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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
STORY OF THE MEN WHO DIUVE HUGE ENGINES O VEIL THE DLUE MOUNTAINS IN THE SUNDAY JOU?J GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation THE WEATHER. Yesterday wu "Tlilri ' tonight ana" Saturday; IreslT southerly prees. ' s , -. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER : ?, 1908. TWENTY. PAGES. ; PRICE TWO - CENTS. - twj , VOL: V.N0. 213. ww nil A V n II IEjV.U ji r7i mm Beckage Five-Story Structure at Long Beachj Califor nia, Crashes Down, Burying Occupants. Blxble Hotel, Just" Completed, Tumbles, Down With Guests y and Employes Four Bodies . . Recovered an Hour Later .Only One Identified. doers' IpscUl Servtael Long Beach, Not. I. With resound ing crashes two sections of tba new flv-story Blpi hotel, a fin hoatelry of thla city, which waa but recently erected, -collapsed tma morning., carry-, lng from It to It paraona to death and doing property damage amounting to approximately $360,000, while a large number of paraona- received more or leas serious Injury. -.- At 10:10 o'clock this morning - but four bodlea had been reoovered from the mine and but on of thse Identified, that of William Hartle of Long Beach. Two Of the remaining dead are uniden tified Mexicans. ' -. With tit warning - thla ' morning at :4( o'clock, the center eectlon of the great biiok atruoture collapaed and eank to the' ground a total 'wreck, car rying la the ruins a large number of people, the total at noon not being as certained, but It la known, however, that from It to gueeta of the boatelry wer burled la the rulna. and aa but fw have been rescued alive from the debris, It la feared that the flat of dead will greatly exceed tble number. , Seooad Seotloa Collapses. - ' - An hour after the wreck of the center aeotlon of the hotel the weat wing crashed to the ground. Became of the wrecking of the center eectlon at the earlier hour there waa no toaa or lira . (Continued on Page Two.) , 1 Continued on Page Two.) ' . Vancouver Officer Shoots o Stop Fleeing Man, Bullet Strikes Stone, Glances and : Plows Hole Through Runaway. ...... ' ' (Saeslal tMssatah a The -sail Tanoouver. Wash.. Nov. a. Melvin Simmons, private In eompaay H. Four teenth Infantry, la la the hospital hare with a Jagged bullet hoi In hla back because the lure of Illicit gold waa -stronger than, hla fear of capture by the of Boers of the fourteenth infantry, who wer looking for htm aa a deserter, lie was shot last night at 1 o'clock while attempting to escape from Night foiioeman seenst, wno naa arresiea htm at a resort where he la said to have placed his young bride two months ' Simmons was a private In company H when It went to American Lake, but ' while encamped there deserted and came back to Portland, where he has been In hiding from the officers of the army. Before he went to American Lake, how. Over, he had won by the glamor of hla - soldiery the heart of a young Portland girl whose head had been turned by hla court to her. She was. a girl of good family and the. attentions of the aol dler wer not pleasing to her parenta, but the marrlag took place in spit of (ejection and the bride was left In Port land to wait for the return of . Kim mens after h troTe came back from their aummer outing. Btmmona came back before tha outing waa over aa a hunted man sought by his former comrades for desertion.' : He remained In Portland with his wife for l The Worlds - Problems The great commoner knows,' and m ' will write of them and give the " " ;:7I' " : ' solution in : ; w The -Sunday Journal MEWATER . .-. eBWawawawaMaBgawawae. Car Company Cuts Melon for Stockhold ers I m me nse Prof its Are Piled sV,' Concern Grows From a Million and a Quarter Capitalization but Public Reaps No Reduc tionsLincoln jto Retire as t President l;-"-:v" : (Joeraal Special Service.) Chicago, Not, .To grow from a con cern capitalised ' at fl.lSO.OOO to on capitalised at 1100,000.000 within a few decades largely through suooesslv la sue of watered stock to abaorb the tremenduooa -surplus -oooataatly piled up la the proud record of the Pullman company. - During this period - not a alngle reduction In rates has been made to the traveling public, . who are still compelled to pay by tlpa the salaries of the porters employed by the company. Railroad farea have been reduced dor. Ing this period, and tha boot at eon atruotion and equipment reduced, bat patrons of -Pullman care are forced to pay the same ratea as they did 10 years ago. though, travel has Increased, enor mously, t . .-... as. Unooln BstresV - At the caucus of the directors of the Pullman company today Robert T. Lin coin, president alac the death of George M. Pullman, announced hla Intention of retiring. Lincoln Is anxious to relieve himself of the multifarious duti aected with tha position. - t . John B. Runnell of Chicago, who.! It, years has been In tha legal depart' tnent of - tba oompaay, and slno last Ma Ita vice-president. Is alated to atep In to Lincoln's shoes - . , . . At the meeting of tha directors of the Pullman, cow pan y a plan for One distribution of tha surplus was adopted. -A , a short time and at last persuaded her to go to Vancouver , with htm. Once there he placed her la the resort where she has since remained. There he via Had bar several times a, month to col lect money. The officers at tha barracks were told of Slmmona acta and of his visits and last night, knowing that he was la town, asked the police to arrest him. Ha waa found at th resort where he had placed hla wife by Officers Becrtat and Caasa way and placed under arreat. While going down Mala street he sud denly .etruck the officer randr sprang away In tb darkness. Seorlst followed and fired two shots to stop him and later Bred a third ahot In tha ground. The bullet, however, struck a atone ' and glancing plowed a fearful hole, In the small of Slmmona' back. The wounded man was taken to the poet hospital where 'he is being eared for with but sllghrehanc of recovery. No blame la placed upon Secrlat for the shooting aa It was plainly accidental. " Blmraona cornea of s well-known and respected family of Owensburg. Ken tucky. He left home when under age and "enlisted n the e4mter army - la ltot. being assigned to the volunteer In fantry at Port Wayne. He waa honor ably discharged In loot and at once re enllaied. - entering the fourteenth In fantry. W. J. Bryan Says There Are Three sWiBiJieAri'TT. x jit: ",i.;i:a Can You Guess What They Are? """" A.' Richards, General Land Commissioner. Resignation of Secretary Hitchcock and Land Commission Caused by Failure to Prose cute Union Pacific for Land Fraud Meeraal Special Berries.) Washington. Nov. . The retirement of Secretary Hitchcock as head of the department of the interior and of W. A. Richards, former governor of Wyoming, commissioner of the general : land of fice, la believed to have been caused dtrectly by revelations made In connec tion with the coal-land frauds along the. Union PaclflO railroad. It developa that for three yeare the Interior department had detailed Infor mation concerning these . frauds, on which It failed to act. Almost a year ago a lengthy protest concerning these conditions waa filed with Commissioner Richards. i . When the Interstate commerce com mission began Investigating, Assistant Commissioner Pollock ' of the . general land office declared that All matters de veloped by the commission had been fully looked into, by the land office- and nothing found to occasion criticism. Other stories are afloat of the alleged connection of the Harriman lines with the Interior department and the general land office. It has been charged that nai i as parsiws wiff aa r Bss anwer a w a rti a w w w sj ass ass .' FORGIVEN FdR THEFT (Speriat XHaseteh e Tee JsaresLl- 8 U vert on. Or., Nov. . John Wolfard Jk Co., merchants of thla city, received a letter from, a . former , Bllverton girl who no w Jives.. at Dallas, in which she aaya she was tempted to ' steal a salt and pepper dish from thetr store eight years ago while her mother waa shop ping. "Recently ah has been converted ah aaya, and by reading the bible has been convinced that she ought to pay for the stolen article and. ask forgive ness. The- value of the dish waa 20 cents, but she lnclOeed 10 cents,--snd humbty asks forgiveness, statmg that ah la now living a different life. The lady waa recently married to a preacher. CHINESE WOMAN SUES PATTERSON'S PAPERS -f- flearaal Special Service.) Denver, Nov. . Mrs. Josle C Hung, wife of a Chinese merchant has saed the News -and Times for I2C.000 dam agea. Senator Patterson is the. princi pal owner of each paper ., Mrs. Hung was born In Ban Francisco of Chinese parents. The morning after the election In connection with a story about corrsllng the votes of the under world the News published a picture of District Attorney fitlteger escorting the plaintiff to the polls. i v POLITICAL STORM IS THREATENING IN CUBA (fewest Sneetel ServVe. 1 h Hanava. Nov.. 0. A political storm Is likely to break out at any moment. The Liberals railed upon Oovernor Mgoon today and demanded to know If the Liberals can expect to 1 replace the Moderates In office. Jf Magoon refuses the Liberals will begin to annoy . the government, which means that, the American troops ; will . .bA scattered tbAMiah la Island to maintain grdai,. forest reserves have been created at tb Instance of the railroad so as to Include large tracts of worthless Isnd owned by the railroads, which received In -return scrip for the land Included which could be sold In the market or-exchanged for good timber land elsewhere, i An instance which aroused some com meat at the time waa the creation of tha Klamath forest reserve In northern California. This reserve it was alleged, while saving much valuable timber. also included much land owned by the Bouthern Pacific through Its grant of alternate sections. This land was abso lutely worthless, covered with brush or barren, valueless for either timber or grailng. By getting rid of the land, which could not be sold or marketed, the road would save the taxes demanded by the state and secure good land In exchange. The intimation that - Ex-President Fish of the Illinois Central Is going to tell President Roosevelt what he "knows of the Union Pacific frauda and also to avenge himself against Harriman has caused a sensation here, STEAMER NANELI IS -TO ADVERTISE CJJY Uoaraal Special Service.) ' ' Los Angeles, Nov. . Steamer Nanell, Just . purchased by the Independent Steamship company of - this city, will be the first vessel In the merchant ma rtna service to advertise Los Angeles as Its home port. In conjunction with an other steamer It will ply between Los Angeles and San Franolsco. . - , WOMAN DENIES SHE -. IS SLAYER OF NEIMAN Chicago, Nov. . Luclle McLeod Men hard waa arraigned thla morning for the murder of - William Nelmaa and pleaded not guilty. The ease was con tinued until Wednesday. . All-day SATURDAY And as Late as Ten -o'Clock; Saturday Night Bring those little want ada for. -ye great big Sunday - Journal -to , The Journal bualneea office. Th Journal will Insert In th classi fied columns - ' ANY AD TOR riFTEXN CLNTS Providing It Is not over IS words in length. Journal . wants snd "don't wants" cost. . . . ' ZJBSS TaTAaT A. ' CLNT A WORD "Bead Jovuraal OUseUeds.M OF 0 B.P. DO HOT LIE Authority on Newspa per Circulation Says Journal Runs Ahead of the Oregonian. : Circulation of Journal Sworn to, While Oregonian, Says Expert, Has Not . Furnished Definite and Satisfactory - Report Re garding Number of Copies. George P. RowelL the foremost au thority In the United Statea on news paper circulation, has lasued the Initial number of a new publication. News papers Worth - Counting, which con tains soma Information of peculiar In terest to the people of Portland and Oregon. Official confirmation la given of the fact that the circulation of the Oregon Daily Journal baa outstripped the circulation of the Oregonian. - Newspapers Worth ' Counting states that slno - 1101. th year ' when The Journal waa started, . tb Oregonian "has not furnished any definite and aatlafactory report, but . has beea credited -with a circulation of ."more than 10.000." In extraordinary . eontraat are the guaranteed figures ef Th Journal's cir culation, which averaged for 1S0&, II,- tll. The comparison, does mot eover Sao outtswO year, whiok has sand th supreoutoy ' of no foanul still more Saolsive, for tea ojiwslattom la now la anosss of SS.00O, - Following la the statement concern ing the Oregonian: ' , '"Portland. Oregonian, morning, Sun day and weekly: "Copies printed: Tha dally edition of thla paper had credit for aa average Issue of 11.101 In lilt and It.tfl In 1001, sine which It haa net furnished any definite and satisfactory report, but has been credited with more than 10,000 very year slno. up to and Including loos. ; . . . . . The Sunday edition had credit for an average Issue of J6.0U In 1SU and 1MST In 10J, since which It has not furnished any definite and aatlafactory report, but was credited with more than 10,000 every year since, up to and In cluding UOi. -The weekly edition had credit for an average laau of 11,110 In lltt and 14.017 in 1101, alnoe which It naa not furnlahed any definite and satisfactory report, but was credited with more than 17.600 in l0t and 100a." These figures indicate that since The Journal entered the field the Oregonian has lost la . circulation aa follows: Dally, (,000; Sunday. 14,000; weekly. 0,100. ' Not In contrast th growth of The Journal: . . . - u "Portland, Oregon, Journal, evening, Sunday and semi-weekly: .- "Copies printed daily: Mil In l0t; 11.104 In 1004: 11,010 In llOf. "(The Journal's circulation la now la excess of 10,000.) "Sunday: U.81T m l04j 11,014 In 100S. ' . . "Semi-weekly: 1.400 : In ,1004; l,lf In 100. ' - . - , . ' :. ... This paper u one er tae oompaxs. tlvelr few that veatmr to aaaka nao of tha Directory Oaaraates Star, of which wsblaaae wwald think or availing hlaaself were ae not absolately oestaia that the aecmraey of the figures that post the odltloaa he lasses would staad ont-bright and else In th taoe of the aaost aeaaoalma laveetlgatioa." LONE BANDIT ROBS V TRAIN FOR SMALL SUM (Josrsal Special Serrke.1 Slater. Ma, Nov. 0. A lone robber awakened th sleeping passengers ea route from St. Louie to Kansas City in Blue Cut laet night, working hurriedly. and took only -what-hls vtcttms offered, about l0. He left the train by a fly ing leap near' Mexico, Th train stopped, but no trace or tne inter was found- . ' ROBBER KILLS WIDOW - AND ELUDES OFFICERS ' Jesraal Bpwtal Sre.J T . K-t t Pa Nov. . S. afra. Catherine Stauffer. a widow, was found murdered In bed with a bullet hole la her head thla morning. - tier., grana .kiMMm - .w.k.tuH bv . vnhher. h trit to chloroform them, but es caped before help arrived. ,f SECRETARY TAFT IS AT FORT SHERIDAN ttearsel SpeeUt ImWi.) Chlcagn, Nov. 0. Secretary of V'r Taft 'Visited Fort Sheridan today. '1 ohjeet of hla visit waa not dtvn' but It la supposed to be In conn with proposed improvtmonta. OW WIDOW TO WED AGAIN JT" - - ' I ' ' i f ' fcsna m aW it MSaaSiilll rslialli-fiSs I Mrs. HermAn Oclrkhi. r.lRS. OELRICHS OOIi TO r.lARRY Engagement of Fair and Wealthy Widow to Moncure Robinson, I' Popular Member of Newport's " Smart Set Rumored-Friends . of Both Deny Stones Current. llnnil Sikwtml bnlM l . ' Newport, R. I., Nov. . Rumor' has been current In society circles here for some dsys past that the announce ment of the engagement of Mrs Theresa Oelrlcha to Moncure Robinson, on of th moat popular men members of the "smart set," who Is also well known aa a successful real eststa op erator In. New York and Baltimore, Is soon to be made. ..... Mrs. Oelrichs and Mr. Robinson have been seen together a great deal since the return of the widow, from - Ban Francisco, where she went to settle the dispute over the estate of her late hus band. . Friends of both Interested persona, however, declare there la absolutely no basts . for the report that an engage ment Is nkely to be announced. These persons say that Mr a. Oelrichs Is quite satisfied to continue enjoying the free dom of widowhood, while th former Baltimore clubman Is determined to ad here to hla bachelor existence, although he finds the fair widow a. charming companion.' , , RICH CLUBfilAll MATTHEWS' GHOST WALKING ErstwhiIePpnticaI Leader Seeking to Become ) Czar of the Legislature Again With i Hodson as Prime Minister. "Jack" Matthews, arising from the tangled-debris of hla one ali-powerfui political machine. Is quietly, working band In hand and shoulder to shoulder with C. W. Hodson, senator from Co lumbia. Multnomah ' and Washington counties, with Ike Patterson- and . Ike Manning, the es-collectot'a satellite, and with, others of his tried and true friends In an effort to organise tho next legis lature with Hodson In the chair of president of the senate and some good and doolie man across the hall to rule the actions of the house. Behind the movement are lined up In aolld ranks the railroad Interests, corporations that have franchisee to be gusrded or id be granted, and grasping folk who abhor Income tax. gross earnlnga, aaaeaamenta and other little folblea of the common people -which would ptaoe the-equality of government and taxation In . more direct ratio to the ability to pay. The coming session of th legislature will be one rich In Questions affecting the railroads snd other public service corporations. It will consider a railroad commission, the anU-paas law, .insur ance legialatlon. banking regulation and a hundred other things, each and all of MURDERER, ROBBER MID BIGAMIST' Uearaal Sbm-IsI Serriee.l San Francisco. Nov. 0. Information that has reached police headquarters baa removed all doubt as to the Identity of John Slemaen, leader of the gasplp murderers, and added another amaalng chapter to the story of the browned limbed criminal. Blemsen'e right name Is August Dreler and he is the son of Dreler, a wealthy retired susar planter of the 1 1 1 r t of ? ' I. who now a fainlKnr f -re ' rrcls at I - t-s Mill LINES TO BE Commerce - Commis sion Will Inquire. Into Merger of Competing Lines in' Northwest O, R. & N. and Southern Pacifio Should Not Be Under Same Control Fish to Be Sum moned to Tell Secrets in Re venge for Being Ousted. , ' (Journal Special Service.) . Waahlngton, D. C. Nov. t. Btoyve- sant Fish's removal from - th presi dency of the Illinois Central railroad 4a to be avenged by the government In a way lie could hardly have anticipated. As a result of the action of EL H. Harri man in extending his control over this line, the Inters tats commerce commis sion has taken up for eonelderatlon the queatlon of Investigating sit of the Harriman railroad It hi. AtmiAA .A I.... .1 tlon early in the new year. - - r This Investigation will be of aa much Importance as was that which tne commission made into the combination of the Nc rthem Pacific and Great Northern railroads, which, as the North era Securities company, waa dissolved by order of the supreme court finder the. anti-trust law. . ' Besemalea Mill Merger. . In one way, the action of Harriman resembles that of J. P. Morgan and J. T UI1I f .11.1., k . I i.- with the Oreat Northern. Harriman controls the Union Pacific, tho Southern Pacific the Oregon Short Lin and tho Oregon Kkilroad A Navigation eompaay.. which should be competing roads. In tb Judgment of th members bf the com mission, and now he haa the Illinois Central and Baltimore as Ohio, which makes him a big factor In determining trans-continental rates. The Investigation of the' Harriman In terests - will - be taken up under th amendment to the Interstate commerce act. which passed congress In 1811. So far as the commission haa con sidered the matter. It has determined that the inquiry will be particularly Into relatione of the Oregon Short Line. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. Th (Continued on Pag Thro,) which .will be of vital Interest to th Iargecorpora.nohsT These Inlereata. as in the past, desire the legislator to b good to them and. In order that there umy vw iiw uvuui, i is Btvtmrf tnai they know something of the Inclina tions of the men who compos tb offi cial and committee list of th house SHU mV n.lflt , . . ' " Aa other Bond Batata. ' , : -' But 'there is another bond existing between Mr. Matthews and Senator' xioaswTi, mm potmen qui vj I nose wno are watching the formation of th CO it, -bl nation, and that la. the past history of the state printing office. Mr. Mat- thews. Senator Hodson and all of the ; ramp would b very much pleased to see the etate pnrchss a printing plant ana mass niuu isuniway. ine state printer-elect, simply a salaried officer. as he seemed to desire during his cam-' palgn. Mr. Dunlway said some unkind things about the connection of Mr. Mat thews and Mr. Whitney with the print ing of rice and the money made sut of It. - - . , (Continued on Page Three.) Hawaiian woman, and If Informsttoei In th possession of the police Is correct he Is a bigamist ss well as a bank robber and mur lerer Confronted with H'e ai!lcrl"rolnts Of this Ihformsilon In tils cell. H.msen admltt.-il thnt thV r tuvtti "1 had lni- ' - 1 to kern my f ' ot of thl. tlilnr." be in Id, "but a long a th fuH on" b'-xWiriti.K ti li'iik out I mav as .l miike iw .-rr. t at l..v t ' ,,' m.r .i. ii m f i y In (!'' I. I 'i t 1 " "1 v ' f tit if t ' INVESTIGATED ' - s.