10 a. m stcuiier bjnta Ana, for Han Francisco. 8n Francisco, Jan. II. Arrtvsyt, barksnttn A mason, from Aatorta; ar rlvad, last night, staamar George Loom is. from Portland. Astoria, Jan. II. .Arrived, at t a m. and left up at 13 noon, British Humor Varmont, from San Francjaoo; arrived down at 3:10 a. tn., Qsrmsa bark Marls Backfleld; sailed, at IS a. rn, schoonar Abble, for San Franclaoo; arrived down at 13 noon, British bark Ivsuia: left ap at 11:60 p. m., British steemer Oymerlo; arrived down at 4:80 p. m., steamer Jo. ban Poulaon: arrived down at 110 p. ta., steamer Santa Ana. San Pedro, Jan. It. Arrived, bark Diamond Hend, from Portland. . . Astoria. Jan. !. Condition of the bar 11 I a m smooth, wind northwest, weather dear. A NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIRRARY. ! , . PHTLOBDPHT. King Rational Living,-, : -r keuqioNv-' ' Foster Finality of tha Christian Re ligion '.'-'. - . Francesco d'Asslst Writings, trans lated by Pasohal Robinson. -. Nlcoll Garden of Nuts; Mystical Ex positions. . 8OCI0L0OT. . Alexander Jamea WUson, Patriot and -the Wilson Doctrine. - Batley The Educative ProceeA . . Dawson Oarmsn -Work Hamilton (The) Recitation. . , liaynes -Election of Senators. ' ' Willoughby Political Theories of tha Ancient World. v y. ' ; USEFUL ARTS. ' ' Beaumont Woolen and Worsted Cloth Manufacture, 1833, (d edition. ' Oerhard Houee Drainage and Sani tary Plumbing, 1106, 11th addition. , Or ham Handbook of Standard or American Phonography. 1IJ. j, Maginnls Bricklaying. 1300: - .. '.. . . FINE ARTS. ' Doat Orsnd Feu Ceramica. '- --. '. Morris ' A Wood Country Cottage. -- Parker Introduction to ths Study of Ootble Architecture. Rose Copper Work. - : - -, -, , LITERATURE. Hunt Literature; Its Principles and Problems. Jones Whitewashing. Julia; a oora edy. - - . TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. - Aldrlch An Old Town by tha Sea (Portsmouth. New Hampshire). Amlets On Blue Water; " " lOuerber How to Prepare for Europe. Johnson Hlhways and Byways of the Mississippi Valleys . ..;.'.: Martin Through Five Republics of South America. - j y - -. - HISTORT. i ZrTt-'-r. Dexter A Dexter England aad Hol land of tha Pllgrlmev -- ----- Hassan Handbook of European His tory, 47S-1.71. '- '- -- BIOGRAPHY. Cramp, C H. Memoirs of Charles IL Cramp, by A. C. BuelL Dante, Alighieri Dante; His Times and His Work, by A- J. Butler. Manning H. E.. cardinal Cardinal Manning, by A. W. Hutton. '. FICTION. : Brueh The Scarlet Patch. Cholmondely Prleonera, Church Crown of Pine. Hale A Motor Car Divorce. L Hsyso Taloa-ot the Slerrasv.. . Johnson Sir O a la. had of New crance. Kaowlee St. Culbberfa - Long Helraweh, and Other Stotiea. ' PhlUlps Plain Mary Smith. - Roaeggsr Prisoner's : Story - of tha Crosa ',--. , Tybout Wife , of the Secretary ef State. - . Walts The-Anciant Landmark. Zangwlll Celibates' Club. ' HOME FOR ARTISTS Americans in Paris Plaa Splendid Club House) for Themselves. Aa happens to every Institution which meets a want, the American Art associa tion of Parts, 74 rue Notre Dame dee Champs, finds Ua scope extending In snch a degree that It must consider tha .question of soaking new quarters. This matter hae Just been discussed at the annual meeting of .the board of gov ernors. Various schemes were examiaed, and It was eventually decided at once to begin collecting funds for the pur- , chase of a site and tba erection thereon of a permanent home for tha associa tion, says the New York Herald. Having thua ' begun on the laudable principle ot tAlde-tol. le del faldera." tha board of governors now turns for ' support to srt patrons and to all Ameri cans Interacted In he welfare of thair compatriots who come to Parla to study art. To appreciate the ealla made upon tha association It Is neceeeary to state that every year there are about 1.10 American students In the French capital studying painting, sculpture, illustra tion, architecture and mualo. As a rule the benefit of these studies is not lim ited to thd student himself, tor on hie return to America tie become an ef-. fective factor in the dissemination af a knowledge and appreciation of art tn all parts of the country. The logical con clusion Is that to further the work of tha American Art association is to ren der service to the cause of art .In America, -. As the number of students Increase the aeeoelat-on finds greater and greater difficulty In giving them aeeont- modation. Besides offering a . second home for the social intercourse of Its members, its library, reading-rooms snd restaurant are well patronised, while the numerous exhibitions which It or ganises every year tend to raise the standard of the work produced and gtve talent an opportunity of securing recog nition. For all these reasons the board of governors appeals for subscriptions to the endowment fund, to be sent to the honorary secretary. -' . ( At the earns meeting- new officers) of tha association were elected as follows: President, Rodman. Wanamaker; first vice-president, Paul W, Bartlett : second vice-president. Herbert W. Faulkner; honorary secretary. Sidney B. veil, treasurer. H. H- Harjee; board of gov. amors Frank H. Mason. W. 8. Dalllba. B rshonr, H. W Fa ln Ftrcr PelxottO. Sidney B. Velt, H. H. Harjesy Francle KirabsL H. H. Oetty. Oeorge H. Leonard. F. MortM Johsosi d w; 81Th0members of the new art commlt tM h 8- Hubbelt ohatrman: Lionel Waldsri. R- Ullmann. D S. MacLeugh lan and A. Bt. O. Huntington, as palat ini. Chs.ter Beach and F. Ole.gens, a gculptors; tt Psyn snd O. O. Hubbard, g architect. , Alien, a" If ew Metal. Alien Is the name riven to a metal, which Is mrnpose-l dUro r rw "i ef aluminum nri write a Krankf 1g nald to equnl but Is much more porlor bes ne I as doe Ifn i ' peslil's l - ' mtl i" ' I i - t. i f