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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1906)
i GOODr EVEiJIIIG A. .A.' A'l i A ,r- - Journal Circ; ;i. Yesterday O - " - " Tr' -;- . THE WEATHER. Fair tonight and Thursday; north erly wlndi. - . , ' i . . . - . , . VOL. V. NO. 163. r Cashier of Rainier Bank -Visits Portland , in Company of Sheriff White of Ulumbia Spends Night at HotelComes for Alleged Purpose of Identi Jying Holdup Men, but Does Not. Go Near Jail Where They . Are Confined.. In company -with Sheriff White - of r Columbia county. Caahler C.' flL Van -Auker of the, Stat bank of Rainier, o- eupiea room 3J at the Imperial hotel laat night Van Auker wa caahler of , the bank, which.- according- to bta atory. waa: held up In broad day light on Labor day and robbed of 12.(00. s '- The caahler' waa In- company of the - aherlff during the day; They cam to , Portland for the alleged -purpoee of .try-. . lng to Identify, the two men who held op an automobile' on the Linn ton road Frl- "ay night aa the two who. according to l'asier Van Anker, held him np on Ut- bor day', bound him and robbed the bank of 2.(00 In gold. However, neither the aherlff nor Mr. Van Auker visited the ' Jail, where the men are confined. , - Since the mysterlou robbery of the ; State. Bank of Rainier. ' the . cashier's actions and hablta have been thoroughly Investigated. It I said that the Inves ligation haa revealed that Van Auker,1 prior to the robbery, bad been gambling heavily and also that he bad loat baav- lly. Persona who claim to 'know him ' state that ha waa a. frequent patron at 'the Mil waukla .club near thla city, and that he alao made frequent trlpa to the gambling resorts of Astoria. 'Samora ia Olroalatlm. 't:"' Startling rum ore were- circulated at . Rainier and at other placea aa Boon aa the report of the sensational robbery ' waa given out!"' Few residents of that ' town believed the statements of the caahler, bees one of the apparently physi cal Impossibility of the robbers to have performed tbe deed aa the - caahler stated. - ; ' , - - (Continued on Page Eight) ; SilID' READING SYSTtEm Reported That Magnate Has Ac quired Large Holdings in Coal - Railroad and LandsHundred and Twenty Million Price Paid for Baltimore dOhio. v ' fjenrnel tfneelal ffervwe.t ' .' New Tork, ept 1-Th coat of the Baltimore A Ohio railroad to the Harrt- man Interests, lta new owners, remains largely a matter of conjecture. One gueaa was that It Involved an expendi ture approximately of 1120,000,000. but thla la considered by -good authorittea to ba too high. Even with 1 110.000,000 as the price for the control, railroad man amy that - the Harrlman Interests have acquired ' a property well . worth that amount of money. - , , Even thla large aum, .ft la pointed out, la leaa than the amount expended on the ayatem In extensions and Improvements during the past 10 years, for 10 years ago the work of rebuilding the road be gam-- In that decade about 140,000.00 have been . expended tinder tbe general head of Improvement , In addition to the large cttlea on the seaboard connected by Its 4.481 mllea of road, the Baltimore A T)hlo reaches four porta on Lake Erie Falrpbrt- Lorain, Cleveland and Sandusky, and besides 11 Chicago, onr port (Indian Harbor)' on ; Lake Michigan.- It ta at the latterplaee that the city of Gary and the 178.000. OOt plant of the - United States Bteel corporation la now in oouree of con struction. -'.I.'-. , But equal even to the great advant age of perfecting through tha Baltimore Ohio the first transcontinental rail road ayatem. It la said, there are coal landa derivable from the acquisition of Influential ownership In tha Reading ivstem. There la an impression that the Harrlman interests lave acquired large holdings in the Reading apart . from the Baltimore A Ohio Interests. The control of the Reading will be per tlcnlarly advantageoua to Harrlmep, be cause of the Readlng'a position In" the hard coal BMd. , urn) A ' ' ' ' ' v x . ", t t t rr t-t. (11 .r , Caahier Van P.-W,' Van Auker of 't. ing; Robbery at ,4.-r Mrs. N,- B. Kane . Di ;Yea(rS;Frp ITKeirBab : . -, : ..Seven years from the day, her. hus band murdered 'their child,1 attempted to murder her -and committed suicide,' Mrs. N. B. Ka aa died at Good Samaritan hos pital thla morning- a raving maniac, j For aeven years lire.-Kane baa brood ad over tha tragedy, enacted In Baker City. Oregon, September; It. which destroyed her home, tofrom her her little baby, and gradually aindermlned her reason. Mrs. Kane" a father died last spring. , 'After hie death It was no ticed that the -brooding waa more con stant and that Mra. Kane waa slowly but surely tetndlng toward Insanity.- -- About two weeks ago tha evidence of Insanity became ao pronounced . that aha waa placed la 8t Mary's hospital, at Walla Walla. Washington, for treat ment Last week Mrs. Kane waa brought to Portland for examination by specialists, but she had become ao vio lent that on Monday, her sister. Mrs. M. J. Shaw, began proceedings In the county eoart-to have her committed to the asylum at Salem. -. . . An examination was had and he eonv mttmeht , tO -.thfc avium - rnllnwad. Trains having been delayed, an attend ant could not come from 'Salem to take tha patlept to the asylum, and aha was THREE CHARGED WITH .' i i ; ELECTION FRAUDS ' (gperlel Dlepatrh te'The loonet) v ut J. B. Hunt Th Dalles, Or.., Sept !.- and P. F. Pouta were arreated for oer Jury on direct Information filed by tha dlatrlot attorney, yesterday-afternoon, and Seneca, Pouta, charged with subor nation or perjury, waa arreated at the aame time. . The offense waa committed. It I claimed, In connection with the general election at Hood River. Each of the accused furnished ball' In tha aum of (l.oos to answer the charge at th circuit court - Two other parties, eharged - with perjury In th aama affair, are yet to bo arrested. ' Mongolia Vnehaaged. ' Midway Island. Sept II. Tbe condi tion of the Monsolla Is innaratrtJ tin. changed today: The Japanese training ship Aneguwa in passing yesterday ex changed signals with the. Mongolia and la now lying near to give asslstaoco it needed, . -- - , PORTLAND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19,' 18C3. FOURTEEN ll!J '. ' Jk ..-" f'. I.' 'IV'-'- State Bank of Rainier and Sketch Showv Described by. Him. m Raying: Maniac; Seven Killed y placed la the padded call In tha county Jail' to ' be held until an-attendant-arrived. Last night her condition waa ao bad that a' tralaed Bursa was employed to care for her ' "'Thla morning the unfortunate woman had so exhauated herself by her strug gles In her ravings-that she waa ' re moved to tha Good Samaritan hospital and died a few mlnutea after reaching that Institution. -- - STOLE $5,000 IN DIAHOKDS -:njn! nun ivn?iH4 - - x i uui.i uinu iiui.mii - yj V' vU,..,.. .;...-:. 4,...., Emma . Howard, Alias Emma Stokes,' Accused of Robbing Corpse at Pasadena. (Joaraal Special twice.) ' Los Angelea, Sept . 1 1 -Detective . W. W. Freeman ha arreated Emma How ard, alias Emma Stokes, for tha theft of diamonds valued at more than. 11,000 from Henry Brlggs of Pasadena. Tha robbery took place on August 20, but no Intimation ' wa given out before that' tha 'gem were missing. 'Behind 'the atory. of tha theft of the diamonds la a strange tsle, ao weird that It ta almost past belief. . :- ,' ' i Tbe Jewels were stolen from the body of the late Mrs. Briggs at Santa Monica. Mra Brlggs bad been In' falling; health and finally her husband decided to take her to Santa Monica In th hop that tha sea air would save her Ufa After an Illness of several week,' however, aha died. ... . ,.-'' Her husband was not In a condition at th . time of the 'death to pay much attention to worldly matters, and Mra. Howard, with- whom: th Brlggs were living and In whose , Santa Monica boarding-bouse Mra. Brlggs. died, took tha Jewels belonging to tha dead woman. She evidently had doubts aa to 'their value, but when a Santa Monica Jeweler told her they were worth over 11.000 aha at once schemed to make way with them. She bad tha Jewels In her. poasesalon but a short time when aha disappeared, taking tbe atone with kSj , J 311 DETECTIVES 4 TellsCivilSeryiceCom mission Why, ttfiliu : sisted That Sleuths Be Removed ' Cheaper for' City' to Pension 1 Them "and - Let Them Live Elsewhere Than Keep Them in Police ; Department, v Declares City's Chief Executive." if. t "We almply became Convinced that It would be cheaper for tha city-to pension off tbe detectives and let tem live in Polk oounty or somewhere elso outside tha city than to keep them in the police department" -' ..-' " ; Thua did Mayor' Lane, unbosom him self ' concerning , the dismissed alautha before tha civil aervice commission thla morning. J' ' -1 "'..v . " " " ' . Tha commission waa Investigating tha dismissal of A. G. Vaughn, tha only one af ther sextet ft ask tha commission to hear hlc aida of the ease. Four others. Day. 8 now. Rasing and CarpanteW have laid thetr-- troubles before' the etrcutt court: Iartman doesn't want his Job back. - - : ' After enumerating a long list of In stances where the detective fell down completely, the mayor exclaimed: "And as., to murderers why, ' they could no mora catch a murderer than they oeuld go out on tha hill and catch an ele phant r ;-. oaa vaoer Aavtsemami. - After bearing a lot of evidence the commission at 1 o'clock thla afternoon took the case under . advisement Its conclusions . will soon be announced. While it waa shown that Vaughn , waa no mora negligent than tha others,. It Is doubtful If he is reinstated, largely because of the influence such action might have with the circuit court The mayor declared that be would not be held responsible to tha people for tha result of th police department If tha Ave men who want to get back, are re instated. - Ha declared that when tha Mllwaukle (Continued on Pago Three.) PASSENGERS ON FRISCO TRAIN -THIEF'S VICTIMS Robber Takes Money and Jewel ,ry at Every Opportunity While Train is Running ; Between San Francfsco and Portland No Clue to the Thief. - A aneak thief who plied, hla trad vig orously and eucoessf ully all tha way from San Francisco to Portland made thing Interesting for tbe passengers Lwho arrived In tha city thla morning. With half the train alarmed by his theft of th first night tha fellow con tinued u noon earned, and no on saw him and there la no clue to hla Identity. He got all told, perhap 1 1.000 , worth of plunder. Moat of tha nllferlns' was dona Mon day night soon after the train left San Francisco. Tha thief continued hi op eration during ' th - day by aneaklng money out of purses left by th women passengers tn their car seats when they retired to tha observation car. It waa In thla way that Miss Emma Conroy, who arrived' with her father at the Portland hotel this morning, . lost It. Mis Conroy- left th purse In a hand bag on her Pullman neat and went Into the observation car to view th scenery. She returned a few moment later, but did not discover her loss until arriving la Portland.. j) z - -s : Thief Beta Oold Bracelet, Mr. A. A. Richardson, who waa a passenger on the train In company with her husband, lost a handsome gold bracelet Bet with sapphire.. Th brace let wa of wrought gold and valued at 1100. Mr. and Mra Richardson Hv In Vancouver, British Columbia, and are an route home from a visit In California. W, A. Ross, assistant general passen ger agent of the Oreat Northern Steam ahlp company, waa robbed of ISO. The thief la aupposed ' to have taken the money from Mr. Roes' wallet whloh be had placed under hi pillow, when he re tired for the, night - . numerous other tosses were reported . Continued on Pac'wo.jj M ITS Oil THE LID ;.-,.-" ...... .... AT Secretary and Party in Cuba Call on Pres ident Palma and Dis cuss, Peace Terms General Opinion 'That Interven tion Followed by Annexation Is ' Inevitable Foreigners y With out Exception Favor Becoming " Part , of United States.. : " V (Jearnal Spedal Servlee.) Havana. Sept.' 19. Secretary of 'War W. H. Taft and party arrived at T:I0 o'clock-this morning.. Taft and Bacon were received by Secretary of State' O'Farrell on board the Des Moines, and called upon President Palraa at 10 o'clock, . . , , The lid upon which Secretary Taft In tend to alt cover a volcano. Th wen Informed aay that American troops are oertaln to come, maybe In a few weeka, possibly a month or ao, but their com ing la Inevitable.- -i: r Both sides talk- - about peace, but neither la wUllag ta mala nrmossarens. Ninety per cent of th property I owned by Spaniard. Americana. Engliah and German. and all are practically solid for annexation.' English and Ger man, warahlpa are near, but they avoid Havana, a their government are re lying upon President Rooeavelt to re store peace. -..- 1 It I announced that th battleahlo Louisiana. Virginia and New Jersey are coming direct to Havana Instead, of putting into Key Weat for- further or dera as first intended. It la announced that the Dixie at Clenfuegoa. will be replaced by tha Taooma or Cleveland. and return to Santo Domingo, where trouble 1 brewing. While ao acceptable basts of peace appeara to have ' been suggested br either aide, the impression la general that Mr. Taft will take up th work of peacemaking with small consideration for past grievances, tha main Idea being rather construct! vs measures for tha future.- Th American commissioner, accom panied by a delegation of liberals, headed by Zayaa, representing tha Insurgent,-and a party 'of . government supporters, left . at 11:10 o'clock for Morgan'a house, at Mariano, to begin a discussion or the aituation. If Taft fails to make peace with Cuba tha American government la ready to atep In without delay and fore quie tude. The war department 1 going ahead with preparationa to embark 1,000 men from Tamp. It la generally admitted that armed intervention - will follow failure of the emissaries. 1. ARMY CAPTAIN FACES , COURT AT MANILA 1 CJeeraal Rseelel gerrles.1 . Manila, Sept 1. Captain Ira Fred enhall of th quartermaster's depart ment ' wa arraigned In th civil courta today charged with a misappropriation of public fund. -. - BUD DOBLE NEARLY- KILLED BY ENRAGED STALLION Trainer Is , Shaken Violently, Hurled In Air and Stamped 'v-'-f! on by Animal. UearasI BpecUI Servtea.) San Joaa, Cal Sept Ii. In training one of hla famoua stallion. Bud Doble wa nearly killed on hlsabtg stock farm near Lawrence atation lata Saturday afternoon by a horse which he bad been driving. For some tlms past Doble haa been having trouble with tha animal One day laat week while th horse waa being driven by the trainer about' the farm - be picked up a nalt Doble ex tracted it but In doing ao caused, the horse great pain. At.tha time tha stal lion showed dislike for th driven, but Doble thought nothing of th Incident Saturday th animal made no display of temper until an opportune time of fered Itself. Doble wanted to rearrange the -check rein; and walked by tha aide of th horse until near hla head. Aa he stood ther h was suddenly pounced upon and felled to the ground. Then the stallion reached down and picked up th prostrate trainer In hla teeth, shak ing him - violently. He hurled Doble to one aide and then deliberately knelt on tha body, placing nia Bneea on tha train- era chest and aide. Several men f- -1 the stable rushed over and beat the Imal off and carried tha injured tix home. ' Doble haa aeveral ribs br A land sustained a number of ba br. PAGES. ; PRICE TWO U'UW CERALDINE FARRAR Conried'a New Opera Star.; eim loved bv III GRAdD OPERA ,'t ..'.- ""eaaawaas . CeraJdine Farrar Among Stars to Sing in Metropolitan Opera Company .the Coming Season . Conried Promises New York ' Its Greatest 'Season in Music. . (Joaraal SpeeiaL Service.) New Tork, Sept 1. Herr Conried oCtho Metropolitan. Opera company, wbo haa returned --from- Europe, promise New Tork It greatest opera season dur ing; the coming winter,. More - than a score 01 new. singers nave oaen engageu. a well aa many old favorites. The coming of Mtsa Oeraldlne Farrar. who will make her debut early In tha sea aon In ""Fedora," a new production here, was on of the Impresario's most Inter esting announcements. "Conried de scribed her to be, a, well aa Lin. Cava llerl, also a new acquisition to tha Met ropolitan forces, two of. tbe moat beau tiful women on the ope ratio stag.'. Itliaa Farrar haa a glorloua voice and great dramatlo power,, aay Herr Con lied. ' She 1 'with th Savage Opera company. - Conried waa attracted by her -voice and aent her to etudy with Jean D Resike. He hoard her again when ha waa In Parti thla summer and waa convinced that the time , had come for her appearanc. before aa American au dience. . ' . -'' Miss Farrar la the young . Amerioan gtrl -with whom , tha German crown prince wa at one time desperately la iov.-v-: ; 5 ;. .-. -1 ' " ' TWO BADLY INJURED IN V v VANDERBILT CUP RACE ;v';- v fjoernel Speclel Service.) , '. "New Tork, Sept io. In the prellm- Inerlaa f tha Vanderhllt enn ram thla morning tjeorg Robertaon and hia ma chinist, - Arthur- Warren, - wer injured. Their machine Is tangled mass of scrap iron wrapped around a telegraph pole at the aide of the course on Long Island. - Both men are unconscious, emd although terribly hurt they may recover. HORDE OF FLEAS ROUT ; : MILWAUKEE SOCIETY . " " . tJearnal peeal Service.! Milwaukee, Wla, Sept l.-Fleas have Invaded - the- fashionable Country club and many homea here. One school has been forced to close and others are overrun with the lncts. The appear ance of the peat einot be accounted for and their presence Is . something never heard of before In this city." GOVERNMENT CALLS HOME ARMY GENERALS IJnerael So-tt s-rw Washington, P-i t. 1. (jrMers ' were r-M1 to.1y to Oikm'kI l'rry e " 1 " - p re a t ' 'i'.', . m c t i- "hm " rn v, 1., , 1 ,, 1 V4 II PRIIICLTO IflG CENTS. r GoeslntoFederalCourt. Signs Recognlzanco Bond and Departs Alone From Building, Says She Wilf Go to Seattle lot, Month's Visit, Then Journey to Her - California Horels Delighted to Be Out in the v Sunshine Again.' Breathing prayer of thankfulnes and atopping to look at tha flowers and shrubs; holding her head high that ah might , mora freely drink in great draughts of the pure air of a glorlou September day, Mra. Emma L. "Watson, convicted of conspiring to defraud th United Staees out f It public lands, walked this morning- from th county Jail In company with Deputy United Btata Marshal Karri x an to the federal court building, where she signed a recognisance bond ' and shortly after went out - into - the - sunshine a free woman. - -; For nearly: three months Mrs. Watson haa been confined In tbe county Jail, where she waa delivered by her bonds men, who feared that aha mlcht run away from' the government authorities in case her testimony mlgbt ba wanted In aubsequent land fraud eases. When she emerged from the Jail ahe waa .nat tily attired in a light gray plaid travel ing ault Her stylish millinery wss hidden by a heavy pink automobile veil, which waa also drawn about her face. partially hiding It from view. Although th veil and tha rouge which aha used completely covered her face and cheeks. tney wer not . sufficient to hide alt traces of the prison pallor which . ahe gained In her confinement In tbe county Seattle. . ... Will Qo to Seattle. 1 After th formality of alanine- th bond had been gone through with. Mrs. Watson left the federal building unac companied. Not a friend waa there to greet ber except a number of newsnaner men. To the ah told that ahe would leave for Seattle tonight to visit friends for a month. Then ahe will return to (Continued on Page Three.) JEFFRIES SAYS OREGON IS THE BIG GAL1E LAUD Will Not Hunt In California Again, He Says, Because Ore gon Is on the Map Is Fren zied Hunter and Bags Dees and CougarsAlso Fishes. Jim Jeffries, tha unconouered. wilt never go hunting In California. It'e not because "Jeffi has lost his lust iur me diooq or me wild things of th forest It Is because Oregon Is on th map,' 80 says the husky ex-Mffer Cy Myrlck, the only Port lander who Wa honored with an Invitation to ac company Jeffrie on hie hunting trip Into the Oregon fastnesses, returned homo laat Sunday ahead of th remain der of the party. Tbe othera will arrive at Eugene next Friday. They will not visit Portland, but will take the flrot train aouth. Nearly all are from Call fomia and Myrlck nays tkny are ait agreed that the Oolden state haa noth ing In the shape of happy hunting grounds as. compared to Oregon. - "They can travel there for two week and never see a deer, they said," et plained Myrlck today, "while we saw deer almost every day, sometime in big band a Ono of our party- saw 10 one morning before breakfast, and all tm -we must have aeen between o and HI" In two weeks. The entlrn numhe beared up to the time I left ws 1 .. Besides, two coogsrs were klllfd - t 1 catixht mora fish than we OhiM e..t " The Jeffrlee party left . l-.ns . wacon on Auguat ii, travriu ic 1 1 shout 10 miles to Diinlnp rn n. I frorn rlinlep renrh r-klns In I ') Ii to the flnuth fnrk of M i "nw riv.r penn.ment rrr.n ' ' '. ( nmnr eh'rt t l.'C CL't .1 n 1 I nvn LEffili