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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18, 190. I MACHINERY. . .., w . a- m. m ax H. C ALBS OOj-mnMmI sas- PAl'L. 1M Pare St., milan, talkare. asw Mroioerj . wicbb or. MONUMENTS XSO KIN CINOMLET. MS IM at.. Pertlaeda marble aa irtHM wtB OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBER OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Byes nitti Betentiacally t in Seventh m. a. j mills Optoenetrle' and ktyoetgbt Spa bMH rr. sss w.ehiaaoe OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. IB. ARNOLD UN MAI. neonate at the OataapaiaJa eoUege of Kltta4lla.aflaa.mrl. arte fa a speetoBst oa rheumatism, exeaaach aad all fenisa. dbnteaes. Office 41 Felling aide-, earner of Third aad Weeblagtea eta. DBA ADIK MOBTseRDP, 4U-18-1T Dekam bid Third aad WaeblnrteB ata. Phone MsTs M. Bxamlcstloa fro. PRINTING. tin atODKKN PBIXTERT-Artastle tearing, a Baaaat bid., fourth aad Marram. Phone PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. a BBACB e CO The Haam Pal at Oa.; aiadow-glsaa aad stasias. US rirat at Phoae AM. arr- 1 . 1 . PHOTOGRAPHS. nvflN'T BE DKaHVaTD-KlaeT r, the photogra ;ik1iiiuikIi bids far away neatba. For your photo work aw Kleir rboto Do.. scenic ana commercial Maeengrephere, 424 lumber Exchange. Port land. Oregon. Pkaaa Mala audi, or Beet 636T. PLUMBERS. at A CO.. sanitary plumber. XS1 Second bat. Mala aad tatavsn. Oregoe Phoao Mala 1001- ITOBF.HO t BADEMACBEK, re: at. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS 34 Aldar at., psoas Mala TU; rubber ttampe. Asia, stencils; baggage, trad chaeka; araaa algae aad) ptataa. ROOFING. TIN BOOri NO, getter lag. repair lag aad general A. loan, sis eerrsteoe at. rac. .. JUj JOTATB. PABBI3H. W ATKINS A CO., Baal estate, laaaraoea. rental aa saw Aioer at. A. B. RICHARJMkON BE A L- ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Mala Man. ozx enmoer or veeameree. SAPE8. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. aola agente for Herring Hall Marvin aataa aad Manganese sresi para Co a bank esfes. Tha largest assortment af high-grade fire aad bnralar proof aataa ta tha sawtkwest. M arrant at. D1EBOLD saaagaaaaa and fireproof aataa; lock eata eeaaed; matal aztoreo; vault and tail work. JaekA J. B. Daaia. as 3d. Mala 10. BIORT aaeoad-kaad flraproot aafea aad tan aacoad-kaa bank aafea tor aakt eaaap. a TS Btztk at.. vertM. or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BBOWCA8E8 of avaty daaerlptloai bask, tar aad atora aztaraa aaada ta order. Tha Latka Manfarturtaa Co., Portland SIGN PAINTERS. roar a a klbisbb signs. We bare ha lit np tha larreat ahra kaalaiaa k the rity by flrat-olaaa work aad kaepuuj asr amalaaa. Oar prtcea are right. PI ft aad Bvaratt aU. Phoaa Ex. 0. P. P. BSaOBB A SON. BM tawklll af an ktaaa. Phoaa PaetSc kxa. Wt Stark at. Paatfkt ism. 8TREET PA VINO. STABBI walka BBS Coaatrerttoa Ca atreet parlnc . aid. ass eroanaca. ail ia zeaaaga. tBI Barter Office fiSS Aaptalt Paring Co. at Portland. TRANSFER AND HAULING. fB BAOGAOB A OMNIBC TBANBFKB CO.. cor. Sixth aad Oak ata.; baggafr ebaekag froaa hotel or raafdaaea direct ta aeatlnatloa. pauaaagera therefore aeold raak aad aaaey- , aac at depots. Private E-cbanfe SS. 8APKB, ftnaoa aad furniture moeed. packed readr for ahlpplag aad ahlpped; an work guaranteed; large. Aatorr srlck, fire-proof waratesaa.- for atora OfSea SOS Oak t- Olaaa Boa. Phone Mala eaT. VJ A O. PICK, offiea SS rirat at. between Stark and Oak ata., pkaaa tmt; Biases aad furniture stored and packed for eMpeJaa; i laaaaaBaaia . brick warrbouae with aaparato Iroa latiaaa. I Proot aad Claj ata Baa aCtTT rataa aa kaaaikotd anoda to all potata aeat: wt make np earlaada: apart a 1 rooaa far tranka while waiting. Oregon Auto-Deep. tea. It rirat at. Phoaa Mala TIS. BNINli.AB'.xprenn; datlj trlpa beftsia city ' and peninaaiar: traaaa aeuteraa at nit rnice PI7 .Mrtrr rii"ne atain mi - I nlon ll'-n BEOON TBANSFKB CO.. IM North glxtk. Pkaaa Mala oa naarr naming ana atorage. DPKT BAOOAOB A TBANBTIB CO. stark at. Mala or. gPBCfAI. nEl.ITBBT. Na 8O0H Wa at. Phone Mala Bex TYPEWRITERS. aeU Besatngtona. Hmlth 1'remlera, Dena- at. . Lrnur than any other MfnnanT: laeaatlgatw Underwood Typewrltor Co., OS fiU. all aaakaa. ranted. aoU aad at Agenrr. til Stork. Tel. HOT. TOWEL SUPPLY. OLSAN TOWClS DAILY --Cotnka Steak, joes. Sag C. KtaCk aad CwefiB, rW Mt7 WHOLESALE JOBBERS THE BBBYMAN LBATHBB CO.. Jobkera at My, hardware, koraa gotxla. leather. flaaV aad ahea atora aapellaa. Fifth aad Oak. saddle tog. a co. aa or ains choabb. AND, OBBOON. Faraltara Maaafaetorlag Con MPaat, OAXB OBABAM (lac ). cotntnlaahwi ;., jeaerra OI iruna, prwouea . etc.; tyT&X.rroa? ptwae Main 17 k WAVNIt- Joeea end fgS Brood st. senekarr and Praet . IS aa ICS rifth, see BEL uiou BBSS BBBjt - . aaa ms ft TELEPHONES. '''Kewirk Aphosw BUaTtoctvuisel i JT ff ' -, i i mil iaaaawaaaswwaaawaBBBBMBBWa WINDOW SHAPES. QALB WINDOW SHADS' Cx". B3T ata. is 'st plala and tMrii' made to trflar s lowsst prieee. rhcae Mate fiefs. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California at win depot; all kin i (Wk,' iu AMte' Heba. or wise, se a srs Hea'dquartcre. 148 Fourth at. Phone Pa clfio 2X8C P. Eoratt. OREGON DIPLOMAT TO GET HIGH APPOINTMENT John Barrett Will Be Ambassador to Brazil or Philippine Vice-Governor. (Weshlagton Bar.. a of Tk. Journal.) Waahlnston, O. C, Oct. II. Promo tion from minister to Columbia to am baasador to Brasil and tha possibility of tha vlca-govsrnorshlp of tha Philip pine Islands, Is ta store for John Bar rett of Oregon. Tlia position oA ambas sador to Brasil in the moat "robable promotion although It Is known that Mr. Barrett is beins; considered for the more advanced position of vice-governor of the islands. In the event of Minister Barrett suc ceeding Ambassador Lloyd Grlscom at Rio Janerio his salary will be Increased from $10,000 to 112.000 a year. Mr. Irlscom, It Is statad, will be sent to St. i Petersburg" to succeed George I. Von I Meyer, when the latter is brought here to take a place in the president's cabl-' net. This change will occur during the . next session of oeagress, vsry probably In February. The possibility of Mr. Barrett being transferred to the islands Instead of going to Brasil arises from the fact that It has been decided that Mr. Ma goon's place must not be allowed to re main vacant until such time as hs cam leave Cuba. The appointment will be made In a week when Secretary Taft has returned. The president, secretary and Mr. Root will make the selection of a vice-governor. PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD IS IN SESSION AT NEWPORT Rav. Henry of Philadelphia and Professor Stanton of Pitta burg Are in Attendance. (Special I1 patch to Tha Joaraal.) Newport, Or., Oct. H. Delegates from all over the stats are in attendance upon the aeaaiona of the Presbyterian I synod of Oregon, which are being held here. The people of Newport have made I every effort to entertain the mlnlaters , royally and have succeeded admirably. I Officers of the synod are, Rev. B. B. Hays of La Grande, moderator; Rav. I.. M. Cornetlson of Pendleton, temporary rlerk; Rev. IB. J. Thompson of Albany, recording clerk; Dr. Townaend. ata tad clerk, and Rev. K. M. Sharp, permanent clerk. Reverend Alexander Henry af Phila delphia, and Professor Charles Stanton, A. M , of Pittsburg, field eecretsfy of the general assembly committee on tem perance, are among tha prominent re ligious workers present. That the growth of the 136 churches In the synod baa been 1,208 members during the past year was brought out In the narrative which was read by Rev. C W. Hays of Portland. The home missions board showed ' in its report that 1,078 members were added on pro fessloa. Dr. W. 8. Holt and J. Ttiomburn Ross ware elected directors of the San Pran clsco Theological seminary and the sum of I486 was raised, which will be do nated to the school. FIRE DURING PERFORMANCE IN HAYMARKET THEATRE Failure of Fireplugs to Work En dangers Entire Structure Panic Averted. (Journal Spade I Barvtee.) Chicago. Oet. 18. Failures of fire plugs to work satisfactorily came near causing the destruction of the Hay-market theatre here laat night while that playhouse was filled to Its fullest capac ity Crosaed wire eaaaed a small Are In the top of the gallery of the place which was filled with boys and young men. An Mann waa promptly turned in and the engines responded at ones, but 10 minutes were lost before the fire men got the water pouring on the Hnmea. By the time the water waa started the top gallery was deserted, the audience occupying this part of the house having hurriedly left as soon aa it waa known a fire had broken out. Water trickling down from the gallery frightened the audience tn the lower part of the theatre, and It waa with the greateat difficulty that a panic was prevented. The fire was quickly put out, however, anal 'tha play continued. REAL ROOSEVELT FAMILY IS AUGMENTED OY TRIPLETS Mothar at a Loss to Name New Arrivals, Having Exhausted ' ".-'JHer Catalogue. I Service. I Washington, Oct. 18. A real Roose velt family of IS, Including two pairs of twins, tut a been augmented by the birth to Mrs. Joseph Williams of thla city of triplets, two girls aad a boy. The boy died ahortiy after birth, lira William and tha two lit Us girls ars doing well. "I hardly know what to name them," aald Mrs. Williams, "as I have used up about all the names la the catalogue for the rest of my children. I think, however, that there may be a few left. It- they had all been girls," she con cluded "l should have named them after the three graces. Faith, Hope and Charity." Williams ta a conductor oa the Rich mond, Fredericksburg a Potomac rail-read. TODAY'S MARKETS SUGAR MARKET IS SOME EASIER Decline of Tan Centa In New York Yesterday Causes Weaker Tone in the East CUBAN SITUATION 13 . GROWINO MUCH CALMER Trade Her of the Opinion That Top Values Have About Been Reached and a Reaction la Due Here Re fineries May Hold Price. Prlnclnal market reaturea today ; 8ogar market la eealer. Hope are dull with price, down. Teal market la quoted lower. BaefcK tone rule, la eggs. Hog market not quite as high. Hawallaa phaeeppMe ta bad aha pa. 7 Sugar Market la Eaaiar. A meek laaaai haw la abown by tha Americas auger market. la the aeat the decline of 10c per 100 pouuda yoeterday had a tendency to rurtber weaken the tone, aa tna drop in raiuce had been rather unexpected and found the trade unprepared. The renult la that the tone of tha market ekanaad almoat laataatly from great atrength to mild weakueaa. On the Pacific coaat the tone waa aomawbat affected, hat tbue far no change In yaluea are abown. Beaaon for the eaatera feallag and tha decline of aaa torn sdcea la aires by the greatly Improved Cabaa atluatlon. At preaent there aeema ta ta little fear that the Inland' a augar production will he greatly curtailed a. a reeolt of the troabla oyer governmental affaire there. The atrength and great advancer In prices on the Pacific coaat a abort time ago were doe entirely to the atrength canned tn the east by fear of tha Cuban altaatana, tat now that there little danger there It la expected that the market win go tack Into Ita accwetomed etanaoaa. Jnat at tkla time while Pacific coaat refiner lea are full np with order, there la little chance for a drop la vatoea, hat the general trade la now of the opinion that the high level aaa already bean reached. An advancea ta the Hat hare after tkla time would ha manipulation, accord ing to the trade. That la aaleea the Oatan el tna t loo anddenly taken a change for the woree. Have Are Dull With Prieas Dawn. Although there are rumore and restore float ing around the hop market regarding euppoeed aalae, there la practically nothing doing la the market St tkla time. Oak or two t nonaction, are reported with prlcee aa high aa lie, bat this figure aeema to he about tha extreme high limit today. A prominent eaaiar made the aaaartlan today that ta offered eeveral hundred be tee of choice hope to eeveral SaJsm parties at lee, hat .the higheat Md be could receive waa lt-Hc a pound. 1 "I came tare to obtain noma of thoee high prlcee they are talking about," ha aald today at the Belvedere, "but all tack down when the goods are offered. I know that the bop crop kf England la very email thla aaa eon and there ehoald ta same buying from there, tat the fact remains that the dealers and brewere ea the other aide are not In the market. Moat ot the latter claim they have sappues to run them for e number of months, and they have already contracted a urge part or the hope they will need for the year. The German market la also quieter." Thla view of the altaatlon ta alao being taken by other daalata ssd none ot them care ta ven ture at thla time. It la aald that klcNrff Bros. sold s block of primes ta Waahlagtoa tha other day at 13c a pound. Veal Market la Lower prlcee are named ta the dreaaed veal market owing to the much more liberal aappllea af late. Large alaee have arrived very freely earring the week, aad although good email veal have not been every eantirui, tne eurpiua or Dig onee eaaaed lower figure, to prevail along tha street. A weaker tone In live hogs at the stock yarda eaaaed prlcee along Front atreet to aaek a lower eaveie Brief Botes af the Trade. Twenty cases of ptaeapplea came la yester day from Honolulu In very bad condition and the Importer refused to accept them They were offered for sale by the government, bat were la such bad shape that none would make a bid. Barge are laat holding their own today with prices atlll showing a wide range. Poultry prtcea remain dull with receipts quite fair for a Hatnrday. ' Apples are rather dan with receipt a a bowing a very heavy tot rasas. Potatoes are firm with offerings atlll light Bayers claim that the late crop the shipping aaa will sot be ripe for about two waeka. No demand far onions from the ontalde. Wheat and flour trade remstna aa a good eeale with plicae unchanged. Bay Is is tatter demand, bat prices are In active. All mill feeds are firmer again. Prices un changed. The trade pays the following prlcee to Front atreet. Prtcea to shippers are lass commissions: errata. Fleur aad Fees. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, baying price; eelllng. IH0IV , WH BAT New, club, see; red Boaslan, file; bioeatem, eoc , vauey. oic BABLBT New Feed. 881.00; OBn Wtale'. 887X0: crack roued. gxs r. IXB ei.fiB per ear. OATS New Producers' price No. "rtXniCi asterB' Ores a oa tents ts an straights. 8-86, export. 88.0; valley, 88 40; graham. va. 88.50: wkola wheat, 88 76; rye. toe. MM; hales. 82 76 utt.I rrrra Area. td dllags. 824.00; shnrta. country, 817.00; elty, iiain. .k. i . noes 9 1 no l.oo; AT PToaueera twice nmorny Willamette valley, fascy. 8U.O0ai8.O0; ordinary. 88 00 a 10.00: eaatera Oregon. 815.00ai.00; mkxed. 10.fJOaB10.tO; clover. (7 00; grata. f7.60aiT60; cheat. 87 00. N Butter. Eggs and Poultry. BCTTBB PAT P. a b. Parttoad Bweel cream. SSU.Q81C; our. HH402BO. BCTTBB City creamery, aoJMHe; outside fsncy, 27H02c; ordlnsry, B7Hc; store, u-. 15c. BGOU No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. ACQ file; uncandled. 80c; local aad eaatera atorage, Ci! Ba?SB New FnO cream. Hate. 14c. Tonne: America. 15lo',r. PODI.TBY Mixed ctilckena. ISc per th: fancy barn, 12Q12'sc ,; raoatera. old, 10c par lb; fryers. 18c per lh; broilers. 18c par lb; old ducks, 12J4C par lb; spring ducks. 12',e per lh; geeee, OaflOc per lb; turkeya. lac per lb; dreaaed, 90c per lb; aqua ha. I2.8oej8.00 peroos; ptrgooa. oo HOPS ISO crop, choice. 16Vc; prime to choice. 14Va0IAr ; aneaiBm to pvime, 14 eiHc. eaatera WOOL 1 eBp-vanei. aoe2Sc Oregon. Sua. uTomlK- New BBEPK1NS Bkverlng. 16Soe Meg, ,no,t M. 8fa40e; median; wee.. SOejTec each: long wool 75CO81.0 eaea TAUAJW PrTsaa, par at. IHSaei Ma a as grea.e. gaszHC. t ill 1 I iu ARK Be. Bl Oka Dry. No. 1. 1 the as aa. 1H irvkc per Ik; dry kip. Mo. 1. ta 18 las, let: dry call. Me. I. sader 8 Ita. Ita: eaed hides, steer, sound. 80 lbs sad eve, leejlls: an a. HaH'; 'togs sad bona, eeaae. 7c; kip. irto 86 fba. ta; salt, sound, aadee IS lbs. lie; green, onsslted. te haaai rails, la pee lh leas; keraehldse. mi tea. eeea, fiiooai-ao: colt hides. eemmon. each, toakse ; Angora, aaek. sc si ac rrstts and V.getaMaa- POTATO Eft Buying price, TBejaSci Johhlng. 81 00 per cwt; sweats. 2V4e. ONKinn jonning price new Oregon, aoraj 81.00; buying price. garUc. , pet ih FRESH FBCITB Apples. T8etl.S9; orangee. valencis.; neaanaa. se)BAw per atalaa. S&BOdM.7S box: fancy. Ran box: uanee. : nlums. 40600 ta Meilcan. SI.BB kef crate eantalaapee, 81.28: Ett leAfcirIWa water iwv'. -. o i-ei-, fftaai.on; imines hulk. 2c per n; pecked. eOCsaOr per bag; NckkttarTans, SSlOc; ground peers. cherries, WQTSe par hex; plaaapplee. 86.00 per Sea c- - Vr :TBI.E5 Tnrnlna. new. l.00 per sack: 81 aees: nseta. seek; ( red tehee. SOe dm 1 -MkaBeAaataat. OlaffBB. IjlellHe; tall peppers, la per Ik: torn. 1 or. ea0 per aea; sarsalna, SOcaH-vt); 'what dealers say OF TODAY'S MARKETS X By Kverding ParreU. a The market on poultry has a A been very weak this past few a a days, and stocks have been a moved with great difficulty. It a baa been hard to get over 18 Vic a on spring and-hens. Receipts a have been quite large, and buy- :ers have been well stocked up, so there has been a rather poor a demand. Ducks have sold fairly a well st about lie, and geese ere a fairly sctlvs at t?10c. It la a likely that the market on all a chickens will be none too firm a the coming week, end we advise a shippers to "go alow" In the a matter of shipments for awhile a they will be all right again soon, a The veal market la not quite :ss firm as It wss, but' we are quite sure thst it will have none a too many good fat, prime ones, a We call a tat, prima veal of a from 75 lbs. to II lbs. a "top" a real. Large veals are more a plentiful now, and are not sell- a tng aa wail as tney were a lew e a weeks ago. a atrlng beans. Oregon. 0eJ7e nee lb! eeelt- tltai 2S aer doai Dean. 4 a fie: horse radian. eejiOe par lb: artichokes. Tea per des: aqusab. TScfffil.OO per box; eggplant, 81BO per ma nuncnes; tUL annuel a. aac par box aoaooe dns; green earn, 81.80 aaek; aqaaab, 7011.00 per box; eggplant, 81.76 per crate; pumoklns. Ic; cranberries, local, 88 60; Cape Cod, SS per bbl. DBIBD 1-RUITo Apples, evaporated. lea ear lb; apricots. ItuaiM per lb; peaetae. lia'SHe per B; aaek a. lie pvr lb lea.; prunes. 80 ta 40. 9c; yte drop aa sack 1-1 smeller else; fire, California black. aH per ; California white, sasUe per lh: da tee. golden. 7Hc per lb; tarda. 81.e0eai.S0 par lo-lk aaa. SUGAR. All refiner lea Data, 85.70: pow dered. 88.66: fruit, granulated. 86 88: dry granulated. 88.45; cfiaf. A. 86. 4S: extra C. 84. 06; golden 0, 84.06; D. yellow. 84 .86; bhla, 10c; ! bhla, 28c; boxes. 60c advance oa sack basis. (Above prices are 80 daya net cash quota tion. ) HGNXJT 88.00 par crate. ' "H'ER-Package brands. l BALT Ooarae Half groand. n; 60s. 89.110; table, dairy. rOFPEB-Paekaga brand.. SlVJseltA7B. loo- ton: SOS. 88.00: table, dairy. 50a. 818.00: 100a. 812.76; bales, 81. HO; Imported Liverpool. 80s. 817.00: 100a, 818.60; 224s. 610.00; extra She. bbla. Is, 6s, 10s, 84 6038.60; Uverpsel lamp rock. 119.60 per ton; SO-lb rock. 8. 00; 100s. 800. (A bov. prices spply -to Balsa of laaa than car lots- Car lota at special prices subject to uuctus nous. ) BIC8 Imperial Japan, No. 1. Se; No. a B3ej Nsw Orleans bead. 7c: AJax, Ml CafVOMe P it BEANS Small white, 88.00; large white. BM; pink. 82.80; kayos. 88.75; Llmaa. 84 .50; exioan reds. 4c. TOTS Peanuta. Jumbo. 8e per Th: Virginia. aVe per lb; roasted, Mlfti per lb; Jape- ae. soohc: roasted, 7Q7H per : cocoa its. 85fl90c ner doe: wainata. 18llV4c par re; plnenuta. iogilv per lh: hickory Bate. lc par lb; ekeatnnto. eaa'.erc. Irajloc par lh; Rrasll anta. lSe ner Th- fIJharta. 140 Ita as lb; fancy pecans. 18c; almonds. lSttaJlBo. Meets, link aad Provisions. PBBBB MMAT8 Front Street Roam, fancy. 7VjsSe ner lb: veal, extra. 8c per lb: ordinary. OOTc per lh: poor, data per lb; mutton, fancy, c per lb; lam be. late. atB. BACON. ETC. Portland seek (Vocal 1 hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 16Hc per lb: 14 to 1 lbs, 16c per lb; break fa at bacon, 14VhQ21c per lh; picnics. lOVkc per lb: cottage, lOttc per It; regular abort clears, enamored. 11 Vie per V; smoked, 13 pw '.b; cleat hacks, -rlmakad. IS par Ih; amoked Ita per Ik; OaUa butta 1 to IS Ita; cnamokad. ta per tat amakaA ta .mokSdi 'pe'b- xmr-sr. pickled auarter sbly LOCAL TaBD KetOe leaf, 10a. IBtAe par Ih; fie. 12e par lb; no-In. Mas. ita par Thi steam rendered. 10s. 114c par th; fie, 11. per Ih: compound. 10S, 810- CANNBD SALMON Columbia river, t-th taUa, 810; J-tb tails, 82.78; fancy, l ib tats. 81-80: V lb fsnce gats. 8118: fancy 1 lb ovale. 88 .78: Alaska tans. Bisk, tSfiJSOe; aad. 8940; nomlaai 8a, tall. St.00. FISH Bora cod. Te per lb: Sound era. Sa ass lb; halibut, gUe per lb; era be. 81 0031.80 dus: strtped tare. 12Vic per lh; catfiak. ta per Ik; aalmon, Columbia river Chinook, 7c; allveralda. c; ateel head, Te lb; herring, fie per lb: sole, ta per lb; ahrlmpa, 10c par lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, Tc per lb, tomeod. Ta per lh; allver amelt. ta par lb; lobsters. 18c per lh; freak mackerel. Be pat lb; tiaetak. SOe per doe; shad. 8c per lb; sturgeon. 10c per lb; black bam. to. OTSTBBB Bhoalwater bay. Bar gal. 8-SSi CLAMB Hardshell. Bar bos, 8S.OO1 raaae rl. ma. 88-00 par box. Paints. Osal OH. Ens, BOPB Pare kUnUa. lae; standard. Msiei stssl, lie, COAL OIL Pearl st Astral Cs see lie pet gal; era tar white, Iron barrels lee pet gal. weeded ITc per gal; headlight. 170-dag. Bases " par aaa. GASOLIN fcbla Ita par gaL BENZINE SS-deg. kola 18 He per gaX TUBPBNTlNa la ils 83c par gaL WHITE LEAD Ton lota. Tt aer lb: hOO-lk Iota, M per ttt: kma lota. lUc per ha. WIBB MAIL Ptsaaat keels st S3.SB. LINRBBD Oil Pure raw. In o-bol lam, Bta 74 HEAD OF HOGS TOTAL ARRIVALS III YARDS No Cattle or Sheep Arrive During tha Day Latter Markets Re tain a Vary Good Tona. Portland Cnton Stockyards. Oct- 1A Live stock leceipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Todsy TV ... , Week ago 844 ... 234 Month age .- Tear ago g Just 74 head of hogs srrtvsd tn the yards during the past 24 hour a. However, the keg market still reflects an easy tone. Cattle are somewhat firmer and aheep very firm. All prices unchanged todsy. . official livestock prices: nogs Beat eaalern Oregon, 8.0; blockers gad China fata. 8 noejfi.SS. Cattle Beat eaaterp Oregon steers. 88.809 3 75; best cows snd helfera. 3X8032.78: Block er, end feeders. 32 7838.00; bulla. 31 60. Bbeep Mixed. 494Vao; lambs. BOfiVie. EASTERN HOGS IMPROVED Chicago Prioea B Cents Up Other XJnes Chicago, Oet. 1. Llreetcck receipts: Hogs. Cattle Sheep. 3,00 Chicago 7.000 fit Kansas i;ity s.utaj aw Hogs are oc ntgaer witn z.sw left over Ke r,fi 7W wr.,00: Prices: Mined. Cattle nteeoy Sheep Steady . STEW TOBX COTT0B MABKZT. Mew Terk, Oct. 13 Cotton fa terse closed lfi to 21 point, higher. Official quotations by Over tack, Starr A Oooke remnany: open, itign . 1 net 111 Low. r Oct .18. Oct. 13 January Fete-uiry March ts? lane . . , 110 iit? 1133 I12S 112 113 1108 1104 1101 1123 1128 111 irM ions HOT KStfi 11.11 1110 11311 1123 1104 110H 1 1 Id ill lltfl 10 T tiss 1121 July 1136 110 I1J7 ions 1103 VSStm 1107 1110 10S8 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool. Oct, 1. Cotton futures unchanged 8 4 Batata lower. Spots 13 paints dawn. saeea Vie par get tree esses 8a pse gaL ana MERIT IN WHEAT, SAYS TRADE Publio la Catting of Belief That Prices Were Hit Too Hard in Recent Trading in East. CHICAGO MARKET HAS FAIRLY GOOD RISE Deceraber Is Up Five Eighths and May Option Three Quarters Cent Liverpool Shows Gain at CI May Corn Boajht ..'M-ffl,?' WRBAT TALOaS. Oet. 18. Oet. 11. Gain. 1008. ...T.5i.T.,A,50 V8 May Celsue, Oet. 18 The public realise that there Is merit In tha baa begun to wheat market and prices may ahow a good response to the real bsws. L'ader tying the strength Is a belief that tha Important eastern b olden of wheat may not ta liquidated after December qutte as readily aa had been expected. There Is appre henaloB that MVS of less favorable crop eoMI tlona may coma from Argentina st any time. This would have a bullish effect here ssd abroad. In ears there la universal baying for May option under 4 cents. Official qnotatloaa by Overtaek, Starr a Oooke company: WHEAT October ., December May .77. Max July December afar July Mar'' January . October .. December January . October .. sit as SHORT BIBS. 80 SB T4T Ta January . WORLD'S PBioxa. Dee. hfaur. Chicago .... New York... Kansas City. Minneapolis . Liverpool ... Duluth Winnipeg ... .. -74TAA I .TSTfti X.7.V. 'U'M March. PRIMARY eRAXB BTOTRaUUrY. Chlcsge, Oet IB. Primary receipts: Today Year sge Wheat Corn . . .1.087.000 1.175.000 . . 464.000 86,000 Shipments : it 000 4S4.000 000 433.000 Corn LTtrwjtPOOL ORAIR Liverpool. Oct. 18 Official prtcea: WHEAT. Oet. 18. Oet. IB. Gala Oa 8d SAd a SSAd Sa XAFSUS. CORN. December Si 4 January 4s vd PORTLAND STOCK MARKET galea an tke Portland stock marfcae hehawi 1,000 Shares Case. dl. eg fSt; 1,000 shsree Alaska Petrolanm at Pic aad g O. a a N. bonds at 8101. Official price a: BANK STOCKS. Bank of California I Merchants' National Oregon Trust A Savings norunnu Trust vo Bag ken' A Lumbermen'a United States National 900 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Camphekra Gas Bursar Oaloa 00 B04 -I in Aaaoclated OU STu Ala aha Psrkera' asit Pacific Btatee TeUpfcone 103 Home Telephone Paget Sound Telephone Oregon Life Insurance Cement Products J. 0. Lee Co 0. R. W. Rr 4 TOO 108 Vi SO so 1000 60 140 iS i 28 ITVt lataw Manufacturing MINING STOCKS. Nlcols Ooal OA British Colombia A mat 04 U International Coal SO Paeiflc Matal Extraction Alaeka Petroleum Alaska Pioneer... ft Standard Consolidated OS Oregon Securities nsu Snowstorm 340 a v. . a 1 IWWRUNI ....................... Lees Creak Gold Taooma Steel Gallce Osneolldated OsJlatar , Golden Rale Consolidated Bullfrog Terrible. 1 V. . . Ooloooda North Fair view 04 01 Ml 24 La Boy Hiawatha Oasesdls Lucky Boy Heels Rambler Cariboo Dixie Meadows Great Northero Mountain View Bine River Gold Gary In Cyanide 8CGAB STOCKS. Hawaiian Commercial It Hutchinson Maktwell .. Onomea . . . Paauhaa .. Oaloa 17V OBITED STATES OOTRRsMZBT BOVDS. Mew York, Oet. Twos, registered . . as oeupon areas, registered. do coupon small seaes. Fours. do coupon rears, registered m nil la usafiuu , District of Columbia . . Philippine 1 10 MEW YORK BAITS BTA New Twk, Oct. lsAsesk eta foment Beaerve. etas' C. "t. '. AfJsiTfi . . . . a sevaaukuue 10.437.B00 M,se.eoo 1. 437. 800 Ctrcalatiaa a0s,00 Jw- MOPS AT OSBT. IBpeeiel Dispatch to The Journal.) Pes eat Grove. Oct. 13. Mr. Breaaana of rtlle. s few miles north of this city, sold his hops yesterday at 14c He bad 10 hale. ft Is resorted that lay aval as lea tatweaa bars sad aUBetare tare taea made at UVia. Open. Hlgfc. Lew. Close. TM, T5 T T4A 78 IP, II 78V4A COBN. 43 Ji 48 48 OATS. I8ST 187 ' 1887 1387N UTS 18S0 1870 1377B la an. 8o aa sa sss is 817B 7 Oa 6 aid .6 I 13. Govern asset Beads: Date. Rid. Ask. Opt. 108. h . Opt. lOSfA 104 9:1 ! 1m4 r IS SH 13 in 198 Prospects for High Prices in Hogs Are Not 80 Bright Because of the Lack of Interest Displayed by Buyers Recent Bala Lower. STOCK HAMMERED BY TRADERS Haavy Profit Taking Adda to Confusion in New York Mar ket and General List Lower PRICES SAG DURING MOST OF SESSION Selling Movement Is Helped by Hearst Talk Bank Statement Is, Fully aa Good as Expected Peo ple' Gas Only One to Gain. IouMrUle krexlcsa Central. kSeaouri Paeiflc. NsUonal Lead ... N. T. Central Out a wsstrea.. Norfolk INorthern Pacific . Pesaayivaula Praaa Steal Car.. Beadlna St Paul Chesapeake Cues. PaaT w. . . uiinola ' Central ' Republic Steal ... Rock Island colon Pacific I'. A Rubber , 801 thern Psctfto. . Southern Railway. C, S. Steal do preferred GAIN. lyamewa uaut. . . NBT Wall Street, M. Y.. Oet. 1 A -Heavy profit taking aad hammering by traders canted a re action todar. The eelllng movement waa helped by tne unfavorable election rumors hut thla wee manly aa excuse. The hank state ment waa favorable but after few momenta' beshstlea the list began to sag again. The close wss dull and fairly steady though at aooux ran lowest point ror tne any. uixaasei quotations Cooke Oaaksaayi by Over beck, Starr A fin? CBIPTIOB. dnsmar Co iifil. Am. Car A Pound., com So preferred Asa. Cotton Oil. com... Am. Locomotive, com. Am' ftnSit 'com as. smelt., com , ee Braftrred , Anaconda Mining Co.. Am. Woolen, com Atchlaoo. com do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, 00m Go P r1 ft rrpd Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com . Central leather, com. , do preferred .......... Chi. A Ot. What., com Cel., MIL A St. Pant.. Chi. A Northwest., com Chena poak. A Ohio Colo. Fuel Iron, com.. Colo. South., com do Sd preferred do 1st preferred Delaware A Hudson D. A R. S pfd Erie, com , de 2d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central LoutovtUe A Nashville. Manhattan Ry Mexican Central Ry... M . K. A T., com dt Pldtlf d. Distillers MMaaail Pacta National Lsad ........ New York Central . as w iw, a. ac.--. 11U XTU 18 IA 170 BU11 321 Vi ), '47 '4TH 174 mm Norfolk A Western, com J MVb M North American Northern Pacific, ens. Parts MaB Steam. Ot Pennsylvania By....... P. 0 U AO. Co PTaeaafi Steal car, com. da pre f erred Reading, earn do 2d preferred. do 1st preferred Rsb. Iron A Steel, com. do praferred Rack Island, com do preferred St. L. A 8. P., 3d pfd. do 1st preferred St. L. A S. W.. com... do preferred... Boo thern Paeiflc. ens.. 153 151H da preferred Southern Railway, com.. do preferred Tennessee Ooal A Iroa. Texas a Pacific Tol.. St. L. A W.. ess So preferred Union Pacific, ens.... do atafetred U. R Rubber, cots.... ds areferred U. S. Steel Co., com. .. do aaaferred Wskasa, com do areferred WH SS Vi 4 , ; 1?7 Weetern Ostoa Telegraph Wisceasm uenmi, .do preferred ... , VtreisJa Cbsmlcal. total sales for day, 4M sab raAvonoo mtbtjio xxchaxox. San Francisco. Oct. 1A Official prlcee: nid. Bid. Belmont Caen Boy Golden A 30.87 Vi , .14 .' .8 Con. Cel. Ta.. Onbit A4 . 2.84 . .SO . .4 . JO . 1.3U . .m . .4S Mexican Home .... Jim Butler MacNastars Midway . Montana . . North Star Ohio Too. Sites. Nevada . . . Waal Bud. .24 I .... 1 42 Exchequer ... .IS is .... 8 50 Gold Crown Groat Band. .13 .04 1.10 .40 .4 .12 .45 .11 .14 A3 .1 .14 .18 .1 .14 .13 .1 JO .03 .04 .39 ,4 .04 Jo 5 .Ot Black Butte ex. Tramp ... fl.l2Vi . . .2S.0VA ... 1.00 ... .11 Gold. Belmont . Montgomery Mt. Atlanta PJu.ben Booth Column Is Mt. Con. Una try ., Dtamondfleld . Dixie voldfleld Jumbo do eaten Kendall Lagans ffcaavT:: Had Top Sand, term ... Silver ..Irk.. St. I yea Natloaal Beak Denver kVltoee Gold Bar ... O. Bull Prog, fitelnwsy neemtre .1 .63 .8 .1 atonnattan Seylar Bumprey Dexter Granny Gold Wedas. . .on ( Lone mar 3 'Great Bend ex.. I do annex 40 crescent Oowhor .87 .60 .31 4.00 1.60 ,T1 Denver annex, . , Ilulla A Been. . Block Reek... N. . Usenet... Manhattan con Little Joe .... Mayflower lumping Jsrk . . . Red Te ax ... 1 66 S3 l.OTVi 18 Muni a 13 Bull Frog Mln.. .44 Triangle JO Nevada Hill.... ASS POBTLARD BAB , Ctsartnga today ... Clearings year age. .11. 10.91 . . 6A,07.T Gala today 3 804,184.8 NET I cytyga,.:::: leMUMSttVe7 Smelter I & Wastes ti Ahhhtaoa Baltlaaara 1 Brooklyn Canadian a? :: V TonODflh 1 Ovtedt:. Starr aT ij Cooke Co. UOlatieia 102 Third Street Stocks Phone Main 313 '1 1 ..',.. 1 1 1 , 1 ELECT GOVERNORS III 23 STATES Congressmen to Ba Choaan in Forty-Three Commonwealths at November Election. TERMS OF THIRTY-TWO SENATORS EXPIRE ALSO Legislatures to Elect Wearers af the Toga Chosen in Maine, Oregon, Arkansas and Georgia Many Par dee in Field. . ' Joaraal Special Barvtss.) Washington, D. C, Oct, 1. With tha renomlnatlon Of Governor Utter by the Republlcana of Rhode Island this weak the Hat of nominations for the Novem ber elections was completed. There will be elections In 41 statss on Noverrrber 8, Maine, Oregon and Vermont having already this year ssleoted state offlcera and Uvslr representatives In the sixtieth congTesa. In 2 statss a governor and other state officers as well aa oongreaamen are to be choaen; in ten Btatee minor state officers or judges of the supreme court and congressmen are te be voted for, and In nine congressmen only are to be elected. The principal state officers are to be chosen In A lam aba, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas Mass achusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ne braska, Nevada, New York. North Da kota, South Carolina, South Dakota. Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming. New Hampshire sleets only a gover nor; Tennessee n governor and railroad commissioner, and Pennsylvania a gov ernor, lieutenant governor, auditor 'gen eral and secretary of Internal affairs. MO or Mats ornsssa Minor state officers or Juetlcee ol th euprsme court ars to be voted tor in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri. Ohio. Florida, North Carolina, Delaware, Utah. Washington and Montana. Congressmen only are to be elected in Arkansas. Georgia, Mississippi, L.9U tar tans, Virginia, West Virginia, Mary land, Kentucky and New Jersey and delegates In Arlsona. New Mexico, Ha waii and Porto Hlco. The terms of SO United States ssnn tors sxplrs on March 4, 1807. The legta laturea of Mains. Oregon, Arkansas and Georgia, which electa senators, hsve al ready been choaen. In the following states tha legislature will be elected next month: Michigan. Delaware, Tutxxua, Kentucky, New Hampshire, tTainsss, Tennessee. Montana, Mssssnbaaetts, -lltnols, Iowa, Nsw Jersey, Idaho, Wast Virginia, Louisiana. South Dakota, Mississippi. Virginia, Nebraska, Ala bama, Minnesota, Colorado, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Wyoming and Rhode Island. Aside from tha two prlnoipar part! as, a dosen others have tickets la th field. The Prohibitionists and Socialists have tickets in nearly every atata. In less than half a daasn states have the Pop ulists put up candidates. In California Hearst's Independence lea gun baa put np a separate ticket. In New Tork and Masaachunetta the candidates of the la dependence leagus are' the sams aa those on the Democratic tiokets. la New Tork the Municipal Ownership party has a ticket la the field In Texae the Republlcana are split late two factions aad each has nominated a state tloket. Ia Colorado there Is aa Independent can didate for governor in addition to tha tiokets put np by the Republican. Dem ocratic and Socialist organlsatlooe. In several state th Independent Labor party has put up candidates. POISON SQUAD TO TEST EFFECT OF SALTPETRE (Journal Special Service.) Washington, D. C, Oct, 18. When the "poison aquad" of tha bureau of chemistry reaasemblss Monday It will begin experiments on entirely new lines. Dr. Wiley, ohiaf of the bureau. Is anx ious to discover whether saltpetre, a preservative commonly used la meats, and heretofore regarded aa harmless. Is deleterious in Its effects. In order to get the information la the beat possible way he will set his poison aa tears to work, aad by noting th general affect upon their health of a diet of oorned beef, ham, etc., prepared with generous quantities of saltpetre he hopes to be able to tell the world In a short time Just what saltpetre will do to th ba- . man system. Tha test to be mads with saltpetre deal with practically th only chemical preservstlve or coloring mat ter not prohibited now by the regula tions. MRS. WALTER LOWE TAKES POISON THROUGH MISTAKE Salem. " Or., Oet, It. Mr. Walter Lowe, wlfs of Councilman Lowe, nar rowly eeeaped death Wedneaday even ing by swallowing a quantity of car bolic sold which she claims shs mis took for Boryptol, a gargle. Dr. frank Smith was summoned and the patlant taken to Willamette sanitarium, where an antidote was administered. She la now out ot dancer. Mr. Lowe la away oa an outing trip. BOSTOV OOPPRR MARKET. Boston, Oct. 18 -Official rloee, bid price: tennial. fS775; Vmort Range. InO.OO; Daly Weat. 81A00: Franklin. 834.80; Greene Cooper, 823.87 : Granhx. iuw; radh Cos.. 8321)0; North Mohawk. . 327)0: North Butts. 811138; Old Domtntoe. JI67.BO: Osceola. 8137.00: Parrot. SIJO; Royal. 822.00; Rhode Itlaad. 88 28: aanon. 318 76: Trinity. 314 7fl Utah. 87.76; Winona $13.78; Wolverine. 3150.00 ssksdl U. S. kilning. Mo-sxik; ma, silt. 1 154; calumet a Artssaa. 813.SO; Black alt.. 87 Vi; Bntte Coals, 8 50: Boston Cos., t Sterling Ksnkasge Rates. Raw York. Oct. 18. Sterling: Demasd, 488 1 " usys. 44.87 Vi. Raw York Cash Ooffee. Mew Terk. Oet. 18 Caah coffee: Md. T Bto. 8Vir; No. 4 Santoa. ie.