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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1907)
rrrT-o nr,rrT riTT V - TOTtUTIAT.. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. -JANUARY 7. 1007.. i E i , ' UAVUUVil ArtM- J - von KuvpnM. ! for 8vlkmiscellam:ous. I clairvoyants axp palmists.) money to .oax. :1J Hi KB homes frr thousands of people la Lake county; laud subject to bomri4 aud dss ert entry. For particulars writ llxauluu 4 Rofelnett, Silver Lake, Or. A VICKY excellent valley firm ob the rlter 4 btfrhly Improved; 40 Hera of hop, fin herd of cattle and everything Al; over e-) acre. Tula ku paid ores IS par cent foe year on (ha price aked. Will trade fur city property or aril oa easy terms. Sphinx Btark at. 20 ACHES Klamath county: will take' B-rooru cottage and pay difference. Address V luo, eers Journal. ... , , , 8 OR 4 te Jolt me te developing an apple ranch ear Hood Elnr. , Address V 102. Journal. CHOICE Yamhill and Marls rousty (arm. T. X. Dodaoa. 200 Geodaougb bldg. 40 ACRE ea.tern Oregon land; will aell ob crop pay unite; machinery aod boreee all (o with It: U In (rain, Alexander La4 Co.. 63 Sixth, near Pine (C. In Polk Ccanty - A fin farm of 6J arm; 130 (era In ltlvatloa, 28 ante In bona, balance la pe- tur and timber: old 8-rooni nous, weier li lined Into, bouse. Una. barn, bearing orraaro; liia farm la mil foe nurrkoses of. dairying, fro It and farming; close to town and railroad, and la Tar? roup at f IS per acre, particu lar see J. li. Welle Co., room SOS, Cham ber of Commerce bldg. TIMBER. v TIMBER OWNERS. ' It ha become aa established fart that our timber department always lesds others fol low. The careful munuer In wblrb w have msnsgsd timber daala In tb past ta etrong evidence that tbla - year's buslneee will hs tka hMTleat ever experienced la the north nt. Our. pest yesr's record ta certainly sufficient to convince timber owner that It will not pa to deley a day longer In purlng . ineir lunncf ienos Wt us - - or wrlta onr offices; It fnll amirata d. artption of timber and lowrat net ah prlr. - NOflTB WKSTi'RX OCA R ANTES 4k TBtBT COMPANY, , , I,amhr Kxrbanc Bid.." ' Boatbaaat Corner Second and Stark St. ; ' WANTED TIMBKB LANDS. To tha ownera of timber landa W repre nt rery beaay hnyera In tha followln rountleai Crook. Klamath end Lake, partle. -nlarly townabtia It to 18 aoath. rangta 10 and 11. and IB to 20 eaat. and owing- to tbfe,-t tbat our buyer hare the eattmate oa tb great.r portion of th timber ta -the abpr rnuntlea It enable 0 to makr diilrk aalea. therefor aend a your full description, and ttKt eatlmaU; alao your loweat net raak ' price, and we can do taealneao with yon oa abort time: no padding price oee with n. W alwaya bar buyera for well-loeatodwtngla ' clalina, - 0KEO0 BROTHERS. 84 Slttk at., 81 T and HI rautoa Bids. " : . j Portlaad. Oregon. ' ' T-1"" 2,100 ACRES 8 neat eager brae to eouthern Ore. Snei; will cell cheap. C. C. Scbmaed. 228 lark at.. Portland. " - TO OWNERS of timber clalroe and timber We will buy for caab aod timber tributary to Nebilem rlrar: will deal with owner nlri n other need anawer. Writ, airing full particular, to" Box 8. V. P. Station, Portlaad. Oregoa- WANTKD Timbered landa. large and email traeta; mrreapondene aollclted, E. S. Mat. teeoa A Co., 618 Wert th at.. Loa Angela. CaL - - - - WB bare raab boyrra for yellow pin timber landa In Oregoa and Waahlngtna: alas foe yellow Nr. aprure and bemlork timber lanla; ' will buy from one claim np If price and loca T" ttoB are 'right. Win pay caeh for good re llnqnlahmrnte. We bar bad IS yeara' .'pertenr In meat timber bnalnraa. end .bar ' competent erulaera woo will par ea tb land wtthmit delay. EMBODY 4t BRAPI.EY CO, ' 708 Chamber of Commerce, CERTIFIED ertip. a'F 1aa. loweat pnee. . Howell. 638 Chamber or commerce. BRITISH COLCMRIA TIMBER LAN PS W baa for al tars aad email tract - of fine timber, both oa water end rail; price from 8 "Po according to location: tell n Tour wanta and will be pleaeed to - eubmlt Uat. Eugene R. Cbandler. 407 Ha. tlnga at., Vansourer. B. C " A GOOD anfr else end yellow pine quarter aectlnn of timber - for aal; I located In loaephlne 'roantyt crnlaea between 3.000. Kal and e.uofi.tHHj reer: muar raiae monry, price 8l.S00.Box 837 Portland. Or- FOR SALE Stl.0n0.000 feet of yellow and red fir: caa be logged ta Columbia. I mile from " R. K.i tbla la cloae In, end la a deatrahle loerlng - propoaltlne; tr rnaj want it quick. J. 8. Taylor, SIS Slartrtiam bldg. BALE 2.000.000 feat choice apruce timber flm to Colaaihia river: caa be logged at email coat: will be enld cheap If taken eoon. Call or addrma, J. S. Taylor. SIS Mar qua nl bldg. i SAWklLL, 80. or fo BO.ono canoclty. rail aad river tranaportattoa. wita or wiiuoai umner. Sphinx Agency, soon stark at. ' TIMBER LARI M0 acre. 1.700.000 feet fir. . near Portland, and the price ta anrprbibigly amall. Hpblax Agency. 806 Btark at. FOR SALE -LIVESTOCK. GENTLE famllr dot milk; eaay milker. , Jereer-Durbam, rich Pbone Scott 8838. ' YOCNG Jersey row. suitable fur family aa a bargain 626 Pat ton mad. MIXES AND INVESTMENTS. COKIR D-Al.ENE MININO STOCK 1 I am I way a la the market either to boy ee sail eay active mlulna; eteeki leans atade oa any lifted eeeurltlra. T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg. - HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and hngglea for rent by day. week and month; special rata to puaii Sixth , end nawthorne. East 12. GOOD team for sale, weight 2.800. cbestmtt and black. O. K. Taylor. Inquire Pacific pottery Co.: take 8 car. WE bny. sail. rent, exrkanf horse, wagon, aaddlra, baraea. Hnbart At Hall. 26S Itb t. DOUBLE expreee and team, rash eg terms, or will let ob auereo... Soft Water at. ' CARNEY'S ' VETERINARY HOSPITAL, OUaan at. Pbone Main 1484-3687. . 280 ONE home for sale. 840 26H X. SOtk C, 4ce Hona. Lanndry. 5aSICAL INSTRUMENTS. a0 REWARD for proof that say talk log aw rhlne equala tb Edison phonograph; com plete stock: eaay parmenta. Portland Phono, graph Agency. 12S Seventh at Mala 69B6. CHEAP One of the Hired; sever . sees , -care Joaraal. best plenoe Addrea manure. i Y 108. FOR SALE 8300 violin, old and in th beat of condition; a grand violin for some lady: will let It go en trial. Price 1100. Pboo Tabor 308.' BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BQL'ITY In or 8-rmra bens and lot: will take -vacant let, land ar piano. Pbone Eaat 16. 17.000 GENERAL Mors, dotrtf a ale raab bualneea, growing town ta Washington: owner muet go seat, what have you to exchange! Illve description and price first letter. Spina did opening. Addrea 8 84, care Joaraal. mr:: , i , , i , ,' i . ,i. i it aax FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING-MACHINES tonirhf, sold aad ex chnn yed. 83 and np. Waatera Salrag Co., 627 Waablastoa at. . BHOWCASES, counter, fixture, bovrht, enld or exchanged. We tern Salvage Ce, 827 - Washington at. Pacific 70S. - BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or lor aal on esoy payment. TUB BRUNSWK'K-BALKR COLLENDEB CO, 48 Third at, Portlaad. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged aewlng-BMChlaea al u . mrtmm' Rlnm- WherW A WllSOU. nomeatlc. Whit. UotieeboM. . Davra and otbera; ta make room for new a lock Wheeler At Wllenn and Singer. 8. 8. 8lfrl. 835 Mor rison St., Marqnam Bldg. - - FROST MNFG. CO. Enrtnea and hollers: Qnts ev Rngln Worke Corllea end fonr-valve en gine. A. J. Pent, aalea agent. 102 Flrat at. i.UAVR a. large hot air bestlna furnace tor !..le cheap, at St North front su Uenr piaaHloff. . , . BI10WCANES and Bxtnre. new and eond bsud. Carlson AY ' KallalramZMO Coach ot HOLDENS RUEI'MATIC CURE Sore eura lot rbeumatlam. Bold by all druxjrlaw. SCFIOLAK8I1IP fnt'aal In Homa B"lnta rollraa, aalurd at fv. Apply to B, B. OUrar, imlrm. Or.. U. V. II. Not 1. - BMAI.I, aallhoat, raw. flrat-claa. MU. hetwraa B end B. Pbon Scott rOB BALE 0 enrda of flrat-rlaae wood timber, a O. W. P. railroad. A. l. Burn it. Legl Creek, Oregou. rtlRNITT'RB for flra room for aal; will aell , , ebnp If taken at .owe. Call at 619 talon - a., Borth. ... t Bl'mM-'SS carda. Il.TS; M0 letter-haada, $3; Mat printing. 004 Uoodnougb blilg. KIVB eoplea popnlar mnalr. 7 So poatpald. Lery'a Muale Houee. 171 rarth. ... BECONO-nAND bar niturea. pooltabie. af-. table, rkalra. Weatara , Co.. KT WaiblogUin at. CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Bible and prayar-booka. . Ilylaud Bma., 2VK Yamhill at. I'OR BALE Chatham Incnbatora and brooder. M day' free trial. Geo. W. Foott. 821 Eaat Uorrlaoa aL. Portland. BKl.r-CHANOEMAKINO cab reglatar for (tale i keen. 211 Flrat at WS prlbt yoor name an nA callliir carda. proper alia and a.yle. o&c; J.'.O bnalnea car, la. l, ' A. W. ftrhmal C.. 228 rtrat. Portland. Or. ll PH'tUT-KOAHTEB tor-7S. llama are. . 7 WU- PERSOXAL. klOLKK. wrkklea. anperrlnooa balr removed. No etaarae to talk it nrr. Mr. M. O. Ill 11. Boom 3 rileduer Bldg- Phone Pacific IIS. WEHKOOT Oil F lucking ear tha Itatbcri. ab- L aolutely waterproof. HOLPEN'S RHErMATIO CURE ure eura tor rbeumatlam. Sold by all drugglata. GERMAN bonka, magaalaea, nor la. etc: Ger man, Engllah. French. Spenlab. Swedleh and Itallaa riictlonarlee: fnrelre bonka f U klada. Brkmal Co., 229 Flrat at. A. RBI NEB. PRACTICAL 1'CRRIER. " Etpert fitter, fura, renindrled. repaired and ' redved; 80 yer' prlenee Inaurea entire aatiafactlon. Phone Pacific 2487. Lew la bldg. SEXINC PILLS core all form of nervon muerular weaknee. For men or women. - Price 81 box, boxea $5. wKb fnU gnar anree. Addrea or call J. O. Clemenerm, dnig- ' fiat. Second aad Yamhill at.. Portland. Or. DR. ; BIN0 CHOON0. Importer Chrnw t root medicine: ecu Chines tea. certain cure iur aU dlaeaae. lul 2d. bet. Yamblll aad Taylor. PH. 0. V. K KT-CHL'M enrea promptly rnrlra.t flWeaae. ktrtney. nervon. -axin ann aj-mi female troubles. Call or write. Office lifiH Third at, cor. Yamhil. Phone Pacific 2220. BALM OP ritiB) f"T all femle dlaeaae. 626 Eaat- Belmont.- Phone Beat awoav , DOLM' HOHPITALRepalrlnir and dreaalng. Room 8. 83 Waablngton at. TT'RKISH BATHS, S00 Oreronlan bMg.s tadlca daye. gentlemen alghu. Mara iiua. - - - uivir Mvtererf he Ir Jtnherta' Nerre . nbibele. One month 'a treatment. 82: 8 wtmh. lilt afir aecarelr aealed by mall. L ' Agente. Woodard, Clarke 8s Co- Portland. Or, Sl'lTS preeeed while you wait, BOe. Ladlee' eairt preaarn. our. oiinen. i,, omu next to Quell. Pbone Mala 9088. ' BRST-BMgaxlna cluba ever offered: eend for" price: agent wanren. Jones ntna pw ' 201 Alder L. Portland. Or. DISEASES OF W0MKS: unfoetnnat glrla and bablea cared for: r.rlvte aoplt. nr. atwooa, room 8. t0i Alor. at. Tel. Pacific 1763. HOLD ON There 1e en thing that will cur rbeumatlam. r Aax your orugxiai iot ora "tonic or ad'lreaa or call J. O. Clemeneon, drugglat. Portland. Or. - OWL RKUTAURANT. 20 Eaat Morrleon . Ileala inc and up: abort order, treah. oyster. J. U Tatalaff. proprietor. . t HISS ENGLISH, eleetrle v1brtorv fare. rlp and body treatment: Barker1 vibrator, aome- ' tatag new. 146r BixtB. roama REFINED led give manlcurfha;. rhlmnody, - acalp and facial treatment. 201 J4 Third at.. .:. corner. Taylor - CHIROPODY. clp treatmenrs, medicated facial maaaag. 224 Waablngton at. SWEDISH framed nam. Helslnefor graduate, mree rnenmatlam. atemach trouble, nervous dleorder nd aprarna by hand-rubbing, ateam, sweat and tub bath. No. f Faat 11th at. rTaka Taat Anxiny ci RECENTLY opened menlcnrtng perlore: ladtee and gentlemen. 851 Morrison at. roma 12 PROFFSSOR C. 8. DOYE, phrenologlan art. entlflc character reader. Ieenne given la - claaa or prlvata. Formerly, of San Frinrlecs. Office 812 Alaska bldg. MARRIAGE PAPER, hlrheet character, 11th rear: Incorporated; X.OpO member; 12 paces, sealed; aend 10c. L. L. Lore, Box 1900. Deavar, Colo. 1 MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, reliable peychlcj reed ing dallr: pirltul meeting Tareday. Wed nesday. Tbnreday. Friday. 8 j. m.J testa to all. 2SC. 302 Allaky bldg. CHILD'S nurse, motherly care at your bom or mine. 122 Bortbwlck at. ' 6714. l-uune foii MANICURING per torn for ladle and (ent1- Sfisn Morrwoa at., room i. A YOUNG man wanta ta meet a refined ynun woman, IS to 2n. Juet for pastime: a decided brnaalt preferred. - 8 W. ewe -Journal. YOUNG erientlfle mraeaae give electrical, al coholic and medicated treetmenre; ehtropodlet and manicuring, 41 Raleigh bid. PACE and arslp trrirment fives) at 843H Mor rlaoa St., an I tea 1-2. ' ALTOMOBILES. F. T. MERRILL Pore Toledo care, arvea ne- a-orera. I., per bont. Office Seveutn and uak. Main 828. Stand 8. E. corner Blvth and Weahtnetoa. M. B -Te Merrill' Cmtla Edel Brae 8. ' j. t ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO., and Montana Aaaey Office. IW Horrtson at. ART. , FREE LESSONS IN Embroidery F.verv Dy. THE NEEDLFCB AFT SHOP, . 882 Waablngtos t. PROFK80R B. MAX MEYER. 84S Alder St. Portrait and landacip art let and teacher. ATTORNEYS. C. H PIOGOTT AND 1. A. FINCH Attomeva-at-Law. Practice la all eonrfa. 4 Mulker bide corner Second and Morrison. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWS, DAVIS A KILHAM, lOS-Ul .Second St. Blsnk books manufactured 1 sgenta for Jon-a Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; ae the new Eureka leaf, the beat en th market. BUTCHERS' SUTTLIES. Bl'TCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkeawald Co., 804 106 Everett t: larxeat butcher mipply boa tb eet. writ for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolnb A. Dekum. 131-138 Flrat at, carrlea fall line and com plot Meortment at loweat market price. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS at 20T Third, between Taylor and Sal mon ata. W have added ea a Rusalan betht swimming pool, ateam and hot lr. Houra: . Ladlee, 8 a. m. te 1 p. fenta, 6 a. m. to 13 p. m. -. - CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., targes! plsat oa tb roaet. Ixirlng and Harding sts., tsls pheae Eaat 2M). ( arpeta cleaned, refitted. wa ano la hi : aota ateam ana lateet com pressed sir process: renovating mattresses sad feathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and cor, pressed air combined; csrpet cleaned en floor without removal. Msla wa. alala t200 , Arfwara Ctmult tha Beat, I'KOK. B. Kill MO, Cratat llln aatral daad-tranr alalr vojrant of tb aca; advlr oa bul and all aff.lra of Ufa:-tolla ymr full eama nd what yon nillrd fur. whoa you will marry, kow to control th on you k. n tbooab mile way; rvuoltr tb acparatrd; Uh8 atHTft aowira to i-oatrol;,no ioo( dflaya In waltluf. Houra 10 to 8. dally and Buoday. l'armanitl located In bla own bom. " 204 'lf tk at., corner Madlaon ac - , PROP. WAIXACB.. palmlat. clalrroyaat aad medium: reading due. Parlor 4, Tb Cow tuna, JtlR' Morrlaoa t. COAL AND WOOD. THE Portlaad Wood ft Coal Co. are bow doing himlneaa In tbelr new yard, at tb corner of 101b and Sarler atreeta. "lr. aaa, alabwood and couL OKII;t)N VVT.l, CO. la now eelllng Weum en tbraclt. beat coal oo tb market. 834 Abler at. Main 65. ALBINA FL'EL CO Dealera la eordwood, coal and greea and dry alabwood. B. It. nl Alblua ate., SI blocka eaat of ferry. Eaat 874. STEEL BRIIK1B PCEL CO. Dealera ta eoal. eordwoud and dry alabwood. Phone Eaat 424. PORTLAND Rawduat 4k Klabwood Co., BBS Pront, aurceaaora to rulton nooa vo. mam ivoo. WKHTERPI iFKED PUEt CO. Houae and blarkamltb eoala. Pbone Main 1018. . CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned aad preaeed 1 per month I'nlyu Tallnrlnc Co., 800 Btark at. II. W. -TURNER, profeaaloaal dyer and cleaner, 605 Jefferooa at. Pboo Alain 2818. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Pylng Work. 211 tourtb at. rben pacina aui. CAFES. Tn OFFICE 2S Waablngton at, pboo Mxta Tf; Samuel igneux. CIHROPODLSTS. CHfROPOnT and Pedlenrlna. Mra. M. D. Bin. Room 830 rieMner niflg. rnone t-acino m CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON., tba carpenter, 204 Fourth at. more and office work. Main itbt. DRESSMAKING' TRY Angele treemakln( Parlor, 241 Fifth and Main, racirie vxx. jaxcing.: DANCING leeaoa, 25 claaaea at pefaatot walta In, two-ate p. tUree-aup. etc.; atane danelnc. buck and wing. clog. reel, aklrt, Spanleh. Highland nine, etc. Prof. Wal WHeon, old eat recognised teacher, Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL OUaa Mon iiae. Tlaredar and Saturday ave.1 aoclaL fancy and etep dancing taught: fencing . taniiht: or! rata leaaooa dally. W eater Acad. amy ball. Second and Morriaon. Pacific 1630, PROP.. RINOLER, Mia Bockeomeyer Leading -.ernool: ballroom elluuette: correct aancing , elaaa Toea.-Kat. eve.; children Bat. p. m. private leaaone daily. 808 Alder. Mala 1131 ELECTRICAL. SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, roatree. tnre. repairer, electric wiring, enppllea. M Pint. cor. Stark. .Mala 643. B: H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 Sixth at. Contractor, electric enppllea, motore end dy namo; wa install licet ana newer ptaate. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 201 Eaat Morriroa . t. Fixture, wiring, repairing. Eaat 812S. BARRETT'S, 408 Morriaon at. Phone Main 122, Everything In electric wiring and lighting. FURNACES. BOYKT0N Warm-air fnrnaeee aave fuel S. 0 Bayer Furnace Co 268 Second. , Mala 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 268 Flintier at., cor. Third. Pbone Main 2000. I ISO LINE EN GIN EST GASOLINE englnea. all aire and etylee. at lowest price. Relraoa Machinery 0a, 182-4-8 Morrison t. HOTELS. TUB BELI.EVUE. Fourth and Salmon t Room 80c op: rate by week or month; out-of-town trad aoiicitea. raciric xiuo. HOTEL Portlaad. Amerlraa plaa, 83. 88 per day, BELVEDERE: Europeea plaai 4th and Aider ate. HARDWARE. ,., . v, m. . . v r-n elicit. Ity to quot price. i niltn n. raciiiv wa. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. W B ITB. . nre tnamraaee. 844 Rber- mca mof. -- : : JAS. Mel. WOOD, ampler liability ssd tn. dividual accident security tvonoa i au ainua. Pbone 47. WiJ atcey Biog. ' LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sale. AH fncladlnf approved foreal reeerv crlp for aerveyed. ea- stirveyed. limner ano prairie roriniimti ian. H. M. Hamilton. "Tb Portland." Portland. MUSICAL. THK wkhrer STLMO Maadolln. banjo, gal- tar Inatractwai Glneea maadolln. 4eH . Wsblngtoo PIANO, violin, plan, trombone, elarleet P lessor E A. Smith. 2S4 13th. Mala 4708. MACHINERY. B. TR F.N KM AN A CO Mining, sawmill. ie gin machinery! bvdraalle pipe, eaat lug; all aina repsn-sw. iu nwia roi.- A. J. PAUL. 102 Flrat at Engine, hollers. sawmill and crosa-arm machinery. TBS H. C. ALRKB CO. - Secoad-aeed cblnery. aewmllle. ete. 848 Orsad are. MONUMENTS. if EfJ A KINGSLEY. tna First St.. Purtlaad' leading marble aad granite worke. OPTICIANS. DR. B. J. MILLS Optomrtriat and Eyesight Bpaclellet. BneuM 86-CT. 828 Waahlngtoa Stree. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. nm. LILLKRELLR PATTERSON, gradusts tha Northers Inatltuts el Osteopathy, elai f 'SO: apedallat on nervoua, sent end ehroolr cnnaultatloa . aed examine1 Una fre- Of 8c 817 -Fan toe bklg. Pboae Par18c llSOev DBS. AD1X A KORTHBIIP, 415-16-1T Pekum blilg.. Thh-d nnd Wsahlnrtoa eta. Psoms Msln S4. F.ismlnstlos free. - -- : - PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DO A NR. 16 Yamhill et., opposite Jour rial office, well paper, painting and decorat ing. Pbone ae for eetimataa. Pacific 22ns. FOR rellabls work, ressonsble prices, Shrehy Bros . 2S21, Yamhni, near 4th. Main )73. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plumbers. TM Second, he. Main and Salmon. Oregoa phone Main Suol. DON NFRS ERG, A RADCHAH.HIR, rsmoved te ho. SOS Burasld at v. " "; XIONKT TO LOAN Oo Improved .city properly or for boUdhia perpoM,, for from i to 10 year, time, with privilege te repey en or pari or f twe yeara. Losue approved from plane end money advanced na .building progresses; Bturt fayea taken up and rcplaied. t utu 11. bTKU.mj. rinancui 242 Btark at. CONPIDRNTIAL LOANS on aalartee. tnauranca pollclea. planoa. furniture, warenouae receipia. etc.: eny deaerelng perenn may acnr a lib eral ailrance, repaying by eaay weakly or monthly Inatallmenta. - - . KW EttA LOAN at Ttiurrr wannn 106 AUngtoa bldg. ONKY LOANED TO SALARIED PBOPLB J Mat am nur owe eauie tMk other eecnrilrl dos't borrow until von see me: my avetem Is the neat for railroad mea, rierxe. wmnrwt UrMtra. M. anA all other emoloyea: BUmI- aeaa itrtctly confidential. A. wto, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE) and others nm thelp ova Bamea wltbont eeur Ity; cbeaneat rate, eaaleat paymenta: offlcea in eo principal eitiea; ear yoaraeu a"i by getting otir terme flrat. . TOLMAN. 223 blngtoa bldg., 106V Third at. MONBY loaned tr eaUrled poopl J net ea yoar own nam; don t borrow until you ae m, hiy ayatem la the beat f, railroad mar., clerk, bookkeeper, atreelrar men aad all other eniployae; bnalneaa atrl. tly confidential. T. A. riewton. rn Abtngtoo wi. WANTED Not, mortgage or contract OB any kind or real aetata In oreeon ana tugtoni eerond mortge porehaeed If well eecured. U. . Noble, 811 Commercial dik MONEY to loaa In nm to autt. S and S yeara. aa low aa B par cent, oa linproTed city prop erty. UoultOB ' Scobey, COl Columbia bltlg itos waawugtoa at. DON'T borrow money oq aelery until you r - Huttca Credit Co 812 Dekum bldg. W. S. WARD, lawyer. Allaky bldg. Probate and mortgage bualneee sniicitee; mooeraie fees; loan moay ea mortgage from 8200 np: eaay term. , MONEY loaned ea furnttnrer'pleiJoa'Md-trtner securities. W. A. uatnsway, mom i, w lugtoa bldf. Phone Pacific loaa. , - MONEY to loaa; targe luene speetaltyl slse bnlldlnf mans) mweal rates ; rire innirin William V. twea. ia feuug oiua. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk Wdgc Money to lend ob eeey-payroeui piaa o we- eernere; atrictiy eonnoeniiai. $500 TO 85 000 te loan by private party oa real aerate security ai u sou p w 61T Commercial bldg. MONEY to loan -on all kinds -of - eeeurlty. William uou, room nasomgion uiua- TO LOAN Soma to suit on ehsttel aecnrlty, B, A, Frame. ai we aiarquam. TO--LOAM 8WI00 or Jass-aa city pconertJV & A. Jobnao. 818 commercial ms. A LOAN for the gektng ealary or ehatteU Tbe Loan Co.. 410 Mxum mag. ' S2.G00 TO LOAN os improved real estste. Ad- drees n. 1"1. csre eoiirnai. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. E. BEACH A CO Th I'loiieie rjtnt w-i winoow giaaa . auo giaaioa. - - -- - Pbone 1834. ' PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERT Artistic prlntlnf. 26 Russel MOf,- ourin snu awmw. . -vm Pacific 1628. J rvrnrTHINil IN PRINTING From clrcolere te catalognes and newapapera. Metropolitan muting lo.. aai mini OOILBER BROS., printer, rarda. Mimosas, ete. f none sua iw,. i.q- r..-. ... REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne Best estste. Investment, rnortragea, loana. 210 AUeky bldg, Pbone Mela 2208. PARRI8H. W ATKINS 4V CO.. Bsel estate, tnsursnre, rental and agents. 250 Alder eb loaa J. W. OGILBEB. real estate and loanai eatab- uenea iso. iwn . - A. B. RICHARDSON, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE MANS. Pbon Msln S-8. 822 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN HIHJFING. giillwlua, leinhlui Slid gliwa lobbing. J. Loslt. 212 Jefferson st.. Pse. 1424. RUBBER STAMPS. P C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder et.. phone . Msla 710: rubber atampa. sesle. stenclla: bag. gage, trade check : brass signs snd pistes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. 8HOWCASE8 of every description! bank, hjr nd store axturea maae to oruvr. au Mannfacturlng Co., Portland. R. H. B1RDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter Ijimher I o. . 1 rjamilion Diug. SIGN PATNTiSRS. FOSTER-A KLEISKR SIGNS. We have built up the largest alga business la th city by flrat-claa work snd keeping our promises. Onr pries are right. Fifth and Everett eta. Phone Eiehenge 65. W. P. BERGER A SON. J4 Yemmii at., nigns of all kinds, i-nons rsciuc SIGNS THAT. ATTRACT" A. H. Boal Ca, 2x7 Btark st Pbone Ps rifle 1500, SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Psclflc 2788 and I personally will esll and repair your sewing-machine: work guar anteed. 8. Seme, sdlnster. 861 Third St. SAFES. pp.?.1.hA,"'i?""-s"J.::: tY s;7. Co.'s be nk ssfes. Tbe largest assortment. 01 bigh-fred Art snd burglsr-proot (e la tbe northwest. wnmi DIEROLD Manganese and Sre-proof aafes: lock eete opened; met el fixtures: vault and Jail work; lacks. I. E. Derm. 86 Sd. Mala 155. EIGHT eecnod-naao ure-proor aaie. second-hand bank ssfes for sale cheep, at 70 Sixth at., Portland. Oregon STREET PAVING. WARREN Cona traction Co.. afreet paving, elde walks and crossings. 814 Lumber Exchange, THE Berber Asphalt Paring Co. ef Portia nd. Ofc 636 Worreetec blk. ' ' ' ' TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak ate.: baggage checked from hotel er restilsace direct to destlnsttoa ance at depota. Private Exchange 68. SAFES, piano snd furniture moved, pecked reedy for shipping snd snippea; an wors guaranteed: urge s-etory erica ore-i. ware boos for atorege. Office o Oak st Olssa A Roe. Pnone Main 847. C. 0. PICK, office 88 First St., between Sterh nd Osk sts., pbon 806; planoa and furniture moved end packed for shipping; eommodlou brick wsrehone wit asperate true roeem. rroai anu t-iar ew. . r-n ..a iji ni .a pbon Mala 6220. rornitur euu pisno-esuvins a epectaity; .we faerantee cue work. - NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 270 Oak St. Telephone Msla 400. Trensfer rlng snd storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth, pbone Main 6. Heavy banllng and storags. INDEPENDENT BAflOAOR A TRANSFER CO. Storags. 824 Stark st Msln 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Wash ' Ingtee St. Phone Msln 82. TOWEL- SUPPLY. CLEAN TdWftJ DAILY Comb, broth, sosp, 11 par month. Portland Laundry A Towel - jsaals tav. ailalk sJ4 Couch. Pbone 410. FUST JTATI0SAL BANK 0Y F0ETLABD, 0EEO0. ' ' Dealfnated Dapoaltory nd Financial Agent W tb Unites States. K,n. Dwe.M-a A T . . A I f .1 Sk 1 r'malik IsSa i. . ...e.esea )" " . . Aaalataut Ca'lel'.V.V.'w'. C, ALVOUD SecoUd AsalsUnt Caahler B. F. 6TEV .. . ' ' . . Lettar. of Credit Ar.ll.bta la Europe and th. Eaat-ra ' . Ij(ml. nigni Kicnange and Telegraphic Trsnarers sum o c.w :,-V,rh"" , St. Paul. Omaha. Saa Kranclaco and the prlnaipal l:,uU J0rt!"rJ';,B,,kftbe-Mala. Sight and tlm. bill draw In sum to suit n London. Pari. JISnr Moicow Burl. h. iiongaong. losonama, tJopeuhagen. tnriauania, ADD A TTXTOaT, BAN KEtS (Xstokllabsd Transsets a Oeaerel bdi terma. Letura o Statca. Bight Exchange sad St. Loula. Denver. Omaha. sold on London. Parte. Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong. M"j?H. B. W, EKCHAHTS' VATZ0EAL BAHJt. P0RTLASD, OREGON. FRANK WATSON ..President I R. H0XT Caahler I Transect a General Banking Business. Draft " ... .. r. m. t.i c aii rarta or in t. w ma. KITED STATES XATI0XAX BANK Of ...WMma, mmm - . . Northwest Corner Third snd Oak S'reela. . . .n nH . er.1 Banking Bualne-. "VSl iS-nvorUhl. TeTma' Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection msue urnMEKK .J. CTAINBWOKTH I Caahler........ L U0LT iranaacm s neneeHi the rnlted States and Euro PraatflMtit I llvttU'UTH I I " " ' B '. t .' . u v; l U I Aaalatant Caahler BASKXR8- LUMBKMZX-rBAlfXPortland. Oregon. Corner Second '"'" Commercial end earing department. Interest paid ew aavlnfa account. Dratta aad letter of credit laaned-meallehle to all Dart of the world. ' -i rnirn rnvmrtitt n -. vi i iH.a I H JOHN A. KEATING Second Vice-President I THE BANE OF CAUJORITIA EataUiahed 1864. SAVINGS DEPA RTMKNT-r-Accounts msy be opened of 810 sad upward.. t Portland' Rrn.-h Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACRAE Manager I J. rTRUST COMPANIES. POBTLABTD TRUST COMPANY OF OBE0 The Oldest Trust Oempaay RESOURCES OVER 81.800.008. General Banking. Two per cent " ' r .V'Ji i i. , v &. n- 1 a.oo . o.e f ettera of credit and exchange oa au tawf taw world,-Seeing aooouata; Time certlftcate. ,8 to 4 per cent: "J,, eerUflcatea. $An0 or over. 2H te 4 per cent. Sontheaat' Comer Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. B. LEE COHEN... ...President I H. PAGET. Secretary t. Trenaaera a a.r.l St.olrln. ... - -" - IJIlvLnx Account a. Acts aajrusiew 'V "l"' ArauaDie OB au 0. P. ADAMS".." President I A. L, MILLS Second Vice-President t GEO. B. RUSSELL. N' 0BTHWXSTERB OTJAEAlfTIE A TB08T . Lumbar Exchange, S. E. Corner Kaoonn-ano msrx mrseis . , rtnr-Af. intlT FOR CORPORATIONS. ... Stat. CoBBty. Municipal Corporation Bonds end Financed, fltock TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COBTPABT 4M0 WASHIBOTOBT BTREIT. MORTGAGE LOANS on Portland Real Eatate at Loweat Bates. . f W1tlM Tnaneet AhstTSCtS Fnmlahed. J. THORBURN ROSS. 0EOR0B H. HILL President -.-ct-Vlce-PrealdentJ BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M OXRIS BX0THEE8 Cnaaker nf Cenunerue ' '- ' MnnlclpL Railroad and Public DOWTmrO-HOFKISS COMPAITY EaUbllahad H98 BROKIRS. 2-2- 8TOCsUB0SIa GRAIN-JkitkMot Zh& Ja& 9TIf--Z Private Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBER HE J. 0. LIE COMPANY Com r os wealth Broketage Department ' Bee r Before Buying or Selling Stocks 0VIS J. WILDE H0XX TELEPHONE BONDS BANE STOCKS. - Member Portland Stock Exchange. '" Corner Sixth nd WhlPftoa Streets. Portland, Oregon. Overbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. 6RATN. PR0YIBTOW8. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. . w it 1AI a a is. lux .i -Oonrtnoous M.rkeU by Prtvar Wire. Quick , Service RF.FERENCES-Xadd Tlltoa. Baak era, and United States National Bank of Portlsjid. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for ew and rebuilt type writers of ell mekes; eee our window; tf yoa are going to bny a. new typewriter eee ae be fore burlng: we can esvs you money; ws bsve parte for repairing all machines; ststs ' sgents for tbs Visible Fox: we buy all kinds of typewriters. The Typewriter- Eiehsnge. Inc.. E. J. Ellison, msnsger. 84 Third at. - WB aell Remlngtone. Smith-Premiers, Dene mores, ate., lower than sny other company: loveatlgate. L'nderwood Typewriter Co.. 68 6th. TYPEWRITER Repair A Sonnlr Co.. 4S0 Waah- IngUm t. rnon main sons. BLICKENSDERFER typewriters, $40 end 80; alippllee. repairing, ttoss at nnw. "i v mmrm. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OCNST A CO., DISTRIBTTTORS OF riNR CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. SHERK. OA8B- GRAHAM (lae -Commie saercbsnts. lobbers of fruits, produce, etc.: consignments solicited. 128 Front at. EVERDINO A PARREI.L, prodac and com mission me rename. 140 rront el., rortiaaa. Or. Phoue Mela ITS. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of furniture for the trad. Portland. Oregoa. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, manu factnrers and commission msrehsnts. Fourth snd Oak ata. FCBNITURB manufsrturlng end special order. L. Ravenaky e rurniture factory, avi rroni at. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and produce mer- cbante. Front na uvi t., rortuna. ur. WHOLESALE crockery and glaeswere. Prsel. . Hegel A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, ear. Btark at. AT THE THEATRES Seat Sale Tomorrow fop "Snlu." Tom-wrow (Tuesdsy) morning at 10 o'clock tb. advance eeat Bale will open for George Ads' mnalesl en ready an cress, "Th Bultsa l Sulu." which will be the st tract Ion at the aliova theatre for three nights, beginning Bext Thursday. January 10, with a special price matinee Saturday. Ware Mr. Ade first Introduced tbe cbsrse. ter ot th Sultan, th audlaaeee tangbed et It and reearded It aa merely aa amusing Una Inatloo of tbe author. Bat that bla msjeaty Is very much In evidence nd baa a delight ful aeaae of humor wae provee recently wnB o,. oresldenf. d.ughter. Tinted tbe . Island - or auiu una " " wum eva r-.- tate with aa offer of marriage. ' Baker Scores Another Hit, Tbe Bsker Stock compear won fresh Isnrels for Itself yesterday afteruooe and evening ... t hronvht e-it the wset Gsrmsn ro mtn "Old Heidelberg," for the entertain- ment of tbs psnpls of Portland,. All th world love a lover, but whea one la a king and the other a lever, but whea one la a king and the snprems. Pretty scenes and pretty altuatlona snd beautiful costumes true to detail will please tbs people all thla week. "Little Minister" at Star. -The Little Minister" ta tbe attraction at th star tbla week, and It la being produced In a a elaborate manner by the Allen stork company. There Is a special scenic proanctloa, nil rhe nlsv will be glvea with all th at tention to detail which mad "The Little Minister" one ef tbe grtet play In th ki.h.ndeed theatre. This la tbe most exnen Ive bill ever given id si i prleee. bnt notwithstanding' tbe additional ex- rwnse there will be no Increase la prices. Miss Ysra Pelton will be Been aa Lady Babble, Tb role la which aiauae Adams aecsme re Vaudeville at Grand. AM -a tar vaudevtll can be found this week oa the program at the Grand. The big act 1 iffel Three, acrobats . net la a msao woo loir. due tbe bounding set la a meaner to meke the aoaclaltr oo of the most comical grm- I ...tin atnnts In tbs boslneaa. - Another art wuira win - ) Sight".- Thti Is. 8 smiling playlet la which Rooeft ogers ana noaiw b,,iih.-b i',- Cbsrle McDonald la a monnlogtet wno M idely kaowa ae the inan Bean Drummai. hernia et hi neat wardrobe. Originality la song and daues acta ta seldom met. bnt Csrrolton and Hodges bsve en act oa this order which bristles with sew Mess. Jul Ilarron. tb German comedian, tbs llrastruted song snd lb moving pictures somplete the program.. - ' - Father Montgornery Better.' (Journal Special Service.! Ran Francisco, Jan T. Tho moat Her. George Montgomery, archbishop coadju tor of San Francisco, operated on here yesterday, ta out of danger, buk"'"1 - . , la 1) Yokohama ,, T Ice-Preal dent I DURHAM. GEOROh, w. H0YT Assuunt wanier . . . A and Letter of Credit issueu m flneclaltr. ! - - -. - 0BTI.A1ID. 0REG0JT. iMi.tint. f-.aahler. . . A. i. " n' . D STOREY Aeeletanf t eenier PLATT A PLATT . General Counsel Head Orto. Ban T. BUItTCHAFLL. Call for Book of r DOOK O. ...... . . . - . Pbone Prints Exchsnge ix. I .P1TTOCK .Vice-President . . Aaalatant Becretiry o. wuaa flrrsst. Portland. Oregoa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed e . . . r ... mwkA letters or crsau rarr. vi iu . . . i L. A. LEWIS Fttat Vle-Pres1dn B. G. JI BIT8....... Aaalatant Secretary ..Secretary CO Mr ABx Portlaad, ,oeeB. Bought and Sold. Nsw Entarprlaea Orgaui Ld Bonda Guaranteed. , JNO. E. AITCHIHON. T. T. BURIOirr rr".Treaaurer Bufldtof.- Service ConwaHonHgond!" of COMMERCE. - Pbon Main ST. Bldg., Sixth aad Ankasy ats., Portland, Oregoa. H. W. Donahue. Manager. or Bonds. Can Always Bay. Yott Money. loa ffiss: &&&."iU. i FOREST GROVE WETS NAME A CITY-TICKET - Specl.l Dispatch to The JoarnaLl Forest Grove. Or, Jan. 7. The antl- - . .... aiot... iUlimil pwupist uaiv I'M WM for tho .' coming ' city election, Jan- mrv 14. ii followa: For mayor. M. t. .v-n inniimhest, tnr .1 . n it.o a.m. n.M. Kiunwumra, vr. uuiuuau, .- .n eat favor Banking Brta. . Collection, man. yj,, f credit lesaed svsu-nie u w ' S- Z J- , Thiiigtan, Chicago, .TK'rd'-M'.li..nh So uiVExcheuO sianiia ami , win and George O. Patterson ; for re- the Kaat via Huntington, dly. 6:80 am T-JSpaS eorder. Walter Hoguej for treasurer, l't?"". riper for . Eaatera , . , , , . , o . waahlngtan. Walls Walla. . v-v.., - . . . A committee composed - of Levi Walker, J. 8. Thompson, W. R. Harris, L. C. Walker and L U Holllnger was ap pointed to fill all vacancies, name the ticket and conduct tba campaign. The "Wets" have until tomorrow night to get In their ticket. After that a very determined struggle will be on and con- tiniie until the last ballot la fast next Monday.. TONIGHT SOCIETY NIGHT Oa This atodety Bright AdmissioB Will Mot Be 86o As Vsnal, Sn Will Be Tr. ' "' Tonight will be society night at the" Oaks rink, and it will be welcomed by the hundreds that have been anticipat ing It for tba paat three weeks. On ac count of Christmas coming at tha first of tha week society nights have been postponed. ' Thla la a grand night to skate and many ladles take advantage of thla night The usual price of admis sion on society night is J5o to all. but tonight as a special surprise the admis sion will be free to alL Programs will be provided and all mualo numbers will be skated ladies and gents tn couples. Tba big rink will fairly ring with mer riment tonight, tha ejectrio beaters will be turned on early that' the rink map be nice, and comfortable all evening. If you do not skate come to the rink and learn now. Special sessions are skated every mofhTng fur beginners and In- j Ftaciacu; connection - at t - atructlon is free at all times. The new r.ncisco for all points .- aluminum akate. make it possible to ! UJOs- MJS, fairly fly over our smooth floor without for all local points South, sny effort at all. If you are a stranger i Sscrsmsnto, Ssa Francisco our courteous Instructor, will Ij .-- - come you and make you acquainted and i Wood burn daily sicsot at home. If you would enjoy a pleas- Sunday with Mount Angel ' e-ea ant avening go to the Oak, rink tonight. JUjm luti tasaaeru, vojbwh wi ovvin. Oaks rink cars. First and Alder streets, every IS minutes. " Woodward Out of Office. , (Journal Special Service. ) Atlanta. Ga., Jan. ?.Mayor James O. Woodward, the most talked about chief executive Atlanta has ever had, retired today, after 16 years of service for the city, two years as councilman, nine yeara as alderman and four years as mayor. Woodward's career as an officeholder was an exceedingly stormy one. and sev eral Incidents were brought in his occu pancy of the mayor's chair that at tracted widespread attention and oc casioned much comment. W. R, Joyner, former head of the flra department, suc ceeds Woodward, ,. i Saratoga to Lose Encampment. Journal Special Service. I Zanesvllle, Ohio, Jan. 7. Pursuant to the call of Commander-in-Chief R. B. Brown, the national executive commit tee of the Grand Army of tha Republic met to discuss the location tor tba na tional encampment thla year. Saratoga was selected at tbe Minneapolis conven tion last fall, but the famoua summer resort has failed to comply with certain conditions, It Is more than likely that a change of location will be decided upon. Indianapolis appear a to have the best chance of getting the encampment In tbe event of its being; taken sway from Sar atoga. ; -Will Elect Taylor. (Journal Sperlnl ServRw ) Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 7. The general asaembly of Tennessee met and organ ised today. . Measures dealing with elec tions, taxes, good roads and other mat. ters Of general . Interest will be Intro duced. The election of a I'nttei) Plates senator to succeed F.dward W. Carmack will be purely a perfunctory proceeding, as the reault jt the atate primary as sures the selection of ex-Governor Tay lor. . V v ' eitoii!Ei!o:ocffici.,.i5f;i i;i porno. Are Here to Try to Reach Wa. Agreement With 0. R. & N. Company. A commltteo represenUnf the Broth- rhood of Hallway Trainmen snd Order ot Railway Conductors la In tha city to day for tha purpose of conferring- wltn ofliolala of tba O. B, A N.. with rtfer rnca to tha acala of wagea that was arreed on at the Kansas City conventtou November 16. Tba committee la composed of C if. Gross, general chairman of the O. TU 4 N. grievance committee; E. t". Thorop- aon, Tekoa; T. B. KUleu. Portland; J. J. Butler, Tekoa, fcneral chairman of tha Order of Railway Conductor: IC Grady of La, Grande, and V. M. i iamy of Portland. The commute will meet with tha O. R. N. official, at I o'clock thla afternoon. It is expected that the meeting will continue for two hours or more, for, the situation will be thor oughly dlacusaed from tbe standpoint of both the officials and the employes. Membera of the- committee declared today that they were not In A poeltion to atate what Would be done at tba conference. The arale of wages agreed upon at the Kansas City convention would b submitted, they aaid, Dur tney refused to prophesy concerning tha out come of the conference. : " . . - - Sabtrrajtury Prize. ' (Journal Special Service.) 'TcTangton; P. C; Jan T. Many southern cities are now awaiting tha de cision of the conference In. regard to the . choice of a location for the eubtreaaury which Uncle Sam Intenda to eatabltah I that aectlon ot the country. Kor weeks past tha chief cities of the south have been engaging In a spirited contest t capture tbe plum.- The aecretaxy of the treaadry hag-1reviT-4xapiir,t,5nerl in Denaic of first one and then an6thofnt Iha cUUmants. It was finally left to. tha senatora and repreaentatlrea of tha southern states to agree upon location. The congressmen discussed th mattee and decided to bold a conference todays Atlanta and Birmingham are understood to-stand-thw-best-ahow mt landing the) prise. " ' ' ' waasw i a fRANSPORTATIOH. - OREGON SJiojjnliircB UNIOrf PACmO 3 TraiflS tO the E$t DailjT 3 . . . Z mi so rh Fnllmsa stsudsrd sua uaran ear Till Sort, Pnllmaa ataMlaeJ sod Cjarhrl StSSSe tag-care dally to Dmaha. Chicago, Speksnai wim'ei aieeplng-car 4suy to asanas leij. Through reclining cbalrcshw (aeata tree! I the East dallv. . . V" wpot- .wave Atrtea, I C'ulca XO-PurtUsA See elal foe - Lwtaton. CMrnr S'A Great Northers points, dally, T:00 pat 8:60 r,iprese ror me sasr , vl Huntington, dally 8:18 am 8:80 Pert .and rtlrrs Ware:, foe efl - point between Birr aad . , . Portland, dslte. ...... r.; ... S IB sm 8:48 pot COLUMBIA BITER D!V!"!0I. For" Astoria and way points, connecting wrra af earner for Ilwacs snd NortU Beech. Steam Rnseta, Ash-st dock, were S p. m-. ''' Be eatarnae. ter-aw-asi Ami bee s p. m.. YAMHILL RIYER ROCTB. For Day torn. Oregoa City ssd Ysmhtn rtee points, ataamera Rath and Modoc. Aah-et 8oek esve T a. ax. daily, .vespt Baud ay (wstsr per mitting). Arrive tJO a. at dally. eaessS Sunday. S1AKS) RTYRR ROTTTI. Pse Lewhtna, Ma bo, sad way potnta fvnsa Rlpsrls. Wsab.. steamer Spohsa aed Lewie. tna leave 8:40 a. m- er ansa rrtvel Trela Nc. 4. dally evrept Saturday. Arrive 4 p. as. dally except Friday. Ticks Office, third snd Wsahlagtoa eta. Telephone Mam T12. . W. STINGER, fit Ticket As. Wat McMURRAY. General r assesses Asest, EAST SOUTH "" tralaa Depot Portland and Saa lea. free. Express Stop eoly :',: Yr.T..? ..J " si imeortsnt etstiooi , connects at wondhiirn ana Albeny dally, except Sus- dsv. with trains for nolnta . - e Woodbura-ftprlngtleHl end A many-tana noo srancoas. . -a no paa -ii i Coevsflls paasenser. ....... 7:30sm B 80 pn Sheridsn paasrnger 4:10 pa S0 W aaa Forest Gross pssseeger....lll:i is IIS oo sra Foreat Gross psesenger.... IIBSOpm i2.0 pa Dally. IIDally except Snnday. JEFFBRSON-dTRKK T UTATION. For Dallaa end tatermsdlsts points dally, 16 a. m. and 4:16 p. as. Arrive Portlaad 16:18 a. m. and 6:26 p. av . . . For tlm snd card ef Oswego eshurbeu trslsd apply st City Ticket Office, or etettoe. Th-kets te Eaatera polnta aad En rope 1 atae Japan. China. Honnlnha and Anatrslle. - City Ticket Office corner Third sag Weak Inyton at t. Paone Mam Tit. C. W. STINGER. Wm. McMDRBAT. City Ticket Agent Geo. Peas, Axes. North Pacific S. S. Co.'a Steamship Geo. W. Elder Satis Cor Eureka, San Francisco snd Loa Angeles direct, Thursday, January 19. st f p. m from Martin's dock, foot 17th street Take "S" or lth street ear, Tloket'ofnee 111 Third atreet, near Al-1-r. Phone M, 1IH. H. YOUNG. Agent.. tetorte & Columbia River Railroad Co. Cnloe Depot Lesrs. Ari' Fee starters, Rslnl.r. :.'. kanle, W etport. 1 iifun a 1 . torla, VVarrenton. t.v..t llaeiinoed. fort h'etsns. I,..,- k'rt l-era. beaabis 6 0S am II flaw Astoria sod Mra'i.,fS. S2ir.s daiir I w) n ' j t a All lr.'., dalty. J C MAYO , P. set P A.. A -' - I C. I. Hiwur, i .al eVWst ;!!. I v, a l . , lizf lualtT 1 I Q lOCDt a. ttJBJ I Antra, t