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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, U- OiJLY PLUMBERS GREET ICE KING PLEASANTLY v.-', - ' : .- Everybody Else Wonders Why Hot Bricks Are Not Really Hotend I ','. Why Warm Cloth Will Not Bring Any Water ,-v ' From the Kitchen Faucet. " Did yuu no dewntown thl morning without washing your face, and why "IVas It because the pipes were 11 froaen nd there was no water to be bed. or waa It because the cold chill that chased down your back whan you viewed a pitcher full of lea overcame your will - do war and yoa got ever tba washing habit until tha temperature moderate? ; Anyway, thera waa many a guilty looting unwashed face thia morning, and tha small boy the boy" Who will soma day perhapa ba at tha bead of ' tha city water department waa tickled to death when hie physiognomy escaped the dally scrubbing. , ,. It waa a night of flat-irons, hot bricks and water bottles, and even tha best of these radiated but cool sympathy to wards tha cold, fray dawn of tha morn-Ins-. Even tha electrfo. light globe held away as' a disseminator of warmth to the sorrow of a lumber dealer of Ar lets, who, -sinking blissfully to sleep I gaa FRANK L7SMITII MEAT CO. B etwee rlrs and eeoad. sas-aas aum btsxzt Trime Rib Steak ........ '.123 Round Steak . , Shoulder .Steak Rolled Roast Beef Pot Roast Beef Chuck Roast' Beef Short Ribs to boil Plates to boll Brisket to boll Neck to Boil Klew Houp Bones ....... tot 8 10 : 8 .as) -or , ,.. , 2 Vf Prime Rib Roast Beef ......... 10d Blrloln Steak t. .....;,. 12tt Porterhouse Steak ............. 12 tt "T"-Bone Steak ......... 12 H Leg of Lamb ....... i ..... 1 Ke lln Roast Rib Roast Frontquacters i. Shoulders Ixln Chops .... Shoulder Chops Stew ZK of Veal . . IOin Roust . ... Shoulder Roast Breast Veal -. . ... Rib Cutlets v.. .; Loin Cutlets , . fihoulder Cutlets , Veal Stew ; Voal to boll J-oin Pork Chops Hhoulder Chops ... Tork Steak, Loin Roant . .'. Shoulder Roast Pork. Sides .... Hocks ........ Pigs' Keet .... Ixaf Lard . . Ruck Katr.... Pura Lard . . .. 15 lot ..... . S4 ....15 ..-15 ..18Ve .... 6 ...15 .ioe .. .i .. . . rr, . .12 Ha) .....15 ... V... T lO 15) 12 vte) ...IOC ...15 12H .12H 10S ..8 .. 6 12 ....11 ...12 STTVSKIXS. Hearts ,. . . i.iver ,. oxtsiis Tleef Tongues,.. Hamburg ....... Corned Beef . , . . Dry Bait Pork .. Pickle Pork Breakfast Bacon llama .......... Bologna Frankfurters . . . . ............ ..12 IZ'4 1TH ...17 ... 8 ...10 "rzaxmra m CXZOAOO TBXTST" with the bulb at bis feet, awakened shortly afterwarda to find . himself warmed most . of tha way through ' by tha fire which waa consuming tha bad. clothea. - Later ha - reversed conditions and applied lea compresses to cool tha burns. Tha arctlo atmosphere waa then balm. to. tba overheated spota on. his anatomy. , - r -Oh Joy!" ay plumbere. ; . . But tha plumber are tha happy men. This morning they laughed In fiendish glee as they nudged each other In tha rlba and exclaimed:. "Walt until tba thaw comes!" ;. Just now tha cracks in tha broken pipes are chinked up with Ice and the leaks are keeping themselves secreted, but when ' that ' Ice melts "after oa the deluge." ' Hip boots win ba necessary to travel across the kitchen floor and basements will be converted into domestlo nata torlums. . Tha plumber man will hold high carnival. Distinctly ha 4 111 be It. He will have a lead-plpa cinch with numerous Iron onea throwii"txn 8o the worst is yet to- coma. Tha mercury got down to 1 above at I o'clock thta morning, and tha weather department says, "This Is quits enjoy. able; well have two or three more daya of it" In tha meantime Portland weather has sent Dutch - lova helter skelter down the grassy slopes. "j."7 "" '. Water Mala wreak. ! Telephone wlrea aang .this morning and tba voices that- came over them had a far-away.- sleepy appearance. Tha circuit waa better, however, than In the wat:r main on East Twenty-eighth street, which parted Itself at an early hour and left Irvlngton and tho dis trict along: Eaat Taylor and other hlgo landa without a risible supply. Resi dents there thought their plpea were froaen and many a man spent time, pa tience aftd a variety of "cusa" words while straining hla back , holding hot cloths around tha supposed froaen plpea which ran along tha wall near tha ceil ing In tha basement. . . -. ,: . Without being told about It, most people know i that 'Portland's present weather la tha coldestp in years, and the frigid air- of oth -yesterday ani today was augmented by the gale blow, lng- from the east. The roses which heretofore hare bloomed in Portland In January will be postponed until next year.- This for tha benefit" of eastern visitors now in tha city who expected to find tha weather at this time con slderably more child-like in disposition LOSING JOBS CHRIST FOR Unjust : Steward Exemplifies Soma Latter-Day Conditions - and Some Modern People. ' SUBJECT OF DR. BROUCHER AT THE WHITE TEMPLE rn nut sTtrstDEm. m LINN COUNTY GRANGES -. : DEMAND OPEN RIVER (Specie! Dispatch to The Joonul.) Albany, Or., Jan. 14. The granges of Linn county are thoroughly alive on tha, subject of forcing legislation along the' lines of having the looks at Oregon City opened and the extra tollage now exacted from the. shippers eliminated. The .organizations throughout the coun ty have generally discussed tha matter and passed resolutions favoring tba ac quisition of thera by tha state or tha federal government. , Regardless of expense-the residents and the members of the farming class feel that this ahould be done, and that Its carrying out would materially add to the prevailing prices of product and lessen tha prices on thr cosmodltlea-whlen they have to buy. - Tha Linn -county -council, hsa ex. pressed Itself in very decided terms, and many other prganlxatlona are tak ing up tha fight with a determination to bsve something definite accom plished.' .' 1 "Doan's Ointment cured ma o ecma that had annoved me a ions time. The cure was permanent." "Hon. 8. W. Mat- tbewv commissioner juaoor Btauatios, Augusta. Me. - - U The first of the Aeries of II beautiful . popular songs to ba litauxd In connection with The Sunday' Journal, commencing on January JO, will be entitled "Like I Love you." ' Thla la a beautiful little lova. song, with sn extremely catchy air. It la from tha pen of those well known and clever song writers, Joseph 0. Nathan and Harry Cordon, and Is considered one of their most popular hits. No music rsck should be without, thla clever song, and you cannot afford to miss one of the series. ' Subscribe for Tha Journal at once, so that you can take ad vantage of thla exceptional muslo offer, which starts next Sunday and continues for' at least 11 weeks, a... sheet of music accom panying , every copy of Tha Sunday Journal. . Order Tha Journal, and sot, a sheet ' of music every Sunday. , WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST and when wc Make Further Reductions for our in tha world. TJsa what you have and you will have more. And tha' other is, 'Be faithful In tha uss of what yoa have.' Faithfulness knows no distinc tion in small or great. It la duty. It ia a matter of conscience, not of pleas ure. Let us each ta faithful to our stewardship. Re faithful . In the little and tha grea will be opened; to you.'' - DENOUNCES. SUNDAY LAW If Personal Gifts Are Not Emplojed la Um Service of tha Master Duty la Being Shirked by Stewards of Present Day. --i- ----- Under tha subject, "Haw Hs Lost HI Job," Dr. . Brougher preached Sunday morning- on the parable of tha unjust steward, with particular: reference to the words- of the text. 'Render an ac count . qf thy stewardship. , for thou canst ba no longer steward." Ha said: "The principles Isid down here eouM be applied to secular life. My subject la 'Why He Lost Hla Job,' and as I paas on you will sea that tha prlnci, Dies that aDnlv to our losina our a tear. aidshlp In theeorvlfo of Jesua-Chrtet- feMer-Bnyder Saya- Adrenttarte Would win appiy equauy weu in tne losing or , r. Elder O. A. Snyder denounced the se cret method employed by the ministerial aaaoclatlon In securlne a Sunday-clos Ing law for Oregon In a sermon last night at the Seventh Day -Adventlst churoh, Cast Everett and East Eleventh streets. ' Ha said that if tha association would defeat tha proposed measure by openly supporting, it,, thsy will surely defeat It by tha method they are now employing. Eldr Snydeiaald that tha measure was a religious one and another move toward religious legislation which tba wait-known Adventiat says la subver sive to the principles of tha United Statea constitution. Continuing, ha said: -' "So far aa I know thla proposed Sun day bill baa not yet appeared In print, but when it does it will doubtleaa ahow tha Inevitable tendency to bo a little more-rigid -and aweeplng-aan- the one already In existence.. If thla bill should be allowed to become a law It would not be long before the church and state propagandiata would come forward with other still more rigid and sweeping measures, Until they could alt back and congratulate themselves that their ldess of religion had at last been enforced upon all dissenters. -"Then ths state would be obliged to prosecute Seventh Day Adventlsts as common criminals, or else tha Seventh Day Adventlsts would be obliged to vio late their consciences by resting two days and thua being robbed of one sixth of their Ood-glven time for boneat labor. If the state compels any portion of Ita cltlsens to be' Idle when they desire to work, then what should we look for next? - ' ', . "No doubt our tealons Sunday law advocates would suggest then that tba law be made broad enough to compel attendance at church, and compel dis senters to keep swake during service. Than tha state would be obliged to keep the orflcers or the law hard at work all day Sunday In order to keep a few wweatwig. ' rfi.nC our positions In tha service of men In the world of business. "This parable shows very distinctly that thera wlu be a time of reckoning, that we are stewards In this world, and that what we have la to be used for the purpose -for-which God gave the goods to us. The gifts that wa have are to ba used for the development of a Christ Ik character and the- establish-, ment ef God kingdom In our lives and Ul the world. TXse Tear Olfta. . . , : -Let us note some ef the gifts that the Lord has bestowed upon us to be used. If you have the gift of son. Ood gave It that you might make tho world better. If you were given the gift of conversation, it wss for tha pur pose of talking for Jesus Cbrlst If yon were ghren the power of personal at tractiveness, of 'strong personality and magnetism, thess-were-or--the distinct. Ive purpose of winning men and women to Christ. Our personal influence Is to ba used to lead men Into a better Ufa, and not to a wrong life.. There is not a man or woman before me who will .not- have . to stand- before Ood and face the. secord of now your-' Influence has been used. It makes no difference what the gift may be. you must stand and - face the responsibility that Ood haa placed -upon' you.- Are you using or waatlng your glftsT - Answer thla by another tiuestion. - How far have - you been put out of tha stewardship? If yon have lost your Influence and power to win men and -women te Christ, yoa have been put out of the stewardship. We must face tha solemn question. Are we losing this because we have become indifferent and unconcerned? 1 -: "When the unjust steward of the par ible found that he waa being put out, he made up his mind thera waa one of three thlnga to do. But ha said. 'I can not dig.' Yet that la where every man and woman who is being put out of the stewardship for wrongdoing In any form needs to net. There is but one thin te do, to get right WltBqod, begin aisssuteis fi at the bottom and dig. o'':. Steward a "Wise Cray." v "Secondly, he' said. To beg I ashamed.' Hla conscience told htm te beg. He ought to nave gone to hla mas ter, confessed hla. sins, and asked bis forgiveness.'. Thla fellow did not do it. He-stole more end -fat ethers te -Join Wmvln hls-eteallng. He was -wtse guy. ' Ills toaster commended his sharp ness. " - "Jesus, however, bold np this rascal as. a warning, and to show that when he knew be had te go, ha made a wise use of his opportunities. "There is one great word that la tha mark and measure of progress in secu lar - and religious work, and that Is faithfulness. There are two great laws 1 ... . i , Last Chance to See Woriderfu I i Demonstration Marconi Wireless Telegra Showing how messages can be sent through walls, ringing fire alarm bells, ; lighting electric lights and showing how railway wrecks can be avoided . with the wonderful railway signal all without the use of wires. Monday : night at 8 o'clock. Ladies invited, ' . , V r " I V Corner Tcnlh and Taylor Streets - DEVIL IS NOT REPULSIVE Does Wot Spend , Time Jabbing 7"Tronged Spear Into Victims. The derll i a gentleman. tfhoeld -yon look" for him. In the redlighr district or where a murder baa been committed yon would not find him. He Inhabits tha borne of culture, the home of wealth, tha home of the roan of genius." - Thla startling atatement waa made In the pulpit of the White Temple last night by Bey. F. B. Dark of Beatrice, Nebraska, ..... - . . .. t. The devil Is a real entity, said Rev. Mr. Dark, but he Is not the Imp of darknese such aa he -has been painted throuhout all the aes. He wears neither a pair ef horns nor a barbed tall. - His body la not red and his countenance Is not at all repulsive. He does not stand . v t You may depend upon obtain ing ' the GREATEST BARGAINS 'a Boys ;Iwo . Piece and . , WnffAH- Sffitc Age. 8 to IS $2.95rValues f i cr now 1 O $3.45 Values fi Children's Russian e Overcoats . - $2.95 Values, now now $3.95 Values now $5.00 Values i X CT ..v..e4JO.UU now $1.95 $5.00 Values C 4 r? now vui.u o 3 to S $1.50 Values , now $3.95 Values ., now Boys-OutingrFIannel Blouses GREAT REDUCTIONS IN BOYS' RAINCOATS AND OVERCOATS MOVBIR Third C&Oak mlraculeaa without rrsmlnatlon,That there have been. many counterfeit mlr aclea doea not discredit all such ao counta. Rather, tha counterfeits would never have gained currency If there had not bean true coin In circulation." YlMJCs. a.homeatpanama Gorenunent . Officials Approre of Conversion of Do Lesaep'a Palice. Four buildings will be erected by the T. M. C A. on the Isthmus ef Pan ama, for the benefit ef members In tha canal aone," said J. R. Thompson, In ternational a icretary of tha associa tion. In the course of an address open tha work of the year yaaterday. Mr. Thompson, who arrived from Washing ton, D. C.,' Friday, addressed tha mem bers of the local branch of the T. M. C A. at a luncheon yesterday afternoon, -. t Vi a f ,Kn It nil nrotwMuwl to beside a lowIna: pit all day Jabbing hla J -Uirf-bptt,cbe. the ' isthmus an In-three-pronged epear Into-the breaata of ;.,,- ... made at Waahlnarton. bla howling victims as they are brought op one at a time, and then hurling them over ths precipice, - -This." said Mr. Dark, la a picture ef fha devil aa he .has coma down to us from the dark ages, when wicked priests held full away over tha minds and bodies of men, and when, by- telling tha igno rant and creduloua people auch stories and ha learned that success was assured. Government officials favored the move ment. The De Leaaepe palace waa do nated te the association and work waa actively begun. Of the work In the United States, Mr. Thompson spoke encouragingly. ' A building has been erected at Proctor, iT.Vr. k .V I Vermont, t.y the Vermont Marble Works aa this the priests could keep them an- . ',., f it. Mininvta. der their Influence. "On ths other hand." said tha preach er, "satan was once a cherub and set up a kingdom of his own. hs waa degraded from hla high position, but ha atlll. re tains all of his dignity, his power and his fine generalship." - Rev. Mr. Dark compared the devil to Jefferson Davis. the sole blot . upon whose characfer was treason. Tha devtl won the kingdoms of the earth- by con quest. , His sole purpose la to get peo ple te rebel agelnst God. 'Finally he will be .overthrown ty Jesus unnat. - ', As te whether or not the devtl pun ishes people after they are dead. Rev. Mr. Dark did not declare himself. - TRUE COIN MIRACLES Father O'llara Sara Counterfeits possible Because of Real Wonders "Throughout tha gospel narratives wa ftnd accounts of the miracles ef Christ Inseparably connected - with tha sacred history. - Tha miraculous Is part and parcel ef tha narrative. Tha gospels men's toll and producing nothing," de- for the exclusive use of Ita employee, At Wilmington, Pennayrvanla, tba West Inghouae Airbrake company has erected and donated-to the association a build inc worth 1110,000." The Northwestern Improvement company of Roelyn, Waah- lngton, helped to organise a coal miners' association and provide a building for their use. Tha company paya for the light and heat and also tha salary of tha secretary. The lumberman at Ray mond, Washington, have asked Mr. Thompson to establish a branch there They have agreed te pay one -fifth of the cost of -the building. At the. Tacoma smelter the .association has a large building, and Mr. Thompson says good work Is being done among the smelter employes. ' " GREAT CHANCE COMINO Socialist Sneaker Declares Heroin tlonary Movement Is On. "The capitalist Is simply a parasite on society, consuming the product of other stand er fall with the authenticity of tha miracles they record.'1 Be said the Rev. Father E. V. 0Hara In the course of Ms sermon ' it Bt Mary's -cathedra! laat night.- Father O'Hara took as his subject "MlracUs ef tha Gospel.". He said tha miracles with stood tha most searching; historical crit icism. J r "The possibilities of mlrscles," . he Id, "cannot reasonably ba denied by any one who admita tne existence of Ood. TMi much Is conceded by no less an agnostlo than Huxley. For those only who deny the existence of an In telligent .first cause Is a belief In mir acles out of the question. Tha creation of the universe has not exhausted the Infinite power of Ood. - Indeed, the prob ability of miraculous occurrences would olared El H. Holmsn in his lecture on "The Fundamentals of Boclallsm, de livered at Socialist hall. 80 Davis street, last night. "Hill and Harrlman are nothing but Wall street gamblers. All their -vast wealth was created by the labor of other men. Tnere la a great revolu tionary movement on In the world, and I believe that within a decade we shall see the greet wrongs, now endured by society, crushed.., I have heard men say that thai present condition of society Is aa Ood would have It, but I would not Insult tha Bupremo Being by laying upon him tha blame for the conditions Which wa permit to exist" . hsrdly be questioned but for ths false ""rL, Impression that miracles 'are a "'"'- r tion of or are contrary to the laws ef nature. Miracles sra properly defined by Aqulpss as-17nslble or perceptible effects produced by Ood, which trans cend all tha forces of nature. Tha or dlnsry effects of nature are counter acted by tha Introduction ' ef a totally new force, namely, a divine volition. -' "The occurrence of tha miraculous Is, then, a question of evidence, in each In stance. Nothing is more unscientific than tha attitude of mind. -which leads a person to reject all accounts of ths The trusts want the people te experi ence the higher life that Is, higher CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yea Hats Alwajs Bcught Bears the ySlfciature of A MISTAKEN IDEA-ABOUT ELECTRIC LIGHT Strangely enough, "there Vare people who imagine that because Electric "'-Light is so . greatly superior td any other iUuminant it - must therefore be more costly to use. " .It ia " not! . ;'"; V :. y,-''::'"-. The Cost Is Lower than for any other form of lighting whe you consider the. efficiency of 'electric light; the f actual candle-power available for use; the con venience; no need to strike a match and risk a fire every time you make a light; the cleanli ness no soot or smudge to soil your draperies, . ruin your, decorations, or. befoul your books and pictures; the healthfulness it does not : burn the life-giving oxygen out of the air that : you and your children breathe. , free Lamp Renewals - are now in effect - This means that the com , pany is again aiding its customers in effecting A Substantial Reduc tiqniritheCost ofLighting , A Solicitor will call if youkdesire. ; "CALL TELEPHONE MAIN 6688 Portland Railway - SI sir , Light Power Co. FIRST AND ALDER STREET W CsBXsSsZssMaSsmsBa rtzzzzzx tZZZZZZZXJXZXZXZZZZZZZZX' X