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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1903. 13 MRS. GAB. SHE WEARS THE TROUSERS S MARKETS The Man WhJ Ships Well-Packed Applet to' ' Market Secures a Reputation for Good Fruit Even if the Quality Is Not Quite So Good. CRANBERRY PRICE WELL-PACKED APPLES A SHALL C1IAHGE COEUR D'ilLEflE'S .TAKE THE PUBLIC EYE 4 V d 4 d d IS HIGHER - MIEAT- LIST ACTIVE - -If -nH-rritppf ra or apples Sould . Inn how much bettttr Drlces 4 a are obtained for wall-packed and . w- si led apples tDero wouia Da nona ay d.. Jf the poorly-packed fruit that la' 4 Best llwaco Jerseys Go Up to d, now comma lo maraei. - w on- ay A nankaH amA e-nrwt-annearlna ID -a Chicago Market Suffers From Idaho Mining Stocks Are Finding V . Considerable Favor In . jCli-: ' Local Trading. - Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents Along .Street. -r d pica of poorer quality, therefore, Liquidation Owing to Too ::. Great Advance Friday. . ay sen . a weiior vmubi - mn w A. Cnnw oi,Tiv ' Die, ' ere alttinlv d w -j - , -j j. - 4 thrown Into the packages In. or- d dcr to act them quicaiy to max- ay 4 ket. Tour corainiaston man could , tell you why. . , c ' ' , . ' - - CHICKEN SALES ARE ALL OPTIONS CARRIED - SNOWSTORM IS COMING AN EfCHTrf CENT OFF REPORTED AT A DECLINE TO FRONT IN SALES 2fr ruts person? TODAY I Irn7 &Mri y" ) 0(SAY' Y0 " V l ". -A CT- Gtnr hocau TAet TO I N l( XmntEVW fx XtHM& ' HYMT'S VSTtrC reu him rx M-owr ) JsY. youKNOtf MNTtTf- ( IT I j : awW'' - I A A AAVlliaCVa w A I iieUawVA ' I . I.. Af I Turkeys Coming Fatter but Demand la Growing; and Former Price Arc ... Being Maintained ' Along , Front ' 'Street ";,' "''', Principal market features today I ." Crasberry prices higher.' . . Rsle at ehtckens oa lower.. Jl. Igg market holds welL , rresh tomatoes sre tower. . -V t Celery market orercrowded. ! Hij buslneea lo apple. -Bop trad on let agsla. ?:'.. ' ' .' Oraaberry Prion Higher. .'- ail throngs tb cranberry' market tbara la --considerable more strength shewn sudsy. Bait Ilwaro Jerseys ara aalllnc on ths street aa high aa 110.M barrel, while attar grades are sell tnf Is proportion. H If her prteea ere alas named Mi the eaat end- no now good will likely be shipped front" there la tkla direction.- Ilwaea . berries ara showing vry food uuatfty bla ear, eeperJaUx (or the Jersey trsriety. . They are keeping area better than those formerly re ' releeMrom the eaat and tba trade la sow eery .. wall Beefted with tha coast product, . ( , ; t Apple Trade Is Heavy. ' 1 .; -.' Aceorulng te recent New xork advices tba apple are of tha United atatea this eeaaoa will show a 'total of about 86.UU.00O barrels, aa Increase of about lll.SaS.OOu barrela over that of the prertous yaar. - Tha eatlmated crop f New York atate la f.sno.OOO barrela this yaar, or aboat MOO.OOO barrela greater thaa any other atsta. Tea Oregon crap at much greater thaa expected boom time ago. It now being animated at about JOO.000 boxes (or tba Hood Rleer district alnna. Apple baying at shawtng ronalderable mora streugth at lata awing to the scarcity sod aiweaaonsble. weather la which ether fralts da not rind aa much demand. Along the tract there Is a eery wide range la apple prices, doe te . tba great difference la quality. Some aalea ara reported at TBe s box wli!le o there range around Ix.fto. -. ; Oalary Supplis a Heavy.-. Supplies of oalery along Front atreat are aiarh too heary far praaent demand and aonw aalea of off -grade are reported today as lew as c . per atma ho or bee. For strictly fancy quality the market la raaglng at T5e and 80c. Hothouse lettuce ta finding only a fan- da-' aiand wlta receipts again shorn tha Inquiries, alas of Chlokeaa atada Lowar. . ' Lower prlcea were made aa chk-keaa at tha cleanup laat night, noma deal era being ssxtous ta get - rid af their necamumted enppllea as . nw as 12a a poand for nixed. Reeelpte ara liberal for a Saturday and na higher prices are anticipated In tha near future. Turkeys ara beginning to ahow a larger eolutne at arrl Tab with dranuod good at tba printed prlcea. ... Becelpts of egga eootlnne small. , Price and demand tha same as yesterday. Creamery batter ta holding Ita owa with sop - plies -not quit ee beery, Ka leapt "earnest St " demand, bow or or. : ; . -.A Cbaaa prices ere firmer with demand wetter. . Fresh Tomatoes 'Are1 Lawar. Larger receipts of fraah tomatoes and ss In different quality has eaoeed tba trade ta nam lower prices in eroer t saep etocg saoring. : Boma aalee today aa tow as Sue a nog. tirape reeelpte ara cult a beery and tha mar. set la Just able to maintain former prlfe. Holiday goods. Including flga. ants and dates, ara finding better kiqalrlea. Dates ara selling .today a AS-0 a package. - - Hop Trad b Quiet Again. ' While eone small traslnaaa Is reported la tha -bop market daring., the paet Se hoars trsde -ta-not ahowlnc saeh. a good Tola me as a few days! ago. Orders fjom Leadon are not ee liberal and New Xork buyers aeeta ta hare eenaed par ehaeaa for tba time being. Kaatera brewers are ' again Baking for lower prlcea. aad tnetr ta ability ta secare theaa for coast goods has eaoeed hearler buying af New Turk atate. Tha trade pays tha following prlcea to rraat street. Prices paid ahlppera are leas regular O re In, Flea aad reed. ' BAIM BAOB Calcatta, , hvlng pries; "WktZXK?-. e; 1U.U, SIS, blueatcm. ate; Talley, die. ARXIY-(aw eeea, M.OO; roUcd.; brewing. t22-0O. COhS hols, M.00j" cracked. 2B 0 par tea. ' i ' , ' - uTB III! ner ewt. OATS New Prodacara price He. 1 walta. m il): srar. a 26 00. rink-Keatern - Ore arm patents, f 3 ; . iatrelghla. 3.; export. s.oa Talley, 3.40; nbim. Va. .18 SOi "wboa waeax. eo-'a: rya. liu: V00; balea, IXT61 MltLSTfrrs Braa. . $15.a per ton; aid 'dllnga. (1M.00; ahorta, conn try, IllM; city, .1.&0; chop, $lL0Ot2l.00. , haX Prodacera' price Timothy, Willamette ; ralley, fancy, ell.00tJUx.06; ordinary, ta.ooa ' IO.iiO; eaatern Oregon. Ilft.onia.uo; mixed, . 110.0018 10.&U; cioTer, 7.00; grata. 7.0OaW; , -cheat, I7.CO. -( . Butter, Zgg sad Poultry. BCTTEB rAT f. a. b. PurtUad Sweet ,eream, 2e: soar, V,e. . blTTSa City creamery, SOci out aide faacy, - 27Sic; ordinary, SCVi atora, 14loc. a tmM Ratra fancy candled. SAr; ordlaary andlaaV A2)c; kxai sad aaatara atorage, w fHCESB kew Pan cream, lata, 1414c; fi'oong America. lAJvloHe. .1 'POi'LTK Y - Mixed chicken, IJc per . Jb; fancy heas, lb; reostera, old. Ida vn lb; fryer. 12e per lb; brollera. lie per Jb; eld ducki, liVjC per lb; eprlog dacka, UViC b; geee. J10c per lb; taraera, 16ajl7 per lb for old; diieaed, SOe lb; squsaa. ViMiQlJM '.aar aaai pigeons, 1.1K par doa, . . ' Baps, Waal aaat Xldea. HOPS law) crop, choice, ISxlM,e; prima' te 4 choice. 14c; medium te prime, leaiae; aae toiain, lAa. .. , WOOL 10S ell Talley, C2sej aaatara ' Oregon. Stic ' . MtiHAlHMew, BoaBlaal. SHKAPHKINa Shearing, IS e oach; ehart ioouL Suaieuc; medium wool. aoQToc each; . Jung woul, TScCll.UO each. 1 ?ALM)W PrTma, per lb. BViOAci Ma, aad , greaee. tetSe. CHITTIVI fcAKK-Hc. , Uilr Dry. Me. 1, IS tbs sad a p. 1A ItVae par lb; dry kl. Ma 1, S ta la Iba. 14c; " dry celt. No. 1, ande S Iba. ISr: aalUd bMea, ateera, aeaad. SO Iba. aad oeer. loayiicj net, SttO'.xc; state and bails, sound. (wYc; kip, , IS te SO Iba, c; eait. auaad. aader 1ft Iba. lie; J reaa, anaalted. 1c leae; culm, le par lb teai; vrae hldra, aalted, aaca, $1 r,il.74; dry, each.; colt hides, 3i.V; goat aklna, ' comnwa, each, 10lc Angora. . eacb, ttcfci $1.00. ... rralts and Tagetaklaa. . , . IH)TATOa!aiayng prlca, eaatern Mnltna- . wian ana i lacaamaa. istgsur; araiaary, tfiUi.'c Johhlns price, WOcClL.uO par ewt; aweeta. . l Will . ONloNfi lobbies artee New Oresoa SOrA l.oti; buying prlr, 7uj75c; garlic. Jc lb. . rsr.tH rurfTS Apples. TSc4itl.XB; eranres, Valen-la, 4 7r.d00; banaaaa. Ac lb; leaiena. cnetoik 4ft"7& per (.: fancy, ft. nil per aa; limee, maxicaa. at. is per low; pincappira, aa (eiS Mt iMe doa: eranee. gl.MMA1.7A: iwarbce. (1.25; peara. $l.orj(l.;aV. hsk-kleberries, lie: grontid cberrlee, S3tl't per hue; pine- npoiee, eo. per ooa. - TKUKTABLKH Tarslns. new. tl 00 ner sack: carrots. II per sack; beet a, 1 M per sack! fivMnai radlehea mm ner doa: eabbese. Oe. fm, 11 1 r; belt prppere, te per lh; to aiatoea, ,5t? 5a per erau; parsnips, BOcfJtl.OO; sirieg bee ne. Oregon, ee per lb; cauli flower. Moeaitlja) Be doa; peaa. t koraeradlaa. Kail or per Ul artichoke, Toe r.r a: eraeah. 7.vji oo per no; eagpiant, I an per doa bunch ee, celery, eOa)Wie per ana; ereetr cwa. 9 1 Ml per. aock; snnimar satiana, ,-v-vlt per box: esrplaat 11.71 per crate; . Miopklpa. ' le, eranberrloa. local. . B.O(9.40; Jrraer. $10 ner hhl. tililr li KB I ITU Apple, errsporsted. HTc in; aprlcota, lawelltw per in; peamca. I24SC per lb; aacka. par lb lees; h ta n, llc: v,c drop aa earn 1 Id alee: nea. ( altfttrnla biark. ajd4e ie; prunea. 1 smalW aanUe per lb; (eittvrua white, per Ik: data, guideo. a.t0 per box: farda, ILeOtJl.JO par IS lb box. . , Oiaaartea, Huts. It. ' ' Rt'OAB All rcflnerlee febe. - 15 0: pow dered.; fruit, sranalatrd. O.SAt dry trauiilated. $5. IS; oa(. A, -t 181 extra C. 4. ..; guidaa C. j( S5; D, yellow. f4.S; beet. Kinolated. 4.5; bbla. 10c; Mi bbla. 24c; see, atKc advaoce en sack baala. 1 A bore prlcea are 90 days net eaaa nota tion,. I ' . ,, rl(iET s.en per crate. CorrKaWParkai-e brahda. lB.BtlII TS. ALT wrae Halt around. It. W.uO rt ton; 00a, tu.&o; table, dairy. 80s.-113 ou; lone.; nnies, ai.nn; jmportro l.iverpeoi. mm, 18.00: 100a. 117.00: -22m. iia.OO: extra fine. bbla. 3a. tie. 10a. Sa.oott.l.&O'. UerrDool lumn r.-k, 119.80 per tun; bu lb rock, tf.OO; luua, 1 Above prices soelr to sales af-k-ea than car lota. Car kits st special prlcea aabject nucinaiioua. BICB Ininertal Janan. No. t. et BTo. ' t. Hc; Kew Orleana, bead, Ta; Ajax. oc; Creole. . ' . ' BRANS Small white. $.: laree whit. f3.V3; pink. $2.90; bayou, IS.IS; Llmaa, B!4c; aiexu-an reaa, ec. ' Nras Peansta. Jumbo. c per lb: Virginia. tSHe per lb; roasted, MfiCia ner lb; Japa eee, 64lV,c; roasted. TbtHc pel lbj- cocoa nuta, MiltOc per dos; wainota, IT per lb; plr,not. lsjJIJlic per lb; hickory auta, 10c par lb; ctteatnuts, eaatern. 15(lnc per lb; Ureal I nuts, 15c per lb; nlberta, HQl.te per lbs fancy pecsna, Uc;-almonds. 18iiQlSe. - " Haata, Ttah aad Prerlalena. t. . ' e p r a tt ueats evma atr Ac ner lb: reaL aura, te Dec lb: ordlnar. a9T per lb; poor, 41 5c ner lb; Butcoa, taacy, tin He per lb; laml.a. 4ilc. hama, 10 to 14 Iba. IdVke per id: 14 to la lbs, tee par lh: breakfast bacon. luQ2ae per - lb; picnics, lost per lb; cot t axe. 13c per lh; reculsr short clears, ansmoked. 12 ner lb: smoked. 13c per lb; clear bark a, anamoked. ixc per in; amoxee. lac per is; union nutta, 10 to IS Iba, anamoked. 8c per lb; ened, Sc' per lb: clear bellies, anamoked. 14 r lbt amoked, 16e per lb; anouldera, UVxt per lb; pickled tougnea, $6.00 ouarter bbl. butjAL int aettie icar, lua iie per lb. la. 13Sa per lh: 00-lb tins. iaic nar lh: eteam rendered. 10c. I2t pec lb; 6a, 12 c per in, oiHiwa, i eee. CANNRD SALMON Columbia steer. 1-lh falls li no; 2 1b tails, f2.TR; fancy , l ib Seta, 1 V; M-m taacy aata. ft. in: rsncy t-in otsis, win: Alaaka telle, pink. Soasoe; rod, 110: nominal xa, tall. $2.00. . riMIl Rock cod, Tc per lh: Bounders, Sc per n; halibut, 7 per lb; crabs, $1.00(1.(10 per doa; striped baas, 12Hc per lb; cstfiah, 10c per lb; aalneoa, Columbia rlear Chinook. Te; allaer aide, ec; eteelhead. 7c per lb; herring, Sc par lb; soles. Se per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, Sc per lb: black rod, Te per lb; tomcod. Tc per to; anrer amait, on per in; looatera, ibe pee. lb; fresh mackerel, Sc' per lb: crawSah, zoe per do; sturgeon, 10c par lb; black baaa, 20c per lb. OYSTKRS Shoelwater hay. per gat -$2 HI; per 1 lA-lb aark, $420; Olrmpla. per gallon, $2.2B; per Ill-lb Sack, 15-00 to CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.00; ' raxot elama, $2.00 per box. - , Paint,' Oesl oa. Ste," BOPK Fwa Manila. 14c; aUndard, lJUe; alee I. lie. COAlr Olb-Peaev ear astral naeea lc-per gal; water white, Iroa bbla 14c par get woodea 17c par gal; headlight. 17u-dg, esaea 21 per sal. r OASOLINS Ao-dcg, cases S4H per, gal, Iroa Dole inc per gat. BENZINK W deg. eases SSe par gal. Iroa bbla lawe per gal. , TUIirB.NTlNK In esaea SSe per gat, weodea able. 91c per gal. WHITE LEAD Tun lota, Tc nar lb; 100-Ik lota, He per lb: leaa lots, B14 per IB. WIRK NAILS Preaeat baala at $2.8$.' ' Ll.NKKED OIL Pure raw, la S-bM lota, BOc; 1-bbl lot. Mc; esses, SSe per gal; geauin kettle-boiled, raaea. SOc per gal: 6-bbl lota. 64c; 1-bbl tot, SSe per gal; ground esks. ear lots, $20.00 per ton; leas than car lota, $40-00 per HOGS AND SHEEP SHOW A . VERY GOOD TDME . Receipts in Both Lines Continue Under Demand Cattle J . Holding Slow. Portland t'niea Stockyards, Mot. 10. I.lrs- stock receipts: . .. . :. Hogs.' Cattle. Sheen. Today ........ .......... 140 TB SO Week ago...... ... 11 . Bin Month ago....... 84 . .- ST " 104 l ear ago m ... en The bog market la firm with receipts enable to take car of demand. Cattle remain alow bet unchanged In prk-e. Sheep firm with small arrlTale. coouittone a year ago: lloffa wsak. cattle weak, aneep nrm. . , .. ; Official llTeatora orlcee: Hoga Best eaatern Oregon. SS.TB: stDckars ana t nine rata, 'i..i.,iu.i. . Cattle - Beet eastern Oregon steers, feedera. IMO; bent row snd heifers. $2.&0: stockers and feeders, $2.Tot balls, 1 SO. abeep Mixed, atae; lambs, oc. . EASTERN MARKETS GOOD lofi Art troatr U. Crnioaaro Other 7Uu am teatty., , Chicago. Nor. 10. Lrreetock receipt: ; ( . , Aloga. Cattle, Sheep. Chtcas .. ..i. ......... H.lpm -W 2.&00 Kanaaa City. v. ........ BOO - . 700. Bono Omaha 4.0 - HOO ' s.00 lioga ere arrong at yesterday best prlcv with 1.700 left oeee from yeeterdsy. Receipt rear asm were 11.000. prh-eet Mixed. $a.tai $.80; good and heavy. Ti'.50; rough, $5.03 fjti.un; urnt. saAwigin.sib. , Cattle Steady. . . ; .i ' Sheep Steady. irsrrzs statu eovzxviiZeTT Boars. Mew Tork, Xoe. 10. CJoremment aondi Ask. Twos, regmtered Opt. 144 do coupon.. Opt. t4 Three, reglatered........... Opt, l'K - da ronpaia Opt. ', 1 - Small bond. 10214 10S IB join roar a. regisferea. ........... iwu ina do coupon...., 1H07 l2 . Pours, realatered..... 1U2.1 do eonpm..... 1V25 l.toi Panama 2s. .... ' loit - do coapim .... 11)4 V4 TMatrtct of CnlnmhU S-S Be.. .... 11.1 1 Philippine laland 4s..... T... .... ,10B v rosTiJuro iamk STATZirzirr. II1 lo.iv, 106 vj dearlngs today......... BWW.Ma.BT Cleerhigs year ago.,...,..,.,....... auo.720.1T Sain today ................ ..$ s.ies.ta ' Mew T ark Leaden Silrer. -. Kew York, NdV, 10 Bar allrer. TlAe: Loa- doa, si i$ id: . LlTsrpaal Cattoa Market ' Lleerpoot. Mot. 10 Cottna futures closed II te 20 points lower, i ... Aa Aattdot. Proas the Tooth's companion. , . . . ' Martba'a .sntatrea often boeata of her reatll. neaa ( reeoirrce. "The beet txtrae staid In lowa." she nils her. tine day sbe earns home from s drive, ta he confronted with the stsrtllng prwa that the tiehy had ewallewrd a button. "And what did you do, Martha 7" ene naked la some anilely, although treating that H had been the rhrht thing. - "Warr." aald Martha. mad him swallow t kuttvakola right eaayl" Opening Cables Were Dull but a Fraction Higher Liverpool Closes ltd Up on the Various Options ' Corn Slow. ' f ' :. ! ' BEI.ATIVB WHBAT VALIIS. ' ' Not.' IO. Not. . - Lnaa. i08.' IWember .71'. T f .00A .fS May .7714 .77' .Omi .AHU July ......... .78 Vi . .1 ,OOV4 .. .83. Chicago, Not. 10. Tb wheat market suf fered a react km today on account --of tb too beery gain yesterday. The market waa Tar dull and prlcea did not flucluate Tory much one wey or the other. The clueing was Sc lower man rrmay la au options. . uivrrpoui cauiea were, again a tow, net mere waa a aman amount of short covering which carried the market 4d higher In all apttona. Official Niuotatlona br .Orerbeck. , Btarr A Cook company: . . . WHIAT. Open. . High. Low, . 72' Cloae. Pecember 7 73. 5 TT-vJ M T8 78 H 77 July : COBM. 0"IIDha a May ...... May ...... Janoary May .. 424 - 42V it 41Vi 2' 3i "I .. 43i 1 43. 4V OATS. 84. -v 14 SAa 6 414 ' SBV4 . MESS PORK. .'.1420 142.1 ..1427 1431 " - 1411 1420 1411 1421 LrrxEPooi. exAia' xakxit. LlTerpaoJ, Nor. "10. Official price: .WTIEAT. , Not. 10. us i .:. s B1 ... Se 4,d , COBN. - 4 4V. ... 4s lVAd Kor. S. S 8.d BS.4U4 AS tjd . A . . .. 4 '4d 4 i Oala. Hd ad Hd ' i Iermbr March ... May ...... fpscrnbc Jan nary . PRESSURE SENT FAVORITE ISSUES Doyn Harriman Stocks Principal Los ers Today Union Pacific "One and a Half Lower." : NIT IiOHSBS. Amalgamated LorolnotlTS Smelter Atchison f...... Baltimore...... Brooklyn ..., fit. Paul ..... Colorado Fuel - : t . ! Heon.TlT.nia ..... 1 . HIRcadlng Vi , 5 Vi South wa-Peciac 4 Vi'l nlou PaciOe VI r. B. Steel .. Vi'U. S. StecJ, pfd . . .. T MET OAINS. Sngar Mlaeoart PaciSc People's Oas .... MH. Y. Central H Norfolk a The 'New Tork etock market was Terr "en let today. ' Pressure wss shown la the leaders. eaneclally the Harriman stocks, t'nlon PaelBe Lnat 14A mints snd Southern Parlnc nearly 1 point. Reading dropped- 1 point and Pena aylranla la polnta. Of Aclal quotaUons . by Orerbeck, Btarr , A toote company. raacaipnoN. A real. Copper Co I1I0H Am. . IcomotlT. . com. . 72Vk Am. Sugar, oom..... Am. Smelter,, com,..., IKS. Atchlaon, com.... 1 talk Baltlraor ft Ohio, com. 11S Broeklya Rapid Transit. 78 110 T2 188 1&8 8 117 T7 Canadian Pacific, com. 174 1T4 uni., mil. at at. rani., ni C4a. Fuel a Iroa. eom.l 61V Erie, com..., I 43 1T0' 61-V 42Ti lyeilaTllla NashTtlle.J142H Mlaaonrl Pacific.. MUl 141 i New York Central ..12H12Si, 127 Norfolk Weatem, eom.l B.i'.: M'4 Pennaylranls Ry 18i18SM 18814 80 144. 28 81 181 "4lt r. t. . o. co...... Reading, com ,...1146 ll4A 144S hock laiano, com.... Sonthern Pacific, con Union Pacific, com.. II. S. Steel Co.. com iiii 'a 1 182H i1.: ei 181 46 88 I104H do preferred .' ...... .' !104. '106 Total aalea for day, 204,200 shares. IMPROVED DUSTPAN Contents Cannot Drop Out When . '. .... ; V. .-' " Cairying. ; "In carrylnf tha 'ordlharr.duatpaii from one room to another aome of tha content a ara aura to fall' out ' Dust being Terr light tha sllrhtent wind picks it up and bio wa It off tha pan. This cannot happen with tha ona shown here. Over half of tha surface of the pan la covered, which helps to prerent tha dual emaplnc. - Am an additional aid, tha inventor haa added a handle, by which the duet pan can be carried anywhere without fear of loalnf any , ; :'- D7J8T CANNOT ESCAPE. of tha contents. In gathering up tha dunt the ran 4a' placed In the Ordinary poaltlon. By awtnglag tha handle ovar to tha left and the pan raiaed the; dual lropn Into - tha receptacle formed by' tha cover,.. , I this wir It la not af- lecten c uia arlnd. ietaA c the vli Park Copper Is More Active, With Sales at. 12c tvhare Gallaher and Happy Day" Among , the Salea Transactions Grow Larger. - ThS past Wert hat .hows ronalderehla more activity lu the Coeur d'Alene sroun of atocka on tha Portland esehanate. The action, of Snowatona been eaneclally atroaa and the price haa - advanced uiatrl.llr Park Copper and Uallaher were among tb other niluiur laaues that were faeorial In the trail ing. Saturday'a trauaactloua were B.Ooo Happy Oay at- 3r, B.UDO Uallaher at 4o and 2,000 Park Copper at 12c a ahar. vinciai prices: ' i . BANK STOCKS. . - . Bid. : V Aak. rang or California . .......... StlB Bankers' Jt Lumbermen's ........ .... dilutable Sarins, a Loan ... V Merchants' National ....-IBS Oregon Truet AS Seringa ........ 110 Portland Truet Co ... lotted States National w.. 200 120 BONDS.' Aaaocxatetl Oil Ba SSu .. City A Sohurhan 4a ' 0. R. A N. By. 4a 100 If O. W. P. Mr. Be mi U Prtlan4 By. 6a luO .. MlSCELLANEOtiS STOCKS. Alaaka Packers' ................ (1214 Aasodsted Oil ; aa . a Camobell'a Oaa nltrnae.. .v Cement Products ... ! '( Hoavs Telephone ..v.. 25 4 Indenenuent Oaa c J. C. Le Ce , , 10 Oregon City Milt A -Lumber S 1 Paclne Bute Telephone loot li Puget Bound Telephuoe ......... ... . t I'nlon Oil SOS Xauulna Bay Telephone ........ Tl 1 MINING STOCKS. 1 Alaaka Petroleum ,,,,, ...... 11 '6i4 a a 81 -01-04 Vk 'S8 oi H Oil 41211 wit : M)i Blue Rleer Gold British Columbia Anal Bullfrog Terrible Caaradla IHxIe Meadows Gallaher ................... Oolcondn International' Coal Lees Creek Gold Lucky Boy Mountslu View -....,.,.,, Nicola Cosl a Coka North Palrrlew ............. Oregon Securities .......... Standard Coniolldsted ...... Star Consolidated , Tacotna Steel COBLE TTALZNa DISTRICT. Alax .... IS .... 28' i. it r .... M .... 20 Alameda Bullion . ... Copper Klna ..... Oertle , Happy Day Hecfa w4 Idaho Olant ...... Park Copper ...... Hembler-tjaribo -. Rex-..- . 28 . .V 20 Kiith Consolidated ... 11 IS ... Ml ... .-00 450 Snnwahoa .r. .... Snowstornr ...... AT THE THEATRES. , . ', ; "Arixona" at the Heilig. . The - attraction at the Helllg theatre toalght snd tomorrow night will ha A ago at us Thomaa great drama,-"Arlaona." This beautiful play haa been seen In this eity many times and al ways gars the beat ef aatlafactlon. The people la this year', eaat will, he found -to be most capable aad pamatsklng. ' A troop af 18 amounted esTslrymea will be sees oa the stage, msklng a tBost rssllstle military effect. Best r selling at tba box office ef the theatre for both performance. Bog office will be opes tomorrow (Sonday) at 10 a. au, "Lion and Mouse" Seats Selling. The adranee ssst axle began this morning at the boxoffiee ef the Heilig thestrs for the much-tslked-ebout A merle a society drams, "The IAoa and the Moass." which comes te the shore theatre next Monday and Tuesday alghta. NoTemner 12 aad 18, with a matinee Taesday. The box of Ac. will -be open air day tomorrow for sals of "Lloa and Mouse" tickets. "Under Southern Skies" Coming. Lottie Blair Parker, who wrote "Way Down Rest," I alas tba author of "Under Southern Bales." which some ta the Helllg theatre Best Wednesday end Thursday sights, Noremher 14 aad 19. This pretty plsy of soothers Ufa made a most decided hit when her last yssr st the Marqnam. The udrance sale of seats will opes next Monday st the boxoffiee ef the T theatre. ; ,. -j , ... New Bill at the Baker. A day la a peculiar thing ta loa and It may aeeta funny, but It may alas be rastly aerkaas. That this Is true will be shows next week ntths Baker, beginning tomorrow matinee, when "Loat Twenty-tour Honrs," will be the bill. It Is a screemlnc farce baring te ee with the sdrsnteres ef a young ha. bead wna tarri out to hare a gay time while his wlfs Is swsy from home. Donald Bowles does the yonng hoabsnd. Lillian Lawrence appears In a role which will be new, far bar. oa the stags of the Baker; she will be a aanghty adrenrarrss. Last Time Tonight. . Tonight Is the last chance to se trie Baker stock company la "At Plney Ridge," the greet Da el a Higgle plsy which hss been censing comment all week becanss of ths excellent Bet ing and tha pretty stags pictures. This Is llkswlae the laat performance of Richard Thorn ton aa leading man at Oi Baker. Ion ought ta aa "At Plney Ridge." It pnlaes with real life. There Is heart latereat, humor, pathos and good, wboleeome aentlaaent In It. La A time tonight. New bill tomorrow matinee. , "A Royal SUre" Tonight The last performance - ef ' the" beautiful play. "A Royal glare." will be glrea st ths Empire tonight. At Empire prices a produc tloa like this Is simply s rsrelatlon. The wealth of eeenery, tb capable acting company and tha entire performance eh owa ths greatest car and expenditure ef much anoner It touat be eaea te be appreciated. - As Told In tha Hills." -Tomorrow afternoon "A Told In the Hills" will eeex) tha week at the Empire. Thle le a play of western Ufa snd oo that foe th laat two seasons hss bees moat highly aaecese ful la the east. This Is Its drat trip west of th Ml.aleelppl and It carries one ef the beet rompaalea In the entire w eaters circuit this yesr. F Terrene who sttenda the Empire next wsek will be mora thaa pleaaed. At the' Lyric There will be twe performance nf "Ths Octoroon" tonight st the Lyric, end heelde ZS tVZsTTJCZsT OAT XAJBTaT, Henry D. Baldwin. 8upt City Water Works, fthullnhurg, Wla., - writes: "I hare tried many klnde of Hnlment, but I have never received much benefit un til I used Ballard's Snow I.inlment for rheumatism and pstnn. i think It la the bee liniment on earth. 26c, loc and ..... IB ..... - Ill, TRUSTS TO AHNEX JOHN BULL Recently Formed 'Soap Combine ' Wat Engineered by Amer- ...''e lean Magnates. SIR THOMAS LIPTON WAS : CHIEF AND IN SCHEME Present Combine Declared to Be but Forerunner of Armi of . Octopus Which " Is Soon to Embrace the Whole of England.':'-- - '."; ': -'- London, Nv.-19. "American com mercial methods ara being adopted mora and . mora In England. Take, for In stance, tha soap truet 'which at the moment la agitating the whole country." ' Tba speaker, an American whose in terests and buslneaa in England ara of tha largest, knowa mora of tha soap business probably thaa any man out. aide of the new trust magnate, W. H. Lever, M. P. But he refused to ba in terviewed jf hla nam waa mentioned. He haa reagona. "In a nutshell. " he aald, "this soap trust Is the-opening gun of tha Ameri can trust system In .England. If It suc ceeds and there la little doubt that It will this country will be aa honey, combed with trusts aa la tha United States. -John Bull la ha Wise' to tit dollar aa tba American buainena man. But he 1a old-fashioned, conservative and travela In a rut hoary with the age of centuries. Ma hatea to acknowledge tha adoption of American method - Yet In less than a decade thla country will ba thoroughly Americanised after tha most approved trust - methods, and tha trusts will be backed up by the tona upon tona of British gold, which now, comparatively, ara lying Mia at 2 and f per cent - - .. .v - , BVaw Material Coasts. "If will make no difference whether England Continues free trade or adopts protection. In thla present soap trust It la tha raw material which counta Thla is tallow: Tha basic element of all aoapa is (allow. Cocoanut ' oil and palm kernel oil ara only subsidiary to tallow- In tha manufacture of graded sosps. Mora chemicals ara necessary for tha vegetable oil soaps and, there fore, tha tallow soap la tha cheapest as well aa tha purest. . , Tallow, in tha United States, la con trolled by the meat trust. "Vary little tallow. Is Imported from the .United Btataa into England. It cornea to na rathej from Kew Zoaland and Australia, where England also gets tha vast ma jority of her mutton. Thla year there was a disastrous drought In these colo nies. In conatquence tallow waa acarcer than it haa aver been. 'Tha price went up. The soap manufacturera began to Import from tha United States, And with these Importations cams an idea Into tha heads of tha meat trust in the United Statea, Tha aoap trust in Eng land la tha result, - ; ' "Oo back a few months and remem- tbs matinee tomorrow there will ba twe per. fortnancee la tb vrenlng. Keerrone should Be "Tb Octoroon," It I on of ths gresteet American play on th etage snd st the Lyrl It Is recelTlng th finest rerlTsl th drama has bsd la this city In many years. Next wsek. starting Monday afternoon, "Ths Dsys of :" will be produced. - ; ", t the Grand. . ' There srs aereral big sets on th program st th Orsnd this week snd tomorrow will he the last day tks current bill will be presented. Nellls Andrews snd her grand opera aaeeclatea srs Siring selections from "Th Bohemian Girl." This is tbs gresteet singing set ever heard la Portland entalde of a bigh-nrlced opera. On th bill are many comedians snd sketch srtlsta, but what will he found of especial In terest are the morlng picture nf th recent aatemobll race far th .Vsnderbllt cup, . At the Star. Only S fee more performances remain of "Brother Agalnat Brother" at ths Stsr. - Ths Allen stock ennrpsar will preaent this sterling melodrama tonight,, Sunday Boat I nee and night for h Mat time. Those who hart seen "Brother Agalnat Brother" dertsre that thla la tba Bxet Interesting play tbs stock company haa produced alnce It became a Portland In- f atlW'loe. ,"A Use ef Matr" gest wetk. Vou 'lL stay in THAT BOOK. AGEHT ' 70 A -jAje u! -CnwWhL last as The ' ken k America CW I bar tha agitation against the meat truat. tha revelation of The Jungle', and other reporta. The canned meat . trade . in England of United States' . firms wss almost ruined. ' English cannera gained. There waa a project then .of forming a meat truat in England . But It fell through. Tha influence; here waa not sufficiently strong. " ' "But when tha English . aoapmaksra had their pockets touched by the sudden rlsa in tallow they began to' listen tn the suggestions from America. I per sonally know that Sir Thomaa Ltpton brought Mr. " Armour of Chicago and Mr. Lever together at Clarldge'a hotel during the American's visit - here at tha end of tha past summer, ,- "It was mob after-thla that Mr. Lever began buying up aoap companies, . Buy ing, mind you, not merely amalgamat ing, them under one management for business purposes. - Lever bought out right mora than half the companies now In -the- trost. Those he couutn't -rtty outright ho has amalgamated. - "After tha papera had all been algned and tha trust became a fact. Sir Thomaa Upton waa sent across the r ocean, em powered to make the deal with" the meat trust for, tha formation, of an' English holding company , for . Ui. meat trust. Ltptsn haa long been - trie- only man anxious to have such a trust here. Now ho haa tha aoap men and other capital ists behind him.". ' .. ,; , , ; FOOTBALL BUCKING STRAP Teaches the Plajrer to .Watch and '- Take Openings in Opposing Line, ' Football 'practice la already In full awing. One of tha latent contrivances uaed for teaching' the players being a "bucking etrap," the invention of a for mer college gridiron star. ... Ita object la to drill tha playera tn-llhet bucking, and to teach them to watch -and prop erly , take; tha openlnga - or holea In an oppoalag Una through which ' they ara to -run. It also aids ths players . to carry- ths ball without fumbling, be sides making him strong on hla . feet, Ita . one will probably also eliminate soma of 'the accidents which Invariably occur In practice scrimmages, st " the same time affording rrracttce equally aa beneficial, i- Tha ' Illustration clearly ahowa Ita construction. ' In the centra of the . upright . resilient frame ' Is an aperture, or collar, which Is connected MA1 . BUCKS THE LINE.' ... , . with eliding weights at each aids. Tha aperture In tha centre is sbout three feet from ths ground. In using tha contrivance tha player takea hla poal tlon aa In an actual game, and tha ball la put In play In exactly the same manner aa In a game. - Tha player re celvea tha ball and dlvea Into tha etrap. Ha pushes hla head through tha aper ture, tha weights , resisting his at tempted aaln. ' Tha collar la of suffi cient width .to admit tha head Only, giving free play td tha shoulders., . : 'v " " Clstsna ef tndss.-' ' ' - .St. Louis Bapubllcan. ' ' Bo plentiful have applea been In Cal houn county, Illinois, tha last season that Henry Baumann, a farmer living near Barhtown Jn that county,- haa bmken away from tha proverbial D ... rel In which to stora-T5lder"thls fall snd hss filled -a large cistern on hla plane with apple Juice, t . Mr. Psumnn had an exceptions! crop and., after drawing out the water, he had no difficulty in filling the cistern. J. A good many congrcsrraca will nol weep to see illtchtotk go. . . - ill -I LVI A AAV7fM III V-.A- ' Hoe rum mST lllY ft ' Kr-vca r gAT. I llfhfl - I t " - av f rTn I el VraVAaa( g I II:,- u -WW W. H . . '-w. iv 7eCej7 PYTHIAS- PAPER CHANGES HANDS ' The Senator Is Transferred From ' J . Frank S. Grant to E. B. i Aldrich of Pendleton. ' By the terms' of a deal ' which 1 waa concluded herd toda ttie management of the Senator, the Knights of Pythias" paper for Oregon, WuslUtufton and Idi ho, has been transferred from Frank 8. Grant of thla city. tr K. B. Aldrich of Pendleton. Mr. Grant has been In charge of the publication for ths past year-.; ' - : rr- The 'Senator la the only KnighU of Pythias paper tn the northwest, snd It ; has been In existence for II-years. It Is now' owned by a company composed of ; the . following prominent Oregon Knights:' Grand Chancellor Marlon K. Dsvls- Judge W.. L. Bradshaw. Tha ihitlcs; W M- Cske. ' Portland; L. R. Stlnson,' Salem; Emlle WUlman.-Port-.. land; J. H.' Aitkin, Hantlngion; D..K Buchaneo, Portlnnd; J. W. Maloii'y. Pendleton, L. M.' Curl,' lbsny; Ker mn 'Vle.'Aatorla; Tilrjter Oliver, La Grande; Frank 8. Grant. Portland; Dr. B. M. Graves, Bhrrluan; Walter O. Grif fith, Eugene; U. O. Moser. Portland. The paper Is the officii.! ci can of tha grand - lodges -of .Oregon, - Washington -and Idsho. : ' r . Mr. Aldrich, who will have charge of : tha paper in the'. future. Is tha city al itor, of tbe Eaet ,Oretrnlas, snd here after fhej Stnalor will . be published from the office of that paper In Pentll. rtm. The six of fhc' Smstor. will be en- ' larged at once and a atrong effort raado to make-it of even more value to the -order of Knights of Pythtss thsn It has been In the past.', '. '." ; M , , .' ,, JUROR SAYS HE WILL :- DO AS HE PLEASES '-John Hint ermitn, the man 'vho neerly caused a strike smong the circuit jurors " ytsterrisy because he held ouf sq stub bornly agalnat tha rest of the 11 In the case of tha dtv against Emll Jrrhnaon, threatened to "do. it again, and worne." ."I'm nobody's dummy.'? aald Hinter man today. "I have a right to my own opinion and I'm going to stsnd by it , next time, even If they never get their hot lunch. If I-ean't sea my way clear to convict a man I'll hold out for hint until the Judgment day..' . Itlnterman explained that ha -eras In fnvor of the acquittal of Johnaon. be cause ha did not believe the testimony- ' of Policeman Kay, one of tha leading witnesses sgnlnat Johnson, .. ' ... . . g. " 1 FIMED FOR CARRYING i v BIG; BLACK REVOLVER ' O. Serravella. an Italian arreated laat Bight -try Patrolman Ellla at Fourth and Davis Streets .on a churge of carrying a ooncealad weapon, - waa fined tlO thla : morning by Judge Cameron. Serravello ' amused himself during the evening by brandishing a , huger revolver in the Paris house to tha great terror of the -Inmatee. . When apprehended by the policeman tha gun, fully loaded, and a aack of cartrtdgea were' found In his pockets. Owing to the fsct that Serrs velle waa Intoxicated snd no damage had. been done Judge Cameron Imposed the minimum fine. . Shoplifter la Bookstores. . - From the Phllsdelphla Record. Otlra Is one buslnsss fa which there ara no women shoplifters," aald a book seller yesterday. "We srs troubled with shoplifters, but , they . sre sll men. . Women, don't 'seem to have any time,' for book stealing. t It' remarkable hew many thefts we detect In the course of ' a week. '., , -.-.j -. ."Visitors who look prosperous enough, , to buy whole libraries sre often caught abstracting a 26-cent book. figure . that thla la due to tba great temptation. You see. In book stores callers are given the run of the place, and are at liberty " to examine the stock at their leisure. A man picks up aome little volume h msy want, snd seeing no one st hsnd. : the temptation to- get something for -nothing Is too much for him. He slip th coveted article Into hla pocket, but we have wary salesmen, snd most of such offenders sre tripped up, Then they hsve to pay for the purloined vol umes, and are warned that fmr xr'mfl ro-t - ti-T-cc- '-Hi fi llow any -vupell-aiou of the shopllftlne" titva. aoia pj vveoaara, tiara to, '-:v--.V.:-'J; v i i ,1