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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
til: oi;i:cc;, daily journal", Portland. Thursday -evening, 'September io, lcca. 1. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Acre: BOMB VERT CH01C1 . AND IOACRB TRACTS AJt FARM. PRICES. GOOD LOCATION. , tjutllty of soil th very past $0 stoos or gravsl.. . ' Near car line. Corns to ths office of the Investment Co. 244 Stark St ; . ' sod maks Inquiry. 1 4 1WTHOINI ar., betwees Wth snd Bath, t rueus, modern, couvent'-iit and attTsotlve. 1 Juat completed; price $3,ooo; $900 cull, bsl. , sacs eaay larui. , , A Beautiful bungalow on Wi.iametts bouls- vsro, tnree run lots: dtibo-bbw aim . w swell; can xrrang terms; prlc $3,T0O, . ' MOBOiH, SWEET CHAPMAN. . SIS Ablugtoa blag. HAWTHORN are., between $8th and Bath, 7 roonia. modem, convenient and attractive. just completed; pries $3,000; $Q cash, bal- ' lata auji tar ma. - - . , y . Bountiful bnnralow on ' Wlllsmetts borjle- vara, three r,uil aula; orsno-nsw ana ysry . wu; can grtang tama; prio a,70u, " l.' MORGAN. SWEET A CHAPMAN, - v ' all AblDgtoa bUlg. ., v . ; $18.000 U BLOCK aaat aid, close la; oaa of car snrrei inTeeimeoia. " THOMPSON 4 GAGE, tT Sharlorh bid. 1000 DOWN. 828 a month: nsw. Sanders bona all ensvenlene; lot AOxlOO, Oaataabaln , r ' -THOMPSON UAUB, btJT Bbarlock Illdf, ' . 0OIN0 TO BCILPt Tmr racant loU U beat leratlon and at row price, ao .t THOMPSON UAOB, MT Bliarlork bldf.1 Il.tOO LOT In Hawthorn t. dtaftict. SOUl ac, vormr in noaat raiaane caion. THOMPSON OAOB, 7 Charlock bldg. lOE 8AIJB On, two, thra. foar and frr-aor . tract. alo how and lota; asm fin farm on Mt. Atcott carllM, la far. Phoa Boott sxs. .-. ... . - . ... ,. BAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION I - . " 41.460 Modera S-rooai cotta; acar O. B. A N- boi flue location ; a . rara chanca t eura a bom tr aiaiint amau caaa ' paTBMBt. balanc aan a rant. , r " 41. B. THOMPSON, ' 1 t4t MlialHlppI . . Pood Wood la ara SOB. LABOB qaartar block,, naar car, amall laraaa, bara, fasead. 1700. SIB CoauMrrlal blk. . .. f-ROOM bow, aaartar bloca, an wit. naar i .' car. pUadld Tlw f clt, (l.auO. Si Coaa- ACRES, citr llaslta. aaap at l.00l Jaok . . taia bb. ai a uomnMrciai aim - BEAL ESTATE. . JS oOO A tract on th Wlllanarr fcoal . vard.' which put 2a BO-foot lota. Thla la a bartaha. do jroti Want ttt Bar that food UToarmeBia. . v r- 4 W. i. PEDDlCORD. St. John. Or. ', ST. JOHNS Whr not tniT a lot tnara. for a - Bean or nmtaintr no tor aai, oa carua. . . aaau: iu tcr cai oowb. aiu oar bkbiib. vwnar. I . room T Balalgk bldf.. Man Sixth aaA Waab- CHIAP A enotca lot hi Bolladay Park addV rnona vaax aooa. : , BAST PAYMENTS 4100 cab a ad balanc MM aa rat will buy a ale nhurbB bona i 4 raoma and $ kta. Call S44V4 Stark at. FINB farm naar Portland, achaot and eroaaMry la Tldnltj. rood butldlnra. flrat-claaa aolL (, aarf erabiard, ratmlng wtr, for al cbaap . - ir Man, or wool a irao ror r net land prop- nd prop-1 Partlaad, I ri7.. AQOT oaioxuc box ARI foa kMklnr lor bom or aa tnrcatoMntf " " tiood rati ntata la aafo. W kav aom tbat la aod. Bfr ya bop a what w bara to oft. , i ' kt. B. THOMPSON, , - - S4 Mlaataalppl ar. Phoaa Woodlawa SOS. s soo BRAmrrt, home; a-nt 40x100: BBcHBt aairoualaa-a. - "J. H. Helltrcnncr & Co. 'CIS Lumbar Kxcbanx. Sacond and Stark. , CHOICE lot tOiloo on Unloa aa.) prlc $1,100. Call 944V4 Stark at, , - . S4.SoO BUYS 4 T-room bona la fin condition, with arary BOdcra con Ten lane; Ptftb at.; uaftBai m Biaacuara. i ruta ac POB craax and lota call -vt addraaa H. W. . Lhidbard. 401-401 McKay bldf. Talapboa : Mala IITL. . , . . ;. .. BAVB a corner aero oa Hawthorn ar. , . rarim, a , w ai acr on nirnaw nr. am car . ' 11 n, acre on Euclid ar. aa carlln, a or . aaa IIM m TlctM at:, a M,im mtm tm Vtv- laaa, a acres ta Lanta. 10 lot aa lcnta, 1 lot 'Vt M t raatoa, corner 001100. lota la Mllwaukl - HalxhU. I lota oa XTtk at, 1 ornr lot a , aaui iayior Ba bdib ar., ana many otaora oa th Umt. JVir partlrtilar and term caU ' oc addrM H, W. Lln,lbard...40t-AaB UiX '' bldg. PboM Mala 1171. . A SNAP NIc -mom madcr bona. S moma ' pat Ira not flatabad; ecnnt bmBt, fnr- : Be. lant oata. caaansr pa a try; iota, IK ' lawa, fruit tina, ah rubbery; new earpeta, llnolentB, ahadc. lac rartatha, portiere, window arraa; (1,000 WIU handl thla, hal- " ' aac term. 0. TapUr Ca, WaabUig- toa 4L. room 1. ..... .. . - . .. ,. .41,800 S-BOOM tw Bona, modern coaraa- awtv aaarr ai., fortamoam, , 43,150 OOO D S-moai bona, brick aad caamit Meeawnt. aa Baat'Waahlagtoa at. Call at v 10714 Third It. v . .. . ' - . ' . A SNAP, lOOilOO r half. In Kern Park. Bear railroad tracka 1 So B. M, PIuaiBwr, SOO Talrd at. . - - ' . , . MODERN COTTAOB, BAST SIOB. v 11,600 will bar a thoroughly modern R-roora OMUga oa a flo cornar, Hell wood at., aloaa la. , , : BAOEMANN 4 BLANCUABO, . 1 ruth. St. ,"..'. ItON'T PAY BENT Wa will Ball ma a bona . la any part of to cILg, .or build to aiilt yon; . - , a . H W fl fa. aria M ILUa mt " TO lannai Ilea ta tha kooiai aaetloa r atlaia.rk , ee C. L. Pi IT la Co 428 Laaibor Bxebaogo, . ... . IMB TBA DE Uomeataad rallnnnlabment tor lot , . In Portland. . Addroa 837 Eaat Eighth at., .- Bogn, Or. ' SPECIAL FOB il.SO - . . , 4-arra tract f laaa, ' fenced- and 'Cleared. : located at Ilwaco Ilfe-aiTlag atatlon; 10-rooaa boo, farDiehed, Including 4 bedrooa enltoa, cream saMrator, BHIkcaaa, S baggie, 1 light wagoBa S aJogla haraeaae, . S plow, 1 har row, S doaea cblckna, T No, 1 mllck oow. 4 ' heifer ralrea. .. . . , .1. W. MILLER, Nachotta, Waablngtoa. , T r bara t-VOOO whtctt yoa wtah twaet ai in awae oa. oes n. at. l lummar, , ' - 800 Third at. BXBG4NT saw 4 and S-rooai hoaaea, fall lot, at front: amall payment dowa, balanc moDtbly. Owner. Phone Eaat STB. ' .a m 1 1 1 .1 ' TWO flrat-claaa tou sear Raaeell t. for S1.T00, Mod ara 4-roooi lOotUg meat n md at . 00c ; ownor aiaat bar money; (wU located oa Sixth t. ' HAOEMANN BLANCHABOV ' ' ; !.: . . 41 Plfth-at,. ' T '. 6UB let. Mllwaukl Heights, well fenced. cleared and cultivated, one block from etattoa, '(-' bow $314. Bd Leeeard. B42 Waablngtoa at. ' FOR SALE FARMS. SPLENDID HOMES AND INVESTMENTS. 80 acrea. 11 miles from vtneoever. oa find toad; 14 acrea under fin eta re of cultlvatien, balance Very - eaally cleared; good - 6-roooj kouae sod fins sew bars; 14 mils from school snd 1M miles from country tows; good well of pure water' aad living stream; fin nelrh borb nod; R. F, D- and telephone. Price $1.70. 18 acres, 8 mile from tbl dry, all under fin aiat of cultivation; ni fins Blxhbor Bood, good roada, btcycle paths, B. T. Ii. an.I . telephone; H mil from eehooL Prkw $1,400. 40 seres, 10 miles from this city sad Ik mil from conn try town, church, school, I. tl. O. F. hall and atore 22 acrea aader fine stst of cnlflratlon. shout 10 aero la fine standing timber, he la oca of land very eaally ' cleared; all fenced and arose fenced: llrlng water; fin road and telephone line paat place. Prlc with timber, $1 ". or will eell land a loo. for $1,100 $300 can stead tor thre mar: W bar fin llet of bargslaa ta amall tract a and city property that yoa ahonM e tofors bay In for hem or a InTeetmoat. THOMPSON A SWAN. rrth ' aad Mala aia., Vanraavsr, Wash. .. Re fere re: Vaaeoarer Katleaail bask, a 10 ACRrH rkoic farm land good new B room ,. boneat, hara. 2 el.tcrna. Imft, berrle; very .ar.he f r V.r.i h.,jf nii'a north Cray er. , ,. ("in .,!., ..! a t.latk. FOR EALEFARMS. FARM TOR SALE 370 irr-f of grain farm for enla; 2.V acres In eulrlratlou, rest to . paatnre; alt fenced and croaa-fenced. 1 acre lor.-hard. 2 acree la alfalra, good bouee, granary and barn, aft bi; pWnty water (u place; this la la Whitman county. YVeahtiixtou. a miles Bocrh of nnaks rlrar and o. K. A N.'a nw railroad; will aail or - trade fur Willamette valley ecuell farm; price id.ok. Address P. turllcb. Wilcox. JrYsso Itigius. i ' " 10 acrea of land. 1 Vi miles frnia Coos ha y and about 4 ralla (rocs Marehfleldj eell. cheap or trad. - HENKLB A HARRISON, 817 Abloglou Plug. ' i BEAU CARKrUT.I.t AND THINK IT OVER. Vt. 100. oa terr eaar terma. for 43 acre of th rlrheat land ou, WUIamctt rlrer and boatlandlnr; let tu Tell you bow you can tank $3.tioO off thla placa Try yeari If you ee a -0 gold pier on th rrt pick It up. and when you aee It I genuine pnt It In your pockat. par and 48 a day paid it not , found aa ted. 44.60U, on rary aay terma, for a fully quippta Bo-aero good (arav 10 mil zrota , Portland. , .. I P. PUCHS. 231tt Morrlaon at. , IMPROVED PARM. 420 Bar acr will bur Imnmred farm of .140 acre a, luo acrea culll rated. 40 acre paa tur gad amall timber; houee of 4 rooma, - ha ma, good water; located OS fin county , road, near railroad atatlon. T mile north of ' jorraina on a. r. , railroad ; uua urn 1M jg beautiful location. . ' U WELIJS CO J " ' . 44 Grand ar. .. ' aaim li 1 11 ' . roR SALB. ' 14 acrea, fir mile from Wonda, oa Neo- -a fin atock raack.'Wltk plenty of range, 40 . acre or iiaaiana, u acre nna timber; rail road (urrey near plao;.wlll be on of the fliveat ammr reoort oa coaet wbea railroad reacbea tha place; land la aultabl for laying out la lota; to winter month la great place fog dusk. BTCHTEL 4) KERNS, ' S8S Eat Morrlaon at. ' . . - SB ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. -Beet boy oa the market; IT acrea cleared ; (-room hone. hrg barn and amall orchard: ay drlrlng dtataaca from city; oa th Baa una roe a, mc ai,suu. , uyr muat call tomorrow, Friday. . , . , FRED 0. BlNO " ' ' 80S Commercial blk.. 3d and Waablngtoa its. FOB SALB At a bargain, 800 acre wTl Im proved farm near Eugene, 60 acre orchard moetly 7-year-old Spluenburg apple; prlc ' $16,000; amall pay meat down, eaey terma bal ' anco. B. H. lag bam. Kogcn. Oragoa. . - I WILL eell-a 100-aer farm near Foreat Ororo, Waablngtoa county, aa a wbol or dMdo In - thre parts; thla la th beat bop (Towing lead la county, all It1 and c leered and creek running through It. If yea are rooking for a farm place tbat la Al look at this. J. M. Bailey, 431 Lumber Exchange. , - $8,400 CASH A 11 acr place, 8H mllM front coartbooa. 1 mile to 5-ceat carlln. mil 10 b. r. raiiroao) Bemoa and mm rraea, fine witor; 8-reom bona. H. F. D. Bos : : 14, H IUL- Bore, ur. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. ' THB . . LBB COMPANY ' L, HIGH-CLASS STOCKS-AND BONDS. ' W are alwaya la th market either to bay - or eell any aatlro mlalag or I nd a trial stocka. It will pay yoa to get ear pi li ee. H. Wa DONA HUB, Mgr. Brakoraf Seat. .: ar an 11 11 iiimn8"10 Lf"''e Bilt', jM M HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS TIHICLES of aB kind, sow and aaooad-band) largvst atock, kwt prlc: boreee and rigs rented by day or aaontk- Tomlinaoa A Caa- . alday. 111 Waablngtoa. Pacific 607. . . HORSES and baggto tor prat by day, week and month: apeciai rate to ouauvaea-aoaeee, SUth and Hawthorne, . Eaat 12., YOTT CAN aire money la wagon and bagglea. Th Portland Wareboaac A Tranafar Cow s th plaea. 840442 Eaat Waaaiagtaa St. FOB SALB OB RENT .Horses and oarrlagM .by the day, week or moath. Portland Rldiag Club, 15th and Aider. , OOOD deltTery bora for al,' ara. Slatloo ttrow.- ' - 1004 MUwaakls FOB SALB Paat-nrannig pony. Mty handa high. , 4 yea re old, gentle and aonnd. Here' your caea it yoa want a goad oos. CaU 440 Bait 87th at. . r. 838 CABT tor sale, $16; has been aaed eery llttlo and aa good aa sew; baa been braced and made etrooger la rry manner. Phoa - Mala 4JW before 4 a. m. ar after 4 p. ..-- FOR SALE Oood yoan ponyi will Mde drlee. Phoa Boott 224. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GRAM0PH0NB far sals with SB 10-taeh rec ord and 8 Bo-tech, fin Inatramaat. . Apply - anvr r- 'aa., ea jaioer ai. 1. - FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. HALF DOZEN oulet Jersey milch rows, cheep.-. . Atklneoa. Eighth are.,-sod Fester road. . Lenta. t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT bar too to trade for s 1 S4S Baat uaK, ..... 80 SLIOHTLT damaged sewing machines st very lew price; singer, Wheeisr ) wusoa. Do am tic, - Whit. HooMhold. Pari a ad ' ether a; to make room tor new etock Wheeler Wllaos and Slagers. S. S. Slgal, 84 stor rleoa at..-aUrauam bldg. ritX-BLOODED fox - terrier paps from Biy oiiru, waicn (oos ant pnns si rortians oog hew: thee ar true t .nee . ha In. black and tea head and park whit bodies) wllf max pnsewinoerai ax tw Taction ouaraatota. Hoc k ford atore, Hood River, Ore gap- OOW FOR SALB Flos large Kola tela and eer- eey, rraea laat June, gives four gallon adr; 4 year eld; $36. hC L. Mathsws, 802 Mis souri sv. ,, 1 ' ... r PIANOS OROAN PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORKS, - , ,, j 1- - Mew and second-haad. ALLEN A GILBERT CO.. 4th sad Merrieoa. MOVINO-PICTURB machine, film, soag eltdea. xaa out uia, etc.. nongnt. som, rsta SBS ebangad. New wan, 144H Sixth. FOR SALB Radime Microbe Killer. H.; D, eiaian, vj taraarai T.a TTiaaer Das. WB buy, soli cr trade any old thing. The Peo- Ki a raraitars Hone, xibm rront at., corner Imoa.' TL Mala 420. , -i, " . , BILLIARD AND POOL tables far Mat or tog . sale on eaay payaveBts. , THB BBuNSwlCK-BALKB COLLBNDIB CO, a laira at., rortaaaa. y aa. EWINO-MACBINEB bonght. Bold, exchanges. ee aaa np; awe renteo. WESTERN SALTAGB 00 ' ' . 427 Wuhlngtea St. . - . BOOKS bought, sold snd errbaaged at ta uia ooa storsa lam 1 amain at, WB print your aaate oa 4ft calling cars, proper . sis aad etyle, SB; 9no bselnea card, II. A. W. Behmala Co.. 824 First. Portland, Or. HE ATI X (J plant, boiler, radlatorav pips, food condition. 427 Washington; at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad t erderi second-hand goods foe sale. Carlson A Kslla - strets, B Coach at. Pboo Clay B71. ARTISTS" marerlals, picture aad framing. H. Moorhen A to.. 412 Alder at. . H0WCA1ES, conn tec. Sxtnras bought, sold s exchanged. W re tern Salvage Co., 42T Wash. . lagtoa at. ' PaciO 744. . . WB seed fnrnltur snd wilt pay ton vale. Phone Pacific 714. W eaters Sal Tag CaX, 42T Wahlsgtos St. BOLDEN'S BBET7MAT10 CUR1 rbeumatlaaa. Sold by sll aruggnrts. CLASS1PIRD PARMIN9 LIST of Oregoa Ssd Waablngtos furslahed by Hnral Directory Co., 204 Ablngtoa bldg., PorUssd, Oregoat ap to data. , 1 ' 1 BAR FIXTURES, pooltabl. Bsfs, tables, chairs. WESTERN SALVAGE 'C0.( .',., , 427 Waahtagtea st. ''-' BIO SNAP 250 pairs fbvs Plymouth Rnck homers, cost tft pslr. win eM for IIM. Phoos Esat 13T. or 2t Eaat Rama Ids. NEW carpet to ere ens for ordwAed. Mr. 4. M. Wsrasr, 401 TaooBM St.,-St. Johns, Or. FOOTPOWBB morttaer and sendeaw ra food condltloa, cheap. Inqulr 80S Fourth t. . It HMTI RB of vT room J:fr.-D; prlc )2M. houe tor ask. Set TIMBEI. CI H llt'lirt acrln. any at piece! loweat p. i.-ea. W. U. llowail, b. Chamber Of Oua. BJ.rce. IAWMILI, and timber fr aala; a snap. H. HfrUw, tlrrgon -t Ity. Or. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. EICHANOB. ' SO acre, all chulce land, 40 teres culti vated; houee, baru. onbaid;' near Heed I lie, 12 mil weet of Portland; will take farm to value of H.iMI in exth.nuet price $4,0u0. . lltSKLK A HARRISON, 217 Ablngtoa bldg. IMPROVED A No. 1 valley farm, will chang. A OtOD general atock merchaadlce, will trad for land or dlacouat for caeb. X 17, JouruaL FOR SALB or arch an re. grocery etore, m gooal valley town; good buatneaa. hot faav bualnee tutereata eUewbera. Boa 243. Illllaboro, Or. I HAVE a bom in Florence, Colorado, that will exchange for Portland real aetata. Mrs. Culrar, 434 BeretiUi at. , - PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladle. bv yenr far remodeled nd repaired by practical furrier and expert . Biter; 20 year' ex perl. ore In tbl branch ena blee bm to guarantee entire atlefct!oat - will vail at reeldeno a ad gv. eetlaaaU, If dealred. A. Reiner, Lewla bldg. Murrlaoa and Park. Phono Ptelno ta1. 28 CBN'TS ALT, POB 25 CENTS Phone FOB A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And awlm, atrtke the big tank at tb Port land Natatorlnm Batha; tam and Turklah hatha a apecialty. Sea tb Mg lgn. Batha.'' Onea 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Corner Waablngtnn and Second at. - Expert chiropodlet on hand. MADAME ANNA LUCK BY la prepared to re . reive old and new cuatomra and patlenta at 80IH Stark. Mala 2011. Full Una of hatha. SCHOOL BOOKS bonght. sold and exchanged, t Jones' Book Store, 2S1 Alder at. ANY man or woman ran be strong and happy by aelng Serine Pllla, the- great tool; prlc $1 a box, 4 boa $B, with full guarantee. ' Addrea or .all I. A Clemhoa, drngglat, ear. Second and Yamhill eta... PoctlanaV Or. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve - Glob-i!es. On month' treatroeat, $2; 8 .- aioatha, SB; oeut eeearely aald by mail. Agenta, Woodard, Clarke A Co, PortUnd. Or. SEXINB PILLS oar all fores of aorvoa e. mnaeular - weekneee. For . mea or woman. Prlc 21 a box. 4 bexea 15, with fall gnaraa. . tee. Aidreee or call J. O. Clemeneen. drng glat, aVecond and Yamhill Sta Pert lead. O. BALM OF FIG for aH female diseases. Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084. GENTLEMAN wishes acrjualntanc young widow ladf having own horn; lady having llrtlet girl preferred; object matrimony li - Baited. Addrea Boa 41, lty. - - . ,-- BUBEKA BUSINESS INSTITUTB Tb (anal braacbea;. beat aborthand syatena, 848 Aah. PBOPRSSOB - O'NBILL. 'deraaroloaiat: oa- plexioB, hair, scalp and akin apecialtat, aa . parfloou hatr and all facial blemlahes per manantly removd; no Bear Mfti references ' given; - ladies taught beanty anlture, lo trolyala, electrical and manual maeaaxa for- Bala, etc givaat term reaaonabla. Parlor, 141 11th corner Alder. Coosultstlea and - adrlc free. Phone Mala 46S7. DETECTITB AOENCT CtmBdeatlal Inveatlg. tlona; reporta rornlahed aa indindnala. their character, reapoaalblllty, ate. ; bad debt eoU leeted; mlaalng relatlros located; charges ' reeaoeabla; oarrMpoadrac nllHted. Oregoa Detective BerTlce, of Bee 804-804 Fll'daer bldg., foth axad Waahingtua eta.' rhaas Mala B41B. .. - : I 38 CENTS ALL FOB 28 CFNTS ; , , 1 FOB A SCMMKR PLUNGH - ' And swim, strike tb big tank at the Portland . Natatorlnm Bathe: steam and Turklah batha . a apeeialty. Hee tb big alga, "Bath." Open 8 a. m. t 12 p. m. Corner Washington and Second eta. Expert ebiropodlat oa hand. MOLES, wrinkle, . uprfnous harr tauiuied. . Let aw tall yon how. N charge. Mr. M. n. HlU. Salt 1. Balllag-Hlraeb bldg. PaeiOs 184. YES, Palm Tablet make yoa aleep perfectly. tber trr nervenanee and mab you atrangi no ai prlc BOe a box, 4 bosea $2.B0; gnaranteed. , All drurriata, or adnrea Brook Drag Co.. 47 norta intra au, rortiaBd, urga. BOLDENS HBETTMAT10 CURB Bins cars for rbenmatlsm. .7 Bold by aU draggle ta. , HOLD ON There I uo thing tbat will cur , rb.umatlam. Ak your droggtat ror oarx tonic or addrea or call X. O. Clemanaoa. drug' - glat, Portia ad, Oregoa. : . . . TURKIBH BATHS, 804 Oregoain Mdg.i Udtos oaya, gontieaieB aignan. main awae. DOLL'S HOSPITAL ' Repairing and ' dressing. 8B1 Yamhn si. ue0a a avaure vaa ,e ra.H a a aaa Marriag la 1. High Llf." "Twenty Tesrs Ha'llng.M "Prlaoner of Bends," "A Social , LKm " 60 cents ssch. A. W. Iduuto Coa. .. 824 First St.- . . DR. BTNfk CHOONG. tmoortae Cblsess r medlclneal sells ChtBes. tea. eertals curs for sll dieaae. iai ad., net. xamhui aaa laymr. DR. O. V. KETCHCM core promptly private . dleeaaes, kidney, nervena. akla and apedal -frraal trosbles. Call or writ.- OfBc 170 14 Third st, snr. TcaxhllL Phone PaclB 2224. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hospital; onlet httloa ssd apedal care. Dr. Atwnoa. BoOH Morrlaon st, room 8. Phoa 1 Paaias 1744, r - SUITS preeeed whtls ym Walt, 60s. Ladles' , skirts preeeed. 60c. Gilbert. Ira 14 Slltk aU. Beit to Quells. Phone PsclSe SusS. . BAN FRANCISCO lady now located at 14SU Sixth at., rooms 17 snd 18. Manage and sl- oai rubstnga. - . - . . - YOUNG lady from th eeat baa recently opened , manicuring parlor 861 H Morrlaea at, room 1A , v , .... PHYSICAL cslturs. all breaches, sod masaaga; IndlTldnal and claas Instruction; price te horn . treatment if dealred. Th Ring lev School, SOB Alder st, Pboo Mala 1861. - . MISS ETHEL WARD, msnteurlat and cbtmpo- rtlat formerly of tbe Marqnam Rooming. Honss. I sow located la suits 14, 8S1H Mor rlsos si MIRB GIBSON, expert srsrg. rrestreent arid ms- Koom oa, IBs voamos, m siorrwom TOUR (hoes chined free f char I at th Model Barber -Shop; ahavlng 16c . MARRIAOB pener, Mgheat character: 8.000 , worth 8100 to $100,000: 10c are led: 10th year; in cor port tad. L. L. Lots, Box. 1400. Denver, COlO. .- ; '.u, . , .... . . .-. ' LADIES: Ask your drngglat for Chtcheetsr's - Engllah Dlaaaond Brand Plllai regarded aa . beat. afet: alwaya reliable; bny of your anuria t; take no other. Chichester's TMsmoad Brand Pill a re sold by drngglats every where. Oblcbestsr Chem. Co., PhlU Pa. v MASSAGE TREATMENTS ' For rhsnmatlam and all nervous - ailments 1 vapor sad tub bathe; rooms it desired; lady operator. 801 H Third et. or. of Taylor. FOR SALE. CHEAP Fin ped la-reed bull tsr rier puppnaa. e"V jvaa sr., fortiana. or. ATTORNEYS. I. B. WINCHESTER, attorasy-at-lsw. notary publl. so Waablngtoa bldg. ASSAYERS. Garvin cyanide extr actio co. Mob tan Aaeey OrtVa lag ARCHITECTS. JOHNSON - A ST0BRS. rent feet. builders; cement, cotvereta. 4ot S fcaat Merrlsoa. Phoa , Eaat 4878. . M. B. MBNOxht. great tact, us AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Meter Car O.. Pirtsoath ead Waahlnartas, . Agent - tee 04111. tlreat Arrow aad Stove Dory toCor-ea r ART. FBEB LESSONS In mhraldeey reary day sew stamped shlrtwsiata. coceet-eeTar, bo. lero fackets, hats, smhrellaa, etc. Ths Needlecrart Shop. 8SS Waablngtoa St., be tween Weet Park ssd Testh sts. PRnPtTSSOB B. MAX MSTEB, 848 Abtae. Portrait and Isndaesn artist asd tear her. CAFES. trta. OFPICB YOB WSatvlBftaB gb. phoa Mala life aamasa ragaaosa A merhiBos rsotss. rspairea aaa stsrsa. aula BATHS MASS AC I Rheumatfam cured by maaaare y n young Gey. man lady. 204 '4 Jstark. 21-22 Tacoua llouae. MINI RAYMOND rleea batha and maaaax treatmcnla. Tb Cueiuo. ItiO Morrlaon at. MINS DA NIK La a I tee vapor, maaaax and medi cated batha. Parlor 27, 141 ark at. ' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWt, DAVIS A KILHAM.' 104-111 Seeoed er. filaak bKk mannfaciurere; agent for .loo nnrovad Looee-Leat ledgers; are th atf - Eureka leaf, tha beet ex. the market. BUTCHERS'" SUPPLIES. BUTCHERS StiPPLIKS Adolpk A. Dekam. . 181-18 Hret at., curie full Una and com plete aaa or tmeut at kiweat mark prices. B. BIRKENWALD CO.. BtH-.TOS Ktetett al Larreet hutcbere' unly laoata eo th coeet. CLEANING AND -'DYEING. Sultnrlum Tailoring Co. Preaalng and cleaning; ladle' work -a apecialty. 12T Luwnadal at. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work: prac tical batter la connection. 211 4th. PacIA uT. CI-OTITES cleaned and pruenl 41 set month. Y Unique Tailoring Co.. 804 Starh St. - ' H. TURNER, profeeelonal dyer and eleear. BOS Jeffereou at. Phoa Main 2018. CARPET - CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning 1 re., largeal plaal . en th coast. Lorlng aad Bardlna sts., tele- phone Eaat 200 Carpeu cleaned. reStted. - sewed snd laid; both stesm and latent rem. . pressed sir prosesat reauratlug - aaattreeeea ssd festheas a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, aoctle aad ceoa , preeeed sir comblsed; carpets cleaned en Boor without remove L Mais 6.134. Mala 8200, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Nlfelo - Niblo KIMo 1 810.000 Challeags for Hla Equal 410,004 Commands by , education snd is . endowed with th myaterlou power of tbt P.aateru Magi to heal th 111, weak. alck. af dieted: ., caa aee th paet snd future of your af fairs crystal clsar; creates dirlnS lnflu . ncs to OTarcoOi domestic, lore sr bsal . aess failures: makes plat - -to ' yea all . Cblngs bidden," doubtful, daceptire; , that 1 annoy, perplex or prevent uccea; th only Yogbl htodlator of secret ioauenc la Amertcs; implants In your ltfs snd being s ' marvelous fores to gain your wlah In mar. 1 nag, love, mining, money, bualneaa, win. slug, hick) rmoT evil, cure drink hab its, all weaknesaes ' which depraaa you or eoree tha will, restores lost vitality, Bnds tree a urea, nines, mlaalng onea. papera ; Egyptian astral dead-trance medium, ' nay. cble palmlat, mystic healer. , omplet Oriental U rereading clairvoyant; positively ', guarantee th beat seanes you hare Var .' had almply by taking your hand and look. , Ing at you; tUa verytblcg with names, dates, facts snd 4gura; alwaya reliable: oldest, most experienced la ill occult and special work ; uggeatloBa, aucc . vlbra. tlona. mental telepathy: hastens msrrlags, " restores lost lore, reunites tbe separated, outwits rival, enemies., PcrnvauanLly lo cated, 'Open .Sundays. . B06H WASHINGTOF? ST, lead! lead! Read! THIS IS FOR TOTJII RUAT) CAREFULtT THE FOLLOWING WORDS; , - Madam Barth - - Is permanently located la her own home, '428 STARK ST. This wonderful woman, sc- know led fed. by -the world to be ths grestest clairvoyant sllrs, without you writing s ques tion or altering on word, aba teUa yoa luat what yoa came for. bow many In your fam ily snd sll about them. ' Tell aame, dates ssd facta.. Tells you- of lore, marriages, deaths, boelDee , specalstlons, Investment. .etc.; loeatae oil, xaa and mineral of all kinds, remove evil influence and , trachea yoa how to eoatrol the ens yoa love, aaitss , ths separated add cauaee speedy snd eeo- genial msrrlagr. No matter what your cos dltlon may . be, MADAM BARTH WILL 'HELP YOU. 429 STARK, COR. 12TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEB WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL S P. hi. ENGLISH AND GERMAN BPOKBN . FOR A FEW DATS ONLY.' ' ,. . A SPECIAL $B BEADING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. " PROF. B. KHIMO. ' GrVAateet - Hying astral dead franca ' elate, voyant ef ths are; ADVISER ON BUSTNKRS AND A L1V AFFAIRS OF LIVE; whom yos srtll marry, how to control ths one yoa love, eras though miles swsyi 1 reunite th sap rated : giv secret powsrs to coetrol. I will ds sit sthsr adverttee to 00. and a great deal mor. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN 8TARTT.ED WITH THB POW ERS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, and I prors It to ye with sat pries by giving you a . FREE TEST FREB by hsvlr your NAMB TOLD (IN TtTttl. JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, ssd glvs . son. advice ahenintel- FRRB before tos decide J hae a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL PO ajUKH TO rU.ITl.11'1 TBI SIVI"11LT DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT - WILL NOT PR OFFERKD TO Y00 AGAIN. PROF. B. KniMO, -,'Prmnntlv Located In Hla own Home. - HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY.) No, 263 Fifth at-, corner Medians st. ' SPECIAL READINGS THIS WEEK! 1- 60e 60s BOe 60c BOe BOe BOe BOe 60r BOe ' ST. GEORGE, 80014 WASHINGTON ST. Royal oriental clairvoyant, psychic, palmlat. ' Great sdvlasr on love, bsalness. marriage. '. divorce, law, tnvsstmentst all revealed: tells "Z sxaetlv what - voa - eoaas for.- aa me, ear, or cupatlon; whom, whea you marry: develops magnetiem. -good meg, power or secret con trol, cures all pet aim. dlaesaea. weak habits, restores lost vitality, Inrstea treeanr hy ,. aplrlt power, dsvelops mediums. St. George's ' Egyptian art makes him - mors suceeeafiil than any other mystic worker. Love sr hoslth. , CONSIST THB BESTI A: .'Prof. Wallace, the anted eralrvo.ranl. ' Palmlat snd dead trance medlnot, e--r Th oldest la prsrtioSf give astlafactioa, He fells your psat. present snd future. . Telia your frlende. eneailea snd rivals, ' Whs and wbea you will marry. ' ; Batlafhctlon. or he cbargea yoti nothing. 1 , - f Consult him on business. . ',4 Consult him la Vvs affairs. . ... He charge yoa only 60 cents. ', ' 841 14 Morrlaoa St., corner 7th. COAL AND WOOD. -. THB PORTLAND FUEL CO , , . , ., Bueeeeeors to C. B. DAVIS rUEL CO.. ' Phoa Eaat 84. ' 287 E. Morrtsoa st. ALBINA FCBL CO. Dealera la rdwsod. tool snd grees , ssd dry slsbwood. - B. R. - end Albtns tvs.. 8 blscks seat st tarry, taat 474. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Dealera la coal. cordsrsed and dry eteoweod. rbone Baot 424. OREGON FUEL CO All kind of eoal aad wood. 884 Alder at, Pbap Mala SB, . BOX snd planer wood. ' Stssdard Wood Co. immemare osiivery, nooe aaat xxiaa ' WESTERN FRED A FUBL CO. Hooot j gad vitBaiiiii n trvsiiaTe r tsrsnv SJIS1IO 1 vi n. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWN YOT) MONBYt WB COI.I.ErT BAD PERTH OR fall I'HAKUK. CITIZENS" LAW A COl.tECTION CO.. C?T. BENS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM IS, 122)4 GRAND AVE. PHONB EAST 80B8. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PKDICURINrt. Mrs. M. TV Hill. Suit 1. Sellmg-Hlrerb Bldg. PseiOe las. DENTISTS. THB CHICAGO DENTISTS. STI Waablngtoa at.,- anr. nut a. unarantee a 11 wora. DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy. Portland's lead ing school; ballroom suqnette ssd correct Social and rtaeete dancing tanrht; both nexeat yoong folks, adultei Inatructlon dally. 8u4 Alder st. Pboo Mala 1V41. Professor Blnguxr, dancing aaaater. . WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOIe-Chtas. Moa.. Thaws, snd Sst. eves I nr. children a elaaa Hat. sftarnooa. Modal, fancy and atep dancing tasgbt. W ex tern Academy kail, cor- Beovtie Bd Mnrrlsna. Phono Pacific 1A3A. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC eSI.ECTBIO CO. Engiasors. centra e. tars, rev lr ere, e lee trie wiring, euppiiee. sa yirat, sor. Stsrk. Mala 4oS. R. H. Tats, mgr. g EXTERN ELECTRIC WORS 41 Sixth St. ' fa.t,a,iaiea -. Lh.,.L. aamelleS. . feXMiaaWa and aWxvaiaaau w Install Baal auaat EDUCATIONAL. SlretRTHAND eaally learned by correspondence . by anyone of common education: ayatein adoptr.l by New York board of education. Ad-dre-.a laaac 111 mas Agency, 21 Sa Urania ere . pta-lland. Or. . . . C11IMX leeeosa slvea by aa experienced teacher, well educated. - Apply Pn.feeaor G. P. Peter, 2oBtt Balmva at., ot pboue Mala BU23. MARY DAVIS MACINNIS," teacher of conven tional and naturallatlc china; water-color beada a specialty. Studio 821 E alto at., PIANOS sod other mux leal helps la your music si worh. . ' ALLkCN A GILBERT -CO.rstb sad Morrlaon. PROP. VKHCO Privets Inntrsction la pcaman ablp given.- Room 21. Kuaaal bldg. FURNACES. B0TNT0N warm-air fnrnacee sa v fuel J. 0. Bayer Fsrsaco Cov 264 Saeoad. Mais 48L DRYHOT'SE HRATINO PIPES, mads to order by J. lll. 212 Jeffereon; Phone Pacific 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WQRKS. : PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 248 . riaadera st.. sor. Third. Phoso Mai Sou. EA T PORTLAND FENCE A WIRB WORKS. ' 130 Beat Water at. phone Baat 821. HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COfl PER A CO. Potato, feed aad Soar. - 128 Unloa are. Phone East 1B1T. HOTELS. ; THB BEI.LEVUE. Fnnrth and Salmon sts. Kooms COe up: rates by week or month; ' out-of-tow trade solicited. 1'acttlc 8106. HOOD HOTEL Rooms too up; rates by week or month; out -of -t even trade solicited. 62 Sixth St., 8 blocks from depot. HOTEL Portland, Americas plea: $8. $4 per dsy. BELVEDERE; Earopeen plea; 4th aad Alder eta. . HARDWARE. V Portlasd Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quot price.. 74 Sixth, at. Pacta 4B4, HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, mad ttks sew for 80c: expert Panama bleacher. 44 Third, boo Pis. Branch, 824 First. Pacific 14. KAUFMAN. THB HATTER. 14 N. Sixth t., cleana and blocks soft and stiff hats. , Pana mas a apecialty. V INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir Insurance., lock bldg .; . , . , . 844 Shor- JAS. MrL WOOD, mployr' liability snd ta. dividual accident anrety. bond of all kinds. Phone 4T. 808 McKsy bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. -SP AN EAST-MONEY FBOPOSITION - Money Is ssay to get if yoa know where .to get it, W. hsvs ready mosey at all times, snd yoa ess get It oa your salary: 810 to $100, oa best terms aad at loweat . rates. Ws foaa os ths airy paymeat piss the i-plsB that helps yoa sad gete yea oat of 1 debt. Yoa get tb rub. all yoa a a for, snd repay la amounts yea caa conveniently apart . . each nayday. '"''.- Ws so not file papers, reqrrlr no la. ' doraera. no reference to friend ar employer. Opea Tsea. and Sat. ewealncs until 8 o'etvek. -sHutton Credit Co. ;; - - BIS (BthBoorl Dekam bids. ' '1 . MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city or lor' trnfldtng pnrpoaes, lot from ears vt me,' wit a Ivtleg to repay sll ar part of Joe -after xw. year, ixaaas approves mm mane- ana ononoy ndvsnead as- senicntar piugrassss; ctgare taken up and repinceov - FRED B. STRONG, Financial Ageat. 842 SUrk st. THB STAR 60AN CO - Any salaried employ, wage. earner, gsa tot oa his nete, witaouc mortcsge Month. H Month. Week, gvt no Repay to a SI8.B8 or 84.80 or 8B.BB ... $ Ressy to us 8 4 86 er $3.38 or 8I.4S $18.00 Repay t na 4.00 ar $8 00 r $100 210 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL' LOANS oa salaries, fnsaraaes policies, piano, rnratrurs, wsr.bonao re crlpta, st.! sny deserving peraoa may seewrs ',. a' liberal sdvssce. repaying by assy weekly sr monthly tnatallnaents. NEW EBA LOAN A TRUST COMPART. SOB Abington bldg. MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE. Just oa your own name oo other eecuiitr: doa't borrow until you aa me; my vtm M th beat for railroad mea. clerk, bookkeeper, treetcar uvea nd all other employe; boat Bee etrlctly coafidsntlaL- F. A. Newtos, 424 . Ablngtoa bldg. - MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PROPLB And others upon their ova asms ml I boot - securltyi cheapeet rates, eesleet payments; sfBcss la 40 princtpsl el tie; save yeareeU Bioney br getting eu terms Srst. TOLMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg.. 106H Third et HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS Money can be borrowed oa eaar iter maul Blaa. krweet ratee: strictlr oonBdeBtlsL CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bid-, sar. Third aad Matttaaa. WANTED Note, mortgages sr crmtrscts oa any kind of real eat ate to oregoa and V. aantng ton; eecnnd mortcage nurchaaed If well Be en red. B. E. Nohl. B12 Commercial tit. PRIVATE asoney to loan, city or farm. Muit . nomab or Bear countiesr Interest 4 to 8 per - cent. - Sol Bloom. 43B Chamber ot Onmmerc. $4.ora TO loss oa city real aetata ta sums to nit: tnortsare nought snd sold. G. Johnsoa, 418 Commercial blk. LOW rats sn furnltnr. etc.: cnnBdenrtaL 224 riled ner bldg., loth sad Wasajngtoa. : racl- fic 2634. ...... , ....... MONET to loss sa all klnda et eeenrtty. William Holt,, roam Waablngtoa- bldg. . TO LOAN Sums In utt en chattel eeurtty. B. A. Frame. BIS the Marouaaa. MACHINERY. B. TRENRMAN A CO. Mining, aawmlli, log. , g1ng amchlneryi hydraull pipes, eaatlbg; sll slnds repaired. 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engine, sll sixes and styles, st etwee t prices, ksitbob Macs insty IO., iaa-- Morrison St. THE H. C. AI.BRB CO. Second-bend Bas- chlnery. sawmllla, etc. 248 Grasd sv. MUSICAL, cblrmtr'l Itbratr hi full w; aty d'.scousta to tracaare oave pees incrssssa. Hi sts. PIANO, violin, banjo, -trombone, clarinet Pro- lessor m. a. Bmitn. zo latto. Mais -4715. THB WERRER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, put. tsr ttstractloa, Olssoa msBdollna. . 874 Alder. r.MIt, THIII.HORN. BunU of BEVCIK. vtoM teechee. studio lttd Slits. TaL Mala 8B4B. MONUMENTS. NEU A RINOSLEY 888 Pint St.. Portland's leading mart)! ana granite worts. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS - - OPTOMETRIST. ' ArtlSclsl Eyss Fltred. Vltloa Bdentlnesllr 124 Sarrsath B DR. . J. MILLS ' Optometrlet and Eyesight BpseiallM. Room 86-27. 823 Wtahlogtoa Btxeet DR. GEO. RUBBNSTEIN, reliable pt1claa gleeae (d)nated By th lataet orient I Be ap t.llenoe. lag 4th at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, g-raduar ef th Osteopathic college er s.ithsviiis, n,.. i. . Is a speeisllat oa xkeiimatlara. et- . all fexaals dleeases. Ofrice 410 Fau corner ef Third ad Waablngtos ai. aasaaaaaw . U DBS. ADIT A NORTHRl'P. 413-16 IT I bidr.. Third sod xAaahinrtoa sta. , MaU 848. ItamlcaUoa (rss, ; ; . t ! FINANCIAL-BANKS. TBI BANK OF CALITOBBIA Zstsbllehad 144. Head Ofea. Sas Frasclxre. C Capital paid so $4 OOO.noS I Ptnrplse and inrtlrld- d . ' , ' . . Oeneral Ranking sod Eltbanxe Bnaloeee Trnn't.-d. ft.aM' 1 " l ., -l 1 -stares S time oSpoelra. Acconnta opeaed for anma of $10 and soerardw Portia nai Braneh Chamber of Commerce RuiU'lug. jLMACRAB ........Manager 1 j. T.B!'RTCHAKI " FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREO0N. ' ' " . Daalgaated Dcpoaltary and Financial Axol of the United State. Preeldent. L, -MILLS-1 C-blerr. 1-. J- W- AsHatant W. C ALVOUD ( Sece4 Aealatant Csahte..... .B.. F. 41 Ss a . . Letters cf Credit Available In rnrotae and the Ea'teru Statee . Prchanxe. and Telegraphl TTan.fer Bold o New York. R.ton. bleage. at. lai Bt. Pa OmaAa. Sen Prxnetaco ana) the principal point is tbe N.arthweot I w , Slsbt and tlm bill drawa la earns to ntt eo London. Parle. Berlin. KraakrWt-os the-1". Yokohama. Cooenkaaen. Chrtettaala. Ptoctsoim. Bt. Pcf h'T'iJ!?.'??'.'!- LADO A TTLT0N, BANKERS (Zetehllaaed ta 1844.1 - ' . , ' " Trassasta a tVeneral Banking Bualneaa. Olleetinn mad at'al petnt J 'TJ hi terma. Letters of credit leaned ellahlc in Enron and all Point. In the. n" e Stst, Sight Exchange anil Telegraphic Tras.'ere aoM en New York. Weklnartos. Caicee. St. Lord.. Denver, Omeka, Sen Fraaclaco asd Montana snd BVIrtah Cohtmhla. Ktchsnge aea on?.:I?iR'll u. Frs nkforl, Bonghoo g. Yokokama. Manila asd Hsso'nha. , MKERCMABTS' NAT10HAX BAKX. PORTLAND. ORKPON. - ' ' ' J. FRANK WATSON....... Preeldent I B. L. DURHAM 71'r7" .'Il . i R. W. HOYT .......Caabler j GBORGB W. H0TT .Asstatan Caable Transacts a Osasrsl Banking Bsalaeea. Drafts snd Tetters sf Credit lasaed A vsilshls ta All Parts sf tbe Wot 1 4 UNITED. STATES NATIONAL BAVX OF PORTLAND, OllOOat. ;., North weet Corner Third snd Oak Street. , ' ' . , le Tieea. . O. 1 u .1.1 i nnilTl laLTTvn A ea An tTTrtea ex the Halted Btatea aw Its rope. Hongkong aad Vle-Pr:d.BV.;::. ......... .J . U. ainiWUHTU . .. .K. LEA BARNES Asslatyit r a abler D AaTTEBB A LUMBERMEN IB . . Commsrctsl snd ssvtngs . tetter f credit leaned eei I ro e foe the (ceommodstloa ef cuatomees. ' - P ELTON Presideat FRED H. ROTRmrLD... First Vlce-Pre etdeat JOHN A. KEATING. ...Second Vlce-Prldnt TRUST COMPANIES. ff-wlBTLAND TRUST COMPAb-T OF OREGON The Olaoxt Trust' Csmpsay la X TtKHOII (vn hi pert of the certifies has. B! Baaethaa n. . , ... ax... e,. BENJ. I. COUea ' I B. LEB PAGET IWreter I Becrctsry ! QECTTRITT SAVTNOS A TRUST 00 MP ART ar ,.. , , . , , ge- ueewrmi afansing sumavx, a, Tim sad Bsvlncs Accousrs. Acts ss . Credit Available la AU C. P. ADAMS). Preeldent I A. L. MILLS. Second Vlee-Pveeldent 1 ' ' GEO. P. RUSSELL.,'. RCT.S OVER $1.TS0.0B. General banktnr. per rent Interest on enecs ; andredal na 4.11. bel.oeea ef SRon ee ovee. I-ttera of credit and erchanrs ea ail world. ! Savlnas accounts Tim eertiflrafee. to per cent: "oet-cell apectel Un ee aaa IU a . Call tr Itook of "Il IT'taTR ATION" TKX MORTOAOE TARANTEE A TBTJST COMPAJTT BAVX. . ' , - . - I ; Trsnaacte a Oeneral Banking Business, - Interest - Paid ea Tim ; peposits. Svjngs Departxsest; 4 per cent Islorsst allowed, eempoooded soarterly. ' CAPITAI..-. 8100,000.04 . 0. W. WATEBBURT. ,T. Preeidsal ') C W. MIlLeR Tlca-Prarldeat - B LOGAN HATS statant aVet alary ETks Temple. Seventh and Stark Streets. Phone Main 144, Opea 81 NORTSTWRSTERR OVARANTZB A TRUST COMPANY Psrtlsad. Orsgsa. - Lsmber Excbange S. E. Comer Second nd Stark Street laecosd Soor). , . FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. is ' State, County, ' Muslclpsl snd Correratloa Benrbt aed Bold New enterprise rg anise ,e - and Snsnceo. Stocka sud bonds gosrastseq. . . ' TITLE OTMKAVTKE A TRUST COMPANY 444 WABKIR0T0N STREET.' MOBTGAGB LOANS ea Portland Real Ratate at Loweat Rate. ; Titles lBsorL A be tr acta rsrs'ahed. . I. THORBURN ROSB. a a.1. ...President I JNO. R. AtTCHIRON....;.....V. 0EOROB H. HILL. Vice-Preeldeet J T.T. BCBKHART.N BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHXRS, Ctismr af Ooauatros Bldg.... . i - " Manleinel.' railroad and I0wTI74-B0rKTNS CO MT ANT Bstakl Uk YJ , ; BTOCEB, BONDS. GRAIN Bout bt Private Wtrsa.' " BOOM 4 CHAMBBB HI J. a UI COMPART 14-84 1 fayotte - B rob era r Department Sec Cs Before Buying ot Selling Stocks OYcrtcck. Starr & Cooke Co. SJIATW. PR0TTBI0N8.; COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WB V9 A tlaUOTLI Csatli oos Markets by Priests Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd. A Tlltoa. BaaB or, ssd United Ststeo National Bank st Portland. - ' LOUIS X'-WEBEc "A , , .- ; J SCHOOL AND CORPORATION MUNICIPAL ; Big boat Betnrss to Investors P0BTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB PLUMBERS. FOX A CO.. sanitary plnmbera 231 Second bat MsIb and Balnea a. Oregoa Phone Msla BOOL DONNERBERO A BADEMACHEB. rsi Wo. BOB Bumelde at PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. Ths PlooeeT Paint Co. window-glass sad Us1b. 184, Flrat at Phoss 1334. " PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTKRTArtmtis printing. . 84 Rneeel bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlssa. Phoa Fnnc wxs. REAL ESTATE. PARRI8H, WATK1NB 4 CO.e state. iBSurancs. reutsl and agenta. 260 Alder st. Real Was RUBBER STAMPS. r. !. BTAMP WORKS, 244 Alder ot.. paoas Msla T10: rubber stamps, sea la. staectle; baggags, trads check ; breea signs nd pistes. ROOFING. TIN ROOFLNO. guttering. reeslrlBg gnd ewe-e! fibbing. J- Loall. 212 Jeffersoa st Psc. 1424. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sols sgsnts for Herring. Hall-Marvla ssfsa snd Mnngaass Stoel Bxfs Co.'s bank esfes. Ths isrgest assortment sf hlgb-grsds firs ssd burglar proof ssfst la tb thef at Seventh st, . -'. . - DIE BOLD Mengsnes snd fireproof safes; so. r easeful rogrraa sgsinat burglar snd firs: lock. suts opeaed. Mr. Snper. . mechanical srt , With J. E. Dsvls, 44 Third. Phoa 1466. EIGHT eoBd-hnd fireproof ssfes sad two secood-hssd bank aafea for sals cheap, 'at 78 Sixth t., Portland. Or. SIGN-PAINTERS. aaia. iaa (a,, m i COLD SIGNS, window lettering, doth bsaoora, economical electric sign and algna of sll kinds made quickly. Foster A Klelssr, Fifth ssd Evsrett. Phono Exchange 8A. W. P. BER0ER A SON. 244 Tsmbtll St Slgo of all kind. Pbobc PaelBc 8232. ' - SlONS THAT ATTRACT- A. H. Bos Co, SWT Stark at. Phoos I'artne inoo. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every aescrlpflou; bak. bar aad atere Bstaree made to order. The Latar ' Masufscturlng Co.. Portias. R. H. RIRDSALU deslgnsr; got M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7- Hamlltos bldg. Mam 6630. STREET PAVINO.- . WABRBN Cooatraetlou Co., street pavtsg. eide walka asd crow lags. Bit Lam her Bxckangs. TBE Barrier Asphalt Paving Co. ot, PortlsBd. Office 634 Worroetrr blk. - TYPEWRITERS. NEW type writers, stl mskes. rented, aold and repaired. Ccsst Agescy. 831 Stark. Tel. 10 f, TOWEL SUPPLY. CI.SAN TOWITTJI D A IX Y Comb, broah. sop. Bl per mooin. t-nrtiana x-eanary itn i"wii Hunply Co.. Ninth and Cone. Phone 4 m. TELEPHONES. THE only exclusive tslenhooe-hoo, B..R, 1 leetvlc A Telepbous Manufacturing cotu- . , tl Fifth at. v;i::dov rrrAr Collection, s Bpectaiiy Manila. Collactiasa Msd ou Favorable Teeaxa- . I Csahler... W. A MOLt ' Asaletss Csahler...... .4.....A. M. WRIGHT XI BANK Portlasd. Or getv. Corner Becond sad 3 tart fwts. rs departmesL Interest paid m ssvtngs aeeosnta. Drafts as vallahle Is sit parts st ths world. Opes SJ tawday tresulsgs from , m a ufiaa .. . , .Oeehtev H. D. STOREY... r,,,BIl 1!. nt t'eeniar PLATT A PLATT . .Oeneral Cotineel Hua. Pel te ExehanaO T2. w. r... PtTTOCK Vlre-PrestdeSt J. O. OOI.TRA. . .Assistant Secretary 844 Morrisaa Strsst. PtritUxat Ore a. a.aiana aaakaeuVVT - lelaraat Allan O X T I o uaraaie... ., . Truates for Estatea. Draft sad Lsttsrg or Parts of the World. IV A. tEWTS... i-Flrst Tlcs-Prestdeut B. d. JUBITB. ..........e..aVsvotsry AaslaUnt Secretary atsrday Even tag I bt-. '.Secretary .Treaurr public service rorperstioa bonds. ad 1848 BR0K1RS. - sad Bold tor Cash aad aa Margie. " ef COMMEBCB. . Pba Mala ST. B14g PertlasA. Oregoa. . ' . H. W. Draabu. Manager. sr Bon da. Caa Alwaya Save Tea Money.n .T-' oUaUUBaiua auniacoa. X&ZZX l v -: -t Cassia test With Absolute Safety. TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECtTBITItB.' TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. , nr. Sixth aad Oak etc.; baggage cheeked, from hotel ot reetdanc direct to destination; ' paaasbgers therefore avoid rush ssd snauy ' sne at depots. Private Eichaags 44. . SAFES, .pianos sad furniture stored, peeked ready tor -ehlpnlng snd shipped; . sll work . guaranteed; large. S-atory brick.. Bre-proof wsre'rua for a-oragc. Offle 204 Oak t C. M. Olsen. Phoa Mala 44T. C, O. PICK, efface 44 First St.. between starh snd Oah at a., phoos 604; pianos ssd furniture moved end packed for shipping; commedleas brick warehouee with separate los rooava. Front and. Clay sts. CUT rates oa household goods to all points ssat; ws stake sp carload.: special room far . trunks walls welting. Oregon AaaO-Dsspstea. .' 18 First st - Phoos Msla 714. . , OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth. mono Msla ou. 11 wavy nesting sou oror PIANOS sad furniture moved. Call up Cosgrovs Br., st 806 First t. Mai 2214. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 824 Stark St. Mala tr7. POST SPECIAL PELtVERT.-No. toOH Wxea. tngtoa st. lbone Mala 462. '.' WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB' BRNYMAN LEATHER CO., )orbsrs of saaatcry, parawm, ea xuaja, ....v.- luga and sbo etore euppiiee. Fifth snd Oak. M. A. GUNST A CO. " --r-t DISTRIBUTORS OF FINB CIGARS. , PORTLAND. OREGON. OREGON Furaltars Mannfactarlng Compauv Mannfncturero af . luroltar Is the trade. Psrtlsad. Oragoa. ...... FURNITURB msnofturtog and oseelsl orders, L. Bsssnaty's fsrolture factor-. 270 Front st WADRAMS A CO.. wholessls grocsrs. ma no fact urera and eommlatoa asercuaata. Fourth SSd Oafk BtBr:---4- , - r EVERDINO A FABRELf produco suit emxila, loa merchante 140 Front st. Pert land. Or. : Pboo Msla ITS. ALLEN A LEWIS, mmmlaaloa snd prerrnee mee . chants. Frost and Dsvts sts., Portlasd. Os. STEIN A WAYNE Jobbers sad Wholesale grors. Sfsl Becod t. WHOLESALB crockery snd glanwar. PraeL Hecel A Co.. loo ta loa Fifth. . Stsrb st MISCELLANEOUS. Multlgrsph Letter Co. racnlmll ot typewritten Vettere. PuhMe atteeoeearihv. Falling M.(r. EUGENE'S COMMERCIAL ' CLUB OPENS NEW. HOME ' (Special Dispatch to Ths Journal. I Eugene. Or., 8pt . 2"A The Kugena ComerclM club'g now quarters wcrw for mally opened last night with appropriata exsrelsea. Tha affair took ths naiure of A social i gathsHngr Bsvsrsl thorl 41 dreoseg were deliverer. - . , Prominent among th gn.sts wars flow amor Chamberlain, Jefferson Uvsrt, Oeorg K. Hogsrs ot Balern, J. K. Veath. srford of Albany, and Colouol JC. Jiofrr. About 800 parsonft wcr present dirlng th evening;. , , . . Tha Commrsclal club ocouplh His co tlra upper Xloor- of lo two-story bri .k . building recently oro-ed by tr. t. A. Pain, at Tenth and Wlllamftis strema. Thar la A general Tcicptloo room. rymnBsiurn, a 11Iok', a car.i..iu. a bowllnu alley, batha an t all oU:cr -.ii-vanlenrea Benorally found (1 a wcil r.g i. Uted rltib. All th.; are hnn i,.h.i-. ly furnished. fhf c!:l " tt : u a I shout four year! ui snl row r..n 0-. -0 mamljeri t T t 1 )