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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
KING EDWARD OF- ENGLAND IS NOW SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OLD r r- ' 'I . I : i i ., . " ! . t ; ' " ' T V ' ' . 1', - : ., , ' ; 1 ' ' :'X, ' ' ' 1 'r ' , ' W- . ,;, I '- , .-. ', . .I : i ' - i i : ., , il ' f , , r , ft 7 : -;),. " ' irr'.'- , 'v..,,;,, ..,." ' , .... , ft, ! ' ' Ir Recent Snapshot " (Jon reel Speclel Imta.) London, Nov. . At Sandrlncham. the charmlnc little Norfolk estate where . the happiest day of hie life hare been passed and from which neither the atatellnesa of Windsor Castl nor the .charms of Buckingham palace have been, able to woo him, Kins; Edward to day celebrated hie sixty-fifth birthday, surrounded by a happy family party. Congratulatory messages poured In from all parts of the world, but these, sin--. eerely felicitous though their tone might be, did not give his majesty any more pleasure than It did to receive a little deputation of his tenants who called to congratulate him upon his tn . hlversary. -. ; King Edward la enjoying good health, though quite naturally he Is beginning MISPLACED LETTERS CAUSE GIRL . TO MARRY THE WRONG MAN Mrs., Amy B. Sturgeon,' the St Louis . IHearet Hews Service.) St. Louis, Nov. I. -One more link was added to the tangled romance of Mrs. Amy Bay Sturgeon, whoae wed ding wasl the result of a misdirected ' letter,' when her husband, Robert T. . Sturgeon, obtained a divorce by default, Mie charge being- abandonment.' '' Mr. Sturgeon, who was a St' Louis society girl before her marriage, la ' supposed to be in ths south visiting ' relatives. She fled from her husband. It is said," Immediately after the world's fair, during which noted - personages were guests at the Sturgeon mansion. .They included Miss Rosemary Sartorta, ' granddaughter of -President Grant, a close friend of Mrs. Sturgeon. Miss Bay s father la wealthy, and the Bays lived In Grand avenue, a fashion able residence street. Miss Bav was : sought by, dosens of the moat eligible young men or the country. She chose none, of thorn until her father. It Is Bemetaber the Blvoroe lawyers. -f Washington Herald. "How about these dukes T" Inquired Mr. Strucklje. "Are they purty etpen sIveT". . , i Tou bet the are," answered Mr. of JCing- Edward.' to look, and feel the', burden of hie years. " Hts hair -and beard have notice, ably whitened during the past year and there are many deep lines on his face that were not. there when he came to the throne. The changes - that .have taken place on the thrones of Europe during the paat year leave King Edward among the oldest of the prominent rulers. King Osoar of Sweden. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. Charles of Roumanla and Leopold of Belgium are his seniors. - All the other rulers, with the exception of those of one or two of the minor German states; are younger than King Edward. President Failures, the present chief executive of France, le the senior of King Edward by Just three days, having been born. November .1141. Belle Who Married the Wrong Man. said, reminded her that she 4aa 20 and that she would be an old maid If she waited much longer. ; It waa at this time that wealthy Mr. Sturgeon and ' a Kentucklan of good family -Were rivals for r 'Jij'nd... They' happened to call on the same night and left together. Each sent a letter of proposal to her that night by special messenger. .... -Mies Bay decided fn favor of the Kentucklan, but eh .d'ff not us the name of either In her replies. The ac ceptance that was Intended for the Ken tucklan went to Mr, Sturgeon, and the refusal to the man she loved, for she bad put the notes tn the wrong n. velopes. ' ' '".'.. When Mr. Sturgeon called as an sc fepted suitor the girl lacked the Cour- f ee to tell of the mistake and, regret Ing It bitterly, she 'still Allowed herself to become the bride of Sturgeon. ; Nuritch, who bsd bought on a "And you want to remember this, Hiram. The first cost is the smallest Item.'" , 3 fee slok teeales ase the Waat Oet. et ne f ouraah - THS CSSGOM DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER OUR FEE $10 - ooirtrx.TATio rmza. . Vrrffnf.-1 uo-iite cuasamtee t iincuceie no m vm wt We,eur this disease without operation , or ligature, and under our treatment the : congested condition eoon disappears, the parts are restored to their natural con- . dltion. vigor and strength, and circulation Is reestablished. -, -: LOST V1TALITT (No matter how long Jltaading.U'here-ie-oot a man In1 ex-ief-" ence who le suffering from any weakness that we cannot rebuild and strengthen with our NEW IDEAL TREATMENT and bring JBstabUshod OS Tears . him back to robust vlaoroua strenrth. and s orUrt. there will never again bo a -sign of weaknesa unless, brought on by , dissipation, violation of the laws of nature. , ., -Tee Ar Vever safs Wall. SyptIIls,J:iood Poison thu A person afflicted with Blood Poison cannot feel safe while any of the vlrue or poison remains tn the system. This disease, with little doubt, is one of the most hor rible and deadly which affecta the. human family, from the fact that though Its beginning Is manifested by only a small sore. In a short tiros it becomes constitutional; the blood is contaminated, the tissues break down,' and a multitude of terrible symptoms follow, such as un sightly skin eruptions, eore throat, falling of the hair, pains tn various parts of the body, inflamed eyea, generel emaciation and debility. Later may follow dis ease of the nerves, such ss paralysis, locomotor ataxia softening of the brain. Insanity, etc We will cure you If your case can be. cured. Write if you cannot calL . . i '. ... m- to i p. m.i Evenlnga. T to ;S0; Sundays, ( a. m. to il ooi4.'-'i. L... St. Louis Medical and Suraical Dispensary flnmariiat mm ft ftim rr . r . ,4 W EVICTED TEflAIITS IN SORE HEED Thousands of Poor Irlshrhtn Are r Living In Misery and Ut ? . .. ter Destitution. POLITICIANS QUARREL OVER REINSTATEMENT Wealth . Irieh-Amerlcan Suggest! That Baseball ' Be , Introduced on Emerald Isle as Substitute Recrea tion for Cricket" . (Jearasl Bpedel Berrlee.t Dublin, Nov. 10. It Is a great pity that the momentous question of the re instatement of the evicted Irish" ten ants should be made the subject of a bitter quarrel between Irish leaders and politicians when all hands should be united In pressing to a settlement soms practical measure for their relief. Their plight is most pitiable.. They have been appropriately termed the "wounded soldiers of the land war." To their cour age and sacrifice Is due all the land re forms that have been won for .' Ireland. Yet - thoueands -of -them - have -not yet been restored to their old holdings and are- living la abject misery and desti tution. .'- . ' ' .. w. , On the Invitation of the Cork Evicted (Tenants', association the members of the land conference of ltoi met to con sider the matter. The only absentee was John. Redmond, -who declined -to coun tenance the conference. Its report has Just been Issued. ': ':: -BComey to Aid Veaaats. ' j . There Is no space to describe ths scheme In detail. Among other ithlngs it oells upon the government to devote the whole of the ll,S60,oeo which, is ear marked under the purchase act for the carrying out of migration scheme and the enlargement of holdings, as well as the restoration of the evicted tenants. solely to the latter purpose, since It Is clear that a vastly grester sura will be required when the problem of conges tion Is dealt with. . f - Mr. Dillon- devotes four columns te the Dublin "freeman" to an attempt to demonstrate that the scheme Is unwork able and valueless, and he charges that the-report is the outcome of a plot for the destruction of the Irish party and for placing Irish politics In control of Lord Dunraven and - his revolution friends. And In his paper, the Irish People, William O'Brien anathematises and pulverises Mr. Dillon throughout a dosen columns or more. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the controversy be tween hem, the spectacle Is a deplor able one. Speedy Settlement As regards the scheme propounded by the conference for the . sake of the wretched evicted tenants, one muat hops that Mr. O'Brien's view of It Is right and Mr. Dillon's trrong. Mr. O'Brien declares that it provides for a 'speedy and satisfactory settlement of the mat ter. Addressing a monster meeting at Cork he advised the evicted tenants to refrain from any disturbances for the next six months that the government may be given a fair chance. "In turn," he said, "I make the pledge to you here today, If the autumn session is allowed to pass without any action, and If tn six month this question is left In the derelict condition In the same fee ble, exasperating way In which It has been left for the laat two years I for on will be with the evloted . tenants heart end soul in any protest, no matter how extreme, that It may be 'possible for them to make against either the landlords or the grabbers, or the estates commissioners, or . the government or whoever els may be responsible for (ashing the cup of hop again from the evicted tenants of Ireland. Another step toward the Americanise tlon of Ireland will take place next year. Arrangements are now tn progress to In troduce the game "f baseball. Cricket Is practically boycotted In Lelnster, Monster and Connaught and In many of the towns and villages In Ulster. It Is considered to be of English origin and Its support Is entirely confined to what la described ss ths garrison element in Ireland.-. The young athletes of the country have been looking out for some pastime that will help them cultivate their muscles and stamina during the summer months, and baseball la their choice. The suggestion hss come from Richard Burke, a wealthy San Francisco man, who has settled at Nenagh, In the County' Tlpperary, where he has done much to encourage sport . in vsrlous forms In the south of Ireland. He be lieves that baseball had Us origin In the eld Irish gam of "Roundere." "If we revive the old Irish gam of round ere In Ireland in Its modern form," he says, "In a short time we would see as little cricket In Ireland as In America. If it Is taken up enthusiastically by the young men of the country, as I believe It will be In a few years, w shall see the champion baseball nine of Ireland challenging the United States for the ehamplonshlp of the world,. Tiionii mnw, roiruunf omxaov. PERFECT HEALTH duUes ciTlfe1 aU1 ncies at least equal to the ordinary -h-Int!kl: m?l,cI treatment ther are certain qualifications that you !-Uid.I5f uJrJ ot yo.ur ."? Physician. Ability, experience, skill and . .an established reputation for RELIABILITT. W claim the above re quirements, which are necessary, for aucceesful treatment of diseases of men." YAXXOOCBKB KYDBOCBI.SI WEAK OnOAVS B-BBTOUSMX8S -OOBTAOIOUS ' BX.OOB VOISOV BT.OB ABB skut ivsa X.ZTEB " iiDsrr " BMXUICATISIC BLaDOia ABB warn- BISBASBS . SXAX.X. ria. Our prices are always reasonable, and never more than you are able to pay for resulte we will give you. You may pay by the visit, week or month, as you are able, or we will allow a liberal dis count ior caan. iso man too poor get our beet services. We have such targe practice that we can give you very tow price. No excuee for " . ... T, I . " , lr makes us abls to do as much for Wc Guarantee a Cure in Every Case We Undertake or Charge No Fee Consultation free. Letters confidential Instructive' book for mem, mailed free, in plain wrapper., . - It you cannot call at office, write for symptom blank. Home, treat-, ment eucceesfuL i . Office hours t a. m. to p. m.; Sundays and nolldays.K a. m. to U m. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' THE LKADINO SPECIALISTS IN THE NORTHWEST. OSoee U Tan SToy Xotel, ftay, Taird St, comer Bines VorUaad, Or. 'First Aid" to the . Bowels HEN v Heartburn, - Sour Stomach, JKeadachef - Bad Breath, coated Tonfue, Belehlnf of Stomach, Castor any of these forerunners of Indi gestion appear, Old Dr. Cascaret wants to be rlfht on the spot In your pocket . Dr. Cascaret Kuaranteea to cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation and Indigestion, without discomfort or In convenience. , ' ' , . .,. His medicine does not frtpe nor purge, but exercises naturally the muscles that fine the walls of the Intestines and Bowels.' . Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes the Bowel-Muscles, Just as' It weakens Arm and Leg muscles. Old Di. Cascaret goes directly after these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up Just as a cold bath would wake up a . lazy person. Then he works them (through the nerval) till they get so strong from .that Exercise that they don't need any more help to do their duty. .. ... ..'.,. .'! 1 i.;JL;J Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey, wine or beer drinking, nervous excite ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat .and a dozen other everyday likelihoods tire the Bowel-Muscles. In such cases a little Cascaret in time is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later en, to say nothing of the suffering, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine It saves. ' -.' - . ' Little thin Cascaret Box, shaped so you don't notice Its presence In purse or vest-pockeW ... ( . , - . Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten Centf a Box at any Druggist's. Be sure you get the genuine,1 msde only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." . v arts Efl f iYfiO YA L'pl LLS TS PI. , leial Ak iw DnttM U i m kitk-lr- PUIS !- n -Ok SlutSIUns. Tak Sitr ' yf tmrr1 k lot riif.rnra.Trn-8 r polish, tee lMk SR4IS yn.iA w s rrtn' rff u k..t, l.t. AlwaA i r. Fkiiiiskks. Pa. V An Aaaerloaa, Most XJkely. The "Seeing London" automobile rolled out Plcadllly In the direction of Hdye Park. That, ladles and gents." shouted the guide, ss they passed an ancient edifice surrounded by a high brick wall, "that is. the town house of the duke of Dea, one of our largest landed proprietor. " The eyee of the beautiful American on the back seat were Illumed with sudden interest. . -..'; ' "Who landed hlmr she cried, - p We Cure HEN ONLY XUceaeed to jpraotiee Kedloiae laf" OsegWK .We treat the following diseases only: ' mheasaallsm, Aeaie and Ohrealai - " Blood Folaoa. Ooaerrkoea. Tartneeele. sTeorastoenla. Bervotos BeoUa. Varalyela. ' ttleee. t . . i ypailla. , riles. Kldaey, Bladder aad AU ifriaary Blaeaaea. . .' OTTB aCBTXOBB. ', ' " " AND 8T8TEM OP Til E ATI NO superior this sountreyand ear- cures are the reult of these methods. We never fall to effect a cure In any case we take. -MANY MEN NO DOUBT HESITATB TO CON8CLT V8 ON ACCOUNT OF HAVING BEEN DE CEIVED BV UNSKILLED 8PEC1AL18T8. AND PEK HAP8 HAVE BECOME SO 8KEPT1CAL AS TO THINK THERE 18 NO cyHE FOR THEM. If you aiffr from neglect, for want of money or from unskilled practice here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled, specialist, a graduate physician, with years of ripe ex-, perlence in treating complicated and special disorders '-, of MEN ONLY. It will cost nothing to talk to us. and may be the meaha of restoring you to health and happi ness. Why not call today? Our offices are very pri vate. Tou aco ouly the doctor. : If you cannot call, write for BLANKS, as. we extend the same, liberal offer to those who cannot call. In fact, there Is no excuse'' for being disordered or slrk while this liberal offer re mains. Ida a GIFT of priceless value, within the reach'.' of alL Remember, only $10.80 for any disease. ; to r- - 7X n anv specialists In our line ot you for II as others can do for wo Portland's U t .... - 'Widcijrraowr arid Successful Chinese) v- . . Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor Ills fsssoos nstedlea, (be tasraneats at wbiek we lasart 4lei hs the Orteat ta large eesatltlM s4 prvMrs esd set s na ese te bat as ts et kibstary. Ne sserearr, sols' r sress et ear hlad sees, rarely err able. Tbe Deetse treste aeeeeafall eaal funitM, te rare sll eteaiaeb treobkM. eaearrb, aatbSM. lens, aaraat. rbesauinest. mi sua Uraa. kMney tw4 tnar maebanel. rutAu xaovBtre awn lit yarrsTi DISEASES. false ar aitilaadlw state aaists ta tbe afflrteS. A safe as laatlne ear Is tb ajeleb eet pelble Mbm sed at tbe leweet seat aaa atbla fee beeest treatanat, It mm eaaast ealL write Sae evaaeteas Mask sad abrealar. tabew 4 eeste la eUaase. . OOVStTLTATTOsT WR. re 0. Bee We eaiaeee BeSlene Caw II IWSb yitet St., Oet. aterrtsea. VerUaae, Os. risaee sMsUaa tale eeseei Every IVcnan wsManaaeo wmn aeeaus saew MARVEL WhJrtiae Sorav I Tbe eew VaaMl tiifcao Jmjrr. pes SM MrfU. HeakSkf. I oat coaveateot, . Mr I inn lwu.ui. aak aaee eraarM Sw a. It sa aanneisarplf tbe ethar. bat aantf atA it. i . amtm ma Illuairaled kiek al.a- fl full partleQlara and tirr4mn tm- Vkluaklete laiflea. Mtai'll, f-OU e . aaa sr.. sat iorslT WOODABD, CLAkKB CO. AsTD tAVZ-BATII sin oo e BTOBia. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE for TnflamnMtloe erOatarrt-. of tbe Bladder and tXssaead Kid. neve. B OOSS BO tat. Cares enlckly sad permanently the worat eeene ef rsaas end estee. ae matter of bow longstanding. Absolutely kermises. Sold by drasgleta. Price M .. a to awlL nasav ald., I bases. SL7. TBESAITAL-PEPSIXCa BelrngoatalBei, Okie. Weeiaed, ttarte SJ Oa. Aferarva ys llmeber tke Foil 1 ZUV9 Uromo 0ss CkOMDay.CrVtsia mt : 'Tt- l fr i work lie. C. GEE Nb. x. 1 eV w m "evaas;.e 'tmt tele ky hi 'KldntytiiwK I y V. RELIEVES IN ; ) DIXCKARQEl ; iVllllW; ' rorsaia enyadgteka 5 Mvrvy r e 10. 1906. WEAK HIADE STRONG; DISEASED . MEN CURED . The Zreadlmg- sTpeeiallsi. f de sot appeal especially le tbe sisa seek US tbe rbeapeet cure la eaktnf seek a low fee ss tie foe the rare ef aay aseetepll. eet4 ease ot Male Ilaorlers. bet I wast te resrh all ati wb objert te- paying the eswbttaat fees beretufnre rharsra br spa elallate. My methods Inewre tairk results, ee 1 would here te cnaree -mot foe siy time. Tbe. eateonie hi ever ease sndrtah is eertala er I eoM set bold eat the erop eeltlea te effect tbe cure before baking tbe fee. '"-''' ' , ..' .' ' " .'. , 1 " Every Promise Fulfilled 1 I eaeM set eontlaae ta keslusss year srter year treatlnff thonssnds of csaes annually wirs nr Doainoss intesnry aneomteir as laipesbed, aniesa I eerrled out te tbe Wtter every promise msde ny aatleata. I am eere ful aeTer to aadertake eases that kaTe roee eeroae kelp. 1 so not eaarse lor the Iirsi examination, ef patteats, and alwaya deter mine to mf sbsolate satisfsctloa that bealtb and streastb esa be restored la every ease. Thee I brlas every advantage et air 23 years stady and eTperlenee Iota settoe te clear that aian ot Slseaae. Jo anee ttie inpxrf ef exeessee er sense, sad build sp tbe latest lorces wbMh bavs raa down. Men apd Men Only My practice la limited to tbe dlanrdera of tbe male, and le - tartber rcnSned te these sper-lsl and ehroele affeetloas ef the Civic tract. These Inelude, Snermatorrlieea. at Tltallty. Tartrecele. Btrlctnre. li fd ra ce le. uentrsctea viseriters. imntasveaa lileod Poleaa, Bladder and Kidney ineeasee. I Save tahea ee tseee ailments especially, because thousands of Hvee are rained and thousands ef awn are ant what Ibey should be. becsosa they are held down by chronic weakness. wkiea the average nraetinns pnyeKiaa dora set aaderelead and aeuelly tries la reeks Ue-ht of hy-lslllns the patient that aalure will souac repair the waste. Bat the drains coat 1st- until the vital force Is aapped from the body and both tbe mental aaa yayaicaJ structures oa toe oooy eouapae. , I Have theHelp You Need - I . m .- I fled tbe eesee ef tbe tree bio first, sad Street treatment to that always. My aim Is sever to hide the symptoms, but to curs tbe ailment completely and thoroughly. My sue- Is- based oa these met bode, which bbm er ae later be applied te year case. CALL ON ME TODAY for s plain, private talk. le ensealling bm yea wiu be naked no Inconseqnent ember- Ins qneettons. .AU mrsrmallea stvea will have a direct aaa vital Deenm 1na. If rill tell vour avmDtema nre not serious. I yea so. If treatment Is seeded, 1 will ex- ptsm its anion sna ten yea vne nrooente time required for tbe cure. I will not urge my services upon yoe. ir yea are lack Lug ha etreueth. ae one knows what the cure would meea to yea better than yotmelf. I have tbe nneet equipped orrices IS -he west. Every member at my staff Is s grai ns te, licensee nayaiciaa. .it yea cannot ealL write sie end I wilt give yenr case personal attentloa and will respect your privacy by earns eaiy piara eeaiee envelops. DR.TAYLORs: Cor. ltorrieoa and Secoad Sts.. Private Intraace. THSi Motrkn St. fortlaad. Or. ' transportation! North Pacific Sri Co.'$ Steamship Roanoke (2,500 Tons) Sails for San Francisco, Lot Angeles snd Eureka, . Monday, Nov, 12... .At 8 p.m. From Martin's Dock, foot Seven teenth street. Take Sixteenth or S street -rs. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Fhone Main 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent, i San Francisco Q Portland Steamship Co. assxxaEK srarioi xtstrifxi, fns I'ortlsnd lAinswerth Ihick) at S n re. t. B. "Cleats le" Bee. IS Mi Dae. Hits. . t. "Oslemkm" Bsv, IT-fTf Sea. T-1T-I7. e Tbe Only Direct I'seeenger Steamers. -JAMES U. VKVlKON. Agent. Phone Wain . M . t.hlngtoe st. S. S. F. A.' Kllburn - fat Ceaa Say, Burs ha and tea Most eeltlit fnm tWtlaaS PMsy. Oetobee it. Neat sa 111 tig from Sea VTeaemse, Taaev. Oct. a. caaa. . btiilsmith. Ageat. Oak Street Dock, Phsne 2;:D ZIZD lly Fee KS taAnj bo. 1 Ailment 7 flj $10 13 ia;ii.ima.i lui, , .1 i m m i i i ' TRANSPOTJTATIC:i. mi: fOaizGorr Sioxpriiiaa 3 Train to the East Daily-r-3 Jbeu b rallmaa etasdard sad eearwt sleep. to OaaeLs. Uears. SsaAanet StL Je-ere 4.Uy le laaaee taiy. f 'hJas shslrcalra (seata (reel te Cnsm Dpo1 ; e ; Arrlea. ll HP"t"". r. I Nu Se ne pokano riar for Baatera tJ?,".naUm Walla. Walla, t k!"1; fiese d'AUae and ii...t. . " so'"", usiiy. u:ts pm iwia ii S .!LBr,e e Bast via Hunttngtoa. datly......, S:U pes f:Uasa "eel. fur all . ooLOMma aiTBR division. '?"rl, ad way points, eeauoetus with T IJwece and Jtoetb Beeeb. Bteaaaee r . . oocu. mavee a p. m. oanv. Ih2L7 ."l),ri Bahirday, to e m. Arrives - w. mi., .xcrpt sureay. Y - TAMBIM, RIVBB notrrB. K,T Dayton. Oregon City and Xsmblll rrest ts .steamers Rutb and Uodoe, Ask -St. dock. ' mlTrtaii e-i'lyi.eTcept Sunday I water pee. : Saaday. B a, sauy. oaeews BWAKII RrVkB BOT7TB. twlaioa, Idaho, sad way porats fmm Ticket Office, third sad Waehlagtsa sts. . Telephone Uabt TH. W. atlNOBIt, city Tiebet Agent Wm. McMUaBAlC. Oeaeral resssasae Ageet. EASTvu SOUTH CsWtB DmmI - Leave. am vs. wwjand Eipeese Trarae .e-elesa. Rosebors. Askj. I"" "etmmeata, ogdea, an rraaclaea. Stock tea. . tee ' A are lee. Bl Paao. Jew Orleene and the east, tltt f 111 Peg ?,j"'"a- train rwoaeete at . Weedbure dally eseept u;K.r. w,fb blomit Aagcl ' v and Ullverton local '..HMis T J8 SSI Cettase Orove paaaesger connects at Woodtura and Albany dolly, eseept Sun day, with trslas for polota ea Weedhurn-SprlnsSerd had . Albaay-Ubanen braacses.. 'i'lS pm 11 00 am Crvallla paaeenger 1 00 am :Opm Sheridan paaeangsr s :10 pm 1 d tn mm rareat Oreve pseeencer.... Ill 1:00 am IT:osm rnrest Orove paaaenger. ... IIS IO pm 1:60 pes Dally. - liriatly ezcawt Bmdee. - JEryERRO If -STREET STATTOW. ' Fee Dsllss snd bUersaadlate point a dally, T:M e. as. and 4:1S p. as. antes Portland 10:10 e. m. sad C:3S p. sa. Tnr time and card ef Oswego suharbae. trams apply at City Ticket Of nre. or etattoa. Tickets to Eaatera points snd Kurwasi sine Japan. Chins. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office career Third and WaaV Ingtna atreera. Phone Main Tit, 0. W. STINGER, .... Wss. McWTJRBAT. City Ticket . 1 Agent. , Ooa. Pass. Ageat , - TIMECARD or TRAINS Portlands ' leave, , Arrlea. fellowatose Park -Ksssss City. It. touts .Special for Cbekalm, Centralla, Olympla. Oray's Harbor, South Bead. Tacomaj, - -i- r Seattle, Kpokaao. Lewtatoa. , , Batte. Rflllngs. Deaver, Oma . ha. tinui Cite at. Lrafct aao Boarheaat. dally.. S:SS aaa SiStBSa North Ooaat Limited, eVetrte llrhted. for Taeoma. Seattle. Speaane, Butte, Mtnaespolts, t. Paul nnd tbe Beet, dally. IM pas Tab) km Paget Soa.4 IJnlted. for-. Clareskpat. Cheballs. Ce- tralka. Taeeaaa and Seat tie enlv. dstlv dtSSnea StBSass Twls City Express for Taeo ma, Seattle, Spokane. Helena. Bntte. St. Paul. Mtaaespslle, . " t Llueohi. fit. Joseph. .Ksness City, Omaba, St, Loeie. with. , ' eat ehaago of cars. Direct ", eonnectloae far all points Bast --' tsesac oaiiy., ..iiteaesB ivwm am U TMK COetrOeTfARLa; WAX. , 2 Overland Trains CaITr"2 "XaeOvisatal Limited. she feet VeS " ' VIA SEATTLE AMD SPOKAWB. Per tie nd Urns acbedule Delly. . Bully. Leave.- Arrive. Te aad from Spokane, St. PaaL Mlaaeepolia. . , ' fiultrth sad all polaia Rest eta Seattle t:Sss t-0 sm UetS ses : set To and from Si. Paul. tlaneepotle. Dulurb srd sll points Beet vta Spokane ...e tlaes S-o sm Oraat Werthera Btsaauhlp Oa. Palling from Srtls rot Japan seat Chlsa parts snd Mnslla, Carryla Sa. eeagers aad freight - t. S. Ssaeta, Rseemee tS. ,' - a. Mlnneseta. Jsausry . WTPPOM TV8EB KAISHSw (Jspsa Msll Steamship 0 t. B. Tsosje atara will salt from See t tie about November IS- for Jape nd Chinese ports, carrying: pea as eg era and freight. rot tickets. tines, see., call ee os eddreaa m. P1CRSOR, 0. . T. Au. It Third St., Pettlead. Oregoa. neae Blaia See. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tJeloe Depot-' ' leave, Pea Msygers, Bala lev. Clam kankr, Weatport, UMtoa. Ae tAots, Wm rTMtraTi. 1st TfSksL Hammond. Poet Sievnaa, Oeur- .. .a bare, I'arh. Seaside e.-estm ll:USm Aatotla aad Beaaaeeo. sxprusB - al If . . , e e . e eevets-ee e P" rCTo'P. aw P. .. Asl-rt.. . C. k, BTBWART. Oemmereml Aaawt) Set A Met e tree. Phone Male Sue. - , Upper Columbia Giver , STEAMER v Chas. R. Spencer leaves Oak Btreet B eeery Mcmr1-, Weoneertar ami rl ' TBI B DAsJ." I anil I oonne-llnt wnhj l"P . rorcetlou C- r . . - l-ninti as far - . In. arrive fortu.n.1, day and paturday at and et-e --t swrvica sod .. I II- : IssTll a o irr i I Of ! ejTMjN.