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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 4. KM. 17 KELLY'S FRIENDS ENJOY LAUGH Trainer Christie of Berkeley Says That Snedigar Can Beat Oregonian. WHAT PAT M'ARTHUR 8AY8 ON THE SUBJECT Graduate Manager of Oregon Claims That Kelly Can Belt Californian Any Day, for Any Distance, for Marbles, Chalk or Currency. Prlendstf Dan J. Kelly. Oregon's speedy spfenter, are rather amused over Walter cirlatle'a assertion that Bned lgar of California la faster than the Baker City lad. Christie, who is trainer at the University of California, does not believe that Kelly ran 100 yarda In t 1-8 at Spokane laat June, and ha goes on record aa saying that Snedtgar van de feat Kelly In both the 100 and ZSO-yard 'Christie Is simply talking to hear the sound of hla own voice," aald C. N. McArthur, a graduate of the University of Oregon sad formerly manager of athletics at that institution, this morn- Snedigar never saw the day that he could defeat Dan Kelly when Kelly Is at hla best. Snedigar has never run faster than 10 seconds and the Idea of his de feating Kelly la simply absurd. The Oregon boy was credited with 8 S-i at the Spokane meet last June. There has been some question about this time, but nobody who esw Kelly run last spring denies that he la a I 4-1 man. He can make that time In moat any meat, and-1 expect to see him do It several times next season, provided the circumstances are favorable. When it oomes to the tit-yard dash, Kelly le the fastest am ateur In the world today. He can beat Snedigar at any mark In the road for money, chalk or marbles." Kelly will not enter the meet at Berkeley next month, aa reported In yes terday's Journal. He recently under went a Slight operation at Eugene and while he is on the high road to recov ery, he will not participate tn athletics for some time. Oregon and California may held a dual track meet next eprlng. and If Christie and his followers have any coin of the realm to bet againoi Kelly, they will be accommodated by communicating with any Oregon sup porter. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. ...11 .. .ft ...if . .71 ..74 ..70 ..It ..41 Lost. P.C. IS .(It ii .i It 114 I? Itt Tl .1ST 7 .479 S .1(7 101 .13: Chicago . . . , New Tork . , Cleveland . . Philadelphia St. Louis . .. Detroit . . .. Washington Boston. . . ., At fFtrui game R H F. Washington t ( 1 Boston .1 t 1 Batteries Palkenburg and Warner; Harris and Armbruster. R.H. B. ...1 3 1 ...t S 1 Wakefield; Waahlngton Boston Batteries Wilson and warmstadt and Oarrlgan. At Philadelphia. First game R H. B. ...7 11 I ...i ii s New Tori ark . Philadelphia Batteries Clark son and Shuman. Holmea and Berry. Thomas; Second game R H. E. New York o 1 1 Philadelphia t t 0 Batteries Hoff and Thomas; Dy gert and Barnes. At Cleveland. R. H. K Cleveland 4 IS 1 n.i.Ai, mii . -r Ull . v Batteries Hesa and Hernia. EubSnkST and earns. PACIFIC COA8T LEAGUE. Lost. F.C. 41 .(74 71 .(IT 7t .tit 71 .111 M .414 101 .141 Portland . -. . Ban Frarfcleco Los Angeles . Seattle St ::::! .80 .ft .& Oakland Fseano , Seattle Wins. (Journal Special Sarvtta.t Oakland. CaL, Oct. 4. Oralis two bagger In the eighth defeated the Com muters yesterday. Score: Seattle 2 o i i o o 1 1 o- u Oakland 25010000 0 t I t Batteries Jones and Blankenshlp; Beldy and Hackett. L'mplre MahafTey. Ttgers Ate Skat Out. . (Jeeraal Special Service.) Fresno. CeX, Ost. 4. Welch pitched fine ball yesterday and whitewashed the Tigers Score: e R H B. San ryancleco .0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 02 ( i Fresno OuOOOOOO 0 0 4 t Batteries Welch and Wilson: Flts gerald and Hog in ss !mmmWSsBXBs-mmmmaBB Twice-TeM Testimony Portland People Are Doing Al They Can for Fellow Sufferers Portland testimony haa been pub lished to prove the merit of Doan's Kid ney Pills to olhers In Portland who suf fer from bad backs and kidney Ills. Lset any sufferer doubt that the cures made by Doan's Kidney Pills are thor ough and faetlng, we produce confirmed proof statement from Portland pee pie saying that the cures they told of years ago were, permanent. Here's a Portland case: Mrs. A. S Cummtngs of 144 Clacka mas street. Portland, Oregon, says: "Kidney complaint and backache clung to me for h long time and often I suf fered very severe attacks of It. Some times It was a dull, heavy aching over the kidneys, and again sharp acute pain In the small or the bark. The kid ney secretions nasasd too frequently and often With pain. I had tried sev eral remedies wish poor results and was finally Induced to use Doan's Kid ney Pill This remedy helped me very aulckly and continuing the treat ment I soon found relief from the aches and pains nnd .the action of the kidney secretions was dlso strength ened to a great extent. I recommended Dean's Kidney Pills In our papers three years ago. 1 nm always pleased to say a good word for this remedy and am fektd of this opportunity to confirm my former testimony.' For eale by all dealers. Price to cente. Fester-lfllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, pole agents for the United states Remember the name DOAN'S and Free li" Catarrh Cure Bad Breath, K'Hswhiaf Mi Spit ting Quickly CeraeS-fBI Out Free Coupee Below. 3 'My Mew Dissever Quickly Oares Catarrh." C. Oeaas. Catarrh la not only dangerous, but it cauees bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reaeonlng power, kills ambition and energy, often causes lose of appetite. Indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches, to general debility. Idiocy and Insanity. It needs attention at once. Cure It with Gauss Catarrh Cure. It ia a quick, radical, permanent cure, be cause it rlda the system of the poison germs that eause catarrh. In order to prove. to all who are suf fering from this dangerous and loath some disease that Gauss' Catarrh Cure will actually cure any case of catarrh aulckly. no matter how lona standing or how bad, I will send a trial package by mail rree or ail coat, sena ua your name and address today and the treat ment will be aent you by return mall. Try it! It will positively cure so that you will toe welcomed Instead of shunned by your friends. C. K. OAUBS, 777 Main St., Marshall. Mich. Fill out coupon below. HRBB Tat, coupon Is goad for see trial parkast mt u,nu' Combined Catarrh Cure, mailed area Is plain package. Simply (11 in your aai.e aad addrett aa dotted lines and 0. I. GAUSS. TT17 Main Street, are sail, YESTERDAY'S RAGE RESULTS IN THE NORTHWEST Sportsmen Enjoy Good Racing at Spokane and Walla Walla Courses. ts The Journal ) Spokane. Oct. 4. Yesterday's race re- suits: Selling, five furlongs Swift Queen, even, first; Minna Baker, 4 to 1, second; Euchre Deck, t to t, third; time, l:04tt. Won by a neck; second by a length. Selling, five aad one-half furlongs-r-Merlngue, 4 to. I, first; Prlnceea Wheel er, 4 to 6. second ; Chief Aloha t to1, third; time, 1:10. Won by two lengtns; second by three lengths. Belling, six furlongs Follow Me, 1 to 1. first; Klfln King. 1 to I, second . Klng thorpe third; time. 1:154. Won by a lisgtlc ttrainrl IT three lengths. Selling, five furlongs Mention. 1 to I, first; Ella True, 5 to 1. aecond: Pre cede SO to 1, third; time. 1:06 4. Won by a length; eeoond by two lengths. One mile and 10 yarda purse Cabin, area, first; Ed Sheridan. 4 to 1. second; Btlllcho. I to 1, third; time. 1:4 H Won by a length; second by two lengths; sit bets declsred off. Belling, eeven furlongs Moasle Mo ble, t te f. first. Eleven Bella. 10 to 1, eecond: Enchanter, I to t, third; time, 1:14. Won by three lengths; eecond by a head. At Walla Walla. .ISpeclel ruipatrh to Tke JoarnaLl Wills. Walla Oct 4. Summary of race results: 1:11 trot, puree 1400 Packllne 1-1. Freddie C. 1-4. Brilliant I. Senator H. 4-1, Kittle Clover t-1; time. 2:ll, ItHtt. 1:11 pace, puree 11.000 OUIe M. 4-1-4-1, Delilah 1-4-5-2. Cuckoo l-S-l-t, John R. Conway 1-1-1. Vlnnle M. 1-1-4; time. 2:14. 1:14, 2:15. tilt. Maiden, 2-year-olds and up, four fur longs, purse $200 Roaador flrat. Belle Morrell eecond, Kruka third; Ruth and Eulalla also ran; time, o:f,i. SIS furlongs, puree $200 Bell Reed first. Mltakatla aecond, Redmont third; time. l:lt. One mile run, purse 1200 Ripper first. Our Bailie aecond. Rublana third; time. 1:14. Third two mllea of elx-day relay race, purse ttOO John Taylor 5:11. William McManaaton 5:40V. Ed Jeeee 1:17; to tal time for six miles, Taylor 17:27, Jesee lMltt. McManamon 17:11. PORTLAND BOWLERS DEFEAT CIGAR MEN The bowling fane were out In force last night to see the two "A" clans teama Hchlllers vs. Portlands, of the Oregon Bowling aaaoclatlon. play their flrat aeries of the winter echedule. The Schillere rolled a steady game, but the Portlands hit a faster clip, getting all three games. Caea the alow-ball artlet. got the first fine average of 104 for the three cameo. Moore rolled highest sin gle game, 117. The scores. PORTLAND. . 1. I. t. Ave. Moore 112 .170 117 lit Case It7 101 111 214 Parrott 141 147 111 Iff McMonles .. . ltt 111 Mt 117 McMOtiomy 14 ltt 174 ltt Total ttt ttt tit SCHILLBRS. 1. I. 1 Ays. Newhurger Mt ltt ITS ltd Christian 141 141 . . 141 Ltinney lit 171 ltt Heed, ltt ltt 111 Vanderkalk 140 111 111 14J Bwarta ITt 141 4foJ ill Total 711 710 7IJ Tonight the u clasa teame IJeavere va Happy Dales will play their (tret NAGLE BATTED ALL OVER FIELD Angelic Twirler Could Not Keep Hla Curves Out of Harm's Way. PORTLAND SCORES AN EVEN DOZEN RUNS Henderson, Too, Was Touched Along for Six Runs, Due to 6pportune Hitting and a Few Miacuee Story of the Sad Contest. (Journal Special Serrlep.) Los Apgeles, Oct. 4. The Giants found Nagles pitching to their liking again yesterday aad batted htm to the far corners of the eerth. making It hits and a dhsen runs. Nagle's sore finger was a handicap to him and whenever he put the bell over the plate the visitors smashed It to safe territory. Henderson pitched for Portland and while he al- towea out six nits, eacn one wae made count and the Angels tallied I rune. The feature of the game was a run ning one-handed catch by Nagle. The score: LOS ANOEL.ES. A B. R. H PO.A.K. Bernard, lb. . . Ooohnauer, an. Cravath. rf. . . gits, of Hon. lb. ... Swi, if. .. Toraan, lb. ... Buchley, a . . Nagle. p. 0 0 10 I) 1 1 t t It 0 I 1 1 0 t t 1 1 0 Totals 14 t 27 12 I PORTLAND. AS. R. H PO.A.I. 1 2 1 0 0 I t I I X I Sweeney, aa. McHale, ef. . Mitchell, If. . MoCredie. rf. Smith, lb. . . 1 I 1 1 t Donahue, c. . juicier, 10. . . Schlmoff. 2b. Henderson, p. ...102011 Totals 40 11 It 17 6 I SCORE BY INNINGS. I .oa Angalea 012000020 I Hits . 0 1 1 0 0 0 12 14 Portland 0 0 1 2 4 0 1 4 011 Hits 1 0 1 I I 0 2 3 2 It Home run Toman. Two-base hits Donahue, McHale. Lister. Nagle. Smith. Sacrifice hit Henderson. First base on errors Ix Angeles. 1; Portland. 1. Left on baees Los Angeles, t; Port land, I. Bases on balls Off Hender son. 4; off Nagle, I. Struck out By Henderson, I; by Nagle, t. Stolen bases Bernard, Sweeney, Donahue, Henderson. Passed ball Buchley. Hit by pitcher Bernard. Time of game- One hour and b minutes. 1 mm Perrlne. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Loot P.C. Chicago Ill It .7tl New York a It tt .til Pittsburg tl tt .It! Philadelphia Tl II .417 Cincinnati 4 It .417 Brooklyn tt ft .417 St. Louis II tl .147 Boston tt 100 .tit At 3 n.H- e. Brooklyn It 14 t Boston t 7 t Batteries Scanlon and Bergen; Pfelfer, Norner. O'Neill and Brown. Umpire Conway. At RH. E. Philadelphia t t 1 New Tork 1 T 1 Batteries Rlchey and Donovan: Hc- Olnnity and Smith. Umpiree Cerpen- ter ana mem. FOOTBALL 8C0RE8 At Cambridge Harvard 10. Bowdoin 0. At New Haven Tale It. Wealeyan 0. At Philadelphia Pennsylvania t, Get tysburg t. . At Princeton Princeton 22, Stevens 0. At Carlisle Indiana 41, Susquehanna 0. WINNING RUNNERS ON EASTERN RACE TRACKS a New York, Oct. 4. Brighton Beach summary: L'arda won the third race at a mile In the fast time of 1:11 1-6 with lit pounds up. He was sold to Frank J. Farrell for 115,000. The results: Six furlongs, selling Teacreea won. Niblick eecond. Belle of Portland third; time, 1:11 t-S. Klve and one half furlongs Water bury won. Altuda eecond. Ell loot t third; time, 1 :0t 4-4. One mile Dr. Gardner won. Slater Francis second. Astronomer third; time, l:tt 1-6. Mercury handicap, alx furlongs Lady Amelia won.- Handaarra eecond, Pantoufle third; time. 1:11 2-6. Five and one half furlongs, selling Colonel Jack won. Pungent second. Mint Berla third; time, 1:07 1-S. Mile and one sixteenth Lady Taran tella won. Woodsman aecond, Adonis third; time, 1:41. At tVotdstrlBo i Jour ml Special Berries.) Louisville, Ky . Oct. 4 Race results: Six furlonga selling Agnes Virginia won. Toboggan aecond, Alllsta third; time. 1:17. One mile, selling Matador won. Bit ter Hand eecond. Colonel Bart let t third; time. 1:41 1-6. tTOqpoto handicap, six furlonga Don Do tno won. Devout second. Butlnekl third; time, 1:16 2-6. One mile Charlatan won, Envoy sec ond. Omsrkhavam third; time, 1:41. WHITMAN WILL PLAY MULTNOMAH ELEVEN The Whitman college eleven of Walla Walla wilt meet Multnomeh on the grid Iron In thie city on October 17. Nego tiations for a contest have been on for i. W. Davenport. Wingo, Ky.. writes, June 14, 1101: I want te tell you I believe Milliard's Snow I.lnlment saved my life. I was under the treatment of two doctors, snd they told me one of my lungs wae t.-ttlvely gone, and the other badly affected. I also had a lttmD on my side. I don't think that 1 could have lived over two month longer. I wse Induced by a friend ta t y Ballard's Snow Liniment The flret application' gave me great relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured me sound snd well It Is a wonderful medicine and 1 recommend it to tuffeiing humanity." Stun by Woodard. fTlarko A Co. MY FES, $12.50 ast raooanruoATBs oa 1 VmmV " ar r DB. TATLOS, The TiSatiBg- Specialist. PAY WHEN CURED I make a deflnlte proposal to wait for my fee until you are satisfied that your cure la com plete. This, of course, Indicates that I have unlimited confidence in my ebility, but I want you to have other and better reaeona for choosing me as your physi cian. I want you to consider my vast experience and my un equaled aucoeaa aa a speclallat. For more than It years 1 hsve been curing cases lust like yours and have built up a prac tice that Is by far the largest of Its kind weet of Chicago. Every method of treatment 1 employ la original and makes a distinct advance tn medical science. Surely, considering all these things, you will not remain un decided aa to what physician eaa serve you beet. MEN ONLY WEAKNESS There are few physicians treating functional weakneaa by my method or obtaining results that even resemble complete and permanent cures. I employ no tonics, stimulants or electric belts. 14 VARICOCELE No caustic, no cutting. Mild and painless treatment that re etores complete health and tone to the weakened and dilated veins In one week's time. Can not fall. cure Contracted Disorders. free Interesting pamphlets win (tea pan free anatomical charts if yon eaa ealL If you cannot call, write (or Diagnosis Chsrt. My offices are open all day from t a. m to 9 p. m. Sundays from 10 to 1 only. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. M MOB uornsr tMAenrrfy. he van Known to rata. Tarraat a Bxtrsst ef Oaken aad OAPfULII. Sow. a Marila'a. Ml tVaahiaatoe Seal or br mall The esses at. new ten. aome time and it was not until laat evening that the arrangements were perfected Whitman haa a splendid ag gregation of football men who know how to play the college game, and they will be certain to show the clubmen a few tricks when they meet. OREGON'S FOOTBALL ' SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED The following echedule of football games for this season has been an nounced by the manager of the Uni versity of Oregon: October 20 Oregon vs. Astoria Ath letic club, at Eugene. October It Oregon vs. Idaho, at Moscow. November I Oregon vs. Willamette, at Sugenl. November IT Oregon ve. Washing ton, at Rugene. November 14 Oregon vn. Oregon Ag ricultural college, at Corvallls. November It Oregon vs. Multnomah, at Portland. LOW RATES EAST The O R N Co. has made a low rate of 114.10 for round trip, Portland to Buffalo, New Torn, account the In ternational convention of Chrtatlan churches, to be held at that place Octo ber II to 17. Tlcketa will bp on sale October t and t. A choice of several different routes la given, end stopovers allowed In both directions. For further particulars In regard to route, through sleeping -car service, ate, call on or ad dress f W. Stinger, city ticket agent. O. R A N. Co.. Third and Washington strsets. Portland. Low Ratas East. On October f and t the Chicago A Northweatern railway will sell rou td trip tickets to Buffalo, New Tork, fur Going limit IS days from 1st of sale and final limit November It Stopovers are allowed In both tlona and choice of routes going and re turning. For further Information write or call on Mr. R. V Holder. genMl agent. C A N. W. By., ltt Third street, Portland. Oregon.. Milwaukfe Country dub. aetern and California racea. Tak Sell wood and Oregon City ears at rtiet I SeVs4?mesfteUil wiS" mall yon and at.. Port lead Tarraat Co.. WE CURE MEN FOR 1ST aSnAsTD. meat, bat in the pant we have proven the foot to ear patesaa that our treatment la superior la every way te our imitators. OT treatment stands oa Its own merits aad ear a no I see and reputation have been built upon this f onaaation- Furthermore, we wish, to state HAT WS iOOBft ORXY SOOS OASBS AS ill OUBAMB. We euro all forms of Blood aad Skin Diseases, Brain Fag, Fasten ee er Knotted Veins, BTervoas Decline, Files, Fistula, Kidney, Bladder aad all Urinary Dlssasse due te Weakneaa, lakSttUail aad exhaustion and the result of SB stag MSISSH Oonorrboea cured la seven days. Indifference and nagleet of the flrat symptoms are responsible for thoussnds of human wrecks, failures In life end business. Insanity, sui cide, ete. Why take such deeperale chancea? The manifestations of the first symptoms of any 'disease er weakness should be a warning for you to take prompt steps to safeguard your future life and happiness. Tou should carefully avoid all experimental, dangerous or half-way treatment, for upon the success of the flrat treatment depends whether you- will be promptly restored to health again, with all taint of tUs poisonous diesis removed from your system, or whether It will be allowed to become chronic and subject you to future recurrences of the disease, with the va rious resulting complications, etc. In ell disease ef men, we have found, after making a thorough scien tific research, that there la a tendency toward the degenerative process of the parte affected; It la also true In both sexes, but aa we treat MEN ONLY It cornea more forcibly to ua and through our "long-tried and sat isfactory treatment" we are able to rebuild the degenerative process, causing a regeneration of healthy tissue In every respect. We wieh to lay epeelal ia and syphilis without We want every man Id tke country who b afflicted te write us about Us aliment. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. HOURS I TO I, T TO 1:30 DAILY: SUNDAYS t TO 11. SI. Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SSOOSD Asm TAaaiLL ST1, FOmrtjAsTB, OSBOObT Honest Dealings and Guaranteed Cures deoeatlve BrOBomiinas or We is not promise to enre year eass in a abort time, knowing it wtU take longer, but we guarantee a complete, safe and laatlng cure In the quickset pos sible tlms, without leaving Injurious after effeete In the system, and at the lowest coat noaeible for honest, skiurui snd successful treatment. We have ae free or eaeap trial to sell worfueee treatment, no scheme belts, ete., our eouca- tton and reputation condemning all mathoda. we enre traen otaeee xau. Men Who Need SklUW AM Will find this Institute thoroughly re liable, different from other so-called in stitutes, medical concerns, or special ists' oom pontes. You are Just as safe in dealing with the Norton Davla Com nanv aa with any State or national bank. It haa long bean established for the purpeee of curing dleeasea of men which baffle the skill of others. Oo at once. You are eafe In our hands snd sure of a cure. Men who are out of the city ehould write In confidence. Consultation and advioe given free. You risk no cash. No secrets given away. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 We treat eucceeefully all nervous and chronic diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. TOO CAST VAT WaTJBaT CD11B If you wish you can deposit the price of a enre In any bank in Port land, aald amount to be handed over to ue when you are cured. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments if you prefer. Office hours I a. m. to t p. m.; Sundays and holidays, It a m. to 12 m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co, Office in Van Noy Hotel, 62 Third St., Corner Pine. Portland. Or. C. GEE WO Portland's i Widely Known and Successful isaf Chinese M. TSM Medicinal. ffl SHssaf R0t Herb Doctor Hie lamoua ramedUa. the Inaredlent. at arMefc we Impart Street from tt. Orient I Urge saastltiee aad st teen aad put at rot pXoS? bV .F -rsr, rat labia. The Doctor treat. tsuotifatlT ssd gesrsatttt to sen all stesaseh treat hat. mtarta esthat, law. throat, rb.amatUm atnteaseat. Hear. kMner aad bet manhood r EM ALE TSOUBLES ARE ALL PRIVATk DISEASES. Be false 'er SRslatSset tUteeaeata to tke srAt tt seeevt rreatsatse.. tf yea eteest eall write fee ttwstf aed etrealar. I achate 4 eeat la at.wt OORSTLTATTOR rs. itSSt Plaa mttitm taat Beast Radla.aa Oa.. 1US ytrtisst, vs. Every Woman . lalatarttttdaad ahoald kaow I ebon I the wonderfnl Brstriy?1 twrwatj wpvwy Aal troODAaui! TSAST. Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE .Sr. W 0VtTkftTTlCre, UITsl-WICI sMwrAVmhl marvu a ettlaiAea TRlii tf4eyern aM rawaaSawawawaT otker. tail atadatainn for Pj. TAi rtffaunaeaad bJ t 1 O C $ We'U treat ear single uncomplicated ailment (or tl 2. tt coarsviTATiOsT rasa. UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED It will not 00 st yon anything to eall at ear otsee and consult aa, and by ae Seen it may save yen mack time, worry and money, and hseaass if we cannot ease yen we wllr hoaeetty ton yon so, and you will not be under any financial obligation to ua. Ton pay na for cures net ts experiment; we have prove,! the fact that our methods are the lest, latest and '.he most scientific In every respect. T tie re are some eases that are Incurable and we determine whether It Is curable or Incurable by a thorough physical and microscopical examination. try te imitate ear metkods of advertising and treat- upon our method of treating Blood mercury . Dispensary such ma tl ICHHBT MEDIOSL IKITITUTl Of Tata Established ia Portland in 1SSS. TRANSPORTATION. $84.50" Buffalo, IN. Y. and return via the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. I and 8; final limit November 18. This will be your last opportunity of the year to go to the far aaat at so reasonable a figure. Make your berth reservations early to insure good accomodations. Saa any ticket sgent or write to H. B. SMITH, T. P. A. Seattle, Wash. TELEGRAPH The only stesmbont making a round trip Racept funday Retweea PORTLAND and ASTORIA ART) WAT ROrjfTB Leave Portland 7:te a. aa. Arrive Astoria 110 p. aa. lain Astoria t:lt p. av Arrlve Portland ....Sst p. av M. ...TS SERVKD A L.A CARTR T rtlaad tVandlna. Alder Street Bases. Astoria landing. Callander Dock. B. a SCOTT. Agent. Phone Main ttl. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. t alon rarest-- Leave. Artie for Marten. Ba Inter. Gtate aale. eat port. Cltftea. Aa larU. Wanwatoa. ITaeal. Il.mic .n.l Fori Qr bar: Park. SanatSt a 00 is 11JS SSt Aatorta tad Seaabore. aipraaa Sally 7:00.ti t at pm All tratas astir. i, C RAT 0 0 P. sal P. A., Attaria. Or. mm TRANSPORTATION. fpeteara. etej It by Mil. er i tap!. Oregon Shorj LiNi- Union PACIFIC 3 Trains to the East Dally 3 larvics Pallwas taodard sad tsettst alsae- Throat raellaTn. rh.toZtr. la the Seat dally. Union rwtnni . M Ukm aM 7- Arrive. Id ram-Portland Special ft the Ba.t tI. llaatuTrten. dl t: SO are 1:00 s Wash states. . ' vw ii a hum ase 'JJJJ Kortaena poMt. dally 1:11 St : Atlantic rzz ?L -"Vi. iwr ii untlastes. dally r eaiir a: is pan, i:aeaw fwtlaed Slggs loeal. far alt petal. berwaM nt.. ..a Pertlaad. dally .." lilts S:0ts "I I MRU RIVBS PITISIOK. taierlasad way point., connect Ins with C,? ror jiwaea and North Brh. SVasMS Ab-t. dee. Isavea I p. m. sally, empt Innday; garerdaT. to p. tl. Arrive about n. ., .rrerit vaurili. rives norm. ror Dayton. Oraroo 01 fy .ad TaaaaJU rivet polnia .learners Rati and Reese. Asb-et. eet. 5i.LTv " so day (water per- Jlas). Arrive TtSt aVSetly, aieest BRASS RIVES BOUTS, ror Lewlatee, Idaho, and way points from Blparla. Waah . ttessasrs Spokane aad Lewta Ware S:0 a. St.. or apes arrival TreTo EnSmtSU rrm?,. ' Tiefct Orflea. TMrd aad Wtahlagtea eta. C. W (rTTNflBRS J'ricket Agent, ft. MrMt'RB A Y . General Paaaoncer Aaeat. EASTvu SOUTH Osloa Depot Overlsad sprass Tralss fer Hal.ra. Boaeharf . Ash taad, SaerssMsto, Osdra. tea rraselaeo. Stork toa. ve. Arrlro. f Asselet. SI Pat. Rew Orfetss tad tke aaat. Morntat train oeaaeeta at Wood bora dally eieept Snoday with train for Roast Aaatl. SUrartoa. Brawntvtll. Sprisgftcld. I:PJ Mtsas "wasj ase taatroe. KofOTto iasao,tTrgMe sja eet. at "Woed with Mount Asset aad Sllvtrtea tasaj itlSpei -IStSIsm OarvsllR -ircwiaw a-.B Sheridan Foreat O 'f an pa :M aaa ..111 11:00 an 1110:90 tsi Poreat Qreve 111:00 pa. lll Mssi Dally, IIDady eieept T Err ERSON STREET STATION. Per Dallaa tad Intermediate polnta dally, T:St a. at. aad 4:tt p. at. Arrive Pa Ilea t 10: IS s. . sad S:St p. aa. ror time and card of Oawea wserhea tratas apply at City Ticket Office. atari on. Ticket, to I Japan. China. Eaatam point, aad Bsrops rleselshi and Anatralla. ahw City Ticket Office corner Third ffl. . rn.i Tl.Ird int lagrna atreeta. neae Main Til. C. W. STTNOBR. . McMURRAT. city neset A teal. oen. r TIME CARD TRAINS Portland! Leave. Arrtaa. Yauearetoat Park Sasaaa City- at. Inu special tor CHeballa. Cealratl. Olrinnta. Orar's Harbor, loath Bend. Tsetena, Seattle. Spokas. Lewletoa. Bstte. BIlHnra. Denver. Oma ha. Kanaaa City. St. Loala aad SMtheaat. dally I N pic North Uoaet I.tsaRsA letrtt 4 a s iafkted. tar Ttcowa. Seattle. Spokane. i. no totte. MtaaetnolU. St. Paul and the Baat daily. 1:00 pta T OO IS Pneet Seasd Limited. fer n.remont. Cbehalla Cea- Tacema aw seattat eeiy. del uy. 4 0 pet t at set Twin CUT I ma. Seattle. Spokane. SMsec. City. Omaka. St. Coo la. with eat ah as ef ears. Direct iniitlm fer all estate lest aad Bantseest. eeu .11:41 oat 10 M tat WAV. 2 Overland Trains Dally 7 Tk. Oriental Limited, tke Taat KaU VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE rnrtltad ttaia tesedalt Dsllf. Dalle. Lsav. Arrla. Te sad (rem Spokane. St. rani. Rlnneapoln. Kulutb and all polnta Eaat via Seattle 1:10 am 7:00 am 11:45 am :M am To and from St. p.ul. Mlaaeajnatt. Dahttk ted til polnta Seat via Ipakaa t lttsj 1:00 ta Satllnc frost Seattle far Japan tad China porta and Manila carrjlof pa, a. nfera tnd fralgkt. S a Rlattattt. OeUker St. I. a Peseta. Rev tec IS. VirPOH TUtES RAISRA. a ijn&fi'tm Seattle a boat October ft Jtssa aad Cklaear atrtt. earritng psasgr aad fretttit. Par tTrketa. rat, berth, ratera. tloat. ete.. call ea er addre R. BIORSOR. 0. P. I. A.. Mt TkW at.. Ptrtlsad, Oragaa. Pbeae Mala HO. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer leaves Oak rtreet'dpek every enM T'vn Po.TA4;,: points an far east us OVRm. Return Ina. arrives Portland. Tueadav, TlturS oiy snttltstnrdayct S p. m ratee ant esreJIent service. Fltsnee Mam ttt and I JO I S. S. F. A. Kilburn Lea m Tt"tmsir OakStratft tt Sale ky Wteeetd. tatrb a Oa,