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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVJJNINO, ' NOVEMBER 10, 1906. 11 FOR SALE FARMS. BUYS' T - - wiifT iron x iTT uuu, - - J1 electric cuus acraa i floe atata .m..-iiuu, ai sreea umber, bsleuce rash, vary !) cleared: snail creek, Well at door; acre beartnp; orchard, mostly spplee; .good T-mora kouse, fair barn; oa conn !,ro,1' "lie to school and church, B. f. . best of soli: terme, kalt cash, balance r gud tarsal would tale kail la alt property. M.IOQrrfll .aeraa lSariW frjr-Pwrttsu,. 0 serve In eultlvatlua. 1 una timber, bel- , knee aa.ll cleared. 14-room frame kouse. (air bar. aerea bearlu orchard, variety; all fenced, level land, an county road, (uod tll at door, ft. F. D. and telephone. mlla to rkooi; Bart of tba crop goee with placet .art cash, - balance good - term; will tkt pert city property. ! V 1 fZTOO 40 acre 11 mile from Tortland, 4 miles front Braverton, II miles frvin rail road ststkm, ik kcree la cultivation. aerea paeture. 14 kerea (reea timber, m acre bearing orchard, now . room house, euat 0; fair barn, ml la to achool, ft. T, D. and telephone, on county road, flna location, bast of soil; fcalf. caah. balance good term.. , ...... . 1.800 lOB acraa, (0 mile from Portland, 1 Bill "ar-iool! mice iron, rauroaa ststiea, aula to ll 4S acre . In cultivation, t aee in green- timber, IS sere can ba c leered for 11(1 f ior Tina aan am nna maple ewale; lH-acr boarlnf orchard! good wall at door, creak Boar houaa and barn; land all level; good Ift-atorr frame houaa, good frame barn 50x100, roothoiiaa. chlckea-koue, lmple- r lenient and woodhonee; on main county roud; Ina tram koraaa worth :tO0, ona kesvy wagou, on aprlna wagon, ona buggy; 10 kaad ealtla. T cow, sheep, I J kogs; mower and raka, Rlaw. ksrrows. eoltlvstor. other amaU tool.; tona at key. SQ0 boshele oats, luo buatiola wheat, acraa epnda. 300 chicken, aoma geoeei term. Z,ati0 cask, balanca ya.irs t S par cent, , . 3 )o SO scree, U nlln from rortl.nd. In Waaklngtoa coontri M acraa la cultlra- ". acraa groan timbar, toalaaca aaaiir ciaarca; guoa a-room houaa, good barn, . faaillr orchard, all tracad, oa main count road. It. '. I). and tajepkontl brat of aoll. . .00 10 acrca, 12 ml Ira from Port. K! A" W''4't,, "nty, 4H a Ilea from : KaadTllle railroad atatloa: 40 acraa la cultl T.Uoa, 20 acraa m paatnra. 100 acreg ana - r"I" ttBibrr, t.OOO.OuO feat at Ira.t Urrl land. amaU konaa and atabla. famtl orchard, all fancad, eountr road on S alrirs of place, B. . P. aad talcphoaa. Una location, brat t aoll: tula la ona of tka brat bura oa tha , Biarkati Inoratlgata thla befor bujlngi nax- antaad aa adrcrtlacd.- ' - ,,v. kit in ninnDiwi -eoaary, . M mllaa -from Portland, T anllca fro a railroad atatloa. aa mala county roadj lft aaraa elaarrd, acraa bearing arrbard, SO acraa almost lrl. boat of aoll.- do fork or gTaral: ft-room bonaa, haras, 3 good walla and aprlng. mlla ' ta achool, aoma good timber, I mUra from wiii; u on ara laoa.iag for a snap la. . raatlgata. . ' M.000 1M a era. lg mllaa from PortlaaJ. li mllra from railroad atatloa i 00 acraa in flna atata of caltlratlon, no acrrs flna aaw : timbar. balanca easily alrarad; all larcl. all fanrcd; Tf actsa braver dam aw a la: ft-rooni boasa, fair bam; U-acra baarlng orchard: aa main county road, R. r. I., milk routa past door, ana mlla ta sawmill; taara. aaw wagua aad harnaaa, baggy, croam ar para tor. ZS bead - SX 17 cswa, aoata hoga aad tilckena, TO tona at bay, aoma grain:' tba eowa ara .flrat-claaa. This la ona, of tba baat bnya oa tha markati tarma, Vk caah, balanca t ynra t3.000 30 acraa, ft mllra from Vancouver; n acraa ncavcroam. wiearea, aalaaoa alaaked. aeeded to graaa; all fenced with good poata and wlrei lead .level, an mala county road, H mlla to railroad atatloa, aaar acaoel, R, P. ft-room bonaa,' fair bam, family arena rl. gooa wen .new wago top -buggy, 3 acta aaaaeaa. plow, bhrrow, other Small tools, all new ftftO rang, other firm I tare, eewtng aia ehlae. .Will take fl.Sno caah. balanca t yea re at per cent; will exchange for city ' property. -!. ? 11,000 SO arrea la Waahlngtoa county, 4 mllra from Reedvllle, II mllra from Portland: , 15 arrea cleared.. 17 acres greea timber i all "Trnced. all level; email bouse; county road am tea aUlaa of nlaro.. BL P n. mwtA t,lM.n, B ml lea from sawmill, near school. Half : caah, balanca yeare at per sou. 340 acraa ta Clarke county. Washington- 4 anlLea from railroad atatloa and boatlandug: M acraa la flna atata of cultivation, all fancad with poata and wire; 3 good springs, acre bearing orchard, variety; new 3-story 11 -room house with bath, bat and cold watei'i 3 barns, aoxSO with aheda, other sOaM wltb eneae: cooa rrait aryrr ana other nuimiiura: -Aft -cowa. 1 bull, ft calvea. It abeea. d boa. a gooa nornes; t- nien.r. aiowarajiara. twggy. anrlng wagon., i farm waaona. plowa, t harrows, seed drill aad all aereeearr farm teole: dalry-boaaa wltb aeparator; H mile to school, h. r. n. and telephone;- ho tone of bay, aoma grain. Price only St4 per acre. Including all pars personal property; lb beat buy aa tba msrkst: clve terms. aer oeaa.-t $(,500180 acre 1a Clark county, Waah lngtoa; SO seres In cultivation, 40 acraa green - timber, balance paatnre: all fenced with post aad wire; 8 good aprmga, good 3-story ft-room bsaaa. goad frame barn 66x100 feet, machin ery abed 40i0, ehlekaa-hoaao 14x82. m Ilk bouse; running water througb mllkbouse) granary 10x20; one spaa borers worth 8350, 37 milch eowa. 3 keif era, 1 bull, ft hoga. Ml ahfckeoe; 1 McCormlrk binder, mower and rake, all aaw, dlek. 3 wagoae, top boggy, cream aeparator, feed grinder, blows, bar-eowa,- cultivator and A lot of small toola: 00 nana of hay, timothy and crnvert in lie to acnooi; gui acre Bearing orcnara; Beat ,r aoll. 83.(00 cash, balanca years at B par Cant. 8.000 1S acres. mllra from Waah augal, Clarke county; 00 acraa In cultivation, aoma green timber, balanca bruah, easily cleared; all fenced, all level; 2-story a. room hnnse, fair stable i.2H aere bearing orchard! -SO bead of est tie, SO milch cowa, 4 bersee, - S wsceaa. . barassa, - new mower and rake; rreata aeparator, all farm implements that are-aeeded oa a -farm: bora, chickens; 70 tona bar, some grain; H mlla to achool; best of anlL Thin la ona of tba beet bare a the market: Vk msh, balanca yeare at 6 per .rent; wlU take part la r eichange for city report e t tM scree la Clark county, Winhlngtoo, l. il lee from Fancoover; all laveL oak, esh and le maple swale, easily cleared i l.on or 4,000 cords f hardwood, om good saw timber. Price 112.50 per acre; $1,000 cash, balance S year at per cent, or will divide tract. Investigate this Before baying; thai it A aaap. " $3.400 1M acres. 4 tnllea from Woodland. Clarke conqty, Waahlngtoa, on I-ewla river; . 18 acre c leered, sere variety .orchard: pew room frama house, good hern SOtsO feet, frnlt dryer end other baltrtlngN fine Well kt donrr H mil to achool end atorer 3 hm sea, kesvy wsgoa and harness, light wagon, farm Implrmeata. cowa, hay, gram, soma bogs, chickens; fine dairy farm: beet of river hnlhmi land. Terme. 12 OOO caab lielanee A cbeaga tor city- peeper ty. If ynk wint d farm call aad sea otrr flsta; wa tan aalt yon la prlree and terme; or nave the lergeet tlstp af farms on the market, . a . i I O O.W4 -. n..m . ... from S acre. ) 10,000 acre. all fuaranteed aa advertised. vms sw riv The Washlnjrton U Oresoii , - , Realty Co. -to Second at., Portland, nr., Aad 800 Main at, Vsaeoavar, Wa,. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IMPHOVKO bsnrataad rallnqutahawnta I1O0 to fcrtu. part trado or work, trna claim 100 - aaroa, good bouse, fencing aad bare: lift arrra .alaaned, 10 cleared,- an county road, free mall delivery. ecbouThouae U mlla. enouah rhltttm on claim ta pay for It If marketed: waald-aaaka das dairy farm. Also no acres ' of rick oredad land f 10 per acre; ana third ca.k, llou per yr. , W. C. rardlo. Ada. Laaa Uouaty, Oregon. a t T EXC'HANOB. 100 acres, all good laud, la Clarke novmty, Waahlngtoa; boat landa on tba farm; IS acres cultivated! .good new houaa of 8 rooms, nam orchard; flna neighborhood: good water power an the farm, also ft aorlnaa: oa acooatit of . ilcaneea.-wtli-aeU- at a-herast -asanas will trade. BRVKMS HARRISON, ' . ; ' 217 Ahlngton bldg. . TIMHER LAND. 1M area, a flue body of timber land a gentla 'elope, not rough ;' fronta an nialn county road. In Tillamook county, two mllra to Tula muok ajlty, l mllaa ta Netart's bay; a good inveeuuetii. .-UMCIX v HA.BO1S0 217 Aulngtoa bldg. rOS 111 OB BXCHASOB for atock of grocarlaa, 11 acre chicken-ranch, 3 mllra from O, W. P. a-levurla Hue. 13 mllra from Portland; S acree. fenced for chick an a. t . arras dear, balanca easy to cUtar: 4 chicken- bonaea, I brooders, large Incubator, good 4-feom bouse; price fl.400. U 10, Journal. AIX or part of aoO acraa fma wkaat land In Bhermaa county. Oregon, to trade for Part' land property; also flna dairy ac stock ranch . near Drain to trade for city property " equity m aame it good. a. w, is iron, It. 1SVi . Waahlngton. t , .. . , . - - c XCHANOB. ' acres choice land, nearly all cleared, fronta an Base Link fOkd, pea BuaadHvlUa; rwhat have yoa? HEN K LB a HAKRISOM, ' . . 317 Ablngtoa bldg. TTVlTRn RTiTRt - and Canadian - natoata on alarm door knob lust Issued will fit any door , lock, exchange for reat aetata. w oo, cara COUPLET! reetaorant antdt; will exchange for launch or anything useful at equal value; - amp. What nave your W. A. Pratt. Kelso, -Washington. ; . i . I-Oll BALK OR TBADB A new No Deua mora typewriter. Pbome Woatllawn 4&S. . FOR BALB OR TRADB A aomblnaMoa t oa 4 . passenger automobile with top. Phone Wood laws 458. ' .' i - . - - - - A COMBINATION 3 or 4 panenger auto to . trade tor A light naabaat. Phoae Woodliwa 4M. , , "OR EXCRANOB ft-roont modern .brmae, Boutb Bunnyelda, for lota or acreage. . T M,"care " Journal.-- - . ,' FOR SAL OR TKAPB -aere chicken-ranch, cload to carllna. Address H 2ft. care Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CART.OAD aaw Colonial Wall Radiators, any quantity. '..-...-ftuO.OOO feat galranlard and black pipe, ' all alaca. np ta 8-Inch In any quantity. 10.000 feet B-tnck ' steel nvetea mining Carload trace chain. " '-." large dyaamoa, alt .nakaa, aa good aa .Aew. . Carload sbeertroa, black and (alvanlnad. r All kiada second hand machinery. J. eiMON At B-KO., - -r 344-34S Froat at, '.-';..'. ,. . IF TOO WANT . ' A new stove, go to tba ." . A aaw range, go ta the I. Ta trade atovra, go to tha f. . A water-bark put In, go to tba B. raraltnre. go to tba $. t 313 Vlrat at. Mala ST4. Bargain Sale f fnrnttnre atlll Cos tinned Tnaaday, Tbnr day, Saturday. i - lft BCS8CIX BT. For: Salt For cask only T chain pnmpe tot leaa than -ona batr oc coal, ewi r-aat vtay-ar,-Baat 100. -.-.', . Matting, llnrn-warped, the See kind, at ' UUe per yard. 30 or 40-yard rolla, at Tba Dollat, 'Sal First at. , FOR SALB, CHEAP Ona ' new ' machlnlat a . Uthe, Barnee No. . S3S Bast Ninth at. - Pbona Kast ftSeft. . , . ...... BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged atjfee Old : ftooa Oiurv. m . inuin v. AKT18TS' BMtarlsIs. pictures and framing. R, H. Moorbuusa Co.. 113 Alder at...., SHOWCASES, eonntere. flxtaree. booght, enld , or exchanged, t Westers Salvage Co., S37 Washington at. Paclfia two. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for teat or for sole an essy peyments. TUB B&UN8WICK-BALKB COLUNDBB CO. Third St., Portland. . ' WB print your name aa SO calling cards, proper alae aad style, aoe; xou nnsmea -sras, i. A. W. Scbmsl Co., 128 First. Portland, or. 80 SLIGHTLY damsged sewing ms chines at very low prlree; Bluger, -nervne a wueon. Domestic. Whllt. Household,. fsv1s and others! to make room for aew atock Wheeler Wllsod and Singer, a. B. Slgel, Sftft Mer- rlsoB at.,. Marquaaa. Mg. ' - SE8 knSTlxfiirrs. hew sndsecohd-" kaad. Csrlaoa Kallrtrora, 3aS Coock at. HOLDEN'S RUECMATIO CURE Sura ear for rheumatism. Bold by all drnggtst. SECOND-BAND her fixture, pool table, eafee. tables, chairs. Waaler Salvag O., .037 W aahlngton at SEWtNO MACHINES bonght. aold and rx changrd, $A and up. Weatara Salvage Co., S27 Waahlngtoa at, . - FOR SALE Foatreetee -trper" M - Enr at. - Moatavtlla. Pbona Beat 13, ask for Bvsns. FOR SALB VERY REASONABLE A lot of very So second hand olst, 3x14 aad ' Sx1, on Third and Eaat Stark, Pkone Scott 130ft after 7 p. m. SCHOLARSHIP for ssle la lesdlng business cat lege) good la any department; will sell at -dlaconot. Phone Mala sool. FOR SALS at bargain, plnmber'a furnace and kit ef toola. Addreea F (2, car J on mat. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter with tsmtlator, O. K. 181 East 18th st. Phone Beet 27P. . PERSONAL. XES, Pslmo Tableta make yo sleep perfectly) ther cura nervonancee and mo roa at rone: JJ.prlc Su. a. boav boxes SXftU)- gneraetreA. T-AU drugglatei or addrrea Br-v Drug Co., 87 Kortk Iblrd at., rortiaaov-trr. CAIX Paclo 270, Baa Francisco Tailoring' Co. u.-, i. M.,l-ln, nr.. . I n f In. n I n. ,na Ins; ladles' g.rmenu a specialty; at lowest prlc. 871H Taylor at. BOLD ON There hi one thing that will ere rhrnoiatlem. Aak yonr dmgglst fur-bsrh tools or address or call J. U. Clrmetuon. druggist, Portland, Or. MANLY vigor leetored by Dr. Robert1 Nerve Glob-ile. One month'e treetmrnt. $2t I -BMatha, $8t seat secnrrlv sealed by mall, agents, Woodard. Clarke ds Co, Port Is nd. or. BOLIIEN'S RUEi'MATIO Cl'BESnrn car for ' (hi-umetlam. Sold ky all d.n-ci;s. SUITS preoeed while yon watt, 50c. Ladle' . ehlrt prreeed. fruc. Gilbert , 100V4 BUtb t next to Quell. Pbou Mela SuAs, . - . PHYSICAL cnltnre, all bra ache, and BMsssge; Individual and rise Instruction: private home treatment If de.Lred. The Kinglet Sckaol, ' 800 Alder at. Phone Msln 1061. YOUR shoe ahlned frr of charge at the Model - Barber-Shop; sharing 15c . ... .. BET magaslna clubs ever offered: Bend for rrrlceei agenta wanted. Jonea' Book to;e. -kat alder et:.-Fortlsnd. tlr. " Portland. Or. MOLES, wrinkle, snperfnotia katr removed. No rharg to telk It owr. Mrs. M. I. Hill, - Boom m Flledoe Bhlg Pbon pactnc I.TA. TURKISH BATHS. IWO Oreolan hld$. ladle . . . I .Kt. , M.I-, 1.1. . VIAFI CO., Iwls hldg., 8.10U Morrl talks tq womea Thursday., 3:80 p. Morrison; keallk WFBFO0T Oil Black Ug tb heathen ab solutely waterproof. . . EVERY mother ebon Id are Wrhfont Oil Black, log a her bore' ohoeei Biehea then Water- p root and they weer twice aa long BEFINKD yonng ledv. lnet arrived fma the eeet. glvee masssga treatments. Boom a, 3011 Alder st. MANiri'BfiNuV rhlropmlv and alcohol rubbing. Patler 31 snd ki,. 80 Stork St. PERSONAL. MANIOt'RINO. kslrdreaslag. snoclal t coaraa. vom were only;. iralr school for Wl iir achool for womea aad - T . ' . - -1 giria. sua Alder, The iloatgomcry. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Bepalrlng and drrsalng. S81 Tamhlll atreet, Tim NATIONAL IKTItODIIIttKn niMllRTV . W have membera In all walk, of life, from -clety lad lea to working girls: matrimonial rag . wit". photos finest published; membera ana ail 1UC. JM Koaael bldg. DBTECTITB AGENCY Confidential iDVretlga tlone; reports fnrnlahed so IndlvldaiU. thrlf rbararter. reepoaelllllt etc; bad debts eob . Icxtrd; missing.- relatieea- Inratrd; charges naaonaDie; correapondence eollcltra. orrgoa betevtlve Servlae. aCflces tuA-kuA Flleduet . bldg., tfltb aad' Waahlngtoa Its. Phim Main MIS. DISEASES OF W0MBN Private maternity boa I "al, -oulet local Ion l aprctal care. Dr. A wood, room S. AOOVt Morrlaoa. lal. Pae. 17&3. OKKMAN book., magaslnes. novels, etc ; Qrrv i i aian, BagUahi li'm h. BpsHtstt," Pwedlab knff Italian illrtlonarlasi foreign books of all kinds. Schnale Co., 2U Klr.t at.. . Bt'UNT LEATHER WORK, postals burnt to or der 10c, 3 for 2Se. Address all commualra- tloaa to T Pft, care Journal. State what Toa wan. w poaiaia. and i 11 mall tba at prepaid. MAHHIA0B PAPER. Unheal character, superior service; too published many wealthi paper 10c. sealed. L. L. Lore, Bot 1000, ten vsr( Colorado. ... MISS RAYMOND gives mssaage treatmenta, ktiet Morrison at., room 14. . B.EP7.NBD lady gives electrical and masssga - treatmenta for rheumatism. 324H Weablugv toa at., raoma 1-3, DR. SAWYIB'S Sqnaw Boot, guaranteed cure for female eomplajnta. 451 Goldsmith at. Pbona East 448L MISS K. POBTRIt ROBB, electrical mneseuM. . nervous troubles snd rheqmatlam a apeclalty. ' Pbona Main 4178, 180 Seventh at. - - . BKCENTLT opened maairurlng parlors; ladira aud gentlemen. 851 tk Morrlaoa at., room 13. SEXIME PILf core all forma of arrrona or niuacular weakuese. Far men or ' women. Price 1 a box. S boxes IS. wlU fuU guar antee. Address or call J. 0. Clsmrnaon, drug gist. Second and Yamhill sta., Portland, (. A. RrtlNER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. ' Expert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired and redyrd: 80 years' aiperleaea Insures entire eatbfactloa. Phone Pacific 2407. Lewis bldg. BALM OF FIG for all female disease. , Beat Belmont. Fhcne East 4084. St OR. O. . KETCHUM cares promptly private . dlssaaee, kidney, aervoua, skla and special female troubles. Call or write. Office 17.14 ' Third at., ear. XamhlU.'. Phone Pscltto 3ZM. ANX man or woman caa ba strong-sod happy by using Brxlne Pills, the great tonic; price $1 a box. boxes with full guarantee, Addirss or call J- A. Clemenson, druggist, cor. Second and Yamhill ate., Portland, Or. DB BINO CHOONO, IntDortrr Chinese' root edlclnee: aella Chin nose tea, certain cure for all dlaeaaea. 1111 3d, bet, Yamhill and Taylor. EXPERIENCED detect! desires oases of his profession to work on; strictly eunndentlsl; c bar gee reasonable. Address R 21, JournaL TOt'NO acleatISc meaeetiee gives electrical, alcohol and medics trd tree tmsnts; chlropodlat and manicurist. 41 Raleigh bldg., Blxtb and Waahlngton sta. I BBFINED lady gives massage treatments, also eniropoay.. aoi Third at., corner Taylor. t YOUNG ladle give meeeage treatments. 110M lounn, corner w eaninguin. 1 ASSAYERS. OARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. aad ai octane Assay urnce. in Morrison at. ATTORNEYS. C. H. PIOOOTT ANO JT. aTFINCH - ' Attnrneya-at-Law. Practice la all eonrta. d Mulkey bldg., earned Second and Morrlaoa, J. R. WINCHESTER, attottuy-at-law, notary public as aad OS Waahlngtoa bldg. - ARCHITECTS.- SEE Johnson Btorra, arebltecta and traDdera, snout ysur awoera store rroota. . aue aoat MarrkMW as. Phone 4CJ7. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAYIS At avTLHAM. 10 111 Second at. Blank books msnufactureo; agents for Jonea improved Loose-Let leaf era ; ae ina aaw 1 Eureka tear, roe seat on we merBei, ; i'v:: I -. " art FBEB LXS80NS la ombroWarr every dar; new stamped ahlrtwalata. coreet-oover, he- lero Jackets, ha ta. anifreilas, etc. 1 Be - Nsedlecr.ft Shop, 882 Washington It, b . tween West Park aad Tenth ata. PROFESSOR B. MAX MBYER, 848 Alder. Portrait and laadscspe srtlst and tracker. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES B. Blrkeawldi C., BOA. 80S Evsrstt St.; largest butcher eupply boas a tha ceesti Wtlte fut cststogti.' BUTCHERS' BCPPUES Adolph A. Dekam. 131 1W Flrat St., earrlea a fall line and com plete assortment an) lowest market price. -V CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Boom 880 Fllrdner Bldg. Mr. St. D. Bill, Pkoa Pi. 18ft. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St George ' St. George CAN TELL YOL'R FULL NAME, AOE, OC - ' - CUPA110N. $10,000 Challenge for UU Equat $10,000 Command, by edacatlon ' and la endowed wltb th mysterious power af tb Ksster MagL to heal the 111, week, sick. atBlcted: can see the paet aad future of your af fairs crystal clear; rreste a dlrlne Indu. nc to overcome domestic, kv or bust. Be failure; , nakre plalu to yoa all thing bidden, doubtful, deceptive: that, annoy, perplex v prerent success;- tba only Yoghl mediator of secret Influence la America; Implant la year Ufa and belsg marvelous tore to gala your wlah la mar- - rlega, lov, mining, money, bnslarsa, wis- - ring lock; rrmovea evil, care drink hah lu, all weekneaeea which dspress yon or coerce tb will, restore loot vitality, Snd. . Egyptian astral dead trance medium, nay ' cblc palmlut, mystic healer, complete Oriental llfereadlug clairvoyant; ' positively euarsntee tb beet sea pea you bey ever ad almply by taking your bead and look ing at you; telle everything with nemea, date, fact and Sgnres; slways rellsble! - eldest, saost experienced la all eeealt and apeclal work; snggestlvBa, encoes vlbra . tluua. mental telepathy;- bastsn -aaarrlare, i reatora loet love, reunltrs the separated, outwit rival, enemlee. Open Snndsys. J WASHINGTON ST., COB. PABK ST. . . Opposite Slsr Theatre , " Don't nilataza name and blare. A . SPECIAL $.1.00 READING FOB $1.00. - FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. -- ,AV SPKClAt. $.1 RKADINO FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THE 8KST. PROF. E. KHIMO. Greatest living aatral dt-sd-trsnra , vot.nt of the seel ADVISKB ON SI SIMCSS : AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIKE; whom yon villi marrr. bow ta contrel the one yo love, even though mile away; reunites th sep arated: glvee secret powers to control. I will do sn others sdvcrtlae to do. end I grrst deal more. THB ENTIRE WOULD HAS BKKN STARTLKI) WITH THB POW. F.H8 OF THE I'NSKEN F0I1LK8 I UAVB AT -MY COMMAND, and 1 prov It to Jo with out prlc by glvln yo s ft i FBfcE TIST FRKX -R.belnd.Jur NAA1E TOLD JIM FUM,, I Jf ST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, and give you advice absolutely FHKH before yon decide to kava e reeding. V. HO CAN OH WILL -DO MORE TO CONVINCE TUB SKEPHCI lo sot miss this orrortTi mty. as it WILL NOT BB Or FKllk'D TO YOU AGAIN. I IIOF. E. KniMO. Pertnanelly Located In Ills Own flow,. BO' RS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND S1NDAY. No. Rift Flfrti St.. corner Msdlsoa St. CARPET CLEANING.' STANDAKO Carpet Cleaning Co.. lergeet plaat On ina coast. l,ering arm xiarain sia.. xvie. phone , Kast 20. ) arpete cleaned. reStted. sewed and laid; both steam snd Utrst com. prreeed sir proceaa; renovating m.t Lessee. nd frsthrr , specialty. . SANITARY esrpet Vlesnlng. anctlo and mm- Uawot rsawtaa, Mala ftAiri. Mala ejus. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FT) EL CO.. . keeceveor to r C.' K. DAVIS Kt'KL CO.. Pbona Eaat 3d. 2H7 Kat Morrtn ALB1NA FCAX CO. Dealer In oordwood. ol and greea sad dry a tab wood, ku U. aad AUilna are., 3 block east at ferry. Eaat 674. STBHL BHIDGB FUEL COT irweJer la coal, cord wood aad dry alabwued. l'houe Baet 424. OREGON FUEL CO. AH kind, of coal aad wood. 384 Alder sL Phone Main SS. - WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Hoaaa, aad blarkamlth coals. Phone Main 101$ , TAR BOXWOOD CO Phone Mala 3143 for box, block -and alaberood. , CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter. 3n4 Fourth at. Star snd orflce work.. Mela 1787. CLEANINQ ' AND DYEING. Porflsnd Steers Cleaning ft Prslrg Works; prac tical hatter la connection. 211 4th. Pacldc S07. CLOTHES cleaned and preeaed $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 800 Stark at. ' B. W. TURNER, profeaaloaal dyer snd cleaner. 506 Jeff craoa at. Phone Main 3518. - CAFES. THB OFFICE 885 Wa.hlnataa it. pboaa Mala 771. Samuel Vlgneax. , DANCING. DANCINO lesson, 35c; classes or private; wstte Ing, twa-step, three alep, ete.l euga dancing, bnck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish, ' Highland fling. te. Prof. Wsl Wtllsoa, old . eat recognised teacher, Allsky bldg. Third and Morrison Its. - WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Moa Thursday and Saturday era.; aoclal, fancy ' and . etep dancing taught; fencing taught; private lessons dally. .VSeatern Academy kali, beeond and Morrlaoa. Pad 5c lSO. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading achool; ballroom etiquette, correct aortal end classic .dancing; both aexee: young folks, adults; ta "atractlon dally. 80S Alder. ToL M. iftftl. ' Prof. MUigler, dancing master. FBOP. EATON Dancing aebeol; clas for ladle aad genta Monday aad Thursday evenlnga, Arloa hall.. Pkooa Eaat 3504, - Itovrn a imneing Acaoemy. nurxDara ball, 87 H East Buraalda. Pbona Mala (713. DaactH maifii DRESSMAKING. TRY Angel Dreeamaklng Parlor. 343 Fifth and Main. Pacific H. s ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, . eeotrac ton, repalrera, akrctrla wiring, euppllea, 04 Flrat, cor. BUrk. Mala S50. K. B. Tata, mgr. VESTERN ELECTRIO WORKS, SI Slxtk at Contractors, electric snppllee, motor, and dyaamoa; wa Inetall Bght and power plants. EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUTORING Teacher with university experience ; college preparatory work a spe cialty. Stadia 8d North 17th t. Pboa Pacific t. t -, ' - MARY DAY1B MAOINNIS, teacher of eonvea tlonal and aaturallatlc china; water-color heads a apedalty. Studio 881 B. th at., N. FURNACES. BOTNTON fsnn-alr farnaces ear. fuel. J. a, Bayer Furnace Co.. 350 Beeond. . Main 481. r FEN CE-AND-WIRE WORKS. . PORTLAND WIRE ft IB0N WORKS 88 Flanders at., cor. Third. Pbona Mela 3000. GASOLINE, ENGINES. OASOLINB englnee. all alas aad style, et lowest price. Balraoa MeeCtnery Co., US-- Morrlaoa at. HOTELS, r THB BBLLBFUB. Foartb-and 8 Koom no np; rate ny wees or month; out-of-town trade aouciteo. racine aiuo. HOTEL Portland, Amerlcsa plan; $3. $3 par day. BRLTEDEBEi En ropes n plan; 4th and Alder at. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardwire Co. aoUdte pnortunlty ta qnote price, i nixta at- raciae no. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, Br Insurane. lock bids. 844 Shar- JAS: Mcl. WOOD. mployrra' liability aad In. . dividual acclaest swcunty dodos ax nu aina. Phone 47. 803 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. ntnVEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from I to 10 years' time, with rrlvllegs ta repay all 0 part af Vrna after wa yeare. Lean approved frora plan aad Bsoney ear. nee ponding progreeeee aaortgsge taken p aad replaced. FBED H. STRONG, Flnaacial Agsat. .-. 38 Surk st. THB STAB LOAN CO.-. Any salaried employ, wsge-esrner. as a get . ea hla note, without mortgage Month. H Month Week. ISO (XV Repay ' to ok $18.88 or $0 50 or $8 85 $25.00 Repay ta a $ S OA at 8S.8S or $1.83 $16.00 Repay to ae $ 4.00 or $2.00 or fl.uu , 310 McKCF Idg. r CONFIDENTIAL LOANS salaries. Inmrane policies, plsnos, furniture, warehouse re celpta. etc.; any deaervlng person may seenre liberal advance, repaying by esay weekly - r monthly Installments. NEW EBA LOAN ft TBrST COMPANY, Soft Ablsgtea bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALAB1ED PBOPLB Jnt oa yonr own nam. a other security don't borrow until yeu see me; my system I : th best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeeper, atreetcar mea-wid all other empwrire; Bust Bess strictly conftdentleL -F. A, Newton, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLBW And et her unoa their awa Baasee wlthoal eecurlty: cheapest ratea, easiest permeate; ' offices la ao.prlnclpsl cities; aare yourself money by retting eur terme arat. TOLMAN, 823 Ablngtoa bldg., lodti Third at WANTED Note, mortgsge r Mntrset on ay Mnd ef reel eet.te la Oregoa and Wa.hmg to; second asortgsgsa purchased If well se cured. H. B. Noble. 812 Caeameretal alk. MONEY te loan la sums ta snlt, S and S years, aa low aa n per cent, on improve euy prop erty. -Mnaltoa ft Scab, ftol jOolumbla bhlg., Sdft Weehlngton at." DON'T borrow money on salary aattt- yoa see Huttca Credit Co. . All Dekam hldg. MONEY loaned oa farsltttre, pie ssd other , securities.- w.' A. iisioswsy, room tu, I Waahlngton Bldg. Pbou PartSe 1883. a. WANTED Application for mortgage Inane. direct from owner, from S30 to $1,800, roc - term, of year. Vow rates, moderate charge. W. B. Ward, Attorney-at-Law, Allsky kldg. . MONEY t man; lrg losns speclallyi sled building leans; lowest rate fire In.uraor. Wllllsm O. Beck. 813 Failing bldg. CRKSCBNT LOAN CO., 42S Mobswk hldg. Money t lend en cey payment plan to ' wage-earnere; atrletly condcntlali '. MONEY t loea all kind of security. Wssklngtoa bldg. William Holl. room s. LOW rate a furnlrnr. etc.: ennad'ntlel. tM Flledner bldg., lotb and Wssk. Pscjd Vt. QUICK losna on all aecurltlea. S. ' W. king, 4ft Wssblngtoa bldg. Pboa Mala 8100. WILL toaa S,lxiO a lee, real estste security, S psr cent. Ferrlngton, Feato bldg. TO LOAN Sum ta aalt J an chattel security. B. A. FT. me, G14 tha Maronam. A LOAN for th aklng Salary s ckatleL Tk AarSA 0 10 Pekum kldg. MUSICAL. THB WfcHKKR STI'DIO Mandolin, fcanjo, gnt Ur luatruc-tloa; Ulheoa Biendullua. 875 Alder. PIANO, viol la, plana, tram hone, clarinet. Pro. lessor K A. Smith, 3f4 12th. Mala 4T0S. 20 KINP. 80 fnito 40e. Levy's Mush Boom, 171 Fourth t. .. -7 MANTKlLIN leasnns. tral-claaa teacbar, Aoe. Pboo Pacific 477. MACHINERY. B. TKENKMAN ft CO. Mlalng. sawmill. h.g- (iDg mathinaryi- kadrauUe pipear-aaatlngr sir lads repaired. U4 North Fourth. AUTOMOKII.B machine works, ga so litis motors, transmlsslnna and electing geara. N. M.trvn son, 35A (irssd av. . Till! H. C. AI.BKC CO Second has pn. cklnery, aawmllla. etc. 348 Grend S'e. At J. PAUL, lot First at., en sines, boiler, sw- mlll machinery Wick Bros.' ng. monuments. ' KK.i; ft KINOSLEY. 308 First f., Portland' leading marble and granite werka. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DBS. ADIX ft NORTH KUP. 415-lo-lT Dekuia bhlg.. Third snd Washingtoa sta. Phone - Mela 840. Examination free. OPTICIANS. DR. B, J. MILLS Optometrlai. and Eyretght Specialist.',;. Rooms 88-37. 828 Waahlngton Street PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. sanitary plamhers, SSI Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Fhouf Mala 8001. DONNEBBEKO ft BADEMACUEB. ramovid U No. 8u8 Burnalda aL PRINTING. THE MODERN PBINTKBY Artletl printing. 20'Buaael bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlaoa, Pbona Faclne 1620, OGILBBB BROS.,- printers Cards, billhead, ate. Pbona Mala lHAd. 146V4 Ftret at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.: window glaaa aad glaalng. . left : Flrat St. Phone 1884. RUBBER STAMPS. P. a STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder at., pbona Mala T10; rubber atsmns, eesle, stencils: b.g- gsge. trade cherke; brass signs and plates. REAL ESTATE. PARBI8H. W ATKINS ft CO., Real aetate. Insurance, rental and ; e genta. 350 Alder et. tea J. W. OOILBEE, real eetate And loan a; oatah 11a bed 1883. 145 First at,, room 11. l, B. RICHARDSON REAL E8TATR AND MORTGAGE LOANS, phone Main 5300. 523 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repalrlag aad general Jobbing. J. Lo.ll. 212 Jefferson St., Pac 1424. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLBISBR SIGNS. W bsv belli. P the largest algn business ' la tba city by first-class work and keeping oar promisee. Our prlcee are right. Fifth and Everett sla. I'booe Ex. 55. W. P. BKROER ft SON.. 24 YamhlU St. Sign ofU kind. - Pbona PaclOc t2o3. SIGNS THAT ATTBACT" A. H. 287 titark at,' - Pkone Paclnc 1500, Boal Co., SEWINaTACHINES7 PBONB Paclte 3788 and I personally will call and repair your sewing-machine; work fuaraatred. 8. Bams, sdjuster, 801 Third st. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sols agent for Herring- Hall-Marvin safe and Mangsnes Steel Sets Co-' bank as fee, Tba largest asaorttnent of high-grade ara and burglar-proof aafea la lb aortnweeu u oavenia ex. DIEBOLD marutsnee and B re-proof safra : lock out opened; metal Sxturrx: vault sad Jell works Jacka. J. K. Davis. 86 8d. Msln 185S. BIGHT second hand 8 re-proof aafe and two . second hand bank aafea tot sals chssp. At IV . sixth St., roriisno, or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; nssk, bar and .tor fixture made to orim, Th Lath Msnofsctu.'in Co., . Portland. B. B. B1BDSALL, deelgner; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton mug. - Ham now. STREET PAVING. WARREN Constrnctlna Co.. street paving side walks ead crossings. 14 uimasr blebs og a. THB Barber Paying Co. Of PorUand. ornco sa w. uriester bib. - TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGOAOR ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., or. Blxtb and osb sta.; beggsga checked from kotefer real da ace direct -to dcatluatlon; paseengera therefore avoid runb and annoy ance at depots. Private exchanga OS. SAFES pis ilaaoa end furniture awrrcd, parked ready for skipping and aklnped; an -wore. ' gusrsntsed: Urge, 8-story brick. Sra-nroof waerhooao for etoreae. Offl'-a SuS Oak St. Olsan ft Bo. Pbona Msln 547. 0. 0. PICK, office SS First St.. between Stark and Oak sta., pnon ovo; pianoe ana rurnitnr moved end parked for shipping; commodious brick werekuasa wltb separata Iroa room, Front and Clay ata. CUT ratea aa bo nor bold good to all point ssst; wa mass up earioaaa; specisi room tor frank wkll welting. Oregon Auta-Drapatcb, 13 Flrat st, Phsae Mala 710. . i B0SB CITY VAN CO., offer 141 First t.. nbon hi at STJS. Furniture and pisno-movln -a apectahy; wa gnarsntee our work. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 154 Nortk Blxtb. - Pkoa Btsln . Heavy naming a a atocag. INDEPENDENT BAGOAOR ft TRANSFER CO. Btorag. 834 Btark at. Blsia sot. POST SPECIAL DELIVEBY, No. 300 Ws.k- Ingtee .1, rbone Mela nsz. TELEPHONES THE only oxclnalve b'tepbnne nonee. B.-R, Electric st leiepnone stsnuisciunng com pany, ra rirtn st. TOWEL" SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, sosp, 11 per maath, Portlsnd Lsnndry snd Towel upply Co.. Ninth end Couch. Phono 4101 TYPEWRITERS. UHAIMjtiAKTKB for new and rebuilt type write re r all maaee; see nor window; If yo ar going to buy a new typewriter r a be fore baying: we can ssve you money; wl bsv psrt fot repairing all mactilaes: etat agenta for the Vlalhle Fox; we buy all hinds of typewriter. Th Typewriter Exchange, Inc., k. J. Elllsoa. maaager, N4 Third at. WB sell Bemlngtona, Stnltk-Premlera. Dens. mores, etc., hwrr tban any other, eofnpahri laveallgato- Underwyd Typewriter C..a 6th. BLICKKNSDERKK-H typewriters. $40 snd supplies, repairing. Koa a K'wa. -jviy, xtark. WINDOW SHADES. ttAI.R WINDOW SHADE CO.. 307 Sslnaon St., Elalli' and fancy shades mads te order si west prices. Phone Msl 55TS. WINES AND LIQUORS, i COLI1MMUS, Csllfornla win depot; ell kinds . of wine, be glssa. Cotka' snd Ceoks' Alelp sr. Ueadqnarters. I IS l uitrth L I'bosjt l's , title VISA, l". Lore i L , , :V;r: VU" v FINANCIAL LADS ft TUTOR, BAVKIkS la 18a. . . n,a. rl Baakta Bnelneas. Collection made at all petot Letter e credit Ieas4 svslhble la Esmpa aad aB p,.iate tb r-. ta "" Bight Exsbsngs aad Telegrapble Treaafere aald e Sew York. Waanlngteo. Chieate. !r a . Omah. 8a Ftaaclee as aloe tana and Brltlak CelumhU. Rxckaaga a4 22S2Sirj.,iJlVF gsd h.inelunx, a MMZBCHABTS BATIOBAi BAJTK. POST LAB IK BBE00. , - J. rRANIC WTAON.......Pres1drU I R. L. DURHAM. . mJ'. B, W. HOXT Caaklea I EURO 8 W. Rort.....,..latetsad CeH Xvoaaaato fwarai Baekmg Busbaesa. Drafts sad tettera af Credit leaned Arallabl ' All Parte at tke World. CeUretlo a Specialty - , U BITES STATES RATIO BAL BABR OF ' c. ehiNi TVaa... . t i ..Vi1 aL-LfiD in in.. . .. -. mm adT - " w ' " . viae we. INUBU aVSIiaSf FS W ' ' tee United Bute and Earop. Henghoag aad tlaalU. Celleotlaa Made ea Feerbl Tera vK 2H?,yi" C AINSWOSTtl I Cshle W BOHVPtB c-Pn!da ISA BABNBB AeslstaBt C.shler!T ."....... W. A- B0LB Aealatist Cashier. BB. ft lUMRBBAtEB'S BAATK Portland. Oregeo, Car 8eed aad 3terh etrwrt. ten Tj1' " etng department. iBtorsot psM o as vise aanants. Prsft aad - , - "eai leeaeei evMieoie i an ajrae i'. v. x-ai.-rniv , - . n " -'!, ........... rq.l t ror.u B Rtrm CHILD... gtea Vt. Vl.1..r I JOHN ATINa....Breen Tlce-Preeldent I T "X 0-AUF0SjnA Fstssilskad Itdd. Reed Offav Ban Frenssee. Calif era m. n.D'.f"L ' -.. ;..$4 Surplus snd undivided prodts. $, uoeret Ranking snd Frchanre Bnalneee Trtnaarted. Interest On Time Deposit. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may ba opened of 810 aad apward. 1 ari,' " . ertlasd Rraaeb Chaaabc of CAqinteree ntns, MACBAB. I .. Maaager I . T. BUHTCH A ELL. . . .. fteelctant M.naeev JIBS BATIOBAL BARK F P0STXANB. Designated Devvaltory ed . Pvtstdrst. . Saslstsot taeblar....i..4M..w. C ALVORO . . Lett ere ef Credit Available I a . ' end Telegraphic Tr. safer, DC r l. OrnftSai gRsnan ....ft adv.- -s a Ho.!.. 2 lm drswa la snax ra enlt aa dJf'koksm. Copenkagea. Ckrtetlaala. T TRUST COMPANIES. P'"" TRUST C0MPAWT OF OBIO0N Tha Oldest Tnut OempoaF la Oragea. REHilURCrs OVBB $1 750.000. Gesl ba.klnr, S pee. rent tnteroot a eheew aansnaea .... LV?,. '"'''Tl'' 0,1, belancea of iUMr over,' Letter of credit and oschene ea .11 Mr erorld. 8avlnra ceoanta.. Tlma eertlflcatre. 8 to 4 per cent: short e. 11 apeetal certifies tea. $noo ar over. 3 H te 4 per rent. Call for Booh of HiArSTRATIONS. w . Z?? Cornr Third and flak Streata. Phone Private Kir bans TS. - -SENT I. COFtFN... .id u r. x.i-e-rvw ... Th.ri.MMl ' B. I ?B PAOBT. .Secretary I FCTTRITT SAVrWOS ft TBTTST COMPART oaneral Ranking Raataea. a Tim aad Baet Arcoanr. Art ss vreoit Avallakle la AB P. ADAMS,. L. MILLS... .k. Preetdent I .Second Vlre-Prealdeat OBO. F. BU8SRLL, M0BTOASB OrABABTIE ft TROST Trsnasets Benersl Bsnbln BnaJeeaa. Pprtiaat d per cent lateraat s Hewed, riMTAT. Ob w. WATRRBURT. ..... .V.T. . . fVertainVr . . I IIISI B. LOO AN BAYS... . . . yswm .,., wisxsnx ccrexBry Etktf Temple. .Seyenfk snd Stsrk Streets. Pkone Mela 184. Open Be tardsy Fe1a I kt NORXVWXITERR BVARARTER ft TRUST COMPART Portland. Ore, Lamber Rsebaagw. s. B. Corner Second and Ptsr Streets laiosad Seer) . - A - - FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. 1st, cVwaty. Mnaldpal aad Cerporstloa Bawls Bonakt ssd Sold. Rev iBtarprbma ' ' and Snsneed. Stocks gnd bonde a-nar. steed. m.R VARaRTRR ft TRTBT CORP AB Y WASTtTROTOR 3TBIX?. . MOBTOAUE LOANS M Portlsnd Bel Batsf st Loweet Bete.. Tillea Inaarto. I. THORBURR BOSS.... Preeldeat I 0EORGB B. BILL. rtcQ-rrvsiaewi BONDS AND M 0E BIS BB0THXBX CkamVsr f Commerce "-' - Mtrnlclp.l. raHroad aad D0WRJRG-R0PXTRS COaTPART Xstshllxked STOCXS, BONDS. 4JBAIH Boaght Prlvst Wire. ROOM d CBAMBBR HX i, a LIB COMPART Is-1 Lsfsyetts V Broker Daaeimet See U Before Buying or Selling Stock L00IB J. WTLDE H0MX TELEPR0RX BONDS BANK STOCXX. , Member Portias Stock Exchange. Corner Blxtb snd Wssklngtoa Street. Portlsnd. Orrgoa. Oyerbeckp Starr & Cocke Co. V'" BATR, PB0TIST0RS. COT TOR. STOCXS ARB RORBAV ' WE 90 ft STRI0TLY 0 OMbtlBSlOB B0SIMXSB, V t. CaaUaaoa Market by Private Wire. Quick Servlca. BEFBBBNCES Land ft Tlltoo. Bask ra. aad. United SUtae National Beak ef Port la ad. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BREYMAN LEATHEB CO., Jobber of addlary, berdwars, korse goods, las ther, SnaV - Inge and ehutora suppllre. Fifth- end Oak. . kt. A, OCNST ft CO . DISTBIBUT0BS OF F1NB adlBB, PORTLAND, OBEGON. BHERK, BASE ft GRAHAM (lac) conualssloa DterrhsnU. jober oc xruita, proauc. ele-i conalgnmenia nouriie. aao axon. ai. BVERDINO ft FARBELIa produc aad eon. mission merchanta. mo Fraat at., l'artiaad. Or. I'hon Mala 178. . OBEUON Furniture M.nnf.cturlng Cbmpsny - Mssufsctwrera of furniture for tba trad. Portland, Oregoa. ... WADHAM8 ft CO., wholessle grocers, manu , facturera and oomnjlaatoa merchanta. Fourth - aad Oak ata. :. --. - - FURNITURE msnufsotSTlng and epeclal ardera. L, Buxensay a iursitur factory, axnj rront su ALLEN ft LEWIS, com nils. Ian and produc mer chanta. Front aad uevie sta., t'ortiaad. or. BHOLESALft oraykery And glass, sre. Prsel, llrg.l ft Co.. 100 ta lOd Fifth, ear. Stark at. TWO MEN ARE INJURED l v. SPOKANE-WRECK Freight Trains Collide in Darke : ness Near Madelia Street .' Subway.";' ISaoclal Dlenatch ta Th Journal.) SDOkano. W'aBh.. Nov. IS. Inky Bar- nexa lait nlcht was rpons)bl for a erlou amashup on the Northern Pa cific tracke mar tha Madelia atroat sub way. In which ft Bufnbr of rraiftit eara and ft switch anclna wera eonaldarably damagrxi and sn ernlneer ' and fireman Injured bp a oolUlon . between two freight trains. ' ' F. J. Kaller. tha anslneer, suatainau vr brulaca about th body and tb fractura of thraa 'Tibs. C P. Bcott, a Arc-man. auffated fractures of tha lft thigh, left arm and two finger. Both wtr Jtktn Jo th hopltal. . NEW CORPORATIONS ' - FILE THEIR ARTICLES tSaeelsl Dispatch ta Tk Journal.) ' Fnlem. Or.. Nov. 10. Artlol4 of An corporation wr filed aa follows with tha aecretarr of state yesterdap: The Coodatd Creamary oompany. capital stock $&0.0v0j Incorporator, K. Pearson. W. O. Id ana i. n. MCLranaia; principal omc Portland, Oregon. Beacon Loago, rio.eSi, i. v. vr. truete. 3. P. Carroll, R. F. llardwick. Charlea T. Bennett: astlmatad Talus of property, $400; location, Moiler, Wasco county. ... "eat BTearljr arFrta4.. '. (Special maps ten I aha loarnal.) t.. Orando, Or.. Nov. lO.Tha beat harvest In the Grand Koirta Valley ia .bout completed, and the augar factory ha ben mnnlmf m excellent snaps tlila falL In sdJItlon to the fine out-put-of - bet,-he- tngar trcantaga la hlaher this year lhan vr beifore. Th estimated product of augar thla year la placed - St . bat ween and SO.SdS nick, or from 250 to 300 cars. Th fac tory will probably run four weka' lon ger before tms year proouei i iin- iBhed. ' .'". ; For Oragosi aviUaUag. " ' (Journal Speetal Service. 1 Norfolk. Vs., . Nov, 10. Jeffersao Myers, preslile-nt of tha Oregon Ter centennial cornmilon, yetrdy ao litcted th building alt at th Jam, town eixpottltWTi on which'1 Oregon alo-i or th northwestern' 'Ptates of Oregon. Waahirlgtoit. Maho anl Montana Jointly will arect a alrurture to rcptenent the great north west at tba 1 er entennlnL I BANKS. FOBTLABD, 0BI00R. mi n.fe e,H&. . . . - tr .....A. M. WBIOBV ox u vwia , . . a . n . W. VI. W rm , .feeble R h ITARlf . . . " I " .l.i.a rlM PL ATT ft PLATT weneral fnee OBBtMR. Flaanrial Ajast ef rk C sited State. ...J. W. B"WF1R: Beeond Assistant Ca abler U..W. BTBVBNB Rnrere en rh Rsetera Stste sold sn New Yerk, Boston. Chicago. St. ! t , a tu - London. Parte. Berlin. Frsakfe-v-tbe-Msl. Stockholm. St Feterabur. Msasssr. Burlck. J. O. GOLTRA. .Aeslstsnt Secretary SOS Maerieaei Street. ' Psrtland. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. I a terra t Ainrweaj Trustee for Eet.te. Draft aad Letter af Parte ef the World. , f. A. R. O. LEWIS ....Flrat Vice-P reel euni-jxi Aaststa.t Secretary COMRAJfT RAXR. lateeeat Pal a. Tt. ' rjaaastta. SavkU oomonasried ia A H' 'if' " MT1J.F. R ,Tea.prwMaVa1r . , 7a turd ergeaiBid anerracta FarwHked. JKO. R. AITCHISOR..1...... i vdSwBnT Treasnree t. t. burshabt INVESTMENTS. BIJg, . ' '" nnhllc aerrlee rorrorstlo bond. 188 XX0XIBB. and Bold for Cask ad Msrgla. ef COMMERCR. Pbeaa Mala ST. Rldg.. Pertland, trregaa. . W. UmiIm alaeaee. or Bonde. Ca 8. re Te Meaep. (Members Cktrego Board of Tvada.) 103 Third St- Mr Kay Bl. Poetlaad. Orogoa. Hofer Says State Cannot Be De . veloped Unless Large Land ' Tracts Are Broken Up. ' ONE FIFTH OF AREA OF STATE IS UNAVAILABLE Syndkstes' and CorporstioBs' Hold ings Added to Forest Rdserves Crsstcd by Oovsrnmnt - Have Needed Property Cerraled. ' ' (Special T) (spate ta Tk Joomsl. 1 Lebanon, Or, Nov. 10. At tha cloa of tha Willamette VaUy Developmant league convention a remarkabl dclara-' tlon waa made by " president. Colonel E. Hofer, to the effect that unleea th " large holding of pubJlo landa lit thla atata could be broken np there waa no immediate proapect or possibility ef de veloping and settling up thla atata. ' H ' n ho wed that with .the foreat raaervea. Including about ona fifth of the area of the state, and the Immense holdings of private corporatlona and flrtna and In-' dlvlduala, and with - what - was - being taken In large bodies by syndicates at -pre Bent, there waa bo place for th ao-: tual - homeateader ta- acquire a home, and there was no place for th actual srttlar to settle in any large numbera. He claims there sre between SO snd . 40 holdings of from SOO.OOt to I.OOO.ftO -seres tied tip and not en the market, and that these holdings are being. In ereaaed today by the operatlooa of syn dicates and corporations at a rapid rata. . . gitaa Btaay Caa. - " He cited the' tinmen holdings undo . the grant to tha Oregoa Central Military Wagon Road company, ' extending east ward from Eugene serosa the atavterth Willamette Valley and Cascade Moan tain wagon road grant, from Lebaao aaatward acroaa the atate, now owread by th leaaaard Freres of Parle. Franoa; Th Dalles Military Road company, it extending from The Pallea eastward . aoroaa the atate and owned by the parr , dV Co. syndicate; the Cooa Bay Min road grant, now owned By Elljay mttkj of 3oston; tha Northern Faclfra sverlaa. and acrlp location. oonvyd to the . Weyerbanser. syndicate; th Corvalll Snd Taaulna Bay wagon road grant, and the Oregon ft, California railroad grant; " the whole length of tha state. - ; BCUiloaB as Aatws. ' - ;AH of these comftMeed million ef acraa Of the finest land In the stale, ef . nncalculabl foreat and mineral wealth, nearly all obtained by technical fraud. , except that railroad land fot whloh railroads had been eonatraoted. It was -all practically withdrawn from the market, except the a C Ry. lands, that 'tad been got ready to be eold to settlers when the Cnllfornla earthquake and lira had destroyed the yecorda, aid .. new that eom pan y waa reatoring It record from the eounty a as or end . county recorders book to gtn place) them on the market Many of th wagon road grant wra given with never a esn or a tnfno of a roud coatructd to show wner tW had an baeta of till to the lan-ls h.. -Ing all blocked the K. nir.t of t.-n-ton. - ' - ft yoa e tie ' lal 1 1 .t f Xu . 1 . I' PROGRESS BARRED ill OREGON v- ,.