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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JUUKNAL. fUKTLAND, MUNUAY EVENlftO, JANUARY 7, 1S07. ID 4 NEW TODAY. HEUgS Farm of .320 acres, 120 acres under cultivation; Z00,acres-oi fine timber, will cut 200,000 ties; house of eight rooms ; orchard, apples, pears, small fruit ; team I horses, two cows; farming ma chineryeverything ?,;in , . very good' shape. Only ?14 per acre, if taken at once. " , : '",' National Trust & Invest ; mcnt Company . ' WpiesterJBldePortland,OlJ Wc Now Offer for Sale THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE GASTON HOME Between Salmon and Iklain, at south end of Twenty-first street,- three Mocks : south, of . Washington street Th grounds contain over seven lots, a fine 12-room hotue and beautiful lawn. Has three .fine view, both north, east and south, , and' nothing can cut the view off. as it is situated on a point higher than the surround ing property. If-you want the hand somest home site in the city, here it is. For terras, etc., see ' - V BUCIITEL & KERNS - 362 E. Morrison St. Phone 5422. Desirable feeidence Lois ; Our Specialty Tot the laat SO day wo have had an experienced man ' cunvaenlng residence section (or dealrabla realdenco" lotaL Wt Lave pernonally saen every lot wa offer. We have foun " some excellent buy. We will loan up to two thirds the value of any lot we offer. , : THE SPAMTON CO. Oomiaon wealth BUf, Sti And Btmalda. That tine modern S-room houg on'"' the . 8. E. corner or E. AnKeny arm is, lTtrj ets. No. Hi E. Ankeny at. Prioa 154,650. J. L. WELLS CO. Boom 306 Chamber of Ooinmerm Bldr. ToL SXAla 4B. BARGAIN ayl.SOO wflt buy S-room eottatro (oorv DOT i, XU. u nsar n nnsauy vmf una. J. U WELLS CO. Beoaa KM Oteao.avat Comasaroe Bld Desirable Corner Lot 01,800 wtU bay B. R aonver of B. Couch anal E. 14th ata. . J. L, WELLS CO. bob Ohaambe of Commevo. Bldf, St. Johns Real Estate FINE BARGAINS Pino bargain for aale by owner; muat aoIL Inqulra room I, tilfe v Waablns ton atrewt, r WEATHER ' REPORT. Aa Immense high preaeare are ererllee tha Canadian worthweat and area weather praealla ta that eeetloa. - A atnrra of decided character la central ever central California. It has earned good rain la tha central and eouthera portion of that atata and snow la tn northern portion. Know baa also fallen, generally, at Ctab, Ne vada. (Moreno. Wyoming. Idaho and western Montana. - The tempera raree are decidedly ahoe normal In tha eastern etatee, whore the weather la unsettled without, a yet, aieeb retn baring fallen. The ledicetlone are for meer flilrilaa and rnttler weatbar tonight tn eastern Oregon, eeat. em Waablagtoe and northern Idaho, and for anew and eoMer weatbar tonight rht and Tueaday In eon t hern Idaho. . Fair and cold weather will confine In weetere tregna and waatera Wash ing ion daring the aext tare aaya. - i -Tamp ' - Mln. Mag. Praclp, Raker CHr. Oregon 22 . 10 .0 B..I-. Idaho UH IS . 09 l l.ects llllooM M , All , T. Ileneer, Colorado. , M la T. Kansas CUT. Mlaeourl. .... 2 ' aa .. T. Vew York, New lark 00 : . 44 ' .0 Portland. Orerna 82 let. ' .0 Si. I.nuia. Mlaeonrl SO wi ,r Kaa rraactaos, California... 44 M . .AO l-pkane. ' ashtn ion. .... 24 14--- ;T 'I senma. Waabltirron....... .'id - . 24 - -.0 Uaila Walla. Wastrngton.. tl la . T. Ws.hlrft.s,, V. C 82 40 T. . ... MlvKI.Kal--4eeeinher 30, t Mr. aad'Mra. C. WlMbler. 4 Hoyt, Boy. nil I AI. 1'Mmher x. to Mr. and Mr Ed- .r.1 II. ohepard. Portland Materalty boa- l'l. a gtrl. W v KN ra-Jsneisry X t Mr. and Mr. Charts II VlirM, Portland Maternity hospital, firl. a a -J. nuarr 27, to Mr. aud Mra. Marti A l ye, s-sat Twant aiata and Albert, a MAftRIACE LICENSES. B. a. Aaderaoa, H Eaat Oak street. , 2T; a. o. . an. William J. Bishop. 871 Alder, street, 28; Minnie JC Oonklli. - came A- Xhouiueuti, IT; Ann Marl Win Wedding Carits. W. O. Smith A Co.. W Inglea bids-, ear Fourth led rVaeblagtaa ats. Wedding and celling ' card engrav printed T. Rush ion, 4(M Stearaa bldg. TONsem a co., florist, for ruiwiu Or ALL, KINDS. 8 XTH ST. Clark Bra., Florists Fine flowers floral designs. tt Morrleoa at. a ad ' Full drees rait for rant, all alaee. tUolqa Tailoring Co., 8O0 Stark at. ' ' ' DEATHS. I FREMERY Jannsry S. ' Felix ' Fremery, 1 veera. Iiood Kamarltaa hoeulteL nsralvele. '1 k lT f . nu.r A I.ilm Cl,im lima KA .P. J0 ilSST, nusrr S. Kuehen Joy. S3 Tiara, Kaat Thirtieth and Eaat Ktark. old age. F1U.KMA.V January . rHuhy B. Fl years, 1142 Kllaworta, earabro aplaal aieala- .. aula. BEHl UMANS Jannarr S. SlaUr Juha Berch nana. 3S raara. prlhala. UNDERTAKERS. runntnir, -MrEnlr Av aiHSaarh. ondartakora and anibalmera: axxlm In avary datall. Savanlb aad Pto. alala M. Lad aaalataatv A. B.. Hamatork, andrtakar and aatbalnrn, Kaat Thlrtaa.Blk aud L mat 111a a?. Pboo Bali waod Tl. . - Erk-kaoa ('Bdenaklns Co., and awbalmtnr. 4U Alor at. - k'boaa Mala Ulan. u aaauiant. J. P. riu)T Bona. Third and Madlaoa ata. Offloa at count eorunar. Phoa Main S. Edarard Holmaa. andartakar. X2i Third at. MVEB VIIW CEMKIZBT. Slnsla kraTea. tlA. Fimlly loia.' 10O to tl.boiV Tha onlj cymetar -In Pawland whlrti par batuallj DMlotalna and rarra for lota. For full informatloa, appl to W. B.- Mackanala, Wor caatar block, ell. W. M. Laild. atwldaat. Ross cm, ciMxim. ' SlnI (Taaaa, 10; fa mil lota.' t?8 to $7B. Sapartntandant at ramatpry, tonwr of Framort at. and fall road. Fbonc Tabor 06. - ror full Information appl to Frank Bcblafal, SO CoKuerrlal blk. I'hooa Main RE.L "ESTATE TRANSFERS. - Portland Baaliy: A Trnat company to fciia L. Biaaonatta. kMa 14 ana la. block S. Lanrrlirtiotl 'i t 223 Joint P. UlanUrc to John M. Plttanrar, lot a, block , wtiilama Arena ani- SM II. II. and Aatonle Ulnrlrtia to Jama Reillr. lot S. block 19. Lincoln Park.. 1.630 William L. Btarr to Martin L. I'lpea. ' - nadlrlded 14 of eontk S3 2-8 feat ot : ' lot 8, block; 22. dty ., . f W. K. Towfle et al. to J. A. Fettln, all of Hollywood eieeptlng lota 4, 5 and S of aald tract 1.3M Jantea Belli to Beatrice Roll, lot 8, 'block 10, Lincoln Park , 1.830 Frank T. GUpatrlck and wlfa to F. H. Kearney, eaat of block 3, id II ton addition ..... 1.300 Maagl and Jame H. Dolbnw to laahel Kennedy, .lot 4, block 4, Highland ' ' cV-noolbonae addition , ..' ,"220 Samuel J. Johnaua nnd wlfa to T. P. Wlae, part of block 110, Urorer'a ad- - dltlon i........ " TOO R. L. Bterena (sheriff) to P. - A. Mar- ' qnam Jr.. lot 4, block L. Oroeer'a ad- . lllkm; alan lou SO. 61 and ta, Wll bard'a addltloa f Owen Anderaoa and wife to Ida M. block 6i. Hnrnell7 addttmtT. . 77. . .T.TT6o0 nary J . woeuwaru ana wire to Brneet -L. Farrene, part of wherry Rone' dona- ' - tioa land claim, lying wrt of a Una running aorta and south parallel with and Its) feet eaat from west boundary of block 0, Blachatone'eenddltlon 10 Angelina B. RtcuarWon to John Hchmldt. " lota 10 and 11. block Id. Elherta 123 Edgar 8terenaand wife to Irene E. Por ter, lot 12. block . 10. Lincoln Park ." Annex , : TT0 Brneat Kroner and wife to Alexander T. Smith, part of lot 2. block 2. Portland - Homeatead 10 w. .N. Gary and wire to DnA Flalier, ndlrlded H of lot S and waat W of kit 9. block II, Bunnyalda... 890 yrea a. nail et, al. to j. y. Ta ml rale, lota 17 and Is, block SO. Original Townalte of Alhlna S.S0O ueorge nneppera to u. It. A N. Ca.. ,, , a atrip 50 feet on each aide of rerteed center Una of O. It. A N. railroad ; . - acrosa tlie anatbweat of northwest 4 of eeetloa 28, townahlp . 1 north, range 8 east. 1.250 James lism ana wire to Lottie Ixmgfln, sua i morn o, Jti iei ranr Mv B. C. Wood to Nellie 1. N on leal, part of block 14 of Wsrerly tract 000 Joseph A. Btrawbrldge Estate company . " , to Loretta Btanwood. lot a, block S, Btrowhrldge addition S50 Joaepb Kandell and wife to ft. Mcleod, lota a, T and S. block . Walta- Clor erdale Annex 1 Portland Troat Company of Oregon to . Julio L. Meier et al., lot T end H. and went 75 feet of lot 0, block 128, ' city ...v , 10 Jullua L. Meter et al. to R. W. Lewla. . weat T8 feet of lot 6 and. all of lot T and , block 128, city ..w... 82,500 Bobert W. Lewi and wife to Security Seringa A Truat company, waat 75 . feet nf lot S aad all of lot T and 8. block 128. city : 10 W. G. McPherane company to Security ' j Sarlara A Truat company, mad begin- -nlng at a point la aoutb line of T. A. DaTle portion of block 1. fllierlock'e addltmn. rX feet waat from weat lln ;;Tr of Sherlock arcane ' 1 William Parehley and wife tn William Jonea. trustee, lot S, I and a, block 20. Kenilworth , SO Fred Ilungerford and wife te C. D. . Rrnnn. land commencing at point oa aortk line of Holladny aeenu. 2.VI feet weat of weat line of Real Twenty--' eighth etreet 1,000 Conrad Repp and wife to Philip Miller . , and Henry Blum, lot 14, block 13. Lincoln Pork ITS Bona Stone t H. K. Noble, bat 4. block 1, Kern Park - ', 1 W. M. Darta to J. C. Ron n eon. north, i. SO feet of lot 1 and 14. block a, Falling' Mltlon t. Claude f. and Alice M. Scoff In to Kate P Matthleu, lot S. Muck 83, Original Townalte of Alba., 10 Eire V. Vliet to R. K. Folton and wlf. ' lot S. tract F. Overton Park 1.250 Minnie Schramm to Pete Cerlstsd. lot 4. block IS. Original Plat. of City View Park ana 1. S. Thome and wtfe to Henrietta 0. ' McCllntork. lot 10, block 0, William : Arcane addltloa 1.T00 Jame if. Nuba to Del W, Kohn, lot T and 8, block B, Piedmont... - 1 Ernest L. Farrena and wlf to Mary 3. , Woodward, land beginning at a point on aoutb boundary of block S. Black- -latnae'a addltloa, 100 feet eaat from , aouthwest corner nf aald block ' 10 Oregon Heme M las toner r anrlety to Lanr elwood Congregational ctitircb. weat 05 ' feet of lota 14 and IS, block T. La oral - . waod v 1 L. B. Carter and wife to May L. Topllff, lot 10 and 20, block 2. Bralulard tract 300 M. L. Holhrook end wlf tn Ann S. " Oman, lot A,, block t. Court Place, St , Johns . COO Stefane Allegranl and wlf to R. T. Llnney. north 104 feet of lot 6. block Si. Kaat Portland. (.000 Edward Doerlng and - wife to Lodwlg , Kiieaa. lot 13, blm-k 2. 0 race land ailill- . tlon 1 Uenreo- Mtlel and wife tn Peter McOll- ' llrray, let Ik, block S. Myrtle ISO Victor Land company to F. I,oalerhark, . eaat Hef S cre. beginning at north weat corner of eaat of aonthweet ' . ' "4. thence annth to renter of Powell -VeHey road 1 i. t. Surry and Wife to Rertha B. Brat tin, lot in. block 1. Knaelawa Annex . ISO W. M. Smith and wife to Lydle K. . Mitchell, annth 00 feet of eonthweet ' t4 of Mock B, Alhlna ITonteatead 1.S60 OirleTopber Kangmann and wife te John Helm, weot ii of. lota 5 and 0. block 140, CarnthetV addition BOO D. S. Fore et aL t Aura tl no Petrerra, north t3 feet of lot a. block T2. ' ' . Caruthara' (ddttbm to CarBtnera' ad dltloa , 1,J00 Alfred A. Raker end wife to Roaalla-, j. Fsto. part nf perry Prettrraan and wlfe'a avmatloa land claim tn aectloa . township 1 emitu, ranre 2 cast.... . I Oregon Water Power A Railway Town alte company tn W. V. Benson, lot S. " block 10. City View Park 250 Title (In, ran tee A Trnat company to W. J. iKxIson. loia 14 aad 14, block 14. - Month Mt. Johna...,,, 4J) George and Elhraheth 0. Hood to William' "". " . Soaelia at al, weat H of nnrth , went W of aectlon townahlp 2 - aorth, rang Sweat 0 Frclerlck H. and Clara K. Strong to , Frank llartnn. ot 10, block 2. Conch' d.lltlo , Unthk-na and wlf t Frederick H. Utrong, trneteo, lot 10,, Work 20, i Coach addltlua 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Portland Troat t'ompan - of Oregon to Ada V. Ho. in, aoutli 40 laat of lot la. block 11. lautral Alhlna.. J.0OC Conrad Wolfla aad wlra to John Bcbnitt. ke. lot , block S. Lincoln Part...... 1,125 W. D. Fanbai and wlfa to llenrr Alalater, lota T aud k, block ft. Uoldamltb'a aildlUao 39,000 laador Lane at aL la Ma Teeter, lota 11 awl 12, block 1, Gay' addition to Alblna . $50 Henry A, Townernd and wife to S. T. Uueestt, hit 22. block 1, Haveiock.... S00 O. H. Addltoa and wlfa to C. W. Thompson, lut 10, block t, raioa 'Park ' WO B. l. Hmalley at al. ta Sarah A. Reld 2 raree la section IT. tfwnihin 1 mt t b ' "1 range cut 1,60$ ii. . 1.000 ana wtr to rortuna Hall way, Light Power company. 14.808 aquara let of block 1. Kalrvlew Ariel Land company to Llna V., Bpea car. lot 10, block 1. Axleta Park No. J For ahatracta. tit la rnnranra or nortraao Inana, rail on Pacific Till A Troat company, 204-ft-e-T railing building. Oat roar tnaarano and abatracta to ran! rat, ta rrooa tha Tlila Ooarantaa A Trnat roan pan, 140 Waahlngtoa atraat. cornar Baeoad. NOTICES. IN tli county court of tha atata of Oragra) far Multnomah county In tha natter or tno Vatata of Jacob bvhaplro, daceaaad. To arhotn It inay concern: Not lea la haraby glran that 1 bar bean apiintuttHl administrator of tha catat of Jacob Bchaplro, darcaaad. All fboa earing clalma aitalnat aald aatala will preaeut them at my office. No. OUT Fen ton bid-., within all month from tha data of publica tion of thia notice, to wit, from January T, 1007. K. H. TAYLOR. Adtnlaletratur, . SKONACOU A BHONAUUH, Attomeya. NOTICE Annual meeting of Hirer View Ceme tery eaociatloa 'J he annual meeting ot.tua menibara or Hirer view ivjuetery aanociatioa will be beld at the bank ofI.add A Tllton oa Mondar. tha fourteenth dar of January. 1907, at 3:a0 p. m. A general attendance la da alred. All ownera of family lota In tua ceme tery are membera of tha aaaoclatkxi ana en titled to participate. WILLIAM K. MACKENZIE, Clerk. IF THERB are any dahta aralnat-abo- and vunrectionery etora tormeriy. Belonging to T. ('. Gataa. make It known within 10 daye. Mr. Bum Scott. EXCAVATING and grading: O. Fl. Pottage. axw uotti rnercia i at. t'nono Kaax ounr. MEETING NOTICES. ALL mem here Mnltnomah camp. W. O. W., reqneatad to attend . the funeral of our lata neitrh . bur. Fred B. Martin, from Fln- ley'a parlora, Tneaday, at 1:30 o'clock. Burial at Lone ilr - cemetery. J. M. WOODWOBTtT. Clerk. ANNUAL meeting and recepttoa of the Institute club of the People' Inetltnt will be beld T needs, Jannary 8. at 2 80 p. m.. at tha People'a Institute, Fourth and Bnrnslde t. All Interested la the work are -cordially In vited to be preeent. haf. W. A. BVRBGBEEM Camp. S.4VMI. meets Wedneaday atoning. Allaky bldf.. Third and Morrlaon ata. M. W! A. Oregon Grape Camp. No. 8.07B. Moo dare. -17th and Marshall; visitor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOl'ND A place to have hair mattresses reno vated end returned a a me day. 22S Front at. - Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. D, Metager. proprietor. , i' STRAYED from North Alblna In November, aa ' orange-colored est, tiger stripes on sides: - answers to "Harry Lane';, suitable reward for Information or return. Phone UuJoe 1224. or Eaat 181. FOPKD One black male. Owner can hare aame by proving property nnd paying costs. B. F. Ilablhamnier, 1 mile aoutb of Rock wood. LOST A pearl crescent pin. - Return t 404 Eaat Waahlngtoa et., or - phone Kaet TttdV ' Reward. LOST A black aenl puree, oa eeat Bid, ward. N 102, care Journal. Re- HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTED AT ONCB Slave-bolt cutters, wnge 81.40 per cord; steady work. Apply W cetera Cooperage Co, Steam bldf., Portland, or Uooltoa, Or, .... j WANTED AT ONCB Sound yoong maa for Ore men end brakemen on leading waatera reti res da and for new roada now being com pleted; experience unnecessary! Bremen' $100 open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training aasoclatlon. 7 SO Paxtoa Mk.. Omaha, .Nebraaka; or 031 Bldg bldf., Kansas City, Mlaeourl. WANTED Saleemen: many make 1100 to $1(10 per month: eom ere more; etock clean; grown oa reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. Addree Waahlngtoa Naraery company, Top - penlab, Waahlngtoa. WANTED A neat appearing man for steady position; good wsges. Apply 211 Fourth at. MEN A Nl WOMEN to lean the barber trad In eight weeks; graduate earn from $10 to $28 weekly; expert Instructors: eotalogne free. Moter Rretere of Colleg, 88 North Fourth at.. Portland. . . , . WANTED 10 mare . onlldtora: neat nosltloa In Portland; men are making $0 dally; call after Boon.. lOtlVk Btark at. - -.- Union KcteL NORTH SIXTH ST. ' ' Free employment to our p strove. waexiy rata; atonm. np; board. $4.80 up. Anderaoa, proprietor, aad TWO eolldfore for city and outside towns: ne investment; S4 per day salary and comm alon. Call TI4 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED bay steady,- SS North FrooL-ooraar IMvia. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTINO CO, ane-90T Becnnd at. Phono main 821 " W design and Install lb moat modern and Improved office systems; complete Has loose leal filing aevicee. PRINTERS, advertising solicitors snd aswspsper neip, forrnwret newspaper Brokerage, uooa aongh bldg. SA .BUM EN Experienced apedal contract mea; $100 per month and eornuilseton. Ooneerve tlre Mutual Llfs Insnraace Co.. Elks' bldg. WANTED Twe or three flrat-cUse. all amend "machine men; permanent position, good wage. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. MAN wanted, reliable and redr: partner in real eatate or rice; oioeai maa in llrra retiring: experience not necessary; full par . tlculare given; price $125. Alexander Lead Co., tuti Sixth at., near Pine. LIVERY and ae lea atable partner wanted; sal ary $50 v! omit extra beside Interest In bust, neea. Call Monday. Alexander Land Co., IKiu, Sixth, near Pine. SAIXrON $225 Why work ea salary t Good lease, good location. Alexander Land Co., . 0.1th Blxlh, Bear I'lne. BOY te work la law office, bldg.. Second and Siark ats. $1 14 Coneor l . DON'T work for smell ealary; eee er wr'te Pacific Aid association for a good proposi tion. 224 Lumber Exchange. - AOKNTS wanted. Oregon, Cstlfornla, Idaho, Washington; health, ana accident Insurance; old reliable enmpanr; good contracts; refer eneea required. I nked Statra Health A Ac cident Insurance Co., Marqnam. WB get work for our members: special mem. ' bera. $2. Y. M. C. A, Fourth and Yamhill. WANTED Conks' and helpera' headquarter, st California Wine Depot. P. tawatL 148 Fourth ar. Pnon Pacific 21KS. ... WANTED Harnaae-mskers. P. J. . Omnia Co., 145 Front St. n . WANTED Two alrong boya ateady work snd raance ror aarancemeni. The Modern Con fectionery Co., Itfth and Hoyt ata. BOY with wheeL King. Apply to Olds, Wortmaa A WANTED Middle-aged maa tn work tn sfsrch room. Th 11 odcr a Confectionery Co., lAth -and Hoyt ats. .11 ELP JVANTED FEMALE. ' SEVBRAL ,ladlea to take part tn Wig dramaa; glr phoa. - M. loo, rare Journal. 4 uonn girl ar middle-aged woman to help with ' light housework. Inquire 460 Fifth at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. H( LADIKT AOKNCT. ISSfi Fourth at., rornar Morrlaon, pataira. Pbona Main BH'Jrt. i AkmtraMa tha X. M. O. A. bldf. 01BIJ WANTED Oparatora to work on ahlrta and oraralla. IOHaooa ylraa to likcxparlancad. ; Appl at standard factor No. t, Urtnd aa and Eaat Taylor at. " WANTED Olrla to laarn papar-no(. trad'! !ood warn and ataady amplomant. Apply 1 North Front at. , ...... , HANNEN'8 LADIES' AGENCY. S434 Wash ington at, cor. nerentn. upetalra. Pnon Main Uta. Female belp wanted. WANTED Educated woman orer SS foe aponalbla pualtloa. Apply W TUfordvbldg. OIRLB aceuetomed to machinery; good wagaa and ataady employment. &1 Nortn Front at. OPERATORS and flnlahara on panta. (IS weak. eteady won. ivn toniinonwaaitb btag. OIRIi to wrap chewing gum: good wafee , wbll learulng. ai North rront ft. t GIRL to do general boueawork. am a 11 family no children; good ware. Inqulra Dr. Labbe's reauienoa, naaa ox lxwejny au ELDERLY woman to aeetat In general nouaa- war; gooa now, no children, ass ur&nt at OIRL for honaawork, part day; aleep at home; wagea I'J per month; Bundae free. 041 Kearney at. MALE ANP FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and anppllrd. mala or female. R. Q. Drake, SM Waahlngtoa at, Pacifle 18T0. WANTED A few good aoUcltnra, mal and female; beat proposition ta INirtland; good money to tli right part lea. Phone Bellwood Tl. Corner Eaat l.Htb aL and TJoiatilla are. SITUATIONS WAXTEDMALE. WANTED A noalHon by yoong man aa card , writer and aaalatant window trimmer; am uulnuil l f 1. . mm T V WANTED Ry young widow with en mll child, eftoatlou aa hoaaekeener for elderly 'con pie; horn dealred. Addrao K . 108, car Journal. YOrNO man want to leant any etnre boslniim, T24 Eaat Salmon at. WANTED .A poeltlen by young man experi enced la groceries and general merchandlani reference. Addreea A 106, ear Journal. - TWO carpenters want -work by day tract. Aiam mi., air. uampnaiu - WANTED Maa of middle age deatrea work of sane kind;, experienced night watchman and fruit man; will work at anything. Ad dreea L 101, care JouraaL . WANTED A poalilaa In grocery store or drive wagon; rerereneee. - Address M 106. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNO woman would 11k to take a Baby eat 4 hours a day, Addreea Mr. Or C Bkow, S54 Salmon at. . WANT care of roome or rorammf-bon. Phone Woodlawn 611. Mra. Foster. WANTED AGENTS.1' THB largest manufacturers of alumtnam evok ing atenslle want repreeentatlTee to sail fall . line everywhere. It B. Strela Co., Poatoffle , Box 124, Grants Pass, Or. S OR S people to sail a Sne holiday soap, 100 . per cent; alao In eity and country foe good - medicine nropoaltlon. R. H. Plammar. 200 Third at. 1 ... .., , AGENTS wanted to aril oar complete line of high-pad nursery stock; outfit free ; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Ss lem. Or. - - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm belp a enedalty. ' .SO North Second St. Phone Mala 8280. We pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICI mt riDB-iai. rmmu st. i rnone mam xaao. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 200H Morrlaon at.,. Phoa Pacific 2 27 North Second . .Pnon Pacific 1200 WANTED TO RENT." WANTED RBNT-Hooaes, cottaree. nstaS, e tores, office, rooming houaea, etc. Land- lords will do well to can on -' l0RTI.ANDTRUSXX0lPANlL0FRJWOlt- s-uouo ma., la. o. mm, ver. ea aag una. . WANTED Three Pleesant sri furnished for light housekeeping; no objection to anb nrha. Address R 101. care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne 210 Allaky bldg. ""Ileal Batata, i. Invaatauenta, Mortgagee, Lean. ...... DO you wish to sell or rant your property? We neve the facilities for disposing of all kinds nf property end boatnaan cbaaces; bars tenanta fi severs I booeea now. Quick aale and email profits Is our motto. Diamond ' Realty Co.. 25S Alder St., room 10. Phone racinc ltn. . PARTY from the east arlahaa to bnr from owner BMdlum-eia honae, or bnngalow; give oranoa ana prico. a vo, care Journal. WANT lot for Immediate building, payable ea or before four month. Address V 101, car . eonrnax. - r . WANTED $8,000 to $7,000 income ptiipet ty from owner la exchange for clean cash business; good town near Portland; give fnll particu lars, aanreaa r, wt, care sonrnel. - . WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Te borrow $2,000 on Improved ev bur ns a property. Addreea u Iai, care eonrnai. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST eaeb price paid for all kind eeenad band goods. Phone Mala 2111, 82 N. Third. ADVERTiaiNO MATTER Mallad by Bars I Directory Co. W have the only el a aei flea list ef aame ef Oregoa and V aehington. - - - 1 2V1H STARK ST.. PORTLAND. OB. WANTED Furniture and bonaebold good of every description bought, eold and exchanged, The $, 232 First at. Mala 0374. $ HALL and ballroom, eeparate or together, new and with all conveniences. Phone Mala Son. I PAY eaeb for household goods. W.-W. .. Savage, MS 847 First at. Phone Pacific SOS, - MAIN 8058. ... w " . CASH AND LOTS OF IT -, FOR FI'RNITI'RB. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 211 First St. MAIN E0A8. MAIN 8858. I e EXCAVATING and grading. 0. B- Pottage, Commercial at. Tbone Eaat SI 00. - - WB WILL BUY. SELt, OB TRADE ANY OI THINH. WESTERN BALVAGB CO., 027. 020 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 703. CARPENTER work, plastering, painting a bTh-k work wanted: houaea built or any Bert) eatlafartlua guaranteed. Address H Ion, care Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THR WITCH HA EEL, corner of Front and Madison ata., baa been leased for a term of years and ta being put In flrst-elae order and will- be known ae th "Hotel Ohio." Koms will be rented for office and single rooms, also housekeeping, f urn labed and aa furnlahed. -.- , .. . ...... THR RICHKIIEIT, S84 North Birth at Ele gantly fornlsbedt (team beat and bath. FURNISHED moms snd fnrnlahed booeekeeplng rooms for rent nt 7U2 Vancouver are. TUB GRAND, 45V North Third at Rooma for gcatleuiea, $1.23 per week and as. - "RED DRAGON" New swell rooms, heart of rltyl new furnltnre and carpets. . Corne Sixth and Stark ata. Ko trance 11X7 "4 Stark. FrRNISPTED ronma, day. week or month: rents reeeonahle. l3Vk Fourth at. Pacific 2A00. NICELY fnrnlahed room la private honae, very reasonable; modern and convenient, $sa, beta, turns ee. MS MarabalL . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONB or S furnlabed rooroa. ateam beat, llfhta aad bath, Inuutra flat O, 4y3 lutk at. NTWLY nlahed roona, reaaonabla. at M Eaat Yaulilll at., between Bereuib and Eighth. NEWLY fnrnlahed room a, new flat, modern, .central. MO North Hi a at., cornar Flandara. TUB KINO, sntt Jefrenon Ktrlrtly mndarn. - rurnaca beat, bath; from fi ao to as. SO ' week. YOUNO man wlabaa quiet refined roommate; no rent to pay. Addreea Y KM, ear Journal. FOR REXTHOUSEKEEPrxa. 1.M WEEK I P, large, clean, furnished hone. . keeping rooms, laundry and hath xl4 Bhae- man aouin, rorriana. WELL-FIRN1"HED room: telephnn. hern, fur nace, gaa; prieat lamuy. . euuta janaraoa Phone Main 816a. TUB MITCHELIe Houeekeeptng and trans laat rooaae, raaaunania. Bereath and riaaaare. FIVB anfnrnlahed honsekeeplng roome, alectHe nenra ana gaa. fbona refine iho. i Columbia at. FOUR BOOMS with pantry and bath fur- a Is bed for booae keeping at S1t Sixth St., ar oaa. . TWO fWDi-hri hoaeekeepmg-raom, 10; fro oaina. ecaj aiaat rvaaningtoa at. . 24Tt FIFTH ST . llousskevplng and aleeptng- THREB furnlahed booaekeepmg-momat range. - gaa plate, bath, not and eold water, fro phone, aoa rirat at. Phone Makt 080S. S1.2S WEEK VP, clean, furnished beeeekeee- mg rooms, parlor, - bath, laundry, rurnaoa near, yaro. xus atantoa, V car. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR on as more (employed people prafoi moaern. reaaoaabl. 024 Bast Morrleoa. A MCB largo front room, anltable tor a gentle men, with board: all eonTaalaacea. cloee In, ftO month; also flrst-claas table board,- fa week. Aster hooae, SerenU aad Madlann. ' NICELY furnlahad roemt wonM gtr breakfnstt roonera, eneap. aria atcauuea at. rboae Eaat 1900. .- NEWLY furnlahad roome, homo cooking, hath. gaa, pnooa, rurnace neat, aei iota at., es ner Mill. Pacific IKS. - FOR RENT nOUSES. T-ROOM nonae on rarUna. SIS. AC. H. Flggott. owneav-lawyar. room 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT New modem S-room hones. Sos , Monroe si., uppsr AlDlna. inquire or - tie. SOS. . - - WB are la need of several furnished aad aa . furnlahad bonaae to eettafy the wan fa of our pat ron a. Pnon main 5101 or call 720 Oham- ber ef Commerce. Do It now. S-ROOM honee. west aid, good locality, close to car, low rent te good tenant will sail ea easy terms. , Phone Mala 1410. FOR RENT New 4 room cottage. Booth Port land; bath, toilet, fireplace: corner lot sight ly location, one. block; oar. Fred H. ' Strong, 242 Stark at. TOB. RENT -room boose. SM PJsst Yamhill at. Apply to tlartman A Thompeoo, S.Chana- bar of Commerce. . ... BART Alder and 14th at. ,"B-new modern 8-rooaa houaea. Inqulra at 561 Eaat Alder. FOR BENT ' S room bono at 782 Bast Aakeny, $18 per month. r FOR RE NT-s STORES-OFFICES. 0FFICK-R00M8. unfnmtahed roome and eena-ple-rooma tor rent. Ooodaough bids. Apply elevstor. , - - DERIRARLB effleea. mcmdlnr electrle lights, hot and cold water. Janitor nnd elevator eervice, in tn aew, iry uommonarearm bldg., old poetnfflce alt. Sixth and Barnslda ats. Agent. 411. . e- , ........ A FBW Srat-claas ofSee-roome left at aortbeast corner Third and Madlaoa ata. Apply room No. S. FOR RENT Store Fifth -et. side Ooodaoagh bldg. Inquire at elevator m building. FOR BALE Office furniture, 2O0H Stark at. all new, cheap. FURNISHED HOUSES. $18 PER MONTH 4-room furnished eotta large yar anu tijli"ii'uuus. witsr. East Second, corner MI1L FOR RENT FLATS.; MODERN B-room flat Including window shades) steel and gas rang. Hievi Haay at, - FT7RNIRHED flat -to rent for a abort time. 081 Sixth ar.- Pacific 1B74. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB aeed furnltnre at any price. Portland Auc tion Rooms. 211 First at. Mam B05S. SNAP 11 rooms. S fnrnlahed. 8400; OS time; sear Hotel Oregon, OS Seventh at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL end ballroom, aeparate or together; new and with all conveniences. Phone Mala 800. BUSINESS " CHANCES. peBestBoiafide Offer Ever1 Made .... If yea will tnveet $50' to SS00 with me , M'mday I will psraonally guaraato yon within on year at least double the amount Invented; fine prospects of receiving 20 times the amount; ample aecnrlty. Cell snd eee me - Monday from 0 to IS o'clock or phone Pactfla 1706 for Interview, My referencee ere the best. , - Thcs. P. Thornton - ; 210 Cbamber of Commerce. " GENTLEMAN with a Httle money to go late rood paying Buaineea on eaat aid. Call at ave or pbona Woodlawa 87 A TWO Wllllan 12-ROOM bonse. Income (bout $100 mt $100 per month, $750. - Hatfield A rent : vary central. Smith. 105 M Fourth it. SAVB MONEY Anything tn printing see Mad den, Odd Fellow' Tempi, First and Aider ta.; s pet a Ira. $450 BUYS S-rooms, well fnrnlahed la food le ' rsllty: west side; low rent. Hagcmsna Rlsncaard. 81 Fifth at. BLACKSMITH SHOP, too la and atock; good bnalneea and good location. R. M. Wardly, Carlton, Oregon. BOOMINO-HOt'SR for aale; best location, good please, 46 rooma.. wall furnished; tkte-le the beat money-maker In the cty. X SO, JournaL $1,000 CASH, balance eaay payments. TO-room hotel, bar and dining room; cleared $2no laat month; going to Europe cause ef great eee Tlflca) principal only. SI North Sixth at. SMALL restaurant for aale at a bargain, fur nished living room connecting; ewner leavlug town. Call 212 Fourth, dty. FOR SALE A a Interest In one of the beet claaaee of established ens I neea la Portland; money to be nsed In extension; f per cent guaranteed, and If dlsaatlafled with luveet ment, gn a ran tee to refund money at and of two years. Address S 108, cars Journal. MARKET snd grocery for sals st Vrw price. - If tsken st once; th reason for selling will be explained to any one desiring to parch a ae ., money.inaklng buarnVae dlrece from owner; no trlflere need answer; nrtca aa It atanda, clear of Incumbrance, $ rash.; nothing but bnalneea will be considered. Answer W , 102, ears Journal. - a ' FOR SALE A thoroughly equipped photo studio. or win sen nair interest to practical man. N H,--care Journal. FOR SALB Two-chair barber ahop; good boel- neee; oniy iwo anopa in town or wio Inhabt- tents; will sell at a bargain. Address Lock I svea lav vasiano. VW. . . . - I You Should ill' W'V . - ,. ... XIX. v .-. . ' Yea'v sret t. keep a wat.Afa Laat .rpartaalty aaa ky Aad aausi .aether backward ad re) ' Twlat kllasfal aaa aad waltlatr Ha Aad lest yea nalaa er laae a aal. Yave arat ta keep aa watea, av tatl aaai. ii yeas're- wise, aa mm av tvve W1U keea aa ey. aa watah fag yarn. Py , . -,IN THE JOURNAL, i TytZZ;: DATLT AND BTJNDAT. ? .' iv :--.y-o' .. RATE: One Cent per word. More than two Insertiona, Five . Cents per line each day, or Thirty Cents perine per week of seven days. ';': v-' - '? ''',.""""'"'. Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard less of the number of words. - : .. -."' ' ; NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN" 15c BU'SINESS CHANCES. HOB SHOP tor sale. Inquire at Weodlawa aaoe anep. NICELY furniahed 4-room aooaeboat fee sole or rent. Call ar dark green bnnaa. foot Columbia et.; slea "For Bala.".. WAHTHIUnt ha. or grocery aad MeMlre mmn.l m, mm -,H CmII full part fn-st letter. Address 8 10L, care Journal. Ne agents. - '.-.- v FOR 6 ALB Hardware store ta Portland; clean etoca, good location, cheap rent; In ran tore about $1,000. Addreea X 101, care Journal. $3,500 STOCK cloth tng and ahoaa la seed Oo- remma nver toera, eneap lor ease; mignt exchange for Portland real estate er farm land from owner. Addreea B 01, Journal. FOR SALE Wn,locetd greeery store ea east aide, low rent; will aril at a aacrlftoa; owner tearing atata. Register A Co., 107 H Third. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THREE GOOD" BARGAINS 10 nice level lota la city, close to earllae. BOxlOO each, for exceedingly low price of $1,800; $160 tan will handle these, balance . monthly payments; one week only. Nsw S-room houae, 2 lot 60x100, Boar ata thm, $1,200; $160 down, balance $15 per month. B acre, seed 4-room house, workshop, wood abed, atsbls, chicken park, good water, near earllne and station; 4 acres cleared. 40 young fruit trees; $1,600, terms. If sold by 16th . ox in la BBomn. .. W. 3. DAT CO., t' ' 106H Fourth at. CORNER BOxttO, residence district lend, $1,650; alao a full H block Bear Eaat Ankeny, between East 16tb and 20th, $4,000, Oelver, 62S Cbamber of Commerce. 10-ACRB tract at Wood burn, anlmprovedt dry hooae; 'will either sell or trad for lot la Alblna M. J. Maryee, II II read phone East 808T. Praae on place were coa- iracreo sx sm cents.. . T-BOOM modera houae. Nob Hill, $0,000. V. 4 honsea. Nob Hill, 80x100 lot. $10,000. SPHINX AGENCY. S08H SUrk st5 THREB fine reeldence lets, BOxlOO each, a . Rodney are, and Going aL, between Union aad Williams avea.; streets Improved, sewers la; $000 each. Register A Co. 107 U Third. ONB 8-room aad one T-room boose, modern, on Chspmaa at., walking dlatsnce, $1, WOO each; terms. JORDAN A GARBADB, t . asan nt'sshlngton L - '. - ONB S-room houae, new and anodara. with oe meat walks, oa TJnloa are., ,000: terrae. JORDAN A GARBADB, triSH JTsshlngtoa at. HOMB-BDILDERS, ATTENTION I --- DON'T BL'Y A LOT FOR A HOME tnCTTt TOO VISIT 'TILTON ADDITION." $.VI0 below value on nearby a treats. Agent oa grounds In morn fog. . 'v . THOMPSON A OODEN (BranrnV, .i . Phone Bsst 4300. 800 Belmont at. WILL build cottage ea eaat aide, central lot, to salt yea on eaay term. Addreea V 102, car JournaL ... -- . .- -- --- -r. :j $2, 200 MODE B N S-rnom bouse ea East Alder aLe-fttll lot; terms, half eaeh. RegUtee A Co.. 107H Third t. ' j S-ROOM bona. South Btmnyslde, let 80x100. only $1,200. 6-room modera beams. Eaat SStb St., $8,400. T-room modera boaae, an to date, Waare at- $4,200. , Many others too aainerona to mention. 1. 3. OEDER, 1 Grand ave.. N. WEAT BIDB income property to exchange for vacant lot or Improved property on eaat - aid. Hagemaaa A Blenehard. 01 Fifth at. FOB SALB ea eaay payment. S very ehntce Iota ettualsd between two rarllnee; pries $100 ' 1. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington at., comer First, n pataira, T-ROOM hooae, bath, 'gas snd furnace, lot SOx lOOoa rarllna. wast aide, walking distance, HATFIEI.D A SMITH, , 106 Fourth at. $1,050 FINB lot ea Thurmond at., weat side, 47x100, Booth front., Register A Co., loi . Third et. 100x250 FEET, eqnal to S lota, 1 blocka from earllne, tn eltv llnilta, $.'. . - . HATFIELD A SMITH, ' '. - 105M Fourth at. i' ' BOxlOO LOT on Eaat Stark at.,' $000. . 100x100 an. Brooklyn, ' $1,000. 4OtR0, weat. aide, tl.lWO. . -SPHINX AGENCY, 305 V. SUrk at. - FOR SALE. A fin bnalneea lot 60x128, on William, - ave r near Ruesell St., with cottage and atuall Btorei price $5 600. v , , a. v. urtrsH a co., SIS William av. A BARGAIN IN 8TJNNYSIDB Valuable comer with Improvement and room for more. $0tb , end Belmont ata.; 04 feet frontage oa car . track. Innnrr Geo. M. Strong. 214 Lumber - Exchange bldg. - - 200 FARMS, small tracts and lota: bargain oa O. W. P, electric line. O. R. addition, Lents, - Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. Sc. $.100 DOWN, balance -monthly,-new modera T-reom bouse, half block to car, IS minutes' rid. Phone Pacific 2740. . INCOME-BBARIN0 flate on easy terms 24. 2nd 16th at., four flata. $T per month, por celain hatha m each, close In, easily rented; $2,000 cash, $75 monthly Inatallmenta; In come will pay the liistalltnehta. making re markable Inveetment of an, all capital. Mor- Fan, Sweet A Chapman, 213 Ablngtoa bldg. hone Mala 2016. J FOR SALE A bom finished In redwood, fire. place, porcelain bath, ete.i block i k bar gala. Call on owner, 44th and Kaat Main .. elte. . 1 CHOicn qnarter eiocx looxi'si, improved, TUI , snd Clinton ats.; high, sightly- Oa. view. - 11 11 -' - laaai uunsaa St, Advertise. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALB. J New H-reoni modern bouse, full lot, ' near ' ' Hawthorne are. and Eaat $4th sr.. In Boa Ik ; Buanyalda addltloa. cheap at $2,800. - - ; ' Hew A mora, bona. S big lota, m north weat Mt. Tabor, nsar MentavtUa earllne; a good home, ea teriaa; price $l,0flo. . ... BI'ClITEle 4V KERNS, - -V -. 80S Kaat Morrlaon ." ' . LOT $0x100 for aale, 100 feet from Oread are , . j Bear Eaat Taylor aL : Income $o4 per month; ' la a snap for $6,000; 2 lots adjornlng en Grand- ar. lust sold for $20.000 , v BT ClfTEL A KERNS, ' Stia Kaat Morrleoa at. -'."' READ. t - cloaeta to each room . rtitl lot. SOxiOO. near sawmill, boiler works, ship, building plant and O. R. A N. R. R fine location for boarding-boner; within the next few days will sell for $1000; terms $4is cash, balance $11 per month. St. Johns Title Abstract A Truat Co., UL Johns, Oregoa. Pbona Eaat SOOT. - SBVERAL comfortable betma aad lota keloag . ttu to a noa-eeeldent mnst be sold at noee at a sscrlflce; terma. W. B. Mr thereon. The PhUedelphla. room 12, Third aad Salmon. ONB of the aleest home, ea Bast Boraable street Bar aale; S large rooma and hall, well built everythlns modern and complete; ce ment aldewelk. nice lawn, convenient te Beat aide bleb echoed, tuhllc eehoola, stores end ' car. Owner, 782 Bast Barnslda, Bear Bsst 22d st. . - -.. , ,.' . ALPINB BBAL ESTATE CO., snsu Morrison-. room 3; phone Mala 1B1T U block with "12-room bonse. close In. $11,500. S acres, .B-room bouse; eaay terms; $2,200. TTJRNBR A WALKER. Baal Batata. Farma aad Stoek Bnehaa Exchangee. lOSH Waahlngtoa at. " -ellwcc4- , Morchonae A Fieneb. 1870 B, Phone Rellwaod 74 18th. City View Park lota. $876 aad ap: Bom Addltloa lota, $100 and np; $3 down and $6 a month. Homes from $500 te $5,000. Lots $200 snd np. In all parte ef Sellwood. List Fonr property with aa; wa win asU IL CHOICB I apartment boose location, weat sMe.NajVJ corner. e $1,000- FOR 4 lota. 00x10 feet, iaae Mock , from earllne, In Center addtttoni mnst eel. ' --$S.0ibot-00x120.- 0-room bona, fruit ana mwn, aw reel rrota In tun ave, oa t Roaaell st. t $5.ooreJOnarter block, T-room bonaa, kind of fruit. ISth pnd Kaat Madlaoa. Williams & Farmer ' Boom 30 Waahlngtoa bldg. all SO ACRES of land. aU lereL half wndev cultl--wution; good well, fair barn, email new house, near 2 ear llnaa, 10 mflee eaat of ' eonrtbowse: $140 ner acre; eaay terma. er will aeli half. Call 11. 7 Steven st., earner of East 88th. ' . JtST think, l.1 lot near, Salem rar line;' ne farther than Bt. Johns, at $19 per lot. -, at $1 per month: level and trend anil. wh '. ; bonses already there: yen can't bay acres re out tber.' tor aame amount; lota will be $50 per lot In August, when cars are running. Apply to owner, W. Reldt. room 18 Wash ington bMg. 870H Washington. .-. -v- $200 AND $ per ajonth buys good S-room modern honee. one block from earllne. v T. ' B. Dodeoa, 200 Goodnoegh bldg. S-ROOM bona, fnll lot, hi aallsraod. $060. HATFIELD A SMITH. IMS Fourth at. 10-ROOM colonial hooae for sal. TOO Marshall -. et.,- lot 60x100. bandaome, well bollt, foatr years eld. all modera conveniences, dtnlng room elecsntly paneled, extra oil flnlab on . walla, ptate-alaaa wledowe; beautiful boete for a large family prreclat1ag comfort: a ner gain at th price. $10,600. Morgan. Sweet . . i iM,,wfsa. ate Ablngtoe bldg. Phone Mala XOIS. $1.000 GOOD 4 room honae and t Vita la Ver. aon addltloa. Reglater A Co., 107 Vt Third at. FOR SALE Etinlty tn homte and lot to tra.le iot sow. tau oa aarny at. FOR SALB BY OWNER Twe enttagee ea 42d a. ana nswTnome are. on Installment plan ar caab. Call np Scott 103 , . . m VB, six aad seven-room boneee. small psT-e nieai esip, osiauce seme a rest. Owner, phone Best 876. IF TOO want to buy a bo ma or lot see Joe Nash, at Nashville addition; . caab or on """J;.,.' ,h IsoaBt Scott eer line, get eft at Millard ave. ...... DESIRARLE lot oa Lambs at., high, atghtlr. walking distance. See owner, room eat. Lumber Exchange, . . FOR SALE FARMS. ONB ef the beat ranches ta eastern Oregon. Improved. $00 scree. 600 acree fin' Bottom land, abundance of water, at e birr a In. Ad ores. U. K, Carrey, owner, Baker City. Or. 40 ACRES Bear Ceetle Rock; 160 fruit traea, running water, aome Umber sad meadow, . -houae and oathatldlnge;, a nlcs little bomet- prl.e $N., with terms. Alsxander Lend Cos. Sixth at. Phone Pacific jb. . ,T FINB winter stock ranch In eastern Oregon, plenty of water, 2.040 acre of deeded landT ZI-a. i . "i""" or grating Una and ahort drlva in mountain range; cheapest ' mSJk Snn'oa Agency. Son tf A - FINB farm of t2 - acrea; ISO enltlvatlon, 25 acrea In bi In bel- ance in pearure ana timber! oM h.m: water piped Into houae l.rga barn, bearing orchard: this farm Is good lor pur. poaea ox osirying. rruit and farming; cloee to town and radioed, and la verv at 5 ner acre. Partlcnlara ae j. I. if .n , room 80S Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 40-a era farm, good bane and large ""'am, acrea ander enltlve- tlon, tio Boll icr RldaefleM, Washington, rf . CU sa 3. S. Taylor, 813 Karonem bldg. . 1 -i ! . a 1 4