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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THS OREOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVBNIWO. OCTOBER t. 1909 PLACE YOUR WANT ADS fOI THE SUNDAY JOURNAL Early Tomorrow Morning Our regular patrons art ad vised that it is better to bring Want Ada early to in sure insertion. The Journal classified pages on Sunday will be the moat inter part of the paper. FOR 8ALB-KKAL ESTATE. (1,000 BUYS a 6 room home with batta sad toilet, eiaat est 1 way be had oa i very easy turn. It's bargain and yeu will pay rest to y on reel f $1,780 for am elegant new 5 room horn, very Blea and modern, cement baeement, alee yard; fruit, berrtee, rosea, chic en booee ; It ' Brfct ho1 xh prlc en't duu" 171 BS.UUU utn ywa new www own ew If modern; It'e a splendid bar and can be had ja eery ; terms; a Mae chance to own yosr heme. , la aiO Buye a splendid nu uodara 7 room borbosd; MM 11 00 cash sad ftS par month buy TOO s new a-room noma worm si.aiaj. mis is we ji Bare it present am these easy pa menu, to ear own landlord. Fine lata at lvanhoe. $160 toIW; JUaJa sot oely to 4lat.; flae soli and good aeiiiW hood: oatr tlo csih. balance SB per month. It Si west lbs cholceet you must get In aatek. ts some flat acreage left at prices that 1 doable la rains wlthto one year. STB1NMETE at CO.. tto rtowassllara. Its, Morrison at. Portland Heights U Mack. Bna view, asar la; price will salt ye took this up today. Other heights property at pricee moat de sirable; bay new before asether rise. Farms sad timber land; setae exceptions! B. WOLYSBTON. SOB Commercial bldg. Phone Main MS. TgW AND A HALT par cent Inesstssest in flats eloas la. Takes taaTpOO to land M; half csak. C. L. PABBISH CO.. 433 Lumber Exchange. Fone, Mala S1B. FBIPB Sl.SSO for house and lot built ay my self; bath, closets, basement and everything complete. Call oa owner. SSS Dlelslon at. FOB SAL Boarding -hooae. St. Johns; a har gata laqulrs ISO North Third at., at steel FOB HALE Fine home at 900 Corbett at. Phone Belrwood 114. FOR SALS Modern 4 room house and fall also lot oo Bast SStb St., 12.400. Phone PsclSe 1SS1. VBBY ebotea Woodstock Jots; orisurraiaasd vhyw. HollUUr A Wsrson. . S13 Commercial basek. S LOT! aoar ear. smsll house. $660 worth STOO; owner leevlng. HoUtatrr A Watson, Sit commercial blk. T-BOOkt bene., saBsJahad. aad 4 Jot 4 blocks from Kara Park, $1,000. Atvord Alrord. 1S$ Morrison at 6 AND 10-AOBB TSACTS, aisu Ub4 aaSjeaa tks toe s heme, fseestavsst Co., S44 Stark. 10 ACBEE close to ear, tag few days $100 per acre. Phono Tabor 14. Mf 6-room cottage, modern, corner, cross In: S3.S0O. Phone Tahor 149. SUBREA! SUBBKAt At Beat Portland Baal aVtato Q, 404 Bast Morrison. Phone Vast 4878. S acres bearer dam land on rarllne, $260 an acre: $400 dowa, balance on long time; unim proved; onion land- Hurry! 1 Mold IS tracts yesterday ranging from 1 to 6 acres. A few more days snd you'll need net hurry say more. Greatest snap in west slda senee on ths market. $U0 to $30$ par acre, close to car sad school. Tonne. H ill' YI. F.MAN A CO.. 27 H Washing too st. Rooms S4xSS. OWNER will sell his new home la the Irving toa district. S moats east lash, kaaatlfully lo cated, all roovenlencee, strictly modern: lot 100x100; one of the beet-built levies hi Port land. Address Owner SO, care Journal, aad snake angagasisat to go through the baa as. T-BOOM modernised hoaae, centra Boat Port land, and fall lot; $3,360. half cash. More vacant lots snd fractional lets be tween Weldler aad Hancock ' sta. and be tween East Third and Beat 13th. at r so ess sble prices. An elegant room new modern hones and a beautiful lot, with Sowers and fruit treea. irrington. ss.oai, nsn ossa. CULVBB, 43$ Chamber ef SSS FARMS, small tracts sad lets: bargains oa 0. W. P. electric lias. O. B A all teal Loots, Oregon. Take Mount Scott ear. 6s. RESIDENCE properties snd lota la all sections of tks city. Sphinx Agency. S0SH Stark st. CAN sell you kits or quartern la business sec tion st vrrr resonnahle tig tires; If yon Intend investing In Pnrtlsnd Inside property arall en an. Sphinx Agency. 804 h, Stark st. $1,360 NICE 4-room boose, fell hat, on Bast Ninth St., near Sharer; 000 rash, remainder $16 per month. Register A Co., lOTVs Third St. $1,000 -BOOM Saw hooae, not Salahed yet, S iota, on Mount Scott carllne. Uegtater A Oa., 10714 Third st. S AND 10-ACBB TRACTS, psims land sad met. ttoa tar a boats. Investment Co,. 344 Stark. $1,880 BUYS an elegant 6-acre heme' soar ear line with good 4-rooas house, rhlckea-kouse. barn aad other Improvements; will bear Is vsttlsattoa. Register ft Oo,. 107 V, Third st. NEAT HOME Foil let: fruit; room bones, saesWi; en carllne; $1,460. Call SSS Beat itth at. FOR SALE FARMS. $5,500 4 SS-arre ranch, farm aad dairy. ST acres ln blah state ag cultivation ana levei. a nee trowTat t slreera its road. sera ran ruses, an a aoaa miles from railroad etsthax water aad hath, a large bare and ether balld- BBmerotte SB meatVm: geese axe ehlBhsae, Apply IANK1IN OS. 184 Front at. f TaMM IDBAL-le and has tar rears paid over IS aae coat oa the Inveetgssati pries kaetudes teak aad crop; $ takes li BBSS mi sheen ranch la tatlwa Orafoo; wtl earry 4.000 toad sheep; sera dap's drive frees mountain range; hat a river of water and aleatv of whiter feed. rrStt land la tola to salt fralt lend la lots to salt st teeooaeble Stark St. and tlvar, SO miles from Portland Balaoos si a-sssK."ca at anxataasj trass sao new srwaara ax iso rwxas eaves areas; tkese go wltk the place, 4 caws, 4 Tetters, It bogs sad 3 horses aad 3 wnaiai, 1 harases- sad now aaosrasse and etnas rami FOB S4J.B erveoee farm: ayjod nereae, lerg e ham, Sao orchard. 38 a eras uader emtrJealtea. kits. FOR SALE FARMS. close ta ralamad slslhas Bant lawn sad OBhJi hours' ma ; splendid axed, aksat itn a and 4 rOoaaa- a rood ssalisid SI tBasxae water as baiwatd: well for stock; for prompt sale. SSS per 'lam la a beaatlfal country hatae with every, thing ta good cendttsaa. Atdrsss 1 38. cars Journal, or telepaaae Matt 600 314 AOBBB FOB BALE: fenced. 100 s eultlvsled. $0 BST IS posture; house, large Tfs si la alii ii vsesth 110 ate sad sssrei arise 8S.0U0; terms. SS.000 csak. AaUnea 14 tattt axsak W. W. UeCfedts 440 ACBBB of choice la ad In Crook county, Or ages, caa be Irrigated, Bar ease cneap. Address K. St, Journsl. A BABUAJN-S38 pat aeee; oat of the beat rfSir srJ, phone; 400 scree fenced with woven wire; 400 acres has been farmed; every acre psodaejab, graga or eras; terms easy. John Ingham, Ba- ursgon. 10 AOBBB chaise farm lead goad bow eVreon houae, barn, 3 cisterns, fru lit. I berries: very desirable tor horns: hslf mile north O ray's crossing, nt. ncoti canine, uwerge itara. FOB SALE -At a haratTA, StBerrsawe! mostly T-yearM SpltBBBCrerg appkvei pries $18,000: email paymeat dovtn. easy terms beJ. a oca. Sfa St. lagaem. SMW"' Oregon. FOB SALE Farm SO acres; food hooae barae, Sne orchard, food eoil. stock. aad farm anaehlnerv. eloae to rati and crops boat- landing; a bargain at $5,000; terms J S. aayioT. oaa asarviuai Q'wg. HORSES, VRM1CLE8, HARNESS TOO 0AM SAVE MONEY PoArTVfweS SatSt'o. . 840-343 Bagt Washington Is the place. FOB SALE Team of well matched black, weigh 1.300. Apply to Bllderback A Crane Co.. 331 Oak at. FOB SALE OR BENT Horses and carriages ciubT ISth' tuaM "mth' Port104 Ku"at HORSES aad nugglee tor rent by day, aad osoBth; special ratee ta tasinese itxth aad Hawtherae. Bast TS. , week houaea. taast, weight 3.000 lea. COVERED tea wagon, cheap; moat tall at once. Inqulat SSS East Stath. north, corner Shaver. FOR BALE Sorrel mare. Cream Bottle Co., 14th and Coach. Phone hTala TSSSB. WOBK heroe tar gale,, $80. Call ISM Atlantic treat RARTER AND EXCHANOE. 80-ACRE Lino county tana. 1 atUa of rail cad station; B-rooia house, barn, aprtog. creek: will trade for city or suburban horns and pay cash difference, or Bell for the low i or giua stoma xansa ua., xeeta sxrsi ex. FOB BALE or exchange, grocery store, la good valley tows; pood baeiaeea. bat have beelnaai latsraau elsewhere. Box SaS. aUUatmeo, Or. MINEB AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. C. LEE COMPANY HIOH CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. Wa are always ta the market either to has or sou eay active mining or avoasanai axoews It will pay yoa to get ear prfrea. H. W. xrxyn Atxvat, sear. rox Brokerage Dept. 18-28 LafaystU Bldg, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. S FIRST CLASS Jersey cows. 1 fresh oae la few daye, far sale. Phone East 4133. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO FOR RALE An elegant Sobaeffer up right piano, la light 1 year ago at $460. will sill at 1250 cash. Call 484 Beat 12th sL. North, or phone Beet SOTS et once. jPB SitS. Secondhand upright piano. $136; cash at time. Addreee B SS, eare Journal. TIMBER. awmlll and some good timber, very aeer Portland and reaanaable In price. 1 inner in an also scatterlar a eery low Sgi SPHINX AO Timber la all sections in nooiea to suit; claims taai caa oa aoaa ax Score. AGENCY, 806V4 Stark at CERTIFIED rcrta, any vis pieces; lowest prices. W. U. Howell, asp tmamoer or voav ABOUT 30.000,000 feet near lower Cetambls river; also seversl good tracts 1b Douglas and Carry counties. Address Box 643. Aatoria. Oregon. FOR SALE 80 arras timber lead. H mtla treat riikfkla near; z.ouo.oou net spruce, oeetaen other timber; a bargain If taken aoaa. Call otner timoer; a nan oa J. S. Taylor . 61 5 I Marquam bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE buy. eell or trade any old thing. The Peo ple' a Furniture House. 313Vs Front at., corner Batman. Tel. Mala 4388. BOOKS bought, said and exchanged st the Old Book Store. SSS Y.mhill St. BILLIARD AND POOL teases tar rest or tar thb bbdnYwicbalkb COIXENDBB CO. 4$ Third et.. Portland. laWINtf-aUCHINES bought, aold. exekaaged. 11 BrTaAtvAOt OO. 427 WaaktBgtoa st. A. W. SrJkatsle Co.. 338 First. Portland. Of. SHOWCASES AND FIXTUBBS made to oraar; Second-hand goods for sale. Carlaon A Ksll Strom. SSS Coach st. Phone day STL SHOWCASES, eountere, Bitures hoaetht, eold or sxrhsaged. weeteraj aerrage am,, ewr una Ington St. Pa el 6c 788. WE need tarn Phone Pacltc Weahlngtoa a furniture and will nay foil re has. TUB. weeiera aaivage tea. an HOLDEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURE Sore eare for rheomstlsm Sold by all druggists. S BAB FIXTTTRE8. pooltable. Bate, t a blea, eta ire. fESTERN SALYA0E CO.. 837 Washington at. 10 BLIOHTiY damaged sewing machines st very law prleea; Singer, Wheeler A Wllaea. DoBseetlc. White. Hooae hold, Do vie ana ethers; to make room for aew stock Wheeler 4) Wlkssa and Blngrera. u. a. oign. aao not neon st.. St., Msrqnam bldg. ARTISTS' matertala. plrtaree end framing. H. Meorheoe. A Co.. SIS Alder et. CHERRY TREES of the only orlgnal parent tree, the new cherry, the Olant; trst claes treee. Jnllns Kalllch. Woodlswn, Oregoa. fP"0 NEW upright piano. $166; another upright, $30; or gas. 1 16- 34114 First, upstairs. WHITE Spits paps, cheep; boob better. Oak drove. Oregon City rarllne. B 81. Journal. Ft5B SALE -Complete notflt of ofSre furniture; orAoe for rant; a bargstn. L P. care journal. FOB BAIB Three patents; A coffee roe ale r PS ten ted September 11. 1806: s conveyer and djastable shsfthaaser; enlck. B. E. Wylls, No. 1 Bast Ninth st . Hty. FOB SALJS Fine pedis r.e bull terrier puppies 408 reos St., near orano are., mrria Or. PERSONAL. PfAWTattl aaiay aa asvoaaBapy rniiFeai aao email oeaneer ea trip to laiuov-ma ana then assist as hauaekeeper after arrival; Sate age. aad fall, particulars In Bret let- tar. J 14. Bars journal. DETECTIVE tlona: reps OsatMeatlal lnvestlgs red ea ladlvldeels. tbsk apareet lected: ISBwwam Jaj Ot afina S04-304 niadner Waahtagaaa sta. Paaaa iVaettva ' bide.. U MaTa 68 IS. all forma el eat vial et Pr area at womea. i ss. vritb ran gaseaa Sta. rertiana. vox WE acoB iron i seres saaar ZedaraKTl st bare taaoed mssaiBB n reaaoBaam; pi rieteetlva Sal ilia. Kb aad IBX1BS SILLS eare tea. Address or- sail I ga-Baya pSJStB8Baa gajbtj a asajajiis OMAL. a nauwaa Mumrii. rtiRRiER. Expert fitter, fate remade led. repaired aad aB female Ms as see SSt DB. fl. T. EBTCBUM ptly dtseeeee. kidney, bsivibs. skin aad sped female troahka. Call or write. OfSee 170 third st tar. TaxablU. Phone PactSe SH NT gear at wegtasTMB Be strong and if rtftT,B2,i..rr, fall xa.rantse. CWmeaaoa. arugglei. ts.. raroaaa or. TBB. Palme Tablets make as sea a! leap pat far tlpi they aare asrvsBssia aad ake P,'1" fll0vnes1ata.f sddreasBrooks' Drus Co.. 4T North Third St.. Portland. Ore goo. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Bare cwetst rheumatism. Bald by sll draggUta. B0LB ON-T rbenmattam. ens thing thst will rate your druggist for nara ill J. O. CUassaasa. drag- tunic or aililrrss glat. PartUad. Oregon. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregoolan bids.: U4 daye. gentlemen nlgbta. stale lBga. BOLLS HOSPITAL Repairing snd dreealng. 881 YamhU st. "THB ADVENTUREtaV' "Sweet Danger." "A arrlage la High Ufa,' "Twenty Tests us'llaa," "I-rlaoaw ef Benda," "A Social MlTbS seam eaeh. A. W. learns le Co.. First st. DB. BINO CHOONO. ImassW madirtaee; sells Chinese tee. certain care far til diseases. 181 3d., bet Yamhill aad faytar. SUl TB while yon watt. SO. Ladles' lirta or eased. 60a. t.. next to Quelle. Phone EUREKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The usual brsnches; Best aborthand ayatsxt, . 343 A ah. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hospital; quiet utet location sad peetel tare. Dr. Merrleoa et.. a. Sr$n 8TjMERikcBTt4SBlTt744. And swim, Hrike the big tank nt the Port land Natatorinm Baths: team and Turkish baths s specialty. See the big sign, "Batha." Open 8 a. m. to 13 p. m. Corner Washington gad Second sta. Expert ebieopodlat on hand. PHYSICAL culture, sll branches, aad massage; ndlrldnsl end clasa Instruction: price I noma a-'l if desired. The amgiev aeaooi. Alder St. - Phone Msln 1881. YOUR aheee of charge et the Model VIAYI CO.. Lewla bids.. 86014 Morrlaoa; health talks to women Thuradayi, 3:30 p. m. THB October MatrimonJal B8toter la Just gat. complete ever poatUheeV' 34 Russel nldf. MADAME ANNA LUOKBY M prepared ta re ceive old and new cos to mere ana patlente at 86114 Stark. Main 3011. BEST maaaatue clubs sear or Ices: exenta wanted. Ji ooea' Book Store. 381 Alder at., Portland. Or. WBBFOOT Oil Blacking eaves the leather; ab aolulely waterproof. MABBT Lergeet exclusive msrriage paper pnh , Uekad: 10c Beat sealed; BUB worth $100 te $160,040. U L. Lore. Bob 10, Denser, Cost. DR. T. J. PIERCE curee ell nervous, chronic aad private diseases; bath sells; office treat ment. 60c to 81. Call or write LSI First St., corner Yamhill. Portlsnd, Or. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin sad Osttsn Boot pllle are the ally aare remedy far dele red periods; by mall $3 pes hag. Addreee Dr. Pierce. 181 First St., Portland MADAME VABIPri. DERMATOLOGIST cures ail diseases or tae scarp ana race; ug fsstlas tkmfsaUss; old and new patients reorivetl 'st'so? "tL I rd' st cor. Taylor. THB baataass man's rest: positive cure for ner vauaneas sad sick baadach eta. Boom 4, 281 ' j Alder at. S Y0UNO ladlas give free snd scalp massags. llOVa Fourth, corner Washington. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mm. M. D. Hill, Room 330 Flledaer Bids. Phone Pacific 133. BECENTLY masnt manicuring parlors; ladles sad goatleaSTa. 861 Vt Morrlaoa st, room M. MISS RAYMOND glvsa (ace snd ecslp ssgs st 34SH Morrison St., room 14. MISS ENGLISH, chiropodist, gives electric. magnetic and scalp treatments. a' wash ington et., between First and Second. 1-3. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO Mentena Aaaay Office. 188 Mervssna et. AUTOMOBILES. envtv A OtkOK Motor Car Co., Fifteenth Waablnatnn Ageatt for Cadlllee r.reet Arrow and Btevens imrrea . maeataea rented, repaired sad stored. ARCHITECTS. . H M SNOBS, Architect. IIS Si rial et. ART. FREE LESSONS la embroidery every day; new stamped shlrtwslata. corset -covers, bo lero Jackets, hate nmbrellsa. eta. The Needleereft BBoav 883 Washington st.. Be ad rears srs. PROFESSOB R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder. Portrait and laadecape artist aad tsasaee. ATTORNEYS, BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolf A. 181-183 First St.. earriae a fall Una aad cem plete aeeeeejaeat at kswest axarket prlsss. B. BIBKBWWAtfa CO. 801 SSS Everett sT Lergeet katghers' sapply boose ea the coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. OWE, DAYIB A KII.H AM. 108 III Second at. Shah book maaefactaeers: agenta for Joaee Improved Loom Leaf hrdgers: eea the aew Eareka leaf, the hast or. the market CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 7. A. MELTON, the carpenter. 304 Fourth st. Store and office work. Msta 1T87. COLLECTION AOBNCY. i. n i l - attti -i i DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONBY7 WE COLLECT SAO DEBTS M NO cHabOB. CITlSENS' LAW COLLECTION CO., CITI- CARPET CLEANING. STANDABD Carpet fleaslns Co.. largest pleat ea the eoaat. Lorlng snd Herding rts tela fi'Wtv arcsseed air prooves; reaovstleg ssattresses ssd featbere a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleanla. eactloa sad csa wMtomt lugstrvjsrsL .yr COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO. aWCCywEeWCB ISf C. B DAVIS FUEL CO ALBIN A rUBL CO -Oeareev la smdaeed. eaal sad tree, a.d.dry M. trwrrnd. B BL Mf Albtaa aee. STEEL BBIDOB FUEL OOetomlere la eaat, satdaosd aad dry elehwood. Phone Bast 484. aria" AMwrpu-r1 - BOX. block aad slahwood. Star Boxwood ea rn Male lis I .:---a--r BX IBBBXBKXaa KBB CAFES. TafS OFFICE 388 Waahlaatea tt.. 771. Baaaaal YUneax. PEffS CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! Read! Read! THIS IS FOR Y wosof k'FULLT THB Madam fiarth knowledged by U. world te be U- greeteet tloo at uttering oae word, eie relkt roe last what yea asms for, how away la your fam ily sad sll about them. Telle names, dates aad facts. Telia yoa of tors, ajarrtagee, deaths, baits iss aneealatloaa. laesatmenta etc.; tocataa oft. gaa and minerals ef all kinds, remorse evil luB caa and leeches yea love, eel tee yea new to cos trot the one the asperated aad causes speedy sad con rental marrlasss. Me matter what year sea dltloa may be. MADAM BABTB WILL HELP YOU. 48 STARK. OOR. 13TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEE WITHIN FEW DAYS ONLY. 88 READING FOB $t. LWAYS CONSUL TBB BEST PROP, a. tail no. will marry, how to control the one yea love. Ks'-V aeaa though ml lee eway; reunlt era ted: rives secret I will do sll other tod: rives secret powers to control. win do sll ethers advertise to wSblt? THB POW. eve at steal aaaew. THE ENTIR1 HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH tHBfp KtS Or THE UNSEEN FOBCEB I BATE AT T COMMAND, and I prove It te pea with- - VbI'-tEwt-Vre. tin rou,). OB. aad lies la5PTICl TrfrTf. AS IT nn not urew Ttrta nppoRTUI WILL MOT BE OFFERED TO TOD AOAIN BORlTo'TtML DA ILY ANtUrrDAY. No. 366 Fifth St.. earner Madtaoe st CONSULT THE BEST! Prof. Wsllsee. the noted exsrrroyant. Palmist sod desd trsnce medium. Ths oldest In practice, glvee satlafactloa. He telle your peat, present and future. Telle your friends, enemies and rlvsls. Who snd when you will marry. Satisfaction, or be chergee you nothing Consult blm on oua Hires. Unaaalt blm hi km affairs. Ha eharnsa Pea oatr 80 cents. 841 U Morrison St., corner Seventh. MMB. SINGA, Bfypttsp eeereaa; healing through pstchlc force; reading, dally. tOc upward lBSI, 348 W Mr"0 "',,-- CLEANING AND DYEING. Sultorium Tailoring Co. Preaaliig aad cleaning: ladlea' work a specialty 127 Lownsdals at. Portlsnd Stesm Ciaaaing A Djelng Works: prac tical hatter la connection 311 4th. PeclSe SOT. moata Uslque Tailoring ft. W. TURNER, pro feanl nasi dyer 808 Jefferson st. Phone Mern 8818. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Padlcarlnt. Mra. M. D. Hill. Boom 830 Flledner Bldg. Phone Pee, ltt. DANCING. PtTBTLAND Dancing Academy, leading ecbool; ballroom etiquette, correct social sad clasnlc dancing: both sexes; young folks, adaita: in 'im. traction dally. SOS Alder. TsL M Prof. Btoglar. dancing maater. WOODWABD DANOiNO SCHOOL Clans. Mob.. Tbura. and Set. eve.; children's claae Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy nnd atep dancing taught. Fencing taught. Wastera Academy hell. cor. 2nd snd Morrison. Psclflc 1630. BROWN'S Dancing Academy. Burkhard hall. S87',s East Burnslde; phone Main 3718. Social dance Tueedaya; class night Thursdays. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, 838 st.. tor. Sixth. Oaarantee all Washington DRESSMAKING. n A rare tee Dreaemaktng Parsers, 343 Fifth snd Mala. Psclflc 883. . . w ' .raBSsaswwawamwaM ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Pacific ELECTBlo OO Sxsgiaiwe, eoatrao tora. rSpelrers. electric wiring. lupnUea. $4 First ass. Stark Mala 48$, B H. Tste. sagr. WESTERN BLECTBIC WOMS gl Sixth st. Costractors. electric eoppuee, i dynamos: ws laatall light sad pe EDUCATIONAL. USRV na Via BfAGfNMtn. teacher of Bag aararsiisue enms; water aeeia a specialty, studio s e nt n, . FURNACES. BOY N TON warm-air furnaces save reel J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.. HAY AND GRAIN. B L. COOPER PO. Potatoes, i 'nil. Soar. IBS Us too sea. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. THB HATTBB, 14 N. Sixth t.. cleans snd blocks soft sad stiff bate. Pea a mas a epseiaity. HOTELS. THE BBLLXYUB Fnartk sad Sslmoa ats Rooms 60c ap; rstes he week or moats; out-of-town trade solicited. PactSe ting. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooms from 86 seats ap; meant 36 coats. Seventh and Everett eta HOOD HOTEL 80c an: rates hp waaS or meat Sixth st meatk ; oat of-tewn trade solicited. 43 te 5 bloritt Itsjbd tlrptrrt HOTEL Pertlend Am set SOB plaa ; 88. S8 per day. BELYBDBBB; FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A I RON WOBKS 243 need era st.. cor. TBira. rnone maia suuu. IS? East Water et. Phone East HARDWARE, Portlsnd Hardware Co. ealletts opportunity ts its prices. T4 sixth st. I'sciae SOB. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITS (Ire Insurance. $44 JAB. Mcf. STOOD. dlt vldnal accident 47. 808 Meaay MACHINERY. S TBENKM A N A CO -Mixing, aawmltl. log Slnrma'Sa1 VpV 'KX'' GASOLINE saglnes. sll rise, and style, vt lowest prices Batmen Maehtacry Co . ISA 4 4 Morrlaoa st. !HB H. C ALBBS CO. -Seeoad hand SkV chlne-y sawmllla. etc. 348 Grand ve. MONUMENTS NS0 V irNOSLBY. SSS rrrei et. Part lasers lesdlas marble aad graBtte wotwi, MUSICAL. fNB of ' thelaVgeat tecka of ebeet mualc and hooka. Reduced discount! Be taasBsrt. UI'a Music Hoes., 17V Fourth etreet. PIANO, vtotta. baajo. t feesnr E. A Smith. I elariaet Pro- Itth. Main 4T4B. TBB WEBBER BTTDIO Mandnlm. be a to, gel-1 to, towtruefwa, Olb Braxeteilae. trAlCr. tae char IJBXBONN .10 eeat. on- sll Instraaaeata; vocal T6 cente- iBetrameats tae eevs. Mm. Mar tlB. 341H Flrat st. BSPEBT jrtami liiiitsap. repairing, eta. J, W. Logan, 874 Ore$oa tt. Phayaa East ISO- MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY MONEY PROPOSITION Muoeyte eaar tsget It yaaksreej where $14te ,$l0o!Wbee4terxasssa"Tt mmapt "tfs ksaa oa the eeay paymeat gasp tke Sebt. Yoa si the eesh. ail yea toy. ead repay to amuaata yea eaa eoavealeatly txaare yfiim aet die paaere. re on Ire as la dnisera. aa refaeenee to frlrnds or emplovev. open Taee, snd Set. evenlnpe until S e'ekeck Hutton Credit Co. 813 (6th tow) Bakam hats. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property er for katlglng paepoaea, tar from 8 to 10 yeare' time, wltk K viler, to repay all sr part of lost after l years. Loans approver! from plaa. and ey aura aeee aa netirnag mae-teeaea takea aa and realaeed. FRED B. StBONG, Flnsnctal Agent 34S Stark st THE bTAE LOAN CO. Any eelerled employe. wage earner, eaa get ea era sets, without H Month. WjeA mm grs?? to PIS w CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aatoMee. Ineurance paBatos. pianos, furniture, war-hose, re ceipts, etc.; say deserving perse -i may secure s fibers I advsuee repaying hp sssy weakly er monthly inatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN A TBUST COMPANY. SOS Abington bldg. MONEY LOANED TO BALA BI ED PBOPI.B Just oa yoap own name ao other security; 't borrow until you eee me; my aystem la beat for r a Oread men. rlerke. bookkeepers, streetcsr men end all other employee; boal neee atrlctly coatdeatlal. F. A. Newton. 434 Ablugton bldg. MONBY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others unoa their ewa ra BBBaas wins Ithout a I Mill ahaaaast re Sea. eel aaetoet pey meats ofdcee la 40 prioeipsl cities; ssvs YOLMAN SSS AbfaploB bldg"" 104 Third et. HEADQUABTBEB FOB BALART LOANS Money een he harrowed oa eaay narmeat 438 Mohawk bldg.. car. Third sad Morrison. IV ANTED Notes, xeortgsgee or caa tree la oa any kind of real estate In Oregon and Wsehtng teo: seeoad gpsHaago nurcbaeed if well as cured. H. B. NoUe. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN On city Improved real eatate at 8 and 7 7KI S3, s c or 6 years. Mealtoa A Srobey umbla bldg MONEY LOANED. In auras to suit, an furnl Hathseniy. room 10 Washington bldg. Pb-mi Pacific 1832. PRIVATE money to loan on, real eetate; rates reasonable : mortgages botrght snd eoM. O. A. Jesuaeet. 31$ Osasnaerrial black. $600 TO $6,000 te loss by privats party rsal eatate aeourtty at 6 sad T per t . agg vmxaaxeresai aiag. LOW rate on furniture, etc Flledner bldg., 14th snd 6c 2488. : cnnSdentlal. 338 Washing! ea. Pari- TO LOAN SB eelt en She Mar R. A. Frame S14 OPTICIANS. T & . 'CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArttSclal Eyee Fitted. fMoa. ScientlSeallr Corrected. fSB Seventh Street. DB B. J. MILLS Optometrist .snd Eyesight Specialist RooSAe 36-27. 833 Waahlngton Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB ARNOLD LINDSAY, it. floats sf the Osteopathic college of Kliksellle. Missouri, who . is apeclallat on rheumatlam. stomach aad rmale dfcsnasee. Office 410 Falling bldg.. 11 female corner of Third end waaningtea am. DBS. ADIX A NOBTHSUP. 418-14-lt Bepaaa bldg.. Third and Waahlngton eta. Pboni Main StP. Examination free, PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTS RY Artistic printing. 80 Itussel bldg.. Fourth and Morrleoa. Phoae rsclSc REAL ESTATE. PARHISH. W ATKINS CO. satsts, uesaranct, rental aad loan Alder at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder at., phoae Meln 710; rubber stsmpe. See Is. stencils; Baggage, trede checks; brsss signs snd plates. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO.. sanitary plumbers. SSt Seeoad bet Main and Salmon. Oregon Phoae Mala BOOL DONNKBBESa A tt A DEM AC 0 SB, removed ts 4 Bo. 803 Bornsld. at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. S BBACH B CO. The Ptooeer Paint Co.: window -g lam and gUxlng. UjS Fleet at Phone 1884. ROOFING. TIE ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general as- I Pas. 1484. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFBoO . eole axeate for Herrlng Hall Marvin safee and Mangaaeee Steel Safe On.'B bank isfes. The lergeet assortment of btgb-grsde ftfe aad borgUrroe aafaa U the northwest 42 Seventh si. DIEBOLD Mnnganeee end Bre proof safes: euc eeasfal progreee agatast burglar and Sre; lock onto opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expert with J. E. Davie 44 Third. Phone 1466. EIGHT aecoadhaad fElplutT aeemd hand bank safee for a safsa aad two at .a Sixth st.. Portlsnd. or. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTEB A Kt.ETSBB- SYflNS Wa hare built up lire lergeet algn business ta the city by flrat class work sad keeping our promises. Our prions srs right. Fifth sid Everett ets Phoae Ex. SB. F. P. BBRORB A SON. SSd TsmhlB it Sttaa at all kinds. Phone PactSe 3383, SIONS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. 8S7 Stark at Phone Pa rifle 1S44. Boal Oa, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES, SHOWCASES of every doBCriptlon; bank, bat axturea maae Be eeeee. iMjanv Mseuferturlng Co.. Portland. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAO0AOB OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO cop. Sixth tad Osk sta.; hexgage checked from hotel or residence direct to destlaetloa: peaeeagere therefore void rush sad annoy a see st depots. Private Exchange 48. SAFES. PUaed aad furniture moved, pecked C 0. PICK, afSce 88 First st. betweea Stark Bpd Oek ate., phone SSd: eta sea aad furniture moved aad Pcf Milpplag; cemmodkms brick warehouas with eepsrsts Iron ceo we. Front aad Clay ets. CUT rates ea kgaasheht aoadsJhslynm irunts'wtne wsttlns. Oregon AsSa-Dee patch. 18 Fktet st, raaaa axaxa i . - Off North Sixth. PI A NOS and fnrnltum moved. Callan Cesstaea Bros., st 866 Flrat at Mala till. INDBPENBBNT BAOOABB TBABSSEB CO. Storage 884 Btark Bt. Mats 4W. PQyrSPSXJl ALIJKtEB T No. Btthj Waak- Era McKay bid FINANCIAL I 400 WLTOB, aUaTstSBS BsMkhkekad to I . Traaaaats a Basasal Baahtaa Sejslasia. ratMitkeas stst ;Trijt4r . V"- JBer, omeae. Baa w is. earax, aaraa. rrnal M NATION Ax. a Stoahing BaaiaBBB. Drefta AB parts et bps wests, SBITBD STATXS NATtOBAJ. BAJTB 04? BaVaTSL SBSyll.tsTS, OJaBBOS. NorThweet Coeoer Third sad Oak Street . th. vsrss? zrTxsrnSs:; Xerv Kxm I EC?eil AINEWOBTB I CaahJee .......B. W,.aSWgH I Vtee-Preaideat p. i.p. aAENSi Aaatotopt Cajfeier . vm.seBtel Aavatotaat Gaidar .....aV at, wIMSrS . O AVXEBS' LUMBEBMESTS BANK-Pertlaad. Oraagp, en we n( creau leeuea avsiiseie in Sll DC C. PI MSB H. l It A Lii. . . First' Vtee'- joh: NO . Seeoad Vee TaYS BANK OF OAXIFOBITIA Eatahlksbed 1484. A Oeaeealaakiag aad Bxcbange Beatrixes TreaaaeteA ATINS BSaaswapaPK latereet ea time tap sal ta aecouata ope Bed for as em et $14 sad apatsgS PartUad Branch Chamber ef Commerce Sandbag. Wht A. MACBAB Maapar I J. T. BCSyrCBA SIX AaatrtaeS Maaaeee B-IKST NATIONAL BASTS $t PORTLAND. I Dealgaated Depoaltery aad 'aad .VOBD Preafdeat a v Aaatstaat Cashier .ay. C AL' . . Lettrre of Credit iv lis lire ta SUht Beakaaaa ..A ' OV. mSi St. Beapkaag lekew Yokohama, syahssta. CrWtianle. TRUST COMPANIES. kOBTLABB TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON RESOUBCl am OYER Bl.T8B.arai. Oaaeral haul (even hundreds! en dally balance, ef $606 er pane ox toe worts, nsetnaa . omenta, rai I late ee certlflcste. $886 er over. $U te 4 pat eeat. Ermtbeaat florae. Three and Ash 84 I: COHEN Preetdeat i B 1.EH PAfl aostt Becretarr J. SECTBITY SAY Tranaaets a ee Time aad tAVlnOt A TBTJST COVPAhTY Credit Avallsble ta AB a p. A. U MILLaV '.'. '. . Seeoed ' Ylee-PraajdeBt I eSQ P. BirSSBU. nr MOBTOABE OtJAHANTIE A TBVST Tea sea eta a Oenaral Banking Beet see. .sespanmaui! par cent lalsrest snswsa. , CAPITAL ..,..j O. W. WATEBBUBY Pesstsaat t fk aTlhe' Temple. Seeeath TntAk Stielm 'H BTHWXSTEBN 0UABABTXB TBTJST Lumber Exchange 8. B. Corner EeeoBd FIBf'AI, AGENT State. Coanty, Municipal and (Srrporatten Baaek) SasTJB WeMawSylaa. J$yEsSaaW SaHl IWjMsW WW em...mi nprni otjabantee a trust company st wasbtshiton stbeet. MUSTSAAE LOANS aa Portlsag Seal Titles tnauren J. THORBURN BOSS. QEQBOS sac., ..Tlea-1 BONDS AND M OBBIS BBOTHEBS.-Ohamber ef Oeatmeree Muntelpsl railroad sad DOWXINe-HOPKINS COMPABT-Estsbllakad STOCKS. BONDS BRAIN Boasht Priests Wires. BOOM 4 CBAMSB B I 2. C. LEX COMPANY lt-t4 Lafayette Brokerage Department gee Pt awfwre Buying or Belllag ttoeks 0UI8 f. WILDE HOME TELXPB0BI Member Portland Stock Exckange. Corner Sixth and Wsshlngteat Btreete, forttoad. OYertcck, Starr & Cooke Co. STREET FA VINO. WARREN CoBBtaacttoa Co- street i BavAap aMav w.lks and croaalnga. 814 Lumber sUataeam. THE Barber Asphalt Paeleg Co. at PartUad Qfgce 45SWort e.ter r Din. . TYPEWRITER8. TOWEL SUPPIsT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap. tn per mestb. Portland Lasndee and Towel reapply Co.. Ninth and Orrooa. Phoae 410. TELEPHONES, THS oaly eaclualv. telephone-hoeee. B. Electric A Telephone Manutaelurlnxj ee pany. pg Finn st WINDOW SHADES. 1ALB WINDOW SHADE CO. SPY SalaaBa Bt. .lain aad fancy sbsdee madi ts order gl loweet prlcee. Phops Msla SaTS. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBETMAN LBATHEB CO.. Jobbers ol sddlery. bnrdware, heme . goods. Matber. flad lags snd shoe atom eappllae. rift aad Oak. M. A. OFKST B CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. OBBGON Furniture Manufacturing Cpeap Ma.ufacturere ef farnltom for tke trede. Pnrtlartfl. OfsTOR- FURNITURE msnufsetariag end speclsl stdece. L Eoteaehy't furniture factorj. 870 Fmat st W ADH A MS A CO factarsrs ssd eommlaalea mercbaats. Fourth nd Oak at a ETBRDIN0 A F ARB ELL. produce and , eommis elos meeehente. 144 Front st. Portland. Or. Phone Main ITS. A I. LBN B LEWIE, com ml eel oa sad produce seer i be am Freest snd Davis sts.. Portia ad. OP. , STEIN A WAYNE -Jobbers grocer. 308 Seeoad et. ead wholsesle WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California of wine. re a xlaae. toe aepet; ail stasia Cooke' and Cooks Help- era Hradqnarters. 144 Feaxrtk at. tlfto 3183. P. LaratL PUeaa fa- TEACHER SPREADS DISEASE IN PORTSMOUTH SCHOOL Is Taken Down With Diphtharia and Communicates It to Thraa of Har Pupils. Became a teacher n tba Portsmouth school, who believes thst will power odn curs dlwanc. went to Bar work whan school enpened antl taught har r lasses for three daye, an epidemlo of diphthe ria la threatened at that MhoBT. Three children hBTa since been taken down with diphtheria, Tb room and cloakroom uted by the taevn4r nave been fumlpated, and every precaution ts being taken by the health authorities to prevent a further spread of the dip ease. The teacher is MlPB BpSi Jenktna of 3$ North Seventeenth Btret. She felt 111 when Bchool opened September 1 7. but had no Idea aba had been BBfyoasd to diphtharia On the morning; of the Itth she collapsed. Har mother took har home on th streetcar, Aa th family la of the Christian Sklenilat falls, bo doctor vena celled In. The yotitiB woman gnaw worse, kypwaver. and three da eat later Dr. George r Wil son, Wha asaeBBmmmmmj ns ax once re- nwrted the t malignant dtj BANKS. 1444.1 made at aS Besets e SBth era, wamiatuea xmerwaja FMsenaea ead atawtaaa sad Billkh OiBt mills, ewaaeay. a Nt. Buagekeag, Yahohama. Maalte sa4 Eatsrtkl i.piOn ssd Latteee ef credit hmsil A caJleetxeas a aBeataaxs BOBTLAJTB. ItaVBmSB. a$d Jtark gtteetav ate, akesSIt end savtasa rre or xne woria E . . . . v. .a. t 11 mm TT." 0B BOOB. Ftaaselal Ageat ef the Catted Fln.iei.1 i HS!S rESWBTBl Aeetetaat Cssbter Sk $. STBtBtia) Europe sad the Easteea Sta toe . mmlS ea Tl ---- fBl.. Bt. IBhX Sekedxa, St. Pil.MSmg. Miimw. etorlsA. The Oldest Truet Cempaay 3 ner rent latereet ea Chech Letters ef credit aad arena a re ea imnnssm 3 to 4 ner eeat: saees ean Call for Book of ''IT.LUBTBA'TIONS. mete Phone Private SsahBBPt fl H L. PITTOCK .Flee I O OOI.TBA . . ABatst sat 886 Parts sf the Wests. fe tl. SfTE . . . ABstotaat aaeretory COMPANY BABTB. latereet Paid as Time Ssviasa eompemnded axtattorty. .BHirftT:".... COMPANT - Peetlaad. ftoeayea. nd Stark mBaems i FOB CORPORATIOrtB. Beasfht aai Said. New aa Estate at Loweet Betes asetraeta rare-saee Secr.tary aTsmeaa INVESTMENTS. Bldg. nabtto asrvtee earaarBttoa boeda. lttd BB0XEBS. aad Bald fee Cash st ea of CO MMB BOB Bldg.. B- 1 sr B Dooahua. ta. Caa Always Step Tea htoaep. iet WtrMio. Eight Thousand Cords 3 DrvSlabwood hf nst Eto Bold Before Meat BpxiJaS Xtsy SBor 4-foot Wood a.S5 P load Portland Slabwood Co TBL hCaln 311S. dj health officer, warned the doctors of Portsmoajth and vicinity of that danger of a spread of the dlsaaae, and aa aoon aa three arlrl, Bta Cate, Edna Campbell nd Alice Joy Houston, were taken el ok, their eea oa war at ones reported. The rooms were fumigated by Wil liam Beutelspacher, deputy health of ficer, and the usual flaLffe planed at tS)a houaea of tha patlenta. There has bean no Interruption In the routine at the Portsmouth school, aa Miss Jenklna' place Waa temporarily filled. THIS IS WAGNER NIGHT AT THE OAKS At the Oaks tonight rrCrbano'g bated win devote their entire program to Wagnerian selections and solos. This week and next week will end the oppor tunity to enjoy tha music and the maay attractive faaturea of tha Oaka. BE this popular resort will positively oloee Sun day night. Opto bar is Tba following? la ths program for tonight; March "Nl redan gen" Wagner Prelude Lohengrin" Wagner Baritone Solo "Sventng Star". Wagner eUfnOF O. CHulll. Entrance of Bridal Cteorua Act 3, 'T.o- krengrtn' , Wagnar laterntlsslon. March- --Tannhaueer" Wagner Ovarture'T'Bnrvhaiiaar' Wagner "Album Leeaf Wagnar nt" . - Soothes Itching nktn. Heals outs or burns without a Scar. Cures pi lea, ac- xema. salt rheum, any itning. inutns blntnvant Tour drugplat sails It. REV. ALEXANDER HENRY VISITING IN PORTLAND Hew. Alexander Henry. D. D.. the sec rotary of tha Presbyterian board of publico. Hon and Sabbath achool work. Is vlaltlna tha synod of tha Pacific coadd atatee and will spend Bagasay In this city. A year ago last aprtng. whet Dt. Edgar P. Hill declined tha same dtspi tlotv Ur Ffenry was chosen. He wSI preach la tha PI ret Presbylsrlan imBfSk Sunday morning snd In tba Third) enures, Sunday evening. Ta the aflSFBlsa at S o'olork ha will address a rally of PTas hreterian Sunday sxihtepj workers 84 rtrst church and they are all psosstdd to be nraaant . ! . h a Tea., wrltea. Ltetaaamt MRS. WWSLOW'S ' 'mwrFwi oaTwra a bwttls- J uly"!'. uil ; "a thV "'iZgtt vt. used for BtBttoahs JV''.