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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
. THE WEATHER. ;' TV if. I J H LT H triLHcAX XJ1 S- Vf J U -..... n it Vi - Occasional rain; cooler " tonight; Sunday occasional - rain ; , aouthweat . winds. . i ' ' . PORTEND OREGON.;" "f GRANT'S CRANDbAUCHTER W?DS; V i...ihit-,- ---;-,-- : T rnrnt-nnv t:.-! . , ! , , . , , ., ,:- . 1 , , - . . . a l i . z-i-L- t , v nin-TinnnrriTr ii blays TbjBn :iaholson :-.iThenCJillsHimself aC3 u!V --t4 ncTceta,'Cutu :1V; Afi''tTT. i innfn 1trunkfi ,hjmirf SjIb 'mmmir rwrever aiaarsoM' tcaa-'b . aa taken -fnto untdjr l, policeman. , In rvfcgej ;y IcVm" R, '.D-Atoa,' assIUnt na-Iner. ff h VlUartt()ft. VJly Trao ' tlon company, ahot and killed Bpn OhoH - p-aon, an mplby lii"th" Jonoa Brothara larmajra fa4 t)op. on-HIf I), atfeet. thi city, at thht wbrnlAf.t He theA'flad "" to the. hjlnd, AiwrtltiiU jfrounxhu where he committed 'euftlde by ahootlha" html aelf throuah lh naatU pi I It appeara that D'Anna, who la . it ycara of ace, Ttad beA drlnklna; heavlli , , durloc the. alshtaxid jwaa .determined ti - eleep, lnhe, balk whpre, GhoUon ,waa - j Work4o-.,),'Anna 1 jiuppoeed . to iiave rane there shortly after B p'elaok.'wlthx . out. ble' hat. and. , cot'. He Inalatpd, ea occupying tbed Jn. the..offlcelloC,lh ' tarn.4 OhpUoDvaelna,tha. raan,,Uitoxl- m . pi .j.. T ill it in ; i. If e.-fi FORMIFEiOFP xIA1 DOCTORS CCAf) U : ilfUGEOHGEflERAL Unles. William RufJs Shifter' VIIIUIUVM 19 ICX lgXl IVI UIS Srf :B0ttf Today .JHlS. ravcJanL 1 . : covery. (Jwul feeeUV. 8r1xt. iflld. tNT,1 NdV 10- JLtS Bakerafleld, CSl.Ndr.'lO.TTie con Jltlon of General VllU er, w"otfiiff4rln U extremely ertttoai-Aklk dition of Gnral Wllljanj .Bufua Shaft; iroai.'pneuinpnia.1 ia kia-emvrnlni. The doctor were preaent all night. A de cided chnngftor the better muat ahow i1tt4f ttaitr'hl Ufa will be deanalred of." (ttmeral Shatter la on the ranch' of hla aon'-ln-UW near thl city. Oeneral Bhafter haa a Ion and brif- .41m yiiftr-eereer Vnel Mnviutvtac entertq ine,, umiea J9ute army aava flrat lieutenant In the, Seventh Michigan Infantry Auiruaf ft, I'M 1. M tarn trmonoit'wla Mpide-fxl tM fSii lowing yearkeijtwae aaade a major of. tha Nlnetentb .Michigan , Infantry J June!,' 18. he fecveaTlirtbther pro-' motion:, helrtr madV -lieutenant colonel By leapa and bounda hie wori.IJL.waa re paid ae from one commleelon to another ehwaa atncrfntedj iajtrt aertlng-aryear ; aa Ueatnantcttlowel.ShMter wae: made t colonel Tof the lvanteeBta,il5nlted Htatee colored BMnifjr.rmiit.JnM "ct rave' and i naerttorloaaT awrvlte' during the war. of tbe reballkra Shafter p-waa'revted-brtgadler-geaeTal March .111 14 land1 anuateredi i out - of .the . -volunteer asrvloe : In- Navemker i the .aamoeen ! u.t.1 a wr-t t isnwi ' revfnore'than a. yea ha remained In ' e civil life hat the) call of theafrray firenred t too 'trongi..aad.' Jaaaary f"lliT,i ha i entered the. regnlar army aa a Jlenketv " ant-oolonel.'i'Sla waa breveted 1 colonel r,' "' 1 t in i . .is ,..n . .ni.n i(ConM-ud en Eag7w)iTHy4 i ' 'ia4 ' a'fr i j , T T-7 VUAMAftMHIJaVVVA Ui w. )X i"i''un 111". n -'T HH'ii r .el Htte,i la xi, XAs.Meaa ,har werkad Know How. iWe ,hv beee breakinr etimtlae t (n reoeros wun ina uooay-Journal. .eithra best of all the tlunday papers have' failed, to get ilhe .Journal- be-y cause tkei aewadealetw wrre.sold.euU- . Tha. way to dor la o -rder In ,a4-f.T "X ' a,,,l re b-- nfm4 1 fir i 'yii e"i'i. io stnW-X r'X fi '' The, wountry . la breaking fecordsj tno. ajidionaot the last lo Jha.,; T . (smaanea.-was m osiiooning.i . lieutenant nra iMmt won internatiatiai race in me air,, ana leu jtharfadara 1 1 VVtVfT4WvWH ey,aia,ji, an interesting atory. i t ! cf tin", u t'imi m " I,' "Amortg the' many capltar feafurea 1U. Lewla, story ;On tha Trail X i?? thl Ameripwi. Missionary." ,''. ,rJt s t 'MttX XI A W; . Brtan tell Of the world r( nrnhlema. and suerests anln. T o .tlons,, If ym arg Interested in yourself, youi fcalghher and ybu neigh- tor' famny;yoir should read this article of. the grea eommoner., , o ' Then there nr pngeg for womanf -iHow to ka yanag, and what -ta.i '' ( Mf.K yn 'nt to appear at your beat na helpful rtlcleg fop.m;,; 2 , , gtorle. games' gnd'tnissleg for 'chlldreni Uwn Hction..nd tha, best .and,,.; , , ftrollest .com In .the country,'; They, make , averytood. laughtl, it-, ypux . , I', l-'-fWMl? tSff,V" tw."-,h(u .'xivnsri.. 'r..y . - '" j j'' e-tf fti.M ...... ''-s'-' r v '';i 'at J J TTi P Sim ii V Tmtrfi al aaask aask aV sasF " " ' arasL sV VaV W 1 M. MB KM K 'IA't '3' A of Dmw .."WCMWtoTr iHJ5!KiA$ire l3l Bphtorced Til: t t4w.x r - . i 4lrig Beach. Cat. . No v. i.-xAt noon; rbrkueti iengageof tit eptortng the ruin of th Blsby htef, fllecOyered' two1 mora badWt H'li- tt ,-.: tong" Beach, M, 'ojfSa .'fcody ( a nn namea ncmer, ageij waa reooverad early ..thla ..morning; in the rulna ft tba fcajlapae. HUbjn boeek Te brlnga the -tetet nambeix'frf tfeed to nhns tf letrafcrcaljr.eVUl,aow that the bodlea. of alf ' the ' vlctlma bare been founds All the injured, ere reported out of danger ttla' morning?',' :,Thaooi;oaer'a tnQaeatryell Tbaz-beLA'tonday n Hri jr ii rjie nre-aiery uixoy notei- wnica eel lapaad'xi yeatwrday;' wae'a 'iyeenrorend. Tlla and a WoVkJen-Uafrlrlnfct6T).The qi U aaltt to hbaorvn ;the"moltnra tronj 4h'a, cohcre'te'. whlcbvcbnaequenUy never aettlea unleea, tha arork,,la care fully .Innpected. ..l. . " ! Tn A mm m Krank Nortoni'nied ski Mflenlerf ia lUii via, ;iirijlkl2 5) Earpenter; Ixa AngeleC-,- .,... ;.'; Albert JHartle, J7. -arpenter; Long R., ,11.. If rkUia, m 21. . atrlcper : Long Beach. v -"x ,y j,j,. ,m M v i . : , Can! ton, Braahear, . ao.arpentMi fiigt- TAl liilU ,, ,4 ,Jt ..f,iirlx y-.!' (Aw on Bjanaon,. , Jaaorerj i4,pat-foJnla-ntanuewXong, Beach. .. , , ' I Iewla Phllllpa, carpenter; Loa ' Anr gelea idled In hoiplal). . A t - jp. M Rbbliaj, carpnter;roni i . : s ri lnknmiiinniiuvinn 4 One of Best Knov Ifonaires --Victim of Booze. e.tevrt', , . mints! ' Jrl.BWa,rir.) i otetwburg fa iMov. .lHwaN. J:llav beth D.-.Ttiew baa- applied torthe eourtf wf AJlaghaney oovtwty .eatihara jH-ewn. Wtiltam Tbaw nameeake efi the aelglnal WUlMonair of.that fanrtty.amar napbejw of Harry. Kendall' Tha.w.faaw confined In New York for killing fc tan ford White. declared a habitual drunkard, i k,VlUlam,. Thaw la.,ahout '8, - .on" to yeara., old. and la one ft .lite beat. know of tha younger, millionaire. otXlttsburg. Hla.aaother'a petition Jo. the court'aot - fortbv .tha Ha, ; anjayg ;;nn;Trlcome,1of 132,000 a ,ypar. .;bas- IL0OO.&0Q pacfc of that, and:an.eata.textU.tiiTrtserYe tha value, ct. wnirn t upij-ef nrnaiivjwrs. Burd ,Thaw Collins and. iienrv Jl Col- lna sister . and, of VVll- William Thaw la a member of the most eiforosvvb drafts at e)e city -and make his botnarwlth hle mother in ttha millionaire ceronyjh Mra,. Will lam Thaw, saathea ef. Harry Jt.Thaw, haa.beAere nr.xaomatidaya ,7-v!i 'ttirt rto tnl . . ..He, v vri-'i'ii j'l I t'liin f 'itWle-4 wno rovt it X" infl iyetrmrty. peopM wbn MaU-4 of The Burdy , Journey haw ;hr iWnirMKfriH ICi'llEDIIOIEl .3 IT 9 i 4 ii kdaf iii. f. J . i rr j . . - . ....... a, . PLUCKywoLiiiii? ji'l.'i""A " Matofes' Riyiaricherlas f ' rvittni rvhlrianoa anI Klav- j'l? Escape v r7pm-Panther ; 'Which Kills Calf,"" I ' )' .('rQm i ii n i- Itri'St (C'tit-n i-.l ni' r .ci ifiM-i'i . i'ii: jvx ' Itnm KSaedak.PUaetehrito, Tk Jol. , .., . ttbend.i Ot., -Kort ia.-TrTbrlc .puraued by a Jarg oougari aitd aa anany time driving -the.' hungry animal away by waring be arm and calling at ithe tep of uer voice, Mrj. .George CoTer, wao Hvee withk ber huabsnd on a ranoh near the'aaoutbof, the Matote rlver aaved Heraaif -frora-prebabl death a few day aaM The) ' fact it hat .'tha-ranch .hande were 1 a way Xroaa jtha t premiaea at the tlh mad her poaitlon the or peril- 11 dti-a. COer wa attracted to the atack cbrrala lata in the after oonr by tha bel lowing "Of the cattle.' Nat knowing the cause fjthe' 'disturbance ahaj left 'the 1oueTlinarmed T arid hurried" to the feed ing yard aeverat hundred yard diataat. Am ahe approached the corralif a htige cplcaTwaa aTiemplJng fo "d"ri- tha bluod-apattered body "of '' Calf. " which had been killed but a Tew minutea be- add.. Mr. Covet ,oiai several. Quick, Jtepa toward th.swtr7t,;yemag g m: Aflm aawh elmej-xjiwi.! ftuaJJyhe cougar dropped hla4?cj6an4 (a toWiaCf through the eagebrash toward, the wood. Mr' Cover ejalayad e,i,iew minute to de-tefilr.e-i Whether .iorthe damagahad bean .donei-at f,lhe,ooral and..ihea started M. vetarih to, Vie euee.. f, n v ? t i- Glancing oven he atwulder,,when.iahe and gone" but av ahartnaiata.ere sive.aaw thjroag h the- gatlieriBg duk the aleaUhy animal creeping toward her -tju-ouga the brueh, Mra, Xover .stopped short waved kevxarma at (he. brvta-and jralled aa lea a-'twi teaidiana- uarj-Mdon. rBut;k,rTOtcked-wloe,ljti thai thai anlmai'k I niorametita.-'-i-.l fcJiM . - 1 Hesitating for-ai-few momenta after being caught tawnta rxatejelthy march twwrd 'the-womao,l tbsvougarnaurala mada toward bay; the eenoad Uma aaaJk rng er' ellaht datoar' throe gir the- brnah lh an effort'to gain a position between hor' arid "the house.' vVad for the second time in ! than 100 yard Mra. Oover attempted to frighten away U hungry Once again before reaching aafety tha friutfkyft wotnan-' waa soaapelled - te Aatop and idrlva bank 4 he aninmiV which Aad at at en r cloee behind i be where baaV -no demoBBtration bean asad by Mrs.. Cover, baneould nave aprova tbreugh tha . air and bacne her . to ! tha ajround.. Ir, la pfohabls.' had. aha 'attempted ito, run..a aaoat weraen i-weulcl,,'a: alnfiU ideath would harvev reauUedx The plucky ranch woman k realised' thla aadso naed her wis, in-guarding uTf th animal natil 4kd Sronse'..'waa - reached and vttka i door Olesedx.-v). , ,nti,,( .IH1 m :rl During: than dead afi winter' Iff ia not uncommon for cougara lnrthia part,rOf the -county to. malo ui oooaiitooat meJ t..asnM r reaWoii- tMVff ,,atr)yy 1 from, the hard, bat it ia-ot o ten that oae off these mountain, cats approaches the stack corrals e early, Am, tha. season. Vtit9 -have been, heavy .anows-pw the foothille durlnav the aaattionth. and of unusual depth for this time of-thai year,' a,,tfot wJrkh P"iahlyT.tdrve the, huge animal powH,iq ,iae 4-aca iq.isearxin ,pi laoddf, j . Vi w1 a .! .n iwv t r 1 1 t iamcac r-irv fO-J' vl . .-. !l -i n;U-- , iansas , nor. m. n.,xi.. rwur- noy. the,, apeclal, oommiaaloner' who. baa Investigated the aJleged 1c trust In a ault hv I. B. Klmbrell.' reported to (be court, today that br baa found' insnfft-i clent evidence or, tne existence 01 an lea Iruat in, Kansas " City to " warrant n-n. .1 lnn - - ' - - i '1 ,.,,', ' r.i: HALF MILLION LOSS x-trt; xf 1 ' :ii:' ' T IN SCRANTON BLAZE ! CU t ji'U.-i 1 wr.ii fti- . , IJoomd gpell rle.) 'vi Scran ton. Pa.; Nov 1 .-A bard ware Store, carpet -store, restaurant, and .other business) houses on rWaaMngtoa atreet bruhed tbia- momlngt "Tha"Kaa la hair a million. - n u i . , GOODING THANKFUL ' : ; FOR TAFT'S, CAMPAIGN ,1 rt ei.,-i f( 1 ' 'i" ... , , , Washington, Nev. liaiA message for eeenetary Taft waa received today from Ooddtng. rovernnr-elect Of Idaho. Maying nls'plaralitjH ,lOMo. and thanking Uie Seoretary or kua aid. --,''.. iuHhIj '.l ..t'! -. .t. - f ' If aM" ' x ffiJwi "T jTFJ ' !. V 7 PresidentTeJIs Foreign Correspondent Will Accept Nomination Unanimous-.- H 'tit(tetV(' tiiHift . hire a ti'rt ft ..i -f...f is fttifl i 1 l'( tv 't Qoiintry Fa'ce'toaceith ITvils ,'; Qaled;bi: Crea Wealth ind 'Pyergrovyn fortunes and Rad ical f Remedies' 'to' Be ' Sug ft' gested Jn Coming' Message;' i (Jour ml' Special Service.) i r Nmrork.tNoT.'10.i-A.cablai to the Brooklyn Eagle Xront, London fB lp C Crawford, .once one of, the moet.'fk moua . Amerloan. foreign. crrapondoia and- nowa auooessrui man C business residing In England, haa temporarily re visited the path of Journalism... with the result that" the 'Standard 'publishes whai 1 probably the' most striking1 In terview and character, sketch of Presi dent ' Roosevelt ! and ' most brilliantly written analysis of conditions In the United, States that haa appeared In re cent yeara.. ' :'"";'.- " ;''- ( '.While Crawrord espreaaly atAtea that he does not- quota tha president in flrat peraon, there ia every evidence to ahow that most 'of what ' ha writes Is ia RooeeveU','0wn''werds: Less . Interest attaches to Crawfora'a sketch of Itoose velt'a, sgireslv. .'masterly; personality than to Rooaevelt'a polltlca and to tha gigantlo Issues fsclng the president. , I , v,.x -x T I arvared, for aVttMkv. . Crawford . aara: "1, was fully pre- pareq ror the direct attack Roosevelt mad1 upon . Hearst " through ''Boot. Hearst 'repreeeota ' thU Snti-thfcl of evarytbtng deefred by tMe 'president ' In an nia'tatteranees i Roosevelt: wx very emphatlo In his denunetatiVifi 'of -' this style -of -American Jfmrnatlsm,- which la brutal and: cTrl tt f ltd f0rr?et fff; trnll rect assaultrupon-narnir,ilrr'fnrrecs!- leKanesS. inpuiwUttig MoVcalled reforms and 'creation ' 6f intensi claas feeling that ckn only lead-to disaater Wnd apollatiaavt-"' tt fr -wi.i i " Rooe)t believes that a government ruled and dominated by 'plutocracy 1 Is one f the worst evils In the werld. Plutocracy la hopalessl y, mean,' . amtster, cruel and wholly tacking 1rr regard' for -tbwgbtaf'ejehBra?Tltby',ba?ri abia sincere conviction, "ha will not he eon. taatwlfV, s.3 marbpaft4mlK preaenu- tfita ior viie r tea puitocrao aitua- tftm'-lii'Amerfea;"tnit wilt present u hia next .meaaagny to congreaav practical legislaqonj to-gorrett 'tlia fvila of thaae glgantKvaba pldiyl twelllngi fortune' ' . Wonl4 Se Oaadidaea. j' DealSs wltt' theVariaalhilrty of a man being akaUaaaedfor ffloSithout be ing a candidate for It, Crawford writes": 'It waa at tncreaa of my eonversa- J tion.tht.I aay: , t Lu,ri auppo thlnijs athaviiges1Jpn I have noun right, to .ask.' The Jrest ulanl ;nait rey- promptly 5 ,1 icnawrwhat on.. IX., M A mmU I fii "Ika Anawer- o t WsJ whfch.'.T Cannot put In quotation, Waa, wholly In. han a.Hiy:eiUh 3 th toraaidanea kubTlolV en- presged opinion. I Inferred without one word from tha president on tha aubledt that thla vigorous, highly trained prea ifTeot with avary Murpment. for hi of floaw with .hip' great practical eraowiadga 5f lb best jnethods to be. employed for Correetbtg' evtia.whteh--today over shadow Amerlcan-ipoUtleaivwill bot re fuse a ' unanlmoua nomination If It BbouJA come to him from Jbg Republi can 'national convention." A i :flirBrhmg r. up crawtord ' saya-i-rThe United Btatea .ia. approaching, a period Of regeneration and change,'whlch pre MtU A" aftuatftfti xatlmost grave aa tlMt ey.igh. d, u -dba. eiv1i-wnrr-7.Tlit overshadowing, Influence of wealth, the gYewth tf eoloaeal'fortunaa) and aHae of these fortunes by captains) -of andtiei try, have further Intensified publlo gl- taMoa.aqd Uta uadeft euvaent'Of asntlr ment.3"' x.x.,.-.-.,...' C7 1 nl insa jfias ei 1 n ? r a neVt npa.rl : GRIFFIN ACQUITTED ot; M,wl. V pf-.ANSLAVOH JER 1 j (peul DIbteV d The Jonrsal.) .(;yaaoVwVeat. Vot.-tfCapUln T. Q- Qrlfisj , rT. the charge of manklkughter brought sgntnst him for having, while. Jn3 Aommaiidcof tha ateamahlp Prlnaess Victoria last xUy,.rxo- down aamaU -aqeaaner aagalng th loss of llf. The 'trial Magled "sev ersf'daya. Judge'" Hendersdir amid the evidence, waa lnauftdietulctoxO warrknt conviction. ' . I TheSkidoo i irew.Tfstnfg. Yadtfn'g-ifha orjateet thing ta tMwbvivlsWaf tag kffort tq solve mental rac reatlrn: 'ndelfgiitfal'5nrystery''ti young ant old. Beata-the "Age of Anne" or the lt-lf-lt pussle -famouw In the eld daya. , vRcadAboutitlnThc pgp, DEALSPUT f ' t f ... r . .. . '! s v ,: r rrstl j ..... ., . J; ,, ' " ; rZi X -r . Hi). 'him -uw,jt : t 1l : vHx' In romancnyJmmrTyirL)-rtjeore' H. . 17 iivuikuo rgi). luscnui,) fionoa. ".Miss RoscmkrV rtoiAa.1 the aecond dngtefrerMrsrNtmara&rSa ioriav. followed In the, looUtept .of her elder altter, ' Mise Vivian Sar 1 toria, 'xwha i 'inixried Frecjervk: ''' j rxovscycii otovci 01 new ion iwo.q' year mgo.o Picture. ;idw.Mrfc, nvKwijr vi is. fTuviun(aau picture belowr. ia her ' aiaterr. M rav , , Vivian Saftofta ScbVelT . ' t 1 - .. i 04', i ,' .d-Nx.-O'' xii!A aril .wi". trioTI j? M tU.t JtMl fcfLS-.t'J'W. 1 llrl-f IC -V'"! StateFederation1 of Labor; Will Fightto: Have VTl -' l I' ii..W He-il L -i..,n- O ... zi VRenitehtiary, Stove as-menace loVYorKingmen federation w 'labrir.iaLki byarerye anion man, in, Ocsaon, 1 Is) out to .-abolish J ts atoysi foundry Mow In operation at -tho pen1reHtiaryx at tUlem. In order to .da ,ihU, the federation la preparing to awing tha power of organ ised) ualwttlsjh .WJndl wither el Ute Jut, myv, blU ox the: bill "proposed for the employment' or state' prisoners upon tha pubneJwadaiT Inc !..! ft Tha atate- federation waa for a time favorably impreased by tha jute mill preposition, rbunstoe the Junket -oUten by the- members ef tthe leglelature.and thai governor .U-then Walla. Walla julll aadi dlaoualoa ot the matter at Peodle tnojiseeM JUine.agoAts ardor hue-cooled. Tha mangrn-Qf-the-fdaratlon-aUU be lieve In the Jute mill and think It would be aMteTwinyjniaiitiMy''rirax afrnttttthat 1 tawtimen'tnweMgf-anaaufey tnea 1 u re, aa It arDear to. have .done., and they tirew their aupport - to -it and lef q the read bill without 'their influences aotn nieaaures- would xba lost. - The- ftdera tkn la therefore Unsettled aa to wfeejher not it will ne tne jute miu ri tne d measure wloh will receive' its (up- rt." -. . :..'' " II . ' In the' event that 'the bite. nrlll i4po- lon la discaraea. however, ine aver' on will awingrto the aupport erf the naeasura providing for -atate roads j made b convict 'labor.. 'A" bill has. bee tre idred by P. McDonald,..gecretry Oft the federation, which sets' forth' the law desired by the labor irilereitaT .11 pro vides that' outside, of Immediate lm ployment'ln a.nd .around the prinntl no oenvtct-shall he set to any taski other. tSaa road , work. ; Thla peoviafon I alone aWiiiM. ' eon rue do - awavi Willi I the stove, foundry contract , clause, . Iru -to dQTHAM BANK PAYS -n I MONSTER DIVIDEND ,.r ... up 4 i 1....- 1 4 .1.1 'e-.t. J .t New-Vork?- bank of NewTorr-wltb. ik'aDltal Of 1100.000. derfed. v dividend today, .of Joe ,-per cent, payable (n cash. It also declared a regular annaaf dividend of to per cent Tha eurplua became ao large It was un-wleldly.-; Tbe capital la inoreejed . to a million.') r 1 r wf x v T ei.v .lit BANDITiS; GET THIRTY- r: -' ; DOLLAROY HOLDUP, . t ...,'l t ' ' ," ' I- -:' ... ' .. . . rlMxiil CpeeUI .Bervloe.) rru.',Jsd., Nov.10. Hand It hold iup, some Immigrants, on a VVabaah'traJnat midnight,1 secured fit and escaped.-, l- rv. II .t . ... v s)v " ;:fxi nit 'dim rt-v-n t --ffT Works bhut Down, 1 tn : (i- ,r-u J:.'" i(i1Wll -I f" , ,(.. J make doubly aure the act authorising the' -contract 'te dlreetly' repealed. It' la f either wrorlded that K hiUl ba-nnlw-J ami ivr prwva- v. 1 ixik, .1, . j i service from-a eovtct'altber'dlreetly or Indlreotly, ; s& u rtr "jcii r -i.l This measure la 'being "held in ahey aacw by tha federation-until such time as tho osteite commissions reports thje provisions -of its bill:' The federattoh doeavnate knob .khftlly'-npon the- -plan propoaed by (Judge L.. R.'Webster, 'pro-. vldleg for . the -building of sute high waya remchlng f rom border' to-border -of Oregon., j If is afraid that1 such- a ptsn would be-too" long ef conrmeneement and that 1 while aurveye-. and preflmlnary work 'waa-belngi done-the reonvlets af ths' prison ' would' be. In1 complete1 Idle news."' The bill Seel ted by the -labor men would be one which would commence the employment' of ths convicts -ae.aoon as :thet law Tea mer-etrecava.- a!tit7 ; u Preeldent Oram'of the federation;1 who Is aieo a mmbr ef the gd-rtmds 00m-' mission. 'will meet with the 'commission ore November to' tn"1 Judge Webster's bf-ftoe.-at-'whlolr time' the active' Work"of drs-ftlng tha enmmlsslon'a bill' will' be oommencea i"At'- that - time President Oram will present- the- view -of- the fed eratlon and .'make-en effort 'to have its Ideas -worked 1 Into 'ths' construetion 'of tha flnal. h4U' Which Wtn'be Presented to the lealslatora.' U-mw .)).,, t , rt , . x-,f.' j .a.' -j.- 1 t.4 it.). It ' Ui"K ) U IT n.f.'x.--. t- .-"'. . '-i-'i y I '' 'I' I"" ' I 11 ft ' 'Get Your Gopy'lor Jhc Sunday;: jDUtnal.v;: - Classified -PigeJi in BatlVfivjAIso-'Your" " : : : :,. . Copy. for DhpUy. Spice .; .: .. .;, :? o Ji.t i i' i Ji ii.l i I;;';1. '.;" .:'f k .tV.. . ; ," . , -, i e Xi ! Do not blame the-baoer when X ( tion, when -you failed . to supply- early copy- , The . earlier 2 (ithe copy reaches tne.olfice, the better th composition :.;yjuf;i..ia the journals MH4vmWim4HtTvmmmtHrHt i : Two Valuable Tracts iSuedJf&r S ums Ag gregatmgUnelVlill on Fourteen Thousand Acres of .'"'Timber (Land Changewher :f ship---Easterri Company Gets tight Thousand In .. Clatsop ' County.'." -; . . ,-' "' -.'. .tiff U-1.. '. ;,:'i' ': , (; V'.. 7,;x- , Two .of the most valuable traeta cf. timber tributary to the Columbia river were sold today in., Portland., The eala aggregated 'about ILOtrO.OOO,, and' tha t . ) u 1 uMin, phaitvln Awnarahln amounieano tooui li.wv acrea.- xne deal were tneda through . X. Lneay as Co.-'; '" ''. : - .The -William tt. Bra v tract 'of fir. sprueaf and- cedar; about 8,000 acres la Clatsop county, was sold to tha Cro- . . , , . T" I m h.r Mimuriv nr IVjMnnAM Iowa. " The vice-president ' of the com. pany, Q. W. Gates of Msaaena, vaJlfor- nia, came, to PorUsna to nieet. Vlotor Tnrane. memoer or jacey e w, ana these two. .with WlllUm M. Bray, han dled the deaL Mr. dates returned last nlghtto Calif ornla. :f C ",'. 'Anotnag.Blc Baal. : Thm Tongue Porn t Lumber company, repreaented-by Manager E. B. Hasen of AatQrla, pirrchaaed .about ;68 acre' of fir, spruce and cedar, known aa tha Oak (Continued on Page Two. EO; all - !inr SAYS SECRETARY H15 ' V '."" v. .'.'ti-.i .. Bonaparte Brands as False Story .That- Battleship's Armament Will Be Sent to . Junk Pile ' - Portland - Cannot Borrow-Big :CannSWTherefore.-' 1 K m lUjriwihtagtU 'tiki JJdrl iiS nonv marry tast,, Mayor, "ortiano. Or. ' Thirteen-lnch gun not condemned consequently not-available for loan. BONAPARTE, Secretary. Jisthe UegrafaVeoelvea: this taornlng by Xayer Lane from Secretary; 01 ne wavy Bonaparte.-- j On Tbursday.the evening- edition of tha morning paper printed an article alleged to com from- Bremerton, Wash ington, where the government dry dock ' Is situated. The tiav -expert whs Wrrrte' the story said the guns which did "each -rallanr service ar tha battle f Santiago were consigned to the Junk pile.'; ',"-. v i r,-. . i;.-x.t May oc. Lane - was told; such av story would appear. In the edition,, and. he was induced . to. wire, Secretary Bonaparte, requeeting that one of the big guns be loaned .to Portland aa a memento of ha famous 'war "vessel that' made, Oregon proud. The history of the gons and an account Ofthe repalra to the battleahlp Oregon werk -tnte-Ttt-aTt'1n4th.-- Ahro the atory of the request of Mayor Lane helped fill bp. ', ' ', ' r -' - ; xv '' It 'was a 'very,', very-' pathetic move mentr andTone sure to be popular.'. : ' And now' alas! '. The' unkind secretary of the navy has spotted It aiL'By tell- Flng the bald truth he butg a. qqletng on the patriotic demand, -in; fact, be inti mates that a tha gun's belong fo Uncle Sam, and as (hat gentleman has further use for them the naval expert tJ're merton haa another guess coming.' " NOW! voot ad it. not In rood ooeU t e prior to the publicaticfn Hour, .5 and the better the. position cf - 4; r. GUHS Of OREGOfi NOT DISCARD -V " :''" 4 . f a ' w . X