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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1906)
rV.- J. .BRYAN TELLS :5UPE)M 5 TKREEGREAt PRODIS GOOD EVT2IIIIIG , THE WEATHEJL ,-1 1. . .Occasional rain tonight and Friday jV- southeast winds.. ,-, -: '-.-'" Journal Circulation Yesterday Was 26, "POirTLAND; OREObN.5 THURSDAY EVENING-NOVEMBER -"iSOe.wEIGHTEEM fbrV rvof v. NO.-jHtr PRICE- TWO4 CENTS. 7 MFtSSS ; ' 'LEAVES' THE CABINET J , :T.g.. Ot I Counts de Xastellan&s Life Sa ved By . ; Court's Suppressing Names of Women - I ssa--- Jeer " mmmmmmmmmmmmmZZmmm r 1 ... r ?n rh s : ' " ' X ansaav- - - a -w- j L . . . ' Safe lead TELLS STORY nrcfnfm .f - , . .... , ..'i ':"( ' 7- r ' ' r ' ', r'. '.:( :' - ur nmuu BY T Hearst's Running Mate Seema Sure ofElec- xion as uoes nesi qi DemocraticTicket J! Publisher Badly Cut ' by Tarn . many-ls Sixty-Three Thou . sand Votes Behind 1 Lowest ' ., Man ; on Democratic ; Ticket . and Seventy Below Highest ; ... ,) .. -v ij t . j 1 4. - ' -. IllseeW DbMtcft. to The Iwul l New York. Nov. 4 With nearly oom plate retwrae from el ef the ! twutlM tn th tta.t. 8tuTMMnt Cbanlar. Demo ; eratlo candidate tor llutnnt-vrnor. ; J ha a, lead var 0Ttc Kapublloan, af . 10,67. , Tfia mlaains; oountlea ara Ea ' . aax, Hamilton, Harklmar, Nlajara, On- Taxlo, Orania. Fultaa, Manroa. Rockland and Tataa. It 1e aatlmatad that tha ra tuma from Orange eounty s-lva Bruca a j. plurality of I,7M, and an aatlroata from ' Uonroa cradlta Bruca with a laad of , l,00 over-.Cbaalaiv Tneaa flruraa. da , ductad from Chaular's whola pluraittjr. . laaraa him -with a laad of 14,21, with . alht countlaa atlll to b heard from. Return are .extremely alow and tha count on'. tha remainder of the atata ticket' la aa far from beina; complete a . .i tha.otal for Ueatenasl-rovemer. Ia vtnanr Inatanoas -county clarka to whom - tha- returaa- at the oounty baflotlnc axe made, have not' opened the aealad en ( velopea In which tha official it porta of tha votint art ."tnctoaed and'' torn f k taeaa-9robab)wlll not- be opened for , aeveral daya and tha' complete offlolai t Toae will not be ara 11 able until than. The mlealna counties la . l0f Avt the following- vubarnatorlal pluralltlea . 'Eeaotrx. RepabUcan. t.100; Hamilton, Democratic; ISO;' Harklraerrttepubllcan, . 1.700; Naa-ara. ' Republican. l,70: n 1 tartorf RepabUcan, 2.100; "PMlton. Repub lican. ,000; Rockland. Democratic,! 0t; i Oater, -Republican, 1,690.' Tha net Ita ' publican plurality InfW elht counties , wa ll,10. -'Thla-irould-'leaTa'Chanlar a plurality of t.fcSO. . " .', ; - Aa tha Democratic ticket 1s' running .ahead of thatof and the Repub . llcan plurality la diminished 1 In nearly -all counties, the reautt wttl' probably ; be tha election of Chanler and his aa- . '. soclatas by pluralltlea . ranging from '.000 to 1,000 - ,; . (Continued ori Page Four.) WILL: ATTACK;, WATER BOARD - ,'. ' -1 at ' Water Users' Association to Dis-'-tribute Pamphlets Showing How Payment of Abater Rates ' by General Taxation Would Be an Improvement T Thirty '' thousand ' circulars setting , forth tha advantages of payment of tha water rates by general, taxation will be distributed ' tc customers ef city water whefr they -next pay their bllla. - - ' - Man will be atatloned la - tha Alblna and Kaat Portland offlees of tha water department as well aa In tha maid office In the city hall. This new circular la ' promised to contain much Information ' regarding discrimination In fever of largo consumers which Is not In the pamphlet . now being generally dla trlbuted by the Portland Water Users' aaaociatlon. . - - - ' ' Sharp crltlelam will alao-ba mads of . the management of tha water depart ment. It Is not expected, however, that there will be any attack upon Buperln tendent Dodge personally. , His reports to the' water board, however,, will bs criticised. , . , , - When the water'- "board . meet next Wedneaday a queer condition of affairs will exist. Mayor Lane, i the ex-offlclo chairman of . tha board, haa indoraed soma of the criticisms by tha Water Users' association, which In Its circular . speaka ef "tha Caesars of tha water aboard," and censures the management. It IS probable that tha two newer members of the board, O. W. Allen snd R. M. Lameon. will slda with tha mayor. Dr. a B. Jossphl aad Dr. C. H. Raffaty ' have, been members of tha board for so long that they may7 not welcome any changes In methode or management. It has bean known fer a long time that tha mayor we not entirely fatte ned with tha management, of tha water department It waa reported that ha Intended to depoae Superintendent Dodge, but no-mora of this kind has sver bean made, i .' While thla la an altogether different proposition from a change la tha water ratea tha two propoeala are correlative, aa both show tha demand for aa Im provement In tha olty service, CIRCULARS II- Ethan Allop Hitchcock. . VIILL ICAUC , PJIDiriCTi LLIIILa.UnUUILly mm it ft V v . Commissioner, of . Corporations Oarfiid;VV1ucced Him as Secretary f the- Interior Richa;Js Resigns; as Commis- 1- sioner of General Land: Office. fr'fosrant ' telsrSsreias. T.-.S?,''. Washington, . Nov. .-President Roosevelt' has gocepted' the- roaignatlmT of ICthad Allen Hltchoock as" secretary ef tha Interior, to take-effect. March 4. ltOTj and .announced .his 'Intention ft appointing Harry: A. Garfield. . commit- atoher -of corporaaons,' as - Hitchcock's suooesaor. ' Herbert - Knox, Bnjlth, - Oar- fleld's assistant, .will be appointed com missioner, of corporatlona , Commlaa ton er Richards, of the general, land of floe, also tendered his resignation, to take ef fect. March 4." .'..-'" . .''..' : :..:: .. Hltchcock'a realgnaUon la due to age and, failing health.. .'For, a year paat he has, been far .from . well, but he desired to remain until' the; land, fraud proaecu tlona Inaugurated by him-were finlahed. He entered the' cabinet' December 'SI. It t, J serving continuously for more than eight years.1 He removed' Ringer Hermann as land commlaaioner and .In augurated the tnveatlgatlons and prose cutions of . land thieves " which . have startled the country- .In-following this course he antagonised many' of tha lead ing politicians of tha country, who were unable to swerve . the secretary from his. course. Though It Is announced that Garfield 1 will continue land ' fraud- prosecutions, there le' general jubilation among land fraud defendants, aa It la felt that Oar field's mlla report against ths beef truat doe not indicate a disposition toward very relentless prosecution. . . .i It Is even rumored thst with. Hitch cock. 'out of the .way the eases against Blnger Hermann will lag and perhaps be. dropped.; . -. " -'M ' AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT ! : ; -BOYCOTTS OUR MEAT . -.J .-M"; r- i , '(Awtil gpwlal Service.) -Vienna,. Nov. t.r-Tha dlaoourteous and avrn hostile attitude, of tha mlaiater of agriculture toward the deputation from tha butchers' assoctatlona which yas terdan urred "the government to permit tha Importation of meat from America haa aroused much public indignation. Kvr mnce thar tariff-war with Harvta began' the retafi t rice- ef. ell -meate haa been-continually' tncreaa(ng tn -Austria, causing Intense haMablp. to - ths poorer olaaaea. ' . - i - A leading Official of 'the Vienna Butchera' aaaociatlon said -today: . "Tba government's poricy Is wholly directed in tha Intereaf'of a powerful, agrarian party, which is pocketing huge profits through the present, exclusion of tba Servian cattle supply." IIIJlCJCKj A j -Photo of ths NW Island. .. .... .j. . . KarPHansoni-of Reve j nue Service 'Males Discovery of , Land ? Recently Formed ' Tells How It Appeared, How Fire I and Smoke Issued From It and I I Water About (t War Boiling-;-; Survey Made byRevenue.Cut I ,ter Perry?sCrewri '. "r; .:T! S KarlHansso,'. maater-et-arme on . the revenue cutter Perry, one or a party or tlv who surveyed the islsnd that was icently ' discovered ' in Bearing ses. Is In-the city. 1 -The -Ulend -Is situated In tba Behring'sea, it mllea southeast of Dutch' Harbor, Alaska It was tossed up In- the -Arctic seas by a subterranean movement, which probably , took place .bout the Ume or the-Ban rrancjeoo earthquake. The island was dlscovsrea in June ny the crew of the United State revenue cutter Perry, which was cruising in tha Behrlng sea. It has' been - named Perry island in honor of ths veaaei by which, , It . waa dleoovered.-. A- party, of five offioera from the cutter aurveyed the Island soen after It waa discovered and made an official report of their die. eoverles to the proper officials at Wash ington clty,. . ... jl " ;- C : ' , Hansen is in . fort land on a ten-aayw leave of abaenoe .from tha revenue- out ter. -He declares that the atranga island roaa from the Watera of Behrlng sea at almost tha same time that tha aelamlo disturbance at Ban Francisco occurred. Loetentlflo invwatrgatton Into thrj cause of Its sudden appearance baa been post poned because Of. the Ice barriers' thst surround It.' However, it will be ra-snmed- next; summer,. and. sclfnMate de clare that the appearance of the '.Island ia-due primarily to the seismic disturb ance which ' extended i along the antlrs pacino coast.. ., . . , . . ""'XsJaad Haas of 'HaTa,'" 4 ' '.' The laland Is a mass of lava- 4f 0 fet high and 700 feet in length at.its baae. It- Is honeycombed - with huge crsvloes and fissures from which Issue constant streams -of - sulphurous t smoke. ' The sides, of. the. fissures and 'the lava-ad-Joining. for several .'lnchea are covered with, a coating of sulphur. When the island was first observed last June- It was easily, discernible, though great clouds 'of vapor and a malt a hovered about It.- The water for several hundred feet surrounding the Island, waa boiling and approach beyond half a mile was Impossible. However, It bad eoojed sufficiently-by' the middle of August to-permit-the-surveying party .to land. 'Even at that time the water surround-, Ing 'ths Island showed a temperature much higher - than ths thermometer registered In tha atmoephere. The lava pile of, which tba island Is composed were warm when tha party landed, but caused no great discomfort to tha ad venturers, , . .-. Small Oases at tha Top., . At tha top of tha great mass of lava there Is a small crater from which smoks and lava were Issuing when the survey was made. It waa. still - In eruption September It, when tha Perry left thoss waters for Puget Sound. Th new Islsnd Is situated between two other Islands which are- alaa of volcanic formation. They ara -known aa Firs Island and Caatle Rock. .Fire laland received Ita name because of tha perpetual stream of fire aad sulphur ous smoke wblen issued irons its crater. Since ths appsaranoa of Parry laland. however, the crater on Fire laland has beoome extinct. : There la no longer smoke, sulphur or Ore lasulng- from It Connecting . rire island with ita raw neighbor Is a narrow lava beach. If feet high, which waa thrown up at ths time of t be-appearance oi -Ferry island. The cutter Perry waa in the Behrlng sea during tha summsr for the purpose of examining the seal Industry and making a report of condl tlona to Waah ington. It waa in command of Captain Dunwoodla. - Ia tha party which Investigated and surveyed tba new island wsrs: Lleuten- (Continued on Pago Four.) A i I -.t Ik j j ..i'1 :.,, -i. ' i-nm Am V ' 'it , Countess de CasteUarteForraerly Carl lisle 'Student Imbued' With i Romantic' Ideas MuWersGou sueid iby Ayengin ' - .1 r '-' ' - '.' . X. (iMmi Sperlsl Serviee. k '-. . Preaoott- Acta. Nov. . Armed with' a rifle, '100 rounda of ammunition, and a Hat of five, victims to his eredlU-Juatln Head, an Apache Indian, , educated ' at Carlisle, who late .yesterday afternoon ahot and killed a fellow Indian in a drunken quarrel, near Cottonwood, east of here, .'and then' fled to another In dian camp near camp . Verde, where hs demanded refuge . from a band ef ' .100 Indians who were ' pursuing him, and upon re rural shot and killed three other Indians - and ' one squaw,' - Is fleeing through Mogolloy. mountains, en route to Fort Apache reservation with over too Indiana on his trail, vowing sum mary vengeance If be Is caught-. PULLMAN STOCK AOVANCES Dli BRiBHT PROSPECTS : ; ' ' I -.v.''- Melon in Shape of Surplus to Be Ia Divided Sends Price Boom-.- . J ' " ; Irig on Change. ." " . ' - (Joernal Special-Service,). ' ' ; . Chicago, Jov.; '. An advance of 4 points t. 1(4 In.' the plica of Pullman stock was recorded In the-market ' to day on more. than tb -usual arnount-of trade. An annual meeting of ths stock holders le to be held next .Wednesday and although there haa been no official statsment there Is. a general 'belief, that soma distribution is to be made of at least a part ef tha surplus at that tlms. How much It will be or In what form the general trading publlo haa no Idea. Tha company's surplus on July II, lfOK. last reported. " waa I1I.1J1.J00. Probably - the ' amount was,' Increased fully t4.00O.OOO by tlie operations of ttia fiscal year recently ended and to be re ported on at . tha meeting next week. When tha aurplua of the company waa last distributed In ISO, tha t stock holders received, a dividend of 40 per cent 1 11.000,000 and in addition aa extra dividend, of 120 In cash. , '- ; eeattle Safe Oraakad, r J ' :Jnaraal Spectai garvlee.) " . Seattle. Nov. I. A safe In ths offloe ef ths New England Granite company.i rn tha heart or the city, was blown last night and 1900 worth of valuables were taken. There ara no clues. . , " , - ,, 1 .'.!'.'. " '""" r AgJUtors' Paalshad. "V ' " " (Joaraal Special SWTlre.) ' Odessa, Nov. t. Two agitators today were traneported to Siberia for Inciting, revolt and eight sentenced to herd labor. four of , them-te aa-elght yeara' term. v xn ;v ill I Anna Gould of New ..York. ; , '. - --" , " ' i '"'. -' The murderer ls'30 years-old and haa often expresaad a. desire to '.emulate tha notorious desperado, "Apache Kid,' who waa a .relative of hi, lload la a dead ahot and'wlth the expressed determina tion never -to bo-taken alive. It la ex pected that other victims 'will be added to his list before he, ia killed or cap tured.' Indians throughout .-tba sur rounding country" are : greatly excited over' the five murders, and have the beet guides snd hunters In the country trail ing tha desperado. .. ' " If tha officers Should apprehend Head It la expected that trouble, may arlee between. them and tha Indiana,. aa the latter wnnt. to-deal with, the murderer after Indian faehion,. . . . , . GERMANS STIR UP TROUBLE ' IN NORTHERN AFRICA . ' , r ' " ,; -..' 4 :.- Open Charges Made .That Rifles . .Are Being Distributed In C-'-.v,-! i-viyioroceov";"'."!-"!. , Parts. Nov.-, I. Although' M. Ptnchon, minister of foreign-affairs, .officially relates that ' the ' Tangier Incident is without Importance, .this la not ths view taken-by the-major part of ths press, which asserts that France haa waited too' ldng -perhapa fatally long to es tablish order on a sound basis in Morocco. ; ' Open charges ' are ' mads that rifles hare been distributed among the Moors at Mogador and Cape Juby by Germans, whoaa identity Is well known to French residents. Theee men era even named and their friendly relations with the Baharan agitator. Ma El Alnan, a great favorite with the sultan and an arch snemy of France has been proved be yond doubt , Though there Is ne pronounced dis position yet to begin quarreling with Germany over the situation, students of Moroccan affaire declare that there will be trouble in the Immediate future. eeeeeee : YOU GET Of the special features, the the' most interesting stories, the most up-to-date color pages, and all the news that is worth printing and reading - i .In Ihe SUNDAY JOURNAL LAARAA A A A A. A A A. A A A. AAA A A. A A A Proceedings Take a Turn for . Ridiculous and All Paris Is j ', Laughing at Count. d NOBLEMAN'S CREBITORS 1' TRY TO COLLECT BILLS Countess Wins Contention and De cision Will Be Made Upon Docu- y menUry Evidence Submitted But tarfly Spendthrift Faces Poverty. (Jmrnil Special Service.) e ' . Parts, Nov. . Counteas da Caa telle ne has- won her contention and there will be no public divorce trial. ' The divorce court, will maks the decision upon the documentary evidence submitted. This determination was announced today with the statsment that a decision will be rendered next ' Thursday. This means that the names of tha womsn compli cated with Count Bont will remain a se cret and Boni will thus have a chance Count Boni . de ' Castellan e. for hie life. Should tha namea become publlo the - Indignant husbands would have slain him. Today's proceedings took a turn for ths ridiculous and all Farts Is laughing as wsll aa gossiping, except Boni, who perhaps sees no humor tn the - situa tion. The reason is -that the count la anxious for a reconciliation. . . It la apparent upon the conclusion of the divorce hearing today how the case will go, when the creditors began trying-to collect their bills. Boni s attor ney announoed his client's misfortune In having, spent tOO.000 francs that ha had "anticipated from his father." It la well known that trie old marquis supports himself by writing. . ' ' Seads Tfadylnr XVore. Summing 'up the argument today, M. Bonnett, Count Bonl's attorney said: ."I have the mission today to bring ths countess the assurance of the undying affeotlona of her -unhappy husband." So shameful are the revelations that all Paris Is talking of them and It is regarded aa certain that Count Boni de Castellans will be forced to resign from all his. clubs in consequence. , The Rad ical members of tha chamber of depu ties It Is bellsved, will also make It so uncomfortable for the count that he will have to give up his seat; and there Is a lively possibility that ha will have to fight a series of duels with the hue bands of ths women with whom he has been Intriguing. These women's names, while not brought out are well known In all the fashionable eaiona, There la nothing in tha history of in ternational marriages that approaches tha indignity and scandal of tha Castel lans case as presented In pleading for a divorce for the countess upon the doc umentary evldenoa submitted. In tha evidence brought out It was Continued on Page Two,) eeeeee THE BEST ;- brightest and happiest comicsYi - ' " - -- -- - - - 1 t i it . I : x- , . , .- . " & fVrV'' -' , 1 i '. . i .1 t: -V-t - ( PublisherTakes Defeat: With Unruffled Calm. , Sorry He Accepted; Democratic Support If Fusion Candidate for Attorneys General Is Elected, Will Renevr , . Fight for Recount of Mayor; alty Votes Editor Finding Out Character of Grafters, rJearaal Seeelal lerW) ' New York. Nov. William rVi Hearst the unfortunate victim of hi a "friends." takes his defeat with tha same unruffled calm that ha baa taken hla great business , aucoeaa, but tha blow must have hurt htm. He realises) now that he was knifed. While all others on his ticket piled- up pluraUtlee) -In thla city of 115,000 ha waa given snly 70,000. j Despite ' Hearst's - silence, certalnt . things concerning his attitude and opto " Ion of tha election, have beoome den nltely known. Ha haa refused to fol " low Ihmsen's loud cry ef "Fraud" and "Robbers, snd stands pat on tha state ment he Isaued which conceded hla de , feat and waa virtually a promise to . abide by the result - , - , - It is plain that .Hearst realises that Tammany slaahed him viciously and thoroughly, and he believes his defeat was due principally to Tammany . and, -ita organisation in Kings county. . . Sorry Ke Made Seal.' r . -.'. It is said by persons near the de Mated candidate that he is sorry thst he let himself be persuaded to accept the Democratic Indorsement and "Kit ha ' regretted he hsd not made the race aa Independence league candidate alone. , It was reported that Hearst was over- , persuaded by Ibmsen and like him who , thought they would have a aura thing with Hearst as a Democratic candidate. Hearst Indicated that it would be neither sensible' nor discreet to eharga that he waa defrauded of victory, and friends have assured htm that the pea pie generally will beieve It much, more)' -sensible for him to take defeat grace fully and In silence. Hangers-en ware sagef to howl fraud, but they wera squelched. ' , It is apparent that Hearst Is Inteneery Interested In the fata ef fusion caned dates that ran far ahead of him. He la Intereated particularly In William 8 Jackson, candidate for attorney-general. If Jackson wins out one of tha firse things Hearst will do is to renew hla fight for- a recount of the ballots in' tha mayoralty election, through aa appHcaw -tion to the attorney-general for per, mission to Institute quo warranto pre; eeedlngs. Jackson declared on . the stump that Hearst had been robbed, aadl (Continued on Page Two.) YOUNG THUG MAY FACE CHARGE OF WILFUL LIU Mrs. J. C. Adams, Injured by Homer , Warner During Rob bery, May Die From HenJni juries and Her Nineteen-Yerfr-Old Assailant Be Accountable, tiomer , warner, a confessed nui anatcher. It years old. whoaa "parents reside at Mount Scott, atanda a fair chance of being required to answer to a charge of murdea, Mrs. J. C. Adams. one of Warner'a victims, la still con fined to her bed. and though hopea ara entertained for her recovery, her broken hip la tardy In mending and complica tions may set In to causa her death. wnen for the purpose of eommlttlne - robbery Injuries are inflicted which afterward causa death, the perpetrator la punishable for marder In the Brat 6" gree. While Mrs. Adams waa a tend ing at Grand avenue and Eaat Morrison street on October t. Homer Warner approached and v endeavored ta enatch her purse. The woman held on to the leather and the young tough threw her to the ground, wrenched her purse from her hands and ran away. When she waa picked up It was leemed that Mre. Adams had sustained a fractured hip. She waa removed to her home at Eaat Twenty-eighth and Braaee streets. where she haa lain ever since in a seri ous condition' Th fact that Mrs., Adams ia I rs e. i-e litans t. t T. i. ded 'i!:v r ' - t-Aim' court r . ir pi -'One; ff - chance of r- Toung v bry in Ji af ternotfn, l was dffrrM liiiill I. rr t of , ,, Adams' IrUuri.-s im t . " r " . Warner, lias rnfi,'l t i i c ' elmllar crlf """, s i"- t I I - snali ; ' ' t of a J -" 1 j . , I