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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
PORTLAND, OREGON WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, 190. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. JSMp VOL. V. NO. 181. SNYDER. KILLED BY BLOW ON HEAD WRY IS RESUMMONED IN CASE BY CORONER DEATH DUE TO BLOW OF Snyder'sSkul I Cracked by Blunt Instrument Proving Crime Not a Case of Suicide (By B. B. Best. Staff Correspondent.) Hillsboro, Or.. Oct. . Though ! months have elapsed olnce the daring robbery of the Forest Orove bank and the almost almultaneos and mysterious disappearance of Cafey P. Snyder, chance has at last come to the aid of the officers and revealed what may re sult In a clear solution of the dual mystery. A skeleton is the clue that chance are to the officers, (he skeleton of Carey D. Snyder, so far advanced to ward decomposition aa to be almost un recognisable aa that of a human being. For almost a year It has been exposed to the elements, the prey of devastat ing time and devouring insects. But enough evidence remains to clear ly establish the identity of the body as that of the young man for whom of ficers have scoured the country In con nection with the robbery of the Forest Orove bank. His slothing remained practically Intact and In the pockets there were found papers. Including let ters, pawn tickets and other written evidence, which clearly showed that It was the young man Who strangely die appeared 10 months ago. The numer ous and peculiar (bid fillings In his teeth were also means of positive Iden tification. With the finding of the body, officers believe that they will now be able to unravel the mystery of the robbery and the disappearance of tho young man. Though the first investigation Indicated Suicide and a verdict favoring that theory was rendered by a coroner's jury yesterday, there la abundant reason to bellev that Snyder was murdered and also to convince the officers that the deed was done by those who robbed the Forest Orove bank. js.Hl Found Body The gruesome find eras made on Mon day by J. T. Croent. who was hunting. He shot a grouse and. wounded, the bird fell Into a heavy copse of fir and un derbrush Following H the hunter stumbled upon the remains of a human being. He immediately notified Acting Coroner H. T. Bagley. who began an In vestigation at once. With Dr. A. P. Bailey be want out on the Olencoe road, to a point near Cedar Mill. .12 miles from here, where a heavy thicket stretches almost to the road side. There is only the outline of a (Continued on Page Three.) FRENCH PACKERS NO! ANY BETTER THAN AMERICAN Windows Not Washed for Five Years and Only Half Enough Light to Show Pavements Centuries Old Cleaning Up Is Ordered by Prefect of Paris. (Joernsl Specie Serrtee.l Paris. Oct. S. Alter visiting the Slaughter-houses of Paris. Louis Leptne. the prefect . of police, declared today that they are "not a hit better than thee In Chicago." Ha asserts that the windows were net washed for five years and that there Is only half enough light to show the pavement, which datee from the time of Louis XIV. while it Is Impossible for workmen to keep clean on account of the terrible insufficiency of water. The) prefect has ordered a thorough cleaning op at the expense of the city this time, so that It will be done promptly, but he has directed that similar renovation shall occur every six months hereafter at the expense of the) syndicate of bog killers. Leptne says that when J. Ogden Ar mour wae here recently he made A re quest that hs be conducted through the Paris slaughter houses. But. added the prefect, I refnupd because I knew the en. t. le would tasks me blush with A BLUDGEON Acting Coroner H. T. Bagley of Hillsboro. Who Has Reconvened the Jury. THINKS SNYDER WAS SLAIN BY BANK ROBBERS Detective Vaughn Asserts That George Perry and Braahear Slew Him Because He Knew Too Much About Forest Grove Crime. ' A. O. Vaughn, formerly a Portland elty detective, la of the opinion that Carey M. Snyder was murdered by George Ferry and a brother-in-law of Snyder, named Brashear, the purpose being to forever close the remittance man's mouth and to silence his demands .for a share) of the booty, obtained In the Forest Orove bank robbery on the night of December 1st last. During last If arch. Vaughn spent sev eral 'dsys investigating the strange dis appearance of the tnree men. He does not believe that Snyder had a part In the Forest Orove robbery, though it was only because the latter was 111 that his plans looking toward that end were not carried out. Vaughn spent nearly a week In the vicinity of the crime, unearthing evi dence which, he believes, would bs suf ficient to convict Parry and Brashear of murder aa well as robbery If they can be found. Much of the Informa tion he obtained had been "leaked" through the telephone, aa all the farm ers In the vicinity of Hillsboro are sup piled with large party 'phones and when a bell rings there Is generally an eaves dropper er two on the line. Met Bach Other la Jail. "Snyder. Perry and Braahear met In Jail In Kansas City. Perry was Sny der's cellmate and a bad man," said Vaughn today. "Brashear was In Jail for killing his own brother-in-law. The present Mrs. Snyder was a aister of Braahear and ir was during her visits at the Jail to see her brother that Sny der met her. Snyder was In for hold ing up a pawn-broker and Jerking 'a diamond earring out of the ear of the pawn-broker's Wife. Snyder got five years for the crime, but was afterward released" on parole. Braahear got off scot free and Perry waa soon at liberty. Snyder came to Oregon with the Brash stir woman, settled on the farm near Hillsboro and some time afterward came to Portland and married the woman. It Is suposed that Perry and (Continued on Page Three.) SENATOR PLATT'S WIFE GAY CHORUS GIRL i.Vornal Special Berries.) Mew York, Oct. 3. "Here's chant- to my re il friends anal real pain o my sham friends." With this toast Mrs. Thomss C. Piatt, wife of the senator from New York, and now the center of the Piatt family scan dal, msde her debut la1 Chicago 17 years ago. The spectacular entree was the eulmfhatlon of a scene In a box at the old People's theatre. masses had clinked for her and sparkling wines of old France had turned the scene Into one of wild hilar ity and abandon. Dashing from the stage of the theatre where she waa ap pearing ss a member of the chorus of the famous "Black Crook" company. Mrs. "Piatt, then plain Carrie Thomp son, clad In pink fleshings and gaoae skirts, leaped to a table, executed a few stepe which had mads her the envy of every dancer n the company and de livered herself of this famous toast. Knumorr.l with the charms of a dash ing chorus girl Senator Piatt, la la al leged, sought to make room for her In his heart by sending his slleged legal wife. Mrs. Ma Wood Piatt, to Bars pa Mrs. Thompson janeway, later Jam EVIDENCES OF MURDER MULTIPLY Suicide Theory Given Up in Snyder Case by Officials Who Are Unraveling Crime (Special Mspetek to The Journal.) Hillsboro. Or.. Oct. 1 As the result of startling evidence which has unex pectedly come to light. Acting Coroner H. T. Bagley has resummoned the Jury that returned a verdict of suicide In .he case of Carey D. Snyder, whose de composed body was found in. a dense thicket 1 miles from here on Monday. The Jury will reconvene at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, when evidence will be submitted clearly showing thst Sny der waa murdered and carried to the lonly copse where his slsyers hoped thst time would destroy sll evidence of their crime. Their former verdict win be submitted with additional Information that has come to light since Monday, and other witnesses called. The direct csuse of the resummoning of the Jury is the examination of the dead man's skull by Dr. A. P. Bailey, the coroner's physician. Whsn the skel eton was found on MorYdsy the bullet hole in the head waa the first tangible clue as to the cause of death, and the idea of suicide was formed at once. A verdict to that effect was returned by the jury. Struck oa the Mead, After more careful examination of the skull, however, Dr. Bailey discov ered conclusive evidence thst Snyder waa murdered by being struck on the head with a blunt lnatrument. the skull being fractured on hep. the same blow causing a fracture at the base of the skull. Either fracture would have caused death, exclusive of the bullet wound. He says that he filed a writ ten report of the examinations with' the coroner yesterday afternoon, and to day the order waa Issued for ths re summoning of the jury. Sheriff Corn ell Is now serving the court's order, and the ease win be reoasned ac 10 o'clock to morrow. Sheriff Connell, who haa clung tena ciously to the murder theory sines the mysterious disappearance of Snyder ten months ago, haa renewed his efforts to apprehend the 'layers of the prodigal son of the wealth Kansas City .father, though greatly handicapped by the lapse of time, since be was practically forced to abandon the case by other work. Hs believes that the murderers will be run down. alined la Carriage, Those who have followed the case of the bank robbary end the disappear ance of Snyder believe that the young man was killed either st his own home near Olencoe and carried to the deso late place where he was found. or murdered while in a carriage en route from Portland. A milkman has been discovered who met the carriage before daylight on the morning of Snyder's disappearance. Hs carried a lantern and says that when the driver of the carriage saw the light he turned far from the roadside, evi dently in order to escape being seen by the driver of the wagon. Officers traced the route of the carriage by the tracks In the soft earth to a point near Sny der's home. After paaslng the milkman the oer- (Contlnued on Pago Three.) "Here's Champagne to My Real Friends and Real Pain to My Sham Friends," Was Toast With Which She Made Debut Piatt, waa then taken to Washington, where she established herself In a magnificent home, said to have been financially backed by the aged senator. Marriages, several of them In rapid tire order, failed to dampen the ardor of the actress. The last time she faced the altar prior to her wedding to Senator Piatt waa when she became the wife of Or. Janeway. The caldron of the Piatt domestic soaodsl continue to bubble merrily and Interesting developments In this re markable case have reached the public. Senator Piatt's jccompltshmente ss a politician of course precluded all pos sibility of his saying much for publlca- Mrs. Piatt association with . poll- SULTAN IN TERROR LEST THERMOMETER GO OFF, KILLING HIM i (Journal Special Serrlee.1, ' Constantinople. Oct. 3 The re port that the sultsn Is so ill that lis haa only six months to live 1 nntrue. The ailment does not threaten any immediate serious result. The only danger consists In Abdul Hamid's objection to or dinary medical precautions. Un der no consideration will he have his temperature taken, as bs Is afraid of having; the thermometer put in his mouth or under hie arm for fenr the instrument may explode and kill him. tsdsrsaa Meal Aequittea. (Istrlel rlpntrh to Tk Journal ) Chehalls, Wash.. Oct. I. The Jury In the Anderson Neat case acquitted him today after being out !4 hours. The Jury stood five for conviction for hours. ULa&M atei 'mMsRoRfl ml HrBVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTRRRRfl RRRRRRRR'iNRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR mmr Fourteen-Year-Old Jeannie Burch, Who Murdered Little Wilbur Wlnship, Whose Home Is Shown Below, W ith a Sketch , of the Barn-Jeannie Tried to Fire. HAND OF DIAL STILL MOVES Solicitors for Y. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. Buitding Fund Enthused With Fighting Spirit-and Are Determined to Succeed e T wwi m aravnd am the D'al Bars e 4 Amount reported today . .$ 7.J6I d Previously roponea us e ToUl to Ue s:o3.77i e e Amount to be collected. . 144.323 e ) The fighting spirit has taken posses sion of the members of the committees soliciting money for the T. M. C. A T. W. C. A. building fund, and they are going after the people of Portland doubly In earneat to secure the remain ing 1160.000 necessary to complete the amount they set out to raise by Satur day night. They say that the loyalty of the people is not lacking when It cornea to giving, but shows deficient when they are asked to serve on the committees and solicit money for the new associa tion home. Rapid-fire speeches were msde at the noon luncheon today In which the spirit of the men snd women who hsve labored so earnestly for the csuse flashed forth aa the speaker pleaded for more persons on the solicit ing committees. They ssy that luek and the fact that most people wait to see whst their neighbors are giving be tlclans, however, appears not to have taught her discretion, for she talksd freely aad eaid thing that have star tled and Interested the public. In an Interview Mrs. Piatt was coached by Coachman Hedges, and that young man Ife evidently bettor qualified to guide horses than public opinion. The moat sensational feature of the day, however, was the announcement that, fearing a suit for divorce, and In order to prevent hut wife from obtain ing a large settlement. Senator Piatt has deeded away nearly all of hla far tune, so that hi financial resource are no greater then those of s man of mode rat assess Mrs. Piatt haa been acquainted with her husband's proced ure for some time and la striving to KILLED CHILD BECAUSE fore they subscribe to the campaign fund, has kept many people from con tributing. The speakers said that they do not want Saturday night to come without IItO.000 subscribed to the fund. They have done great work considering the small number of solicitors who have been canvassing smong the people and urge that other Portland cltlsens step In and take a hand In securing the remain ing 1160,000. Royalty Is the Key nTote. Loyalty to the association and loyalty to Portland, Is whst the members of the committees claim haa held them to their work. and. now that the end of the ap pointed .time la drawing near without the required amount in sight, thsy say that they are not going to stand by and see their work go dawn to defeat or that the work which they have done suffer because the entire amount baa not been raised. The members are thor oughly sroused to the situation snd will spare neither time nor efforts from now until the close of the campaign nut Saturday night to raise the rest of the money. y The reports received at the noon luncheon today howed that tho various committees had I raised 37.1M. Tbls (Continued on Page Two.) wsrd off the possible loss of a financial adjuatment In her favor. Piatt, who, waa a multi-millionaire, gavs his fortune outright to his three eons and minor sums bars been given to several grandchildren. Piatt has kept only a sufficient amount to defray hla current living expenses. He is said to be almost wholly dependent on hie salary of $30,000 a year, which ho re ceive aa president of the United State Express company. It was at Tioga Lodge. Piatt's villa at Highland Mills, thst Mrs. Piatt made bar revelation to the reporters. With the ever-faithful Hedges standing by. she declared herself the moat abused woman alive, alleging that her hus band and son-ln-ltw bad Joined forces In a plot against her. "It was Piatt that wanted latfgss en Ike trip." Mrs. PUtt declared, "if I had aot threatened to leave Senator Piatt he would have had aa bis guest on that trip the wife of another senator, whose name was linked with that of his In Washington, when' I was Mrs. Janeway There re lots of Mae Wood In tils affair do sen of suets." Mr. PUtt alee asserted that Hedges was merely a good servant. gRrRRCRtsRml mi RRm SHE LOVED HIM 80. NURSE POISONS CHARGE BECAUSE SUE LOVED HIM Young Girl Confesses to Having Killed Babe After Having Tried ed to Commit Suicide but Hated to Leave the Child. (erst Hew Berries.) Brewster. N. T., Oct. I. A case thst haa aroused general attention through out the state la that of 14-year-old Jeannie Burch, who confesses that ahe murdered little Wilbur Wlnship. to whom she wss nurse girl, at Cowl's Cor ners, New York, where she gave the child a poisoned peach after ahe bad burned one of the barns. The girl Is being examlnd by alienists at the White Plains Jail, where ahe le held for mur der. The series of strange fires, followed by the murder of the boy, took place during the absence of Mr. Wlnship. The first of the fires occurred at I o'clock last Wednesday morning and burned a great barn to the ground Fifty tone of hay piled In an outbuilding made fuel for the flames. The house was saved, for the wind, coming from tho nortnwwst, blsw the names away from ths dwelling. The ruins of the barn were still smok ing when suddenly the alarm of fire was raised In the house; and then at Intervals of about half an nour other alarms were given. Olrl'a Confession. The nurse girl at first denied setting the fires or killing the child. At the funeral, however, she broke down and flung herself serosa the coffin. '1 killed him. Tea; I killed htm." she exclaimed. It waa with difficulty the mourners pulled her away. Her hands were clasped tightly and ahe kicked in Impotent fury. When she wss calm the girl began to speak slowly, and Coroner Mitchell took down her statement. "I must tell you now," ahe began. "It's true. I killed Wilbur, but I killed him because I loved him. and I tried to kill myself. "On Wednesday I set fire to the barn. I thought you'd think It Just caught fire from the sun, bat whsn you began to question me I got frightened. So I thought i would kill myeelf. There was only one thing I regretted and that was leaving the bey. So I thought I would kill him. too. "I set fire to the barn because I wanted to see the flames leap up. "I tried myself to die. I got a peach and peeled It. Then I got some cotton wool and dipped It In a bottle of Iodine found upon the shelf. Then I threw the cotton wool Into the fire, nplad the bottle and gavs Wilbur a part of the peach, taking the other part myself. It made my throat burn and It gave me awful pain. I think I should have died had not the doctor pumped the poison from my stomach. The child baa Indian blood In her veins. EXPLODING GAS IN IRON WORKS KILLS TWO (Jeareal Special Service.) Pueblo, Col.. Oct. a Two workmen were kilted and two fatally fatally In jured In an explosion of gas In the works of the Colorado Fuel A Iron com pany hare this morn tag. One furnace was wrecked. It la bettered there ere other bodies In the debris. SOUTH RELIEVING NEW YORK ICE FAMINE . (Jeerasl Special eerrlee.) Washington. Oct. 1. The south Is shipping lc to ffew Tork to relieve the ice famine there. It costs fl a ton at the New Tork yards, plus what is wasted by melting. ARMED MEN ARE LIABLE TO ARREST Police Will NotTolerate Practice of the Dock Guard Carrying Arms While on Duty Action of Private Detectives In Firing Upon Launoh of' Har bormaster Causes Police Chief to Issue Emphatic Orders Re garding Strike Situation. "The police department will not aides with either party to this strike. Armed dock guards will be arrested aa promptly, as armed strikers." Such la a statement Snade thle morning by Chief of Police Grits ma cher, after investigate ing the details of a reckless gun play made last night by private deteotlvea employed to guard Montgomery dock No. I, situated on the east sMs some dis tance below the steal bridge. "It waa a piece of migfiejr foolish business," said ths chief. 'Tamos men have no permits to carry concealed weapons and they have no business car rying them. I will not alloy them to go and will arrest them aa faat aa dtto help either side, but to eee that there Is no breach ef the peace. But now there are ao many detective that the peaoe la being broken. They're always a dangerous lot, those private detec tives. They're always kicking up a row whenever there's a strike. It's al ways the case. I never saw It fall. In ease of a strike these private detec tives and watchmen always break Out Volley of Pistol Shots. Aa predicted in yesterday's Journals serious trouble haa occurred ea a re sult of the gralnhandlers" strike. But, contrary to the expectations of W. J. Burns, who made the prediction, the strikers did not figure In the trouble. There waa a display of violence and a volley of pistol shots fired between two groups of men. but both groups were sealoualy engaged In guarding the property of the exporters at the time. They were both looking for bold, bad strikers. The first group saw a patch of moonshine and mistook It for a striker and fired. The second group heard the ahot and mistaking ths first group for an assaulting party of strik ers returned the Are with Interest. The result was ths wounding of Leu Garner, ths riddling of a steam launch, the In tervention of the police, the humiliating disarmament of seven private detso Uvea, the echo of a long-distance "he, (Continued on Page Two.) JOHN D. WORRIED OVER RESULT OF CRIMINAL TRIAL Case Against Oil King Comes Up This Week at Findiay and His Face Is Daily Gaining Lines of Care Leaves Cleve land Hastily for Tarrytown. (jaajraal apodal Servies.) Cleveland. Oct. 1. John D. Bockefeller la In Tarrytown, New Tork. This wae the statement eases by Virgil P Kline, the oil king's attorney here Krom the fact that Bockefeller left Cleveland a hurriedly aa to be unable to take Mrs. Bockefeller , with him. many of hie friends argue that be la to appear as witness. Rockefeller ha long been worried about the attitude ef the paMIc toward hla and the aprpoachlng trial of the Standard Oil suit at Tlndlay, It is as serted by one of his oldest friends, "His face waa dally gaining lines ef care.' said t hla man "Whits outwardly; genial, he retires more and more to him self, snd would elapse Into a brown etudv In the midst of a Whlls ns nsver mentioned the affair, it la certain that he about It and the unpleasaat notoriety that would surround hie apssaroas en court." At Find la y, Ohio, gi agarario being made for the trial ef against ine sisnura ecutor uavM eg fooanil the trust, has been away mysterious errand, is le West Virginia lo be used h the eat up tale week. I'l'iMmrni aibi-vpi ir mmm 's MsVlt ootfMsfg m r mmm ,'- w gkwi 'i v 1 1 1 1 mm