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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
DEMOCRATIC OF THE POPES IN THE SUNDAY JOURNAL (STORY OF VOL. V. NO. 188. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER B, 1906. EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. JSigMl!a BR RAILROADS LIFT EMBARGO ON PORTLAND GRAIN SHIPMENTS OREGON RAILROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY RESUME WHEAT TRAFFIC TO CITY Fdr tonight, whh light frott; Sat- C J EMBARGO ON WHEAT ENDS; DOCKS BUSY Shipments of Grain Are Now Being Re ceived at Points on the 0. R. & IM. Three Docks Running With About One Hundred Fifty Strike-Breakers Handling the Wheat Strikers Still Hope to Win and Look for Sound Help. The embargo on whent shipment to Portland (a off and the grain will be furnished by the U. R. N. Co. aa faat as the exporters are able to set It out of the wajr- Such la a statement made today by Chief Clerk Wood of the gen eral superintendent's department of the railroad company At the beginning of the gralnhandlers' strike nearly two weeks ago the O. K. & N. sent out notices to Its country agents -Instructing them not to furnish oars to shippers desiring to send grain to the . Portland docks. The shlnments were .gsWasWIW'eiitrirely' Wit oTf Tor shout 16 1 dan. Nevertheless, there was a con ization la the local yards of car which had left their destination previous to the Issue of the order. It was a week before the exporters, by the aid of the few strikebreakers they secured during the first days, were able to make any appreciable inroads on the overaupply of loaded oars. But the number of strike breakers secured during the peat three days ha been large, the congestion has been relieved, the exporters are clamor ing for more grain and the railroad company now announoes that It la ready to handle the traffic. Three Book stunning. Between 116 and 1B0 strikebreakers are said to be at work today on. the docks. Three docks are running with what la claimed to be a full force The Oceanic, Mnntgnm 'fwTmrreW 2 and the Pacific Coaat Elevator dock. Another car of strikebreakers from east ern Oregon arrived today. Despite the (Continued on Psge Two.) SAYS HE LIED TO GET IT Druggist Declares Terpperance Man Pretend ed to Be in Great Pain to Get Liquor Sold Him in Violation of the Law "After a. P. Eglln went Into the drug tor owned by O. H. Hemstock at Uni versity Park, beet nearly double, with his hands claapsd over hi stomach, told Hemstock he was In dire diatress; that he wanted blackberry brandy to relieve the pains, and had not time to get a prescription from a physician and work on Hemstock' sympathies till Hemstock sold Mm a 25-cent flask qf brandy, Eglln want before the district attorney and swore, to an Information charging Hemstojk with illegally sell ing liquor." Thl I what W. T. Vaughn aid to a Jury In the circuit court this morning. Twelve good eltisena of thl county will pass upon th question whether or not Hcmatoek was right In selling the liquor to Bglln. Th value pi th brandy. Si cent, I admitted by th tat and by th druggists. The jury will not have to determine that que- Eglln testified to buying th flask of brandy from Hemstock on August Si, He said h also bought a flask of brandy for St cant from P. J. Clark at High land on August 10. Bglln denied hav POLICEMAN RESCUES HAPPY HOOLIGAN IN (Special Dispatch t The Journal.) Bntte, Oct. t. "The Hooligan a Troubles" ahow last evening at the Broadway theatre, th most fashionable playhouse In the city, encountered more trouble than falls to the lot of Happy Hooligan of the cast, the ahow Being brought to a atop In th third act by a hurricane of egga and soft vegetables, chief among which wa a boa of over rip lemons which th crowd "borrowed" from a nearby fruit stand. The player, who ware th limit for STRIKE MAY BE CALLED AT GrainhandlersDemand Increase in Wages of Five Cents an Hour for Prosperity Exporters Attempj to Minimize Trouble and Allege That Port land Agitators Are Primary Cause of the Men Threaten ing to Walk Out. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) T acorn a. Wash.. Oct I. Orainhand lers here have made a demand upon the exporters for an Increase in their wages from 10 to 36 cants an hour. The exporter will refuse to grant the raise and a strike may result. A petition ha been quleUy circulated among the man fer several day aaking the raise and late yesterday afternoon, after' being signed by nearly every one of the S04 gralnhandler employee at the, warehouses It was presented, tp the grain exporting companies. Hi exporter have don their utmost to suppress arid minimise the trouble for foar of giving the grain business here a black eye. Several of them this morning declare that the men had not made any demand for a raise anil that If Portland agitator would keep out of the city no trouble would be experi enced. Those admitting that the demand has been mad ascribe the dbjaatlsfactlon of the men to the presence of Portland agi tator. "If the had kept away from the city,' said Alexander Belli of Balfour, Outhri e Co.. this morning;, "our men would have mad no trouble." The men. In the meantime. Insist that portion of the general prosperity that the entire country 1 enjoying and In sist that their demand Is moderate and must be met by the exporting firm. ing gone Into th store In any but an upright posture, and said he did not have hi hands on hi stomach. Both Hemstock and Clark declared that Eg lln did assume a position calculated to lead them to believe ha was In great pain, and that they sold him th liquor to relieve him. Clark and Hemstock are being tried together In Judge Oentenbeln depart ment of the circuit court before a Jury. The prosecution Is being conducted ft Deputy District Attorney H. B. Adams, and Attorney B. 8. J. McAllister. Hem stock and Clark are defended by Coun cilman Vaughn, who denounced Eglln for working on the sympathies of th druggist In th role of a detective, and "absolutely lied" In order to obtain th liquor. Th Juror who will determine wheth er or not Bglln mad ueh an effort to deceive the drugglata re: T. W. Cook. J. Stanley, D. Col, M. Oteaon, W. S. Lau there, P. O. Downing. S. Bayer. A. M. Anderson, P. H. Kearney, j: C. Kelly, Anton Bchantlne and B. P. Barney. It I expected that the trial will be com pleted thle afternoon. IN their Inability to act, cried lustily for the curtain when the vegetables began to fly and the crowd, to vent it dis pleasure at the poor performance, pelted the curtain after it was down, with soft missiles until It began to re semble a scene In some cloudland from a distance Policeman Whltcford attempted to Interfere bat was burled la a shower f lemons. Blowing hla whistle with might and main he soon railed other officer to hla aid and several arrests wer mad. MA HERE IS THE RECORD Do You See How the Cat Is Jumping? Note tie Gains Made by The Journal over its Esteemed Contemporaries and Here You Have tie Reason for Hie Journal s Good Feel ing Toward a Generous Public for Their Liberal Support REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IN PORTLAND FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, AND A COMPARISON FOR THE SAME MONTH LAST YEAR OREOONIAN ADVERTISING Local Display . . . Foreign . Classified Real Estate Readers 1808 Inches .20,500 . 6,505 . 0,007 670 401 37,184 Oregonian Loss. a. .: mlL v.: i 1808 T&TmdHS FOR 1806 OVER 1906 ' " The Journal leads m circulation and advertising; its paid circulation in Portland and Ore eon being greater than that of any other daily p aper. The circulation books of The Journal ere "wide open' to the inspection of advertisers, while those of its contemporaries are sealed 1 ,l.Mtn aerainat the nublic graze. " ASSOCIATION DOES NOT DESPAIR WAS HONEST AND THEREFORE LOST JOB, HE STATES Former Inspector Hemming " 8Iy Ml Lusl Position Because He Was Too Exacting on En gineers Doing Work for the City. - "I wa given to understand that I wa removed from the position of city Inspector because I was too hard on th contractor who was doing th concrete work." ald A. Klemmlng this morning, testifying at the hearing of the suit before Judge Fraser In the circuit court of Julius Kraemer and other to re strain th city from paying for the im provement of Russell street from Wil liams avenue to Oentenbeln avenue. He continued: "Before I was taken off that job I overheard some contractors talking about the Tanner creek ewer Job. On of them said: 'We had a city Inspector there who waa too hard on us. but we soon got rid of him.' Then he turned to me and said: Tlemmlng. you had bet ter take car of yourself, too.' Later I was taken off the lob of Inspecting the concrete work and a young man with no experience In concrete work was put in." Former Inspector Flamming doe not believe In th analyses of concrete made by chemist or other analysts. When aaked for an opinion as an expert on the enalyaea of th concrete used In Russell street that Indicated that only, about one half the apeclfled amount of cement had been used, he aald. 'Those analysts are Ilk phrenologists or palmists They can make a teat cor roborate any condition they want cor roborated It a the same way In Bend ing aamvlea of ore to Sn assayer." When ritmmlng t satined regarding hi removal from th position of city inspector. Deputy City. Attorney Kava naugh objected to euch testimony being Introduced. The truth ahould be told." declared Judge Fraser. "Too many Job of this sort -have been silgnieo. ne may is- Ufy." , It la objected by the owner of th property facing lhe.trt In question that tli paving waa not done In ac cordance with the specifications In the contract, and they aak the court to re strain th elty from Issuing warrant for It WARRING AMAZON HAS DROPPED FROM SIGHT New Tork. Oct. . Mr. Piatt. aftr vainly trying to see tier husband, haa disappeared and her whereabout la mystery. Canadian Kin hy FootaaU. Toronto. tint . Oct. Cameron Panlln. aged 11. died today from a fractured skull whll playing football yesterday. JOURNAL 1905 ADVERTISING Inches Local Display 20,636 Foreign 2.121 Classified 5,642 Display Real Estate 700 Readers 473 20,672 Jounal's Oain over Sept., 1808, 1808 Inches 20,180 4,525 0,248 1,806 405 36,164 . 1,020 TELEGRAM ADVERTISING Local Display ... Foreign Classified Real Estate Readers l Telegram Loss A,,r; Q.n,.m K-r 1005 waa w - MORE SOLICITORS WANT.E0F0R WORK Time of Campaign Will Not Be Extended but One Great Last Spurt Will Be Made. what the Hand on the Dial gays. X e Amount reported today, .t MM w ! Previously reported 108,56 A Total to date ... iiis.ssi Amount to be collected. . 117.11 4 1 1 t . wwwwwww Instead of extending the time In which to rata ta remaining money necessary tor tne new association build ing of the T. M. C. A. and the T. W. C. A., the members of the soliciting oommltteea wUl endeavor to raise 1137, 319 by tomorrow night. They say that they have not quit nor will they quit, but aak for the support of the people In th last apurt for the necessary money. Chairman Reed of th cltlsen's committee said today: "Wa have rslsed 1110,006 In IB days. (Continued on Page Eleven.) THE BLACK HUNDRED Whose atrocities are without parallel Is the civilised world, and who have tar rnrlsed rich sad poor In Russia, are described with their lilatorr sad objects la TUB BUND AY JOCSMAU PLANS OF HARRIMAN Greatest ot railroad balldora In aa age of lsntlc enterprises, are with sup showing the extent of development work that will be done In the sear future sre glrea ta THE SUNDAY JOUBNAL. THE NEW UNIFORMS Which will make Ueele SaaTa soldier th smartest et nstlonsl defenders, sr siren In color and rnllr described wit lllastrstlowa In THC SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND TO PALESTINE Another In the Brilliant aw lea of letter by J. a. Borser ef the Oreajem AarU nltnrsl college, tells readers of TUB hi in v JOCBNAI, ef tka glories of old and saw J' ruse let. HEALTH AND BEAUTY Two of tutors' ssxt sceeptshle gifts to re discuss d r sn einert. ssd rssders of TUB SUNDAY journal r hM how to wla tteai sad preserve heal. W. J. BRYAN Whoa" discussion of Bampean politics has Increased hi fsmc as s writer, tells the are of THE st nua v journal sll it parllsmeat and the leading area of Orest Brltsln. THE FUNNIES Draws by the best artists In th country, to mske th readers of THE JOURNAL, la(h, are more mirth proToklns than ever, and ptctorially essertbe the farther adTeatare of maay popular fsvnrlte THE NEWS SECTION la which th latest happenings ef th world are told Ort. has boon Increased la sis- sod erery department of bamas endeavor Is adequately covered THE SUNDAY JOURNAL I the best newspaper .... th coast. a wider range or topics and p to a larger etas ef people than nesla e&T nj or Its 1806 Inches 22,508 2,475 7,044 2,654 258 35,839 I 6,167 1806 Inches .20,563 . 3,010 . 4,001 404 322 28,380 1806 Inches 20,344 2,172 4,336 n 880 102 28,024 356 e 6.032 inches: durine September, e s e e e e see es)eeeeeeeeeyeeey DEER GOES WITH GIRL TO SCHOOL; RIOT IS RESOLT Frisky Buck Chases Teacher Out of the Building and Then Amuses Itself by Playing With the Pupils While Their Tutor Rages. "It followed her to school on day Which waa against th rule; It made the children laugh and play To see th lamb at achool." Only thl time It waa a der- husky young buck deer Instead of Mary' lamb. And It aeted sumpln fierce It chased out the teacher. At Pokegama, Oregon, which la vary near to California, derail D. T. Abbott. Early last spring he captured two young dear, a buok and a doe, while hunting. They wer raised aa pet by hi family, and wer allowed full lib erty of action. (They followed th chil dren much of the time and war thor oughly familiar with everybody. All went well until achool opened last month. A young woman teacher fresh from the East where deer aren't ao com mon had been engaged by the Pokegama director. When achool took up on th after noon of the aeoond day the buck deer made hi appearance. H marched bold ly Into th schoolroom. The children tittered and the teacher turned pal. Sll hadn't seen him before and knew not what to expect. "Shoo-o-o-o!" said th achool ma'm. .The deer nodded hi head and ad vanced toward her with all the friend lines In th world. Then he play fully hopped around her and the teach er fled. The deer stayed with the children for two hours. The teacher tried In vain to gat him out inu also failed at eon ducting the classes through an open window. Mr. Abbott now wishes to sell both deer to the Portland park board. But the City park- mo la already pretty well tooked. YOUNG ROOSEVELT IS BEFORE GRAND JURY (Journal Special Servlo.) Boston. Oct. I. Theodore Roevlt Jr. and Meredith Rlagden, a fellow student, for 10 minute were before the grand jury today to give Information conoernlng the aaaault on Policeman Fraher during a atudents' fraoa. HAZEN PINGREE'S WIFE IS GRANTED DIVORCE (Jmrsal Special SsrTtea.l Detroit. Mich., Oct. I. A divorce ha been granted Alice Plngree from Hasan Plngrew, son of the tat governor The wife takes th only child and jt 00 a year. LOUISIANA DEVASTATED BY TORNADO Loss of Life and Prop erty in Belt Extend ing Several Hundred Miles Through State Cyclone Sweeps Through Resi dence Portion of City, Blow ing Down Houses, Unroofing Buildings and Uprooting Trees. (Journal Special Berries 1 Ksw Orleans, Oct. t. Th second storm within a week, thl time a tor nado, swept through Louisiana from th gulf northward thla morning, devastat ing a region several hundred mile In length. Including a large section of New Orleana. A great loss of life and heavy damage to property are already re ported and fears are entertained that the effects ' of the storm are more wldeapread than the firat re port received Indicate In thla city alone th damage wUl total several hun- flvd btht "hi rtOTmUwss much worn In the outlying districts than It waa In thla city and full report are anxiously awaited. It was soon after S o'clock thl morn ing when the storm struck thl city, weeping diagonally across the resi dence section, leaving In It wake a trail of ruin. Houses were unroofed, trees were torn op by their roots and hurled for yard and other damage done. While no death are reported in thla city a number of persons were In jured Sy collapsing buildings. The tor nado waa full of freaks. A negro creas ing Douglas square waa picked up bodily by the wind and hurled violently against a tree 100 yard away, sustaining se rious injuria. The tornado after leaving here awept over the bayous, tearing through West End and Spanish Fort, and swept th edge of Lake Pontchartraln, doing much (Continued on Pag Two.) MURPHY BOSSED BY HEARST Tammany Leader Accepts Dictation From Publisher Both Work in Harmony Hughes Campaign Poorly Handled (Journal Special Sate lea I New Tork, Oct 5. Th threatened break between Hearst and Murphy, If there ever wa one, has been averted. The trouble, a far a th general pub lic could make out, was due to Hearst' dictation a to the lawyer who shall be nominated by Tammany for Judicial and 1 asia la live place The prospect of Murphy giving up on half of thla pat ronage and th order received agalnat the nomination of certain Tammany leg islators Is said to have been received with apparent' meekness by the man who made Hearst possible at Buffalo. ross?.lv because he aaw no reason for resentment. At any rate a working agreement between Hearst and Murphy Is In effect and will doubtles be throughout the rampalgn. no matter how many report of discord appear In the antl.Hearat prwaa. Their alliance la of such ltal Importance to bth Hearst and Murphy that neither will think of breaking off their relations. Therefore, aa far aa the legislative and Judicial plans are con cerned It appeara certain that Hearst's independence league will nominate Inde pendent candldatea for some places on th ticket. The party will have a col MULTI-MILLIONAIRE WEDS PRETTY NURSE Vti&YO CARED FOR HIM ( Joans l Spiatai Barries ) New Tork. Oct I Charles T Ha 111- well. Brst vice pre Ml eat of the Ameri can Tobacco company, was married at All Angela' church In this city yester day Jo Rath Alice Cole, trslned nurse. The groom I estimated to he worth i2n.0d0.000 and Is 4 year, old. The hrid Is i years old snd very protty. Until recently Mr. Halllwell had been 111 far over a year and submitted to an EIGHT DEAD. SCORE HURT BY BLOWUP Explosion of Gas Main in Subway in Heart of Business Section of Philadelphia Pedestrians sn Route to Work and Passers-by as Well as Workmen in Tunnel Victims Team and Driver Blown Into Air and Dropped Into Flames, (Journal Special Service.) Philadelphia, Out. 5. This afternrxlrt two of the unidentified Injured died at the hospital. A boy seen driving a wagon at the time of the explosion I missing. Th wagon was wrecked and the horse killed, Nine are now known to be dead. ( Joans 1 Special Service.) Philadelphia. Oct (.The Philadel phia aubway at Sixth and Market street. Is the heart of th business Ldlstrict. waa th scene of a terrible ex rntheifin thl. mnmtn. In which stwht are, known Jo kave been kilted, onr In jured and property damaged to tne ex tent of a half million dollar. .Fortu nately the explosion occurred at an early hour when only a few persona were on the afreet. Had It occurred an hour later hundreds undoubtedly would have been killed or injured a they wer hurrying to their place of bualneas. for aa it was. the majority of those who were victims were on their way to work at the time of the shock. Th excavations for the subwsy. which 1 to connect the extreme west ern limits of the city with the Dela ware river are now being made eaat ot the city halt, the laborer working Ira large gang on different sections aad th explosion this morning occurred In that section between Eighth and Fifth streets, which is practically th hear of the buairress center, for at Eighth street are the big department stores of Qlm be 1 Br. Strawbrldge a Clothier. (Continued on Page Two.) umn on the official ballot, for It would be bad politic to leave It blank. In addition there are aome Tammany oandldatea whom Hearst would never In dorse. McCarren haa Issued a defl to Hearst. He threatened that unless Hearst supported that regular Demo cratic nominees in Brooklyn he would give Hughes 76,000 majority in King county. This Is merely another cam paign eplaodn, which will doubtlesa a adjusted aa readily aa waa Hearst's al leged difference with Murphy. Herbert Parsons, head of th Republi can county committee, when aaked to day what he thought of the threat of th Hue rat me to pat up an Independ ent local tichetsJh opposition to Tam many, said: "fflfc) Hearst-Murphy elll snce I objeotejpjhle to those who for merly supported Hearst on account of bis war on bosses Hearst feels thss nod is trying to convince the public that he is uarrelrnJ with Murphy." Reports received by hi managers her say Hearst Hi well satisfied with hi 'rip up the state. It Is claimed rhe haa gade msny stood tmpre. and wJy'vr many Republican (Continued on Page Two.) operation During his become his nurse. health nesa he a