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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4 IK. Irresistibly Delicious AFTER FIVE DAYS OF HORROR The palate-tickling flavor of this delightful syrup will fascinate you. It is an irresistible sweet for your breakfast, luncheon and supper table, possessing a refinement and flavor which you will find in no table syrup other than Towle's. Kd ifl AjjH bA aV 1 1 "JET A HI Bf jgss B?i9IH j ffifcj2 Ss mmbbcb III sassssssssssssssW 71 H V fSBHr .AHEk. BW AflWJl was VMM BVMbW ft Towle's ftfesnt Wew geeviee,) New Terk. Oct. have lived on the sea for 10 year and have passed through many harrowing experiences, kut never tn my Ufa did I consider my position aa dangerous aa Just before we were rescued from the bark Thus spoke Mrs. Anna Robinson, wife of Captain Robinson, commander of the British hark Austria. which wrecked In a hurrloana off Cape Hat teraa, and who with the crew of 16 was rescued by the Hamburg-American At las Una steamship Altai. "I am thankful that I am alive today to tell the story." Mm. Robinson said. Whenever I am tn danger I trust aolely to the Almighty, end ha baa always oared for me " Captain Robinson, commander of the Austria.' ta one of the veteran sea cap tains of Liverpool. Ba la Tt years old and has followed tha sea since ba waa eight years old. and haa traveled to all parts of the world many times. Mrs. Robinson baa accorapaned him on every voyage ha haa made for tha past ! years. With the exception of a brief period. Captain Robinson had command ed the Austria for it years, and both he and airs. Robinson had become greatly attached to the old wooden bark and wept bitterly When the vessel was aban ad'.Ml. "We left Oulfport. Mississippi, i Au gust 10, bound for Rio de Janefro with a cargo of lumber," Mrs. Robinson said. "Everything wont well until we were off Cape Hatteraa. There wa ran into a hurricane which lasted for two daya and nights. "A leak waa sprung and the hold filled rapidly. The pumps became choked and It was Impossible to work them. The wind blew with hurricane force, and gigantic waves broke oyer the bark. The foremast and weatbershaft snapped like toothpicks. "Salt water became mixed with our fresh water supply, and not a drop of drinking water waa obtainable for two days. The gal ley a were flooded, and practically all of the food on board be came soaked with salt water. "We hoisted a dlstresa signal. All of that night and the following day and On the upper left is the Austria as she was abandoned, taken by the en -' ginear of the rescuing steamer. In the upper right corner is Mrs. Anna Robinson, wife of the Austria's captain. Below is tha crew of the de serted ship who ware rescued off Cape Hatteraa. night. It seemed that the velocity of the wind Increased hourly. It waa not until the morning of September II that the hurricane abated. Then we drifted help lessly about until early tn the morning of the lath, when our signal waa noticed by the Altai and two lifeboats were sent to u. "The Austria's condition could hardly have been much worse than at the time we ware taken off. The lumber was all that kept her afloat." Buffalo Convention. un eW.u Christum c r.Vfh On ace.unt of the big convention of churches at Buffalo October the Canadian Pacific haa made 184.50 for the round trln. Tickets on sale October I and Long time limit. Make your sleeping oar reservatlonn now. Double dally train service, for further particulars, can on or address F. R. Johnaon, F. A P. A.. 142 Third street. Portland. Oregon DESERTS HUSBAND FIMGE Wife Of Wealthy Manufacturer Leaves Him Because He Is Stingy. The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment ia the soda cracker, and yet the only soda cracker of which this ia really true ia Uneeda Biscuit - The The The soda cracker scientifically baked. Ode cracker effectually protected, ode cracker ever fresh, crisp end clean, soda cracker good et ell times. C In a dust right. moisture proof p achat. NATIONAL BISCIXT COMPANY (Hearst News Service.) New Tork. Oct. J. "If a stealthy hus band Insists on being a miser to his wife, doea aha sacrifice her character If she deserts him and becomes .a show girl In order to earn enough money with I which to support herself v t Thle question waa raised last evening by lira. M. W. Becton, the handsome voung wife of M. W. Sector), a wealthy manufacturer of surgical instruments She 0 appearing in tha performance of i "My Lady's Maid," at tha Casino thaa t re. Since Mrs. Becton has separatee , from her husband, whom ahe charges with being a "stingy miser." and gone 1 on the stage, her friends who live In the Mornlngatde Park section view hsr move with grave concern. . I first met Mr. Becton shout three years ago." ssld Mrs. ' Becton last even ing. She prefers to be called Miss Vlda Moore," which la her stage name, l After we were married we want to live at No. (2 Mornlngslde avenue. He bought me an automobile and several horses and carriages. A few months later he became a changed man and didn't appear to ba ao affectionate aa before. The real trouble began whan ha commenced to cut down my allow I ancs. After a while he became so (stingy that he even sold tha horses, oar 1 rlages and the automobile, i' "I often pleaded with my husband for money, but ho just laughed at me. Af I fairs became eo bs that t didn't hnve ! money with which to purchase good 1 rlothea. I told him If his conduct didn't ' improve I would leave him and earn my own living on the stage. He didn't 1 seem to care and so a few weeks ago . 1 joined the company of My lady's Maid.' last Thursday evening waa my first performance and 1 wasn't a bit ; nervous. Some people have talked about ma because I have gone on the stage, but I Intend to stlok to It." Mr. Becton, who is In business st No. I 12. Dusne street, could not be seen yes terdsy. A young msn In the office , said: J? v,. ! . ."Mr, Beeton does net feel ll being Interviewed this afternoon." Log Cabin Pen -o-che Syrup is made from absolutely , pure West India cane sugar deficioosly sweet and whole some, and wholly unlike the common Sugars of the Trade It is this delicacy and Sweetness and our special process of rdming that imparts to our Log Cabin Pen-o-che Syrup an exquisite taste and flavor impossible to describee The Book "Pen -o-che Secrets" free 100 new Candy and Dcsaert Receipte If yoo writ The Towle Makers of Maple Syrup Co., St. Paid, Minn. the famous Log Cabin Maple Syrup and Log Cabin Molasses HINDU GIRL SENDS HER THANKS Ward of Hop Mission Band De lighted With Presents Sent From Portland. SHE HAS NEVER SEEN SUCH THINGS BEFORE Thanks Her American Benefactors Through Her Teacher, Who Tells of Wonderful Progress Girl Haa Made in Educational Work. The Osha (Hope) mission band of chll jk . mmji hmu artuita suDrjortlna and educating a child at Hope school. Cal cutta, India, received a letter yestsrday from Hrs. K. C. Avetoom, wife of s r-ai,,, harrlator tha first meaaaare that haa arrived here from Mrs. Buk- hoda Banarjee since ner departure irora Portland for Calcutta July S. Mrs. i..ii,Am ta thr siinertntrnrient of HODe school, the college founded by Mrs. Banarjee, and now under tne super- ialon of the Nasarene church of Los v ..-.I r'olifnrnt tt wan In the In terest of this school that Mrs. Banarjee came to America, ana ner successful mission has placed the Institution In miat excellent financial condition. The Osha band la the only organisa tion of Ha kind In the United States, fori the reason that It la not under the direction of any churcn or board, but sends Its beneficence directly to tte charge. what tha letter Bars. Whsn Mrs. Banarjee left Portlsad for her home title organisation sent wnn her to Hori. Its sdoptsd daughter, a boa full of wearing apparel and little READ AND YOU WILL LEARN Tbst the leading medical writers and teacner or ail tne several schools of practice endorse and recommend. In the strongest terms possible, each and every ! Ingredient entering Into the composition I of Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery for the eure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of Stomach, "liver complaint." torpid liver, or biliousness, ehronle howel i affection, and all catarrhal diseases of ; Whatever region, name or nature. It Is also a peelflo remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec ! tlons and their reaultante, as bronchial, throat sad lung diseases (ascent consump tion) accompanied with severe soughs. It I but not so good fog acute cold end coughs, It is lous In prod foot cures. It contains Black CharrybarU, tut for (loa-orlne. or especially effleaeioi ehronle eases In producing per- DUU Ami The Best Scouring Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Glaae c! ?Uh - V ImMm AabI ma! nWwlAAt Afetn Mandrake root and Queen's roov all or which are highly praised as remedies for $11 the above mentioned affections by such mineot medical writers and teachers as 'rot. Bartholow, of Jeff arson Med. Col- II Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.; f. Finley Elllngwood, M. D of Ben- They had been talking about the Mar quis Townahend. '1 didn't know a Marquis ranked so high.'' said s girl In white. "Dear me," sad an Englishman, "didn't youT Why. a marquis ranks next to a duke." He paused to sip his tss snd take s tele grass ssndwtch. "Marquess, not marquis," he went on, "Is the more aocurate use of the word. It is as spelt and pronounced in Burke. Shall It tell you the degrees of the English aristocracy? The knowledge may j be useful to you when you come to con tract sn International alliance, eh? "After royalty comes dukes. The pre mier duke Is Norfolk, the fifteenth of his line. After duxes come marquises. After marquises come eerie. After earls come viscounts. After viscounts come herons. After barons come baronets. After baronets come knights. "This, thrn. Is the order: puke, mar quis, earl, viscount, heron, baronet, knight. I don't mention lords. A lord Is sn sari -the Earl of Craven, for In stance, Is as often called Lord Craven or else the title Is only the courtesy one j accorded to the yonnger anna of Hokts as Lord Itsndolph Churchill, segead son , ef the Ouks ef Marlborough." nett Med. College, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. u.. late of Cincinnati ; Pro! John M. Scudder, M. D.Jate of Ctncln lata of Cincinnati ; Prof. ,ti : Prof. Bdwln M. Hale. M. D.. of ahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent Ir their tmann Med. College, of others eqnally eml I school of practice. "Oolden Medical Discover? " is the medicine put up for ssle through IIKl publicity of on the bottle wrapper Is the beet possible "iff enJy dnutai more ste for tMrtonnl endorsement an any number of nrdl ro( than monlals. Open e purposes, tbst uss sny it worm nary teett- Its formula guaranty of Its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Oolden Medical Diaoovery" contains no poison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol R" emlcallr pure, triple-refined glycerine lug used Instead. Glycerine s entirely ectlonshle snd besides is a most I Ingredient In tha cere of all stom- s well as bronchial, throat and uns affections. There ia the highest medical authority for Its use in all such cases. Tha " Discovery " is s concentrated glyc eria estreat of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. , booklet of tracts from eminent. Ileal authorities, endorsing Its Ingre- tddreag raouast. trinkets the children believed the Hindu girl would be pleased to receive, end the following letter telle the story of the child delight: "170 Lower Circular Road. Calcutta. India. Aug. SO, 110. My Deer Miss Har-ourt, 800 Vast Thirty-first street. Portland. Or.: Many thank for your kind letter and far your dear favors. Wa read your letter to Hori, with which ahe was very pleased. Mrs. Banarjee arrived here safely about 1 daya ago, after a very pleasant voyage. We have received your money safely, and tt ia quite all right to send it directly to us instead of through the board. I ex pect that a good many friends will do this. It really makes no difference. We-gave Hori all the beautiful things you sent her. I cannot attempt to da acrlbe her delight, aa she looked at one thing after another and exclaimed. 'How lovely, how aweet! I cannot say how I feel. I never had anything Ilka thla before.' "The white end pink jackets (called waists In America) fit her exactly, but the dark blue striped one ia too large. The quilt charmed her, and also the pink comb. She says. 'Who has ever seen a pink comb before? f never have In all my Ufa!' I wish you could have seen her taking the thing out of her box. The handkerchief ia the walnut waa one of the thlnge that greatly delighted her. es did also the sliver thimble with her Initials. Her eyee glistened more and more as ahe ex plored the box and heard who every thing came from. The doll's hands and feet moved. This astonish ad her, of course. They all enjoyed the sweets They arrived In splendid condition, and plenty of little hands were held out for a taste. "After Hori hsd seen everything, I nsked her what I should write to you "Oh, I do not know; I am too happy Just now to think. Tell them I prey Ood may bleee them. Tell them that I love Jesus snd pray to him.' grays 11 ve Times Daily. "I asked her when shs preyed, to which she replied: 1 go Into the i-mynr room five tlmee a day first when get up, then before school, then n the evening, and of course before I go to bed.' "he aald all thla so simply. I asked her to tell you what booka shs is road Ing. She ssid, "Tell them I am begin ning grammar, geography anil poetry, besides my other reading books. Tell them I am reading tbs Psalm snd an other book which I can not quits under stand. I forget the name. I will go and fetch it.' "What do you think ahe brought back? It made us laugh. It was one of Brother Biswss' college books In Bengallc. called 'The Bible and Science. I am sure you will think that Is very good for a t-year-old girl, when you remember that it months ago Hori did not know her alphabet. From thla you will aee what a dear little girl you nave got. "Klierods, Mori's mother, wishss me to thank you all very much for your presents to her. She had never aeen such a handkerchief. She saya, 'I can not express my gratitude, and I thank Qod for all they are doing for Hon When we think of what we were and what (Jot la doing for us, we long to serve htm. Fray that our minds and hearts may be drawn dally nearer to Qod. We long to see you all. we knew we shall, some day, but whether In thle world or the next we cannot say. "Ton ask Hori what shs needs. She csn not need much sfter sll you sent, but I think she would vslue s Bsngallc Bible and hymnhook from you. The Bible tn the beat binding would coat tt and the hymbook tt cente. Of course we can give, her these, but coming from you she won Id appreciate them mora. "Now I think thle Is all the news. With Mrs. Banarjee's and my own love to all, and of course Horl's tons of love, we are, ytfura In the Lord Jesus. "(MRS.) at C. AVBTOOM." GlLLETT THRESHER DESTROYED BY FRE (SprcUl Dlptb to Tbt Journal.) La Orande, Or.. Oct. 4. William Gil lette, who brotight his steam threshing outfit over from Umatilla county. Buf fered s. lose by fire Mondsy evening while threshing on a farm near Ntbley. The separator and the derrick was a total loss ss well aa about one half a sta k ef barley Aside from the per sonal loss to the owners of the machine snd grain, this will reduce the number of machines, which means those who hsd expected Mr. Gillette tn do their threshing, will now here to look else where, snd sa sll the machines are well supplied with ordsrs these may have their harvesting delayed. The Kind Ton Have Mwvjn Boafht and which ha la uae fop oror 80 years, has borne the signature and hat been made under his aonal gaperriaion alnoe its Infancy. Allots-no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imttattott and -Jnst good are bo Experiment, that trifle with end endanger the health of Inmntc and Childr n Baperlenoe against Experiment, What is CASTORIA hi a nannies gubstltu e for Castor OH, fori , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotl substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcveriahncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' olio. It relieves Tee cuing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, h gMsimilatee the Food, regulates tbs Stomach and Bowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep. The Children Fahsoss The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bests the Signature ef The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. SSSSSSM)MSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMSSMSMStSMsS "High Standard" Paint ! 2rtd atid Taylor Sit. i VETERANS CELEBRATE WRONG ANNIVERSARY (Joerasl Sseelsl lervtee.) Salem. Oct. 4. The members of Sedg wick poet, O. A- ef this Ity gather.1 Tueedsy evening to celebrate the twenty-fifth annlvrary of its organisation. Only eight ef the charter members were present and It waa found out that the gathering was the twenty-fourth aanl versery Instead ef the twenty-fifth. A splendid repast waa servej after whleh a program consisting ef speeches and muslcel selections wee rendered.