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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5. IX OMpvC'V'Ptr V ld H 0" a55555gflvv Jtfy mWr'jtm PVflfUMi XU0hRH 9 l Btmrnm-L Dr-S jf aBaasH lar I America's Greatest Clothing Fire Sale Best of $150,000 Smoke and Water Damaged Fine Stock of the Palace Cloth)ng Co.,St. Paul,Minn.,oti sale at ROKTUWLST CORNER Fwt That summer midnight, when the lightning flashed and thunder roared as though the armies and navies of the world were in mortal combat, St Paul's greatest and best clothing establishment was wrapped in the embrace of the fury of the fire fiend and the Palace Clothing Company was reduced to ruins. Heroic work by the fire department saved many thousands of dollars' worth of the best grades of merchandise. The department by super human effort saved from the flames Hart, Schaffner C& Marx and Moore, Biers & Co.'s finest products, but not in absolutely perfect condition. Smoke and water had done their, work. The Boston secured this fine stock at a mere iota of its worth and will sell it at a sacrifice sale at 20 per cent of wholesale value. In. some instances prices will be so low on this elegant stock, that the earth will tremble beneath the feet of multitudes that will rush to the GREATEST BONAFIDE FIRE SALE ever held under Oregon skies Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing Moore, Biers & Co. Clothing AND OTHERS wholaaaU tailors, that an the peers of the clothing . Quality argument, enoueh for arts oerson. and 10. over 40 per cent of value, according to condition, to bar- t tJM world buying. H , S. A M. I mm mm LOT HO. s For 5L. 8. It HalO falr condition to fls.S Suits. Hart Schaffner & Marx Overcoats and Cravenettes Products of tfat world, will bs sold at this 20, 30 and in no ohm at ain argument encash to " mm LOT NO. 1 For alts. $3.75 $4.75 mr mm LOT MO. 4 For $0.10 food condition to LOT MO. bsttsr condition. LOT MO. I For fSJr condition to 1 For H.. 8. 8 M. Suits. H.. 8 If. 15 00 BaltS. 0 TC OT NO. For H. 8 K. 30. IO bMt condition to ttO.OO Suits. mm LOT MO. s For H.. ft. M mQ fair, good condlUon 136 00 Suits. til TC LOT NO For H . 8 M A I I. O nssrljr perfect condition to T-"""' 140.00 Suits PULL DRESS AND TUXEDOS $fl mmWt NO. 10 For H, S. ML . I. A ran Dress and Tuxedo to tso.oo Cost sod Test. These srs In $3.75 good ordr. LOT Ma 11 For H, 8 M roll Drsss sod Tussdowto lit oo Cost and Vest, esse la fairly mm mm LOT no. Is Tor H.. s m Jtd.iO r Dr" and Tuxodo. silk and to 118.00 itln lined, worth Cost sad Vest. LOT MO. IS Best condition and Dress sad Tuxsdo Vest. The top of els- sano In stjrls sad workmanship. Worth up to 160.00. mm mm LOT NO. Is- 2000 Pairs Pants This stock, mostly la prime ntmdlMsa, le all of the hlb-elsss or finest hand-tailor-made H S. a M. sad Moors, Biers Co. LOT Ma U 954 drost lot. all kinds LOT MO 91.45 Bl lot. up to 14.00 value, LOT NO. M SI. 95 Bis lot, up to fCM sains. LOT NO. 24 52.45 Bis lot, ap to value. LOT NO. II 51.45 Oroat lot, extra fine, to lio.oo Vests m LOT NO. etc.. worth to $1.10. NOTICE We will be compelled at different times during this sale to close ear doors and the building to all customer for a time, for we have de cided the best way to handle this great firs stock to to keep it arranged in good selling order, and in clos ing oar doors from 10 to 30 minutes at a time from six to tea times a day will give the salespeople the opportunity to rearrange the stock and keep it in good order for the people to examine. ii ssssassasssssssssssssssssss Young Men's Suits LOT MO. 17 f 5.25 For decant materials, soiled 110.00 Suits LOT NO. It 55.75 For better condition Bolts. LOT MO. II 55.75 For almost perfect condition to tll.M Salts. LOT Ma to 59. 75 For extra coed order H., ft. a M. to f 0.0 Suits. Knee Pants Suits LOT NO. LOT NO. LOT NO. LOT NO. Suits LOT NO. I. 00. LOT NO. Oypo 1 1 unity of Tears. si 55s) For odds worth to S 95s For a fine, bis lot. Is 51.9,5 For sa Immense fine 1st. 1455.16 For fine order of very rtee 5 59.55 For best qualities, worth up to I 55.55 For sll kinds worth up to 112.00 ar aaar n as sTsel Bsawta ass 5Baa. .aHia9Bs?o SBFia7"SKViaaUDMSBe BaassassPIBBl affTC'-'aaTHMMfBuW ssnRSfBaaT BBsnsuaMy' XasTB'alfsvSs6KfOHlQlsBSS SaKSKaSlfiiiMwBa auMwIWrVWmBasBBr satv I rW This elegant stock of overgarments to a chance of a century. The name of Hart Schaffner ft Mars on the labels, besides the Palace's own specials and other great brands, all of the finest kinds. $2.75 $4.75 $6.75 $9.75 LOT NO. 14 For soiled and damaged $15.00 Over costs. LOT NO. 15 For soiled and damaged to $25.00 Overcoats. LOT NO. 16 For good condition Overcoats sad Cravenettes, worth up toxjo.oo. LOT NO. 17 For - select condition rercoats and Cravenettes. eleasnt. to $35.00 value. 11 7C LOT NO. 18 For best grades and 4711.1 O $40.00. good condition Overcoats and Crav enettes, the world's best, worth to Odd Vests and Coats LOT NO. 19 A bif lot, all colors, kinds, sisesj first lot, choice Coat and Vest 55.55 LOT NO. 20 Second choice, better condition and qualities Coat and Vest $3.75 WARN I N O This sale is conditional in this respect: That we sell no goods on approval or approbation. We have bought these goods to sell at the lowest prices ever known for fine grades, , and must decline to -fill mail orders. Sale opens daily at a. m. Come early. Men's Shoes The high character of this Footwear needs no introduction. The prices quoted are only fractional values. So for big lot, sll kinds, f 1.45 Calf, Velour, Vua. Box, etc. 51.95 bench-made Goodyear welts; 1,000 pairs; all sixes, styles snd lasti. 55.55 hand bench-made, latest styles; more than 2,000 pairs of the finest Little Boys' Shoes 55s for. ""big lot to $1.25 value. 654 far big lot to $2.00 value. Big Boys' Shoes T4 for big lot .broken to $1.75 value. f 1.15 fine lot to $2.25 value. 91.65 extra fine lot hand bench goods. Women's Shoes THE BARGAIN HARVEST OF THE TIMES. 35s Damaged, but good quality. S5s Good order; good styles. 91.46 Patents, etc 51.65 Great big lot of the finest and best -grades and styles known. Misses' Shoes 664 for s big lot good ones. 65s for s fine lot, good condition. gl.45 best quality dress and street Footwear. Women's Cravenettes 96.75 for choice of a big lot Cravenettes; light, dark and medium colors; worth $15.00 to $25.00. Skirts f 5.55 for a big lot Women's eSkirts; worth up to $15.00. Jackets 62.55 and 56.56 for a big lot of Coats worth up to $20.00. Hats 46 for a big lot, worth to $2.00. 564 for a big lot, worth to $3.00. f 1.56 for a big lot; 500 styles; soft and stiff; latest styles; worth to $5.00. Furnishings S9 for up to $1.00 Underwesr. 69et for up to $1.50 Underwear. 99s for up to $2.50 Underwear. Shirts tl.OO Shirts. 50 Shirts. 12.50 Shirts; cassimere. We will not undertake to list and describe the big furnishing goods stock. Everything that men, youth and boys wear will be found in this sale. The greet sacrifice of this fins fall stock, just st the beginning of the ses son. will cause the jam of jams in this de partment. Come early; come before noon. for up to 664 for. up to for up to The Palace Clothing Company Maurice L. Rothchild, Proprietor, St. Paul, Minn. Stood at the vary pinnacle of fame. It was not surpassed by any establishment in the clothing trade in the world. The elegance and richness of the goods carried in stock, the elaborate and costly fitting of The Palace Clothing Company of St. Paul was a standard of storekeeping seldom reached in the annals of shop facts. The destruction of this great establishment was a signal that any goods saved would be aold in bulk to some big concern. The Boston Store of Portland, through its eastern organisation, secured all the choicest Hart, Schaffner ft Marx and other great makers' best goods not burned, but smoke or water damaged at 20 per cent of value. The talk of the clothing world from New York to Chicago is how it happened that a way-out west town got the plum. It's this: Spot cash, and remember the Boston Store is the largest spot-cash dealers of distress merchandise in America, if not the world. Offices and affiliations extend from coast to coast. . ass