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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 0, 1WW. NEW TODAY. Wanted ! $50,000 I .urn, of $3 000 to $5,000 and up. I Guarantee 10 Per Cent Per annum and the return of your principal in cash or first 7 per cent mortgages.. Positively no risk. You hold the securities. "Impossible" You say. Well, your Wealthy Friends did not make U Their Fortunes ft At die rate of 4 per cent HTK WASHINGTON ST. ROOMS 8445 SAFE INVESTMENTS ga. OQO lint and H corner, houses on letta. BU near Qllaan. IsB.OarO HtftTllHT ft. corner, well Im proved on Id St.. close In. lUtiMO Corner 160 ft. on atorrl- . son Bt. In heart of city, Improved. B9.000 Modern 7 -room house, piano,, furniture and let (4x100 ft. oa Ella Stt, near Washington. K.BOO Lot 11x100 ft. snd 1-story building en Bast Washington St., near sJlS.OMr TlxlOO ft. aad large modern II-room house, corner, near Ella and net. 13. BOO Fractional lot and building la center of retail district on 1st St. T.OOO Modern 1-room house on 11th St, corner lot. near Market. ' S4,TBO 100x115 ft, (-room house and beautiful grounds, near Union Ave. and Sellwood St 36,500 100x100 ft. on Id St.. close In. nils Is only a small portion of my Use sWIUt from 111 Second St to SSTH WAaarjrjrarTOsT art, Lebbe Bldg, oppo site aide of street rtOU MOfflO Changed from Private Ex. TI. F. Abraham lata PORTLAND SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY Cat the Purcbsae sf Bolldlnge. a rule nursed will sealed bids st als office. 108 Sherlock block, until rattl 12 o'clock boob, October 8. 1SOB, for toe purchase of all or Bar separate parcel of the following bondings BaagUt to the Portland A Seattle RaUyar Osmeanr. ra the City of Portland, Oregon: PARCEL A. Dwelling aad bars. 148 North Teeth street; dwellings 424-426-430-484 444-448 I IT Big street: fists, 14-14H Berth Blersnth streets; dwellings 151-185 North ElsTeath street. PABCEL B. Dwellings 448 Irving street sad 1M-188-I8a-170-174 North Twelfth street; shad sad bslldtagx 420-1 Jobnsoa a tree; dwellloga 448-4M) ishssna sereet; kamiag 108 Berth Tenth street sad 188 North Ele renth street. Dwellings 451 Jobason street and MWnlll ; isi-iss-isi aorta PABCsTL D. DweUrags 488-432 433 Jebasoa street; balldlng 427 Johrtaoa street: ewsllssgs 18M83-ia8-M7-188-185 North Tenth street; bare 181 North Tenth street; dwU lags 438-428 Kramer street; dwell! nga 14-1 92-180-188-1 as North Erreath street. PABTTBr. a Rnlllln tSlrLWn Vtl -T Schuyleman & Co. street: dwelllnca 304-208-208 21 n m.rini ana anarp rroata bars occurred 214 North Twelfth street: dwell- " ,h oorthcro aUtes. Ths wsstera trongh lags 451-448-447 Ksaraer street: ?f low preaaurs bow extendi from the upper dwell lags 208 206-207 200 21 r, '" region aouthweatward to Texas: It baa ds North EJereatb street. eeloped IntenalV In the lake region. Light to FABCsTL T. Dwellings 448 Lorejor street sad ! njoderatelj heaej rslna have occurred In Trass. E2J-224-J28 North Twelfrb strset. 'klob"ma. Kansas. Nebraaka, eaatern rVrnta PARCEL G. Bnlldmg 458 Marshall atreet ; ! Dakota, the Mlsalaalppl Taller, the lake regloa. dwelling snd bars 461-448 Mar-1 the Ohio Taller sod the middle Atlantic states, ahall street: shed 447 Marshall The rains were heaviest la the middle Atlantic street; bBUdlngs 241-246 847 240 states, where they exceeded sn lack at a North srteTentl. atreet, sad 444- i number of stations. 444V, .( Northraa atrset: build-1 The ludl stteas are for fabr weather ta this tag sad abed 450-45014 Northrop district tonight sad Ssturdar. Thera will he street; dwellings 248-244 North ! froata tonlxht. except near th- laamedlate coast. Twelfth street. aad It win be warmer Ssturdar PABCBL B. Wsraboaaa 300 114 Northrop Temp w i , -v. . .a . .Mrtr" mv w par eest i ar tee aasmat or hid most earn riw w mi properly can BS the office sf the aaderslnsd. The right Is rssarrsd to re; relaet ssr sad aO baas. J. D. WILCOX. Agent R. Lw. CATE HAB MOVED FROM 111 SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE T. 7 Net Income On property that la increasing in value eery rapidly A quarter block, Im Bsroved with brick htiUdlnB end well worth Investigating SPHINX AUENCY, m Btark stree " A Lady Had NEW TODAY. Your Father If your father had bought land 10 years ago ?ou would now be living- to I your Income. The Increase In property j values has made many fortunes In the I laat 10 year. Tour children will be I here years from now. If i-ou buy now you or your children will be Independent GfCCH'S Add.tiOI. Dlakt lea lAavak n III ha whM Tare-til will s,t If) tit ill i ' ' w 11 xea a la w we mi v J ne-ws we make money. These lots are going ao fast we'll hare to advance the prion. Only 5 Days Left ax m ou sworn. $550 Per Lot October 9, 1901, will be The date of me advance, two new car lines outia Ing along this tract, which will enhance the values materially. Money advanced to parties wishing to bulla homes. Bee me at once. M. E. LEE Bldg. as PaclHo S3. WE NAVE Funds for city loans; rate 6 per cent; terms to suit. We have several hiah- class mortgages for sale Some In vestors prefer this class of Invest ments. I-et us place your name on our mailing Hat. Come direct to our office for Information. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company mug. (Become. Floor) 8. B. Cor. West Side 8-Room Residence $6,250, One-Half Cash 50x100 lot, beautiful surroundings, near ear line; furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry, gas, electric lights; house built for a home only one year ago and Is cheap at 17,000. If you wish a strictly modern, up-to-date home. don't fall to see this place. Phons Taker US. RlXi ESTATE, OREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS I The most beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Burl Run wa ter, electric lightr., gas and graded streets. Superb view of Mt Hood, East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lots $500 each. Terms. BSI BIS Oregonlan Building. 7th Stmt Corner Produces 1275 a month. Lease guar anteed. Price 117,101. Thla flrat-clsss North Portland property can be bought for 114,000 cash, balance at I per cent 1 Chamber of Commerce. Rest Boy of the Year Over a quarter block, with two large houses and 11,000 worth of furniture. Can show you 10 per cent net Income. Houses will slwsys .rent, as they are only seven blocks from Portland hotel. B TBOBTSOJI. I Chamber of Commerce. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, potato and atock giusteta, number in family, ages, etc. Call or write us for prices. Rural Directory Co., II Fourth street. WEATHER REPORT. The large high presmrs area r eater liar orsr the oorth Pa-t8e aiatsa Is moving alowly sontb eastward and It now controls ths westber In ine weatern nair or the united States, where iruip.nnir-s. except in California, are 'B " Precli naasT . itreeoa an 34 Boston. Meaaarhusstts 62 82 .12 60 so 03 1 .0 .0 I .0 .0 T .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 atit'hlcasn. llllnrli 72 .'2 H8 H2 ii 2 4 an I ueaver. t olorado Kansas City, Missouri Iios Aagrles. i allfornla. . . New York, New York Portlsnd, Oregon Boss berg. Oregon......... St. Loala. Missouri sit Lake. I tit San Pran.'l.'., Csllfornla 84 40 waahlngtoa W.I 1 Walla, Washington".' 08 00 aanington. n. 0 88 .10 MARRIAGE LICENSES. MsrOB H. Oen'emaan, HUlsdsle. Oregoo. 28; Edn. Steptee, 30. H C Wright, 88; Besals C. nebulise. 80. Cksrlea A. Bow, 788 CllBton atrset, St Audra A Hill, 28 Chrla Otssa, 32: Inger rrastrsp . . Ilsrld tl. HeUand. 21; Mabel Poss, ,30. uirnn Bauer. -1 ; Klls zabl. in. Cyraa F. ttfr mer, SO; VI sola Bash. 10. Weddles Ceres. W. O. Smith A Os., Wastv tagloa blag . ear. Foaxtb aad Waablagtea eta. Wed slag aad printed B. T eslltag Mrsal FOsJ ' '"ol 8E2H Waahlagtoa ..Mas. Bertha M.rtln. now Sit Alksky blag. SUmplsg aad fas seedlswerk; lasxssss slvea. Fall dress salts for rest, all Tailoring Co, 108 Stark St. A borne listed for several months with s rental agency, but could find no tenant. She later inserted a three-line "For Rent" ad in The Journal and the houae was rented at once. You can do the same with your house. If you want to sell the house you can do quickly by putting sn ad under BIRTHS. HUDSON-Oetseer A to Mr. aad Mrs. , sou Hasten, Patten svsasi aad Fresco girl. Jsch Pit. WAUNEK October 3. to Mr. aad Mrs. Aug Wuur. 418 Ullsan. s alrl. WEBsTTEB October 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Jadeeo V. Webster. 1421 Jordan, a ak-. CHESTER 8eptesiber go, to Mr. aad Mrs XVtllloM. - - - ' Lw BLOOM October 3. to Mr., sad Mrs. 1. Edgar Bloom. Tabor Heights, a girl. ADAMS October X. to Mr. aad Mra. Jesses N. Adnata, 300 East Twsaty-nlnU. aorta, a Boy DEATHS. WOOD October 8. Clara C. Wood, estates, 627 Eaat Twentieth, enteritis. WOODaUM October 3, Elijah Woodrust, 75 rears, BSD Korurup, valvular Heart siaiBBt. MtllLBB October S, Hannah A, Miller. 51 rears, 212 Beat Thirty-fourth, eerebral WfiOTENRERGBR October 1. John Westeri berger, AO rears. 4X7 Front, rneumatiem or heart. MILLS) October 1. Eula B. Mills, 11 Ste Columbia, gastro-ealerltls. otho. UNDERTAKERS. Donning. McEstes GUbaagh, BBdertikers sad embalxoers; modern la every dstaU. SevenU aad PI Be. Mala 440. Lad? . aetata Bl, A. B. Ht ma lock, nuder taker sad lastiatBiw. aaav iBiraeau ana umatllla are. reed 71. Brlcksoa Undertaking Co., aad embalming. 40S Alder .1. raoue Mala 8138. Lady asslstaat J. P. Finder A Rnna Third .rid Ifadlaaa el. Office of county coroner. Phone Mali A. CI. A 8KB BROS.. Florists Erne flowers and floral designs, MB) Mm i awe st. Edward Bo! lgtsa. aadsttaasr. HO Third st BITEBVIEW CEMETEBT. gtaele rravea 110. Fxtmtiv lot. tv ai nm The ealr cemeterr In Portland bua ' M petu.lly mslatsloa aad cares far lots. For fill tuformatloo apply to W. R. Mackeosle. Wor- nmca. cnj. w. at. una. preeiesnt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Portland Truat Oorapsny of Oregoe to nl W - . . . I . ; ". MMUwioru ana wire, lot I. block 8, Home addition s i H and B. L. Freeborouxh et aL to Ola Ingerbreteen. lota 2 tad 8. block 4. MoatovUlB .... lrxon Mary Rlcbet to Eugene V. Rlehet. west H of lota 5 and S. block 828, city 1 lasses W. Going and wife to Alice D. regxsxis, est is, block 8, 400 Port land Trust Oorapaoj of Oregoo to luruuore a. inompsoo, iocs 1 and 2. block 74, Woodstock 7. OsllforaU E. . Hale to W. r. Brooks. let 17. block B. WlUaiaette Heights sd dlrlon ., Waltsr r. Brooks aad wife to Loala N. usTusoa. tat 17, block B. WUlamette Heights sddltloa George H. and Ploy W. Nottaga and "serge H Nottsgs, trustee, to Henry Ixsrd. lot 20. block 12. Burraae Tract. Pa alios I and Henry I sard to Lydla H. "ii. wn iv aoo la. Block 88, vmi TSralty Park V?.... . 1.850 George W. Browa to Bebeces Ado Ds- Jarostt. lot 8. block 0. Laurelwood Park f. 100 Beraxaa Metsger. trustse, to J. M. earner iota 18, 14, 18. 18. block 2. Beservolr Park Moors loTssUneat company to O. H. Berg, lot 15, block 47, erase J. a. Blssler SBd Wlfa to Panto Cor. dano and AeAiolo Garbarlno. north u. of lot 7, block 88. city 15.000 Msry Harris to V. Harris, lots 11, 13. 11. block 2, Tremont Place. 800 Mike HorBbeck sad wife to Mrs. Maria 1 Booaer. lots 8 and 10, block 44. t I'nlTerslty aPrk 800 Emily M. Tongas to M. Horn beck, lata 8 and 10, block 44. I nlreraltr Park.. Fidelity Trust comnanj to Jacob Be I sen - reier, ssst S3 rsst or lots 2 sod 3. black 11, Blscklstone's addlttoa Darld Dupea sad wife to Lonls M. Stag- per. lots 17 and 18. block 1, subdivision of tract K la M. Pat son tract M. A. riemlog to W. H. aad Lyon O. earrlo. wsst U of lot I, block 220. illadsy's sddltloa to Esst Portlsnd . A. L. Stone sod wire to William EUI aoa. lots 4 sod 6. block 27, sod lot 1. block 18, Falnrlrw Sycamore Beal Eststs corapsay to H. J. Thompson, lota 7 and 8, block 10, Hern Park Oregon Beal Palate company to A. IV. Ran ria, lot 1. block 78. Hotladay's ad dition to Ka.t Portland 8,000 2.500 10 900 1.000 Stephen Roberta and wife to Ford Mets ger. 1 sere In section 10, township 1 south, raage 8 eaat 108 EllaabeU Kills to George Riles. Vt 2. block 1. snd lot 8. block 2. Mount Tabor Vina Annex Endowmeot trnatse of Willamette ool verstty to Indls Splckelaslre, lot 1. block 10, Strawberry Dais ...J Endowment trnatse of Willamette unl veralty to India Splckelmrre. hat 2. block A, Strawberrjdale ..v.,.i Endowmeot treat ta of Willamette uol veraity to B. F. Dawson, lot 10, block 10, Btrawberrydals M. B. Tarry to Susan Harm! en. lots 28. 29. 80, block 7, Laurelwood Petsr Yost snd wife to lewpold Danger man. Iot '3, block 1. North Irvlngtoa. D. B. Baker aad wlfa to Cxth.rloe Mo ras, lot 7, Mock 2. Elisabeth Irving', addition to Eaat Portland 100 100 1.900 A 760 J. C. Mobr and wife to Mra. Lsars Belle White, lot 9, block 1. iter unarm rark Me. I 116 W. P. Flledoer to 0. N. Ford, 108x10 feet In section 18, township 1 sou to. range t eaat Anna B. Yatee to John W. Mason, lot I, black 8. Smith subdivision aad addition to Eaat Portland Msry O'Reilly aad husband to Thomas Mscken. lota S, 4, S, 0. block 334. Kaat Portland John D. Hewitt snd wife to C. C. Shsy, lot 4, block 8, Hang stew wieoe D. O. Bees snd wife to William H. Boea. loU 9 aad JO. block 2. Straw berrydale Fred Pitta aad wife to Everett L. Gordon and wife, Vott 9, 10. U. 13, Sunrise Park -i Fred Bynoa and wife to Richard Clinton, lot 0. Mock 0, Clinton addition Henrietta Adams and hatband to B. 8. Wright, block 5 la Severaaee addition to it. Johns k.. . -aj Mary W. Gaston to Cb.rles Nestle Jr., lot 8 la Ue Gaston Tract.... 0. c. Oantenbeln and wife to Emma B. aad Fraaees C. taagfard, lot 8, block IS. Wast Piedmont Colon Trust A Investment company to George W. Fisher, lots I and 4, block f. Ivexxboe Union Treat A InveatmeBt company to George W. Fisher, lota 1 and 2, block T, IvsBboe ' V'VfiliV Carol loe Strong to Conatanee A. Dakyos, u acre beginning at point on north ex pansion of wast line of Maple atreet of J 0. McOrew ' arid "wife to Mary . Janney, lota 8 and 10, Mock IB, Kern Park 10 TOO 480 4R0 ISO S2S 000 ISO Bor ct. title, insurance or mortgage loans, call on Psclflc Title at itbbi compear. psay. formerly Pacific Coast Abstract uuaranty a Trnst coxa pa ay. 204-8A-7 Falling building Get year Ineorstee and abstract, to reel estate from ths Title Guarantee A Trait compear, 240 Wa.hlngtoB atrset. corner MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH Camp. No. 77. O. W., msets tonight la their hall. Eaat Sixth. Bear Eaat Alder. All visiting neighbor. cordially wtlcomeo. J. 0. JOS ES, 0. 0, J. M. WO0DWOBTH. C. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Ooog mnalc for all oceaswas. very reasonable. Hals soos, 44 Lorretla at. Wednesday evening. Aliaky bldg.. Third aad Morrison sts. CIRCULAR LETTER 0O. Fsrslmlls typewrit tea letters: address bag, mailing. 381 H Btark. M. W. A. Ovegon Grape Camp. No, 8.978. days. 17th snd Msrshall: vlettovs wsl LOST AND POUND. POUND A Uj Igbt hay horae wiu white .not on forehead. Inquire at J. II. Mlaenhlmsr, wIU Flak A Co.. 614 LOST AND POUND. LOST Braolng October 4, black snd white English setter dog, aajne "J. B. Part-oft" oa collar. Adrlse C O. ButherlSBd. phone Eaat aaaxs. new era LOST Bed Irish eetter without collar, since Neptembsr 10. Return 748 Hoyt st. rewara. NOTICE. IB the circuit court of Us etste of Oregon, for Multnomah county. la the matter of lbs appllcatlou of Newtoo McCoy sod Kate Nlcbolsa to hare registered roe tine on ibs sou CO h of tar aortosssc tka northeast 14 of the northeast of e soathssst U: ths ssatb U of ths oorth esst seat u and the eoetasast U of ths soutksaat 14 of section 81 of town ship 3 north of rsaae 1 west of ths Wll wast of ths Wll lamette merldtsn ta Multnomah county, state or Oregon, sppllcanta, ta, J. A. Epplng, C P. Taagbo, J. H. Courtney. Adelloe If. Coart ney, ET. D. Mlddleksagh. A. H. Aitkin. E M. Staagslaad, J oka Poop, B. Lee Paget and sget aed whom It Charlea Chrlsteoseo sod sll others may concern, defeaaaata. To aald abovs-Bsmed defendants and to all wnom it may ooocera In ths asms of the ststs of Oregoe: Toe will tabs so tics thst oa ths tweoty- Brat day of August. 1804. so application was mad By said Newton McCoy sod Kate Nicholas la tks a bore-entitled court for the Initial registration of Us title of ths abuse-described land. Mow, therefore, you are hereby reqatred to appear aad answer said sppllrstloa or other wise show cause wky an eh application shall not be granted and aoless you do ao on or before the thirteenth day of October. 1800. Ue sams will be tsken aa confessed end s decree will be entered according to tbe prayer of the application sad yon will be forever barred from dleputtng tbe ssms aad such nrncr roller wiu be eauitsbls. granted aa may be Thla summon, sad notice ta published by order of ths Hon. C. V. Cantenbeln. Judge of said coart, dated August tweoty three. 1008, directing thst tbe ssme be published once each week for six consecatlTs weeks la ths Oregon Dally Journal, the Brat publics Ooo begToBlng August 24. 1008. Olren under my hsnd snd the seel of ssld court this twenty third day of Ausu.t. 1908. seal . r.U, PIBLDS, Clerk. By H. V. BAMFORD. Deputy. H. B. Nicholas, attorney for appltranta PORTLAND, OBBOONrsOct 8, 190ft. I hereby warn the nobllc again. t ths purchase of any note signed by me ta favor of one George J. Sehaefor, or said' George J. Schesfer'a wife. aa r. lee received baa not baas given. HBT4BY c. w. rflrmiL HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our pstroas. Tiessiy raise: nuuw. tl at board, 84-00 ap. RAILROAD WORK. STATION MEN. Fine wheelbarrow work, also good rip-rap work st extra good prices oa ths O. R A N.. eaat of Us mono tales; free trsnsport tloo. Meacbam, Oregon, or room 10 I. p. O. F. bldg.. Portland. Oregon. B. T. Johnson A Co., contractors. WANTED Salaam ax ; many msks 1100 to 1180 per month; some even more; stock clean; grown en 1 tear ration, far from old orchards; rssh advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery coorbaoy, Top penlsh, WaahtogtoB. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; gr a doe too earn from IIS to 826 weekly : expert Instructors : eataloerae free. Motor System of Colleges, BS North Fourth at.. Portland. . MILLWRIGHT Experienced n tbe lasullatloa aad oneratloa of Bex factory aad woodworking machinery; moat be sober and Industrious; stats experience aad wages expected. Ad dress U 14. care Tbe Journal . WANTED Aa experienced bench bead aad framemaker. Apply Portlaod Sash A Door Co.. Ksst Taylor ana unson eve. WANTED Experienced clothing aad farttabtng furnfahli goods salesmen snd oaa good man for out side. Apply L 8s x A Co.. 307 First at. A COMPETENT aad todustrtoat grocery clerk can obtain ateadr employment la a amall town; state, experience and reference. B tea, care Journal. r ANTED Yasrag men to lrsm telegrsphr snd railroad sccounthxg. aa la rlea 176.00 to 990.00. For free csUlogus address Morse College of Telegraphy. 804 12th st.. Oaklaad. Cat W AN T ED Boy ; swan Davis. steady work. 55 N. Froat, WANTED Mattrassmskers ; Front, comer Davit. steady work. SO WANTED 30 swampers at good wages; 28 ilea from Portland aad one mils treat raB- v NTED Two or Urea first class, all around machine men; permaaeat position, good wages. Oregon Furaltars Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WE gst work for ear aaetebersi .pedal mem bera. 83. Y M. 0. A- Foartk aad Tastbttt AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbsnk's sew atanalaai Slam; ma-ads; big pay; permsaeot position hlco Nursery Oo., Salem. Ore. YOU NO msn attending bnaloess college wests piece to work far board aad room. P 88. care Journal. UBer nursery atock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Salem. Or. LOGGERS aad sawmill men wanted. 908 Com mercial block. WANTED Most have 26 mors young to nrerjare themselves for railway telegraph service; big demand tor graduate.. Call day or evening. Expert College of, Telegraphy, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeny eta. A SOX desiring to learn a fins start with. 311 Macleay bldg to learn a fine trade; wagea to BOYS with wheel wasted Immediately. Ap ply at snperlotsndant's office, Olda. Wort msa A King. CABINET-MAKERS waated at 871 Front St. BOYS Do yon want a better position? If you're bright and Intelligent and a good talker, address. H 100. care Journal, snd state aalary expected; a good chance for the right boy. BOY wasted for delivery wagon; arn.t have experience aad good references. 477-479 Wll llama eve. GOING to tear dowa old house at Eighth sod Hsrrlsoo tts. sad will give sway, wood sod material. Call Woodlswo 304 after ft p. to. If yoa wsot It. C. R. Black. MAN of good mannere to drive a dye aod clean log works wagon; must bsve some experience In the dyeing sod cleaning baetneee. let Grand are., city. WANTBD I upholsterers, cabinet maker, 1 riaishar; moot m be first mass workmen. Apply st factory. 448 Hoyt et. WANTED Two high grade real estate eeles tnsB of Integrity, ability and good habits, be tween tbe age of 90 and 88, at large aslsries: Mt msn 01 toe nigneet qaaiincaagins apply. Address X 31. Journal WANTBD A man to open oysters. B. 824, Esst 40th at. PAINTEB WANTED at Fremont and Union ava HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Yonng people to prepare themselves as bookkeeper sod stenographers; have bag mi cans since Beptsmoer t; piaceo we in posltlo Ws will plsee yoa a wo en com- petant. Day or night, uaaaogee. WaJtat Boaloeas collage. HOME LADIES AGENCY 186V4 Fourth at orrlaoo. Bpatalrs. Phons Main 5834. Alongside tut Y. M. 0. A bldg. GIRLS WBNTBD Operators to work oa ahtrtl aad or oral Is. Lassoes given to loelpsrtaaced Apply at Standard factory No. t, Orsod ava. aad Bast Taylor at WANTED Girl, to make alts It 75 First at. "Boas of All" ever- ANSBN-9 LADIES' AOBNCY. 848H Wstblng tea st.. ear. Sevesth. apstatrs. Pboee Mala 3492 Female help wasted. OIRLS wonted for sea sneral keasswork snd waitress. City Employment Ofere, Waahlagtoa at. Msta 8410. Real Estate for Sale HELP WANTED- FEMALE. WANTED OlrL steady work, at 88 M. Front, corner Deris. P8W ladles wasted to saa stag eaay I goad steady (38 rUdaer fancy work asssa time at KdV.' as aa strata n ttasatts. svr wssaiagtaa ax. GIRLS, trass you want work call oa the Sjeea dlnarlaa Ladles' Agency, 107 v Sixth st. assin oaxas. J 000 OIBLS Chocolate dippers and packers. Oldoa t'aady Co, 10U aad Gltaaa. WANTED Exaerleaced bsAvJraase: ateadv a uloymrot. Oregon Laundry Co. Phons Esst IS. M 1 1) Ii. K AG ED amall family. Pacific 270(1 to do bouaework for jDall 999 Moatgoraery st. or WANTED- -Girl for general bouaework tod neip care far 2 small cbildrea. 425 12th st. WANTED Com Barest Jirl for general work: goad wages. Phoos Mala 9094. WANTED Good girl Call 800 Park st. tor general housework WANTBD Onatmakere, paatsaukars, vest makers. A. J. Braalt, room 10, Hamilton bldg. If yoq work, why not aaro mors thsa a, living! Be ladapsndsat; do good. The Vlsvl Co. already employ. 12.000 women; the work covers St countries of Us world; ws will entertain application, from capable women; Bet canvassing, bat helpful. dlgnlOed work. Address by mall only. Vlsvl Co., Lewie bldg. GIRLS to work In cracker factory: good wages. sisaay employment. Apply racrne coaai Biscuit Oo.. 12th aad Davla ato. WANTED Competent girl for geaersl boase- wors. Appiy iso sear imp ar. GIRL for geosrslhoassworh; small family. eux jscasoo st. A CHAMBERMAID at 190 Fifth sL WANTBD, st ones, a lady to press oo ladles garments East Portlsnd Dys Works: good pay city. right perty. 148 Grand are., LADY tailor to line coats; good wsgee. J. K. atom, so? v. a. uing ion ax. LADIES tailor; beat wages 1b Ue city. K. Stent, 413 Waablagtoa Bt. WANTBD IMMEDIATELY Capable girl aa tamily cook ; wagea son to u; also seoona girl. 230t4 YambUl. Mala 5418. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages szo per month; amall family. Adarsas ztu Yamhill, or ISO Morris. WANT COOK for barge; $40 month. 286H washmgton. HIOH SCHOOL girl to work wages. CeH at 434 10th at. far board and WANTED Teacher, for Chinese mission, ply 208H Bacoad St., p. m. Ap- MALB AND PEMALB HELP. UNLBfsS YOU'BB "DEAD WOOD" YOU'LL LEA EN THB ADVERTISING end of basins ee. PAGE-DAVIS 00. will hack yoa, wherever Pea live, whatever year work, til) you rs in dependent of help e success. Dept. 31, 411 Commercial bldg., Postlaod. WANTED Typewrltiata aad oommsrclal graph ophone operators; we base positions open for competent help. Apply Commercial Graphophone dept. Colombia Phonograph Co., 171 WaablBgUa aL FREE HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS Given to partykbo will take good care of rooming honee nights. Tbe Arcade, 144Vk First st. Give reference. HELP waated aad supplied, axels sr female. B. O. Drake. 805 H Waahlagtoa at Paelge 1878, WANTBD la eouotry home, two cbildrea to care for good seboeL Address B. M W., poatof flee box 08, Scappooae, Or. WANTED First clsss lady aad gentlemen cso voseers; salary aad commkwlon. Call at Agency Bureau, S3 Fourth at., Portland, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. H. B. RICHARDS Books posted, collections, gsnersl clerlcsl work: references. 893 4th st. WANTED A situation aa bartender by a mar ried msn. Phons Eaat 5009. T 44, Journal. WANTED Position as collector for reliable will farnlah horse aad buggy aad give bonds ; well acquainted In city. T 4i 49. Journal. SITUATION WANTED by young mas ss baker's .helper. Address L 10. Journal. YOUNG man wants situation wire at rape splicing. L 11. care J no reel. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE v -w- - A ITKNOGBAPHKB of experience desires position; am an expert. L II. care Journal. WANTBD Plata sewing by day or place. Eaat Ankeoy at. Phone Ka.t Ml. 3.K6 PRACTICAL name waste work: confinement esses preferred; good aces. Phone atstav WANTED AGENT8. AGENTS wanted la every towo ta Oregoe to represent the National Life Ioaarance Oo. of V. B. A. R. O Bellaod. ststs manager. 908 Flledoer bldg., Portlsnd. Or. AGBNTS. peddlers, canvassers aad street work ers, get your supplies rrom H. M. ntimmer, 200 Third St.; near goods, bottom prices. AGBNTS wantsd in every towa In Oregoe to Introduce Dust Clean, the tweeplag com pound Address Duot Clean. 884 Alder It. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MBit. 38 North Second aL Phone Mala II THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. 1 306 H Morrison St. Phone Pacific 388. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We stake a SPECIALTY of COU-ECTINO RENTS of LABOR BUILDINGS, ptaelBg FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES aad GENERAL CARE OF PROPERTY. We have the beat of facilities for carrying ont your wishes aa as agent. We solicit your patronage. Oar references: Ladd A Tllton, beakers, aad MercAaBtt' Natloasl bank. R. IT BLOSSOM. 810 CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE. 0. L. PABBISH A CO. have opened a gsaeral real estate office at 421 Lumber Exchange bldg.. corner Second sod Stark ato.. aad will bay and sell realty, collect rents snd negotiate loans; flrstclsst references ; honest desltng with OKC clients. Phons Main 0818. PBOPBBTT WANTBD W4 want I or 8-ronm homes reasonably close In on rsst side. In the post two weeks we have effected the tale of a nnmher, bat we cannot begin to supply the demand. List with us If with to sell st once. HAGEMANN A BLaNCHARD, 111 Fifth at. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Heeeet. cottages, Hatt stores, offices, rooming boaaes, ate. Lead lords will do wall to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Bx. 72. 8. E. Cor. 3d aad Oak. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mala Mala FUBNITCRB WANTBD FOR SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS til First at Mala HlOITgxjT price, pa lag. Phons Pscl0 Id for mea'a esst off cls Be A Uncle Joe. at Third WB WILL BUY. SELL OB TRADE ANY OLD THING. WE9TBRN SAAVAOE CO.. 037 438 WASHINGTON. PA CI PI 0 793. WB WILL BUY rear fsrnitars gay olg tttae Wasters Salvage Os.. 897 Wasntaxftea at. WANTBD We psy Mggest price f bant clothing Poena Pad fie E307. FURNISHED ROOMS POR RENT rURNISHED rooms sod furalsbed housekeeping rooms for rani st 702 Vancouver are. rUBNWHED rooms with or without hosrd; mod THE Q BAND, 4IH North Third et. Boo as. gentleman 81.23 per weak sag ap. THE RICHELIEU. S1H North Sixth st. Ele gant ly faroiahsd; at ass- beat aad haras. THB HUB." 86 Bleveath at., earner Btarki rooms with stasia beat aad baU. FOR RENT I ales light sonny room, with gaa, bath aad nbone; 1 frost room suitable for three; gentlemen preferred. 308 Fifth at. LINDA VISTA. 247 H Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay windows, aod sleeping rooms. LARGE, elegantly fnrosxbed froat rooms. 315 11th at. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, f urns OS bested aad bath, 474 Salmon at. PLEASANT front room, newly furnished, in private family, close In, reasonable; beat aad bath. Apply 881 Eaat Davis st. DAY. week or month; heart of city. Fourth st. HlndmaB. 183!, POR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TUB MITCH ELL. Flanders aad 9evsaU Rooms, housekeeping aad transient; ooe vroleat; prices reasonable. 11.38 WEEK, UP, clean, furnished hoWkeep log room.; parlor, hstb, laundry, furnace heat, yard. SO."'-, Stanton. V car. 17.50 WEEK up, large, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, laundry snd bsth. 184 Sher man aoutb, Portland. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping -roome In private family, second ftoor; gso. phone and bath. 427 Second st., near Hall. 1 NEAT housekeeping room, wIU gst, and phone. 42S Stork st. bats 3 SUITES nicely furnished housekeeping roonxs; Berk view; aaitanie ror 2: gas ana wooa; price pa. 245H North 17th st. 203 BOOMS completely furnished for. hou.s- keeping. Phorie -Mala tag). bbbibii UNFURNISHED ROOMS. A NICE front room la modern houae In heat residence part of the city: reeaoaable; mast give reference. Phone Pacific 2006. 8 UNFURNISHED ro for rent, 898 Bast Ivrm st.. 87 month. 3 NEW unfurnished bedreomt. 190 Utrkst at. Main 6804. 5 PLEASANT uafurnlehed noma at SSO Mont at. call 91 Firth at. POR RENT HOUSES. KADDEBLY TRANSFER. CO.. prompt aod re liable piano aad rurslixro-movers; aiao otor aga. Phons Mstn 1480. Ofnce 110 N. Third FOB BENT I handsome modern 7 room hooves. coovsnlently located oa Third st. csrllas: 910, 912 and 914 Corbett at.: real ressonsbla to desirable teoaota. David a Stearns. 249 Waahlngtoa t. 814 MODERN 6-room cottage, 434 Rosa SL, near ateel bridge. Inquire sue ntarx tt. Main 014. FOR SALB. or rest. 8 7 room booses. Jackaee at., Oregon City. Impairs 207 Oraat at.. i-oriiaori. or Lasisnan an City. 5-ROOM atodera houae. oewly finished. Sixth snd Csruthers. Pbeae Moto 4639. FOR BENT Modern houae; gaa. electricity. oewly finished. 394 Caruthera. near Sixth. Phone Main 4629. FOR RENT Modern 4-room house, furnish sd. east side; choice location. ran after a o'clock evenings, phone Esst 448. HOUSE 9 rooms, reasonable to permanent, re sponsible tensnts. Apply 844 Hsll at: FOR RENT 4-room cottage oo Oarfleld are., 1 owes rrom union, tan an rtixtn at. rasne Msln 4515. FOR RENT 4-room cottage. Second sad Col lege; rent fix. inquire sou nrtn at. 8 ROOM modern house, corner lot. Beat 84th Bear Hawthorne are.. glT month. 40S Com Bierrlal bldg. Pacific 810. 10 ROOMS, modern conveniences, rooms snd toilet off of hall; good roomlog-house. 390 Everett. Wakefield A Fries MODERN 6-room house, furnished. 626 Esot 23d at., oa carllne. east aide. FOR RENT FLATS. 116.00 MODERN lower 4 room flat, yard and basement. 444 Rodney are., corner THuaraok. East 4908. 4 FURNISHED fists, 8 rooms each, bath, and 110. 4S4 Seventh at. FOR RENT 8TORE8-OPFICES. DESIRABLE offices. Including electric lights, hot Bad cold water. Janitor and elevator service, In the new, slry Commonwealth bldg., old posAfice site. Sixth aod Buru.tde ttA Ageat rhbrn 411. FOR RENT Nicely furolobed office; flrot-olass location; frrroltare for stle cheap. L 8, care Jouroal. PART of .bop to rent, aoltahla for painter or plumber. 204 Fourth at. OFFICE-BOOMS, unfurnlabsd rooms tad aam pie rooms for rent. Ooodnough bldg. Apply ite rator. FOB BENT Small store with living room.; suitable for droeomoker. Inquire at Wake field A Fries, 229 Stark at. STORE. 26x50 feet, fall bssemeut. at 17th gad Washington ate.; modern front aad phxmb Ing the best. Oevnrta A Sons, 171 first St. HOUSES POR. RENT FURNI TURE POR SALE. A 6 ROOM houae for rant, furniture for sale 1260. Phone Pacific 2300. 9 HOOM boaae for rent, furniture for sale: Strictly central and modern. Phons Psclflc 917. LEAVING dtr. will sell furniture of bouse cheap; house for, not. Address X 9. care Journal. FOR RENT FARMS. 00 ACRES Improved. 1 mils north of Beaverten. 7 miles from Portland. James Barnes, R. 1. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. 1-5 BLOCKS oa Frankfort ft., bet. Fifteenth and Eighteenth sts., for gardening purpoaea or manufacturing; large creek and mineral spring on Ue grounds; Brooklyn and Mil wankle etrsetcsr lines within 2 blorka, I blocks from 8. P. ca ratio pa Inquire at .715 Marqnam bldg. Phons Pacific 1724. B. 0. Splttntr. HALL sad hsllroem. separata or together; new aad with all conveniences. Phone Mala 994. BUSINESS CHANCES. SNAP 86-ROOM BRICK In heart of dtr; lease; clears 8150 a mouth: wall furnish sd. It-room boose, ana location. 1400 tf takes st once. 8.1. room well furnished lodging close to Portlsnd Hotel: 11,600 If takea st oooe; tar ma If desired. L1KD gt CO., 139 Luotber Exchange, Second ssd Stark eta GREAT SACRIFICE SALE, (ommaoelng Saturday, October 6. 1908. Oo aecoBot of the death sf the proprietor, the stock of ths Delicacy Trading Co., 412 Boot Hay, will be 00 Id oat regardless of coat. Now wmm r tin grocerle. .crock hi your chance to get T err. alaaawars aad hardi , also store fit Remember the tnrea and Irous furniture, place, 41S Bast Cray at. PHENOMENAL rise In price of Horst Switch expected any day; this may be roar last aeportsalty lo buy before ounscrlptlon Ironkt ore rjwed. J. w. Marst A Co., 808 Me- BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Partner lb htaaafaeture of cement rooflug ills, my una bstsat ssd most progt sble busluess. A. Vulgt. TU Michigan ave nue I LOAN monrv. examine abatrtcts, draw wUit, decda and uUer legal papero. chorgeo retege. able 0. A. J. boson, lawyer. 813 Commercial block. W ANTED- -tluod btolasaa ' mas to take half interest la an eslabllahsd rssl estate ofnaw. 188 Marrlsoa st. Mite! e corns 8100: rant 860; located on Morrtaoe St. Apply Cobs Broe,' Fur ol tare Co., ISO First. AN exceptionally choice opening lo engage s Bisnsgor and) secure equal Interest lo a prominent, sure money making offles busi ness Is offered sb active, ne.t sppesriog, temperate maa with sslesmsnshlp abllty: former exper lease set a oecesslty; I860 ro qnlrfd. For lotervlew write T 44, Journal. FOB SALB Good stock of general msrehaa dlse on roots of new 8. P. railroad; will la vase about 95.600; sell or rsst osw ttors building. Write or call J. 0. Lyons, Elk ten, Oregon. FOB SALE Grocery store, good location, wagt side, close In, doing fslr business; will sa vories 8050 or 700. Phone Pa doe 841. SMALL reetauraot aad lunch coontar In goad location with lsoss for sale Y 94. Journal MEAT MABKET at Invoice; well establlahed besjaesa. splendid location. Telephone Mala WHAT have yoa to trade fur a 8300 restaurant? Naxaa it; good location aad basin oat; poor health. J 24, cars Journal. WANTED A psrtner la a well establlahed business; boat references. Address H . care Journal. FOB SALE Grocery .Lore cheap; owner leav hlrd at. lag city. Address 981 Thl POR SALE REAL ESTATE. A NEW 7 room boeaa. last finished, aad 60-foot lot. op Wast ava.. sear Hawthorne ava.. Ball Baa water, bssntlful view; price 83. 900 1 terms. - A. S. Jockaon. room t, HtmUtoxt bldg. Phone Mtla 1932. A FEW SNAPS 8-room boeaa. lot 84iM. sear Mob at Tabor 800 4 room boaae. 44th tad Hawthorns avenue 060 8 room htsst. 44th aad Hawthorne 0 venue , 000 7 room modern new house. Haw thoraa aad 4SU 3.200 I-room house, with 5U lots, cbsep at. 1.828 LINU A CO.. 129 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark sts. Send One Dollar Aad we will list roar property wiu 1,090 real aetata dealers wko are as anxious to sera a commission aa yen are to sell: oar pita seldom falla; arad deacrlpttoa: we are helping msny others, why not yoa 7 Address Ths XBr vestor's Guide, 111 Marwaam bldg., PortUod. 500 Homes For Sale Farms and City Property. oe-rg 9P I V tr fOTl E9ta il I 1 BP aafa 4li iiarquaro Diag., roriiana, Sellwood Morehouse A French. 1070 B. 18U. Phone Sellwood 7A City View Park lots, 875 and ap; Addition lota, 100 and ap: 88 dowa and 89 a mouth. Homes from 8509 to 55,000. Lets 8200 aad up. In all parte of Sellwood. List year 1 propel ty wiu aa; we will sell It. FOB BALE 1. 2, I. 4 aad 6-arre tracts; stao honaaa aad Iota, 00 Mount Scott carllne, 60 fare. Mount Scott Beal Eatata Oo., Lasts. Scott 2234. BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE. Mv modern 9-room home, full brick meet, big lot 48x141. all kinds large and easel 1 trait, tare blocks to beet carllne Ta city, amall barn. 22.700, half cash. No. 1239 41st aad East Taylor. Owner; phone East 8938. S-ACRE tract for asla. partly cleared. Bear car Hoe; 00 ageata. B 90. care JouraaL THB PBETTIEST BUBLDIBO SITE ON BAST 15TH BT. Near new high school; lot 80x100, walking dlstsaee; 8a, 000 takes It. C. L. PARRISH A CO., 431 La saber El chasers. Phone Mala 03 1A FOR SALFi Improved aad anim proved farms, wheat snd ttock rsochss. timber lands aad sawmills, city aod auburbaa property; ex she ages a specialty. Turner a Walker, room 4. oOBth Weehttgtoa st. WE HAVE Jost completed two new mod era res idences st Archer Piece; one a Severn -Cooea ktsat (12.1501. aad the other a six-room boaae (31.960). One-third cash' and balance ae easy Btaalkly paynseats, both beigstae. B. F. CANNON A CO., 909 McKay bldg. .Third aad Stark sts. HOUSES built oa Installment!, lota If Alt Commercial bldg.. Mala 1940. LOT oa E. 10th and Division at a bargala; Inquire 479 10th, oa premises. HAVE several bouses rang) glng In price 81.400 to 34.300: WIU sell email poymsat dowa, balance name aa rent Owoar. Phone Esst 675. WAREHOUSE property far sals, let 109x100, facing adjelolog raltroea tracts. P care Journal. UOLLADAY'S AIHUTIOS U block. 2 dwellings, cement osseassats. lawn, trail, nowere. cvmeat sldewslk ; chssp for cash. 878 Bast Thard at., aorta. WHOLE block ef fine lota. 62x100. oa car. worth 82.000; only 11,400 this wsek. H 8, Journal. SK1HTLY corner lota, 100x100, wIU wlds streets, 8 snort blocks from W. W. oar; bo finer building tlte offered; will soon double 14 value; some tamber I minded; sll for 8850. Rrt dowa. See the Home Land Co., 146Vt rat st. COZY little hotae, AI coadltlon, near oar; high some frslts a bargain ; see It today. TUB CONTINENTAL CO., 143 Stark St. BRAND-NEW boose, select neighborhood, near car: prices advaoclng all around; terms; par rent to yourself; see thla. THB CONTINENTAL 00., 241 Stark St. A 7 ROOM hoaaa oa t Vott; good wsl, stable, price 8780. Call or address A. L. Bobbins, West Portlsnd, Oregon. 32.100 BUYS 10 room fornlshsd house with lot near Sunny aide, now rented for 884; arranged for 3 families; good Inreatmetit for widow da siring to llvs In part of boose; terms it At tired ; for few daya oaly; ao agents. 448 Beat Salmon St. HOMES AND BUILDING LOTS ht any part of the city. See at flrtt. Oat the habit. 0. L. PARRISH A CO., 429 Lumber Excbiage. Foae Main 4416. NEAR UNION AVE. CABLINB. Large 7 room bouar, 60x100 lot; cost 81.000: owner matt tell: 12.000: 8400 cash; monthly Cjmeota Phone U. C. Shay, Tabor 162. I 10 s. m. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME. I own a well-located 60x100 corner lot with cement aidewalke, sewer, ! watar, gaa. electric llghta. on which I vevn build yoa a 0. 7 or 8room hones; ems 11 psy men t sown, balance monthly. Phone C. C. Shay. Tabor 162. I to 10 a. m. FOR BALBr-Vi block, brick, lo bualoeso Income It per cent; guorontsed lease years; small amount of cash regain center: for 6 b required; no ; Oil Marquam agents. Call oa J. S. Taylor, bldg. M50 8-ICBB boaae oa Oregon City sarllM; oouoo. gooo oeiecxtoB ox truit trees and berrlaa. ruaalag water; mora lead saa be had If dealred. John (lower. Rlaley'a eta Hon. Mllwaukle, Oregon. ai.ouu a D.w.i. . r-nma nwvxse, imaiats. froat Ine First at. earlhxe; ft caah. See awn ar at 158 Nebraakt tt. A ROOM 4 room 601. full lot. on csrllas. XX An . fall lot. for 84.60 Phons Best 9,100 WILL hey 38 fine teres en 0. W. P. lias near Leers; platted lo sere tracts. Oaly 8826 per acre: think of It I Part caah, bal ance at I per cast, (let the habit of eeetag us. L. PARRISH a CO.. 4M Lumber Btobaoge. Pane. Mala 0118. A SNAP. Beautiful raatotSsee property la tbe heart ef 1 eui. rVroncu huaae. i acre of land: fnill near school; 5c fare: for Ue next few days I860 MOUNT SCtrTT REAL sarTATE CO Pboas Scott 2294,