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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1907)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7. 1907. TODAY'S MARKETS Notable Decrease Is Shown in Demand-for Packaga Brands of Coffee In the Pacific . Northwestern Markets in the Past Season.- PACKAGE COFFEES DISAPPEAR Demand . Is Decreasing at Rapid Pace in All Pacifio Coast Markets. V ROASTING PLANTS ARE-. SHOWING HEAVY INCREASE : Scarcity Continues in. Chicken Market and Price Very Finn i. : Though Unchanged - Delayed ,' Banana Arrrvw Overripe. Principal market httnw. today J . Bgf nulit etlff.iie again. -belayed bananas antra a. ' Scarcity eenttaaee In ehlckena. ' Package eoffeea going ant at style. Slight damans rulaa for onlona.-. PHta maifcet ia holding ateany Weak too la tb flow market. . Alt ereaeed aaeeta ara wanted . ' bit the Jeokage Oeffeee, ; Of late tkara baa kaaa notable , deereaeg ta tha eoneaaintloa af neckage brands of eof ' free aa the Paclfte - eoaat, aad ' aapaatall7 in ' thoaa eentera near ta tha larga cltiee. - At thla 1 time tha daman far uckin braada It aa small that a change la ejaotatloa ta tbat Una doaa pnc inrereei tna traae w ear iiwin i trw ran age sackage eoffaaa wara aa atapla i auirar aad aver ekaaxe in value wae eagerly f anticipated by tba ratal! aa wall aa tha jobbing ; trede.. ' Beaaoa for .this (mat change -In tba . package coffee attoatloa la tba beavy ncreeee Tin feulk-ealee and tba enentng an of many aaw -' plapaa wbara coffee ta roaated. Jloaatad aof faa v la being purcbaaad In balk and cane nora waa ; tm. Tha trade In tlnaad oaffaa U ebowuig t a vaet tncreeae orer tbat of yaar or two aio. l Tba fact tbat roffea a tfct doaa not eeterlorete la quality In la all probability tba reaeea for tbbt aaw oonditlna. In fonnar yaara tba aalaa . at Baroneted, coffee wara vary heavy ta thla . aecUon. but tba boa 1mm af roaatlng tba baana kaa baan developed ao eelentirieaiiy nil raw ,' people care to buy tba gdran product and roaet - ' It uemaelvee. -. . , 'C Oaffaa Production & Hoary. XT Production of eoffa abowa a heavy mcreeee - Sarins tba naat eeaaoa. - Aecerdlag to tba Baa Preaclaro Gemmeretal Newa, tba lateet edvteee from Cantral America concerning tba coffee ' l mat Ion ara dacldad in rafaranea to tha large ylald of laat yaar ever leea. - Violent and nn v eeaeonable atorma bare occurred In. tbat ration. 1 and a delar of 10 earn to two waaka la llrorr baa reunited la eoneeonenee. . Tba lam la tba ylald la nndovbted. aad .tba e quality of tba naw crap la -fully equal, u etinertAr. Chat t 106. It la aaM.. . - lalf la, Mali advices ara to the effect tbat itha rrnp af enatemal will ka fully BSO.OOO i rnm. tbat of Halveoor mil. mm nan nirarana 800.000 and Com Rica 800,0(10, a total af 1.000.000 haca. aa' about 400,000 bag largar than la IP). Of tba total Ban rrandaen ax porta ta bandit ' from 8 SO. ooo to aoo.000 baga, aad af tha bal- anca Nno.000 baga wtll ba ahlppod ta Haw zorl and tbo raat to Burooaaa maraata. ' - Tba flrat eoffoa cargo of tba yaar la dun ta anira on tba 12th laat. by tba ataanabln Pa ' Ing. .wblfh baa baan greatly dalayad on pan Vaan. Tha atramera Aita. Indiana aad Barm- . rant, will follow -during tba araaan. Tha naw nora food law wilt maka aulta a adlttmna4n- tka -brand law aad- aaia-ad- " . , by tba blBg trada. Bat - nam a now aiaia , t law la caaFtm WUI eat nar conaioaratiow who .tha" trada within tha atata. lnterataia for Java coffee mat ba oof faa tbat ta grown In Jam and no Mbor Blace. and u wiu noted that higher nrkea wlU rale tor tha goaf anteed ranetiea.. . t Tan Market Stiff ana Again. ' TWra waa-r-atlffrtilng uf tba to of tka eaa market today awing to tba older weather. . and many aalaa were reported along tba atreet at J a doaen. altbongh noma were.atlll aada at Sid and. SSe, Keaclpt not aaita ao HhrraL . .' Scarcity eontlBnea ta tka poultry market and all orlree ara firm ana aneaangea. Dreeeed meat racalpta eoatlnoa under tba demand. Prtcaa held Una but nacbaaged. Lar weak Tana hi Ilea Market. Conolderable weakneea n reported In tba ' flonr market locally an aeronat of tba aitrama low price for wheat aad tba daimeee In tbat atarket. Oriental baetnMe remalna on a amall erale with prlcee addedly aaalar, though aa- rhanrad. Coane grain markata ara firm bat ncfaanged. Hay la firmer with eupplleu amall. Scarcity -of ara tba faatnra la aa market. Brief Vetea at tha Trade., ' Several cam. of banaaa wblrh ware due to arrlTe la eereral daya ago cam ta yeaterday - ta a rataer rip eonoiiioa. Potato market la firm, though rather e.alet Scardtr of care. s .' A few" ordrra hare" a recalled -from- aba eatalde tar enlona. . Couldn't ba accepted. N rare. 1 e - Hon- market to autrt. twt niqntrlea from lb aatt are mora rraqoeni. Better movement In eraagae aad applee. Lai tea market would find demand tor batter qual- H,.. . Cabbage market gaining la firm nam wlrk anppllea controlled by a few larga growera wha keep the market quite Bare. The trade para tba following prlcee ta front .tract. Prlcee paid , eblppara ara lean regular eommleeione: Oraln, TWor -aad reed. OKAUf B AOS Calcutta. fH baring arlcai atlling. SHtiio. , .... , . WH BAT New clan, St red laeetaa. 3o; btneatrnt, 67er ally. Ode. ' BARI.fcY-ftew Peed. 21 OOflMOOi rolled. t22 Brewing, ixliwwzi.w. ' COHM Wboav 7Mi craeked, 28 Pec RYR I1.BS per ewt.; ' ' ' " OATS New Preducera price Ho. 1 White, . t Mf2T.0t); gray. 2.IMtjM.O0. KUUll K.nt.ra Oregon patenta, t.', atralgbta, fa.o: export, M.10; valley $3.40; . graham, 14 . M.BO; whole wheat, IS-TBi rye, .Soe. 5.0t: halee, $l.T6. MILUlTryrd Bran. SH.0S per font mld , dllnga. f 2S.00) ahorta, roontry, $l.O0; city, tm.oni chop. na.ooia2i.oo. HAT Prodocere' price Timothy. Wltl.merta . .alley, fancy. gll.OOOlg 00; ordinary, 0O M.tern Oreaon. glT.0OClll.0O! mired. tlo.OOC'0 Wl elorar, 8.00j grain, S8.00Oa.fi0j cbaav SS.0O. Butter, Xggt and yonltry. FAT t. a. b. Portia ad Sweet cream. B3C! eour, 81H&. - HUTTBM city creamery. SSci aatrmr faacy, . m4l atorage, J30c; atore. 17a)lTHc AiUH Bxtre fancy, caadlad. 8iaj3Sej keal aad eaetera atnrege, Z7He. . CHKEHB New Pnll cream, flata, 14ia01B; Toang America Itiliac. POULKHT 1lre Mired chicken., 14c Ibj - faacy kena, 14'itl4Vie per U; matera, eld, lne - per tbl fryera, lVc per Ibj broilera, Jv per !h; old dacka, ISUc per lb; ' aprlng . riucka, lHe per lb; geeaa, tl0e per lb; tnr keya, 17c per lb f"C old; dreaeed, fancy, 21'e -per lb; aqreba, J.0 per d: plgeone, ll.oo ' per doe. - Dreaeed poultry leiHc per lb blgber. Rope. Wool aad Bldaa. . HOPS lOUd crop, choice, MV; , prime 'ta . choice, iscj medlnm to prima, 10411c; medium, 10 Li''' He, ' rVOOL-lBOS clip Taller, . B25 aaatera Oregon, Oe. ... . Mull AIR New, nominal. - SHfcEHHKINS Shearing, 1BQ20e arh abort wool. 2.'t40ei medium weal, . Mtgifie each; long wool, TVifftl.OO each. YaI.LOW i rima. per lb. ttae; Ma. t aad 'ipia, SV2HC. - t'lllTTik BABK 14J7e fat ear ktaj amall lote, Bftc. HIDK.i Pry. No. 1,. IS DM) and op, 16U. ' 17Ve per lb; dry kip. No. 1, g te in lha. 14c; dry calf. No.. 1, under S Ibe. 13c; eelted kldea, eteera. aonnd. 60 II and orer. lottllci ewaa, ' BHiKHci ataaa and bnlla, aoand, 4t7c kip, It to SO Iba. VC calf, aoond, uoder IS Ibe, 11c; Teen, nnealted, la tarn; cull., le per lb lea.) . bore hide., aalled. eacb. l XA4tl.T5; dry, nach, ' xl frO; colt blcea, ant vie; goat aktai, eommon. each, intjioc; Aagora. each, t&cqttl. rralta aad Yegetablae. POTATOrs Hut tag price, eaatera Mattn mb and Clackem.a gelect. IKCI IB; faacy. i.noft 1.05; erdluery, 7SfJ0e per cwt; aweeta. OSIONd InhHng price Mew Orercei. frva '11.00; buying prjee, T0tf7Bc garlle, tve lb. WHAT DEALERS SAY . OF LOCAL. MARKETS X By W. B. Olnfk Co. e Tha poultry mnrke ta fully aa 4 Arm as during tba provloua weak, a owing to general lack of nr- 4 rlvnla. So tew poopa ara coming e that tha trada la compelled to e send aaat for moat of Ua aup- pll. ... 4 Tha age ' market la again e steady after a weak of decline In 4 prices. The market will now ba 4 - controlled entirely by ., weather ,- e ay conaiuons. l , e . Tha dreaeed meat market la e firm for all produota with ra a , eelpts In no Una aqual to tha demand. Prices ara -hlgh but , ara not likely to go any higher. i-. APPLES fancy Hood Blear Spltaenberg and Tellow Newtowna, 12. JO; f.ncy Willamette t1- w aoo aaauarn vregoa, si.ov; aramary a toe a. SO075C. THZm PHUITS Orangaa, new aar.l, gl.TBQ t 28; Japaneae, 10c; banaaaa. So par lb; h-mona, S.o0ta.oo bos; ltmee, bfezlcaa. I.!U pec iw; piaaappiee, e. wua U0 per aoacn; grappa, . e'Ou par aeg; peara, luitii.'B barkleberrlea, Sc; ptne.pplea, IS. 00 par do. pomegranataa, SlJOillXO pat box; gnpe fruit, Tnrnlpe. - new, eon$ aackj carrota. TOc'iUl per aack; beeta, tlM per aark; Oregon MdULee. 20c per duo.:" eabbage,-Oregon, (1.711; bell peppers, () per Ibi to maioaa, zxs; penntpe. a0c1.00;- atrlog baana. lSe per lb.; eaallMower. fl.oO per dneen; peaa, iSc; boreeradlata, itglOe per lb.: artlcbokee fi.w par rtoeeoi aquaab. 70of 11.00 net box celery, CalUornla, B4.00 per crate; pampklaa, lf lHc cranherrlea. 110 par barrel. DRIED rRCITS Applee. eraporatad. SH Te per lbt aprlcota,' 18vtjl20e per lb: peechea, 124I1SUC Der Ibl urki u.c nar lb leu: ornnoa. He droo on each 1-10 amallef alae; flga, California black, (8H per ibj California wblta, duUa per lb; datee. golden. t.ou pet aoxj rarda, fl.40tgl.S0 pat lS-lb boa, Oreeeriea, Vuta, Zta. , STTOAB Cellfml. M n.w.ll.n Aiho. SB.STHi powdered. X4.HH; perry. B4.S2H: dry .2HL extra B, U.W. golden C, $4.80, yellow, S4.22H: beet xranllated. S4.T2M. Weatern Cube, f7H; powdered. B12V: dry graaalated. g4.bli P. C. X4 au.v rant. A. I4.02H! extra C, 4.42H; golden 0. M-82H; D, f.iww, saet greoui.tao, n-ifl soia, oc; H bbla, 2St boxea, ftOe adranoa oa aack baale. A bora nrloa ara BA Amwm not amah anoia. Hon. i , r. HOMItT SS.S0 par crate. - COrFEB Parkaae braada. SIS MaiT.M.' SALT Ooarae Half gronnd, lOua, 00 per 11175; tit lee, S1.8S; ImportedLlTerpooL BOa, IS.00; 100a. S17.00: Z24e. Sld.00: extra fine. : DIM. 1H.DII! T . r, I A IUU MIX I.I' 1 f If ML bble, Sa, Be, 10a,- $4-Btf5.&0; Urerpool taaip raca, per ton; oo-ia rock, x.uuj uwa. ev.w. . I A bore ertcee annl. 4a aalea at leea tl car lota. Cat lota at apedal prkaa eabjeet ta lisctn.tiona.) MICE Imperial Japan,' Ma. t, Sc: Ho. 1 New Orleaoa, bead, Tej Ajax, Sc; Creole, ie. ' .,,j BRANS Small wblta. IS .SO; 4arge white. S.2oi ping.- fnvo) aaaoo, S9.JIU Llmaa, BHC eilcan rede. 4c. " ' , NLT8 Peanara. Inmho. IUi nee Iht Trralnia. 7 Vic pee lb; muted, loe per lb: Jaoaneee. Bf BVicj roa.ted7'u7Ho per Ih; roeoaanta, Soiauoc per ooaj waiaute. caiuornia. - lee per id French, l&c - per lb; ploenuta, 14310i Der Ibl blcknrv Bnra. 10c nee Ih: etieatnuta eaatrrn, 15yla per lb; Braall ante, lne per id: nineere. ino nar in: rancv Decine. i&a-jua: alBMnda, 1021 He . Xante, Flak aad PrtrrUlona. FRBSH klEATS Front Street Hen. fancr. SS4e lb;- eeal.. extra. SVi&So lb; ordinary. THfroo per lb; poor, Sa per lb; mutton, fancy, 8b 'it per lb. .' HAMS. BACO. rrO. Portland .nacb (Inc. I) bama. IS to 14 lba, lHc lbt X to l.lha.-M lb; IS tb 20 Ibe, lBHQide lb; breakfart bacon. inarzuc id; picaica, ivvic m; cottage. llHe o regniar anon eieera, anamoaed. lze lb: amoked. ISe lb: clear backa. unamoked. 12a Ibi amoked. 13c Ibl Union batta. -10 to 18 Iba. na. amoked, Se lb: amoked. Sc lb; clear bell lee. un emoked, 14e lb: eraoked, ISc lb: aboaldere, UVk o; picKiev loop uwm, eo.uw qvaner ou. LOCAL LA R r Kettle leaf. 10a. lSWa lb: Be, iae lb; 60-lb Una, 12ie lb; ateaa rea. oereo. loa. ue- ta, laaja-lb, ioa, ae in. CAN N in 8A LktON Onlnmbtn rtrer. lib talla. ft ot S-lb Ulla.' S2.7B; faacy. l ib flata, 11 SO; H-lb fancy flata. Bl.lli: fancy Mb orala, IS.7B: Alaaka talla. Mnk. SoaXttOa: red. S1JA: nominal. 2a, tall, 82.00. risii hocb con, ic par ro: TKmaaera, ee per id: aouoax. oc ner in: craoe. ai.uuaai.oo oer doaaa; atiioed bate, 12Ha per lb; catfl.n. lot per IK ealmoa. Cniambla rtrer allaerelde. Be: ateelhead. 10c pet lb; herring, Se per lb: eolea. e per Ibj abrlmpe, ioc per lb; perch, Se per lb: black cod 7c per Ibj torn cod, Te per lb; ourer emeir, oc per iaj looatera, iee per lb; freeh mackerel, lie per lb: erowflah. Soe Bar doaen: etnrgeon, 10c per lb; black baaa, SOt per IB; inminoia nrer ameir, ac per in. OYSTER flheelwater bay. per xallon. SS.SSt per 116-lb aack. B4.2S: olrmnla. net aalhm. fa.xo; per iie-io aoca, fn.w to ao.P. CLAMS Hard .hell, per boa. 8X00; tlama, 12-00 per box. . Taint, Oaa) OH. ta. B0PB Pare Manila. ISVkef etandard. IS:., alaaL lie, , , COAL Olf Pearl or Aetral Oaaee. lSUe nee gaiioni water wane, iron oom, iee per gallon; wooden, 17c per gallon: headlight, . 170-deg., eaaee. S1H per gallon. . . OASOL1.NB se-aeg caaea, id He par gaDoa, Iron bbla., ISc pet gaDon. BENKINE 8 dep. caaea, SSe pet gallon Iron bhl.. 184e per gallna. TURPENTINE la caaae. See par gal; wooden bble. p:ic per gallon. - WHITE LEAD Ton toto, TKe par B; SOO-lb ana, no per id; leaa jora, Hvr par m. WIRE NAILS Preaent beala. at I2.S MNHEED OIL Pure raw. In B-hbl lota. SOci i-owi rnnt. aoei caen, oov per gai; genuine aet tie boiled, caaea. 0e par gal: Abb I lota. 54ct bM lota. B5e Bar ral: rronnd cake, ear lota. 820 pat ton; leea than car tota, 830 par ton. ALL GRAIN MARKETS UP Clilcago Is Higher Today for All Op- ' tlons of Wheat. BELATITl WHEAT VALUES. Open.' . .TBH .TB Cloaa. Jan, S. . Oaht. ,754 $ J0U , .78 . .004 May July Cblcag, Jan. T, The entire grain market waa edraneed today, erery option rlnalruT hlzh- er. Wheat atarted ttrnng and rloaed to 9 up for May and Jaly, reepeetleety. . Cora followed the lead of wheat and gained He In both apt lone. Oata gained He after a terr alow da v. Provi.tnn. o.m fc.eniv higher. , " Official on ota tton. ;by Orer beck. Starr uooke company: WHEAT. Ohen. , Hlgk. TBH , TS TB14 T8V4 .. C0HH . 48 H -' 43 H OAT. . lw, . 4,H 43 ' SB - Cloae. T, till ss . San May July Mar' Jaly May M S a n't 80 July mm, xx - San- Mfhs por May ..1648 . 1005 184S ' 1009 POlTtAlrp BABX STATZaTXlTT, 0 leering, today .... Clearloge year ago.. .41.BT.80O.00 .. 1.0U3.02S.71 Oata today ...... 4 M4 Balancee today ... 13B.B01.PS 184.420. IT Balance, year age. Obttoa ta Sight. New Orleane. Jan. T. Tha mnnthlr moeement of cotton ta atcht January 1. Keccline at all porre aince nc pi cm ner i , n.iieto, INn palce, nralnat Mn.tH; overland SS am aou.. OiH. South taking. PA.1,014 hale. reraa KH.. poo. Interior atnrk hi exceae arm 77a n 1,100 kalea. Total In eight Jaauary 1 T.OT8,. 027 eetaua S.032.B24 belee. . - Bo. too, Jan. T. Dnrlor December there were atemprd at tha Centennial mill fdr the acconnt of the Centennial Milling comi.anr, IS,. 120 tone of atork from which would be pro duced 242.048 poande of mlneraL During He rein oer the Alloiie. '. jnlnen .hipped ta the Centennial mill 17.00 tone of ore, from which there wee produced 401, HIS nnonde of mineral. percentage, er .130 pounda of mineral ner loa, . - . raere ara ma ay Waa Ada la badar-a f eumal tbat will lnbareart yea. HOG HARIvET GOES TO ST Great Scarcity of Supplies Sends Local Values Fifteen Cents Higher in the Yards.-'- CATTLE CO TO FOUR CENTS A POUND TODAY Receipts Art) Fair Today but Mot -- HeBTT- Enough for Demand . Sheep ArrlTals Are) Too Small for . Trade. ' . " ''Z' ." ' Portland Union Stockyarda, Jan. T. Urwtock reeelpto: ' XfAea. ' rtattla. RkMn Thday ,. las 820 , T4S Weeh ego " 170 . t ... Year ago TJ . ITT B6J Prerkwa yaar 650 27 107 Moan are again at 17.00 txMlay. a few traaa- actlona being made at tbat figure, while aome wara mane aa low. ee xa.oo. beeelpta eonunaa rery email aad demand la exceedingly firm, Oa all aldea demand for boga le much better than current euppitce. Thie cadaed tba adraaee or loe today, which action waa forecaat In The Journal Satnrday. .-Wltb receipt, ee email, pacxeru nare been forced to again import from tba aaat. and aa tbeea bote eoat them orer THe a pound to land ta Portland, they can well afford ta pay tba email r adrance racked oa ta former local ealnea. Tba local bog market baa been bare af euppllea ao long a period tbat packer, bare aa choice la making or paying the ralae. . I - -Ohttle IS Onato Xlgkar. r Althonrh recetota of cattle ware fair today. the arrlrala bare of lata been ao email tbat area wltb klllera "bucking" tba market,. . cell era bare been able to again force the price of beat etuff to ee. Juat at praeeat tbla aeeme aa high aa the cattle market can go, for wltb a acarclty and generally klgb ealuea en feed the Ureetock men cannot afford to flnl.h" - their atnf. Wltb thla exneeted In reaaa In arrlrala the market look a like It baa touched the top, temporarily at leant. To day'! adraaee amoonta to 164. Market firm a year ago. , . Wblta race tota of .been worn- fair today!' T4S keed arrlrlng, auppllee are far toe amall' for eurreat demand. All hut week bet -toe bead of abaep arrlred la tba local yarda. Tnday'a market la quoted with a firm tone. 'Hoge are again at Te aod cattle at "tc," aaya Secretary PlnmaMr. "The aheep market la nominal aa rar aa reecipta ara eoocorneu. tmiera ara forced to go Into Montana to get any auppllee at all, aa ecaree are . arrlrala bere" Sheep firm a year ego. Official Ureetock prlcee: - Mon Iteet eaatara Oreron. S8.S0AT.0Al tncktra and faedera. 80. TB; China fata, Sd.fiod U-??:..- , . w ' ee ua I.., vim Mgmm mm ,w m r-mvi ' u.vw 4.00; beat eowe and he! fere. 88.0048.tS; etock- ara ana reedere, 3.)a-zD; onua, ..w- Sheep Mixed, eeovtei wetaara, ino BQftH " GRANT COUNTY SHEEP ' Inspector Beports Great Many Head Now Held la Count. - tSpecial Dlapatch to Hie Joarnat.l ' flanToo cite. Or- Jan. T. Oeorxe Irrtn. atork Inspector, baa filed kte report en etnek condltwna In Orant eonnty for the year JSou, which enowe that during the yaar there bare bee aald aad exported from the county TB.TM heep and there now remain la the county lix ST abeen. There bare been aer.n banda af acabby aheep In tha county during the year. all of which Bare neea eippea. a row eanie hare been killed oa account eg lampy Jaw. Otherwlee the oattla and eaeep are a tine eonditloa. - . r . HEAVY WOOL-CUP Estimated nisi Harney and Mal heur Haw 4,000,000 Pounds. (Bnectal Dtanatck ra The JoarnaLI . WaL V I . ka I . II . are orer T0.000 bead of boraae, SSO.00O beed of cattle and 500,000 bead of ebeep ranging In the territory comprning tne eountiea of Harner and blalbenr. The wool clip la aatl- mated at a boot 4.000,000 pound, a year. SHEEP TRADE AT HEPPNER Blorrow County Man - Buys 1,470 Head at Good Value. rt nodal ' Irbmatcb to The JonrnaLI Hepnner. Or., Jan. T. Mr. Pawnaworth of rhle place baa bonght 1,470 bead of aheep from Mr. Kennedy of Monument, a boot 800 of which are ewea and reel - lamoa. ine price naia - n . . - , , . . . . T Waa a4 mm mnr mwm. BROOKLYN SEWER- WORK PROGRESSES Will Be Largest In Portland and Among Largest on the Pa cific Coast. Oood progreaa Is being made on tha Brooklyn d la trie t rawer, which, when complete, will be tha largeat In Port land and one of tha largeat city drainage syatetns on tha coast. j . Tha beary rains of last week softened the earth over tha tunnel so that soma eight square feet of dirt aettled down on tha roof timbers at Kaat Nlfth street. An the timbering had been made amply atrong:, little real damage waa dona. however. ' The contractors, Qleblseh at Joplln and Paquet, say this will not In terfere with tha progreas of tha work In the leaat. ' - - The tunnel, whose diameter la 10 feet. nina from tha rlrar at foot of Taggart street, 1.(00 feet eastward to East Tenth street. It , paaaes undor tha rlTerelde bluff at an extreme depth of ..,75 feet. At EnHt Berenth atreet a ahaft SB feet deep haa been sunk, and ganga of men are working eaat and weat from this haft Much of tha tunnel aiuat be cut through hard cement gravel, and though tha excavation la alow this gravel form an excellent roof, and . tba danger, of oave-lns Is minimised. PBAYER MEETINGS ; WILL BEGIN TONIGHT A week of prayer meetings will be conducted at the Flrnt. Presbyterian church. January 7 to 11. Inclualra. at 10 each evening, under the direction of Rev. J. K. KlttreUge, D. LK - Follow ing la tha program; . Monday, "uennition or prayer," Luke svtll:l-l and aeleotlona; Tueaday, -The Model Prayer." Matthew vl:l-18; Wednearley, "Chrlat af Prayer," John vll:l-I: Thuraday, . "Promtae and Prayer,", Mark. xl:23-I4 and aeleotlona; Friday, "Powsr and Prayer," Aots 1:1-14, ll-l-l. , .'- Wallowa's (khool Ta, "'nlloWa, Or:, Jan. T At a rneclal meeting tha patrons of achool dlatrlct No. 11 voted a t-mUl special tax for excKbol purposes. ; AGAIN COST SOME LIONEY Early Cains Turn to Losses Later ; In Day When Selling Pres- -sure Sets In. . NEW YORK VALUES ARE MIXED AT THE CLOSE Sugar Loses IK and Same) Sum Is ' , Propped by Union PaclfkrBrook : Xjn tleyated Advanced Two and a , Qurter Points. LOSSES. Amalganu Sugar . .. St, Paul Brie ... tod .....IHIMIaatmri Pae........ .......1.1. Reading H .......... Suutbera Pea f HI Colon Pacifio U , HBT OAINS. -' ( .......... Hl'anmylvant ......1 Atchteoa Brooklyn .XWIU. nteel LouiavUle HI i do pfd... .-..-tHI Tba Vtnr Tork atoek market waa rery etrong earlr. Trading tba flrat day of tbo aeeond week atarted atrong, aod adrancee were gen eral. Liquidation later la the day coat Bead ing 1U polnta and Union Pactfle IH potnte. Amalgamated Copper loet IH and St. Paul H polnu. Brooklyn V waa atrong all day with a gala of 2SA polnta to Ita credit. Pennayl ranla gained I point and U. B. Steel preferred IH polnta. Official enetotloag Oooke company I by . Orerbeck. Stary i 9 . SBSCBirtlOK. . AmaL Copper Oe........ Am. Sugar, eont.. ...... A tch Ison, e3m..,M.., Baltimore Ohio. com. Brooklyn Bapld Traaalt. Canadian Pacific, com.. Chi, Mil. St. Paul.. Brie, com.. 2TH" 118I110H a 1 WUIIMU'IM loeqiionit 106H 121 H i t i ta uz 8H 14 1B2H 181 H 4BV LoutoTllle A NaabrlUe. . 144 2H 140 144 H laaoun rasilic ..... Penaaylraaia ktallway Reading, com.. . ., .... Rock laland. eom Sonthara Pacific, earn. Union Pacific, com... U. 8. Steel Oo, ooaa.. do preferred iio" 137H 1IMV, sen OU S4H 181 H a BOH 4H loeHioTH! ' O. A. Blgelow, adrertlalng manager fof VT. H. Markall eV Co 111-111 Oraad avenue, says that their general clearance sale, juat beginning, will af ford soma of tha greateat bargains aver aoured In this store. Being; out of the high rent dlatrlct, this store always-offers very low - prices. Tln croaaed bualneas la demanding larger quartera ao inaiataniiy that tha new building" on East Morrison and . Union atreeta will be ruahed with all poaal ble apeed. Excavating has just been begun, but It la hoped to have It fln lahad by spring. It will ba a two story brick, 100 by 100 feet, and .the store wlll'ocoupy the larger part of Ite "We simply must have larrer our.1 tern.' said Mr. Blgmlow. "The growth of bualneas has been tremendous." Mr. Strowbridge. of the 8trowtjrid, narawara company, i 1Z4-1ZS Qrand avenue, has added several new llnea to his regular atock. comprlalng cutlery, wall papes, building materials, houae hold gooda, atovoa, etc. Tha store la large, light and pleasant, and aivea every evidence of being well up In tha proapertty procession. "We ara do ing a conatanly Increasing bualneaa. aald .Mr. Jtrowbrldga.,'. L . R. M. Lambert, saalatant eaahler of tha Cltlsen'a bank, 110 Grand avenue. ray a - that depoelte have mounted up amailngly the paat year; people are evidently not spending all they make. in apite or tna recoroa or ahopplnr ac tivity at tha atorea. s The Cltlsen'f bank awiai iin aavingn ueparrmant laat year, ana xinaa tnia . a succeaa eapeclally among women, gtrla and lit tle children who take a great Intereet In owning one of the tiny banks and getting it rilled with eolna. then carry. Ing It to the bank to bo opened and added to their aocount. - "Nothing breeda a lova of an vine- Ilka atarting a navinga account," said Mr. Lambert. "When one gets a few do! lara In the bank- he finds a constantly growing delight In Increaalng the hoard, adding to It little by little. Tha habit of saving Induces a healthr spirit ortnnrt- ana reaponaioillty.' MOTHER AND CHILD BURIED TOGETHER The funeral of Mrs. C It Labbe and Infant son waa held yesterday after noon at 1:10 at the reatdence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John F. Brad ley. Mrs. Labbe was the wife of C. Henri Labbe, the French consular agent, rand an attorney of this city. Tha funeral waa conducted by Rev. Ben Kara Stiles-Ely, Jr, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church, aa atated by Dr. J. R, Wilson, principal of tha Portland academy, of which In stitution Mrs. Labbe was a former teacher. ' - . . . The funeral was attened by- resre- aentatlves of all the French ehlpa in the harbor, the riaga-of the veaaela being kept at half mast In respect to the dead. . The pall bearers were: R. A. Loiter. Frank wllmot. Dr. Herbert Nichols, John K. Kollock. FreeV-.Strong and John Bain. , The Interment waa at Rtvervlew cemetery. Officers of Long Crerk Maaons. ' . (Spert.l D1rtr6 te The Journal. I Lone; Creek, Or., Jan. 7. The follow ing officers have been installed for Long Creek lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M-, for the ensuing year: P. P. Kllbourne, wor shipful master; O. M. Roberts, senior warden; W. H. Bhank, Junior warden; Frank Kahler, secreUryj T. F, Hail, treasurer; Frank McQIrr. tyler; Orln Iedgerwood, senior deacon; W. W. Dun lap, Junior deacon; . P. Fanning, senior Steward.- - 1 . LIUIDATIOd ils as, i a t s s i ar ar w - - v n I NEVER QUESS ' Experiment or take chancea of any . sort I attempt to cure only those dlseaaea that I have bean curing for the paat air teen yeare, and I believe I am Juntlried In aaylng that I have' learned all about them. Were I lack ing In knowledge pertaining to my apeoialty I would never have attained . my present aucceaa, nor would I to-, day be recognised aa the leading spe clallat treating men'a dlaeaaea. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that the service I offer you la the aervloe you need, and la service such aa can ba rendered by no other phyalclan. ' My practice la tha largeat because -1 Invariably fulfill my promisee. VARICOCELE Under my treatment tha moat ag gravated caaea of varicocele ara cured in a few days' time. There la no pain, and It la aeldora neceaaary that the patient be detained from his occupation. Normal circulation la at .'once restored throughout all tha or-, gane, and the natural processes of waste' and repair are again eatab llshed. If you ara afflicted with va ricocele, conault me at once. Da laya can-hut bring on - aggravated condltlona and nervoua eompiicattona that will Impair tha vital functions and involve the general health. - Contracted Disorders" In tha treatment of disorders I of-' fer a service such as no other phy sician can render. The remedies I employ have a moat thorough and positive action in clcanalng Ilia mem brane, of all Infection and aubdulng all Inflammation. My manner of ap plication lnaurea abaolute thorough neaa, and removea every poealbllity of relapae or a chronic stage- Mr euree are not only thorough, but are accomplished In the brief eat time poaslbla.' --)-. Too DR Patients Uvtna; out of the oity Sd eoming- to rortland f os treatment win be . Cbk youa trunks 0Urer to S34H Morrlaoa We Cure Men iiwii In any nncompllcsted case. Ws " will five a written guarantee in any case we; undertake. '-- - -i ': - , Come to nslri the strictest confidence. We will treat you honestly and skillfully and will cure you in less time than other doctor, take to-experiment on you. A1J those who are discouraged or who have taken treatment from unskilled spe , dalists we especially invite to call on us and avail themselves of the free examina ' tJon. , We cure to stay cured, and our pa ttentl add to our success by recommend ing others. . We have eurod-thouaanda. If your physical condition is Impaired, if your vitality 1g assailed from overwork . and worry. If your system la tainted with disease In any form what aver, TOO OW8 XT TO TOtmasJel' to seek and obtain reetoratlve power at onoe. - 1 - - --r - ' - We want Zvery ataa in tha Oountry Wno Xs Afflicted to writ as Abont tUs Ailment. WM OVMM TOT AT OatB. - ' - HOURS TO 8:10 DAILY; BUNOAT8, TO 12. ' . ST. LOU I S - . oourn noon MORE VESSELS H ORIEHTALTRADE Frank Waterhouss &. Co. Will - - Dispatch v th Cymeric ! From Portland. ; Still another larga tramp steamer will be dispatched for the Orient from this port during the next few weeks with a full cargo or oreaasturis. inni naier house ti Company this morning an nounced that the British ataamar Oym erlo will ba aent here from Seattle to load wheat, flour and general cargo for ports In China and Siberia. The uyra erle arrived on the sound Christmae day, and has been there since then awaiting ordera. ' Not long ago the above named ship ping firm chartered the British steamers Aymerlc and Suverte to load -here for ports In the Orient. The Suverlo la due to arrive here any oay irom bid run riaro to load, and the- Aymerlo is ex pected to follow shortly. Tha Buverlc Is the largeat of the three carriers, but either of them can get away with at least 1.000 tone of freight. Tha demand for flour and wheat In tha Orient Is unususlly heavy, and aald to ba on tha Increase, and It la predicted that a large number of cargoes will be aent from here before the .end of the season. Japanese steamers, too, ore In the field carrying away the product of the fields, and Indications sre that the wheat shipments to the Orient this year will far exceed all former recorda. SEARCHING FOR TOW Tug Samson Starts Out to Find Bark 1 Big Bon ansa, v 1 ' , Kewa concerning tha fata of the American bark Big Bonansaila awaited with deep Interest. Nothing has been heard of her since aha was let to by tha tug Samaon off the Oregon coast during the atorm of Inat Thursday. The tug put into Marahfleld Satunlay for a few minor repairs, and her officers re ported having bad to let go her tow In order to save tna lug. wnicn waa in constant danger of, being awamped by the tremendous seas. Tha Bit uonanxa was oeing towea from Ban Francisco to the Columbia river, where she la to load lumber for a return cargo. Luckily, she ' waa manned, and with sails bent when tha hawser' waa cut, ao that aha could keep from drifting aahore with anything like favorable -winds. Being poorly weighted down with ballast, however. It is feared that She might have turned turtle. The Samson .left Marahfleld yester- BB. TAYXOa, The loading poelallst. acT ra xs okx.t est axtt TarcoKruoATBD CAra --r a.;jMe)eaW . When CURED Consultation Free Pay TAYLOR CO. for SSTAaiiXSKZS SS TB11I X rOBTLAJTO. "WM CVMM TJXiCZXS, BTICTTJM, RTS1O0BU,, BI.OOD roisosT, LOST TXTAUTTi KIBBTorr ASTB BI1DDEB DISS ASUS, oosTomBatoaA, rmOSTATIO ilB irxxTOtra sisxAana. are Mr!laD DISPE NS ARY ajtd taickxivz. tTmszTs. roiniyo, oeioo. day afternoon in search of her tow. She Will probably experience consider able difficulty In finding the bark, even , if aha ia afloat, because of the uncer tain entrants and tha varying win da HAD ROUGH VOYAGE Harrlmaa Freighter Axte Is In Port . - Fromr San Francisco.' The Harrtman freighter Asteo. cap tain Fraaer, 1 arrived at Atnaworth wharf yeaterday morning and la now loading for her return trip. Tha of ficers report a very rough voyage com ing north, and they say the steamer rolled fearfully because of being; aim oat light, with only T50 tons of freight on board. In apeaklng of tha voyage one of the officers said that the flrat day out from San Fmnolaoo waa atormy, with tha wind from tha northwest. Tha aeeond day was much the same, but on tha third day tha wind . veered around to tha southeast and then the fun commenced. The aeas ran ao high that they towered above tha forecastle of tha high craft, and every now and then white-created' eom bars oraahed over the rail and awept tha decks elean. The bar waa a perfect sea of milk when tha ataamer eroaaed In. Tha Asteo will probably remain tha harbor all of this week. in GOOD SEA BOAT City of .Panama Weathered Big ' Storm In April. Puraer Baker of the Harrtman steam er Asteo was formerly on the Pacifio Mail liner City .of Panama, for the aafaty of whlc ao muoh concern waa felt during the past few days. - Mr. Baker aaya aha la a good sea boat and for that reason ha never believed that aha had foundered, although tha Ufa rafts drifted ashore. "I was on tha Cltv of Panama,- In April of last year," Said Mr. Baker thla morning. "She was north bound for Son Francisco and ran Into one of the worst northwesters ever' experienced along tha coast. Tha waves ran IS or 10 feet high but the steamer rode them like a duck and while aha rolled fear fully she righted -quickly. Because of the tropical climate the engine-room Is open from the deck and about the only way She could -founder would ha for s glgantio aea to aweep into tha bold through tha engine-room." ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance aalls for fenreKa and Coos Bay thla evening. In her cargo Is Included three carload of rails for the new electric line to be built cut of North Bend. The light houae-toniW Iira'hwr, Cr'"tn Oregory, reached Aatort this m.n after having mated h ettt.i . at Tatooeh and te.treUon lalard. 1 trip was very rou,,. LAW NEVER IN DOUBT I am never In dpubt as to what the reaulta from my treatment will be. .Day after day for alxteen years I have been curing case after case of tha several dlaeaaea peculiar to men. - No caae cornea to ma now, tba Ilka of which I have not treated ecorea of tlmea in tha paat, and I can al waya aay definitely whether I will be able to effect a permanent cure. "I never hold out 1 false, hopea or soaks promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may ba ' able to offer you. If I promise yon a cure, a cure will follow. . ' "WEAKNESS" ; . . ... . I euro functional weakness in men. I know of ao other physician cur ing this ailment. Moat doctors treat wrongly. TJejt give stimulants and tonlee. These things can't cure. '."Weaknaas" Is a symptom of proa tatlo disorder, and tha treatment muat ba local. This Is a truth that I myaelt revealed. I have perfected ' the only sy'tem of local treatment that cures "weakneas." A few doc tors over the eountry claim to- euro , by tha asms method, but their treat- , ment la only an Imitation of the genuine .Taylor method. Tha gen uine la here and Is administered by Ha originator. Don't hope to find it laewhere. , . ', -' ; . , , Specific Blood Poison : No dangerous minerals ta drive the vlrue to tba Interior, but hermleaa, blood - oleanslng remedies that re move the last polaonoia taint. . 234! Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or. fturrlaaag with fine room free of eaarfok, atreet. , - CONSULTATION FREE tlNDER ABSOLUTE CCABANTEE NO PAY, UNLESS CURED , We make no misleading statements.' or false promises. Wa have-no free trial . treatments. : Our doctors are graduates of the leading cbllegea of America and duly licensed in the state of Oregon J to cure diseasee 01 men- ' HEALTH is (he SteppTng-stone to happiness and prosperity, and in this day and age of the world strong" snd healthy men succeed, while others fail. 'A'oii can not be a strong man physically and men-' tally with the poison or draining away of your physical and mental strength.. Our treatment eradicates this entirely ' from your system, leaving it in a healthy, -strong condition, so thst yon will hare -full control oC yonx, entire system. The schooner Gardiner City arrived In the harbor today and dropped anchor Ira tha stream. She will ba towed to the O. W. P. wharf this afternoon to load lumber for- San Frandaoo. The 1 Portland - dredge haa eompretedl Ita work In the channel between Van couver and the mouth of tha Willamette, aad will ba laid up tor soma time for re pairs. Tha dredge Columbia Is flnlahlng deepening tha channel at Slaughter's bar In tha lower Columbia. Tha San Francisco Portland Steam ship company's steamer Columbia aalled, for San. Francisco last night. Bid for the repairing of tha derelict British bark - Uelanope have been re ceived aad opened but ao award of tha ivir trm ft mm rim Pm. . A A IX.O0O to 137.600. - Walla tha lowest Ml waa not considered exhorbltant. In all probability tha wrack will ba thrown back on tha handa of tha underwriters and the owners will collect from them. Tha Insurance . people will also settle with the owners of tha steamer North land. MARINE N0TE3 Astoria. Jan. T. Arrived down dnrtne; tha night, ateamer Anrella: arrived down at 4 and aalled at :10 a. steam er Columbia, for San Franclaco. Aatorla, Jan. 8. Sailed at a. m. steamer San Gabriel., for San Francisco; arrived at 10 and left up at 10:80 a, m. steamer Ban Mateo, from Seattle; ar rived at' 11:30 p. m.. steamer Elmore, from Tillamook; left up at t p. m., gas oline schooner Berwick; arrived dowa at 1 p. m. British ship Olenalvon) arrived down . at 1:11 p.' m. German steamer Arabia. San Franolseo, Jan I. Sailed at noon American ship McLaurln, for Portland; sailed at 1:10 p. 8th, steamer George W. Elder, for Portland. . - - -. - Astoria, Jan. ?. Condition of tha bar at I a. m., moderate; wind, aaat. It miles; weather, clear. WILLIAM H. HERMAN - ; DIES IN SOUND CITY William IT. Herman, a well known traveling salesman who made hla head quarters In this city, died In Seat tit yesterday, according to news WM i reached H. K. Colnman laat night, tir. Herman waa formerly connected wit'i the Allen A Lewis ecmapny, but re cently has been acting aa a man., fncturers" agent with hoadquartrra ! the Ooodnough building. The rern.l will ba aent to Geneva, New 'Yo; u. Where hla relatives reside. ClaNop Con n it's Ii t t. (Slrl.l MiMl I" Vie , Aatorla. Or.. J in -' - - . ' ".- t Clinton submitted I l .1 r port to the mutt I . . , . --. . -. slion s P'-t ll;i'. .'; m t'f ' 1 . , .1 i a r : I t