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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER i, 1KW XI TODAY'S MARKETS PRUNE MARKET IS GOING HIGHER Packers Are Paying as High as Two-Cent Basis in Order to Get Suppliee. EASTERN BUYERS ARE MORE WILLING TO BID New Beans Are Arriving and With 'Exception of Pink Grade Prices Are Lower Chittim la Advanced With Holding. Prlnrlpal market feature today: Kw bmi v lower, Pruae market la advancing Plneapplea la froto Honolulu. Krt hare tendency to lit. Lower price aimed In poultry. Chlttlm bark beflua to move. No hyalnes In hop market. Pntatoee firm far fancy grade. Ketfclae doing la ooloue. a IfeiW la ainaolu. ' Tka prune market la a.ivanrlDf all over the country. In thla city today tha packer ara rating on a le par pound baaa, bat one or two are reported to be offering aa htgb aa a Be baala tar aaapUaa. Tha prune crop la bow expected to be J tut about one half of that expected early In the aeaaon. At that time the eaatern buyera did not can to eater tha market at any price, bat now they are buying quite readily. Some a a lea ara reported from here on a Hc baaa, bot packer ara now holding out for Hc. Saw Banna Are Arriving. Tha bean barren la now In fall awing In California and tha. Initial ahlpment baa bean 'reaelved la thla city. Tha crop baa every in dication at thla time at being I eery hoary am and for that reason moat price are lower. Tha exception la In pink, which ara quoted at aa advance over taet year' trope, owing to the very low price which ruled at that time. Last year the price of pink was oat of line. Uan ban baaa showing a ateady decline of lata and an again lower. The la true of bayou. Small white an down to 88.K0 from $4. aad lares apse from 83.00 to US Mexican rods an down to t from 94.90. Egg Hav a Tend eg ay to Kiss. Smaller an spile In tha ess market an cane las; a much atlffer tone to rate la local ranch etoek. Today emu aales an atill being mad at 80c a doasu. bat eome dealere are talking of He and still u there of uyc. . The poultry market la In bad abape. Thla la not do so such to the fact that enpplle are set wanted aa to the blgb figure charged week ass. When tha market reatbed lov It eealed Its own fata, eo to apeak. At that time one on. two rtaDer wan caught and were forced to nay the advanced Sirura. but all agreed that they would get out of the mar art aa aoou aa poaalsi. Tata la the sltaatloa at present. The trad doe not want to bur, On thla account a large amount wee arnt to tha north lata y eater day and a tew coops went In that direction thla moraine. A few sale were med ken at 18a)18He. bat even the former ilgnr la not mack of an Inducement for the larger buyer to get In aad porrhaee. CMttao Bark Bsgtaa to at ova, The chlttlm bark evrMtJo I In the band 'Of a few holder of thlttettv. The peel was light aoyt aaaaon e as be called nominal ; and re-art SBJSBSrS the "rVT "'? t a'S Ea ' tri the hand of etrong In errata who will not 1st eo nnttl tha market advance. More In qulrlea have been receavwt for ewKttat dwriosj the naat week or an than' for aeveral month nrevVma. Holden ken an sot letting gn to any extent, being content to bay u the few acattered Iota In tha cam n try at advanced far re, tons strengthealng their own fore. It I etated that at high aa Se la now being paid In the country. Mo shuts In Hop Market. Whits em or two (ale of email lot an reported la tha nop market, tha attnaMon la duller than ever. Today' urlcsa range be tween 14c and 15c par pound, but deal era do net can to do basin st the fatoroo. Prac tically no high priced contrarta have been taken la at thla time, hut the dealers, ara making ovary endeavor to cam tha delivery of the 10c good. Rejection ban ak-tady begun. Beta tee firm far Pansy trade. Per fancy arid the potato market Is quite arm tod; with TBCtSoe the buying, prise at Wh prriat for good shipping stock. Per extra eelert from one or two districts a high s SJe I reported nld. but thla latter aeon I exceptional. At the moment there la fair demand from California and a few care are rolling In that direction. Jut now then la nothing doing In the way of aa Alisons or Teaaa demand on account of the lew prices named by Colorado growera which thla atata cannot meet. Dealer hen an very much di vMed In their vlewa a regard the tornr ef the potato market. Many are ef the opinion that the market win rule around preeent price all through tba aeaaon, with an occaalnnal purt up aa .high aa the dollar mark. Other are Joat aa poaltlvc that tka present price la the extreme limit et which the market will rale aad that future valuee are more likely to he around SOaJSOr than anywhere eta. On lone ara even duller than ever with no damklaaca of an outside demand. Dreamery Puts Butter Lower. The one city creamery which advanced Ita quotation on heal batter to SIHc per pound a few day age today announced that It had not been able to maintain that agar and con eequently went back to SOc, tk earns fig re aaked by other rlfy manufaciurera. At the latter figure the market la ateady. The trade pay the following price to etreet. Price paid ablppera ara lass vain. Plsar sad fssd. ORAIIt BAGS Oaleutta. Sva buying prloe; eellinr. Hlc. WHKAT New club. fSc; red Buaslan. etc; blueetem. awe; eellev, STfteSc. BABI.BY New Peed. $81.00; rolled. 821 an BN-Wbaki 887.00; creeked. 888.00 per art 81 Be per cw. OATS New Paodoeera pries lea, 1 white 888.001 gray. 888.08. PI.0US Rastsra Oregon patent. 88.80; atr.lghta, 88.88; export . W.Ofji Wall .88.40; graham. 14. 18.80: whole wbsat. 88.78; rye. So. 8o. 00 ? beta ja.Ta. . MILLaTTTaV-Brsn. gis.oo per ton; aid dllae. 834.00; abort, conntry. $11.80; etty. HA T Prodncer- prW-flaothv Willamette Valler. faacy. $11 la.00; art f narv. 80 000 laOO; eaatern Oregon. $13 ooem.00; mixed. $10.008110 80; clover. $7.00; grata, $7 6008.80; msetlT.eO. Batter. Bgg aad Psolhry. ' BimSS PAT T. a. a. Portland Sweet 80c; outild faacy, ntlSOr; ordinary. Hue; atera. lt)18c. F.OOR No. 1 frrah Oregon candled, 80c; un. candled, e; local and eaitero (torag. tf ibbsb new ru cream. nats. 14c; Votimr America. 1801814. ' POULTRY Mixed chicken. ltQlSMc per Ih; fancy bene, lSfjlIHe per lb. rooater. old. lnc per lb; ataga Tf lvffi sttoS, nVe per in; rrrere, lae; a, aer B: nd tc8,I tjiwdt V GOOD INTEREST SHOWN IN OREGON WOOLS w I i (Joornal Special Service.) Ronton, Oct. 8. There, la good Interest bar at present In Ore- e on wool, in tha iso von mar- O ket a good-lsd business la re- 4) irortea mis wash. Tma Includes on transfer of 118.000 pounds, d largely at 14 cants. A much 4 larger amount would have been e placed had holder been willing to accept all tb bids aubmlited. d APPLE CROP BREAKS RECORDS THIS YEAR Hood River, Or., Oct. . -Tha Hood River apple crop, which waa at Brat estimated at 110, J 000 boxes. Is now expected to reach the 178.000 mark. Pickers 4 are finding that there are many 4) more applea on the traea than waa at first thought and It la expected that the ahlpment from here will be about 100 cars. In the orchard of Sears A Porter. whlcb la considered tha beat commercial orchard In the valley, noma of the trees yielded aa d high aa IB boxea each, which la d aald by growers to be without 4 precedent. In tha same orchard 4 are too i-yr-old Bpltsenberg 4 trees that have 81.100 worth of apples on them averaging; $6 to 4 the tree. ThU Is also conoldered 4) moat remarkable for auch young d trees, Thla firm markets Its e own apples and recently shipped 4 tha consignment of applea bought e bv J. Togdjoulou for his flrrd at d Vladivostok, which had to be d wrapped and labeled In the Rua- 4 alan language. lb; .soring ducks. Mo per lb; gaeae, 8010c 8; turkey, 7 18c per lb; draaaed. 80 par ; aquah. $8. 60 O 3 00 per dee: pigeon. 8100 " auras. Wool ead Hid. HOPS 1906 crop, choice, 18c; prim to caenr. )ine; prim. nnt, 'rfoOL-100 eUp Vallej. 80t28c; tax. sua. ORAIR New. nominal. HEKPSKINS Shearing. lBttSn each wool. SO pane, meuua. woo.. noejTDe each; loss woo" TncOOl M eech- TALLOW Prime, per lb. 88)401 Mo. a aad graaae. tattle. CHITTIM BARK Sc. HIDES Dry. No. 1. IS am aad an. ISHejLl ITVe aer lb; dry kip. Mo. lit 18 lb. l4;TDecembr 47 calf. No. 1, under 8 Ihs. 18ci lt4 saibaa. May ... ataere. aound. eo iaa and ever. lOQUc; cow. iHOOVie: te and ban, sound. SOTct kin. 18 to 80 lb. 8; calf, aouad, under 13 lb. 11c; green, unaalted. 1 laaa: evil. Je per lb lees) boneblde. oaltad. each. 818801.78: dry. .eh. $1.0001.80; colt hide. SbOBOr: goat eklna. common, each. lOOI&e; Angura. ech, 88cO 81.80. Prulta and Ttable- POTATOES Buying price. 80089c; lobbing, 814x1.10 per cwt: aweeta. 34c ONIONS Jobbing ortce New Oregon. 1 $1-38; buying price, BOOBfie; garlic. 808c lb. FRESH FRUITS Apple. 7ScO$1.3S; orange. Valencia. $8.00; be nana a. SOSfcc pr Ih; lemon, choice, $8.8008.78 per box; fancy. $7 per box: lime. Mexican, $1.28 per 100; plum. 40080c per crat:cantaloupa, $1.2.1: grape. $1.1001.40; Concord. 27 vac; water melon, 60070c ; peachaa. 00cO$1.00; pear. 78c Of 1.00; pruaka, bulk, 2c per lb; peeked. 404180c per bog; hurklcberrlea. 10c; .ground chrrle, 86076c per box; pineapples, $6.80 V ? t KTA BLRtl Turnip, new. $1.00 per each: rarmta. $1 aack: beets. $1.80 aack; Or go radian, 80c per doe; cabbage. Oregon, $1.60; bell peppera. 6c per lb: tomato. 400608 par box; paranlpa, 40VcOl 00; e'rlng beana. Oregon. 097c par lb: cauli flower. $14)1.28 aer doe: ssaa. 48 5c: borae- radlah. 84710c per 4b; artichoke. 76c per do; aquas. 75c$1.00 per hex; eggplant. $1.60 per das bunch: cecamher. 88 per box; eel err, tswaoc dos; green earn. $1.60 aack; rammer aquaah, TBO8100 per box: eggplant. i.7u per crate; pumpkin as. lc; cranbamae. meal. s.noj 8.00; Cap Cod, 88.00010.00 per bbl. ItuIEH rRllITa Annie. avauori avanuratea. 18 14c per lb: aprteot. lSUOlse per n; ISOlSHc per lb: aaeka. y,c i-r lb leea; 80 to 40 Be- u.. ateoB each t.M 1e; If. California Meek. 8084 per Ih: California whit. 40He per lb; data, goldaa, 7H per lb: farda. $1 4041 80 per 18-lb box. 'At si'ftAR -All reflneriea Cube. 88.70: "aow dered. $5.35; fruit, granulated. $8.88: dri graaulatad, $8.48 ii cent. a. $6.46t ertra v 84.88: D. yellow. 84.86: bblf .sd; goidea c lucita nbla basis. Mai 26c par cwt for cash. 15 days; maple. iaajioc per lb. (Above price apply to aalee ef less tha ear lota. Car lota at apodal prtcee eaajaet ta tartaatjaaa,) HONBT M.ea per ara to. t-OFPRR Paokaos brand. $ir.a018.TB. SALT Coar--Half ground. lOuw 88.00 aer ton: 60a. 80 60: table dalrr 80a. 818.00: 100. 412.78: balea. $1.86; Imported Liverpool. 60. $17 00: 100. $18.30; 224a. $18.00; extra fine. bhta. 2a. 3a. 10a, $4.6008.80; Liverpool lump rock. $18.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. $0.00; 100a, $0.00. BICE Imperial Japaa, No. 1, oe; Re. 8 S4B8Uc; New Ocleana heed. Tel AJax. Set Creole. IUe BRANS Small white. $8.80; large white. 8.1.26 : pink. $2.00; bayou, $8.75; Llmaa. $4.50; Mexreen reaa. ac SrrtTW Pun,, Tnrnhn j m Ih Vtrvlnt SQSHc per 1 near. BOSH nuts. 5f6e Ih: ntHMOnta per in; roeatM. SBBHr per id; jap- e; roeeted. 7SfTya per Tb: cocoa e per do: walnata. HOlSUc set ptaeaats, iodJUH Pr lb; hickory not. 10e per lb; ekearnuta, eaa'.ere. leOldc per lb; Brasll sota. 18e per lb: firberta. 14018 bet lb; fancy pecans, 15c; nlmonda. 18flSe. eat. Pink aad Pi a rial pan PRRSII M RATS Front Street Hess, fanev tOSVt aer lb; balls, 803V-per tt; reel, ertra. SO$Hc per lb: ordinary. 7e per lb; boor, 8c per lb; mutton, fancy, 8f8wc per is; laaaaa, eofer HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland rack (leea 1 1 heme, 10 to 14 lba. lBHc per lb; 14 to IS tba. 15c per lb: break feet bacon. 16H021C per lb; picnic. lOVaC per lb; cottage, lOUr per Tb; regular abort rleara. antmoked. HHc per lb; rooked. 13 per '.b; clear back, mamoked. IS per lb: moked 18c per lb; Oahrs batta 10 to IS lba; vnamokad. Sa per lb; evoked. per lb; clear brill, uaamoaed, 14 per lb; exacted. 16c per lb. ahoalder. ktHe per lb; plkld tonguea, $.oo quarter bbL LOCAL LARD Rattle leaf, 10a, I2V4e nor lb; 6. lSTVac par lb: 80-lb. tin. 12c per lb; team rendered. 10a. 11 He per tk; 8. 11 par lb: eomnotind. 10a, SUe. CANNED SALMON Columbia river. I.nj telle. $1 80; Mb talla, f 76; fancy, l ib Beta. at o. Va-lb fancy Bala. $1.13; fancy I -lb ovate. $2.78; Alaska talla. pink. 3O00r; red. $1 Soj nanrtail kv tall. 81-00. PISH Rock cod. 7c per lb; Sounder. Be tier lb; halibut. 6c per lb: crane. $1.0001. 80 doa; etrtped ban. riHc per lb; catfish. Je per Ih; aaluion. Columbia river Chinook. 7c; allvenlde, 8c; ateel head, 7e lb; barring. Se per lb; sores. Be per lb; aarlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, 7c per lb torn cod. mil, c ih: lobatera. 18c per lb; fresh mackerel. 8 per lb; craw Bah. SOc per do: ahad. 8 per lb; eturgeee. 10 nr lb; black baaa, SOc. OTSTKBS -Shoalwater hay, par gat 88.88: per 110 lb aack. 84-00; Olymnia. par galkm. 82 V: par 115 lb aack. 8B.00. CLAktSPlardaheii. per box, 88.00: raoae eUma. 81.00 par box. Taint. Coal Oil. Sa. BOPS Para Manila. 4i aundard. 18 Vie; eleal lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Oaaea lHc per gal; water whit. Iron barreta 14 per gal, wooden 17c aer gel; hod light. 170-deg. ee UAs't!l5a- 4e. ease S4 pr gL tree bbla 18c per gal. SXNgINB-4a-g. ease SB per gaL tree TURPNWkW!a eaeee St ear sal. waiaaa bbWltlTaTrRD To let. 7. per Ih; 600-I8 let, Sc per Ih, kesa lots. t per IV. WIRE NAHA Prat baala at 8.88. LINSIKP OIL Pas raw. In B-bol las. 8Ct l-bbl let. BSC: caaae. BV per gal; genuine kettj. 8414. eases. 80 par gal; B-bbl lota. 84e; l-bb. lot 88 per gal; ground cake, car lota. SB0.OU aer tea: lea than ear lata. 880.00 per aea. SaVS FBAMOISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San rraaclaeo, Oct. 8 Local ateeka: sue Centra Cesta Wafer. Spring Valley Water Pacific Light Olant Powder BS 44 . so . so h : itt . 52 loitt Hawaiian Com Beaekae Sugar Hutchlnaon Sugar Makawrll Sugar Paanhau Sugar Alarka Packer- AaocUted Oil PaclOc State1 Tel 58 108 POBTLAXD BANK STATKaTKNT. Clearing today . . . Ckorlngs yesr ago Log today 848.08 etaia I. tin 817.048.14 The atre of a young Benton county 140 goat waa Imported from Africa at seat of lioo. Prune Growers Price for Their Smaller Crop- LOCAL WHEAT ONE CENT LOWER Recent Declines Abroad Pull Down Prices Today Dull ness Shown in Buying. FOREIGN MARKETS DO BETTER TOWARD CLOSE Liverpool Opens a Fraction OH but Cloaea With Gain for December Chicago a Half to Five Eighths Cent Down. BBLATIVB WHBAT VALORS. Oct. S. :81t Oot. 4. Loea. 108. us December May r.... While foreign murksts ahua ad aoms i strength at the cktee today American market had a aharp break. In tka local market all grade an Quoted la oar bushel lower. Chicago sod nocnangoa to nigner. not waa vary uuii with llttla movement. Iteoon began to aall off on the dleaupolntlng opening esblss aad continued weak all day. The dose In Chicago waa Vkc to e lower. IJveroool became atronger after the opening and closed with a gagn ef d In tha December. In Chicago tha coar grain Hat was dull with price showing llttla change from yester day. Prevision were a fraction higher. Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr Cooke company: w ax a, AX, Open. H Low. Close. 7.2 :3 CORK. .48 I 48 . 43 UVi OATS. Ctrfjibor sa ,. 84 to May . 88 88 8 MBSS PORK January .. 1845 1883 1847 1847 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET GENERALLY IIP Leading Issues Cain Over Two Points Today Union Pacific Ovsr Two Higher. NIT GAINS. Amalgamated .... lBrl Atcblaon iLouurvIlU Sugar 1 IK. X. t.cntrat . 1 Banding Smelter Brooklyn Baltlmuri Colorado St. Paul , Beat C Colon Fuel SMIL'. S. 8k s. n rasiaai Pacta...! Steel BteaL pfd 1 KST LOSSES. Canadian Sjlilaaourl Pacta .. Sock I land gl The Kew York a lock market waa bulllah to day. The general list wee higher. Canadian Pacific was on of the few to kas and thla was due to the dhmppotntmant over the re cently declared dtvdend. Colorado fuel. St. Paul, Beading ead Union Pacific each gained over z pout. Official quotation by Overbeck. Starr a Cooke com pa ay: DBSrCaiPTIOrl. Copper Oe.. Cotton Oil, c Locotnotlv. a Sugar, com.. Smelt., com. Am. Am. Am. Am. A8. Woolen, com. Atcblaon. com Baltimore A Ohio., coal. Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. Central dLather, com.. Chi.. Mil. a St. Paul.. Chreapcake a Ohio Colo. Fuel a Iran, com. Brie, com..- Lnulavllle a Neehvllle.. Mlaaourl Pacific New fork Ceatrnl Norfolk a Weat.. con. . Pennsyrraala Railway. .. P. O.. L. a Ook Co Reading, common Rock Uland. Sonlhern Pacific. 1'nion Pacific U. S. Steel Co., do preferred Total eakas for day. til. Call money cloaed SCJ4 per cent. SAX rH AS CISCO atlWlNO IXCSAWOF.. Ban Francisco, Oct- B. Official closing: Bid. Belmont SS.SJtt Caab Boy Id Golden Anchor. .80 Onhlr i Mexican Caledonia 'I? .40 .80 1.10 .18 Home Jim Butler. . MscNsmara Midway .... Montana ... North Star.. Ohio Tonopab Bx . Nevada Weet End Adama Atlanta , Bluebell ... Booth Columbia Mt Kxcheqner Norcnee . 1.82tt . .81 . 8.10 . 2. (to . .46 . 24 . 8 25 .18 25 Gold Crown Great eBnd Ream a Black Butte Bx. Tramp Goidea Belmont. Montgomery Mt. .08 1.05A .45 .88 .If .48 .1 .IS .81 .20 A .18 .13 .18 .IS -If 12 :S .04 .17 .80 .04 . .82 .88 .07 .17 ..4a .18 .SO . 1.78 Sanrat Sraptra i Manhattan Harlor-Mumnrkr . Dxtr Granny Son. Quarry... lamondfield A. DHL Ooldfield Jumbo Jumbo Bx Kendall Laguna May Queen .. Mohawk Red Top Sandetorm .... Silver Pick.... St. Ivaa. ...... .14 .as .OS .57 l.BO .80 .88 .44 .IT 8 00 l.BO .as .88 .81 .58 9 1.10 Gold Wedge ... Lone Star Gt. Bend Kx . . Gt. Bend Annex. Crescent Cowboy Denver Annex.. Bulla a Black N. X. Con Manhattan Con. Little Joe MavSower Jnmnln Jack . . . Itatlooal kVllnee . I Red Top Bxten. Muatsng Oolrf Bar Bull Frog Mia. Triangle 0 Bull .18 Stelnway On. Cal -Va . 8AA Starlight s I LIVESTOCK MARKET IS IN VERY 6000 SHAPE Receipts Are Nominal, While Demand Is Excellent Hogs Are Firm and Sheep Also. : t : ' ii84kliio liilWInW as set a set i Tttt T raw , U4 188 1S4 186 , 184 tt ltStt 184 1S4 104' 104 804 ' 104) ltStt 188 tt 123H 1 77 S TTU TTJi inS i7si mS its1 i SStt 8 i 174 177 174 17; , 148 147U 148 147 astt a as asfi 188 1401 , 188V4 140 s m se asu 141 Mil 140 141(4 sett stt sr. sett 15Jtt 154 151V 184 28 Sli , 89 85 tt astt m; , 05 184 187tt 184 187 47 48 47 48 ieeio7ioew 800 aharae. Portland Union Stoehjarde, Oct . Lireatock receipt: Roga. Cattle. Sheep. TtHlay 24 Weat ago 88 23 28 Month ago i 884 48 U81 Year ago '418 101 SIS The entire llveatork market ahowod gooj form today. Receipt were nominal and con elated of 84 cetle and 14 bone. Hog are Sea. cattle atrong and aherp very Arm No change la prlcek Official I'veatoA prloe: Hogs Beet etra Oregon. 88.80: blocker and China fats, M.OoejeS. t attic Meat eaatern Oregon atera, 88.108) 8 85; heat Citwa and heifer. 2 5l2 i. alo, k era and feeder. 82.784Sa.0U; nVaeep-MUea. 4t4ki Umba, a Will Secure Much Better Product on Account off the Packers Already Offer a Rise WILL SECURE NEW QUARTERS Portland Stock Exchange Di rectors Decide to Leave Loca tion for One at Sixth. NEW ROOMS IN THE LAFAYETTE BUILDING Time of Holding Seadaon Will Be Put a Half Hour Later W. J. Curtis Is Sleeted Treasurer TJ. S. Bank Stock Is Sold. At tha hurt meeting of the director of th Portland Stock Bx Chang K was aided to re cur new rruartara neerar the bostneea renter. xaexeraay uu room now occupieo oy tu aoai Telenbene eompany In tb Lafay Rlith and Washlnertom atrata Lstsyetta ouiramg on scored. They win not he occupied by the exehaag until boat tb middle ef the month The now quar ter will be central and will likely draw oat larger crowd of broker and buyer than th present In th Commonwealth building. It was decided by the director to change the time of holding the session and make It from 11:80 to 12:30 betead of 11 to IS o'clock, aa at present. The sew karat will not go tato effect until after removal to the aew Quarter. W. J. Cnrtte was slanted by the director aa tuaaai it lav a trading B share, of Dulled Bute 1 Bank were sold St 200 a ehare Five OBAN bonds were aald at $101. omclal rjuotatlona: BANK STOCKS. Bid. Ask. of California . 888 Merchants' National Bank US Oregon Trust A 8s viae Beak Portland True t Qpmpaar. , mann aa aaatwi mil ........ ... 108 United atata National son MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS OampbeH'e Oaa Bar or ... Union Oil SMtt Aaeoctated Oil 88 Alaaka Paeken' Pacific State Telephone 10S Pugat Sound "hrplioo Oregon Life Insurance Oaeaent Product J. 0. Lee Company v O. S. a N. By. 4 10ft MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal 04 tt International Coal 82 Jrttlsk Oolumbls Amalgamated. .. 08 tt aetfk Metal Bx tract Ion Alaaka Petroleum 1 Alaska Pioneer fit a? 'io 1000 so 140 101 tt 05 25 " Standard Consolidated 10 lott Oregon Securltlea Lee Creek Gold Taeoma Steel Qallee Consolidated Oallaher Golden Bale Consolidated. Bullfrog Trrtbl Golconda North Fair lew . L Bay ......... Hiawatha Caecadla Lucky Boy ..... Hacla Rambler Cariboo Dixie Mssdowa . ... Great Northern Moan tain View Blue Blver Gold Garvin Cyenld SUOAB STOCKS. Hawaiian Honokea Hutchlnao Ik Paaakaa Union .. 17 IS US1TS1) STATXS OOTSBJIMBBT New fork. Oct. B. Government Date. Two, re 11 red Opt do oonpon a. ... Three, reglatered do coupon , Small bond Poors, regutered , So axsapun Four, reg totered , do caaggun , Dlatrtct ef Colombia PhUipplne IaUnda HOMER DAVENPORT. VISITED SULTAN Of TURKEY Sketched Monarch From Mem ory and Shipped the Pic tures in Bala of Hay. 7 (Journal Special Berries.) Boston, Maaa., Oct. i. Horns r Daven port, tha cartoonist, formerly of Silver ton, Oregon, has Juat arrived hero from Arabia on tha White Star liner Canoptc, via th Mediterranean. Ha brought It ataJllona and 10 raaroa of blooded Ara bian stock for breeding Durnoae Davenport had a personal Interview! with th sultan of Turkey. He waa for bidden to make any pleturea of the sul tan, bat Davenport memorised th aul- Uan's features and made aketchea. After ward Turaisn apiea discovered In eome way that the cartoonist had made aketchea and searched hi baggage, but thay wro disappointed for th wlae artist had hidden tha drawing In a bale of hay. DETROIT WOMAN FOUND TO HAVE SEVEN HUSBANDS 'oo-nal Sratclal Service.) Detroit, Mich., Oot. I. Seven hus bands, all living and undlvorced. have legal clalma upon Mra. Hannah Chaffee, tt la alleged In a confeaalon of her daughter, Mrs. Emily Sherman of Pon- tlac. . Mrs. Chaffee la 71 year old and waa married recently to Francla M. Chaffee. She transferred to her daughter eome residence property owned by her, and her husband declaring the transfer with out a consideration, atarted suit In the court to heve the deed eat aside. The consequent Investigation turned up two or three prevlou marriages of tb woman. In none ef which caaae the record ehowed divorcee or the death of th husband The court ha or dered an InvesllgatlOTt. NEW YORKERS WOULD HAVE BANK CREATED (Joarnal Spatial Service. 1 ,' New York, Oct. s. Tb eurreaby com mitt of th chamber of ooatanerc to day reported th following recommenda tion to provide more elasticity: The creation of a central bank of laaue simi lar to th beak of Franc, dealing ex clusively with banks, the government to be aitpreme in management, and let I any national bank whose bond la aeettred and circulation equals to per cent of the capital, heve authority to laaa addi tional not equal to II per cent ef Ite capital" 05 .. eS 78 . Oltt OS .11 12 S . 04 :'si H ,M82 08 ee IT 850 1000 BONDB. booda: Bkf. Ask. 108 W Opt. 102?, loslj Opt. 1081 104 . . lOSi 1028 10S , 108 1807 1081 , 108 USS 181 182 18SS 181 182 1834 118 .... 100 Thai ' m patCJaalge Ol 7 uiBDury s OCSl DWM- M0Mi JtA V l Food VITOS, at a coat of SO & mMMrp&' cents. The same y Trie JLO Cents u the name 'TILLSBURY" stands for the "BEST in wheat Ask Your Grocer YOUNG AERONAUT IS INJURED Parachute Fails to Open and Youth Falls Several Hundred Feet to Earth. NO BONES ARE BROKEN HEMORRHAGES RESULT Edgar Yates, Badly Hurt by Jump After Following Profession lor Five Years Well Known Grange ville, Idaho, Boy. (Sseetal Diana tek to Th Joornal.) Orangevllle. Idaho, Oot I. Because a parachute failed to open while he waa making a descent from a balloon at the fair here, yesterday afternoon Edgar fate, a well-known Qrangevllle boy. hot aeveral hundred feet through the air to the board walk below and now lie unoonacloua. Hie escape from inatant death aaems miraculous. He Struck squarely on both feet, rebounded about two feet in the air and fall over unoonacloua. Phy sician a tat that no bone ere broken but he Is suffering from hemorrhagea of the lung. It 1 believed that when he struck hie body doubled aad hi knee struck hta breast. Two thousand peopla wltnesaad th accident. Tatee ha been making ascension for th peat five year. , DOES NOT DESPaTr t (Continued from Page One.) That Is a greater sum than has ever been raised by any association In the TTnltd State In the same length of time. With auch a record behind ua wa are not going to give Vrp In deepslr Why eheuld we? All Portland la behind the association in the campaign and all we need Is 100 more solid tor to get late the work tomorrow and help ue complete tb task. It can be done aaelly and we hope to do It. 'We will centralise our efforte to morrow on a few large subscribers. If we can get their pledgee early In the day we hope to make up th rest of th money by tomorrow night. All we want ara more solicitors men who will get out among the buelneee men end women of Portland and get subscriptions. With 100 additional workers In the field to morrow we would be able to turn the trick." Today's showing was the poorest of the campaign. Only 14,1 tl was report ad for the day, which brought the total amount to $112,611 perhapa the moat notable work done' by eny committee engaged In ralatng subscription for th new building has been that by the business women' com mute. Thay pledged themselves to raise 110,000 by tomorrow night and had 11.100 thla morning, leaving but 1100 to raise in two daye. Ml Ada Starkweather, one of the secretaries of the T. W. C. A, has served aa aecretary for the committee, ef which Dr. Sarah Whlteelde I chair man. Ml Starkweather haa done a great deal of work for the committee and It la largely due to her efforte that auch good work hea resulted from the campaign mad by th business women, although he Inalat that the girl themaelve ar entitled to all th oredlt. andred Sirls In Clan. Th committee I compeared of 100 girls and women who earn their own living and who aollclt among th glrla and women of their own olaaa. Tb committee le divided lato 10 companies ef 10 members each. Th companies ar lettered and a captain I at the head of each. The girle report their work to their captain vry day. who In tarn report the progr ef the com panto to Mis Starkweather. Th company captains ar aa follows: Mrs. Altc Maokle. Company A; Ml Lillien Fiaher. Company B; Ml Clara Clarke, Company C; Mlae Martha Case Company D; Miss Oortrude Metcalfe. Company B; Mlea Marl Rockwell, Com pany F; Mia Mary Stengel. Company Q; Mia N. B. Townaend. Company H; Ml Ell McBrtd. Company I; Ml Gladys Oage, Company K. A comparlaos; with the work dona by the ether committee show that th business women' commute hss visited s tawny people and aeoureS sa many 19 potjnds ia what you L TV 11 1 ready to serve package would 1 hat means a saving of 1. 84 on orrery packace of Pillsbury's Vitos von use. two full pounds of the "white heart of the wheat" Simply and quickly pounds food. You proves know foods. illsbiiivs Best Cereal Food A. H. Willett & Co. Whelesale and Retail Clrocers "THK HOUSE OF QUALITY" REMEMBER OUR- MOTTO: "PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY" We aim at perfection in serving all classes of delicacies, snd in handling the finest dairy supplies, etc We have unexcelled facilities. On your very next visit just take s glance at our thorough up-to-date store. 128 GRAND AVENUE NEAR EAST MORRISON ' PHONE EAST 383 THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. subscription! as all the ether commit tee combined. Th eubecriptlon received by th young women number about 1,090. and the largest amount pledged by a lngle person waa for 1300. The rest of the subscriptions have "been all th way from 28 cent to tit. with the excep tion of on ttOO eubecrlpUon and sev eral for $100. In explaining the uo oeae of tha commute. Ml Stark weather aald: "Systematic work hss accomplished it all. Th young women went to their work with energy and etuck to t throughout. They hare never faltered and It la only by their persistence that they have won. Team work haa been s great factor In the campaign. "We figure that there ere about 10. 000 business women In Portland. Tha members of the committee have aeon a great majority of them end we hope to aeo enough more to rale th remaining 600 to oomplet our total pledge. We will do this, too, end if the other commit tee had made aa good a ahowlng aa we have, the 1860,000 would have been raised. Oar organisation ha been per fect throughout and that Is what won onr fight-" TERRORISTS HOLD IIP TRAIN SECURING $130, 000 (JsarnsI Snort! St- Petersburg. Oct. (. Trrorlt this morning held up a train Bear Uto, and cured $110,000. killed a guard and eecapad- Forty men were tn the attacking par ty. They forced the train to stop by placing an obstruction on the track A number boarded the train and threat ened to kill any one offering resistance Others forced open the strong box, scattered tha content and oocaped. The dead guard resisted the robbers. Revolutionist at Warsaw attacked the patrol aaoortlng two prison r ta 1ll today attempting a reeooe. The soldiers killed both prisoner Low Rates East. Oct ' October I and t the Chicago tk Northwestern railway will aell round trip ticket to Buffalo, New York, for $84.60. Oolng limit 10 daya from date f sal and final limit November 16 Stopovers are allowed in both Jlroc tlon aad choice of routee going and re turning. For further information write or eau on Mr. R. V. Holder, general agent, C N. W. Ry.. 168 Third atreot, Portland, Oregon. Low Rates to New Orleans. Account national convention KatsThta of Pythias, to he held St New Orleans In October, the OR. N. Co. will on October 7 and I aell round-trip ticket from Portland at rats ef $80.(0. Fvar further Information In regard to limits, atopover. tc, ceil on or addrees C. W. btlnger. city ticket agent a It N. Co, get out of one ' v-a . n amount of ordinary foods at IS cents a coat you about 12.04. tnilsbury s Vitos contains prepared, it makes 12 of the most delicious Simple arithmetic the real economy of O ' SPICES, v q COFFEE.TEA4 BAKING POWDER, FTOPWCEXTOm Si I a Sa Mi. SO Si-. M raSaMlaTVrBTWy, rirWV riVrTjr, Fresh Dressed Chickens I80 Pound " Best Creamery Butter GSc Roll COLUMBIA FISH CO. Saturday at the Central Seemed like a reunion of all our frienda and patrona her. We were ready to re ceive them and aupply whatever wee demanded in eupertor quality la BCBATS, KINDORF BROS. ISO Ave. All Kinds ef Fresh and Salt Watar Food, Oysters, Fish, Shellfish and Poultry Oet for your Sunday nirrner fYSsS Dreamed Chlokon, Duck. Oooee or Turkey. No cold atorago etock. G. Covach (ft Co- Chickens Lower. 17 & I8c FYoah Ranch Bags... Eastern Eggs Beet Creamery Butter Good Crssuavary Dnrrv Buttr ef: Od end Beet Sugar Cured Hara .. . . Rreakfaat Bacon Cream Brick, la.... I.lmburaer I A flDAN .. a "---! Sam TsV Bill tromxa II II QrWlSV yTTaj8oji aSSajOrNojtt fl rlelJI 1 CU)S3ETa awtVEaS j Market