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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
A - nm OOD MORNING THE WEATHER. Rain and alightly cooler; southerly winds. L. III. NO. SI. PORTLAND. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14. 1908. FOUR SECTIONS FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PNGSHOREMEN DECLARE BOYCOTT ON PORTLAND'S EMPLOYING STEVEDORES II . - . - . , .... . . ', "- ' .... rrvrrn nw ItbltUBI -JKimillR m mw uiivliiv m One Ounce Will Handled Except Intended for the ,twise Trade rs Will Be Deprived of i Labot by Latest Move No Foreign Shipments Be Made Unless Strike era Are Secured. I teem I meeting held last night nil on Worth Kront street, the Of Longshoremen's union, No. ared a labor boycott on Brown e. Portland' only firm of ein- , stevedoers, us well as on the of the Exporters' association, ncans that the waterfront strike, (or the first three weeks was dl. Only against the handling of with the beginning of the fourth 1U spread to affect every ounce ( consigned to or under con front the Exporters' aasoola- lottded or discharged under the ' of Brown a McCabe. It i"t hereafter th strike will af-awP-Wa JmYoplng. It will not. affect the coastwise trade. Ion of the longshoremen was i part of a newly adopted plan telr brother unionists, the rs. In the mot vigorous t ' le, Msrt the gralnhandlers I pbrtstf by the longshoremen ' already have lost their fight Ing Mp all the shipping of ts the longshoremen believe rce an early settlement The , idvertlslng done by Brown a l father a force of strike ! onganorcmen was the eause i ra being especially put on the " ganWemen will not only re rk f jr Brown & McCabe when I) loaallng or discharging for era. But they will refuse to Brown a McCabe at all. The men will also encourage the any aather stevedoring firms ght be planning to locate at and will work for such firms 'hey are 'fair." ttely after the meeting last tlnued on Page Fourteen.) I ATTEMPTS BURN PLANT N FIVE HOURS hry Tries to Destroy by the Establishment of ths Kreidt Printing Company first Street, but Fails De lves at Work on Case. times within five hours last person unknown to the polios ad to destroy by fire the eatab- ii or tne u. w. Kreidt ranting v at 49 First street. Detectives etlgntlng the ease. first attempt was made at ,7: Jo s which time Murray wade. the publishers of the Sketch, -red the flames and telephoned a arm to hose company No. 1. extinguished the fire with little lng Incurred. . o'clock names were discovered r part of Che building by Cap- 1 1 1. who lodges on the second s broke Into the establishment, 'led the flames and notified tmtan In that locality. Mr. as notified, visited the plant id an investigation. The police told of the circumstance. .4 midnight, flames were seen from still jmother part of the end an alarm from box 14 he fire department to the scene tt last fije amounted to sev ' dollars. There was ample i he work of an Incendiary oa ware Immediately as ' i ease by Police Captain also placed a guard over .1 hment The three attempts teilous to Mr Kreidt. -nnot understand, he said, "why a eh' old wlah to destroy the T h .en't an enemy that would i a .tig, and have Incurred the ' no one aa far aa I know, to think it Is the work of ' who In some manner tu i ..ace to the building." HEARST IS REPUBLICANS FRIGHTENED Gloomy Stories Told by President's Visitors of Party Prospects Among Farmers Publisher Developing Qualities as a Magnetic Speaker Roose velt Badly Worried Over Out look Leading Republicans Resent Executive Interference. (Waselsgtsn Sanaa of The foorssi.) Washington, D. C, Oct II. W. B. Hearst hag M least scared the Repub licans out of their wits. The president ases on an average one New York Re publican a day. Each tells htm a gloom ier story about the outlook for the Re publicans up-state. The farmers are tired of. the besslssn of both parties. One Republican of na tional prominence who waa here today said "Mf -have been In Mew York. If the election were held today Hearst would win. But he la getting weaker, and I believe he will be beaten." U Hearst had even the ssmslaasw sSjSi united Democracy behind hint every boo y agrees he would be Invincible. A great many politicians vibrate between Mew York and Washington. AH .tell a re markable story of the tremendous pop ular enthusiasts at the Hearst meetings. The straight atory. however, is that Hearat Is developing qualities as a mag netic public speaker.. The president la seriously concerned over the New York situation. Inasmuch as Hughes was his candidate. He haa heard stories of the remarkable Indiffer ence of some of the leading Republicans, who resent his Interference, and who seem to be conniving for Hearst's sus oess, as a rebuke to the presidents methods. Mas IS Scares New York. Oct. II The Republicans are again showing fear of Hearat, due to the whirlwind campaign ha is mak ing throughout the farming section of the state. He has convinced hie enemies that he haa strength which cannot be Ignored. The Evening Mali, an anti-Hearst or gan, says today: "Reports that President Roosevelt haa sounded the alarm against the apathy and political conditions In this state (Continued on Page Five.) BIG STICK IS NOT SWUNG ON OCTOPUS Quest for Scalp of Oil Trust by Government May End in Nothing. Up to President Administration Has Hard Work to Explain Why It Haa Not Pro ceeded Against Standard as Vigorously as Has Ohio Pros ecution May Be Dropped. (Waaltlactoa of The Journal.) Washington. D. C, Oct 11. The quest of Garfield, commissioner of corpora tions, for the scalp of the Standard OH company msy end In nothing. Moody, the attorney general, an nounced today that he waa ot going to be stampeded Into beginning suits against the Standard. He said the president had turned the case over to htm and he would decide what to do before he goes out of office, January 1. next. But he Insisted he would deliberate and not commenoe a suit unlesa fully warranted. Moodjr intends to practice I law in Boston jitor me rirsi ox me year. Many believe there la a weakening of the administration fight on the Standard. Moody saya the president has decided to follow his recommendation absolutely. - The administration is In a hard pull to explain why it has not proceeded against the Standard Oil company as vigorously even as hffs I he state of Ohio In the Flndlay case. Ms asanas rs Failnrs . There does not seem to be any excuse for the department of labor and com merce, or any department of the govern ment, being surprised by the fact of the existence of foreign holding companies in the Standard Oil bnslness. It Is an pen secret that the bureau of corpora tions sent agents to Europe probably s year ago to look Into the Standard Oil business. It Is a cas. either of failure to find . out what was comparatively easy or the suppression of Information that the department obtained. It Is not believed here that the bureau of corpor ations could not find out what are the relations oCJStandard OH to the foreign holding. One or the last exouses for the lack of prompt and vigorous action against RICHEST GIRL WEDS " saassasgsiasssssaaar' Bertha Krupp. (Continued on Page Six.) FRAULEIN. KRUPP IS MARRIED TO YOUNG OFFfCER (Copyright. Hearst News ServM, ay Leased Wire to The Journal.) Essen. ' Prussia, Oct. It. Franleln Bertha Krupp. fas' eldest daughter of Herr Von Krupp, ths multi-millionaire gun manufacturer, and said to be ths rlcheat girl In. the world, wss married today to Lieutenant Qustav Von Boh-len-Holbach. The ceremony was ' of a civil nature and took place at the office of the registrar of the village of Bredeny, a Saw mile's from Essen. A cousin of the bride, Arthur Krupp, and a brother of the bridegroom were the only persona present, the proceedings being strictly formal. The bride of today la undoubtedly the richest heiress In the world. By the will of her father, who died November (Continued on Page Six.) w BUILD I CITY RIVAL TO SEATTLE Hill Interests to Pro mote a New Town Across the Columbia River From Astpria City Will Be Called St. James, Great Wheat Docks Will Be Built, and Commerce Diverted From Sound to ths Mouth of the Columbia. At Gray s bay. about If miles inside th mouth of the Columbia river and nearly opposite Astoria, James J. Hill will build a olty. His agents are said to have bought landa in and about the town of Frankfort, and he will change tta name to St. James. While this Is hot official, and speculators are not warranted in making Immediate Invest ments, the story comes from the sound that Mr. Hill haa decided to erect st St. James a rival of Seattle. Ha says ths Seattl realty boomers have mad ground In their city too valuable for transshipment uses. The present town of Frankfort Is not a bustling place, although It Is laid out lin towir lots. Tne bay oa wbleh It Ll vil is nas ojsvp waivr, .uu im .n aumir- able place far the purposes attributed to Mr. Hill s railroads. There is XI fast of water at the present time off Frankfort Four miles below Is Knapp ton, a townslte principally owned by Dr. A S. Nichols of Portland. For a time tt was thought this point would be the one selected by the Hill roads, but there were difficulties In the way. and they found Frankfort aa well suited to their plana. The Hill plana are said to Include great docks and wheat ware houses, elevators and switching yards. From this point It will be possible to dispatch ships loaded with grain from the Inland empire, and lumbar from the Columbia river mills, without taking It to the sound. The tonnage will "roll down hill," so to speak. In the cars of the Northern Pacific and Great North -ro lines to the proposed point of ex port. It Is said ths scheme will not affect Portland's commercial prospects. as the commerce will practically be car ried on here, and this will be the clear ing point, and ths olty to which the wealth and population will flow. St. James will be mors than 100 miles closer to sea than the Portland docks. The Hill scheme will save all the tow- (Continued on Page Ftvs) BIG REALTY DEALS ARE ANNOUNCED Board of Trade Will Have an Eight Story Building at Fourth and Oak Streets Corbett Estate Will Also Erect Seven-Story Building at Fifth and Ankeny Streets, and Other Important Projects Are An nounced. One big deal closed which win call for a modern office building ths an nouncement of a new seveh-story struc ture and the report of a remarkably large deal in downtown property, is ths record of the realty market yesterday. The first of these was the leasing, or rather, a purchase contract, tor the southeast corner of Fourth and Oak streets, adjoining the chamber of com merce, and on that alts will be erected the board of trade building. It will be an eight-story structure of the first- class, either of reenforced concrete or steel frame, flu details for ths erec tion of the building and purchase of the property hears bean completed and the project Is ably and sufnotsatly financed. While It will be known as th board of trade building. It wall be built by a private corporation, and It Is probable that the board of trade will mass Its name in tna new structure. During ths week a charter was ae cured for the Board of Trade Building company. Yesterday afternoon the company met and organised, with EL L. Bamett aa president and B. W. Wilbur, ths attorney, as secretary and treasurer. The corner of Fourth and Oak streets had already bean taken under contract, and that contract waa transferred to the building company and it will go on record on Monday. No details of this contract are made public exoept that tt runs for 10 years, and at the end of that perl or the entire property becomes the holding of ths Board or Trade Building company. Preliminary plans hare already been considered and these call for a building at leaat eight stories high. Work on ths structure wfu be started aa soon as possible. The prop erty is new under lease to a printing company and some other small business concerns, but the longest life of any of these leasee is about three months, and It la believed they can be disposed of SILENCE OF MRS. SNYDER IS BROKEN Says She Believes That George Perry Mui dered Her Husband to Protect Himself Declares She Thinks Motive foe Crime Was to Hush Forever the? Lips That Could Tell of Perry's) Guilt in Robbing the Forest Grove Bank. There wss only one motive for the murder of Carey M. Snyder, the mystery of whose death may yet be solved, and there Is only one person who oould have done the deed, according to Mrs. Malaga Snyder, widow or the young man whose remains were round in s lonely thicket near Qlencoe two weeks ago. That parson was George Perry, Mrs. Snyder believes, and the motive rag the crime was to forever hush the story of his guilt in connection with ths Forest Grove bank robbery. So aha tola District Attorney Harrison AUen, his deputy, T. H. Tongas, and Detective Vaughn during the secret inquisition at ths Portland hotel yesterday after- Mrs. Snyder's assertions are corrobo rated by A I Cooper or Kansas City, personal attorney for R. M. Snyder, father of ths murdered man. In an mn tervlew with The Journal yesterday Mil Cooper, who has consulted with both Mrs. Snyder snd ths desd man's father with reference to the case, said: "There waa only one motive far ths) crime, and there la only one person who oould have killed Carey Snyder. I will not eay who the person was, or what the motive waa, but Mrs. Bnyder knows and she will tell." Ferry Ouilty. When shown the attorney's statement, . last night, she expressed her belief lot Perry's guilt, and said that, 'so far aa she knew, there could hare been net other motive than a desire on the pate of the robbers of the bank to close ths Hps of one who knew or their guilt. At yesterday's inquisition Mrs. 8ny der, whose sphynx-llks silence durtnaf the past week haa caused no and eg 4 (Continued on Page Fourteen (Continued on Page Two.) RAILROADS EVADE REGULATION OF RATES BY TREASON TO GOVERNMENT NOURISHING THEM Written for The Journal by C. P. Strain. There sre two important obstacles in the way of rate regulation everywhere. They aije: Railroad influence in politics. The law of interstate commerce. But these are not the only difficulties. Among others, having a powerful bearing upon the question, may be mentioned : Subsidized talent. Legal advantages of concentrated wealth. Talent, like commodities, is for sale. The highest cash bidder gets most of it in the end. It is true that public esteem appeals more strongly than money to some talented men. And upon this fact the future of free institutions largely depends. Monopolists enjoy immunity from the laws of competition. Being independent of them, their incomes do not depend Upon the economic value of their, services. It follows, therefore, that salaries paid by them are immune from the same laws. Corporations Subsidize Talent. Being able to do so, and finding profit in the practice, the mo nopolists have subsidized talent. They place upon their legal staff the expert of technicalities. They send to the lobby the master of intrigue. Thus they enroll brains and eloquence only to prostitute the government which nourishes them. The influence exerted by their munificent salaries does not end with mischief done by those under pay, but it provides a motive for all talent of easy morals, having financial aspirations, to acqui esce in the sins of monopoly, and thus promote it. Concentrated wealth possesses within itself, by reason of its size, a heavy advantage over moderate or small wealth. I may desire as a shipper to contest a rate, and 1 discover on investigation that it will cost me $1,000 to do so. I may be worth but $5,000. I must, therefore, sacrifice 20 per cent of my fortune in the prosecution of my case. But the corporation is worth perhaps, $80,000,000. The expense to it would be nothing. It could contest 50,000 such cases for 1 per cent of its wealth. , Corporate wealth, being concentrated, possesses this advantage over privafe wealth, irrespective of judicial fairness. Public service corporations! being creatures of the law, and C. P. STRAIN I srV " m 9 9f tP,g Assessor of Umatilla county, who Is writing- s series of articles on Ore gon railroads for The Journal. Ha haa made a study of' the subject and few man are better qualified to discuss the subject. beneficiaries of the. people's favor, are bound by the strongest ties of honor to respect the public will. But unmindful of this obliga tion, they introduce every artifice known to chicanery and intrigue to defeat it, when it happens to conflict with their interests. Cunning, subtle, sometimes audacious, they weave about the source of political power, a web at once invisible and all but irresist able. I have not seen the full hideousness of their paraphernalia for official prostitution. But I have seen enough of it, so that I can imagine the rest. What Iam about to say is not personal, nor is it meant to imply that all men enrolled on the railroads' registers yield to their machi nations. But here is the scheme as far as I have seen it : They select the most popular physician at the county seat as their company physician. They select the most popular attorney as their local counsel. These may have little to do, but they are tendered free passes in addition to fees and retainers. Passes and Campaign Funds. Members of the legislature, county assessors, and members of the board of tax equalization, and all important executive and judi cial officers are given passes. The railroad candidate for United States senator is supplied with plentiful funds for campaign purposes, and acts, when possible, in conjunction with the state central committeeman of the dominant fiarty. Funds are supplied through this committeeman to all legis ative candidates of his party who are willing to wear the senatorial collar of his choice, but denied to all others. I have not seen the whole performance of this last act. But I have seen enough to war rant me in making the charge. Spellbinders, organizers, and the rest are supplied with free paeees. The railroads have reason to expect results from the foregoing preliminary work. But they do not always get them. When these preliminaries fail have reason to believe that they do, and person ally know of one instance where thev actually did, introduce meth ods, far from ethical, to accomplish their purpose. That railroad influence is a strong and vicious force in politics. I know from the standpoint of a recalcitrant assessor. " GAS CLERK IS HAZED BY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS Bertram Short Stolen From Young Lady's Side and Forced) to Walk to Council Crest After: Escaping Cold Shower Bath Narrowly. Haslng la not confined to the students of the Portland academy aa can be tes tified by Bertram Short, now employed by the Portland Oas company, but for a short time this year a freshman at ths high school. Friday night Mr. Short was given a free and involuntary trip to the tap of ' Council Croat, hie own feet furnishing the sole means of locomotion, unless a little necessary urging an ths part of his captors be taken Into account. Ho wss Incidentally deprived of the com pany of Miss Berna Smith, who he was escorting: to an alumnae meeting at ths tlnie. and was subjected to the indig nlty of being tied up hand and foot and) left to meditate slone while the lady was being sous 1 1 til away by bis .stern gaolers. Mr. Short and Miss Smith wars on their way to attend a meeting of (he Alumnae association as the Hai'Wassx school on Friday evening a short time before I o'clock, when they were sat i upon by s number of tsga school sto- ", dents at Fifth and Harrison streets. M Short wss captured by the Sfob and tied with ropes Bvidoatly setter lag that discretion was the better part od valor Se mads no resistance, but allowed his assailants to work their will with Mat, Leaving Short hound on the earner, his oaptere escorted Miss Smith ts the) , alumnae meeting and then returned to where they had left their man. Thar loosened the hoods about his feat endi told him to esse with than. . Continued on Page Two. Continued, sa Fags Four