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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 8ATUKPAY EVBNINQ, OCTOBER It, 1909. HARRY THAW'S MOTHER DENIES $50,000 BEAUTY DINNER STORY 1 nwammmvBB. . AF .TW V- (." -lam.,,. . as We Will Cure Any Man Who comes to ttf afflicted with any of tho it, II m om is not aireaay no- CI VW S 4iw nuiii iM. ml our charsee for i com plot cura by our accurate, acJantlflc, poaltlvo methods, will ba la UMm half what other phy atclana. without experience or skill, will oharg for sxperlmentlng with hie misfortune. $1150 Consultation F1EE We chars thla low faa for ourea not for experimental treatment, for that stage of treat ment has never bean used by ua. If we can not cura you we will tall you eo, aa we do not ac cept Incurable casea. Dl inn DAIcnM Thar la no caae of Blood Poison we can not baa BLOOD POISON .m with our SPBSCIPIC TREATMENT. Blotchaa and eruptions are removed, running aores healed up, poisons KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES ZZiSUST veals to tia th hidden eeorets of CTSTITIB, SCROFULA, PR08TA-" TITI8 and all dlaeaeea of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Tract. What othara guese at we see and Know, and It often happens that w dlacover dlaeases In the Kldneya In patlenta who have been th rounds of doctor, and who have undergone treatment for every con celvable aUment exoept for the real cause of thalr trouble. Our DIS SOLVENT ELIMINATING METHOD , restores the health and strength of these organs, and all complications rapidly disappear. RECTAL DISEASES F1.,VJu3S the moat Important branch of medloel science. uuxt, avxn mm. Ask our Pwtlante. ..,.. -W treat and onr Debility, Beck of TltaOlxy, Discharges, taenia, Braptnr and all associate niaeasea ox awa, w. 7.(1. mmlih. uiJiutloni from natlenta who have been unsuccessfully treated elsewhere, and who hare heard of our wonder ful success. We cure them and that explains why w have established auohta large practio. All who are alck from any of the d aaasea In our specialty, all whom others have been unable to cure, all casea of long standing, we are anxious to see We can sir you health, add yars of happiness to your life, and eave you time and money. WhyT Because OOB MKMM UDJUB. DHPI1M aTKM On of th moat nerve-rending diseases that man KnfcUiTl A I lain ktnd Mn affu0tad with, keeping the entire aystem In on continual spasm of pain, causing wakefulness at night, loss of appetlt and a general decreasing of th general health Many times thisdlsease, if it las not reoel vexTlh PrPrtrsent "S1.1"; ates in paralysis. A word to the wis ought to be airfflcUnt. Hsv your rheumat Urn, cured and save all of thla Urn Pnt In pain and l,5?rtt If Ttm cannot call. All corre.pondeno is sacredly confiden tial. St. Louis MEDICAL AND HOURS t a. m. to 6 p. m flan nnnc omr SURGICAL U19fClla30I J Evenings 7 to 8:80 p. m. Sundays. to 11. CO noon am tj Mrs. William Thaw sad Daughter, Mrs. George L. Carnegie, Leaving the Tombs. Sketch of Stormy Interview When His Mother Plead With Harry K. Thaw to Follow His Attorney's Advice. studiously avoids all reference to th murder of Stanford Whit by her son. he defends Harry en other score, and also defends th memory or William Thaw, her former husband, who ah Pittsburg, Oct. IS. Through a friend yesterday, Mrs. William Thaw, mother of Harry K. Thaw, makes . what she amy la her "first and last statement regarding current events. While she claims has been maligned. As to th character and life of her son, Mrs. Thaw said: -"Th fact that such men as Or- Pat ten, Dr. Brashear and other man of brains and standing in various profes sions find delight In his society Is of Itself sufficient to controvert all lurid lying portraitures which sensational pa pers have been furnishing for th mor bid appetites of those who know and care nothing about htm and who knew or eared nothing of th position and hfgh character of hi fathr. Harry's time has not been wasted. He has trav elled much and enjoyed th friendship of some of the best people In th va rious capitals of Europe. "For myself I shall always look beck with aatlsfactlon on the past, when my son and hla wife lived with me at Lynd hurst. "A false story Is about hla so-called beauty dinner," continued Mrs. Thaw, "In thla there Is absolutely no truth whatever, so far as my son, Harry K. Thaw, was concerned. Such a dinner wee given by a society In Paris, th exact name of which I cannot now re call, but my eon had nothing whatever to do with It, and was dining that night with 8am Burden, Bradley Martin, Jr.. Erneat Iselln and William Spencer. "Th gist of that story was that tSO, 000 was expended for th dinner, which sum would be nearly double Harry s annual Income What of the other St I days of that yearr PYTHIANS GATHER AT NEW ORLEANS Supremo Lodge and Encamp ment of Uniform Rank to Bo Held Coming Week. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES OFFERED Crack Companies From Every Part of the United States and Canada to Compete Crescent City Elab- orately Decorated. (loaraal Special ftcrviee.) Hew Orleans. La., Oct. 18. Th gath ering of Knights of Pythias In this city beginning tomorrow will be th greatest vnt In th history of . New Orleana secret societies Th occasion for this gathering Is th meeting of th su preme lodge and th encampment of th uniform rank of th ordr. Elaborate arrangements have been mad by th eBBBaaeSSS!B?---LJ L. "wW-nnnaVaeaea SAVED j. W. Davenport, Win go. fcCy writes, Jun 1. 2 wani.t0 you I believe Ballard s Snow Liniment saved my life I was under the treatment of two doctors, and they told me on of my lungs was Tttlrly gon. and th other badly affected. I also had a lump on my aid, f don't think that 1 could Her lived over two months longer. I waa inouceo ey a mend to 1 v uajiara oiwe, in urn application gave me great relief: two nfty-oent bottle cured me sound and ft la a wonderful medicine and I recommend It to suffering humanity. cltlsens of New Orleans for th ntr talnraent of the Pythian. Thousands of dollars have bees raised by popular subscription. Th camp of the uniform rank haa been loeated at City Park race track and will bear the name of Camp James R. Carnahan, In memory of the Indiana man who for many years waa at th head of th uniform branch of th Pythian. Brigades Arriving. Brigades and companies are already arriving on every train. Parades of the knights from th railway depot to their headquarters, either at their ho tels or Camp Carnahan, were ef fre quent occurrence today. The auxiliary branches. Rathbone Sisters and Pythian Sisterhood will meet during th week and have opened their headquarters. The olty la being decorated as never before. Odd Fellews' hall, where the sessions of th supreme lodge will be held, haa been decorated Inside end out. Th olty hall will be decorated and Il luminated with Pythian emblems. A grandstand has been erected In front of the municipal building for th ac commodation of the state and city of ficials and other notables who will re view th big parades of Tuesday end Wednesday. St. Charles street, from th olty hall to Canal street, la blos soming but In rainbow hue. Royal street also Is taking en gala attire. The driveway through th park to the en campment grounds Is bordered on either side by Venetian masts, from which float Pythian banners and the flags of the United States and the sUte of Louisiana. At the entrance to th en campment ground stands an Immense arch from which at night will blase forth th .word "Wlcom" In dassllng electric lights. Th 110,000 In prises offered for th competitive drills Is expected, to attract th crack companies Of th uniform order from every part of the United States and Canada. In addition to the drill, there will be s general pared of th uniform rank through the Streets of New Orleans Tuesday which will he participated In by all th com pan We of Infantry, troop of cavalry and batteries Of artillery m camp, which means that there will be thousands of men in line Boston and Buffalo are after the bi ennial encampment of 1101. Chart E. Shlvly of Indiana will preside over th conference of the su preme lodge. H will be succeeded Is Ah chair of supreme chancellor by rwi-P A. Barnes ef Illinois, BRITISH EMPIRE BUILDER RESIGNS HIS POST i ii , Sir Frederick D. Lugard, High Commissioner for Northern Nigeria Leavee Africa. sssa paw exswea saws awe MY i-rtSC3 uli MEN $12.53 Which You Pay When Cured I want to Impress It upon every weak rasa that I can make him Strong, vigorous, healthy, alert sad free from every taint ef disease and weak ness. I have limited my specialty In practice to only a few of the more important disorders, so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. My ex perience along thla on path for twenty-five years qualifies me to say positively that such trouble as Bsiiasatnahiiu, best vigor, DM.. TATX.OK. London, Oct 18. Considerable sur prise has been caused by th announce ment that Sir Frederick D. Lugard, who haa been high commissioner for north ern Nigeria since 1100, has resigned Ms post. Sir Frederick, who Is only In his 48th year, has had s -most adventurous career. At college he wss renowned as s football play, and had not long Joined the army Derore ne had the op portunity of seeing fighting, first of all in Afghanistan under Lord Roberts, and afterward in th Soudan. Burma. Uganda, and Bast and Wast Africa. ' Probably the most notable of hla achievements waa his race against time and France to secure a treaty with the king of Nikkl. He left England in July. 1114, four daya after a French officer had left France, and, when the latter arrived with hla treaty for signature, he found that Colonel Lugard had been there five days before. Lady Lugard la almost as famous a her mptr-bulldlng husband. She waa Mies Flora Shaw, hesd of the colonial department of th Times, and wss th only lady witness before th Jameson raid committee. She has traveled On horseback through the Australian bueh, has tramped through the. Klondike and haa explored wildest Africa. BBS. Xyta (Bow-la I Dispatch to the JoarsaL) Athena. Or., Oct. 18. Mrs. Lydls Lakln died Thursday from heart failure at the home of her son-in-law. Frank or soy, man r women, I qnlckly out of pain ir Btuesiene Arnica naive is ap plied promptly. O.J. Watch of Tekon sha. Mich., says: "I us It In my fam iiv for cuts, sore and ail skin Injuries. and And It perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Beet healing salve made, 10 t Bed Cross Pharmacy. drooele, Boaon-hosa, Syphilis. "P 1 SPSS can be , cured perfectly eo ss to stay cured. Of course I us different methods than the ordinary physician. Most St these are original with me and were, devised for Just such rasas as the ordinary courses of treatment fall to reach. The Scientific Treatment of Weakness Dosing the system with powerful stimulants and tonics la an effort to restore functional vigor can have but one final reeult: The oihtltlon is rendered worse than before "Weakness" la merely aa Indication of a low form of Inflammation In the prostate gland, and thle Inflammation Is but aggravated by atlmulatlng remedies that xclt temporary activity. I em ploy th only scientific end fully ffcUv treatment for "weakn." which effects a permanent cure by restoring the prostate gland to a sound and healthy stat. I obtain complete result In vry esse I treat. Interesting literature and a beautifully engraved chart free If you wiU call. Examination Free I offer not only FREE consultation and advtoe, but of every oase that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should nglct this opportunity to get expert opinion about "'iVyoucannot call write for Diagnosis Chart. My earless are open all day from a. m. to 9 p. m. and Sundays from 10 to l only. the DR. TAYLOR co. 234K Morrison Street, Corner Second PORTLAND, OREGON Twenty-live years' trial m proves that it SPREADS BEST WEARS BEST LOOKS BEST COSTS LEAST I ' HWH ST?"" I I LIQUID PAINT I I ..vvuvwf.-- l W - ... w urn smriaa . M gsasssEZ ... . i i 'J iSsm exaW' 0- aawavaw OB BW reat aftnaaWiatasaf llailv is saw neei w Less. Airres. LeWMtnn rM, j'iuu .. Greet Northern sohrU. dallr. 6:15 sm :Sssj Dacmnccon ra Ua7IIIMaVVII j k 10. 229-235 Taylor Street 194-196 Second Onion Pacific 3 Trains to the East Tansgk Pullman tssearS sad MS-ean dally to Omaha. Cn lease, tourist elMptDx-ean dally to tei Taroasb rerltnlat eeetrcslrs I the Bast dally. Caios Dspot n.lraao-Purtlaiwl fbaa,4al fa the Beet rta Haattaaton. dir. States SBg pokaae . rirer Sr geetem TvaanmsTOB. Walla. Walla. rat. Atlantic Baaraaa IW a. BW.t T.' Hosthurtoa. sally StlBpsi TttSass Port.and Btgra local, fee ell polnti Between Stan and Ples dsn?! . . "T .. . SS sex COLUMBIA BIT in DIVISION. w aa-rana and way points, tesmer Sw Uwaee and North ; at dock, leaves p. id? . na": ""rear, is p. a p. m.. except snaosy. TAMBTLL RIVER ROUTS. ,3 Cror Day tea, Oregon City ssd Tawhgl rtest nta. teamen Bath sad Modoc. A eh -at asi. re T a. ra. dally, except Sunday (water sss. pittas)- Arrive T:S a. at. dsily. exees Bsadey. SNAKB RIVBR ROtTB. for Lewlatea. Idaho, and war points frssj Rlperla. Wash., itessiere Snokaae and tewta. ton leave 5:40 a. .. or epos arrival Trsta No. 4. dally except Batnrdsy. Arrrr 4 S. av dalW exceet Prldar. Ticket Office. Third and WaatKnftaa ate. O. W. (rrtHOsat!StyriTickat Ajest. Wm. McML'RRaV. Oeneral Paaaeafer Asest, C. GEE Wb PERFECT HEALTH makes manhood equal to all emergwncfss at least eoual to th ordinary dUtn seeking medical treatment there are certain qualifications thst you should require of your attendlngphyalclan. Ability, expeiienoe. eslll and ..VnMished rioutatlon for RBLlABILITT. We claim the above re- TAHOOOrtB SLOOP ABTD wyomoAirs KTBKVODSBTBSS LTJWO) COBTTAOXOnS I.XVTJ BLOOD POISON MHT aVXtZtUtCaTTSM ILADBIB ABTD trSMABT PISBASBS sS Ba Our prle are always reasonable, and never mor than you ar abl to pay tor results We will ftv yon. Tou may pay by the vlalt, week or month, as you are able, or we will allow a liberal die count for cash. No man too poor to set our seat services. We have such a large practice that we can give you a .. i n,ica Mo exruac for any aasn to be without treatment. Being epeclallsts in our line of wosat makes us abl to do a much for yoou for $2 aa other can do for tlO. We Guarantee a Cure In Every Caae We Undertake or Charge No Pee Consultation free, tartters conSdentlel. Instructive book for men. MfVce"nVn aTotscT write for symptom blaak. Horns treat! mnt auccsful. Offlc hours . m. to I p m Sundays and hoUdeye. 19 a ra. to 11 m. Vfa W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ne i icintNn MPIECI AI.IHTS IN THE NORTHWB8T. easts aBsy Md. BSVh Oa, Oeswar Btsa, SwrtUad. Oa t Portland's Widely Known end Successful Chinese EASTvu SOUTH Union Depot Overland Bxpreet Trains for Salem. Hoaaunil, Ash land, Sacra maa to, Osden. Saa rraaclaco, Btorkton. Los Angeles. El Pass, New Orleana and th east. Morn Ins train cossecta et Wood horn dally except Sunday with train for Monst Ansel. SUvertea, Brownavllla. Ssrlstlele. venaiing ana news. vs. Arttr. :45 pat T: ess 8:00 am T:JS sea necta at Wood born with Moost Ansel sad Silvertoa Corvallla sasiajasw". .. roraat Ivoreat 4:8 sin : ass -uaiir liuaur except ssnaav. jBprrRsoN-STRgrr station. roc Da lata aad Intermediate points dally, TtfS s. a. sad 4:15 p. a. Arrive Portlssd 10:1 a. at. as xs p. aa. Per time ead card ef Osweso anhorbsa tralBB apply at City Ticket Office, or atatlon. Ttckets to Bsstern points end Bare; else Ja nan China. Renetals aad Aastralls. CltT ticket Offlc corner Third ea Ws Inert oa streets. Pi 0. W. STTNOSS, Ctty Ticket A sent. If a In Ttl Wm MrMrRSAT. Oes. Pass. A rest. if Root and Herb Doctor e-... - the I navradleinta asf which we Import direct fro the Orleat Jm ZTStFTuZ. WOrr'-' polaona or druga sf ear kind ssed. Parefr "Tea Doctor treats awtcaesfsBy and cearaateaa to esra aD stesseeh tfesSksi. catarrh, aathma. Inns, tkreat. rWnmatlam. sej lueanaaa. liver. kidney and Viet manhood. . rXXALX TBOPBLEgANP ALL PBTVSTB No tsisa or sifcikwexsg sUtssssats to the arslrted. A sals sad laslag eere la. the . i.u .mi a, ik. lflMt eaac noa efhlc for honaat treatmeeL IT r eannot can. wnw w nyanpi sad dresler. Inclose 4 ete tn stsaw. rwiWSTTT TATTOXf The a wee We OkMese niiee We Chlaeee Meaieiae Oe., 11 Oar. Harrison. Portias. Or. SS mastlea Ski paper. IsBM .1 Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE salcklT aad sarmaaesfay the sftgii tor of hew THE SAMTALWSIIICa AO gHVR Tn TIME CARD or TRAINS Portlandi Leave. Arrive. I:S0 pm distant TeJJewstea Park-ganeaa aty gt. Louis special far Caskslls, rentrella. Olympls. Oray'e Harbor, Sonth Bend. Tacoma. Seattle. Snokaae. Lew'atoa. Rntta Rlllfnn. Denver, (hna- ha. Sasass City. St. Leal and Sontheaat. dallr North coaat usuteo. eiectne ilghted. for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Bette. MtaseSBoKs, rPaal and the Bast, dally. 1:00 pes !. Pnset Soand Limited, for r Cleresj 1U. only, dally. at. Chehalia. Oan- Tseawa sad Seattle for Taco- Helena. 4:30 pm :S est Twin CHr iprsss fe ma. Boa Hla. Snokaae. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Klnses City. Omaha, St. Loom, with out ehsas eats. Direct -tkma ror all netata asst saiiy 4u:ns ivia ses Pes Bale sy Wesdard. Oharke Oe. Every Woman and abonld a boot the wi WawwaSJ A a WOODAAD, CLARKE 00. ABB LAUK-DAVIS DRUO CO STOBJ Mm RKLUtVESLN t 24. Hours a. ALL UnlrWRY DISCHARGES css- rnle bsarabll 'ehnyRoya'CWlls "alggri .. 1S1 . rhaliii TSlI III I I SSS I ' Jackson, five miles northwest ttf this place. Th horns ef the deed woman was la Pullman. Waahlngton. and ah had been visiting with hr daughter. Mrs. Jscsaon. for th peat two months. She waa Intending to return to her homo tossy and ah dropped dead while mak ing preparations to leava Baa was 4 years of age. Identifies! on Complete. From Life. Bank Teller I might aav no doubt you are Blllyuna, th loe magnet, but you must be Identified. Can't you bring tn some friend to Blllyuna I have no friends. Bank Taller tt'a all right Tou are Identified, Sellable. Setrthy TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F. A. K..burn rr Cess Bar. Sarvka as Ses Praam la, gxt selling from Portland Prtdsy. October 11. Nest aalllus from Sen rTisewes, There.. Oat. 4. CBAS. 1. STBSLSMtm Ages. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 iii urn ii BSBBBBBBBl bbBxbBbbbbbVi ill. 1 WaBBBT BBB hie 2 Ovrrlan- Trails Daily 2 The Oriental Limited, the last Ba0 VIA SBAHIa AND POKANB. Dstlg. Arrive. PortUad time eesedale Dally. Leave. To Ud frees Spnksne. St. Peal. Mtaaeapolm. Pnlnth sad all points East vis Seattle T 11:41pm I Mm To and from St. Peel. Minneapolis. Duleth and all potnSi Bast vis Spokane : m :00 ast it B.iHee ream Seattle Chins porta esd ktaalls. earrylsg e eesgera and freight ' JJ" Ikota'evemeer.' . frees Seattle about October 1 for Japan and Chinese ports, eerryieg peeeeasere end freight. ' ror tickets, rate, berth. I Hone. etc.. call en or adteess Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock every Monday. connecting p" T stsxvBBS. MsnasflBl l3 SsSaHSi ftt. J Base ' :9o and nl. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co.